Banking Reform: UnJewing the Banks

Banking Reform: UnJewing the Banks

This video is the 9 minute banking red pill you've been waiting for if you don't understand economics or haven't got round to watching Princes of the Yen.


Potato quality due to file size limits, can be watched in high quality here starting at around 16mins:

Other urls found in this thread:

Bumping this thread with a video, (((banks))) are an important topic to discuss.

Interesting. Yet another example of how simply a solution for a massive problem can be easily laid out, explained, and never considered for implementation because of everyone ignoring the giant jewish elephant in the room.

B-but muh shekels

Excellent webm.

Is the best idea really for banks to create money?

With government supervision and/or under governmental control.

I guess that'll work.

Good find OP!

i just came here to see who is saging

No one, it's a quality thread.

great webm, easy redpill
nobody likes banks anymore, even if they don't see the triple parenthesis

well shills are in full force in the las two weeks, the will came to sage and scream that this a low quality thread, a shit thread, slide thread, cuckchan thread, or whatever shit thread, or they will say that everyone already know this os some bullshit, pay close attention, theya re everywhere

10/10 webm. Have a bump

Nice webm.

As a side question, for this economics thread, does anyone have a pdf of Michael Jones' book about the history of usury?

What's stopping people opening new small banks that only lend for creation of wealth?
If enough of these banks open, don't the big jew collapse?
Or it just hides their wrong doings?

i highly doubt (((big banks))) would let that happen.
If somehow there was a wave of small bank creation that struck america, you can bet you stack that new regulation "designed to protect average americans from banking misshaps" would be railroaded thro and banking ceos would wind up suicideing themselves twice in the back of the head even faster than they have been for the past few years.

If Trump were to stop such railroading they would just nuke the economy anyway.

Big banks.

wait for Hitler or roll out and die then?

hope for the best with trump
dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed to prepare for the inevitable

I've seen wealthy shitskins lend money to poorer shitskins and it's working great for them.

That said i'll answer your question
You have paperwork that needs an army of (((lawyers))), (((accountants))) and (((scribes))) not to mention the huge bribes taxes that you'll probably have to pay in order to actually do things the (((legal))) way.

Do it unlawfully or just don't.


Richard Werner is based as fuck. Wouldn't surprise me if he turns out to be redpilled on the JQ. I advise everyone to watch Princes of the Yen, a docu that explains how the international bankers fucked Japan over in the early 90's.

This guy has the right ideas about what banks are supposed to be and do.

loans existed long before capitalism you fucking idiot

And that changes the fact that reformism is absolute cancer how?

If you want to unJew the banks, you simply need to decentralize them. Kikes will inevitably subvert any system that is centralized because they can mobilize their forces to take it over. If there are 100,000 independent banks, they could never manage, given their low population. Banking would quickly return to being white.

If you allow the government to force banks to do anything, you are just creating a new target for kikery.

Indeed, I would go as far as to return to free banking, allowing the banks to print currency and back it as they like in competition with the Mint/Treasury. The market can decide what is good money and what isn't. Best part is, if you enforce laws against debasement (which carries a death penalty), you get to kill Jews, because only Jews debase currency!

reforming how loans are given out to small business so they can grow and innovate is not a bad thing

the problem is that banks are not doing what they're supposed to do

Isn't that what Dodd frank did and by repealing it Trump made it easier for small banks? Correct me if I'm wrong but Dodd frank resulted in smaller banks being bought up and consolidated and by repealing it he's reducing regulations that largely made it harder for small banks to create money

the modern day banking system is infested at its very core. You'll have no choice but to reset the entire structure.

Step 1) kill all kikes

Step 2) outlaw usury, surcharges only.

Notice how every banker caught dealing dirty in the 2008 crisis was a kike rather than an Anglo or Italian? Notice how everybody who got a new job despite incompetence was a kike? Notice how every bank which received the bailouts was kike owned rather than goy owned?

You need to kill the kikes.

As for surcharge, it will make banking less profitable since people will be less inclined to borrow. We have a massive surplus of credit as it, it needs to be slashed and inflation rates dropped organically. Inflating an economy is just money juggling, it does nothing but fuck with prices and destabilizing saving rates because people don't want to put away money when they cannot be sure of its return.

Also mini um trade in time for stocks(especially commodities should be 1 week. IE you can only trade a stock once a week. This short term investment kike shit isn't want stock exchanges were originally created for, investment should be an actual investment based on the viability of an enterprise not a shell game.

I hate it when Richard Werner threads get nowhere. He's basically offering great analyses and solutions yet these threads never get far.

Have a bump.

Kike detected

It's better to get rid of banks all together. Hitler made a mistake by keeping a central bank and interest rates.

Without credit to spur innovation, nothing will ever be achieved again. So unless you want to live in communist Russia where the State mandated everything, you need banks giving out loans, or at least some sort of institution that does this.

Fantastic webm, and he's absolutely spot on.

One of the great ironies of history is that the labor theory of value has some truth to it: all increases in value come through human labor multiplied by capital (tools). The problem comes when you try to make a fundamentally subjective concept (value) objective and if you fail to appreciate that labor can have negative value as well.

Anyway, as long as money being loaned is facilitating labor producing useful value, it works out OK, and many small, localized banks are the best way to do that.

I'd be interested in trying direct issuance from the government for infrastructure work as well, assuming the government is small (and by small, I mean physically small, swiss canton-sized) enough to be constrained in its corruption.

In conclusion, we must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

Nah, crowdfunding is the future. Banks should be illegal after the Civil War.

Banks can fulfill their purpose just fine if used correctly, no need to abolish them completely.

Theory: the credit money supply is a commons, therefore all profits beyond a certain amount should be given back to the people (citizens dividend?).

High (and progressive) taxes on bank profits would be an interesting experiment in keeping banks small and focused.

Investment bankers should be getting replaced just like bank tellers were replaced by ATMs. Crowdfunding is a much improved, transparent platform.

They are the spawn of kikes, all banking and financial shit ought to be abolished

So you want to abolish money?

You need to create new money to match the new goods and services that are being created. This is not possible with crowdfunding. Otherwise, in the long run, you'd have a very small amount of money for a huge amount of goods and services.

In the early US, landbanks (basically state banks) gave out loans and used the interest to invest into the economy. There was no income tax.

That should be the responsibility of the government, not unaccountable investment bankers with proven records of catastrophic failure.

I agree, money creation should never be the prerogative of private entities.

Community banks have been fucked since Dodd-Frank was put into place:

Nice strawman schlomo

Removing your shekel farm =/= removing money


Also you can look at ND as the solution to states using wall street for their banking needs. ND got pissed off a 100 years ago when a lot of their farmers were losing their farms to JYC bankers so they started a state non profit bank. The entire state payroll etc etc is run through the ND state bank plus state citizens can get loans from the bank and not have to worry about predatory lending as the focus of the bank is to help its citizens not profit off of them.

How about you offer some fucking solutions instead of just calling for the destruction of everything. Read my other posts.

Does anyone have a PDF that explains the federal reserves, since this is differently something I need a better understanding of.

u w0t m8

Ye ND is a very good example. Germany has a historic system of 'Sparkassen', which are thousands of small, local credit givers that only give credit and don't play the financial markets for big gains. They're also locally accountable.

However, the EU is trying to detroy these by making so many regulations that they're forcing the small ones to fuse or to sell out because they can't carry the costs anymore. At the same time the European Central Bank is keeping intrest rates low, so these small loan banks have seen their only source of income reduced to almost nothing.

This shit is fucking criminal and will result in European states having almost solely big risky banks, and no more small ones.

Vid related is a famous Belgian economist who tried to propose solutions when he was working at the BiS bank (the central bank of central banks) and was basically laughed out of the room, causing him to quit his job there.

Fuck yes.

Credit money is a commons, but kind of a fucked up one because it is theoretically infinite so long as there is productive capacity available. As a practical way to drive that common value back to the people, land banks sound great.

central banks are shit and taking the jews out won't go far enough to fix that, get rid of fractional reserve lending and don't let one group control the money supply and this shit will sort itself out

there's your problem

Dodd Frank makes it nearly impossible to start small community banks. On that topic interest free banking is entirely feasible ad one of the best ways to stick it to the kikes:

All you have to understand is this.
Money is created and loaned to the govt at interest.
The interest is never fucking created.
Ergo it is arithmetically impossible to ever pay off all loans created by the fed as there simply is not enough money to accomplish the task.
If there is only $100 in existence and you owe $101 you can never pay back the loan unless you borrow another $1 continue ad infinitum.
Now maybe you understand why we constantly run a budge deficit?
We have to constantly borrow to create more money to keep up with the ponzi scheme. They scream about how king nigger doubled the deficit but at this point in time unless you kill the fed there are going to be no survivors. I don't think Trump can really do anything as well we are at the point where our interest payments are going to overwhelm anything positive he can accomplish.

Amazon shows this for $70 - $10K… sombody pls, PDF. I have Jewish Revolutionary Spirit, and Libido Dominandi.

The sole fact that sovereign nations have to borrow their own money at interest, hereby enslaving the country and its citizens to debt, baffles the mind.

they don't have to, it's just the easy path until no other options are open that don't kill a shitload of people and/or make them lost power.

This is probably part of why countries like Best Korea and Iran get shit on so heavily by the rest of the (((world))).

Iran gets shit on because it is literally the baddest goyim country on Earth.

North Korea just wants to be left alone, but Iran is actively hostile towards the kikes and the Iranian government wakes up every day to hatch a new scheme to end Jewry in the region.

Are they creating new shills to make Holla Forums look butt fuck retarded or is this just somebody who just finished watching TGSNT and is now full of anger.

Either way slow down faggot. Offer solutions or extrapolate your reasons for your claims.

Aren't they both separated from the global financial system though? I know Iran is worstgoy but since we are speaking of banking systems…

I think what happened to all the smaller banks in america was that the jews crashed the economy causing the great depression, refuse to lend money to the smaller banks that were struggling, and then bought them all up when they went bust for pennies on the dollar.
Jews are ALWAYS out for monopoly, that's why we have walmart and international megacorps instead of local traders and businesses.

Yeah, they're very disconnected from the global financial system. North Korea moreso than Iran.

Iran is separated from the petrodollar but they are part of the global financial system in the sense that they trade a lot with BRICS and have substantial foreign currency reserves.

Before the Federal Reserve act fractional reserve banking was legal, but there was no central bank so the money supply was not totally elastic and controlled by a few people. The result was that local banks would lend as much as they could get away with while still handling the withdrawal demands to remain competitive, and any other banks had to compete with that by pushing the reserve ratio as high as possible while still being solvent, in the long run that meant the money supply was inflexible and set at about 1/10 reserve, and correlated roughly with actual growth in the real economy so it was stable. There was a lot of money to be made this way through fractional reserve fraud but it didn't satisfy the kikes because that meant that there was a decentralized, relatively stable banking system out of their control and they couldn't use the money power to inflate asset bubbles or profit from a boom/bust cycle so they conspired to make the Fed which led directly to the Great Depression after the Federal Reserve printed tons of money and pumped it into a stock market bubble.

Holla Forums knows this but take a look at Quadaffi's economic plans for Libya and there isn't any doubt as to why he had to be severely and with extreme prejudice eradicated from the face of the earth.
Also every nation that gets axis of evil status is one that is without a central bank. I remember after they killed Qadaffi they were reporting they were setting up a central bank immediately it was probably run out of a motor home or back of a pick up to make sure they got a foothold.

Libyan central bank was established within less than a year of Quadaffi's death.

You can't make this shit up.

What about all the small credit unions around the country? Would it help if all of us started using them instead of large banks?

Nice find OP! I think most people here know banks are ultimately responsible for most of the fucked up shit we fight against, but it's sort of fallen out of view lately with everything else going on. This video is pretty good red pill material. I decided to make some better webms.

Segment in OP starts around 16 minutes in

Two shorter, high-res versions closer to OPs cut coming up.

Yes, and there have been literally zero new banks started since Dodd Frank took effect except for a handful of Amish ones that managed to get religious exemptions for some of the regulations. Kikes are going to try to get rid of the remaining credit unions and community banks next somehow so get in while you can.

13:50 duration, starting at 13:18
Starts a bit earlier than OP.
The bear thing is a good attention grabber for normies, I think, plus features a "personal impact" segment to get them to realize why this matters to them.

can we get an exemption for our kek-based religion. your trips would seem to confirm.

Bill Still's the money masters goes back over history and still probably one of the best videos made on the subject.

It is impossible to un-jew a bank. A banker gets rich off of other people work. It's inherently jewish.

10:45 duration, starting at 16:22
This starts at the same time as OP, but goes a bit longer.
Has some pretty mindblowing stuff at the end, which is missing in OP cut.

maybe if you made usury illegal in all forms it wouldn't be such a problem

How's it going, rabbi?

The actual answer is that Clinton repealed Glass-Steagall which separated deposit banks from investment banks. The instant that was signed, thousands of community banks were consolidated into the 4 or 5 mega banks we have today. I believe Trump will unwind this legislation soon and then the small community banks will start having more lending power, which means more loans to small businesses, which means more jobs and opportunity.

Incorrect. A white banker is an investment manager who produces a return by loaning out other people's deposits on very safe investments that are very likely to pay off. He makes a salary for himself and interest for depositors off of the interest from those loans.

It is vital for the elderly that they be able to draw interest off of their savings, especially when they become too infirm to work. That capital also serves the interest of the people, allowing for the funding of large projects like water works, new power plants, factories which further enrich the community, etc.

Yeah, almost as if the central banks work through some kind of central intelligence agency of some kind…

This is really all you need, tbh.

That said, outlawing interest is foolishness. Old people need interest so they can live off of the capital they accumulated during their working years. Don't make gramma and grampa work until the day they die.


Pensions don't work if they can't make investments and draw interest user. It's not a magical money producing machine.

nice compressed thumbnail you fucking tard.

Pensions are a scam. You don't get enough out of them to make it worthwhile. Naturally. The claim that pensions could be a good deal for you is comparable to claims of a perpetuum mobile or zero-point energy. Bullshit with a side of snake oil.

You cannot get more out than you put in.

Value can only be acquired in one of two ways:
1. By working to create it yourself
2. By taking someone else's work

Option 1 obviously doesn't apply to pensions, the whole point is to get (more) money (than you could have saved) when you cannot work anymore. Option 2 also cannot apply, since the idea is that EVERYONE gets pensions, and so there's nobody to take from. Except maybe the ultra-rich who don't bother with pensions (((what a coincidence)))… and good luck wrenching money from their claws. Or maybe people who aren't on pensions yet… IE stealing from your children. But then that will have been taken from you as well when you were younger, so that doesn't work either.

TL;DR: Pensions are a scam. Unless you're a mouthbreather with no brain and even less self-control, you're better off saving or, better yet, investing into something dependable.

Good thread and good first economic redpill for plebs. You'll never see any western radio/tv show discuss this subject in a civilized matter and in such detail. Say what you want about Putin/Russia, content like this is why RT will keep getting more viewers worldwide.

Yeah, that's how it works. You put money in the bank and a jew works hard to double or triple it so grandma can live a good retirement. All these people complaining don't know anything.

Who is this I want to watch the whole thing


It says Bernard Lietaer Central Banks…

nice dubs

the bank is actually some of the secret Jewish knowledge they stole out of Egypt when they left.

The current banking system works like the orosboros, the snake eating its tale. It needs to consume MORE than it produces, hence why slavery, conquest, and population growth have always been needed.

If you want to break the cycle you have to have an unlimited form of energy, like cold fusion or solar energy.

Then you can base the currency and hence the credit off a source of energy that is unlimited, and is created "out of nothing" then you can have a falling population level, yet rising income and wealth.

The state that promised you "lots of future moneys someday" in return for a portion of your real money now either:
A) Won't exist anymore when it's time to give you your magically multiplied savings
B) Will consist of shitskins who want you dead and think you owe them jizra/reparations/gibs

Like grandma Judy Capal.

Why base the currency off of just one thing we have the tech to base it off of multiple commodities.

Replace banks with warehouses and define value in terms of one commodity in relation to others. So instead of holding currency worth gold or just abstract "value" you hold onto notes exchangeable for physical goods like steel I beams concrete and precious metals. You can interchange them for each other at variable rates determined by the market. This solves the gold problem by making it possible to invest directly in the feed stock for various industries and spread risk out.

Perhaps I am a retard but smack me with some knowledge if I am mistaken user.

Wasn't this what Hitler attempted with a labour backed economy. If actual labour is the source is the base of the currency it's infinite, isn't it?

I get what your saying but apart from investing a small amount into gold and ammo, reserving big investments for farming land. I don't see what I should do with my money otherwise.

Land can be taken away by force, shitskins who want me dead can come to my land. Taking South Africa as an example, rights are not set in stone.

Don't get me wrong I am not advocating putting all your eggs in one basket and not fighting the good fight. However the "collapse" is always right around the corner but life goes on. You are fucked either way might as well play the long game for both sides if your smart, be prepared for the worst on either side.

Well, do you know how to manifest those items out of thin air?

Those are still finite resources, you have to have a source of energy that comes from another dimension, or outside the planet, such as the sun, then you can have a ever growing debt base and growing economy, and you don't need wars to fight over it.

Yes basically, which is why he needed the Hitler Youth and family programs to increase the German population, and therefore increasing the labor base.

Just take his program, swap labor for energy, and you have what I'm taking about.

One of the things the Jews and Masons and such learn in there secret societies, is "life feeds on life." Its a fundamental basis of physical reality. You have to consume to life to live. So the Jews have based the entire banking system off that principle, because they have to without so greater form of energy.

The most obvious source is the sun. But there are other methods as well.

That's exactly what I'm working on, sounds like you're way ahead of me. City property tends to also be a good investment. Even after complete collapse/war/etc, major cities don't generally disappear. They get rebuilt if nothing else. Owning land there is always of great value in the long run. While things are good, it's also a good way to ensure persistent income via high demand rent.

Well, yes, things can always just get taken away from you. But, as you say, all you can do is spread out those eggs and keep plowing on. And fight tooth and nail for what's yours, if it comes to it.

Can't argue with that. But most people tend to do just that with pensions, and it is foolish, and we should point out that it's foolish. In general, whenever you're getting a really strong message from up high telling you that you really need to do something… it's probably because they are making a profit at your expense.

To clarify, someone will always be needed to make the money, so the best option is to make sure the people are 1) not jews, and 2) accountable to the people, so the money has to be created by an ethno nationalist government.

Yes, they literally don't. They (and you) just don't like the idea that people should be compensated for risk. Basically communists by another name.

And no, what I described is NOT what Jewish bankers do. Jewish bankers conjure 10 dollars for every dollar you deposit and loan THAT out at interest. White bankers only loan the money they have. It's the difference between a straight deal and fraud.

Get a load of this communist.

You get more out than what you put in by using capital as a lever on labor. 100 men scraping at the dirt with their hands aren't as productive as ten men with shovels, and are far less productive than one man with a backhoe. If someone has the money to buy ten shovels or a backhoe, why shouldn't they lend it to the worker, who can then be 20 or 2000 times as effective, and pay the money back at a market interest rate, perhaps 10%?

Theft, not risk. It's theft. A scam. It should be criminalized,

Seems we are both in agreement language barrier and sleep deprivation sorry user.

Salami tactics, we need to let a new culture grow and develop before we can go full 14/88 in government. Until then we mitigate the damage caused by kikes and uplift as many whites as possible, this has bee nthe Trump strategy from day one.

Could debate that.

But this is a horrible argument for it. You're either implying value can just appear out of the nether by having savings, or you've bought into the "interest just adjusts for inflation" meme… which is patently false as things stand. We could imagine a financial system where that might be the case, perhaps, but you won't find such a system anywhere today. Which is why people have a problem with interest.

This is a better argument. But then the Jews use the same argument too, as you point out.

The problem occurs when the ones responsible for money creation are charging interest ON ACT OF MONEY CREATION. Which happens to also be a loan. Which, of course, can never be paid back because you have to pay back what you got PLUS interest… for which there is not enough money in circulation until another loan is taken out, which creates even more shortage… etc.

So you're quite right about that. It's the conjuring plus interest that's the problem.

I suppose a (((coincidental)))intentional side-problem here is the conflation of terminology. There's a difference between adjusting for inflation (which really ought to be controlled/prevented anyway) and compensating risk (which is really just compensating for use of resources). And a huge difference between both of those and charging the entire population for every unit of their own currency in circulation, to be paid back in that same currency, while being the sole source of said currency. It's only the latter that's really a problem in the "usury is slavery" sense. Yet all are called "interest". Confusion ensues as a triple strawman is built right into the problem.

Truth. If I loan someone some of my savings, this represents an opportunity cost for me (I can't invest in other shit with the money that's temporarily gone), and there's always the risk that the debtor will fail to pay me on time (or even pay me back at all).

This cost is represented by interest. If I can't charge interest, then I will only make loans I would have otherwise gifted (e.g. helping a family member make a downpayment on a home). All you random anons can fuck right off because altruism like that is Swedish-tier retarded.

Finally, charging interest has been vilified for centuries. Even when interest is banned, it reappears via semantic games. Take for example the Islamic banking approach to a car loan. Islam bans usury so they can't charge interest. Wat do? Well, first the bank buys the car, then the individual buys the car at a higher price than the bank paid, and the bank lets them pay for it in equal monthly installments. It just so happens that the amount paid is equal to x% APY… but at least they aren't charging interest because That Would Be Wrong. In christianland, they had the contractum trinius which was for legal purposes an investment, a sale of profit, and insurance… and ended up effectively exactly like a interest bearing loan.

Interest used to come with two caveats, you couldn't charge so much that it would ruin a person (usury), and all debts were forgiven every 50 years (again so you couldn't ruin a person). Implement these two restrictions along with the final solution and suddenly banks work just fine.

Even Churchill admitted WWII was a financially motivated war. Moreover, while retarded guilt culture is currently the maxim, the Rothschild are still not punished for their own heinous war crimes. Where they purposely extended a deadly war with lies for profit. For that alone, all Rothschild wealth should be confiscated.


Banning for-profit banking might mean that the housing market would collapse and people wouldn't be encouraged to live beyond their means.

Okay then.

Your example is not a closed system. Presumably you didn't just dig a hole for fun, but to turn a profit from some source outside of yourself and the lender. It stands to reason you can compensate the lender for use of their resources (which happened to be currency). It's no different than compensating someone for borrowing those shovels or that backhoe, which you then used to work for profit.

The pension scheme is inside a closed system (assuming more or less everyone who produces work is compelled or convinced to participate). Everyone pays into it. And everyone then expects to get more out of it than they put in. This cannot work. Not to mention the people managing the scheme, who will be taking a cut.

Reread my post. Banning interest is futile. Smarter people than you have tried to do it for centuries and they all failed.

you can have interest, just not usury, or interest above 5%

Then get ready for a lot of retarded semantic games that allow loans to be issued at higher interest rates. I already described two proven approaches that allow arbitrary "I swear it's not interest" rates. There are plenty more legal fictions that have been developed by Islamic banking over the years that allow loans in all but name.

Well cheating is not keeping interest at 5% or below. You have to have an aware citizenry for it to work obviously. Like a constitutional amendment with penalties.

I'm glad this is brought up again. We can never forget the bank as a primary enemy. They are even more powerful and dangerous than corporations because even corporations need to kowtow to the banks.

the banking system is actually THE issue, other than the jews of course,

the banking system is the Jews main weapon, other than our own human condition.

And how are you going to ban a "non-interest" installment payment sale on an asset that is being purchased for more than the original acquisition price? Are you going to ban installment payments? Are you going to ban asset sales that generate a profit?

Or, for that matter, how are you going to ban the contractum trinius approach when the church couldn't manage to write a law that could ban that despite trying for hundreds of years?

It's a futile effort.

OPs a fag

See the last paragraph of on terminology. "Interest" is an intentionally ambiguous term.

What you describe is no different from lending someone your shovel for a price (you cannot use it while it's temporarily gone, there's a risk they might break it). They can then use that shovel to earn some money from someone else and pay you a portion of it. A-OK.

Those aren't semantic games. That's not "interest". Not in the same sense. What people want to ban is what banks are doing with fiat currency. And that is something completely different, even though it's called by the same name.

In a nutshell: All currency in circulation in your country has been conjured from thin air by a bank, via a central bank. It was conjured because someone asked for a loan. The bank will want the entire loan back. All of them. Plus "interest". On all of them. That's more than there is currency in circulation. Because all of it is a loan. Taken from the same source. with no other sources outside of the system available. But don't worry! You can always create more money… by taking out another loan… which you will have to pay back… plus "interest".

Hear that jingling and jangling? Those aren't coins. Those are your chains.


Plz die in a fire, Gommiefriend.

It literally can. You can dig a foundation much faster with an excavator than with your hands. Capital accumulation allows us to do these sorts of things. Barbarians don't really understand it. They think you can just point a gun at the ground and command a building into existence. It takes hard work and capital. Young people have the former. Old people the latter. Let them work together, and shit gets done.

This is why you either have to eliminate the kikes completely to a man, woman, and child, or else decentralize your banking system so they can't take it over.

You are completely retarded. Labor saving devices do not have a fucking thing to do with god damn thermodynamics and you ought to be skinned alive for making such a stupid god damn claim. Society needs to be protected from retards like you. Whenever people like you get a little power, everybody fucking starves to death.

The islamic way of "skirting the law" is not the same as paying with interest because debts left unpaid will accrue interest indefinitely, not a "flat rate" as you have described

OP that was one of the best short explanatory clips I have ever seen. Excellent stuff.

\(˘▪˘) sieg heil!

No argument regarding eliminating the "money as debt" system.

I assert that what I refer to is "interest" in the most historical notion of the term. Charging interest on loans is something that various groups have tried for centuries. Ironically Deuteronomy 23:19 disallows kikes from imposing usury on fellow jews, but 23:20 advocates for jewing the goyim hard with usury. As I said, that's pointless to ban because loan interest can be semantically redefined via representing the risk differently through different investment/sale arrangements.

It's like you don't know anything at all about the world. It's called bankruptcy. You can walk away from debt. It just hurts your credit score.

Though Bush the Lesser changed the law so you can't declare bankruptcy on student debt. This law needs to be repealed. It is literally slavery.

This is when I lost it. After Clinton repealed Glass-Steagall fucking up housing and then went in deep into shit like NAFTA like he does one of his bimbos, I wanted to believe dubya would at least not fuck up as bad. Big mistake. You can't trust a liberal or a neocon. They're only for (((them))) and not America or Americans.

tfw know this needs to happen but am a permanent cripple whose only income may soon be due to interest on a large investment's payout

kill me, Holla Forums, i am the usury jew

Shut up.

Trips confirm: if the income is due to productive capacity brought on line in part by your investment, you can sleep like a baby hitler.

There are literally so many programs and opportunities for you though. Companies would trip over themselves just to hire you more than veterans for PR. Why aren't you taking advantage of that?

Tell me more. The expansion of the money supply strikes me as a commons: no one person has a particular right to the profits on newly created money more than the next. Therefore a sane society would try to distribute the profits of newly money equitably.

Small, local banks relative to national size seem like a practical way to accomplish this. Direct issuance by a government for infrastructure spending seems like another.

Add in a Georgist tax regime, call it a riech.

I wish it were so noble. It's just a one-time but major payout off currency speculation. On one hand, I hate living off this. On the other, the alternative is being the homeless guy who still finds time to shitpost in real life about kikes.

Because no amount of experience or ability short of being an oracle trumps sleeping or otherwise having to rest for 16 hours a day. I'm plain non-functional, no matter how good I am at anything.

Shit, maybe I should be an oracle.

Now you're assuming that banks really work the way they say they work. It's a common mistake, so I'll forgive you. The (((bank))) wants you to believe it is a vault where you put your savings, which it can then use to invest on your behalf (such as into excavations), for which it then pays you a percentage from the profits. This is simply not true. You've bought into a lie, and now you're calling anyone who knows it to be false a "barbarian with a gun" for some reason.

"I've run out of arguments, so I'll just throw around insults and make them as clever as I can in hopes that nobody notices the complete lack of substance."

6/10 for effort, but a hard fail on insight and understanding.

First of all, thermodynamics is LITERALLY about labor saving devices. Like for realz yo. Second, that wasn't even my point. Thermodynamics aside, you still cannot get more out of a system (or anything in general) than has been put into it. That's the nature of reality. In terms of currency, pension is a pot that everyone pays into… and then expects to get more out of than was put in. In terms of labor, you could say it's to store up some labor for when you can't work, but you wind up with the same problem.

You could even mix it up a bit and say "well we're storing up some capital, which we then entrust to some investors we don't know, to invest into the labor of a younger generation, to siphon more value back into our pot". Now this would work. For a while. But it's not sustainable. Mostly because it involves siphoning value from the next generation. This means the next generation will wind up short, and will need to siphon even harder from the following one. This will inevitably end with driving your descendants into destitution. Slowly but surely. Ever worse with every generation. Unless, of course, each generation grows bigger, and bigger, and bigger, and you're able to sustain perpetual growth with every generation, to better buffer the deficit created by previous generations believing that producing something from nothing is perfectly normal (and claiming otherwise would be HERESY uttered only by barbarians with a guns).

If you've been paying attention, you might notice some parallels between my explanation and what has been happening in the world. This might encourage you to pay attention instead of dismissing it with a fit of insults.

You should also be careful about conflating labor with currency. They represent each other in theory, but are not directly exchangeable. A means of exchanging them must be part of your model for it to work. And both sides have to balance, just like any equation.

lets just kill the jews

Capitalism works in a nationalistic ethnostate.

So what is your point then? It will only get worse from here. Now that they know millennials will take this shit they will start doing it with other types of debt. You just said "you're wrong" then "but actually you are right".

Come now user. You expect me to believe that a bank doesn't take the money you deposit and loan it out? I mean what else would they do? Just make an entry in the bank's ledger for an amount loaned out. Then another entry in the account of the person who qualified for the loan. That person then deducting that amount to say buy a house. Then having an outstanding debt to the bank at interest. All of his being done with keystrokes? You make it sound like money is just some social construct and faithfully made by my friends at the Federal Reserve printing presses.

Thermodynamics is quite a good analogy. Work is literally energy. We can create stuff that stores our energy, like a loaf of bread. But it's not durable. So we need something equivalent in value that we can store and that is weighable, which for centuries was silver as the basis metal and gold that was valued in relation to it. Trading with minted coins is literally barter trade. Value for value. This would also constitute a economy without energy leakage like we have today. Of course you could implement currency, but it has to be based on metals, like you take your paper currency to a mint and they give you the equivalency of money, i.e. metals.

We're talking past each other. I am saying that we need to reform the banks by either killing all the kikes, decentralizing the system, or both. The concept of interest exists in a system that is good and works extremely well.

Yes, I made all my arguments. But retards ignore them and demand communism. These people have to die.

You are stupid. We have far more today than we did in 10,000BC. This does not violate Thermodynamics because we have a source of energy that we can use to build up enthalpy. You can make lots of complex machinery. It just means harvesting a lot of energy.

I bet you think that when a farmer plants a seed, he only gets one seed from each plant.

Do you see why you are stupid? Do understand why capitalists want to skin you alive when you spew this shit?

Just because you got eaten by a cannibal doesn't mean the concept of eating is evil. Just kill the cannibals and things will be fine.

Voluntary transaction to jews, fraud to everybody else.

Damn, dude. What settings did you use to get 27 minutes into a file size that small while maintaining 240p resolution?

For all this talk and theorycraft, why not discuss what hitler did which actually worked?

I can forgive you, user. We play by the rules we find, save a few unhappy heroes. Make up for it by spreading the gospel.

It's a fair point.

Because it literally seems like magic to me. Which may mean I am to dumb to get it. Somewhere my brain does not grasp the idea of ordering the construction of say a bridge. Then paying the workers a set amount of what was it labor credits? This makes sense to me as far as money creation without debt. But why did anyone accept it? Just on faith?

Why does anyone accept any fiat money?

Two reasons: violence and it works.

If you have a bunch of european-tier labor sitting around doing nothing and a bunch of failing infrastructure, you can literally print the money and hand it to people to fix it, and the economy will be great. As long as the infrastructure is productive and the banks don't use all the new money to kite up another asset bubble.

tbh, I'm not even sure the infrastructure needs to be that productive in a functional sense: building magnificent parks and monuments would be interesting to try too.

“The First World War must be brought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the Czars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic Communism. The divergences caused by the “agentur” (agents) of the Illuminati between the British and Germanic Empires will be used to foment this war. At the end of the war, Communism will be built and used in order to destroy the other governments and in order to weaken the religions.”

“The Second World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the Fascists and the political Zionists. This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine. During the Second World War, International Communism must become strong enough in order to balance Christendom, which would be then restrained and held in check until the time when we would need it for the final social cataclysm.”

“The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.” -albert pike

christ on a bike, thats the scariest quote ive ever read.

people will only do something after the next big recession (later this year)

Because it was based on something tangible of equivalent value. In Germany's case, it was based on labor. An hour's worth of labor was worth X amount of Reich Marks, and the market shifted to fall into line with this. And since labor is something you can see and participate in, you can feel (notice how feels create reals in this case) that this works and can be a solid system.

Also, it isn't magic. The US had a similar system for quite a while, and it was actually one of the original laws that ONLY congress could mint money. Kikes work fast though, and soon it took multiple presidents and a cataclysmic war to try and put us back on the intended path

Because it worked for Lincoln.

That's how most things in society actually work when you think about it. Everyone accepts things for how they are, and those that step out of line are to some degree coerced into either accepting or playing along.

Think about all the different laws and customs everyone goes along with because that's just how our society works. Money is fundamentally no different.

The fact that it happened doesn't make me understand why. I mean we can say the same of the federal reserve notes. They are money because gov has declared it so. To me it is only valuable because I can trade this paper for food and shelter, etc. I don't understand why germans accepted reichs marks anymore than american accepted greenbacks or continentals.

And yet Christianity will undergo a revival in the coming years. Of that I can assure you, the presence of the Lord will once again be known on this earth as an expansive, all covering grace.

You already know how to be part of it too.

If you want to start to end the fed, look into birth certificate/ssi bonds, legal name fraud, UCC code in federal courts, and the 1099(a) and 1099 (oid)

i may be wrong but i think its because the system wasent based on debt. which creates a bubble that causes inflation and devaluation of the currency as soon as its issued by the central bank. the germans accepted it because it wasent designed for a boom bust cycle but would follow the labor market instead of speculation by jews.

labor backed currency i think is much more representative of market demand. there is much less room for speculation because you cant take endless loans with interest that can never be payed back to invest in shit that will bankrupt the investor but enrich the jew(like what bernie madoff did). im no economist so maybe someone can let me know where im wrong.

Or wait and see if Trumps infrastructure bank funds it's projects with non interest bearing fiat money. Then laugh at the juden.

this accelerates things. take a look m8

No I get how it works mechanbically. I do not understand why people accept it as money. Like if I opened a bank and had the power to issue a fiat currency that .gov declared could be used for debt public and private. Why would anyone accept this currency instead of a federal reserve note? My money would be an unknown quantity, but "everyone" trust federal reserve notes.


It was either accept it or get crammed into the oven with the jews.


Local currencies are a thing. You just need either trust or violence or both to make a fiat currency work. Yes, you would have trouble getting people to accept your anonbucks, but if you were a dictator saving your people from the jews with a bunch of death squads wandering around with guns, you'd find it much easier than you would think.

Money is much more of a social convention than we have been lead to believe. I used to be a hard-money autiste, but with enough reading I've come to realize it's a useful tool based on human conventions. Debt systems (in the non-compounding sense) preceded widespread currency use.

Well if it's like that, then sure. But I doubt that is how it went down. My guess would be it was declared legal tender and the weimar bux got shit canned. It wasn't devalued because issuance was tied to labor performed. It's just intellectually accepting paper receipts for labor makes my brain explode. The failure isn't the concept, it's my inability to comprehend.

So if trump issues these unicorn no interest fiat dollars. They have to circulate against reserve notes. Anyone have a clue how that works out? Will they retain purchasing power better being they will be issued less than the reserve notes?

He can declare them 1 for 1 exchangeable for FRNs. All debts, public and private bitches.

Most people wouldn't know the difference and banks would be insane not to honor them.

My God, what if this actually happens.

my erection is getting an erection

the very idea of giving anything an objective value is a social convention. in mans primitive state the only thing that has value is survival. to understand that survival depends on a community agreeing that in order to get food the most efficent way is to agree to trade a rock(gold) for food is a social contract. its an agreement that in order to survive we have to respect the social contract that gold is worth food in order to SURVIVE. debt was introduced to make the buyer dependant on the seller for their needs.

Bernard Lietaer. I recommend watching some videos or read some books by him he has a lot of useful ideas to change how our money system works.

Also everyone in this thread should watch Princes of the Yen. It perfectly details how international banking destroyed Japan in the late 80's and early 90's, leading to the debt problem it has today. Real eyeopener for me and very well produced.

We need more threads like these tbh, our economic and financial system is something we experience the downsides of every day and a major fondation of jewish power.

If he does that he's literally Andrew Jackson reincarnated.

Everyone need to create their own decentralised microbank so that way they can earn, save up, invest and spend with no fees. Big banks need to be banned so they don't monopolise.

The issue with interest is with its exponential growth. The wealthier you are the wealthier you get and this increase of income is based on having done nothing of any productive value. This is what's so morally repugnant about interest.

I don't see why you couldn't reward people who loan money out but fix the price instead of having this cancerous exponential growth over time.

That's only the case with compound interest, which is the system used by banks today. If you just charge a fixed rate for the amount you loaned out, it wouldn't be exponential.

That's not a closed system dumbass, going by the analogy the kid with his bare hands and the dirt is the system, and the fact that you can give him a shovel means it's open. Drown yourself in semen for shitting up the thread with your jewish capitalism.

Essentially people agreed that manhours had value and that reichsmarks represented that value, the same way a group of people playing monopoly agree that monopoly money has value in the game, but no value outside of it. Judea for instance dcided that reichsmarks were not worth anything and handicapped Germany's ability to buy imports with it, so they resorted to trading goods for goods directly, since everyone would agree that a volkswagen has value.

The exact numerical value of the reichsmark only matters in comparison to everything else at th time, and under good conditions people tend to decide upon what makes it a goo deal or not. Problems arise when you give jews and psychopaths the social prestige to manipulate people's perception of value.

What you need is not a "central" bank, but a central "bank" - basically an extension of state structure that fulfills monetary function and handles state finances, without being privately owned. It is essentially giving the government its own personal bank to handle the finances and money printing, and that money, since it is issued and managed via state's own bank, is debt-free and is under full state supervision, while giving it the necessary autonomy to monitor inflation. There are quite few examples of such national banks which are state-owned as opposed to being private parasites.
this does not free the government from the burden of debt, as you still have things like bonds and foreign credit, but the money itself is not laden with promise of an interest that has to be paid off.

Truer words have never been spoken.

Sadly, the entire german system of Volksbanken and Sparkassen is under attack by the ECB.

Just now there was another wave of bank consolidations.

While this is correct, these small banks also have another source of income: They are trading between banks instead of trading with the central bank.

Taxation would be counterproductive IMHO, because a big bank that can create a lot of money would be able to pay those taxes. Even when it would only speculate rather than invest productively.
Taxes might also harm the small banks who will either be unable to pay taxes OR will be unable to give out loans, in turn giving an advantage to bigger banks.


What we need is a banking sector that creates money for productive purposes. Period.

A central "bank" is open to infiltration and abuse just as much as a "central" bank. The only difference is that the title carried by the perpetrator will not be "bank director", but "President".

A SJW-esque government will waste no time tearing down any regulation a previous government may have enacted on the central bank, and we will be right back where we started.

Okay, a question. How would you stop this ever growing wealth when lending money to a bank? What would be a good alternative to this? Creating interest bands that decrease with greater wealth? Seeing how banks always get bailed out the whole 'wealthy are taking a bigger risk' argument seems pretty unconvincing. I'm an economics spaz so ideas are welcome.

Two-pass encoding with ffmpeg 2.8.8. Main params:

Video: VP9 @ 40.9k
Audio: Opus @ 16.3k
Resize: 427x240 (source is 864x480)
FPS: 12.5 (source is 25)

Cut fps in half since it's not so important here (saves more on encoding time than improving quality really… although it does help a bit). I probably would have at least tried 360p first, but the original has a really awkward resolution. This is the only possible "clean" downsize multiple that doesn't involve stretching. Probably would have been better to crop it to a better ratio (especially since there seems to be a black bar top and right), but I couldn't be bothered.

Full commands:

On Microsoft Spyware you can replace "-f webm /dev/null" with just "dummy.webm". "-tile-columns 6" is probably a bit too much for this resolution. That's just my default (don't type these by hand… have a script to drop in variable parts). "-passlogfile blah.passlog" is random generated and irrelevant to encode, it's just use it so I can do multiple encodes in the same directory at the same time. I'm not sure "-threads 16" actually does anything with "-frame-parallel 0"… I think it's just a leftover from when I had "-frame-parallel 1" (speeds up encode, but sacrifices too much quality for my taste). The rest are just settings I always use as they are. Just accumulated from over time while trying to maximize quality to size.

OP here, really nice job. That was my first ever webm I made with ffmpeg so I felt pretty good about it - you took it to another level. Thanks for the pointers.

My first webm was a hell of a lot worse than yours. Hope it didn't sound like I was ragging on it. Just thought the material warranted squeezing a bit more out of it. Hope my explanation helps, keep making webms!

Your version actually does justice to the content, I'm glad you did it.

As an aside you mentioned the stuff at the end; I actually cut that information on purpose, not because of file sizes or because it's not great information but because I thought it was a distraction. This was justified late yesterday when I showed the video to some family members including the end. We ended up speaking about the City of London for twice as long as we did about banking…

That's a good point, hadn't thought of that. I suppose that's exactly the trap I fell into… it really caught my attention.

You might know this already, but while we're on ffmpeg tips… If you just want to cut a portion of a video without changing the encoding, ffmpeg can do that very efficiently like this:

This is nearly instant (just disk read/write) and completely lossless on both video and audio. Works with mp4 as well.

"-ss 0:00" is the starting position. 0:00 is the default, so it's optional here… just to show where it should be.
"-t 8:59.7" is the target duration.
"-c copy" tells ffmpeg to copy the data without re-encoding. Only works if input and output formats are compatible, of course.

If you really really really want to understand how this stuff works on a nuts-and-bolts level there is no better book to read than "The Mystery of Banking" by Murray Rothbard.

"The Creature From Jekyll Island" covers some of the same material but superficially. Rothbard's book breaks it down to the last penny.

has the guy in that video been found dead yet?


It's not like he's the first jew to tattletale. They'd know best after all. See

The EU released a white book on how banks needed to become bigger as far back as the 80's, it's fucking disgusting.

Rothbard was just an apologist for laissez-faire capitalism.

I just noticed a really odd "hollywood magic" cut.

At 6:18 they start talking about how it's a regulation problem
At 6:24 Werner starts saying:
>The only regulation that actually HAS succeeded in history [and the] 20th century in particular […]
Then he goes off on a bit of a tangent…
At 6:55 Werner brings it back to
>The only regulation that has succeeded in avoiding this… IS… [dramatic build up]
Different camera angle, different arm position, different body posture and body language, different tone and flow of conversation

They've cut something out. In fact, they cut out what – judging by body language and buildup – must have been a "shocking claim" / "punch line" / "controversial revelation" sort of moment, and skipped to the follow-up where he is convincing the listener that he isn't crazy.

Gee, I wonder what they might have cut out there.

that's right Mr. Digits. If you want to to understand how the jew scam works you'd best learn from someone who understands it.

Ok. Everyone's got his own agenda, including Professor Werner, including Rothbard. Rothbard just happens to have wtitten the the most detailed ever exposition of the banking scam.

It's been tried before. Look who was behind this

The (((Fed))) controls all the money supply of every country that uses dollars. Which is 98% of them. When you have trillions in control (some are given to the government as loans) you have power over everyone on earth.

The Fed chairman gets a salary but there are no ethics regulations since its a private corp. They can get anything they wish from their masters.

Here's a link to all the forms you have to submit to apply for a banking license in New York:

Read through all those forms and then tell me what are the chances you could get a license to open a bank in New York.

"Ya'll niggas don't know shit 'bout how money work, b. Let an olda nigga tell u dis shit here…

Money is dis way: A nigga got a fuckin loaded 9 milli to ya head. Dat nigga be dem niggas in Congress and da President. Now da gun is da guvment's ability to fuck a nigga up. You mouth off da wrong shit, ya head get blown.

But da nigga who holdin da gun, you think any muthafucka holdin a gat to ya fuckin head give a fuck bout you? Hell naw. And is dat nigga a bitch nigga or is he a real nigga?

See, in da US, almost every nigga who held dat nine was a bitch ass nigga. And bitch ass niggas is punks for dem real niggas.

You know what dat Benji in ya pocket is? A piece a fuckin paper, nigga. But a couple real niggas who want to control da entire muhfuckin hood told one bitch nigga wit da gun to ya head that a muthafuckin piece of paper is worth a hundred dollars. Because dat nigga a bitch nigga, he ain't turn dat gun on da real niggas cuz he a bitch nigga. So, now dat bitch nigga got a gat to ya muthafuckin head telling you to believe a piece of paper with a dead president on it is worth a hunna dollaz.

Nigga, back in da day, you could trade dat Benji for real shit. Now, go ask a fuckin bank if dem bank niggas give you 100 dollaz worth of silver or gold for dat there hunna.

You be laughed at, cuz da real bitch nigga is you. Plus, yaw niggas too dumb enough to know how to open a fuckin bank account. There wuz only a couple real niggas who held dat nine. Most of dem real niggas went to war against other real niggas. And if you think you get hit for fuckin up ya connect's supply of yayo. Nigga, you best believe if you fucks wit da way money works in modern society, some real niggas gon try ta cap yo' ass.

It's easy ta be a bitch nigga. But being a real nigga. There ain't too many real niggas left."

these two describe the foundation of currency. the foundation of a currency is the social contract that it is 5 x's are worth 5 y's. you work five hours you get 5 dollars. you want 5 feet of road you pay 5 dollars. its an understanding that by 2 people mutually benefiting from one person working and one person paying them to do the work. because the person that was payed to work then goes and pays another person to work. and so on and so forth. without this basic social contract modern civilization could not exist. youd still be in africa chasing lions because you couldnt communicate.

this question kinda pissed me off because the answer seemed so obvious to me but i couldnt figure out how to explain to you why money is worth anything haha i think if you ask most peope today why money is worth anything they wouldnt be able to adequatly explain the philosophy behind currency systems. thanks for making me think.

For those who don't want to read


I would like to thank all the anons that explained why fiat gets accepted for use. I now have another question. In the U.S. money is created through borrowing. No money is created without debt to my knowledge. If this is the case, does that not mean that it is impossible for all current outstanding loans to be paid in full? The entirety of the money pool is equal to the principal of all loans taken out. To repay the interest on all loans plus their principal requires more money than is in the system. Does this sound right?

wtf i hate banks now

It is impossible by design, to repay all current loans given the current money supply. This creates an inflationary force that essentially requires the printing of new money so the devaluation of the currency is inevitable.

Derivatives are created as bets, but traded as debt, so there may be multiple loans on any piece of real capital. About 14:1 IIRC.

Thanks OP I saved the video and will share it with others. I really like this guys' explanation but honestly there isn't really much to be said that hasn't already been.

How about the Desjardins group of credit unions (caisses populaires) in Quebec?

Except money isn't just printed in the U.S. with the sole exception of the coinage from the mint. All federal reserve notes are themselves debt instruments loaned to the treasury.

I believe this is the first time I've the truth being present on TV media.

Hopefully pollacks will take note and understand that idea of "redistribution" and "transferring" of wealth by the government to niggers isn't what is happening.

What the Jews are doing is much worse than redistribution and all of the Alt-Kike buzzwords.

The Kike government is actively destroying the claims on society's wealth production of white and then invent new assets i.e. debt entirely for the benefits of the third world hordes.

The Austrian kikeconomics is based on the lie of "natural of interest" that goyim has to pay for the privilege of using kiked money.

The reality of the natural rate of interest on our own sovereign currency would be zero (

The truth contrary is what all the lolbergs always go on and on about hyperinflation is going to because by the zirp the exact opposite is the case. Inflation is being kept in check by zirp (see Japan).

I love the fact he says this is a regulation problem. "Muh free market" kikes BTFO.

We need to focus more on nationalist economics and why all lolbergs are kikes.

Trump plans to bring back Glass-Steagall, which was repealed in 1999 under President Clinton, has already upset Wall Street banksters and sent mega bank stocks tumbling in afternoon trading.

Kek started showering the Rothkike, oy vey hehehe

Japan's leaders probably thought it was a better option than going to war again. Now their people die slowly and cluelessly in servitude of the jew.

To know what he knows about how banks and globalism operates, he must be.


yes. but let's be slightly more complete: other anons' are right: the non-fed banks do the currency lie networking, credit lie creation, and are the hands of that system.

it wasn't a mistake. the tide was already worsening bad enough that production went to a new 'worst' level, jobs of white men were prevented, wetback+chink+haitian migration was draining currency circuit locales of california-oregon-washington-florida way too fast, and the federal tax acceleration prevented any regional containment. kikes saw this, capitalized on it, and afterwards we all saw the admission of it. their daul-citizen kikery and feigned state allegiance caused it, which lead to the ramped up kavitching and muh-justice seen then to quell the backlash.

correct. thank you for saying it. japan remembers sorta, but moreso they have humility enough to know.


both really. saying the same thing; all part of the same process, and the reason why bust happens.

(1) the boom uses the prior historical reliability (trust / faith / [white] people-did-it-and-it-works), (2) to then sell the repack of a shifting 'overton window' of mostly white++ shitskin– value initially (only thing that can withstand scrutiny and underwriting) to mostly white– shitskin++++++ backing value finally, (3) which then defaults and busts specifically because white didn't need any more + shitskins always need more + shitskins are/have/will always be dependents (net loss / not investment / not net gain / not even gross gain [which is when the financial gear-clock bursts]). (4) all of this goes down initially inside to again build (i.e. steal) faith in the jewgov 'product' (confabulation larping as production + disproportionate sticky jewgreed). (5) all of this requires more accounts over multiple systems and modalities/industries to smooth out and lengthen what would otherwise be a quick step-wise function with a short overall timespan (reads: smaller, obvious, less volatile [less money making]). (6) hence the international and globalist components (aka account island hopping / rats and sinking ships / fable of ducks and hens a:Rockwell y:1965).

the jew doesn't have to understand all this, nor hold any single piece of it in their heads, much less all of it, to execute the characteristic shortsightedness intrinsically genetically inherent in afro-muslim-judeo-mongol-asiatic-indian tree of descent. but to suggest that welfare isn't part of this, especially not a crucial part of this, ignores the systematic eventuality of all the evidence repeated again and again before us. there -is- redistribution internally; who's name do you think the terrible toddlers use to sell the destroy-white-wealth products / media / messages that funds the debt 'assets' the third world buys? and who here/internally really needed to buy all the third world labor production in 1900 / 1920 / 1960 / 1980 / 2000 / now? which gave the last-world buying power over the world-creators? which got more of them here/internal? which then loops back in on itself all over again, accelerating the local mechanic, -and- the foreign mechanic, -and- the necessary accounting between the two to make the bubble last as long as possible?

true. regulation will not solve, has not solved, and can never solve, the above problem. it was containment, when containment was possible. regulation forces more compliance work/overhead from the shitskins unable to do that additional work/overhead, which is already self-evident because already-cheating-without-regulatory-overhead-additions, whether they be bankers or otherwise. which otherwise taxes whites' time more, and cannot tax those who could not pay the time in the first place. law is ineffective in this regard, hence why the only miserable solution has been blanket-everyone-guilty-laws which then rely on judicial and executive selective application enforcement. but even this was containment, and was breached in full a while back. see: obama immigration, green energy, medicaid obamacare, etc.

the grand unfortune of shitskins means banking cannot be unjewed. it must inherently change. the germanic solution of lots of limited small banks + differently limited interbank + differently limited international and central bank ONLY WORKS WITH WHITES. the only 'solution' found to work with shitskins - who you cannot regulate what isn't there in the first place (requiring pig flight = failure) - is the old sub-bank-atom model: endless walls of hyper accounts, which are kept isolated, which then boom and bust on theirs and theirs alone. which is what the systems approximate more and more as time goes on, which is what the shitskins always try to prevent (no segregation! muh raycis! pay for my shit daddy-state social justice! etc).

accounts are walls. build them. do not share them. stop the (1) forced sharing of accounts. group accounting under (2) too differential of members [ie total sum inheritance], with (3) not enough actually white men [ie group is net negative or too close to net zero].



has more than 6M views, literally anoth4 sho4

Bump for best video on banking system in years and high quality surprisingly clean thread.

there are 10 million American males between the age of 24 and 64 who have literally dropped out of the workforce. It means that they have given up on finding a job or are simply not looking. …focusing on just one subset among those who are 24–64, we see that white working-class males’ labor force participation rate has dropped to 59%.

The Economist has created something called a Forgotten Men Index, which shows the gap between white working-class men in particular and all men in general….Among the 10 million men not in the workforce—men who are not even looking for a job—57% of the Caucasian population between 21 and 55 collect disability benefits, which means they can get Medicaid benefits and cheap narcotics.

Opioid addiction has become rampant in 50-something men.

Any books on the Federal Reserve should be mandatory reading. There really needs to be a sticky of books that people need to read.

Reminds me of 20's Germany where suicides were rampant, though of course America not as bad. idk though, suicides might become a thing if things somehow manage to get worse. When there's a lack of Nationalistic spirit and a lack of need to follow and obey a powerful cause or leader, things can get very depressing.

How much worse do things need to get?

If we were to have a global debt jubilee as in all debt around world is to be wiped out, what would happen on an individual to business level basis afterwards?

How would we fix the pension problems?

fuck the pension, old people can learn to fucking babysit

First off, neither cold fusion nor solar energy are anymore unlimited than any other power source we've ever used or found, so you're talking out of your ass on that one. Second off, wealth creation is an inherent feature of human economies.

The problem with that is that debt then becomes uncoupled from wealth creation — just numbers on a screen. Regardless of whether enough wealth even exists to pay back the loan, interest will keep chugging away saying that one "owes" regardless of anything else. At best you then become a slave working forever to pay off an ever-increasing "debt," but at worst the economy starts crashing because banks find that they cannot get the money they're owed because, amazingly enough, it turns out it doesn't actually exist. It's inherently different to traditional risk compensation (i.e. investment) because traditional risk compensation is tied to profit, so one fundamentally cannot be owed more wealth than exists, because what he is owed is tied to what is created. Interest loaning obscures this by hiding it behind a façade of obligation and promise — that because the debtor has agreed to pay back the specified amount the agreement is just, when in truth it is just as sensible as one man agreeing to pay back another with the Moon.

The further problem with current banking is that it obscures the nature of what is actually happening. Banking as we know it is, very simply, a pooled investment scheme where one may give money to others who promise to use it to create more wealth. Most people don't view it that way, and instead view it as a storing of their wealth that comes with a nice little bonus on top for doing it. They don't view the interest they get as a compensation for risk, and — and here's the critical point — think all the money they give the bank is guaranteed. That is, they think that if they put $100 in the bank they'll always be able to get that $100 out whenever they want. That whatever they save is risk free. Now obviously if it is "risk free" then what are they being paid interest for? Is this not a fundamentally different view of banking than what the bank is actually doing? This wouldn't be a problem if common views didn't impact public policy, and so now the government legislates that guarantee, meaning that the banks cannot loan savings, since those are guaranteed, and that in order to actually loan anything at all the banks need to create the money they loan. This is the great fraud of banking, not merely fractional reserve banking. By not being able to truly loan savings, banks must appropriate the power of money creation from the sovereign where it rightfully resides, committing fraud against the nation writ large by reducing the worth (buying power) of each and every dollar. You end up in the same situation as Continentals during the War of Independence, with every state government (and Congress) printing and issuing them without consulting each other, leading to massive inflation. This is why governments cannot control money supply or inflation anymore, and why the best that can be done is have the (((Federal Reserve))) throttle loaning (and therefore money creation) by disincentivizing it through lowered interest rates to try and keep the whole scheme going as long as possible.

This process not only automatically declares any created wealth to be (directly or indirectly) the rightful property of the (((bankers))), but also commits actual fraud against the nation by reapportioning its wealth through self-given ever-larger shares of the total money volume.

Holy shit I didn't even realize it was that bad. I knew the military was on a record long streak of 22 a day for a long period that they even had a website dedicated to raising awareness to the skyrocketing suicide among military/former military. Had no idea it was this bad, especially demographically, in the civilian world.

Great video. Saved

muh labor theory of value.

Bumping an interesting thread


(((you)))'re a brave guy, and a big help

America Works

holy fuck you're retarded
and even if your example were applicable the farmer also has to till the fields, fertilize and then water the soil



We should just ban private banks. Replace them with local state-owned banks that only loan for productive purposes, interest.

wtf i fixed banking now

just use one element, or two or 3, whatever, than you get bombed by usa france and uk,
profit? no, total destruction, like libia, irak afghanistan pending iran syria and best korea (ho ho you know where i'm from)

anyways, what has the government done to our money by good jew rothbard, jeckyl island by griffin,

lots of hours taken in when in ancap phase on fractional reserve banking, whole philosophy actually

you have to treat it very seriously, you have to ancor it to reality via chemistry, you have to outlaw rehyphotycation bs ond frb

than you profit by getting your country bombed :D it's gone, the kikes won, nobody will ever believe you, it's beyond their scope of comprehension, not to mention giving fucks ability, we're fucked

Okay, Karl.

Goldbug please. "Store of value" has never been anything except smoke and mirrors. Value, as the name itself implies, is completely subjective for the purposes of trading. So long as both parties agree that two things are of roughly equal value, the trade can take place, regardless of whether, in some objective way, the two things have different values. The most obvious example is that, according to your "store of value" theory, I shouldn't be able to buy $10 worth of milk because the $10 note I use isn't "worth" $10 because it doesn't "store" $10. That, however, isn't going to stop me from buying $10 worth of milk.

That's literally all the economy is, user. Faith. If you want to do anything beyond basic sustenance trading, you need trust (and/or faith). Sustenance trading doesn't by and large require trust because food is food and water is water. One doesn't have to trust that what one is getting is what he wants. To get beyond that, you need trust. You need people to trust that their property will be respected and protected (else they won't work for anything or flat-out revolt), trust that there will be stability in the future, trust that the government will always accept the currency it prints for its face value. Trust is the most important aspect of any economy.

The most important thing Hitler did was restore the faith of Germans in Germany, the German government, and the German economy. By giving them assurances that they wouldn't be preyed upon, that their hard work would be rewarded, that they could enjoy the fruits of their labors unmolested, and that bread would always be worth the same number of Reichsmarks (which the German government would issue and accept for taxes) Hitler got Germany going again.

The biggest flaw in our present day economy is that there is no trust. People can't trust the worth of a dollar because of inflation (thanks to our banking system). People can't trust that their property will be respected because of nonwhites (either through gibs, kosher laws, kosher law-enforcement, etc.). People can't trust that they won't be robbed blind through the court systems by banks, governments, corporations, or even their own family and spouses. People can't trust that their land will be worthwhile, let alone respected, because kikes will poison it with chemicals, niggers, and laws. People can't trust that their labor will be worth more than scraps off Jewish tables through the deliberate impoverishment of whites. People can't even trust that their grandchildren will be under their own rule (if they even live) to enjoy any fruits they might bequeath them, thanks to groups getting closer to their total extermination. Given all of that, how could you possibly expect a healthy economy?

Trusting the state? The organization busy spreading cultural enrichment and degeneracy with the money supply? I feel like that is>>9480764
Then we don't have a problem with our economy. The problem is with our culture, or more specifically the many other cultures undermining American culture to enrich themselves.

We have other flaws with our economy, make no mistake. Our trade laws are fucked, our regulations are fucked, our banking system is fucked, our currency is fucked, our tax system is fucked, our business laws are fucked, our investments are fucked, our infrastructure is fucked, and our industries are fucked. That's not even all of our problems, not even including obvious ones like the fact that we have kikes, niggers, spics, and other assorted undesirables "participating" in our economy.

The only thing that needs to change is the ownership. Instead of Jews, we need to get Whites up there. Capitalism is perfect and is only ruined by the Jew.

I have some reichmarks to sell you. Millions of them.

Go to your grocery store and try and buy your food in gold. Do it. Pay your taxes in it too.

At no point said or implied. On the contrary.

For creation of wealth as in true value, see what I said in

As for wealth as in horded currency, that's just storing a loose and volatile abstraction of "value owed" for later.

When you pay into a pension, you expect to get more value out of it (numeric representation in units of currency is irrelevant). That's how it is sold to you:
>in return, we'll give you more value back later
>you'll need the extra value when you cannot work anymore

But that extra value has to come from somewhere. It cannot come from you. It's your pension. The whole point is that the extra value won't come from you. It's not being transferred to you from the "value owed" reservoirs horded by rich people. They didn't get rich by being that nice. And so it comes from the only other place that value is produced or stored. By draining it from future generations.

And so, you are replacing the old, natural model of:

With the new and "improved" model of:
See for how that can go.

Even if it goes better for you, that third party isn't in it to help you. They, too, are not that nice. They're in it for themselves. They want your money so they can use all that collective capital as leverage for their own benefit. So they're going to take a nice, big, juicy cut. And if there's still enough left over for you to get more value back than you put it, that means they fucked your kids to get it.

Now your kids' generation is also on the pension scheme. But they started short, cause they got fucked, to benefit you and, more importantly, the third party you trusted. So for them to get their value back plus extra (plus their third party's cut), their third party has to fuck their kids even harder. And so on and so forth.

The result is a vicious cycle, whereby each generation is worse off than the previous in terms of quality of life (housing prices up, cost of living up, disposable income down, until you reach paycheck-to-paycheck generation living in container units). Because each generation is a layer in a gigantic pyramid scheme. And, as the mental image of a pyramid might suggest, the only way to keep the whole thing "stable" is PERPETUAL GROWTH. More, more, more. Bigger, bigger, bigger. Faster than you can keep up.

Sometimes technology breakthroughs help provide that growth and ease that effect. Sometimes a baby boom can do it too. But you just can't keep up growth forever. Eventually you're going to encounter a generation or two where things slow down. Maybe even… I don't know, a drastic fall in birth rates across the Western world or something.

And now you're in trouble. Because your pyramid just got put on its head. And it just can't handle that. You're looking at the whole scheme crumbling and crashing down around you. What now? Oh, I know… LET'S IMPORT MILLIONS OF SHITSKINS AND EXPLAIN TO EVERYONE THAT THIS IS ECONOMICALLY NECESSARY AND THAT THEY'LL TAKE CARE OF US WHEN WE'RE OLD. Technically, that's really the reason for doing it except, of course, it won't work seeing as shitskins gonna shitskin.

But hey, maybe I've got it all wrong and there's no correlation between any of this and what's going on in the world.

Wrong. There's nothing inherent in any currency that says it can be exchanged for anything else. What it has is trust that it can be exchanged for the given commodity or, more accurately, the equivalent value in the form of whatever goods. Usually that trust exists because the state says they'll take your stuff from you if you don't pay your taxes in it, and it's pretty easy to trust the bunch of guys who say they'll beat the shit out of you. When that trust disappears (because the state disappears or because of disappearing trust) then the currency loses its value. It's a downward spiral.

Eventually the spiral gets to the point where the currency is worth nothing more than what it's printed on (this point is when the number of people accepting it for trade drops to zero). Ironically, from that point the currency starts to get a collector or archaeological value.

I'm not arguing for (or against) pensions, merely pointing out that a lot of your rhetoric implies that wealth cannot be created. Now, since it seems you don't actually believe this (thank God) it was merely a reply in error, but I think it needed to be pointed out all the same, even if only for lurkers.

That said, has there any really been any doubt that pensions are merely theft from future generations (insofar as we classify any wealth redistribution theft)?

Wasn't meant to be implied. What I meant is that wealth/value cannot come from thin air (but only through labor). So if you're not making it, you're taking it from someone who did.

At least one guy in this thread argued against that. And generally whenever it's come up in conversation, it seems most people are skeptical or unaware of this. They just don't really think about where it comes from. "Just pay in, cash out, someone will have worked it out."

Let me put it this way: Why do you do anything the government says? Because the implicit, tacit threat is that government men will commit violence against you should you not. This is the basis of all power, and most especially governments'.

Currency works exactly as you described. It is valuable to you, and everyone else, because you trust you can make your necessary exchanges in it. The more this is true the more trust the currency gets and the more true it becomes. Conversely, the less this is true (the less people keep accepting the currency for trades) the less trust the currency has and the less true it becomes. In a normal market, which currencies would be used would merely be a function of how widely the currency is already accepted (scale economy), how stable it is (unchanging in value), and how fraud-proof it is (i.e. how easy it is to make counterfeit currency). State currencies, however, have the inherent advantage of having a guaranteed demand where they will always be accepted: taxes. People trust that the currency will be accepted by the state as tax (and that they will be threatened with violence if they do not pay their taxes in it) and so have faith that, since everyone needs to pay taxes, everyone will accept the currency, automatically giving it near-total trust. This trust can be eroded, however, which is where states run into trouble.

TL;DR: Currency is based on trust, and the most basic form of trust is the trust that the group of men saying they'll beat you until you allow yourself to be taken away and locked up are telling the truth.

I don't really see how it could be in doubt. Pensions are topped up with taxes; that's their chief appeal. The only risk in a pension, compared to a traditional investment, is that either the state will collapse or tax-revenue collapses, supposedly making it "safe." Where do these taxes come from? Everyone, but since it's stretched out over years by the time you need the pension it will be being paid by younger generations. It's a ponzi scheme based on each generation paying in more than the previous one in order that the previous generation can get the return they were promised.

…in fact, that is, very literally a ponzi scheme to a T. Previous investors get the promised return based on nothing more than the larger investments of duped present investors, based on the promise that they'll get even bigger returns.

Do normalfags really not get that?

nice graph for ants

No they don't and don't want to.
Overinvestment - meaning they know their lives are meaningless, but don't want to accept it - "would you?"

They are beyond saving and they will do nothing but get in your way. You have to remove them, they are diseased as zombies.

That's exactly my problem with it.

I don't think it would exist if they did.

Which is also why I think it's difficult to get them to see it for what it is. To believe it, they have to admit to themselves they've been duped by institutions they trusted, fucked over by their parents' generation, and fooled into fucking their own children over.

Which will happen in exactly "fucking never".

95% of population are braindead normies, they are sheep. Do not waste your energy on them, they will follow those who offer them the best type of grass and promise them never to starve.

Well, at least Germany is doing SOMETHING right.

I can totally grasp what they are talking about here, except I am unable to articulate my understanding of it. I can see the STRING through the whole thing.

Currencies need demand to be used. If your currency could be used to pay taxes to some government that would be a guaranteed demand. Now, given that taxes would presumably already be paid in another currency there would be no incentive to use yours, but conversely there would be no disincentive either.

Another source of demand would be you. This is, in fact, how most currencies actually come about. Take store credit, for example. A store gives you something that there is a guaranteed demand for (that is: themselves). That gives the currency legitimacy/value. Theoretically, you could use, say, Steam credit to buy things outside of Steam based on your trading partner trusting that they could either use that credit to get something of value from Steam or trade it to someone else in the same way you did.

The reason people don't do this (mostly) is that people want to deal in as few currencies as possible, and will therefore go with the ones that have the most advantages. For most people this is the national currency because on top of all the advantages that any competing currency will have it will be accepted as taxes. In some cases currencies can have other advantages. Bitcoin is a good example here.

Where's your REEEEEEEE Pepe picture?

I don't necessary think it's because they've been duped, but that they're greedy and have Superman Syndrome. Normalfags might think that collapse (which they accept is going to happen "eventually") is a long way down the road and "could never happen to them." Based on that, they'll say "It's not my problem if pensions a century from now can't be paid. I'll get mine."

It's the classic bubble mindset. Everyone knows the bubble is going to pop, that if you're in the bubble when it happens it'll hurt you badly, and that it's only a matter of time, but they see the money they can make and get greedy. They convince themselves that they'll be the smart ones and pull out before the bubble pops. That they'll get in while the going's good, make some money on soaring "investments," then get out while they're ahead. Same thing as in gambling. All of them are knowing bets based on a belief that "those things" only happen to other people.

I imagine it's even easier to do when the people you're stealing from might not even be born yet, and when you convince yourself that it isn't theft but a rightful reappropriation of wealth for what you've given them.

The other part of it is that people are risk-wary. While the productive use of their money would require risk (investments that may not work out), this option is supposedly safe because A) it's the government, and B) the money's just sitting there (which is also another problem with pensions, as it renders a large amount of wealth unusable for anything worthwhile).

What is the exact title of the book?

Barren Metal: A History of Capitalism as the Conflict between Labor and Usury

Too many pepes would inflate the memconomy. Gotta keep the market stable

Holy Serpent of the Khazarian Mafia! I can't find it even in *.txt format!

(absolutely heil'd)
This user absolutely knows what's up. Economic history as taught by economists is a complete fiction.

Man evolved in community. Man has had communities before man was man. Man does not go to his brother, his neighbor for food and offer him gold for it. He gets food from his neighbor in the knowledge that, should his neighbor come asking for clothes, he will have to provide in turn. Loosely, that's a credit system. Developed more formally, it turns into a semi-quantized credit system at the birth of civilization with trading of goods based on trust of future repayment (necessary for non-constant wealth creation; e.g. farming). The best example of this are the Babylonians, who set a certain number of silver pieces as worth a certain number of barley bushels. They didn't actually trade this silver but kept it in collective vaults, determining who owned what silver through accounting. This use of accounting allowed the use of formalized credit systems, with peasants running up tabs at, say, a pub all year (kept track of as what they owed in silver) which would be repaid come harvest time.

I think you're vastly overestimating the "everyone" group. Likely because your sample set for "everyone" is far removed from a true cross-section of the population, along with a bit of projection. I think most people just don't think about these things. Whether they cannot or will not or want not doesn't really matter. They just don't. It becomes pretty evident when you take a few steps back and just observe the behavior of societies as if you were an outside observer.

They stick with the crowd, where they feel safe. They follow the smell of food. They get distracted by the shiny. They freeze and are paralyzed by the unexpected. They'll do whatever it takes to not face the horrific, even if that means attacking you for drawing their attention to it.

I think that's the tough truth I have struggled to accept. It just always felt pretentious and preposterous to think of them this way. But I can't really argue with it.

The problem with interest loans isn't how fast or slow the interest accumulates; it's that interest decouples debt from the actual economy. The economy creates wealth at a certain rate that can fluctuate and change, but interest-debting is purely mathematical. It will grow at the same rate regardless of anything else. With this system it is entirely possible to end up in a situation where what is "owed" actually exceeds total wealth, and if this gets bad enough the economy collapses because nobody can pay or repay anything.

Banks mitigate this to keep things going as long as possible by slowing how fast this interest accumulates. So long as the total debt is high but not too high things can chug along, with people working, effectively, forever to repay an ever-growing debt. It is, almost literally, slavery. Of course, in order to keep this going the debt cannot be allowed to come within reach of repaying, and so when things start to become good in the economy interest rates are raised and the debt grows faster. Think of inching forward during rush-hour. Go too fast and you crash, but go stay the same speed when cars start going and your position isn't so good anymore. Kikes have to ride the throttle very precisely to make sure that people are always working to repay their eternal debts towards them, aren't able to fully repay the debt, and don't become so indebted that they lose their ability to work. It's a precisely engineered scheme to create slaves without calling them such.

It does feel that way, sadly, it is an (((echo))) chamber of dillusions. But that is what makes the society coherent and tick so it isn't all bad. We just need to pad the echo chamber with memes. Tho, they will still be sheep, just "educated" sheep.

5% of population is capable of coherent thoughts.
Perhaps 1% of that 5% - is capable of making their own conclusions.

Once you reach the summit - there is not a single person here. I, growing poor, expected a big crowd. No, it is quiet and empty hall.
Observe 7 billion people on the planet.
A couple of mad pepes is all that there is …

I suppose that's true enough. Most people take the government's "Use our pension scheme and pay some extra tax; you'll get it back with more when you're older!" at face value, most probably.

That said, I'd say that's maybe 60% at best. If there's one thing I've learned over the past few years it's that people tend to be smarter than you expect them to be or give them credit for. I'm willing to bet a lot of people are perfectly aware of the flaws of the pension system, that it will collapse, but buy into it anyway because of Superman Syndrome and greed.

Don't count on anyone's incompetence is what I'm saying.

Might be more like the 80/20 rule. 20% of the population creates 80% of the results, etc., etc..

Only in no-or-badly regulated market. And market which requires no backing on its currency.

In all other cases, everything is completely preventable. If a bank issued more money than it had - then it would simply tank and its owners would be noosed.

You are right on the money on that.

It is a shame they are failing lately. Kikes being kikes - keep forgetting that their tricks only worked on Iq80 population with controlled (((media))). It's over for them.

It really just boils down to memes and crowds. More like birds than sheep.
I wonder if we're barking up the wrong tree, what appeals to us doesn't mean anything to them. They're already programmed, so we should just hijack that programming rather than try to circumvent it.

Possibly, but I strongly doubt it. My experience proves to me that there is "no hope" - and "you are on your own here, enter at your own peril".

0.1% of the population made all the civilisation and technology we know today.

No, we are dead on.
We know who rigs the slots machines and we know who made them.

But we need to go a step further - we need to create machines that will work for us and our purposes. That is where our future lies.
You need to get them ready for the collapse, then you swipe the carpet from under their feet.

why isn't this on youtube? somebody get a better res video and upload it.

Still no luck - If I can open it up in any program, I can make a *pdf file. Even html.

Explain to me how interest can possibly be coupled to real growth. If this was true we would have no need of bankruptcy laws, because it would never be possible to owe more than one possesses.

"Backed currency" is a poor meme. All currencies function the same, except some have a limiter on quantity based on amount of something or other — functionally no different to saying "Don't print more than X dollars." Having limiting makes the currency deflationary because of wealth creation; that's literally the only difference.

This is what banks do right now and it has nothing to do with the particular currency or interest. Banks loan what they don't have (i.e. they create money) because they can't loan what they do have, because normalfags are stupid. Instead of seeing the bank as the investment scheme it is that has some risks and might make them unable to immediately access any money they put into the bank, they expect to be able to withdraw anything they put in at any time and have interest accumulate. This is impossible without creating money, since if the bank loans out savings then those same savings will not be accessible whenever the depositor desires them.

What it does is create tens if not hundreds of independent currency issuers, which is a terrible fucking idea.

Unless you are using "interest" to mean "any return on investment" in which case I recommend you sleep with your face on a dictionary to absorb its information via osmosis.

Seriously, though, interest is purely mathematical. How is it ever tied to the real growth of an economy? At best it can closely mimic it through guesses and manipulation, but that's a bit like saying that two wheels are linked because a man consciously controls the spin of one to mirror the other as best he can.

Societies are a collective effort. That 0.1% couldn't have done shit were it not for the total society supporting them. Don't marginalize the less glamorous parts of European civilization. Normalfags are a necessary part of it, even if non-normalfags may not like them.

He's right about how banks operate, but dead wrong on the cure. There is absolutely no way to regulate banking so that new money goes towards 'productive' uses. The only way to be sure of that is if banks only loan out money which has been loaned out to them, and the only thing you need to assure this is to require 100% reserves of demand deposits.

This book is the definitive source on the history of banking, the legal shenanigans, how business cycles happen in exacting detail, and the solution to the problem:

(I bought the hard copy and read it)

How do you pay some one back with their own money?

just to shorten it.

They are failing in the sense that they have had zero interest at the fed for since 2008 and can't risk raising rates to keep the interest-slavery scheme going without risking crashing the world financial system and USD with no survivors. Normally (((they))) would have no problem in doing so and using it as an excuse for another round of bank consolidations and taking rights and property away from the goy but they have to have their puppets in place in order to do that. The global economy has been running on fumes since 2008 and if their plan was to cause another crash and use it as an excuse for global currency/mark of the beast and NWO consolidation. Unfortunately, since Hillary lost they cannot be certain of POTUS going along with their plan which is crucial for its success, so we are in a limbo here where the world financial system is as destabilized as ever but (((their))) plans regarding it are unraveling and (((they))) are getting increasingly desperate. We are in uncharted waters and it is entirely possible it will not actually end well but it is our only shot at getting out from under the thumb of debt-slavery and NWO so it has to happen, whether the crash happens on their terms or ours will determine the course of history for decades if not centuries, we can take advantage of it to redpill people on the Fed and take action against central banks or we can end up getting fucked over again.

Well if anyone knows how to get rid of the money lenders, it's Jesus.

Well, he just sort of yelled at them. Which pissed them off so much they bribed some of his friends to hand him over to the cops, who proceeded nail him to some wood and and poke with spears.

Which is sorta close to getting rid of them, but doesn't quite hit the mark.

Well, it wasn't the cops who did the nailing, since they could see he dindu nuffin, but let the chimpout and nailing happen because nigs gonna nig kikes gonna kike.


(1) in accounting, a thing 'continues', or it defaults. (2) growth isn't known, growth is not visible. (3) all that is visible may be acceleration of withdraw volumes and or amounts, or the acceleration up or down likewise with deposits. (4) however, this activity is always, always, always asked for guidance (interpretation in context, projection in directive, adaptation ability, and legal counsel) to the account holders by the account hodl'er investors. these are known as earnings call meetings/transcripts, given quarterly and annually. (5) banks have these, whereby they do the same, from the other side of the table.

(6) confusion on all this with any form of interest due/owed to any party, real or imagined, is deliberate. likewise, so is confusion on real wealth. (7) understanding of the latter real wealth would be disadvantageous to banking margins, which exists in transaction fee and underwritten interest, hence the understanding of the former interest due rules is also disadvantageous. (8) since the whole thing is artificial, and always has been, rules to grant depositor (loan) interest have almost always been a thing, just a thing with interest due on that specific account class always being less than interest due on equity and business private loan account classes.

(9) banks cannot fail by normal rules, they fail by not meeting payroll to employees and temps, and attempt to avoid this when under pressure by opening up accounts and creating loan-deposit numbers in them, and then charging interest and fee on them per usual (see: wellsfargo ' secretly created millions of unauthorized bank and credit card accounts'). (10) to require banks to fail via normal rules would require affirmation from owners of the bank via notice from investors of the bank, who demand payment for their defaulted investment. hence why (9) happening prevents the investor from complaining, so there is no notice, so there is no receive of notice of default, and no legal proceedings via court commons entry point are filed.

which never happens. no, seriously, that never happens. that is not a thing. show me the total currency account, and then i'll believe you. there isn't one. banks create out of thin air; the fed charges interest on thin air and printing presses on a whim. which is all enraging, but not by itself necessarily wrong (it should be when shitskins do it, but the action in isolation it isn't). what happens is with account current, is that current cannot be met. which does cause chains on network margins unable to absorb loss from the account node adjacents, which can snowball, which then can cause seizure/liquidity –panics– by the jew bankers themselves. panic, half real, half imagined, to get out of suffering consequences, so full seizure never has happened, but doesn't need to. this is the thing that is actually wrong: the chain serial 'AND' misbehavior events. which stems principally each fucking time from liars lying from the very beginning; children dressing up to steal, not to 'participate', etc.

yes, actually, it is. you state this yourself in the next paragraph. the relative currency extraction rate, if to much too fast, will cause a an account locale failure. but it's not limited to banks only. taxes sucking out, shitskins sucking up dolls and/or chimping out, and currency number applicators themselves violently mis-understanding number theory relationships of the annuity equation variables, etc – all contribute. now toss in the network affect of price points rising, or wages from the most productive falling, etc.

is this a class struggle? what's the actual economy here? sure, you can portray it that way, but then you'll never actually stop shit from happening again. rather stated: wealth is. and it is first made. and via the right of first exchange, it is underwritten and accepted for exchange for a current currency value. so skipping a few things here, the speed of currency creation is an artifact of actual creation + accepted exchanged creation + underwriting trust. fee and interest at the first exchange point on the currency value can destroy that point if it sucks out currency too fast. likewise with mandates and taxes. this is one of the peripheral vs. central observations, yes. but the speed seen in bubbles is usually a deliberate underwriting trust violation, and the crash that follows is the actual coming due. all in current, mind you, not wealth – that comes later. the 'actual economy', the wealth, is affected, by the resource delivery failure. everything else before that is just current smoke.

if anything, the 'precision' engineering lies in the portrayal of this whole thing. some of it, absolutely engineered, but most of it an artifact of shitskin stupidity that i'll never call precision, nor engineering. the throttle to 'go' doesn't come from banks. the throttle to 'crash' and 'fuck all your shit up' does, with month to year to decade delay, depending on the accounts and locale size. that 'throttle to fuck up' isn't helped by mandate throttles either.

the certain consequence might as well all be just a demographics equation. which, oh that's right, it is. afrocentrism, muslim imports, mexican la raza fuckery, kikery all around. none of these groups actually think 'oh gods muh birth rates' so much as they echolalia anything to do what they were going to do from the very beginning: their expansion.

[sic] 'kikes precisely riding the throttle' is serial grand confabulation word soup that should be discarded. precision my ass.

I like that but they won't allow that.

The Kike system of the West will collapse this Summer/Fall, then we'll get a nice Endsieg. Praise Kek.

Can you redo that post in such a way that those of us who are not intimately familiar with finance can understand? No need to dumb it down, I'm an econ major, and if its over my head I'll keep rereading til I get it, but you are using a lot of terminology and some assumptions that would be obvious to someone from the industry but not prima facie apparent for the rest of us.

Legit interested in your points but I'm no banker.

that went wrong fast. the market creates money.


This is not something that you opt into. Every legal citizen has one of these crated for them upon birth. I just bought my new house using the 1099(A) method.

P.S. Have obama show us the backside of his birth certificate, if there is no bond number, it's fake.

We all know the banks are jewish bullshit, but how do we actually solve the problem? Nothing short of rooting out and getting rid of all the jews in our nations would seem to be sufficient. Whatever monetary system or laws you have in place, the jews will ALWAYS find ways to exploit weaknesses and cracks. They do it now with their manipulation of fiat currency. They did it back in the days of the gold standard too. Nothing seems to stop them.


ultimately the only thing that innoculates the entire host against the virus is education. in other words, pretty much until a critical mass of the people can learn, fully accept, and also propagate the right ideas, you cannot be free.

there is nothing genetic in the jew that sustains the memetic virus. you can theoretically kill their culture without killing the people. that is what christ started, i believe, and his work will one day be complete.

haha. no.

However much I wish user's post was about sovern citizenship, it's more along the lines of u.c.c. code usage and jewing the jews.

Destroy the virus.

You know we have IDs here, right? It's not "user's" post, it's your post.

Yeah, genius, because you changed my post to say "currency" instead of what it actually said which is "wealth." Wealth and currency are not synonymous. Currency is unlimited and obviously you can never be literally unable to pay off a debt if you can print currency. What I'm talking about, however, is that the size of the debt is completely independent of the total worth of everything else in the economy (that is, everything "real"). Interest is based only on what the debt already is, not on anything actually produced. A loan will grow exponentially, regardless of whether what the loan was used for actually grew an equivalent amount of "real" wealth, which it almost never does.

The entire point of this is to keep everyone in debt forever, but not so much that they default. It's merely a mechanism to keep people working in the right amounts for the right people; modern-day serfdom, getting closer and closer to actual slavery.

No, it isn't, unless you're a Jew trying to keep everyone enslaved. When you do that the rate at which debt grows becomes very important. If it grows too slowly people become able to repay their debts and become independent of the Jewish system. If it grows too fast the whole system becomes unstable and sensitive to disturbances (such as defaults).

Speak English. What are you trying to say?

apparently i care enough to keep unwinding everything for you…

i assert that you blur the lines, shifting between an arbitrary account mechanic example, total account, and other elements of outside problems. which is a problem – half real, half imagined, is a problem. it is –the– problem. you already know this: wealth worth currency (i.e. {real} priced in nominal value)(i.e. {real} exchange for an amount of currency) becomes impossible when imagination priced exchange enters the picture. the root of this is demographics (nigs are people too!), and the stem mechanic of this is deliberate conflation between group vs. individual accounts. the later you can deal with and 'reform'.

so while parts of what you speak are not theoretically incorrect globally, they are technically invalid at times, do not apply to total account (because there is none / impossible), and do not keep shit straight. yes, you can mix parts around, and you can still end up in the right conclusion, but you don't need to. no one needs to. particularly if you're trying to reform anything, and crucially if you're trying to stop feeding kikery.

don't get me wrong, the total account is a miserable picture, but a closer look at it shows kikes using that to escape responsibility for prior theft, using it to commit simultaneous new theft, which is all shitskin confabulation in the first place - that is, more toddler misbehavior to 'make up' for toddler misbehavior. since the fed and the irs are kike, nothing is actually inconsistent with 'jew trying to keep [parasiting]'. [slavery be damned; just get rid of the shitskins from your account].

yes, all judged by court, enforced by executive, and this fucks shit up more often than not. of course. but if we can get roll back before you go off on the gobal again, the –actual– of reforming banking will be with the –actual– ; it will be needlessly harder if you can't keep the pictures straight.

let us reattempt:

wealth is. currency is arbitrarily infinite. worth is exchange-point. debt is principal + annuity + schedule + fines and options structures. likewise for deposit, just from the other side (deposit is just a specific loan type). all these are paid into accounts receivable, from accounts payable, each with an owner, and each with at minimum one custodian postal address and usually an electronic access method. disagreement has physical nonpayment ability. disagreement beyond this must go through the options, and beyond that, the court commons (violence arbitrage). halt arises when schedule terms cannot be met. this must be acted on for it to mean anything (execution on a term or judgement). prediction of halt is by rate of nominal-out exceeding nominal-in, made worse by compulsory out in units you cannot make (can't pay taxes with chickens), and made more worse by the same on all other accounts and network (economy). !! not that a term change happened in the last sentence: account debt vs. taxes debt (central debt), which are not the same: private and business bank loan is not central loan. !! back on track, the worst is when complete imagination/independent currency backed/underwritten by no wealth (infinite; worth real:zero) gets to play as if it had the same worth. all other horrid aspects of the current system pale in comparison to this. and this is made by banks.

addressing your post odd because of this combining of loan behavior from bank vs central bank behavior. both are in need of revision (deletion?), both use deliberate kikery backed by deliberate misguidance and compulsion. linked to this, both sit on top of real wealth, and both cannot see any change in wealth unless re-underwritten at each exchange / worth assessment rating – of which no bank or central cares about (that's the lie, hence bubbles). banks care about accounts, central bank cares about maintaining banks' accounts (that should die because they are infinite / because they are zero). instability in the currency side is not related to growth, it is related to confabulation (false equivalence underwriting), which is on purpose, which eventually comes due and busts back to the actual it was=is=always-will-be.

the accounts make the difference. they must die when they are dead. until they are dead, no one knows. since no one knows, they should be kept separate at all times. the bank illegally gets around this (deal with it by separating out your accounts), and the central bank legally gets around this (burn the kikes? open to suggestions; there is a nation to run, but many do lie, and the law functions poorly with schizophrenic liars).

theory: accounting must be taught at every single grade level and undergrad college year. period. rule: if (publicly financed) then (must take and pass accounting class). addendum rule: no one is permitted to test out (AP credit my fucking left testicle squared). addendum rule: if you do not pass, you must fail.

practice: i don't know. i thought i knew accounting until i had to be in a situation whereby i learned all of what i knew was a lie. likewise, i aced every last math class until i took adv calculus (which, incidentally, was with my first white male math teacher), whereby i learned all of what i knew prior was a lie, and had to redo everything.

i have found that the picture is not pretty when dealing with people who have only ever done service economy. that is, i'd trust tradesmen and machinists with accounting far more, and the ones that are/were prior builders that can wrap their heads around the linguistic puppetry are always fucking invaluable.

a basic accounting course, or how to bank 101, would help many, save those who could do the work to be saved, and cost little. problem is, educational paradigm is linked to central runaway idiocy – which is prompting everyone to relearn shit mass-forgotten since 1950. but by the time they learn, vast wasting of trust and dead bodies litter the fields, if people even survive, to learn, to get out. i don't know if pre-emptive avoidance of this is possible beyond minimal familiarization at an early age. so lets do it. that said, i do know that avoidance of this is impossible with much of the genetic population, no matter what the age. this latter must be ignored, contained, and not forgotten.

Why not just put the banker on a simple salary like the rest of us fucks.

That, is where Tesla came in. He did indeed find the renewable source of Electricity that could be harnessed and distributed for FREE. And that is why (((They))) had him drugged and pronounced insane.

pt.1 Sperg

Economic activity must not be "regulated"; that is pointless because thinking of the "money system" in such terms is erroneous to begin with. The "economy" has to be modeled in such a way that it directs all human efforts towards space colonization (making Warhammer 40,000 real) and constant vigilance-gassings (the Inquisition is the most powerful organization of the Imperium for a reason [1]). This is basically a Nazi Technocracy. Anything else is unenlightened humans -neocortically advanced monkeys- engaging in their usual hedonism crap. When some retard can charge fifty dorra for some stupid shit, and other retards are allowed to buy it, and it has nothing to do with elevating Mankind to galactic preeminence, this is a symptom of a Jewish, spiritually degenerated society. There is no such thing as an "individual", and people don't "belong to themselves", so they absolutely can not "do what they wish, as long as it harms no one". Every human must understand that they are part of a whole, and if a part has a problem, the whole has a problem. Whoever has extreme individualistic tendencies is an enemy of his own race, because it is his faggotry, and the faggotry of other retards like him, that allows the Jews to take power in the first place ("Illuminati" = Jewish Bankers + "Free Enterprise (i.e. Jewing)" Gentiles). When faggotry is permitted it rots the race from within, because this materialistic Jew is constantly trying to Jew everything up. The Jew does not care about space because he is the ultimate materialist-hedonist; he only cares that he "sit like an effendi and eat" [2]. The Jew is not the product of the Jew but the product of our own permissiveness. The appearance of the Jew is an early warning system whose purpose is to inform us of the fact that we no longer have any idea what the hell we're doing, where we're going, or even where we'd want to go. We have no one to blame but ourselves for not having gassed as much and as often as we should have. The Jewing we get and deserve is proportional to the faggotry we permit. This is like a cuck saying his wife does not listen to him so it's her fault for being dumb, or a kid complaining that his dog does not obey his orders when the dog is larger than the kid. This Jew (Demons, the forces of Chaos) will always exist, and our true disgust must be directed at ourselves for having allowed it to do all that crap. Removing Jews won't magically resolve the troubling fact that generation after generation we allowed them to do this shit over literally millenia. If we allow ourselves to degenerate like the Eldar who, in becoming Dark Eldar, created Slaanesh, we are going to create not the International Jew, but a new Chaos God; the Cosmic Jew, and it will be exclusively our fault for shitting on the entire Cosmos like that. It is we ourselves that have to fundamentally change and become incorruptible. That is why we have to shed our faggotry, become Space Marines and establish the Imperium of Man.
remember that Hitler did not even care about "The Comony"
all discussions about economics ever: MY system of how to buy more dragon dildos is more effective than YOURS!!1oneone buttcoin is the future goy lemme sell you some drugs muh free market oy vey remember the 6 mil btc the gubmit stole when they seized silkshekelroad ayn rand rocks shatlas rugged changed my life i swear im not a jew

pt.2 Inspiration "A morning filled with 400 billion lampshades"
if you didn't get it in this life you'll get it in the next goy (The Nietzschean Overman)
be progressive goy give hormones to your kids and chop their dicks off to turn them into the other gender
btw jews suck babby dick professionally not even kidding:
>The controversial and potentially life-threatening practice of metzitzah b'peh, the oral suctioning of a baby's circumcision wound by the mohel, …

pt.3 Sources
while the pope kisses rapefugee feet for a living.. be tolerant goy

Great Video.

Only problem is that Economist thinks we should just have smaller, local community banks doing productive money creating for small business and banning money creation for financial transactions. What we should do is nationalize the banks and restore the sovereign right of the government to create money interest free and debt free. Cut out the intermediary entirely


currency is infinite. numbers are infinite. specifically, currency (a real decimal) is infinitely infinite {{N}}2, or uncountably infinite. there are two sources of infinity here: don't care to underwrite (bank infinity), or print forest loans forever (central infinity).

these numbers, this currency, is recalled at scheduled monthly and interest, which is the only way it can remain sane. but only if it starts sane. underwrite (evaluate/score/go-worth-something) with garbage in, and you will get garbage out. set interest poorly, and you don't get more numbers back than you sent out. set interest with schedule violations, and you get a default and no more numbers, for the numbers you gave out way-back-when. set taxation (compelled payments) poorly, and the same happens, worsening schedule violation probability.

in all of this, there is never a total log of all sum numbers casted into existence, so total global account exists as theory only. a total of an account is, a total of all accounts isn't, it does not apply – the sum global account is dimensionless, whereas an actual account has schedule and option dimensions.


since 'you're an econ major', let's reference this:

ex framework: businesses can be modeled. let's say a business process iterates on 10+/- semi-ordered components: (a) investment, (b) ads, (c) subscription, (d) ordering, (e) production, (f) delivery, (g) actuary, (h) accounting, (i) storage, and (j) analysis. in general, this ordered tuple sequence becomes: (A) assets/machines/buildings/supply, (B) tv/news/google, (C) scheduling/transport-in/arrival/enrollment, (D) check-in/ordering/agreement-to-exchange, (E) production/kitchen/processing/manufacturing, (F) delivery/transport-out/pick-up, (G) reporting-on-done/logging of all half transactions at each point, (H) logging of all full double-ledgers into accounts, (I) retention/organization/shelving/databasing, (J) reporting/trending/insights. since every business is 'like-mcdonalds', ask yourself, "how do i order a big mac tonight", and then add this to asking yourself "how do i make big macs tonight to sell." keep them in rough order, and the iteration is: (A*) restaurant + farm-service + employees, (B*) bill-boards + signs + comcast, (C*) google-maps + rewards + loyalty. ;; now your customer is in the door, so place the order: (D*) front-clerk + menu-negotiation + exchange-purchase-agreement + hand-off to the back, (E*) make the macs and fry magic, (F*) pick-up counter cunts, (G*) computer logs + mac counters + purchase counters, (H*) recording all macs-for-dollars done + taxes + wages + legal, (I*) storing your counters and records in quickbooks. ;; this gets you to the end of the day, but your busy tonight, so you go hunting with ben. at some point though, you'll sober up and try again, and you'll do some (J*) analysis modeling + research + development to try to get out of hell a little bit earlier each day.

this is econ. if you can't wrap your head around that, go do something else. but we're doing bank reform here, so let's go do something else regardless:

ex apply credit: what if your customers don't pay in cash? what if they pay with credit card? then credit is created instantaneously by a credit transaction network with a shitload of credit accounts, following pre-agreed rules for the lendor-lendee (bank.account:cardcompany -> credit.account:customer) and likewise then to the creditor-creditee (credit.account:customer -> bank.account:restaurant). in other words, currency was just created out of thin air. the only thing keeping it sane, was everyone agreed on the valuations / worth, each had their own account, –and– the only people with executive in each account were owners of each (no group accounts).

ex apply insurance: what if consumers don't want to pay in credit? what if they want big mac / burger insurance? then a charge likewise is created out of thin air again, right there at the front clerk/desk/check-in/order. the restaurant now keeps a record of current owed to it by the insurance company, on behalf of the customer, for a big mac and/or kitchen time. the restaurant forwards this invoice to the insurance company via sneakernet postal address fall back (or an electronic clearing house). this is the exact same thing as the credit –network– example: each has an account (bank.account:burger-state-insurance-co, insurance.account:costumer, bank.account:restaurant). however, it is not the exact same thing as the credit –account– example: here, shitskin burger bob is a –member– with a –right– to execute charges, he is not an owner. in this example currency is created out of nothing, by again preset rules, but the underwritting is segregated-witnessed: co-member alice wasn't there, has no idea, did not explicitly agree to have part of her pay for bob's burger, probably wouldn't have agreed to the same menu selections, and is never informed. if alice and bob are too different, they won't share the same implicit agreement and behavior, and the burger bob could very well just keep charging until alice goes onto food stamps.


now what? ban cash? ban credit? ban insurance?

cash v credit is not a problem. they are both underwritten identically, though credit can run away a bit faster (electronic) before default is found –and– executed. however, in the credit v insurance, they actually are not underwritten identically (it is impossible: if you don't execute the trade, if you're not there, then you have know idea what the worth actual actually was, and you have to trust, or not participate at all). so businesses can, and do, and should, create credit/debt/loan/deposit out of thin air. this act in isolation isn't the problem. you also can't get around it: it is the actuary, it is the half-ledger. but when the worth-ing / actuary changes, when the numbers can interchange as if nothing changes, it does become a problem: differential worth valuation = shared accounting = theft. it doesn't matter if the worth violation happens at sale level or currency level or central level. you will be creating numbers which are not backed, or which alice will be bound by bob's dues while bob gets the redemption, or which will violate schedule. some of this simply isn't known until it is known, thus accounts must be made, and accounts must be kept separate.

econ is business; all banks are business. they answer to worth, but worth worthed in currency. so they can be modeled the same. their product is a future (a promise of a later current at a later date), worth a current purchased at an agreed exchange today, kept in check by schedule + duration + annuity/premium + total amount, etc. there is still no total account, only account totals, and the same business + account mechanics apply. and tomorrow will come, the process will iterate, and the schedule will tick it's gears to the next tock.

Why is currency necessarily created out of thin air when Bob buys a burger on credit? Wouldn't it make more sense if: Burger bob uses card (thereby applying for loan at bank) -> bank immediately agrees (thanks to pre-assessed risk profile and an appropriately determined credit limit) -> bank gives restaurant existing currency out of its reserves -> restaurant is paid, gives bob his burger -> Bob now owes the bank the cost of his burger and pays the bank back with currency he received from pay check.

Not following the necessity of creating currency out of thin air. The necessary amount is there - we're just making up an excuse to create more currency, increase inflation, but redistribute the ratio of total currency in a direction that favors bank even accounting for inflation.

one part of what you are asking for is for all dollars to be acknowledged as not being created equally. this is not possible. thus thin air: because the account class is not preserved with each serial transaction, only the numbers, and no deposits prior (it wasn't a 1-to-1 debit account).

the account class of the n(t-2) is not visible to the n(t+1) transaction. alice loans n(t-2), then bob buys n(t-1), then charlie cashes n(t-0), and finally dave deposits (n+1). to dave, digits are digits – dave cannot tell that bob used credit. charlie could tell dave, but doesn't usually, or ever really. are you going to log every $0.001 origin in a $5 happy meal?

credit has it's uses, is isn't necessarily by itself bad, nor good. an act in isolation is usually pointless to analyze. due to credit's speed being fast, it can front-run the schedule, forming a pyramid scheme. tacking on more rules and information of all required transaction history on the transaction chain, (ex: make it so dave knows every account type from origin), is asking for a very large amount of work and ledgers, all to prevent a tiny problem down stream, which is not solvable down stream. rather than pay for all that work, just make accounts, and keep them separate.

the 'redistribute…ratio…total currency…direction favoring…bank' is a sum of serial activity events arbitrarily slicing transaction chains around banks and bobs. the rest of any given transaction chain can't care, and doesn't – let bob default on his credit card already. isn't not that simple, bob does it again, charlie has to hire bob, dave is fucking autistic, and monkeys are playing presidents – this root demographic problem is. this is made worse by not keeping things straight, being lazy/defeatist, and personifying where person does not apply nor is visible.

Why exactly does it matter if Dave knows Bob used credit? The bank subtracted 5 bucks from its electronic stash of currency and handed it over to Charlie, who gave it to Dave. The only person who needs to know that there is any credit is Alice and Bob - the currency IS currency, the same that was printed and loaned by the Fed to the bank - and that knowledge of credit is relevant only in that Bob needs to remember to pay Alice back 5 bucks.

In short - how is getting a an instant credit loan from the bank any different than my friend Alice spotting me 5 bucks when we go to McDonalds, knowing I will pay her back when I get my paycheck? No money comes out of thin air or is created unequally as far as I can see.

Now I do understand the credit at the scope of which we use currently would be impossible without leverage. Is your argument that because credit is predicated on leverage, it is impossible to have an accurate current account of all currency?

the question was: is 'thin air' a thing. the answer was yes, it is. the example of credit was an applied transaction in a chain to a business model, done to explore what happens with future scheduling entering as current currency. the example of the insurance was also an applied transaction in a chain to the same model, done to explore what happens to prior and current underwriting and their scheduling entering as shared accounting.

the question was then isn't credit not still 'thin air'. which the answer was yes, it still is thin air. this isn't depositing. this isn't debit card. and even if it was, the electrons travel now via 'credit application', with the clearing house checking later. that is, a micro-lend behaving as credit still occurs. this is how everything works and you cannot avoid it: actuary (half transactions), then actuary matching, then merging into double-ledgers (full book transaction ledgers).

now the question is 'does credit distinction matter'? the answer is agreed, it doesn't matter. which was demonstrated with the prior answer. you can't tell, it doesn't matter (and that information would be prohibitively expensive to compel for most burgers and fries too). currency is currency.

however, inter-weaved with this new question is also 'does knowledge of credit matter'? which is yes, it can. but firstly, as agreed, that's the choice of the trading people at each point only (alice-bob) (bob-charlie) (charlie-dave), and none can decide for any other. however secondly, it does still matter, because the accounts that engage in it will be following false signal: out-buying, out-marketing, out-investing, out-allocating burgers to bob and restaurant demand to charlie. this is not really possible to know ahead of time, so create accounts and keep separate, iterated. it also still does matter, because of schedule, transaction fee, annuity, and card options are all dimensions that are different than cash, but are allowed to participate as if they were cash, etc. different currency sources have different underwriting, schedule, and options – they are not equal, and they are never equal, but all this information is never passed, and no one wants it to anyway, can't pay for it, etc.

by the way, 'alice' is a special alice, not a generic neighborhood alice. that alice is running a bank, a business, and doesn't know jack shit if bob is going to pay 'her' back. which is the point. keep shit straight. you don't get to change the rules fluidly when it's your shit. no knowledge is passed on the dimensions of the current. all that is required to transact is only that the current exchange is agreed by people, and part executed by machines. to presume otherwise is loading numbers with personhood, blurring the lines, and at that, deferentially when it suits. all these numbers work expressly because they can be casted, to which then –people– bring back down to real. the moment to moment account level view can move very fast, depending on the depends, and current numbers are created out of thin air each time, until full-ledger accounting + settlement + people. that 'until' is the limit. until that 'until' it is in fact thin air, not post hoc ergo propter hoc 'spotting in a bar.'

thinking in terms of this 'stash of electronic currency' is a sum-view that people do, because they're jumping the gun (alot of guns, jumped several times, serially). they do this because they want it all to 'just make sense' – and then go on to complain 'buy why'.

so yes, if you understand the current and transaction networks, and then the merchant, bank, central accounts, then at any given moment, numbers are created at will all over the place. the problem usually is most persisting casted numbers are created on the bank level. restated: the transaction volume and current magnitude of merchant (sale) is huge, but of small discordance that reconciles fast. banked transactions are not the same, take up less momentary transaction count volume, but make up the vast majority more of currency count volume, and reconcile over weeks to decades depending on schedule and option dimensions behind them. central… bah, i don't care to keep going right now, but it still creates out of thin air, with you only seeing the static ledgers sitting out at the treasury (not the same, still a problem, fuck it all, etc).

if you believe you can get an accurate current total account on all currency, show me. the only way you can is if you throw out all the underwriting, scheduling, and option dimensions. it is here, in the account with dimensions, that violations of underwriting (trust), scheduling, and abuse happen (ie fuck-your-shit-up). so while a total account is a miserable picture, it is so because it is like a riemann-sum illusion permiting kike evasion, kike reinvasion, and kike shitposting, not reforming shit.

if 'leverage' = underwriting, schedule, and options. then yes, since these things are what is thrown out when looking at total accounts, it makes the total account impossible.

but i don't agree that leverage is equal to those things; leverage is usually defined differently while using them (eg leverag-ed).

i also don't agree to even focusing on leverage, because we're talking about current currency – numbers casted into into existence. knowing total current would take instantaneous complete omnipresence. ask the cia how well that's working out.

finally, i'd like to discard all of it, because again, reform is the OP question. because currency and account all fail at the dimensions, these things are the picture, not the total current, so discarding the dimensions and their mechanics is meaningless.

the time to stop was day ago.


Fail on my part for thinking we had someone other than a (((Banker))) on our forum.


also, not a banker. just have to deal with them.

Everything is correct except this part, which is kind of an autism-triggering technicality:
Banks don't have to be in possession of sufficient central bank reserves at the time they write some loan. They can settle that after the loans are written.
This sounds like not that big of a deal, and in practical terms it most certainly is not, but as a detail it makes the scamming so blatant that it is completely fucked up and deserves to be pointed out. It's a double dose of this thin air money-printing, like they don't even have to be in possession of the fucking air in the first place before they can use it to print money. It's retarded (or genius when Jew). This is some truly next-level crap, like next they won't even have to be situated in reality before they can think (thought requires a mental substrate which in this case is the brain which is based on material reality) to use fake air to create fake money; Jewing will sort of become a force of nature and happen automatically.
Watch this series to understand how this works:
Positive Money is a decent project, made by well-intentioned fags similar to Richard Werner.
Unlike Princes of the Yen which explores the thing from a political angle, Banking 101 is completely technical and explains things such as the process of how commercial banks settle their debts with each other and the central bank at the end of every day (e.g. most debts cancel each other out so the banks have to transfer relatively small amounts of central bank reserves between each other).
A funny thing is that just like how "banks do not create money they just extend credit", credit card corporations are kind of like doing the exact same thing, on top of the banks. It's absolutely insane.

Another good series is the "Hidden Secrets of Money" by Mike Maloney: (yes hidden+secrets wut derp; watch the series to understand why the title actually makes sense) "The Biggest Scam in the History of Mankind" (Baloney annoyingly keeps changing the names of these videos)
This explains the process of money creation in detail, in a very easy-to-understand manner. Governments sell bonds which are promises to repay with interest, then these bonds get swapped around the Federal Reserve and commercial banks in a comical fashion, then money (currency) is magically created. Demand deposits (bank accounts) are technically not "money", but they are effectively used as such, to settle debts between parties (and they represent like 97% of all "money" in existence).
The scamming is not even that secret, various central banks over the years have produced public booklets:
There are generally many people who explain this thing:
This is what genocide is, the calculated dispossession and disenfranchisement of people: "Sweden is forced to hire luxury cruise liner to house 2,000 refugees"
With Jews We Lose. They can, and will, come out later and say "We are a light upon you goy; –G-D told us so. We had to put you through these trials to become more like us, the glorious State of Israel!!"

good news