Starts at 1:30PM EST, which is an extra juicy amount of time to BTFO the fags that keep complaining about anons having a heads up. Get ready for more spice.

Official Jewtube stream:

Other urls found in this thread:


Takes one to know one :^)

Everyone knows Auska the official best grill of Holla Forums.

I agree but I just preordered pic related so I have 18 on the mind.

Top Kek are the tiddies hard plastic or rubber?

Don't know yet, doesn't get here until July. Lately figs like this have had soft tiddies though.

Dank. I gotta get one.

Why are you posting smut?

Fuck off gook

Why not?

Because it's degenerate? I don't think most people would think highly of someone posting 3D porn. Why should anime get a free pass?
I don't give a shit if you like anime or not, but there's literally no point in posting sexualized images. Take that degeneracy elsewhere.

Go back please.

Ah, I see. No fun allowed then?

It's tasteful, you pleb.

We can take it further though to piss off the gook.

I bet you think sunsets and waterfalls are "smut" too, faggot.

Fite me nigger

Bet you think Bulma is best girl faggot

Bulma's a sluuuuuuuuuuut.

Dubs confirm. Glad Kek agrees.

I know Sean's a weeb. What the fuck are you even talking about?

Might as well make the
Some degeneracies can be "fun". Get over those baser pleasures for the betterment of yourself.

Sorry, but I don't even feel like pointing out the blatant kike-tier logic in this line of thinking.
You may as well be a fucking Bolshevist kvetching about the book burnings.

Waterfalls and the sun isn't crafted by the hands of a dirty slant-eye who puts his perverse sexual desires on a paper for others to consume. Woe is to the white man that it inflicts. But anyone who finds 2D attractive is innately non-white anyway.

Hey gook what's your opinion on thicc dragons being blatant /ss/ bait?

Says the NEET.

If you want more pictures you could just ask.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills.

I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words.

You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands.

Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue.

But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it.

You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

Thot genocide needs to occur.

Do you even know where the fuck you are? What crossed your mind that lead you to believe that an argument like that was even worthy of the calories it took for your fingers to type them out on your cum-crusted keyboard keys?

Worst robot.
Eve is best girl

You're the one that said you were a NEET, anti Le-pen shill.

Do (you)?

Holy shit does this thread suck.

Yes faggot, we all know that you only ever meditate and read books and never do anything the least bit naughty.
Holla Forums: where there are no christians and everyone still has a holier than thou attitude

Please post the hot gluing when you get it

Wew lad.

I like how even the mods promote degenerate acts. :^)
Are you purposefully trying to keep this board penned off opposition? You can not be anti-degeneracy, but pro-smut. It's that fucking simple.
I don't even give a shit if you like anime. That's not the fucking problem, but everyone likes to assume that any tiny criticism aimed at a vehement weeb is someone anti-anime.

No, just stop posting blatant fucking kike-inspired deviant anime.
Are you at least logically consistent in your inconsistency? Would you let some fag post loli-smut? Toddlercon smut? Tentacle rape? Race-mixing cuck hentai? Where do you draw the line at least? It is all just drawings after all :^D

Your waifu was a mistake
- Miyazaki

Tanya is the best waifu. She is pure, understands hard work and fighting for The Fatherland. Hitler would have liked her.

It's awww rite
Punishable by death

Seriously, fuck off with this sentiment, user. You're going with a tired argument that people will just ignore.

I haven't the faintest clue what you mean.

Not a bad choice but I like her assistant more. Very kind and loyal.

Ah, to be a degenerate on old Holla Forums again.

Tanya is a good choice, however Rip Van Winkle is the best waifu

You've made the mistake of thinking this board is anti-degeneracy, but it isn't. This is a National Socialist board, not some puritanical cuckshed. Refer to Goebbels' if you still fail to understand why idiots such as yourself will always be rejected.

What was the name of that mango again?

Mai-chan's Daily Life you sick fuck.

Post Trump tan

Still no clue what you mean, user. Have some tiddy. It'll calm you down.

Can't argue with those digits. I guess I'm a sick fuck.
Arigato, user

That's fine, being anti-degeneracy is retarded. I don't place myself in ideological opposition to fun universally without regard for the individual impact of the various means of having it. I am capable of greater things than sweeping generalizations and autistic screeching.

As for drawings, refer to

I was half awake during the briefing yesterday and didn't see a thread. Was Sean too busy to make a thread?

Which part is the best jojo part and why is it 7?

Today is "One question Friday"

But user, they only ask one question every day. Whaddabout the HOLOCAUST going on RIGHT NOW?

You nailed it!

Is there a place I can read it all without skipping around and cutting out chapters? I got up to 5 before it got so annoying I just gave up.


You mean the "Hall of Costs"

KissManga has them, it's separated by the parts but they're all there.

Thanks fam.


To be honest, she is not my waifu, but I've been loving the anime. However, she is one of the girls I'd want to fight by my side so I can get back to my waifu back home, someone shy, cute, who understands the desire for peace and quiet, someone who would be great to cuddle and read books with. She can also cast SUN.

Sean sucked yesterday. Hope he's better today.

Best dragon.

What fucking heresy are you performing in this thread degenerate faggots?

How new are you to Spicer Threads?

He has to deal with the fucking kike pet swarm, he's going to keep sucking until someone can infiltrate the press corps and ask for the administration's position on which show is the anime of the season.

I got this bad boy yesterday.
He's super detailed and you can move every single joint on his body.

No degeneracy here mister.

They think because Spicer dressed up as a robot once that it means they should spam their fucking nasty nip garbage.

Porn is a Jewish invention used to destabilize Aryan society.

Yay cartoons

GR8. I like the guy but under what merit does that mean that we become /a/ at the drop of his name. Unless everyone in this thread is a CIA plant or kike agent.



He probably just needs a cuddle with his dakimakura while listening to Cruel Angel's Thesis
Post your favorite opening songs.

Fuck off mate.



smutposters are bad (or sick) guys

Filtered for being an attention whore.

Nice comfy pic.

good lawdy get gf's you lazy lot

t. married two kids advancing the white racce


You married two kids who were advancing the white race?

What a faggot.


No shit, I bullied a JIDF so hard on Holla Forums last night he straight up gave up posting, risking his own job. These faggots are so low energy that they actively make our arguments against them for us. Here they are attempting normalfag language on a board with 4k autistic users making jokes at the expense of a press secretary WE LIKE just because he cosplayed the white devil.

Want to know how I know you're not from here?

political discussion is happening here, what does it look like?

You could of gotten trips, but your lack of proper punctuations in your sentence prevented you from getting said trips. Punctuation is important good user.

Shitskins are not allowed here.

My nigga.

It's been a pretty good season for OPs. I think KonoSuba's OP is probably better, but I love the weird pop art bits in Maid Dragon.

A new tactic of these shills is that they will attempt to attack each other for us using flawed arguments in an attempt to make us look silly, and if we try to correct them both sides turn on them. Let them shitpost to each other, only reply to honest people posting sound content and arguments.

That's a blast from the past. Thanks for reminding me.

you could HAVE if you tried

Talk about pot calling the kettle black, twice, no less.

It's great. To properly learn the right shibboleths and culture you have to be exposed to certain things and lurk for a while. By the time a shill can start accurately imitating an user he's already one of us.


That's the best part.


It's the same thing that occurs when a thread that mentions Robert Morrow is made. You post big tiddies.

Not an opening, but, I love this VN.
It's hard to choose a song to post, so, Bernkastel's theme.
Fuck witches, solve mysteries.

It looks like her asshole has a cameltoe.
If u gonna post lewds, post quality lewds.


This. Rei is lab grown, which is better than a dirty mongrel

Asuka is kraut + nip.
She's a double aryan.

No, mixing dilutes, it does not combine.


For shame.

Umineko is the shit.

Jokes on you, I only like pure-bred Aryan girls. Not tube grown japs with an expiration date.

Forgot my miku.

Top fucking kek

I'm gonna have to disagree with this one OP. While 18 has all the attributes of best waifu, Chi Chi is the only one who has supported Goku as he covertly gains the ability to wish back the entire Saiyan Reich.

Asuka is an ubermensch.
Stop posting.

Asuka is mixed. Stop deluding yourself.

Did someone say Robert Morrow?

Real best girl coming through.


All these titties are going to make spicer even spicier today.

She's a racemixer though.
I mean, Goku doesn't exactly have a choice seeing as his entire race fucking died, but still, they have no choice but to mix, and the Saiyans will inevitably die out unless they resort to incest. Very sad state of affairs.

Chi Chi is top tier though.

I know most on Holla Forums disapprove of 3D; but god DAMN I love titties.

This. She may be drawn like an German pureblood, but she half-Japanese.

What kind of a fucking whore do you have to be to let people take these kinda pictures? I mean, if it was somehow artistic, or about the celebration of the female form, sure. Put this is just shameful.


This is what we fight for user. The world must not be deprived of such beauty.

You are my brother in boobatry.


Women that expose themselves like this need to be reeducated or killed off. Being a whore isn't an Aryan value.

Oh shit, is known mass shooter Sam Hyde going to kill that poor fat jew? Run Mark! Run!

What in the fuck are you talking about? They aren't bent over and jamming a fist up their snatches. If those aren't a celebration of the female form, I'd love to see what your definition is.

The beauty of white women is itself artistic. Also there's absolutely nothing wrong with lewdity. If any of these women were being pounded or were using dildos or some shit I'd agree with you 100% though.

I miss heard that end line as "Without jews" the very first time

The fucker watches Trigun. Who's he trying to fool?

Based Sam.

>>>/cuteboys/ sounds more your speed, TRS

Gonzo is best girl.


OK Schlomo.
>>>/gaschamber/ sounds like your kind of place.


Sean Spicer says "Let the Purge Begin."

Shoo shoo, gay jew.

You must see that all of those images, perhaps except the one with the weights, are clearly supposed to be pornographic and sexual in nature. The poses, the clothes, the sexy underwear. As for example I have this image.

Bloody helfire! I just went back over my posts and realized I got trips and dubs all over the place (222, 33, 44). It's official: Pepe approves of tasteful nudes.

Into the chamber with you.

I just don't see it, user. Perhaps that guy shouldn't be posting nude 3D women, but should any sort of porn/lewdity be posted here at all, in that case? Are pictures depicting two anime girls about to fuck allowed, but a topless 3D girl isn't? What exactly is the distinction? It's still porn, which is itself degenerate.

Anyway, Sean's on in an hour correct?

You don't deserve those dubs. None of those poses was any more "pornographic" than the one you just posted.




Nah, I would say the fifth picture in is more than just a little implicitly sexual, just due to the type of lingerie and the placement of her hands. But I don't see that it shouldn't be permissible in any case.

I don't like either being tossed around, but at least 2D has the benefit of not being actual women being the whores on display.

I'll pass, user.

2D isn't degrading real women though. Or rather, it's not giving them a platform to degrade themselves. Plus, you aren't giving ad revenue or views to the kike pornographers.

They are looking seductively into the camera, spreading their legs or pulling their clothes of. I know you see it but just want to admit it, because you would need to have autism not to be able to read the context of those photos.

It's probably just a triggered femanon. Don't forget they exist and are apparently just as eager to remove fun from male spaces as any other woman.

Top tier fucking taste

Are you joking?

Lol, women.


Absolutely disgusting. Although I think this guy is just a no-fun-allowed male. Also there's every chance that the post you linked to is just a subversion attempt.

I don't see that these womens are being whore or degrading themselves though. These are beautiful women, and yes they're putting themselves on display. So what? I'm aware at least a few of those women probably take stranger's dicks on a regular basis, but these pictures depict no such thing. There's nothing degrading about appreciating their form.

Are you kidding there are fucking heaps of them though I wouldn't hazard a percentage guess. I remember an artificial academy thread on Holla Forums ages ago where anons were supposed to post their rule 63 and I tried warning Holla Forums they were falling for females posting rule 34 but they wouldn't listen!

Some can be viewed as such, some cannot. Some are merely smiling, so I pity the next sales girl who smiles at you and gets upbraided for "being a whore."

ONE is doing that. ONE. And I'll even be generous and take that to two if you count the one who's popped out of her bikini. That's two out of TEN.

Okay, this is officially bait. The only one who could be construed as "spreading her legs" is kneeling and is in no position to take a dick.

Oh, I think he likes fun. He just likes it on his terms. I'm tempted to post some REALLY triggering stuff, but that would be playing into his hairy palms.

That was my first thought, too. Most femanons hang out on /pt/. The entirety of /fem/ is probably thirsty guys catfishing each other.

You and I both know what people do with those images my man. If it's something I don't want my wife or daughters to do, I extend that to all women of my race. Willing let your women be other's fapbait is just cucky to me, and I can't reconcile it no matter how hard I try. Defoo the 3D lewd jew.

Portugal? Why?

Kek. I meant

This went dangerously unappreciated.

If your daughter takes of her clothes in front of the whole class, does it help that she is beautiful? What if, instead of the whole class, it's millions of people? Do you really not see the issue? Or are you just trying to find an excuse to post porn without feeling like a degenerate? It better to sin in truth than to disguise it as virtue.

If the sales girl starts taking her top off, then your hyperbolic argument might have had some relevancy. Again, you must have autism not to be able to pick up on the social-cues and context. Also, if you think I'm mad about the porn, you are wrong. I just don't like it when people lie to themselves. You are a porn loving degenerate, and that is why you are where you belong. Also, you couldn't trigger me if I had an AR15 lower sticking out my ass, bucko

where's the briefing, faggots.

Learn to read nigger.

Right in the ass.


Europeans have been running around naked without giving a shit since Abrahamic body-shame was just a dream in a kike's diseased mind. Fucking end your life.

Gintama is an anime about keeping the filthy foreigners out of Japan. Pretty good.

This took an odd turn, do you really think that is my stance or are you trying to misrepresent me just to feel like you won something? Because I can tell you "You won the argument" if it'll help you out.

I'm representing you as someone that needs to commit suicide. That's an entirely accurate representation of you and everyone that agrees with you.


Sounds comfy.

You have convinced me. You are correct. I apologize, BRB killing self.

Tempted to make a new thread for the press briefing and leave this one for the cartoon enthusiasts.

Good, do it so we can report you for a duplicate thread and you can get banned dumbass.

It's funny sometimes, nothing amazing. And some seriously lame bits, but I liked it enough to watch the whole anime and read the manga twice.


It's about time.


Isnt it ranked the best anime of all time?

Megumin best konosuba

This is his mother. He killed himself and left a note that said "07b5ed was right, he can stop having delusions now". Good bye.


It's very popular, at least the manga is. Very long though.

Megumin a cute!

whoever drew that sucks as an artist


He died as he lived, a manlet faggot with shitty opinions.

I want to explode inside Megumin

RIP in pisses mada, sorry for the loss. Your son told me that I can have all his figures when he died by the way. Please send them immediately so I can recover from this ordeal.

You are a huge fucking faggot and also a goon, and you should kill yourself.


You can have this one, send me you address

Why don't you go draw a picture to fap to?


Japs do get a bit booty blasted, reminds me of the code geass "honorary Britannians"




So I take it you're an ass man?

I like her sister better.

Herschel Goldblatstein
160 Herrick Road
Newton Centre, MA 02459

Thanks maam, hope you're holding up well after this tragedy.

I am a pussy man myself, but I also like butts and tits.

Shit taste

Hearing normalfags say autistic shit is always top-tier.

What exactly makes asses attractive anyway? Evolutionary thing? I'm not an ass man but, for example my coworker has a phenomenal ass and I'm not sure why I like it so.

Yay cartoons

Because child-birthing hips you can notice from the front or the rear.

that first one would be great if she had a cream pie dripping out her puss and down her leg

It's a signifier of larger hips, thus lower chance of birth complication.

Niggers tend to like asses more it seems, but I am a itty bitty loli titty man myself. But I also want to use a girls ass as a pillow and fall assleep.

Pretty much, its got to do with a women being able to bear children better.

He must have been trolled hard


What about this seems ok to you?

>posting one of the best footfag artists on pixiv while decrying porn
I deleted my account because I spent too much time fapping, you damned hypocrite.

See here's where the line is crossed for me from lewdity to porn, these girls are being explicitly sexual and presenting themselves to be used as fucktoys, and having a bunch of cum dripping out of her pussy would just be disgusting tbh. I get these are drawings, but they're depicting women acting as whores, it's not something I find permissible.

Got it, makes sense, I figured it was something to that effect.

The butthole.

Alright you can stop killing yourself now.



What's happening in this thread?

and that why I think an entire population has been culturally co-opted. You think the act of creating children is disgusting….. and it makes you a coward, not a man

Shills trying to detract from the spice by flooding it with their pedophilia. For shame. Your lot will hang high.

Important discussion.

OP made it too early so lots of shitposting.

Well, the shading and lightwork in the second one gives it a nice and bright feeling, while the more granular colour in the first image gives it a more detailed and "realistic" look. The sly seduction in the vagina being half hidden, and a bit of the asshole showing is enticing, plus her embarrassed look gives it an air of innocence, it wasn't intentional. The raw sexuality of the heart shaped opening, giving access only to the asshole, screams sexual lust. Nothing but sex for the sake of pure pleasure. But this contrasts with her visible confusion, the purity that almost begs to to defile it, without even knowing it.


On a related note to your autistic sperging, I'd


Fight me, fucker.

A typical Spicer thread


Porn degenerates, goons, asukafags, and retards who actually take the bait.

He's one of the only artists to draw such good looking art. Literally everything else is amaeteur tiddy porn or garbage. Not everything he draws is porn.

Pornography does not depict the act of creating children, it's hedonism. If that girl had cum dripping out of her, it wouldn't be my cum, it would be someone else's, and somebody else's child; I want to create my own children with a woman who doesn't fuck like a hedonist, and of course I want more white babies to be born but other people having children isn't my concern (besides these are nips, I don't care about nips having kids).

Triggered goons and giant tiddy. AKA a spicer thread.

he made it right on time

Nobody cares what you want faggot, this isn't your blog.

This guy gets it. I always make it on time. Any of you niggers who think this is too early and anons shouldn't have a heads up should actually gas yourselves.

Wow modern anime is crappy

At the very least, this part of your post is true. It doesn't really matter which girl is being discussed, it applies to any of them anywhere.

Unfortunately, being able to animate cheaply and fast is the obvious choice for anyone who wants to be able to pay their workers. Not that most anime studios do that anyway.

oh why don't you go self flagellate yourself and confess your sins, repent

That's not to mention, wanting to see a woman get creampied is kinda cuckoldry imo.

I do think four hours is excessive for a heads-up, two or so hours would be a lot less likely to result in, well, this shitshow of a thread.

Not even 2D can make those abominations look good.

Stop masturbating.

First spicer thread?


This is your face this entire thread isn't it?

Kill yourself.

I fucking love Spicer threads.

Flat is justice, it's only natural.

Nope, this is.

I'll heil to that.

Actually yes, it is my first Spicer thread, because I usually work during the day. I'm on a pitiful three-day vacation now.

Is this what it feels like? To reach nirvana?

They're also crying about us masturbating to anime.

Ah, it's 20 here, so I'm already done with classes for the day.

Asuka is a toilet.

Dubs confirm this is what heaven is like.

Spicer will arrive in 5 minutes.


Ahhhh, jeb. Let this be a reminder anons: no matter how much people tell you that you're waifu a shit, at least you didn't marry a mexican troll.

Ah, no, I mean I am litterally watching you tube videos of SJWs crying about Trump winning.


Are you also eating Chicken Tendies like Trump does on his private plane? That's all trump eats & he became president.

We don't really get those here, so I'm eating a grilled cheese.

Will the Spice comment again today about the Curse of the Bushs'


Best grill coming through. Out of the way plebs.

It's not a bad idea at all, really.

t. /fit/



4 minutes! Only four more minutes until your precious Spicer steps on stage!

>>>Holla Forums

Moonman can fill the last 3 min

I always wondered while playing these games as a kid, could you capture girls in your poke balls? Since they couldn't run away if you did.

It's a cartoon, you know, make believe.


Oh no,




Suspension of disbelief is still a thing, user.

Please spoiler the lewd.



2 more seconds until Spicer appears! Bide your time!


There are some exceptions, but they've gotta be autistic for it.

Only 3 more minutes until spicer blows up Namek!

I'm not even an american.

1 second left until your Obamacare question gets answered!

It's on.
Hold all shitposting.


Got it.

Why don't you cut your dick off and be rid of the demon forever?


Get ready guys, only 5 more minutes!

a thing is happening!


He might actually do it, tbh. Just tell him it's what Rabbi Yeshua would want.


What will be the question of the day? The question that will be asked 20 times.

Rollin' for antisemitism

Isn't that the question of the day?

"Why is Drumpfcare going to kill literally everyone, Sean?"

Definitely this.

Please mention the wall. I can't wait anymore.


I don't care about your definition of degeneracy an0n.
There isn't a consensus here on Holla Forums, and you can't enforce jack shit.

But here is something better suited for your tastes:


There were more "threats" against jews again, so probably that. Or his Taxes.








Used goods widow.



health saving accounts….. fuckin aye…. the MADMAN



Flag pin is on upside-down. Why am I not surprised…

Used. Goods.

digits confirm 2 questions

I was really hoping he would announce that in his greeting, maybe later at the start of question time.

noticed too



oy vey

Confirmed again

What did he mean by this?

Maybe the travel ban or more shit about Flynn.

How many front pages will have Spicer with his upside down pin on the front page claiming "Trump administration in distress"

Aww, we probably made him mess it up fapping to this thread.

What does Trump have in store next week?

One question would be a nice hard and fast rule.
Want to ask the question of the day ad nauseum for the sake of virtue signaling? Well guess what, you don't get another real question!

Pretty sure it's just a sign of how much is on Sean's plate. Some of us like to talk about not keeping up with the happenings, imagine what his schedule's like



He's a heretic of the Vatican religion, which is in the process of subverting the United States.

There are no good papists!

Convert or die. Vaticano delenda est.

damn it sean

It's probably nothing or it means he knows that some shit is going to gown big league soon

No, really, wat?

Does the Spice have any tips for surviving the switch to Daylight Saving Time?


Hey, how insane are you?


The faggot manlet with the out of control body language will ask "What is the WH/President position on some whore on twitter saying Trump grabbed her pussy?"




Will Trump apologize if (((no evidence) is found?

worst waifu

No, fuckwit, the Syrians. IT'S THEIR LAND.


Any relation?

Let's not get ahead of ourselves ^____^

I want my tornado, or a package deal. The inferior one is not enough on her own.


Who is this Corey? It's a nigger, isn't it?

Sean, what is President Trumps official position on Mark Zuckerberg's latest status update: My wife is pregnant with our second daughter

I don't take sloppy seconds, sorry dude.


The reporters suck so bad. They probably post waifus to this thread while waiting for the spice.


Thank you S-E-A-N

Oh great, its the fat jew.

No, you're retarded.

Wide hips and being healthy and well fed not only makes for plump juicy buts but are good indicators of ability to bear young.

That greasy nigger is here again. Reeeeeee

No compromise, you queers. That would only hurt him.


Why is the Gang of 8 bill being brought back up? That shit is dead in the water and Trump is completely against it. Retards.



I want to put her in my bed and use her ass as a pillow so I can get rid of my morning wood in her the next morning.


No comment.

Purging confirmed.


Sure thing lad. When you're done posting shitty porn of 'used goods' skeevers showing their assholes, I'll be waiting for an actual argument. ;^}


Because Trump said he likes compromise and so if you don't do what (((they))) say it's not a compromise.

special agency to purge government confirmed

I mean, she literally has a boyfriend.

Fuck off.

You must feel so embarrassed.



3 Trillion of wealth Sean, wtf.


A non-human boyfriend, who's a total pacifist and a bit of a pussy.


I love President Trump so much.

got em

Don't they get tired of this shit?

Me too, god damn that was amazing.

If it ain't her first time, she's no waifu of mine

No fucking way the double meaning didn't occur to both of them.


Ehhhhhhhhhhhhh. You're the sort of guy who thinks strippers like him, aren't you?
Plus, I mean, that dude isn't even human - are you gonna let some non-human Rei-tier tubefag steal best girl? He may look Aryan as fuck, I'll grant you, but come on now lad.


No, Trump doesn't agree with republicans, republicans agree with Trump because if they don't even the most normal of normalfags will turn on them.

I have to be her first love or it wont work for me.


How much are you being paid to derail?

Aww shieeet its the nigger

Ever get the feeling Sean would beat all of these reporters with a bat if he could get away with it?



shouldn't the answer to that be obvious to a nigger?

Top tier taste

Too bad, I already fucked her in the city of April.

You're totally the sort of dude who thinks strippers are into him.
Thats cool though, more best girl for me to be the first true love of.


With all these people doubting wire taps then why doesn't Spicer refer them to the NYT pieces on what came out from wire taps?

Literally dropping 'obama dindu nuffin' holy shit.

This isn't a human

Are these niggers still going on about Flynn?



It's not happening, faggots.


Bruh if I got paid to fap to anime while eating a grilled cheese sandwich

No my man, be real. Also, there is only one girl for me and she will always be mine

The female nigger is less likely to violate the law (outside of getting gibs) than the male nigger.


throw that cocksucker out


John is on the list.

John better lose his fucking press pass after today

It's a pattern.

John is gonna get fucked spiced in the parking lot after the briefing.

Using elijah cummings as an argument holy crap, kys.


oy vey


Quote them right back at them, Spice!

Top lel you silly goose.


And to think it's only been a month.

More best girl for me bruh.


Is it just me or is he getting more than annoyed?

what the fuck are they talking about with Turkey?




Literally kys

Not just you.

More than waifu will ruin your laifu. Are you a Muslim or a Mormon or something? You can't be doing that. Me and my girlfriend are going to build or own football team, just gotta make her real first.



Is Japanese man actually South Korean man?


Are you watching the briefing?

did he just destroy the entire narrative?

They smell blood in the water.

Spice-C Confirmed

There is no 'gotcha!' here, they look pathetic trying to manufacture one.

Thank god the chink asked a real news question.

Learn deny war crime.

I had open while I watched this.

Fucking gross.


Considering capping your posts.


Holy fuck that burn just now.


Get out.

Oy vey he shouldn't be tweeting goyim, he should go through the (((free and open))) press when he has something to say.



Spice levels:

Spice you card.

It's not gay if it's with the Spice Man.



Trump isn't Obama you fucking cuck.

checked. This fat faggot hates hard work, that's why he's so salty.


how the hell is Turkey involved in this?

Sean should be legally allowed to kill these subhumans.

The DOTR looms.

That was a cock slap to her face.

couldn't you just use the big $ as the S in Spice?

Unfortunately you'll have to come to me and my waifu to get your team insured. And if you don't, I'll send the Humanoid Typhoon - that I cucked like the pacifist beta he is - to your city to fuck up your stadium and eat all your donuts.


how did a right leaning reporter sneak in and get a question in?

What do they even expect at this point?


Do more research!

Supposedly Flynn worked for them at some time, somehow Turkey is new Russia.

Not my edit but that would make it more spicy. Maybe I'll fix it later.

Potato time

Don't envy our love



More reporting on Trump's tweets.


Ol' Spice


Is it me or are some of these reporters sporting an extra chromosome?

Drop 'Recharge' on them, Seannie!

There's the spice.


What is this potato doing? I thought President Trump's plan was to humiliate put the the press corps in their place by having Skye questions from all kinds of newsmen from around the country… But no Skype questions anymore…

Sean reminding me of the way the healthcare market was before Obamacare is kind of depressing me. The black presidency fucked up so much


These niggers never stop.

Doesn't necessarily mean it'd happen every day.

meme responsibly, user



Is the press bitching about not getting free travel?



kek, still asshurt over not being invited to travel 1st Class with Five Star accommodations.

Is this bitch for real?

No, user., but I've noticed their absence from two days this week. Potato.

this is just another example of the heinous persecution of the press by this administration.

Goddamn it's like the press has no idea Trump has already decided to completely ruin them all.


Nothing to envy about low birth rates and mothers without grandchildren.


Fucking kikes kvetching about their seats, every fucking time.

me and my girlfriend will have plenty of Aryan children, don't worry.

And we're back to the Flynn question again.

Trump needs to get a dog just in time for Merkel to show up.


Oh, look, more Flynn questions.



Oh man, to be a fly on that wall…


What the fuck is this nigger on about?


These fucking kikes.

Good job, April.

But seriously-

Foreign agent is the new linguistic "killshot".
Lets spin this around.
All dual citizens are foreign agents. You know (((who))).

Nigger bitch, please.

Anyone have that pic with the explanation of her fear of dogs?

Niggers can never follow directions.

God they're still so devastated over losing.

muh snl


Yeah, i can

It befuddles me that this self admitted hack still has not only a job, but press credentials

Negress doesn't miss a beat shilling for her favorite tv program.

You watchin SNL dis weekend nigga?!



April seriously asking about SNL because he talked about his podium. She is the rudest cunt in that room, when is she going to be ousted?

That bitch is so dumb.

STASI probably set dogs and arabs on her to rape her for 12 hours on acid.

Come on now…

MSM shouldn't complain about having to sit on a commercial flight between two shitskins for 8+ hours.


I don't even know anyone who still watches SNL.

Thats not how you spell lynched


They just can't accept that the nigger isn't in office anymore. It's pretty funny actually.

Damn, Vlad has a pretty good looking Lab doggo.



Butcha-U smile.

they never learn

Underrated as fuck.

thanks user. saved this time

In hindsight, we should've seen this "you can't take credit for anything yet, Trump, because muh Obama's policy bleed over" after the MSM supported Obama blaming every bad thing during his 8 years on Bush's policies.

it'd be great if we had a list of all dual citizenship reps. and senators. There's a good chance the israelis make up the biggest part of the list. If we spread that as "foreign agents in the U.S. gov." they'll automagically cry antisemitism even if it isn't true, redpilling even more.

I think the Lab died, these are his two dogs now. One was given to him from Japan and the other from Bulgaria.

fuck stupid me was out day drinking!
anyway here is the SNL comment

Nobody who truly loves dogs could ever be a bad person. Look at that great man with his gud doges.

was it a good spicing today anons?

He nuzzles with them, too, and you can't fake the look on his face when he does so.

I wanna know too. I have a fucking data cap and can't watch the briefings… Does anyone have them saved?

Just remembered this also took place. Edited/encoded an mp4 I could upload. Putin is a master at this, you can tell he's enjoying it.

They must think that SNL is the height of political commentary and it really "sticks is to this administration." I remember reading that people were getting sick of so much Trump stuff on SNL but that show could tank in the ratings and they'd never get rid of it. Loren Michaels will rub his hands together and the jew propaganda will stay on the air.

Theyre all on the official white house youtube channel.



come to >>>/polk/ if you are tired of hwndu cuckchanners and imkampfy's stalinist moderation


Who is this semen demon?

Unexpected Jeb Surge

Sex in a committed relationship is amazingly lewd m80, try it sometime

The numbers say yes

she seems high-maintenance though

Fuggg :DDD i love big tiddies but cannot fap

Holy Moly on first watch I thought he was peeing on turtle (the stick looked yellowish) and that it jumped on his dick.

"Hillary Clinton greeted her press corps"

" To protect them from what
THIS Government
says is a nuclear threat"

We need a purge

Launch was best girl.

Your lack of self-awareness is almost amusing.

How can someone that caps intelligence be that retarded though?

When does the anime come out?


Vlad is a closet weeb?

There was a prehistoric doujin about it.


Tfw these are always held when I'm at work and I always miss the shitposting.


Imagine dealing with these pathetic questions by PAID reporters day in day out.
Meanwhile, better questions are being asked by those that DO IT FOR FREE on social media.

It makes you think. He's where we were mid last year.


excellent taste


What the fuck have we memeifested?

Is that a nigger?

You aren't even close.


ruined ur waifu, vatniks

saber a shit.
tohsaka best grill

what a fucking bitch

>implying thats not a lookalike

trips confirm kek loves tasteful nudes

work on your fucking presentation

This should be Spicer's theme tune for his future entrances.

Wew what the fuck did I just watched? Bravo.

FLCL vs Evangelion mashup. An average one at that.

You mean watching the electric jew with your spouse? Fuck no, if you're to spend time with her at the fucking least do something with her, don't stare at a wall for 2 hours.


He means Millie
>rufurwudu's last scene
>"mai honny…"
>thinks about her disguising as being pregnant when smuggling that dancing girl
Fucking damn. All he wanted was to settle down and have a family.

Trigun is not for sexual.

Clearly you need help. You not only weeb'd, you weeb failed.

What else does it look like?

that looked awkward af

There's war, chaos and disorder everywhere politically. What does Holla Forums talk about?


New here user?


its nice to have fun once in awhile.

It's too fun I feel uneasy.

thats understandable, to stay sane we have to appreciate the little things (like when we fun post). but we must always stay alert and ready for any trickery that may arise.

Sean that fucking faggot thinks he's all hot shit now just because he can memepost in the white house like the big guy he can just post here like it's nothing spouting memes and getting doubles sometimes even triples then be like "oh look I'm on TV guys look at me I'm in the White House and you're not" then we're all like "hey faggot we know you posts here and you make these threads saying you're going to talk at the white house and make the journalists cry and kvetch stop acting like you aren't making the press briefing threads" then he's all like, you know, not talking to us because he's talking to jewish people holding pens, with that god damn smirk on his face, then like maybe afterwords, when he done yelling at the kosher people he'll post that same fucking pic of himself in the thread he made, you know, that pic where he's dressed as a Gundam trying to shove his Katsucon skill level in our faces that smug fuck. I know you're reading this Sean don't act like we don't fucking know, smug son of a bitch.


What does this to do with Holla Forums?

mfw jojo is a white supremacist

On the off-chance someone is still here, what's the sauce, reverse image searches aren't yielding anything?

Hi FBI guy, fuck up any decent gamergay ops lately?

the best and most lordly kind, of course.