Peru, gender studies and the fight for the conservative lifestyle

So I know Holla Forums might not be too fond of latinos and such but I beg you to hear me out. There's a new teaching curriculum being imposed in Peruvian school with one of the topics being "sex and gender studies" (a.k.a why your son should become trans, step 1)which of course enraged thousands and created the "Don't mess with my kids" march which fights against this new liberal wave that just got thrown into our country. Needless to say, this movement got attacked from all sides by the media, being ridiculed and mocked for its "conservative and discriminating way of thinking".

While I have some ammunition in the form of past posts and other sources which can discredit what this "sex and gender" studies on the basis of it being actually harmful and even citing Europe and USA as an example of what can be, I am still left with doubts and If possible I wonder if any well-meaning Holla Forumsack could perhaps post some examples/stories/facts about why the aforementioned shit can fuck us up royally?

also a bit of sauce, the only one I found in English for some reason with links of peruvian news (in spanish).

Other urls found in this thread:

pick one

Not your personal army.
Start your own there.

Serves you retards right for ruining dota games.

O-Okay I just didn't know where to start with and had the hopes that maybe roll some discussion down the line. Thank you anyways and sorry for bothering you. Still.

Come back with a more coherent OP, and at a time when more creatively minded people are awake. Them motherfuckers are sleeping off tomorrows hangovers right now.


I agree, "gender studies" is a Cultural Marxist cancer that needs to be stopped immediately. I dont understand why we have a class about dehumanizing and defining 72 different genders.

Theres redpill material on it somewhere.


Check this out, some anti LGTBBQ meme material in spanish

FFS, didn't Humala run as a nationalist?! He's really a kike puppet?

Learn to break links properly, btw.

I'm busy getting genocided over here and you got the cajones to ask for me to drop what I'm doing and help you?

Fuck off amigo.

This is not a good news for Peru. A lot of jews have strong influences over Peru.


I've seen this too user. Anyone that can read news in spanish can see a movement towards this. (((I wonder why))).

For everyone who doesn't care about this, you should. Latin America is so fucked and diverse in the way their politics work, that the countries can be used as models for testing the social effects of politics on a small scale.

This reaction from the media is expected and surprising at the same time. For what i know of Peru, their society is very male-centered. Throwing that shit while ignoring the opinion of the majority of the population can only mean the intervention of merchants and bankers.

Also, since everyone is a faggot, i'll share this.

A compilation of scientific studies about transsexualism. Basically, transsexualism is a real thing, but is determined by biology and not by culture. This has implications that other Holla Forumsacks might not like, but you can read the papers and discuss from that start point. Also, this implies that the whole "gender is socially determined" meme is bulshit. Read.

Oh, apparently Humala's term ended, you had elections last year and this kike won…

You should have acted to prevent this.


3rd pic
Holy ficking shit
I have never felt such a horrible mix of disgust,rage,disappointment, sorrow, pity and hate
I feel like im going to fucking puke, if seen the worse humanity has to offer people getting their faces cut off the screams of the damned
But this, the got to me on a deep level
Deeper then anything i've ever seen
Who is responsible for this atrocity as if i have to fucking ask
I see now why good flooded the world
I hope he does it again, but this time in fire
We deserve it for letting this happen

He'll do better than that user
the end times are coming soon, the prophecy of the popes is on the last man and soon Damascus and Rome will be in ruins

Thank god

Oh vey

The perversion of sexuality appears to usually be at the centre of the most heinous or base people, with faggotry being the more overt kind these days, and it's no surprise a lot of them were abused at some point in their lives to turn out like that. The hypersexualized direction things are heading in has made me pretty ill these days (previously thought it was not a bad thing but then I started to see patterns, namely, a lot of the worst people are into faggotry, rape, multiple men, etc.).

The degenerative behavior of the homo is so disturbing im surprised no one has made the connection between the rise of homosexuality and the fall of civilization i would even hazard to say that of you look at the dates of a civs collapses it would nearly alwaya be predated buy a rise in homosexuality and hypersexuality

Tell me something I don't know, OP. All of South America should be nuked right after the middle east. The spics are subhumans.

What did you think would happen with a Jewish president/prime-minister in Peru.

You would have to be stupid to not see this coming.

Latin people are 6000000 times more homophobic than whites. Watch this backfire and they get red pilled about "los Judios".

Of course it is arts and architecture.

Brazil is also pretty fucked by all this.

Spread it to normalfags. Let them feel the same rage.

Seems like the kikes are expanding their subversion to countries outside the west. I guess their work is done here and they need nesw targets.

Let's go through the basics here.
1. Brains are on a spectrum from sympathy ("male" according to lefties) to empathy (female.)
2. One's brain is born in a body. This body is polar- male or female.
3. If your brain is empathetic in a male body, you are an empathetic male.
4. There is no need to make your body resemble your brain, because the character traits of your brain has nothing to do with your genitalia.
5. Liberal "muh brain" propaganda is based on false equivalence
6. Do not allow self-mutilation.
7. Do not have 3 sons in a row, as a woman's body develops antibodies to high levels of testosterone and damages the development of the fetus.
8. DO NOT ALLOW SELF MUTILATION. Teach self-acceptance, like lefties promise and fail at.

Pull out the scientific definition of 'discrimination' to tie jimmies into knots.

Just wait for the underage v& to leave school, they'll get off their phones.

To everybody who contributed to this thread (and those who didn't but still had the amiability to post, even if it was to shitpost) I want to thank you all for your help. My main fear is also how ((they)) can use South-America to do something to their last "hosts" if USA and Europe success in their efforts to get rid of der juden, creating the possibility of endlessly waging war against everybody by simply body-hopping like some kind of parasite. Hopefully this doesn't escalate further and ends in just laughs like it always ends in Peru, but I know things can't be that easy with the ((special interests)) involved.

Your fear is well founded, because that's exactly what Jews have continually done throughout history. They get booted out from one place and go infest another.

White countries may help you after the purge of kikes from our lands, but I wouldn't bank on it. If you are from South America, you have to do your part and convince your people to stand up on their own against the Jewish menace.

first i havent read the whole thread
regarding jews hopping to SA when they are thrown out of america i think its unlikely, first of they already heavily mix with chinks but second and no offence but if they get thrown out they need protection and china is the obvious answer here although you cant trust the chinks for shit so some hope there

regarding the trans shit in peru. isnt peru quiet religious like the rest of SA? this should give some ground to every attempt to cancel the indoctrination. and movement like this march are a good start. more than my fucking country ever came up with

Taking a child to open displays of degeneracy should be grounds for child abuse and removal of custody from the parent(s) who participated. As much as the foster system will fuck the kid up if a parent thinks warping young minds in this way is at all acceptable then they are certainly going to do as bad or worse.

Everyone who isn't white should Be forced to take classes that encourage being gay and not having kids.
The problem will sort itself out in under a centuary

Stay strong Peruvian brother. If your kike president insists on pushing the gay shit on your children, you should openly revolt.


Even a brown can become less degenerate by being close to have a white country like Argentina

This tbh.

In America homosexual contact in prison is so common people joke about it.

In South America is the fastest, most foolproof way to get murdered in prison.