PewDiePie's Video got deleted 30 minute after release

pewdiepie made a video about his father but it got removed.
special thanks to wsj, enjoyed it very much.

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Are you going to post the video, or are you going to be a massive faggot?

Poodiepai took a shit guies!

Did he say it was Goebbels again or something?

I think this is it (Mirror)

Im only saging because im lost at why we care? Was there a redpill in the video? Was his father a fucking ex National Socialist Collaborator in WW2? Ill stop saging your thread once you fucking link it or explain man.


in an earlier video pewdiepie went back in time to kill his father (he didnt kill him), but after he shot him in the balls he slowly faded away from life. adolf is pewdiepie's father confirmed


Okay, so unlike OP made it out to be, its just a joke video about his "dad" or whatever the fuck. I will say its funny he calls the enemies level 7 jew. But its not a serious video.

yids are going to go ballistic over this

Supposedly it was only taken down because of the partial nudity.

Yet full frontal nudity and straight up porn keep staying up on youtube because of "art".

he's totally /ourguy/
of course he's not going to go 100% 1488 unironically on cam, he doesn't want his entire channel taken down
He's subconsiously redpilling the normalfags, most importantly, the kids. It is of absolute essence that gen Z is redpilled and this guy is pushing them in the right direction; Hitler jokes may lead to Hitler research, which will lead to the truth.

Oy vey goyim, some schlump with 50+ million impressionable followers talking about the big guy isn't important.


That may be why youtube took it down, but the yids are still going to freak out.

Either way its the fucking kikes. And yeah i know the balls there do hang, simple fix hopefully he uploads it because theres actually a chance to trigger jews here. Look at the fucking credits he used.

Agreed. And i keep saging my bad.

>Hitler did nothing wrong

He's really going to do it, isn't he? He'll be 1488 by the end of the year.

It will definitely break the ice before the schools manage to teach them. The research you are implying will not happen before that (if any), but it could come after. Since they are fed jokes by e-celebs but it will be so different perspectives compared to the schools thus creating some confusion that could lead to research.

Was this video really an ad for the game? It seems incredible that they'd actually pay him to advertise their game like this.

I wonder if joutube has special staff to monitor pewdiebros activity


This. Let Pewds do his thing, and don't go to his channel spreading Holla Forums style redpills, kids that age aren't equipped for it. The last thing he needs is some 8sperg fucking up his gradual redpilling process

It's a video of pewdiepie making an 'Adolph Hitler' charachter in a game and going off to kill 'level 6 jews'. It also has all kinds of 'hitler had a small penis and was gay' kind of jokes in it but it's all just par for the course in this kind of stuff.
I think the video is great in the sense that kids will now think making hitler and jew jokes is funny and edgy instead of 'offensive and evil.
Even if he takes a couple potshots at uncle adolph, the more we can attack their sacred cows in public the better.

first read the thread and my posts.
fucking newfag.

I couldnt even spell it wrong as you did. Its adolf faggot.

He's playing 64D chess.

A wasted opportunity.

Is he just trolling the kikes, redpilled, or both?

His stated position is that the WSJ took everything out of context to say that he's a nazi, so he's taking their writer out of context too.

Bro. When your product is marketed to millions of people then it does not matter what they say or do in it.


The game must not be owned by jews.

Norwegians. Incompetent Norwegians.

The numerals settle this question, I guess

How did they manage to get the rights to the Conan brand? The game looks like complete dogshit.

"the damn kikes hate Jesus" PewDiePie.


I have brought dishonor to my family.

They've had it forever, they made the Age of Conan MMO. TBH, it's better than that, and has more room to improve courtesy of modding support (Funcom is sort of the type to irrevocably fuck their own shit up once it gets good, so someone being able to reverse their decisions is the only way it will work).

went to pewd's other vids. normies asking wtf happened to his new vid. absolute fucking madman actually redpilling little kiddies

Q&A time?

Just watched. It's pretty gud. Kids redpilled in notime.

actually it's seppuku

oh boy a real life weeb!

How are you supposed to choose?
They all look the same.

I'm imagine kids at recess running around screaming about killing level 6 jews.

bottom left looks like real life anime waifu


and yeah plastic surgery and photoshop does that


You're sending conflicting messages here kek, but hitler trips should overule dubs so quit it with the yellow fever.

Final Boss is level 6,000,000 Omega Merchant

Not true, some are more slant-eyed than others.

This confirms my suspicions that PewDiePie will be the next Hitler. He jokes now, but we all know he's going to go full blown redpill by 2020, if not far sooner. He is literally possibly the most influential celebrity in the world at the moment, and he's making Hitler and Jew jokes left and right.
I think things are going to be alright, lads.

Sweden is going to throw him in prison. Unable to make videos, he'll focus his creative efforts on his autobiography…

In all seriousness, you're supposed to choose on personality.
Think about anime grills. They're ALL pretty so you get to refine your tastes based mostly on personality. When we say we want to make anime real, among other things it means making it so ALL women are fit and pretty, then you can select your waifu/gf based on her actual personal attributes rather than "well she's not a landwhale."



Daily reminder that 6 is the milhouse of numbers.



top kek


Milhouse will never be a meme.

Actually its nobody gives a fuck

I remember watching his Amnesia videos and hating the fuck out of him, how the times have changed.


Stein pls…

I was talking about body types, all of them have the same breast size and same figures, boring.

The normies are awakening guys



there were at least 3 of these threads, has anyone linked a full webm yet or is this still people trying to get us to go to his youtube?


Encode it yourself. My CPU has better things to do.

How would I know it was 10 minutes? I don't click on yt links just because someone posts them, and OP obviously didn't come through once this got bumplocked. Makes this just shilling as far as I'm concerned.

lol I just watched that, it got taken down?

He's not in Sweden. He's a Swede living in the UK. Still bad from a free speech point of view, but probably better than Sweden.

90% of PewDiePie videos are 10 minutes long these days. Occasionally, one will be 5-6 minutes, but that's an exception to the rule.

Definitely the one most likely to have a penis.

plausible deniability goy

is transHitler a thing? can I say I identify as Adolph Hitler, Führer and Reich Chancellor of the German People, and get free money from the government and/or victim status somehow?