Sven Longshanks from Radio Aryan/Daily Stormer is convicted sex offender ← served 18 month community order for sexual assault. What do you think he did?

Other urls found in this thread:*/
ynet*,7340,L-4002043,00.html 040717.mp3

So that must mean all white nationalists are sex offenders, right chaim?

He's also an anglo who's spent considerable amounts of time trying to prove that Spaniards and Italians aren't white on his little blog. Who gives a shit about this guy? E-celeb trash.

I don't think there's any evidence that he's Tony Young other than that they both talk about British Israelism/CI, and that Young looked similar to the avatar Longshanks used.

Any proof they're the same person?

Spaniards are questionable to be honest. Italians are white.

He looks like a mongrel himself.

We dont care.

You should pay attention to your own bosses at Shareblue are probably sex offenders as well.

What was the actual sex offence?

Doesn't say.


Really makes one ponder

So Sinead is right once again? When is Holla Forums going to realize Sinead is 10/10?

Says here he touched up a 15 year old girl. The man's a pedo.

A lot of white nationalists and "anti-Jewish" people are either retards doing the work of kikes without knowing it, or agents that are trying to make white nationalists and anti-Jews look bad and goad people into doing bad things.

The ones who are shilled are kike agents, Dicky Spencer for example. The ones who are ignored and given zero media attention, and smeared on imageboards are usually the real deal. Sinead for example is genuine, she has a white husband, a white child, she's real.

Go away Sinead

Nobody cares about this e celeb wannabe

Italians white lol.

That would be fucking priceless.
I had my first run in with Sven on DailyStormer when I was pulling up CIA-Kike Anglin on his shilling for jewish kosher nationalists, his strange and coincidental arrival in greece with the international secret police agencies arrest of the entire Golden Dawn high command, all the while cheering on a pro-isreali good goy for attacking George Galloway [the good goy was shouting out that Galloway was an anti-isreali anti-semite, yet the DS was championing the kike-alike against Galloway] and trying to assert that ISIS wasn;t a jewish con-trick but was a real anti-jew group and aligned them with Hezbollah, who he was calling filthy terrorists like ISIS etc on his DS website.

Sven and Anglin then undertook a prolonged gaslighting campaign trying to trace me and set about attacking me on various boards I used.

All the while he would purport that Anglin and he were for the white race, while I could prove that Anglin was a boslhevik Marxist antifa who sincerely wanted the white race to be bred out because of all the shit in the world being down to evil whitey.

I've detested Anglin and Sven all this time so this news is just another nail in these CIA-kikes coffin.
I'll hang back and wait to see if this is fact, but value the info nonetheless.

Fuck these astroturfing kikes and hopefully Holla Forums will soon be quick enough on the uptake about just what has taken place across the board all directed by Anglin demanding all movements take the turn towards kosher nationalism, hence the non-stop astroturfing for trump whuile telling us the most direct threat is islam and we need to ally with jews to overthrow the islamic caliphate, despite the fact that its jews that control every single industry and institute.

I've always known she was on another level, she also knows that Trump is not going to "fight the Jews" like Holla Forums thinks he is. This board is desperate for a hero-savior figure, so they'll endlessly worship Trump despite his pro-Jewish history.

Sven is fucking cancer

I have a theory that whoever the girl he molested was is the daughter of the women in these videos. She looks old enough to have a 15 year old and the upload dates coincide with the conviction.

It also explains how he got into the victim's home.

I imagine this is the "work" he gets now, pushing retarded Christian Identity stuff for pay by the state.

The Trump worship is manufactured, he has Jewish children, Jewish grandchildren, he's pro-Jew through and through. I'll be banned any second now.

This guy looks jewy as fuck

Looks like a kike asset to me fam.


So what you're saying is (((rats))) are a plague that infest everything.


He could be jewish with that look.

So mike "daily shoah" peinovich is a part jew with a jewish wife and an half black brother. Anglin is a sex tourist to south east asia to score underage prostitutes and his friend Sven is a paki sex offender?
Wow, at this point the gorilla guy is the cleanest of the lot.

Word is he's a Paki. Looks like a kike to me. He sure as shit is not white.

and explains why he lost his password to that account and is unable to delete the evidence

That thing looks like a kike

More like south asia (india/pakistan) than middle east.

Daily reminder that Anglin is a RIDF pedo gook. All people who defend the the current Russian government are all kikes.


Sven is a retard who thinks he can save his people by worshiping a jew. Maybe it's because he bought into the clean your soul for the low low cost of enslaving you to the jews and making you hate your ancestors and worship the Jews and their heroes deal offered by christcucks.

That guy is a anglo? At the first thought of seeing him he looks like some kind of a mystery sandnigger.

I guess it makes sense now, the guy is HARDCORE Christian Identity, constantly going on about how Aryans were savages before the stick Jew saved them.

Where is the proof this guy is Sven Longshanks though?

Sven sounds young.

He looks like some sort of hideous semite….you know, during the TRS doxing shitshow I was actually ambivalent about it, thinking maybe they're not so bad, just another outlet for white nationalism. Boy, do I regret that now,

I don't even know if that's the same guy, but anyone pushing white Israelite crap is suspect.

wtf the earth is flat now

If it really is him, why didn't he delete the videos after being outed years ago?


It's the same guy

Longshanks isn't affiliated with TRS.


He certainly looks like a child rapist.

same voice, youtube channel is also filled with CI shit

Their voices sound pretty different, and the "Tony Young" guy is involved with British Israelism, not Christian Identity. They have some similar teachings, but they aren't the same thing.

Compare the voice in the embed to this.

Nice group of guys you got there.


Holy shit that kike is crazy and that guy is fucking stupid. I doubt either of them have done maths beyond middle school

Not really. About 8 years difference of age and different microphone quality.

He doesn't look very white to me.

This is the only confirmed picture of Sven's face.

Again, they don't look all that similar.

Now you're just making excuses for why the main piece of "evidence" doesn't hold up. If they're really the same person I'm sure you can find something linking the two of them together.

Voices sound similar to me, man.

They both have British accents, but that's about it.

Same massive nose?
Same complexion?
An interest in British Israelism which leads to Christian Identity?


That's definitely him. Sven is a confirmed child rapist.

Found another, this time with Heimbach. He's wearing a mask, but he definitely looks younger than Tony.

How do you know that's Sven?

So that small thumbnail image we have that you said is confirmed for Sven looks a shit load like this

Then you present this a man with his face completely covered to somehow negate that claim.

Honestly just give it up Sven.

Lol fucking muslim trying to convert vegans. Anyone who tells you pig meat is unclean is not worth listening to on anything.

It's from , so it's presumably the three of them together. He also has the same sideburns as the Sven cartoon.

kek found this too

Go away, Sinead

If you want actual dirt on the Renegays, I think I still have the shows Mike Sledge did right after he left the network.

What went down there?

Wrong term

No one cares. You all look the same hanging from a rope.

Is it a crime because he touched a girl or because she was 15?

Listen for yourself, Sledge still has a lot of them up.

Opps I did it again

I hate to defend the DailyStormtard but 15 is too old for pedos. Jimmy Savile was a pedo, not that guy.

The fact that Anglin's partner is Weev the jew and he denies the existence of nuclear bombs (just like Sinead used to by the way) is enough to dump the DailyStormtard in the garbage can. There's still too many suckers here who like to rationalize their defense of Anglin / DS.

Communication not so good between agencies?

he kind of looks like a paki, but depending on the lighting in the room he could look darker than he actually is on that photo

Also Sven wouldn't be arguing that Italians and Spanish aren't white, since he even cucked for that Indian "British nationalist" guy (forgot his name but he was kicked out of ukip or something for naming the Jew).

Don't forget Weev got out of prison early when his conviction was mysteriously vacated. Upon release from prison he sen out numerous press releases declaring his commitment to white nationalist causes… smells to me like he made a deal with the feds to get out early on agreement to become a deep cover snitch.

Weev has been a WN since he was like 15 and has been shitposting publicly about Jews since like 2009. His shitlib parents adopted Niggers and he was redpilled early.

I always wonder how we get this many autistic uninformed faggots. Do you ever leave the hugbox or just wait to be fed everything (by shills)?

So this entire thread is basically confirmed as a Sinead psyop?

Not even a shred of evidence has been presented that this guy is Sven.

Nice try, bro, but Weev got changed in 2008, so the fact that he started talking about Jews in 2009 actually matches up with the idea he got some kind of snitch deal. I remember Weevs shit from way before that NY Times article, the majority of his shit was just just gay bashing shit that any mainstream Republican could get a chuckle out of, sure he had some "Jews Did 9/11" shit, but it was clear the crew he ran with where all Jews, and that that shit was ironic. So maybe the feds decide he can get out early if he decides to take his ironic "jews did 9/11" shit a little more seriously…

What the hell are you talking about?


So many CIA horsefuckers shilling this thread.

"charged", my bad…although I suppose his increasing anti-semitism could just be his growth as a person, since I think everyone grows up believing multiculturalism is good, and it takes time to break the conditioning, so fair enough. I'm not a weevologist, I remember his shit from the GNAA days, so I was like when did this guy become a hardcore WN after getting released from prison early? Seemed suspicious to me, but I just watched that AMA where he put out the argument that Paul was a trustfund Jew who bought his way into the movement! That was actually pretty insightful…

Jack Sen, Paki piece of shit constantly threatens actual Brit nationalists with hate crime charges for calling him out. Red Ice having him on is what turned me off them, few weeks before the "based jews" shit that led to the TRS exposure.

Funny that Sven looks like a Paki and shills for a Paki that wants to be the face of British nationalism.

I know an Anglo when I see one and he's sure as fuck not one.

Yeah but I can't say if that's a suspicious decision, I just don't know enough about the case or the judges. He had the EFF on his side and their lawyers usually know their shit, they specialize in these types of cases.

Appeals court reverses hacker/troll “weev” conviction and sentence [Updated]

"Justice Department spokesman Matthew Reilly said in a telephone interview the agency was "reviewing our options now."

The defendant's attorney, Hanni Fakhoury, a staff attorney with the Electronic Frontier Foundation, said in an e-mail that a "retrial is barred by double jeopardy." "

He apparently tried to get in touch with a lot of WN groups and websites once he got out of prison and that's suspicious.

Anyway, anyone who trusts Anglin or Weev is a sucker.

Personally, I think the whole shit is suspicious. Like how did Weev get an article in the NY Times? Most trolls are paranoid about getting doxxed so how did this guy get a big write up in the NYT? The NYT is the American Pravda or People's Daily, they don't post anything the CIA doesn't want posted, so clearly there was some value in this. Then again maybe the reporters was an intelligence agency asset, and the way to get Weev's dox was to offer him a write up in the paper…who knows…I respect Weev as a long time troll, but I wouldn't trust him on anything other than "the lulz" that's for sure.

Sure, and I guess he was also only pretending to harass the so-called antisemites who said Israel was behind 9/11:

"Recently, someone who is known as the ultimate sleaze persona of “the Internets”, a Jew by the name of Andrew Alan Escher Auernheimer, aka Weev, has been been making the rounds as advocate for White ethnicity. Much of this is simply a fraud: Weev was one of the most notorious “anti-Semite hunters” of the early to middle 2000’s.

He and his gang of Internet stalking an cyber-harassing trash were one of the more effective trolling gangs who collaborated or worked within large media websites for the express purpose to shut down political discussion of Jewish involvement in 9-11 and political power structures in general. Now, some 10 years later, and a short but well deserved prison sentence, Weev has been seeking to “rebrand” himself as a “White Nationalist”."

"Any attempt to brand me an anti-Semite is idiotic. I have no problem with any person solely because of their Semitic descent. Take a look at my last name, “Auernheimer”. Think about the likely origins of this name for a second. Even a quick Google reveals its origins. The most famous Auernheimer of history, journalist and author Raoul Auernheimer, had his way bought from the fires of Dachau by his uncle, Theodore Herzl himself. Come on, I have curly hair and brown eyes here. The claim many “journalists” are making that I am some sort of Nazi is preposterous, but I suppose you have to resort to ad hominem when the public overwhelmingly supported me on the basis of the facts of the case."

2nd link, check the date.

here's a clip in case that video on Youtube disappears

Any solid evidence that your pic is actually Sven?


He looks like a kike kid fiddler. Yeah after looking at the 4 imgur links, that's a fucking Jew.

Nukes/radiation are real, but relativity is fucking fake you god damn kikes.

Nuclear weapons don't work without conversion of mass to energy.

Besides, relativity was developed by Poincare and Lorenz, not Einstein.


Relativity only comes into play with nukes regarding guidence systems, and as Weev pointed out, it is completely irrelevant in GPS, et cetera.

How was he involved in this? What did he know?

Where do you think the energy in a nuclear weapon comes from ? The energy created is directly proportional to the loss of mass of the nuclear fuel.

Weev is literally retarded, stop listening to anything he says.



These allegations have been around for years.
This is from 2014
Also a bunch of now deleted comments on Occidental Dissent calling him Sven Pakishanks back in 2015. Just search for Sven Pakishanks, this is not a new thing.

More recent:

They could go away quite easily if people who know Sven Longshanks like Heimbach and Anglin would come forward and put their reputations on the line to refute it. Why won't they do that?
Because if they did it would destroy any credibility they have. Instead, some anonymous commenters keep saying the voices aren't similar and that Longshanks must be younger. I have ears and the voices sound identical to me. I also think the weird religious stuff is shockingly similar as is the writing style and graphics etc.

I dug this up a while back and posted it here, not sure if it 100% overlaps with the new pastebin but I assume some of it was used there. Seriously, how could you look at this stuff and think it isnt the same person?

Sven Longshanks
Tony Young - real name Francesco A. Young

Youtube channel:
For comparison Sven Longshanks:

Some of his many Facebook profiles: -Anton Older

Some of his many email addresses:
[email protected]/* */
[email protected]/* */
[email protected]/* */
[email protected]/* */

Some of his many websites:

Some of Sven Longshank's Many Webpages:
Recently deleted*/

Check this out: Are all these sites his?

Any links?

As expected, ecelebs are fags.

Tony Young does claim to be part Italian. Where does Sven claim to be Italian?

Weev and Sinead both claim they aren't real

It's possible I don't know but that doesn't change the fact that Weev calls it the worst most harmful jewish lie. Weev, the jewish troll, is just trying to get you to waste your time and your energy.


Save the pages or make screencaps, it might be useful later.

It's not like thousands of mexicans and puertoricans don't claim to be italian or anything.

So, all nazi e-celebs are actually jews, in it for the money, or to emulate anti-Semitismus in order to make other whites feel bad about them selves?

see Hal Turner screenshot above.
So many here love to shit on Ramz but he was right fucking on in this vid.
There is a long history of this shit. Smarten up and quit looking for a leader in these con men. They want to trap you.

With good fucking reason.

Because he called out you (((Hollywood Nazis))) for being the subversives you are? You TRS kikes just can't stay away from here. No matter how many times you've been doxed and told to fuck off you keep coming back. It's almost as if you had no choice, like if it were a job or something.

Er isn't it TRS kikes that are completely aligned with RamZPauls judeo friendly kosher nationalism?
As are the cartoon nazis of DailyStormer and indeed the Trump championing campaigners that pollute every once jew-wise organisation in the West.
Essentially RamZPaul is kosher conservative neo-con zionist, like everyone involved in the alt-right, who so far appear to be either jewish, queer or some kind of halfbreed non-white.

The U.K. contingent has always been filled with drama and weird lowlifes. All the new "Alt-Right" e-celebs there were libertarians last week and now claim to be white nationalists. Cathedral Princess of Fash Britannia isn't even British.

Address the video I linked or STFU. He was right about them and that vid triggered a massive troll army against him. All this talk about free speech but one guy exposes your (((movement))) for what it is and you work overtime to smear him.

There's a few sites listed there on gravatar that are race aware Christians yet older, presumably non-tech people. I wonder if he built the sites or managed them. They always have to own, manage or somehow control people who speak truths about them. Gotta shut it down if things get out of hand.

You should fuck off back to 4cuck, faggot.

Nice d&c thread shareblue. Nothing that constitutes verifiable proof has been shown in this thread, just attempts at smears and character assassination.
You might fool newfags and the easily led but vast swathes of Holla Forums are wise to your subversive tricks.

I'll just leave this here.

You do realise that the alt-right/RamZPazul and DailyStormer and a whole host of now pro-isreal kosher nationalist championing nationalist movements are all compromised neo-con zionist jewish hoaxes right?

That's (((your))) movement not mine.

I'm strictly anti-jew in all its guises and manifestations especially alt-right kosher clowns like RamZPaul

Not much of a difference, I don't remember Ramz having a problem with faggots either so I'm having a hard time seeing where they collide besides the fascist larping.

Been a while since I've seen someone shilling for Ramzkike.

I'll wait for an explicit denial from Anglin or Heimbach before I accept user denials. This has been said for years and nobody has denied it except anonymous commenters. Smoke likely = fire

I'm actually gonna step in here and huwite knight for Paul.

Now, I'm not a fan of his (presented) beliefs, his videos, or his online personality, especially not since he cucked over SaluteGate. So, when I found out that A) my group leader (not a faggy national group like IE, this is a local thing) was actually good friends with him, and B) he would be coming to our Christmas party, I was naturally annoyed.

However, when I actually got to meet him, I changed my mind. He's an incredibly kind and intelligent man, who is much more radical than he lets on in his political presence. He professed to be a National Socialist. He claimed that the reason he was moderating his stance was that he was trying to get a Hungarian visa, and was worried about being investigated under their anti-Nazi laws. He has a Hungarian waifu, so I suppose that's a decent reason. Now, I mostly hold to Rockwell's stance on "sneaky Nazis", but I still understand his position.

What finally convinced me was after he left (he even gave us a Roman salute on his way out), when our group leader, who had lost his job due to being doxed, told me that Paul sent him some money to help, even when he asked him not to. No matter what you may think about Paul's moderate stance, he is definitely a good person.

TL:DR: me cucking on the PQ

Ramzpaul is what he is but he is certainly less shady than most of the namefags and e-ceiebs out there

The Tony Young accusation started on /new/ in like 2014, I'm pretty sure with that ZOG/McZOG fucker.


Why do you think none of his famous buddies just issue a denial on his behalf? Especially now that the child molestation link is out?
I thought I saw a bunch of stuff on UK sites about it a while back. Tying into Jack Sen and those freaks.

Has anybody actually called any of them on it? I doubt they're seeking out every accusation against their friend.

It's just those guys hop on the drama threads all the time but are strangely silent whenever this come up. They definitely know about it.

Who is she or that guy in second pic

Some fat bitch called Emily Youcis

The other is Seventh Son from TRS

That is such old news. So much has happened since then. They got infiltrated by a man named chris dorsey (aka Hal Turner v. 2.0) and all the other hosts are gone.

They still have Nico Suave who actually does a pretty good show sometimes

Guy is heavy Neanderthal, some 25% Euro white. Semite/armeno/orientalid phenotype, mainly Pakistani + Jewish mix. Rest is Anatolian, some Turanid (Planid) and maybe Lebanese Arab/Egyptian mix.
Fuck it. Anthro pro cant figure that shit out.

Ok, I fucked that up. Not Planid, it is fucking 50% Pamirid. Here, pic.

Rest is fucking jew. Ignore all ahit I said. Turkic + fucking jew. That's it.

here comes the Daily Stormer Defense Force

Not even that comment?

Your pics looks like a common Englishman (of the lower classes). The dude in OP is hard Paki. Surely not the same guy.

Same guy from same facebook page.

Ehh, sounds like kike shilling to me.

you must be thinking of another network; there's no one by that name on Renegade.

Nick "Nico Suave" Spiro

okay, I never heard him use that name. yes he does good shows and so does Guiliani, but it's nothing like it was couple years ago with Nick (the other Nick) and Drew and shows like the Jackal's Den. They had great programs every day of the week. Now it's mostly just Kyle doing his shoe and then Kyle doing a wildcard, then Kyle doing a roundtable. Plus Circus Maximus too yes. But whoever targetted them for disassembly has largely succeeded, it's a shame.


Has anybody seen this addressed anywhere? I haven't and I think it's pretty telling that neither Heimbach nor Anglin have come to longshanks defense. I guess being a pedophile is no big deal at the Daily SexTOuRisMER.

Just like I said, DSDF. Go ahead, try to defend Weev the kike , him and Anglin are partners so you need to defend both.

is Heimbach supposed to be a model or something?


" From what I read online, Matt Heimbach is just some idiot and Matt Parrott isn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer either. But neither Matt Heimbach nor Matt Parrott are so stupid as to think that wearing armbands and marching around a college campus with lynching signs was going to “help the White Nationalist cause.”

They may be dim, but they are not literally mentally retarded.

So, Matt Heimbach and Matt Parrott did that on purpose. And not only did they do that just once, just sort of a “mistake” that maybe a young person might make, they have added even more hilarity to the Traditional Youth Network.

They have created little “Avalonian” clubs where you take an oath to a Saint. It’s some sort of Dungeons and Dragons medival Crusader thing. "

where do these clowns come from?

Anglin is rationalizing his asian sex tourism phase by saying he didn't have children with the asian hookers but even if he had it wouldn't matter anyway:


this is what Andrew Anglin told Billy Roper on the Stormfront forum:

“If a non-white has sex with a white woman, we are being collectively robbed of our vessels of reproduction. A man having sex with a non-white is just cucking another race’s men.”

“What are the effects of a white man having sex with a non-white woman? In real terms, what does it do? Who is “betrayed” by this?

“Betrayal” implies severe harm – how is any white person harmed if some guy sport-bangs a non-white? What is the process through which this happens?”

before he became Mr. Total Fascism! and before he created his Super NeoNazi click bait website, Anglin was a sex tourist in Asia but instead of being honest and admitting it he doubles down and says white guys can bang all the brown asian whores they want it's just fine, no big deal.

Here's a good question: did Weev knew Enoch was Peinovich before everybody else?

" Another one of key significance is Peinovich’s connection to Andrew ‘Weev’ Auerenheimer. Weev is the person who basically did a significant amount of work on the TRS website in order to ‘secure’ it. At some point between 2014 and 2017, the Paypal donations on that site were deactivated and only the Bitcoin donations remained. If Weev was the one who implemented that change, did he not notice the email address linked to their Paypal account was a glaring giveaway about who Mike Enoch really is? But if he did notice the disturbing truth, why did he not alert anyone? "


Heimbach positions himself as a moral leader. I think it is very telling that he could issue a statement defending longshanks but never has. Now that he is a sex offender it seems like he needs to either denounce or defend.

That's retarded. Kike Eunuch only used his real paypal when the site first started, and switched to "[email protected]/* */" before it got popular.

If he still had the Peinovich one up as recently as 2014, we would have outed that kike long ago.

Forensics is an entirely different thing from securing a site. Someone doing a security audit is going to be looking at how the site can be attacked not how the people that run it could be doxxed. Mike Enoch's email was found on an archive at waybackmachine of the site several years ago.

agreed…and yet there are faggots here shilling for him

whoa, well at least he was totally doctrinal pure right?

Weev didn't know about it before the dox. Kike Eunuch told Tharru those who were outside of the inner circle and didn't know his kike situation.

t. Tharru told me at that time

Didn't Tharru also claim that Jazzhands was particularly angry at Eunuch, and then it turned out they were hanging out before the inauguration? Just saying…

Why are you surprised?
Andrew Anglin is a pedo who travelled to Asia for underage sex, there are Facebook posts proving it.

You're even dumber if you think any 'group' will start up and make WN something legitimate in the US. This is the best you'll get.

I am not sure if Jazzhands was part of that small group that didn't know.
But if he was, and I am ~70% sure he was, he didn't know about the JIMPACTed kike wife.

The real question is are YOU ready to be JIMPACTed? :^)


checked lol

D&C gaslighting faggotry abounds

I think he officially changed his mind and now he thinks jews are the #1 worst enemy but that's a real quote from 18-20 months ago (except what I added in the parentheses)

He's a troll, dumbass. Not everyone takes the internet as seriously as you. Back then he was an encyclopedia dramatica sysop. We all knew he was a legit white nationalist but he still constantly fucked with people over it. He got laughed off the forums two years ago for being a white nationalist after the admins turned into cucks.

even worse than that, he looks like some fucking e-celeb faggot

because he doesn't look like the kind of prick that would dox people he talks to online. ok

he literally calls GNAA snitches "good friends" and he worms his way into every possible "under-dog" social circle he can. go eat a dick.

OP has 'browned up' the photo of 'Sven'. Need we say any more about this thread, kikes? Sage! Sage! Sage!

Bullshit. There are tons of pictures of Tony Young. That's him

This mulatto faggot deserves a good necklacing, along with anyone who thinks that is white.

If that is him in the picture then he is also not white and probably Jewish. The person in that picture is not White.

Still no proof that Tony is Sven.

There's tons of evidence, the story has been around for years and nobody who knows Sven in real life will go on the record disputing it. The voice matches.


I've been keeping track of what is shilled at the same time. I was wondering why tuesday had feminist shilling but not sinead. I just hadn't noticed this thread

I've only listened to weev on random podcasts a few times, I was wondering why he would go from extreme but correct to sounding like he has a shit-eating grin when he is saying shit that is untrue. If he is denying nukes then controlled op confirmed as far as I'm concerned.

he knows where the remains of bodies are hidden.
because he ate them

Half of the people Holla Forums blast as shills aren't shills, they're just incompetent retards.

Hello WIDF

>We all knew he was a legit white nationalist

Who's we ?

Here's the clip and it's not a dishonest editing job to make him look bad it's just a clip taken from the video posted on Youtube in which he says nuclear bombs are a fiction and it's all a jewish lie. If he hasn't removed the video from Youtube you can type the URL in green characters in that picture here

There's so many red flags associated with the Daily Stormer that if you don't have suspicions then you're a sucker just begging to swallow the bait, the hook, the line and the fishing rod.


While we're focusing on ecelebs, any ideas for what we can do with Reactionary Jew's real identity?

In both interviews, he talked about how scared he was of being doxed.

forgot the links


The accusation has been around for years, but never any evidence other than that they both have similar accents and think Whites are the real jews.

Hes got the zog grin

That's not nothing. I think the voices are identical and the weird religious stuff too similar.
Plus none of his real friend publicly deny it despite running screaming into every other internet beef that they even get mentioned in. Why are you so keen on defending him? Do you think this is not him?

I just don't think there's any way and are the same person. If I'm proven wrong, I'll accept that, but I don't think I will be.

Try to contact Matt Heimbach and Jezz Turner, and see if either of them will respond and confirm it isn't him.

I don't even know what that is, but that broad nose…..

What am I meant to be suspicious of, or scared of though?

All these groups are for tards but so what… they seed ideas into the public that lead to people voting right wing.

Another comparison.

He looks like the shining example of untermensch.

When jews mimic a human smile
they grin and stare

You do know you're using alinsky tactics right? The logical conclusion of your line of thought is to flood them with accusations of anything and everything depraved, and when they invariably forget to respond to one or two you take that as evidence that the accusations were right, and that any later denial is damage control,. How very jewish of you.

Even better. There's no way they're all the same person.

2 4 5 is all has the same bent nose with one nostril slightly higher then the other (pic 2 mirrored)
quite a unique feature

That's absurd. They are hardly being flooded with allegations. A serious accusation has been made several times over the years. And then a more serious child molestation accusation is added. It's not like this has slipped through the cracks, they know about it and choose not to defend. I look at those pictures and think it's totally possible they are same guy. One is an illustration, that proves nothing.

Also, Tony Young is missing part of his ear. The pictures of Sven don't show that, probably deliberately.

You can see slightly more of Sven's left ear than he should have in the picture with the mask, and Tony's right ear is bigger than his.

Now I'm getting curious. I only half-assed this but I guess it myth require more elbow grease. There is a lot of material available, I'm sure proof one way or another is out there.

Whether or not he is longshanks, this Tony Young is a piece of work. Father of the year. Ex-wife twice incarcerated. Sad story of bad parenting.

There is a ton of audio, he probably says something about where he lives or his background that will either convict or exonerate.

Jez Turner widely reported to be informant.

To be fair because the lighting is bad he probably looks darker in the video than he actually is in real life. What we need is a link between that video / screencaps and the 'Sven' associated with the DailyStormtard

Here's a show Sven did with Andrew Carrington Hitchcock.

I haven't listened yet, but the first time he has a guest on his show he usually has them give their bio.

the suspicion that these people aren't who they pretend to be

nah, and the voter turnout in 2016 was the same as in 2012

If Sineade is my waifu, tbh. If she stopped with the flat earth and old crystallised giant tree stump shit, she'd be 10/10 tbh.
Also she's cute

Around 17 minutes in he talks about how he found Christian Identity, doesn't seem to fit with what we know about Tony.

how about a video? he's apparently in the documentary 'Hellstorm':


Credited cast:
- Gerhard Ausmeier
- John DeNugent
- Thomas Goodrich
- Paul Hickman
- Howard Holt
- Margaret Huffstickler
- Kyle Hunt
- Sven Longshanks
- John M.
- Andrew MacCrinnan
- John Alan Martinson
- Sinead McCarthy (narrator)
- Daniel McGowan
- Kevin McHugh
- Stefan Timm
- Peter Weiss
- Guido Wengler

There's four torrents of the movie on and I don't have high-speed internet so if someone can download it and watch it to see if they can find 'Sven Longshanks' and upload some screencaps that would be nice.

That's the documentary based on Thomas Goodrich's book, he just did voice work for a part quoting some British soldier or something like that.

oh OK

Weev is a Jew and Andrew Anglin is a Half-Chink.

Tony is hard to figure out. He was a Mormon at some point but his religious shit is bizarre and all over the place. But so is Sven's. i bet Sven's old website has clues. He deleted it for some reason but it's easily accessible on The way back machine*/

I see very similar patterns of behavior. Tons of websites and email addresses, multiple Facebook pages. Really autistic stuff. Very compartmentalized. Tony seems almost normal until you find all his webpages and Facebook profiles, and junkie exwife and dead kid. I could totally see him having a whole other identity as longshanks too

about 0% chance anglin is any part chink, dumbass. you got this evidence from a fucking paul town commenter, so put up REAL evidence or just stfu

Well, he doesn't look 100% white to me and Weev is a definite KIKE!!!

Regardless, they do good work from time to time, though they could be Controlled Opposition. I wouldn't be surprised if this whole (((political climate))) following the "2012 Culture Shift" has been rigged. Kikes not only control both Porn and Feminism, two opposites right there, but also NatSoc movements follow George Lincoln Rockwell's assassination.

Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if the Alt-Right and #GamerGate were Controlled Opposition to SJWism and 4th Wave Feminism; both popped up mysteriously at around the same time (How Convenient?), and there's been kikes in various movements within this culture war like C. H. Sommers mysteriously appearing just as #GamerGate got started.

>He deleted it for some reason but it's easily accessible on The way back machine*/
Looks like it happened around the same time he switch Radio Aryan off of blogspot. Maybe he deleted his blogger account?

The alt-right is all a bunch of libertarians who see white nationalism as a tool to advance their interests. A shitload of them were MRA degenerates too. A bunch of freaks who should all be exposed.

Maybe, I wonder why he would delete blogger but keep his various Wordpress pages? Maybe there was identifying stuff. I didn't look for the old radio a ryan pages

I don't think he's half chink either but what about Weev, you don't mind him being a jew, don't you think it's at least ironic that a jew would be Anglin's partner and top promoter?

CI is a cult of autistic weirdos

" For those unfamiliar with CI, the doctrine can be summarized as follows.

According to CI, Eve fornicated with the serpent, and Cain was conceived by this union (this detail is obviously not found in the Bible). Cain is therefore literally part serpent, and has satanic DNA. Adam and Eve were white, and all non-white people are actually animals (the "beasts of the field" of Genesis 2:19). The ancient Israelites were white "adamic" people, and Europeans are descended from Israel's lost tribes.

The half-white-half-serpent sons of Cain became Edomites, who then infiltrated Judaea and pretended to be Israelites. In the New Testament, any Judaeans who do good are genuine, white Israelites, while any Judaeans who do bad are actually Cain's snake children (despite the fact that the the Bible records Judaeans like Paul who began by persecuting the Church and later accepted Christ). According to CI, the New Covenant is open only to the (white) lost tribes of Israel (despite the fact that Jesus told his disciples to baptize all nations). Whenever Christians challenge these CI delusions, they are routinely accused of having some trace of Jew-demon DNA. This, apparently, is the only reason someone could possibly have for disagreeing with the CI position. "

You don't belong here

That fetcho shit looks like well poisoning disinfo dude. Maybe he says Israel did 9/11 but then the rest of his site is batshit occultists illuminati David Icke tier shit. That's a classic disinfo tactic. If weev harassed him, then he did a good job.

That guy is a kike pedo being blackmailed to run cointelpro against white nationalists.

hello Weev Internet Defense Force

Andrew Anglin does the Philippines-Jailbait Style

"Hi, this is Daran. I upped this after Andrew decided to DMCA the original vid source here. Pussybitch Andrew."

anyone knows how many embarassing videos Anglin tried to remove from the internet?

VNN, dailystormer and the like are all full of degenerate subhumans who's primary means of "opposition" is promoting nigger-tier violence and ineffective skinhead rhetoric.
Being proud of Western culture means you actually uphold Western values, such as individual freedoms and intellectual debate over immediate violent intervention. The current Mason-esque NS movement is anything but white or Western.

from the comments on that blog:

" Anglin’s interview where he expressed anti-white, pro-black, and philo-semitic views – is all over the internet. Anglin himself has discussed it on the (((Daily Stormer.))) His excuse is that he was just “drunk” and “kidding.” Nevertheless, less than six months later, Anglin turned on a dime and became a “hard core (((Hollywood Nazi)))” virtually overnight. Sounds pretty suspicious to me. "

interesting, found in the comments:

" On (((Daily Stormer))) – “Colonel-Gunter.Brumm” is defending TRS and saying it doesn’t matter that Enoch’s wife is Jewish and that he lied about it.

Oh no – “Colonel-Gunter-Brumm” is attacking people who think it’s important. Now why would “Colonel-Gunter.Brumm” do that? He’s the guy that constantly posts “Gas the Kikes – Race War Now” stuff on every major serious pro-White board that he can. He constantly posts violent and “edgy” shit – including stupid anime cartoons – on Radix constantly. He is the biggest “anti-semite” and “neo-Nazi” on the internet…

But he is defending his collaborator, Mike Enoch, for lying to his audience about his Jewish wife … And he “just happens” to be Anglin’s main fundraiser. He also “just happened” to be arrested for raping a white woman he’s admitted he was arrested for this – and the white woman that accused him of raping her described him as …… wait for it … “not really white.”

Are we starting to get the picture folks? Is it now becoming clear just what the (((Daily Stormer))) and its sister site, really is? Is it starting to be obvious what the “neo-Nazi movement” really is? Don’t shoot the messenger folks – I am simply pointing to the public record. "

I'm not sure how that guy was able to conclude that this LARPing clown "Colonel-Gunter.Brumm" is Anglin's "main fundraiser" and that he has been arrested for rape and described by the accuser / police as “not really white.”. Maybe I'm not searching in the right places or the other guy was wrong and it's a case of mistaken identity. He should have posted screencaps + archived the pages.

Is that the same faggot who was defending Jared Taylor in the comments?


Now the whole world hates you.

I found this:

(it's too long to fit in one post, part 1, from the beginning:)

" Anyway – a member by the name of Colonel-Gunter.Brumm is currently the largest financial supporter of DS, to the tune of "5 digits" in donations. He is from NYC, from a wealthy family and has deep pockets, and is a moderator with top access at the boards.

A girl who went by the name of Roubashin was also a member there. Her name is one of the Japanese words for "concern". She speaks multiple languages, and has visited Japan, and was recently living in Sweden with another DS member. She does work tutoring in exchange for a place to stay, room and board. She is effectively homeless, broke, and has no family.

She contacted Brumm and wanted to leave Sweden. He sent her money to fly to NYC and stay with her. When they met, she was amazed to find he was not white, and she mentioned this in almost every post after the sexual assault, and his arrest by police. Yes, he was arrested and spent nearly a full day in jail, in his pajamas, at that, allegedly.

I will give you the link and title of the thread, which now has over 1000 replies. I must explain a few things to you, as many of Roubashin's replies are now deleted. Many of the people involved also had their replies scrubbed. Some of the replies were screenshots of private messages, and private emails – some remain, some now gone. The original thread also was deleted, the one that is left is the second one, which is why it's called the second coming in the title. It opens with a real picture of Brumm's face in a meme putting a pill into an alcoholic drink. This is what they suspect happened.

Roubashin is a highly intelligent girl, and certainly sincere in her beliefs. She has an odd physical appearance – Brumm repeatedly mocks and ridicules her for being about 4 feet tall and around 75lbs. He also mocks and ridicules her for being "lost", homeless, having no college, no real job, and no money. He brags about how the police were intimidated by his place when they came to arrest him because it was sooooo lavish… he used that exact word. Lavish.

Roubashin stayed with him and began doing cooking and cleaning tasks in exchange for room and board, but her efforts fell short of being acceptable, and Brumm mocked her for that too. She had a few drinks with him one night, blacked out, and woke up naked in his bed. I don't know the full details other than what was on the message boards, and since many of her posts are now gone, along with several of the people supporting her, who knew her either IRL or from Internet contact… it is hard to give exact details. I watched the thread unfold live, so I know a bit, but some details are now gone.

She signed back up under the name SoapMaker. A screenshot of a PM still up from her new name reads: "This account will probably get shoahd too so just email me…. The greasy Colonel Kike promised me a job at the stormer then spiked my drink and raped me while I was unconscious. But he's a big donation source, so Anglin probably made the right decision to shut me down…"

A friend of hers named Bitcoin still has a post up where he says: "He took her to a Spa afterwards to get rid of the evidence, the mods just now deleted that private conversation." "

(…) part 2 next

(part 2)

" We do know she went to the police, and she took a rape test at the hospital. They could not say she was raped for sure. Brumm was arrested at his "lavish" home. The police later declined to press charges, and he posted their letter on the boards, blacking out the personal names. He used this as proof that Roubashin lied, and that he was "innocent", although it proves no such thing.

They had a rich local guy from a rich family being accused of rape by a homeless girl from out of town with no family, no money, and who was not even going to stay in NYC. She was living with him voluntarily, and admitted drinking alcohol, and did not even remember the sex. She was not injured, and it is likely that he used a condom, so no real DNA evidence. The case was just not "worth" it, no real harm done, and they never could have gotten a conviction. So they dropped it, sealed the files, and moved on.

Roubashin did not willingly have sex with him, and believes she was drugged. It does not take much drinking to knock out a girl that is 4 feet tall, and less than 80lbs anyway. The fact that she was "freeloading" at his "lavish" place obviously factored into it… she "owed him", right?

The fact that a girl of her physical proportions has a body like a 10 year old boy might also have proved irresistible to a studly member of the alt-right. Oh, did I mention that Brumm brags about having worked for Richard Spencer, before coming to the Daily Stormer? Yeah. So that might have factored into his having a "sexual emergency" that night, and using a 4 foot tall girl who was flat-out unconscious as a convenient cum dump.

Several of the members there are now gone, Roubashin and her new name that she came back with are banned, some went and asked for their account to be deleted… that is why some of the names there are now Anon67154325 and such… they used to be regular names. It's a little hard to follow with the missing posts, but I am sure you'll get the idea.

I don't want to sound like a melodramatic Jewish screenwriter, but this case cries out to the heavens for some justice. The arrogance and cold-heartedness that was shown by so many people there went far beyond all limits of sanity and decency. Roubashin was so certain of the fact that Brumm was not white, and that he did in fact have sex with her while knocked out, that she told several people that she was going to contact one of the Stormer Book Clubs in NY, and that they would "beat him to a bloody pulp" when they actually heard her story and saw what he looked like IRL.

Anyway, if you go to DS you can search for "Feels bad, man" or try the link below.

Also, thanks for telling us about Crusader Girl, I thought very highly of her. I am sorry she's forced to step back for the time being, but honestly, it might be safer for her, given some of the things that can happen, like with Roubashin. Thanks for listening, and keep up the good work. I hope you use this story for your next show – "Daily Stormer Deep Pockets Money Man has Sexual Emergency with Unconscious Girl. "

She expected a nordic looking teutonic knight but instead she got a greasy turkish looking asshole living the high life with daddy's money.


Wew lad anyone have that image of the tranny ghoul fucked? Anglin looks just like it. Someone post it so I can make a side by side.

….was a jew thief who dindu nuttin…..he stole most of his work, but the jewish run press made him an idol
how to prove the effectiveness of the jew press, ask people-
1. Who is the smartest man ever? (watch them say Kikestein)
2. Who is the most evil man ever? (watch them say Hitler)

"Fancy some cheese Gromit?"

A little dated but funny (and true) nonetheless

So trustworthy! According to this dwarf conman(let), "we are winning"…

Trump will save you goyim!

reminds me of charlie runkle

LOL and that actor's a Jew irl. His name's (((Evan Handler))).

Anglin looks pretty jewy to me. And I'm not one of these "everyone's a Jew but me" types. He looks a lot like some literal Jew I knew in my neighborhood. Short, bald, creepy fuck with a kike smirk on 24/7.

He did some interview not long ago with a local Montana news channel but never posted it on Daily Shitter. He was most likely embarrassed on his appearance. He's aging horribly (like Jews do) and now rocks a pedo moustache.


Is she credible? If so, this is just another example of how sleazy and corrupt this crowd is. Is there any more info on Brumm. NYC, Greek? he should be exposed as a menace

BTW I always get a chuckle on how WN trumptards buy those stupid fucking hats. Check out who makes them…

Enjoy your ban.

Then again, trumpfags have no issue with "legal" bean-spics in America taking jobs from whites.

Made in America (by Mexicans)

Fuck off faggot. Trumptards are compromising pussies who support race-mixers like Stickman and kikes like Weev.

It's not revolutionary being a Trumpfag. That's some Jew six pack shit. You still support ZOG dumbass!

I saw shit like this coming when Trump won. Whites are back to sleep - yet I'm the Jew for pointing it out.

Here is the document Brumm posted to prove he is innocent. Seems only to prove the law sided with him.

This is all well and good but he ISN'T SVEN LONGSHANKS.

No, there isn't.

Bullshit. Nothing like his voice.

Yep, that's Sven. He's not Tony Young FFS.

Are you on crack? Blind cunt. lol.

The stupid is strong in this thread.

Maybe his wealthy father knows the mayor or the chief of police or something like that. I wonder if he knows his son is spending his monthly allowance on the Daily Stormer

>This is from 2014
>For comparison Sven Longshanks:
> -Anton Older
>[email protected]/* */
>[email protected]/* */
>[email protected]/* */
>[email protected]/* */
You aren't English are you? If you were you could tell the difference between a west country accent (Tony Young) and a Greater London accent (Sven Longshanks).

You don't understand that's the whole point of shilling, breaking down your beliefs by throwing people up for you to listen to who are perfect except in one key factor, if Sinead believes the world is flat and giant crystals can form near the surface of the Earth then those who listen to her lose their ability to make gains against reality and nature by not understanding truly what it is.

Go out and meet fellow whites in your community!
Stop being glued to the Jewish screens for your next dose of entertainment, talk to fellow whites build structure and use it.
Or lose your area to those who do!

You're exactly right. You'd have to be a moron to honestly think otherwise.



You seem to feel strongly about this? What dog do you have in the fight? Do you know Sven Longshanks? Are you Sven Longshanks?

Actually we dont know that it actually is a picture of Sven, it is an image he used. And the image does resemble Tony Young. Maybe its like the Mike Enoch avatar that actually looks just like him.

Sven said in the Hitchcock interview that he wants to remain anonymous so why would he use an actual picture of himself?

The more important question is whether he knows his son is spending his allowance on possibly raping women and definitely being a degenerate?

Just in time for St. Patrick's day!
top kek

I can understand why Berber's, Copts or Indo-Arayns' in general wouldn't be on their as there aren't many left, its sad to say but at least we've remembered enough of what they all once were and can use this for the future of the race.

I'm happy to ally with any partial aryans. The chink menace, the nogs and islam all need to be smashed.

That's Tony Robinson as Baldrick in Blackadder


Gee, I wonder why you left out the primary enemy…

I know that, pEiNOviCH said on one his interviews that he looked like his avatar Irl and he does. Maybe the Longshanks avatar was chosen for the same reason.

Pretty weak denial, where are these "people who know him in real life"?

These are to the pages from their forum saved on that are related to the incident. Maybe there are others but I didn't find them.

"Feels bad, man - Important"

"Feels bad, man - The second coming" - page 3

"Feels bad, man - The second coming" - page 19

"Feels bad, man - The second coming" - page 24

"Feels bad, man - The second coming" - page 91

first link:

" So, after many hours of sleuthing around I've found out some very interesting things that I think some of you will really enjoy knowing. I'll preface this by saying that my intention is not subversion, rather salvation.

I'll keep this short(ish) and to the point. Basically, a number of users on this site are part of a little clique with their own private threads. These threads are usually full of circle-jerking and faggotry but sometimes they take a more malicious turn. Take the case of @roubashin as an example. She was in the US and stopped by someone's place in NYC where they had drinks. Now, no one can be sure of what happened however we do know that charges were filed (but later dropped). After this, the little clique got together to talk about this event however it soon turned into a roubashin bashing thread. @roubashin was later removed from the website. Draw your own conclusions from that.

I haven't seen any posts by @roubashin giving her side of the story (most likely because she couldn't after being removed), I've haven't seen any posts explaining where she went, I haven't seen anything at all.

Of course, all of this was kept hidden from us regular users because many of these "top" users are colluding together and they support The Daily Stormer in different ways. We've got ourselves a little oligarchy of people behaving like Jews, how ironic.

So, some of you may be thinking that this post is harmful to the site. On the contrary, I believe it is necessary to save the site. I've seen this sort of thing happen countless times on different websites before, and eventually the little oligarchy got out of control, the site stopped growing, and then eventually went into decline. The same thing will happen here if this faggotry continues like it is!

I mean, for fucks sake, this is supposed to be a Nationalist website, not Reddit or Facebook!

Integrity, respect, honour, honesty, etc. I guess you have lost these values and instead adopted the Jewish attitude of egoism. It's tragic to say the least.

By coming to this site, we've come out from the darkness, just don't become blinded by the light either.
Since I most likely won't be around for long after posting this as I can only assume that I will be banned (these tactics sound familiar), here's a fun little list of the people I know to be in this little gay clique (be wary of them when they are together):

@ MosheShekelRod88
@ Milesius
@ Zanting
@ Colonel-Gunter.Brumm (Hello, "Thor")
@ RacistCatLady
@ Spartacus
@ DefiantBrazilian
@ StormCommando
@ Hordak
etc. "

This is Holla Forums nigger. That's implied. I see way too many people going soft on these other groups, especially chinks.

5th link:

-Something happened between roubashin and C.
-They effectively bashed roubashin in one of their little private threads.
-Her account got deleted.
-People asked what happened to roubashin, no one explained anything.
-No one is allowed to talk about any of this without being called a kike/fed.
-They pile into these threads to ad hominem everyone.
Better not upset the "popular" kids. "

No. I'm Tony Young. But seriously, I just like justice and accusing Longshanks of being that sand-nigger with such appallingly bad evidence is out of order.

Precisely what I thought. I was going to post something similar to you, but you beat me to it.

This is plainly divide and conquer bullshit. Try harder next time, shareblue faggot OP.

What am i supposed to care about here? Some wandering girl flies across the world to stay with some unknown guy. Works as a 'live-in' maid. No proof of rape. Then she calls him 'not white'* even though she was happy to live with him. *'not white' meaning he's probably spanish or something.

Yeah riveting shit.

guy LOOKS like a sex offender

yeah but there's no concrete proof that it's him

Anglin and his Stormies were apparently preparing a march in the town of Whitefish in Montana to protest the harassment of Richard Spencer's mother by a local realtor named Tanya Gersh. And he also apparently invited someone from the Hamas to the march:

"Anglin even planned to have a representative of Hamas at the March. How far through the looking glass is that backwards logic?

Hamas was founded by Israeli intelligence in the 1980’s. But beyond that, the fact that Andrew Anglin is attempting to get American white nationalists to associate themselves with a foreign Muslim political group that the U.S. State Dept. officially classifies as a terrorist organization is a definitive sign that Andrew Anglin is an intelligence operative of some sort. "

March on Whitefish Moves Forward


"We were initially planning to march to Tanya Gersh’s home, but we decided it would be too cold. We will instead simply march through the center of town, ending at a Memorial Park where several speakers will speak." -AA

"I am also proud to announce that we have representatives from the nationalist groups from the UK, Sweden, France and Greece that will be attending. I can also confirm that a representative of Hamas will be in attendance, and will give a speech about the international threat of the Jews." -AA

"All I have asked for is an apology and a vow to stop harassing Richard Spencer’s mother in the future. And both Tanya Gersh and Love Lives Here have refused to do this. This is absolutely insane, and shows the mentality of Jews. What Gersh did was in all likelihood criminal. She has been fired from her job for it, she will lose her real estate license and she is presumably going to be sued. " -AA

"And they will rue the day, as they see two hundred skinhead Alt-Right Nazis marching with a guy from Hamas carrying machine guns through the center of their town! Hail Victory." -AA

So he says Gersh was 1) fired from her job, 2) she will lose her real estate license and 3) she's presumably going to be sued which means she'll end up paying a significant compensation to Sherry Spencer or worse she could end up in prison over her extorsion attempt or something like that. So Tanya Gersh seems to be getting the punishment she deserves for targeting an innocent woman who has nothing to do with her son's intellectual activities anyway. But that's apparently not enough for Sturmführer Anglin, he wants an apology from Tanya Gersh and a vow to stop harassing that woman and that's ALL he wants he says.

(even though two weeks before he wrote this: "On behalf of global Nazism, I am hereby demanding that the Jew Tanya Gersh sell her property in Whitefish and donate the money to NPI, issue an apology to the community, the white race and goyim everywhere, and immediately move to Israel.")

So what does he decides to do when his demands are ignored? Bring in the international heavy artillery !: representatives from nationalist groups from the UK, Sweden, France and Greece and the guest of honor, hopefully wearing his complete terrorist uniform, a member of the group Hamas. You can't make this shit up.

On January 8th he wrote:

" Currently, we have 178 skinheads being bussed in from the Bay Area [SF Bay Area ??] on 6 large buses. Including international representatives, we will have a total of around 225 people marching through the city, though only about a third will be armed with machine guns. Others may carry baseball bats or swords, we haven’t decided yet. "


" This is a 100% peaceful march. To insure that, we’re only allowing EXTREMELY VETTED skinheads and others to attend. We recognize the seriousness of all that could go wrong, but unlike the insane Jews who just run around doing anything to get money and Jew the goyim, we are responsible people. "

But on January 11th the march was officially postponed:

" We will of course be rescheduling, probably for some time in February, and the march will be bigger and have more guns and special guests than we originally planned. If we have to, we will march without a permit, but to do that on short notice is problematic. "
"US cables show how #Israel facilitated birth of #HAMAS inorder to marginalise the PLO"


" "Many in the West Bank believe that Israel actively supports Hamas, in its effort to split the Palestinian nation and weaken the Intifada", one of the secret leaked documents, from September 23, 1988 reads. "Shop owners in Jerusalem and Nablus claim that while PLO members are secretly distributing leaflets for fear of the Israeli security forces, Hamas distributes its leaflets openly".

"Moreover", the American government wrote on the document, "In spite of the many arrests, only a small number of Hamas leaders have been arrested. We believe that not only does Israel turn a blind eye on Hamas activity, but even supports it". "

WikiLeaks: Yadlin wanted Hamas takeover

"Diplomatic cable reveals former military intelligence chief regarded 2007 Islamic takeover of Gaza as positive step; said it will allow Israel to declare Strip as hostile entity "

Hamas has been on the U.S. State Department's list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations for 20 years now. Nobody can pretend not to be aware of that.

He was obviously trolling.

Israel helped establish Hamas, but as usual, the golem turned on its masters.

the two pics on the right look like the same person to me. They have the same ears and hair pattern along with general facial and skull structure. Look at how perfectly both pictures have the same right ear that is lower than the left ear. Same people to me

What was Spencer's response to this call to action by AA? I recall a tweet around that time where he's laughing it off. He and the wife have moved since then but his parents are forced to deal with the town backlash for this. NPI/Dickie was already a contentious issue at local gov meetings and the drama made the local paper. If his parents choose to stay in Whitefish I suspect this will forever loom over their heads, so I find it odd that Dickie didn't more forcefully disavow AA's planned march. If he did pls enlighten me.

There's a lot of truth mixed with error nowadays. We must remain vigilant.

Namefags being namefags, nothing shocking.

IF everything she claims is true, he's a pretty shitty guy.
However, today, false rape accusations are a dime a dozen, and she should have known better than to get drunk with someone she didn't want to sleep with.
I'd say the same thing if the situation was reversed, and it was a man claiming he was 'raped'.
By the way, we believe in INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY IN A COURT OF LAW here in the U. S., whether the crime is 'rape' or 'hate'.

The way to answer that is to point out that:
Nikola Tesla gave us wall current electricity.
(((Einstein))) and (((Oppenheimer))) gave us the atom bomb.
White people create and produce, while Jews subvert and destroy.

Interestingly enough today I find Anglo-blog Morgoths Review is now hosting Svens radio show.

Morgoths Review describes itself as red-pilled and jew-wise but has latched onto every e-celeb and trend in the alt-kike movement, yet promotes nothing of substance other than standing by the sidelines cheering on jewish controlled agents and steering attention toward the muslims rather than anything practical or damaging against the jews.
They have Freemasons, pakis and pro-isreali pro-zionists making the most comments among some good anti-jew data, they take a strong stance as anti-Christian, yet now they're hosting a Christian Identity state controlled opposition's radio show.

Basically another alt-right neo-con shekel mining limited hangout.

Seems to fit in with most of the derailed nationalist movements of late, following the TRS/Dailystormer protocol:
They're allowed to make jokes about jews but offer only Pam Geller tier solutions to the threat of globalist muslim bankers, politicians and industry corps and islamic jihadist media masters.

That's pure autism. Morgoth's Review is a shitty blogspot that nobody reads, and there's no evidence that Sven is Tony or controlled opposition.

I'd be more concerned with Anglin's recent attempt to rehabilitate Seventh Son.

why would jews make sites and podcasts trashing jews with valid info,satire and clever propaganda?
the targeted audience is small and there isnn't much money to be made.
it's not like the hollywood nazis where they incited violence towards jews.
why would jews do this?
i think a part of those making podcasts that got exposed to being jews/muds are trying to make the others look bad.

They don't. Take TRS for example, you could listen to The Daily Shoah for months without learning anything at all about kikes. For the most part, they just use "jew" as a codeword for liberal or leftist.

it makes sense to dumb down information and repeat it over and over and over again.
it's how propaganda works.
they didn't incite violence and they didn't make money out of it.
and they were naming the jew.
they weren't talking about nazi death cults ruling the world (alex jones)

What they do isn't dumbing down the information, they don't give you any information, and just adopted our terms as memes for their lolberg podcast.

they absolutely did, and continue to

But they did deny the existence of zionist conspiracies and the the fact that jews did 9/11.

not to be understood that i'm some fan of theirs.
i found their podcasts too long and boring for my taste.
i didn't know they still made them.
i'm more of a tom metzger listener.

Sven is taking the spot that was Fash Britannias. They are a bunch of larping libertarians. They are TRS for UK. They distanced themselves when the kike wife stuff went down but as soon as the dust settled they were all over TRS again. Cathedral Princess isn't even British. She was really involved in libertarian and anti-Christian stuff using her real name.

So he's obviously trolling – except when he's not? Even when he posted the papers he filled for the march on his website everyone should have known he was just trolling because …? Or perhaps he was trolling his own stupid readers to see how easy it is for them to swallow the bait?

As if you knew what was going on with Hamas in Israel right now. Whether they're controlled by Israel or not it doesn't justify establishing any contact with them because they're on the official Terrorist Organizations list of the US Government.

Nigger be smarter TRS was defending DS / Anglin and vice-versa and 'Shoah' is the other jewish term for the 'Holocaust'. TRS was operated by some semi jewish guy married to a jewish woman and Anglin's partner is a jew They're all useless Hollywood Neonazis

Tony Young's / Sven Longshanks' Facebook pages:

Tony Young's / Sven Longshanks' YouTube channel:

Tom Young's Facebook page:

Janet Elias' Facebook page:


His family comes from Naples. He's not Jewish. He's just an ugly, swarthy, southern Italian who internet LARPs as a Christian Identity Hebrew Israelite.

You mean Nick Spero.

You'd have to be on the spectrum to think that march was serious, and Hamas is the elected government of Gaza, but that's irrelevant because he only mentioned them to troll.

Andrew Anglin is 100% potato nigger, a fact which he never admitted or even mentioned until earlier this year when he had his DNA tested.

Micks are so arrogant they think that nobody knows how to identify them visually (and via surnames). Jews display the same exact arrogant attitude. They think nobody knows how to identify them.

It's not Jews per se. It's the intelligence agencies. I would post charts for you outlining the American white nationalist movement's connections to the C.I.A., but every time I try to post these charts on Holla Forums/pol/, I get the following error:

Open them in paint and resave them as a different format.

Pretty much this. The Daily Stormer is one giant troll/satire site, but the only people who don't know this are its readers.

They're in .png format. I don't have trouble uploading any other .png images.

Download Irfanview (, convert them to JPG format and try again.

I doubt it. It's the FBI's job to infiltrate domestic groups that are considered extremists.

Your doubt is unfounded.

Alex Jones isn't a white nationalist, what is he doing in your list? And what is 'world traveler' supposed to mean? Not that long ago that term would have meant some kind of hippie. Do you know how many thousands of people have worked for the CIA, either directly or as a contractor? We're talking about tens of thousands of people. Are all members of their families necessarily 'connected' to the CIA and therefore obeying the orders of the agency? Is everyone who goes to Yale necessarily a CIA recruit? Michael Scheuer was a CIA analyst – is he working for the agency when he bashes Israel?

All I see is some kind of heuristic method of establishing a 'connection' between point A and your targets. I could probably use the same method to establish a 'connection' between anyone and the CIA.

You sound a bit like the conspiracy theorists who believe the CIA controls everything. Please tell me you weren't among those who were yelling WIKILEAKS IS COMPROMISED!!! JULIAN ASSANGE IS A CGI ILLUSION!!! a few weeks ago.

Why did you delete your comment? the pictures are still there by the way:

Looked at a lesbian shieldmaiden twice.

There is an entire network of controlled opposition that has sprung up over the last five-ish years with the main purpose of establishing the loudest, most credible voices associated with positions/views of the "right" WHO ALL DENY THAT ISRAEL DID 9/11.

If normies ever realize that ISRAEL DID 9/11, Zionism is over forever and Judaism in general is totally fucked. Unfortunately, Israel bungled 9/11 so badly that everybody who bothers to look at the current state of 9/11 research comes away with the certain knowledge that it was a Mossad plot.

The Daily Stormer is this network's attempt at appropriating chan culture. Anglin has said on his site that he thinks "conspiracy theories" about how Israel did 9/11 are counterproductive and almost never mentions the one PROVABLE scandal that will DESTROY ISRAEL on his "antisemitic" website.

He's posted something about how the jews did 9/11 every 9/11 that DS has been around. You're right about such a network existing, but not about DS being a part of it.

Why is there any of this damage limitation on Holla Forums with CIA-kike Anglin's DailyStromer?
He is the originator of the new route by the CIA to mock jews openly but when it comes down to it every editorial promotes jewish neo-con zionist political parties (Britain First/Gert Wilders/Every zionist in trumps cabinet etc) and only ever defames or undermines every genuine national socialist organisations in Europe in every election, he mocks and ridicules the notion of conspiracy and even claims there is no jewish conspiracy (because he says it's stupid) and insists its purely biological, ignoring their collusion and control of every single Western government, he also now dropped 9/11, which angered Mike Delaney who set him up with the DailyStormer after Mike got rid of ZionCrimeFactory [ZCF] to replace it with DS with Anglin running it.

Anglin is one of the primary reasons every nationalist website that he allows articles from their blogs on his website, he has instructed them to move away from any conspiracies.
This started with Sandy Hook-Nose and then moved onto 9/11 and every single Mossad terror attack on mainland Europe.

Now all associated nationalist websites champion Trump, Wilders and every other jew controlled false opposition do nothing about jewry and demand we retake Constantinople instead.

Pure jewish co-opting of the movement lead by unofficial ringleader Anglin.

Here's a Blindlight article on the way Anglin now pretends arab's did 9/11, this angered Mike Delaney the original owner of DS.

The Watcher on the Wall
I am still pondering the subject of what just happened after the ‘911 Andrew Anglin’ article aftermath. Late last night, after producing this video, I started thinking through the ramifications of these blasphemous claims made by Anglin from his September 12th redo of his 911 article where he back tracked, seemingly, from his original assertion that Arabs were primarily responsible for 911.

Actually, it turns out he didn’t really backtrack because, as he says, if they coulda done it without Israel’s help they woulda and like Israel, Saudis are fake allies who hate us so, yes, we must blame them because they are actually just “sand monkeys” who dislike us for our freedoms!

After deNugent called him to the carpet in an email stating this:

Well, it’s been 15 years since 19 Moslems, mostly from Saudi Arabia, blew up our towers and George W. Bush declared “war on terrorism.
This is the David Duke-Don Black line, and Andrew Anglin is now overtly in bed with them, as even a cursory glance at the DS website demonstrates. Mike Delaney is livid, since this sentence attacks his truthful and masterful 2008 911MissingLinks documentary. However, I did point out to Mike that a bit over halfway down in the Anglin article I find this sentence:

There is also a real possibility that Israel itself planned or assisted with the 911 attacks.
So is Anglin is having it both ways…. and maybe going both ways just for now? Is he going to gradually tone down the Jew authorship of 9/11 until it is totally gone and go full-Duke/Black on this?

deNugent then asks this:

So I would appreciate your frank answer, Andrew. Do you believe Israel and the Jews did 9/11, or was it, as Michael Moore, David Duke and Alex Jones say, “the Saudis”?
Second question:

“Has anyone that I or Mike Delaney know physically SEEN you in the last month?”
Third question:

Would you be willing to go on Skype video chat with Mike or with me, and prove you are okay and you are in fact you?”
…we have these prime Anglin quotes he gave in response. Within this text, I look back at many WN false flag reactions and see this very same orchestrated behavior in their responses. So what if Arabs did’t do this, we need to scapegoat Arabs out so we will use it! Anglin goes on to say this:

The Saudis are stupid, hateful monkeys, and would have wanted to do 911 either way. Moslems celebrated 911 across the planet. They are constantly calling for more attacks……So, there isn’t really any conceivable difference between “Jews did 911” and “Saudis did 911.” They are allies, they both hate America and they both wanted to start all of these wars in the Middle East to take down their enemies. They have both been caught recently providing support for ISIS. Their interests overlap 100%.

There are countless examples of the fraud Anglin, his completely bolshevik antifa background and refusal to accept there is a jewish conspiracy.
He has been openly mocking the cartoon nazis that support him since DailyStormer started, the only people unaware of this are the low IQ retards in the movement. I don;t want to pursue this because this is a good thread exposing Anglins sidekick catamite Sven.

Andrew Anglin / Daily Stormer exposed!
2012 radio interview:

“Lewka Peel & Paul Ironshore: I don’t see what the beef is with technology… Technology is not evil and technology does not make people weak. The people genetically, are already weak. They’re weak because of their genetics, they’re weak because of their morals.

Andrew Anglin: But that’s racist!

Lewka Peel & Paul Ironshore: No, it’s not racist. Wow.

Andrew Anglin: Yes, it is racist. It is racist.

Lewka Peel & Paul Ironshore: How is that racist? Man, that’s reality, dog.

Andrew Anglin: I’m hanging out with Philippinos, man. How are you gonna say that Philippinos are weak because of their genetics? And any Philippino who you give a cell phone to is gonna use it and they’re gonna start text-messaging and it’s gonna change their entire environment!

Lewka Peel & Paul Ironshore: Okay. … Who has the power, Andre, who is it?

Andrew Anglin: I don’t know, man. When people have the capacity to abuse other people, they do it. So, I mean, what are we gonna do about that? … So I mean, I understand where you’re coming from with how all these people are Jews but I mean that’s just obvious because Jews are genetically bred to be more intelligent than everybody else. Of course they’re running everything. … I’ve had a lot of Jewish friends, man. They don’t have any divorced parents. They don’t have any of this shit. I mean, they have a much more intelligent way of running their lives. They’re smarter than us. … Do you think, that if somebody else had the capacity to do this, that they wouldn’t be doing it?

Lewka Peel & Paul Ironshore: They’re not more intelligent.

Andrew Anglin: IQ, which is a fuckin racist concept, it’s bullshit, man. I know, it’s a racist concept. … But is this Jewish cult, is its purpose not just to defend itself? And is that not a logical purpose to have?

Lewka Peel & Paul Ironshore: Defend itself from what? Who’s after it?

Andrew Anglin: Everybody’s after it, apparently!

Lewka Peel & Paul Ironshore: Why? That’s what happens in cults. They get paranoid that everyone’s after them and they usually they create the situation for themselves. Now, why is everyone looking at the Jews? Well, because they look at everyone else as being subhuman, and they being God’s chosen. We’re Goyim, right?

Andrew Anglin: But people thought that before. When you go back, every tribe does that. … Jews are more capable of dealing with this shit. They obviously are. … I mean, Paul, I like you a lot. I don’t see why all of your shit has to be so fuckin’ angry!

Lewka Peel & Paul Ironshore: You’ll be alright. (laughs)

Andrew Anglin: I’m alright. … How are we going to stop genetic engineering without a world government? I mean, we’re going to have to have a world government for everyone on the planet… If technology didn’t exist, would any of this be a problem? That’s what I’m asking you. Because it wasn’t for how many millions of years. It wasn’t a fuckin problem. We’ve got records of shit and people did not fuckin’ destroy themselves for so many millions of years. And now we’re in a situation where people are destroying themselves.

Lewka Peel & Paul Ironshore: There’s nothing you can do to stop this shit. It has to happen. Technology is not the problem. If these people were decent and they actually were caring people they’d take responsibility-

Andrew Anglin: Well show me where people that happened in history. Show me when people that cared about other people were in charge of other people. It didn’t ever happen. Every single time you put some in charge of other people’s lives- … It’s not the Jews fault. That’s stupid to talk about how its the Jews fault…

Lewka Peel & Paul Ironshore: It’s your fault, Andre.

Andrew Anglin: Okay, I’m going to go ahead and take a bathroom break okay? Is that cool? … Look man, I wanna support you. Cuz I don’t really give a fuck about any of the things we’re disagreeing about. I mean, whatever! Because, man, I mean, I know you’re for real. And I don’t know anybody else that’s for real so who else am I gonna be interested in talking to? But talking about 9/11 is non-sense. I mean, anybody that doesn’t get it by now? Jesus Christ. What more do we need, that we gotta keep talking about this shit for 15 fuckin years?! Every single one of these people is full of shit. I mean, that’s a really important point. There’s not one that we can point to. … But why should black people be forced into this system? They were never going to invent this system. Neither were Philipinos, neither were Malaysians. The only people who would have ever invented this system are white people and Chinese. So why should everyone else be forced into it. You see the way white people – and it IS white people – went around the whole world and FUCKED everybody and made them accept this shit: Christianity and money! That happened, man. I mean, that’s just a fact of history. … Like, Leave It To Beaver? That’s fake.

Lewka Peel & Paul Ironshore: Why do you hate yourself so much, man? White people, man?

Andrew Anglin: I don’t hate myself. I mean, uh, obviously my race is powerful, uh, I guess. … I think we need more mixed races. Mixed races would be a positive progression for everyone. … I think the white race should be bred out. This is dangerous to have these people.

Lewka Peel & Paul Ironshore: You can’t breed white people out.

Andrew Anglin: I think white people are dangerous! I think white people are dangerous!

Lewka Peel & Paul Ironshore: Well you’re saying you’re dangerous then. White people can be dangerous but so can other people too.

Andrew Anglin: I’m only attracted to black girls, honestly.
Lewka Peel & Paul Ironshore: When we talk about genetics, some white people might not like oriental. Well that’s cool. That’s their prerogative. It’s okay to be racist, man. In the sense of just having a preference.

Andrew Anglin: He thinks white people should all breed together? Well fuck that shit, man! That’s stupid! What I care about is human beings and the species, you know?”

– Iconoclast Radio Round Table with Lewka Peel & Paul Ironshore[1]

Striking quotes from Anglin. After he was called out for them, he denied he made them, then tried to buy the copyright claim, then tried to sue to have the interview taken down[1, youtube]. This is strange for a man that has never praised anarchism once (to my knowledge) and who sets himself up as a cheerleader for Donald Trump, Adolf Hitler, Bennito Mussolini, and “total fascism” [2]. Which is it, Anglin? Are all rulers horrible or are you with Fascists for Trump? Also, when did you decide you don’t like Christianity, technology, money, 9/11 truthers, etc? That’s news to us. Anglin also mentions that he was paranoid about being arrested by the Philippines authorities for some reason, during the interview.




Do you really want that little clown to be talking about WTC7 and things like that to try to taint these topics with his buffoonery? I don't.

Wow so he's celtic. Let's burn him hey kike.

Nah. Go home, ginger tranny twat.

Most internet namefags are fucked in the head in some way, even the ones who are mostly based. I don't get why anyone on Holla Forums would need someone like him, though. His power level is too high for entey level redpills, but once you're already redpilled following podcasts is rather pointless.

Notorious troll calls the online tactics 'a national sport'

"Auernheimer has served as a technical consultant for The Daily Stormer and written posts for the popular neo-Nazi website, which often orchestrates trolling campaigns carried out by readers. Targets of The Daily Stormer's "Troll Army" have included prominent journalists, a British Parliament member and Alex Jones, a radio host and conspiracy theorist whom website founder Andrew Anglin derided as a "Zionist Millionaire."

Anglin called it the "greatest troll in history" last year when Auernheimer sent Daily Stormer flyers adorned with swastikas to internet-connected fax machines on college campuses across the country.

Tor Ekeland, one of the attorneys who defended Auernheimer in the case that sent him to prison for more than a year, describes him as intelligent and charismatic.

Ekeland saw signs of his client's anti-Semitism before his conviction, but he believes prison hardened Auernheimer's extremist views.

"I definitely saw a big change there. The treatment of him in prison, I think, was very traumatic," Ekeland said. "I think you are seeing the effects of the penal system on him."

Auernheimer moved to Europe after his release from prison and said he has been living in Moldova.

In a post published last Friday by The Daily Stormer, Auernheimer accused prominent Jewish people of trying to "frame" him for the recent wave of bomb threats to Jewish community centers. The primary suspect in the threats — a 19-year-old Jewish man — was arrested in Israel last Thursday."

by the way Weev released a video defending Trump's missiles in Syria:

Listen to Sven Pakishanks DEFEND the bombing of Syria and accuse Assad of the fake gassings! 040717.mp3