You are watching the world become populated with extreme opossite retards that either are dumb hedonist degenerate...

That spaceship filled with the best scientific minds thing will have to come sooner than we think. This planet isnt kino anymore.

Big if true

after we jail all the racists and nazis and bigots and sexists and white supremacists and brunft we'll have equality and happiness for everyone

This would be an improvement tbh.

This tbh


yo rate my video

you have to jail all homos, pedos and junkies too

This is how the Earth will be in a hundred years

I rather jail all homophobics, pedophobics and drugophobics, bigot



People like you should just be sent to North Korea to work till death

>(((scientific minds)))
according to whom?

says the nazi LOL

Dont worry you aidsniggers dont live that long anyways

says the nazi LOL

Is this board always this euphoric or is it the neofags ?


Yea it's happening this planet doesn't deserve us tbh we aren't kino, the planet is, we aren't. (we only have kino in film form, no irl kino)

No fucking way, this is real

Trumpdrones get the rope first

fullcuckchan cucked itself by rolepllaying to be commies


Are you lost nazi? Fuck off our board cumskin


This whole site was taken over because of this shit