InfoWars Alex Jones Rant set to Emo Classical Music #1

Image that… this is the level of control. You think they're just telling us don't use the word "Muslim" or "bomb" or "terror attack"? That's what the FBI is told. That's what customs is told. That's what it is to live in a mind control country, where they tell you what language to use. Because the sickening globalists and George Soros are allied with radical Islam and are taking over 23 countries as we speak. Taking them over. The West is only in a destabilization program right now - we aren't to that point yet. But in Sweden and Germany and France, they're putting ads on saying "You are demoralized, you are dead, you are over, give up to the hijab, give up to Mohammad and Allah!" Allah Akbar! We're going to stab your daughter at the mall! We're going to stab your wife, your son. We're gonna stab you with a butcher knife, and then the police chief's gonna get up and say, "We love our Somalis, we love our Muslims. Oh, they're so good, oh they're so sweet."
And I will be. You know what? I will go to… I will go to hell before I sit here and I watch this country and the world turned over to these savages. I'm done, I'm pissed, and I'm not putting up with it anymore, You… let me tell you something, you filthy traitors of the government. You pieces of crap. You are the most degenerate, twisted mentally ill people I've ever seen, wanting to gang rape this republic and this country and the West, that has been the literal cornerstone the… the absolute jewel in the crown of free Western renaissance societies and the very best literature, music, technology, science, medicine, culture the world's ever seen. You Satanists wanna sacrifice the West. You wanna kill the beautiful… goddess that is the West. You people are enemies and we're gonna get your asses, and we know what you're up to, and we're coming for you.

Other urls found in this thread:

Jones is mostly right again. He names the jew like Soros, but still toes the line against all jews. So close, yet so far.


Good shit

Kek'd. I'm tempted to make some gifs out of this one.

well filter man some modicum of good. the percentage of the boomer generation that leans right feel hip when listening to jones, the feel fringe and on the tip of the cultural spear. so as far as red-pilling the older folks and normalfags he is at least useful as a gateway



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ayy lmao





There are some audio problems but the idea is really funny.

This is triggering me so hard.

Politely not bumping as I have contributed nothing.

Holy fucking shit Alex Jones is controlled opposition this board is fucked beyond belief

Everything you ever needed to know about Jonestein here: and here: and every one of you faggots acting like he's 'right' are faggots who need to fuck off to cuckchan

I just can't not find him humorous even if the game he's playing is pretty evil.