MALIK OBAMA just outed his brother

MALIK OBAMA just outed his brother

Twitter almost immediately deleted the tweet.

I don't understand American laws very well but I am going to guess that pretending to be an American citizen and becoming president of said country might be slightly illegal?

Other urls found in this thread:

And that's why you archive dumbass

doesn't chuck johnson control his twitter account?
surprised nothing on gotnews or anything

There is a picture attached to this thread sir.

Ehm, wouldn't the document be in the local language if he was born outside the USA?

Will king nigger finally try to remove his brother?

Please kill yourself.

Trump was right! Lol

You're a fucking idiot, newfag. The picture doesn't mean shit without the archived tweet because any pic can doctored. Thats why archive is a thing dumbass.
Sage because OP had to suck the biggest dick he could find before making the thread.

That is not the point. The picture in itself is not that important. What matters is the connection to Malik, which is gone unless someone else archived it.


This is not reddit faggot. And you still don't provide proof Malik posted this tweet because you are so clinically retarded you didn't even archive

You archive so other people can see that the picture actually came from better obongos twitter account and not from some aspie photoshop shit


Mombass. British Protectorate of Kenya

You and OP should go the fuck back to reddit

Holy shit his length is 18 inches.
BBC is real!


really nigga

Aaaaaand he's going to chimp out soon


Wew, get Trump's guys on it to prove authenticity and that it's from Malik. Everything Obama ever approved would be immediately struck down by default.

There is no written kenyan language, niggers can't into civilisation remember?

My b guys its old news.

you just write

leftypol on suicide watch

What part of lurk more escapes you dumb niggers?

OP is reposting old images. Even if Malik did post these (probably bullshit), there's no proof that he didn't just copy it from the internet. If he had a copy of Barack's birth cert, he wouldn't fucking crop it. Holy shit you faggots are fucking stupid.

You answered your own question, m8.

May be fake, but he actually did tweet it.

If this is true, it would be HUGE news, but since OP didn't provide a link or even a picture of the tweet, I'm calling bullshit for now.

Lol what are you doing in Holla Forums? Next you are going to tell us about local nigger architectural ruins or some shit.

Stupid nigger OP is stupid, nigger.

First of all, this fucking pic came out in like 2010, so it isn't /new/.
Second, it's fake. Good propaganda is truthful propaganda, user.
Third, even if this shit was true, Obama's mother met the residency requirements for conferring citizenship on a foreign-born child. She was a natural-born citizen of the US herself, with the required 17 years of residency here. People who meet these criteria can have a baby in fucking North Korea and later have it naturalized. Fucking John McCain was born in Panama. It's no big deal.

Finally, while it would be fun to make chaos for the former King Nigger, I have two thoughts on this:
1) His actual sentence will be for far more serious crimes than hosing immigration authorities.
2) Even if this was real, and even if anybody in power gave a shit. . . what then? Do you think it's like retroactively excommunicating a deposed pope? That all his appointments and signed laws become void? The system doesn't work that way, no matter how fucking autistic you are.

Look – sometime in the '60s, it was discovered that Ohio had never actually been admitted to the Union. Turns out somebody screwed up the formalities in 1803, and Ohio had never technically been annexed.

This would have been a real problem, if Congress had been full of spergs. See, Ohio had ratified some amendments to the Constitution. It had produced a president. It had sent delegations to Washington to vote on legislation and budgets and Supreme Court justices. Were all of these null and void because somebody forgot to fill out a form?

No, because we're not defectives. Congress adopted a special act that retroactively conferred statehood on Ohio, backdated to 1803, and everybody forgot about the whole thing, except for sovereign citizens who think they don't have to pay taxes now.

In other words, if it could be proved that Obama was born in Niggerstan to 100%-pure Niggerstani parents, even the Republican Congress would just retroactively reauthorize everything he did as president and Trump would sign it. Larry Klayman would then sue, and the Supreme Court would take time out of its schedule to uphold the act. Period. Fucking nothing.

How's about we drop the autistic kikery which you'll remember Hillary started in 2008 and focus more on Obama's kidnapping and murder spree instead, huh?

Pics very related to this fucking thread.

Yeah I realized after I hit reply. I'm assuming at this point these shit threads are being made by asshurt CIA bronies.

Since it's something that has never happened before, I don't know if there are any laws describing it. I mean, the Constitution says you have to be a US citizen to run for President; but it doesn't outline a penalty for faking it.

wow it's nothing


Seems like he just posted something somebody sent him, wouldn't exactly call it an "outing".

Posted on Rense in 2011

Finally, someone at least posts an archive of it.


I thought when they discovered the original to Obamas fake birth certificate and several top European counterfeit expertise companies verified it was a fake would be big news but it never really got anywhere.

remove nigger tbh

hand rubbing intensifies

not to mention his fake SSN

Kikes were the biggest advocates of the "birther" angle

Cause tweets can't be forged.

That's a shit meme, user.

OP can't get enough cock today.

If a Jew told you the sky was blue would start saying it were orange?

Why do you need Jews and failed actors to do your thinking for you?

pic for blind anons

This couldn't be anything other than real, but they still have too many ways of shooting it down if it were tried to be brought against him.

Thank you for fighting the good fight against sperglords who believe the law executes like an algorithm. Once I shot down an autist who believed he could copyright a transcendental sequence and somehow assert that binary mappings from the "random" values within would allow him to claim copyright on every other work later produced by anyone. Basically, it was an "infinite monkeys" attack on copyright. He honestly believed that a judge would uphold his universal copyright (even assuming his retarded idea was rigorously proved). These defectives truly believe the government is nothing more than a CPU processing the law.

actually fraud violates ALL contracts

well it would be funny as shit for one thing, even if there are no legal ramifications

Actually being President isn't a contract between anyone.

How can I get a job CIAposting like this? What is the pay scale like?

Is there a way to document shilling experience on a resume? I assume you don't need a security clearance to be a traitor.

just lurked both threads and have to say; Surely a certain alphabet agency has more pressing matters going on right now than shitposting itt.

I'd seriously consider it, at least.

Sure is a lot of sperging out in this thread.

Wonder why.