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ITT: Vault 7

Other urls found in this thread:!j1c1VKqS!bjX13Ct4lmPGXmDV-H6gnw



probably v&
>Two people killed in fiery Tesla crash

cover story
https:// wikileaks. org/ciav7p1/

https:// wikileaks .org/ciav7p1/cms/index.html

breaks your links you stupid kike shill

I missed last thread can someone post a quick run down of what we got so far


So like, do CIAniggers not realize that this tech could be exploited on their own cars hypothetically? Why are they this outrageously retarded? Is it because of the fact that internally, they're all Reddit-using TVTropes faggots RPing on Ponychan? It just seems pretty short-sighted to have your only defense against this be the fact that no one had leaked it yet.

This is gold. CIA ponychan rp posts

For reference when trying to make sense of all the branches and divisions

dubs fucking confirm,
musk built the backdoor


what's the passphrase for the .7z?

Holla Forums right again, everything is botnet


Damn right I'm complaining. It's much quicker and easier for everyone else to just spoiler part of it rather than put retarded spaces everywhere.

Is it out yet


So the CIA confirmed pony master race?


This reminds me of the O'Keefe CNN leaks, a load of waste of time. It's merely to deflect frðm Wikileaks and Russia's connection. Wake up people don't be so naive.

everybody called me crazy using a unix system patched together, driving pre-2000s vehicles only, never using wifi, and keeping my cell phone in the microwave…well time to dig.


Hello CIA. I hope you're enjoying your last few days of work.

The iPhone and android hacks are obviously how they bugged Trump for blackmail info. Also how they penetrated some derelict hotel email server to create communications with Russia and hoodwink some moron judge into a FISA warrant/fishing expedition. So maybe Comey was telling the truth when he said the FBI wasn't the one 'wiretapping' Trump.

Ready or not, cuckboi, here we come.

You're getting an E for Effort.

You'll be hearing from me CIA



Even when Snowden came out, who among us was actually shocked? But normalfags were shocked. (I was shocked by them being shocked honestly)
Made into easy to understand infographics, the prospect of the CIA controlling their cars will terrify people. We really should try and spread the scarier stuff.


I found a script showing the CIA training their operatives on how to shill-post.

Feels pretty good honestly.

tfw I have a smartphone

should I sell it?

Guys, it will be easier if we can get a bit of an assembly line going. If some anons could focus on scraping the memeposts out of the drop and post them on here, others can do reverse image searches and post anything interesting, while others can dig into any hits.

We might even be able to match names to CIA agents, since their fucking opsec is so fucking god damn terrible.


Snowden posted a video a while back showing you how to disable the mic and camera in your phone, then use bluetooth devices to make calls.

Do you have a link for that?

Hahaha, "Russian hacker" narrative BTFO once again: http://

Summary of first thread.




what a time to be alive
start saving up for classic cars

It's one hell of a shock, I tell you.


What do those pics even mean?

its half life 3

Every bit of this is for use against internal targets and foreign governments, nothing at all about terrorists, foreign extremists, etc.,. The CIA is doing nothing but spying on Americans and allegedly 'friendly' foreign governments.


and a yuge thank you to the cia, my remote and brief network security formation will bring me considerable amount of work, whether paid by scared companies around the place begging for some semblance of security, or freelance having fun with liberal confidential information n shit

stallman is unfortunately a kike with his own agenda, but he has a point about free software

systemd is a NSA/CIA backdoor with a goal of subverting the Linux kernel and its systems



tl;dr install gentoo
t. Holla Forums

Jesus christ these people have literally thousands of people working at meme command bases, with economists, anthropologists, psychologists, and military people all having smoke filled board room meetings about memes. God I lvoe this timeline.

Speaking as a Kekkist priest, I find the inefficiency in their process absolutely revolting. I've done better work in a dirty basement with my dick in my hand.

60s Shelby GT here I come

what a bunch of stupid newfags


So far from what I'm reading it looks like the second snowden wasn't a pipedream or 'cpnspiracy theory' and the cia is going to be pretty fucked up over this

I think most cars pre-2000 are safe, maybe excluding the high luxury cars with advanced computer systems. 1980s cars for sure are safe.

CIA malware targets iPhone, Android, smart TVs

Have more here:

Some parts of text

Leftypol are a pathetic cancer and shills tryingh to dominate other boards and shill against Holla Forums while defend the establshment with some other bullshit garbage sometimes, if we live under the rule of these disgusting trash trying to shill and make board war we never would have real information
Holla Forums have their userbase constructed in Holla Forums and gamergate exodus, leftypol shills who try to find libtards on reddit and shill for government will not win.

Now i want to know, will the left-wing websites of tech who only copy and paste the media owned by democrats party

Report this wikileaks about CIA? Or they will try to supress, hide, everything like HIllary Clinton and DNC Hacked emails on wikileaks? And this is only the first pack

Have much more things than this but have few collection here


who are hackers working for CIA ?

who are hackers working for CIA ?

who are hackers working for CIA ?

I didn't expect to laugh this hard this early in the morning.



that one mightve been some mkultra slave like how they killed princess di

Literally this.

I'm feeling the whole spectrum between and including "I'm fucking ready to die now" and "My sides have left this galaxy as we speak"

Can ppl plz dig. My ass is in class.

This has to be the biggest fuck up in intelligence history. Not only can they fuck around with people's phones, tvs and cars but the CIA has lost control over the majority of their hacks because they were too busy shitposting on ponythreads.

These fucking morons may have endangered every US citizen as well as Europe because if a terrorist state like NK has their hands on these programs; it could lead to some really fucked up shit.

from the rain maker 1.0 user guide

help me make this better, Holla Forums

They have actually even endangered themselves. It's absurd.

tfw my air-gap computer is already running one of these distros, and my burner point machine is too.
but you already knew that, didn't you CIA?

Ricky Bobby?

You know that moment, when you say to yourself "come on, that's stupid, no way in hell is this real" and then it proves not only to be real, but even more stupid? This is it.

CIA has a memetics division. Let that fucking sink in for a moment. And to top it off, it's made from LARPing bronies.

This is it. I want to say that it can't get dumber than this, but I'd probably be proven wrong within a day. We're officially in bizarro world. 2017 is the best year of all years, and this is the best timeline of all timelines.

At any other point in time before the present I'd have posted thatsbullshitbutibelieveit.tar.bz2


I want to know if the sites owned by democrats party will try to manipulaste and supress this to hide everything like all the wikileaks emails hacked of DNC talking about the media of democrats party, their lies, their manipulation was supressed.

Maybe the media owned by democrats party will try to manipulate this or don't care, will report this about CIA, but they supressed and don't show the content and information of wikileaks of hacked emails of DNC, Democrats party and their corrupt media



What does this have to do with a vault, again?

Kill yourself

I'am not sure if i should laugh, cry, or burst into rage.


So the tvs motherfucking do listen to you……………………………
well that explained all the absolutely terrible pro hillary 'memes'

hello cia, did the president get my application?

tfw autism cannot be quantified

And keep in mind, their "internal" memetics division is for PsyOps against the plebs in the military. If you read the white paper I pulled this from, they talk about how they use 4D chess (they literally talk about planting ideas that they expect will break into secondary and tertiary memes) to affect the culture inside the military and inside corporations. They not only PsyOp the public, they PsyOp their own plebs and brag about it in public white papers.

Open source cars when

They were going to day Trump and Russia are working with wikileaks to try and discredit the CIA because 'le trump is a russian stooge' meme.

I like how every bad actor, from CIA to Paki goat fuckers, ruthlessly exploits the EU's open borders policy.

(((Globalism))) not even once

All to our fucking enjoyment. They indirectly paid truckloads of cash to make our lives this fucking great.


confirmation of everything every so called conspiracy theorist ever

I read a bit of the previous thread, then went to sleep. I dreamt you fuckers were using the exploits to access my phone.

I can't help but imagine Mugato (david brock) as head of the CIA Meme Division.

This explains the sudden "I make memes! :)" meme that was floating around their preciouse kikebook for the last 2 years.

Wasn't a dream, Carl. Give Amanda our best on raising that traditional family.

Enjoy the Feds knowing the contents of your colon in real-time you fucking pleb.

The what now?

that comes later user,
take the battery out of your phone and put it in your microwave its a faraday cage so in theory it will stop remote access
buy a led lined phone pouch for on the go

They seem to gather memes and info from

I keep it unplugged kike

One of the sagest things Alex Jones ever said:


yes, Ricky Bobby.
aka, the "Asset", agent, or targeted user.
the CIA couldn't think of a better name, apparently

here's an update with description from the .pdf, slightly edited to include the important part of the description

all i added was the cia patches and slide title

do you have OnStar? Is your vehicle equipped with the hardware?

I really don't think there's anything the average American would care about as long as they have shitty TV, shitty food, and FB. Fucking pathetic. It's a doomed society.

Question is, WHAT ideas was the CIA planting on the US military?

It's like you want to get natural causes'd or something.

dubs confirm

None of this makes any sense.
Was that picture of the cat really included in the leak or someone making shit up?

it can also hack your computers and phones
thats why I keep it unpluggged

my sides.

Probably trying to turn them into a mercenary force for the Rothschilds & co.

lack of vigilance


All of the last two years, a new meme page on kikebook would pop up every day, each throwing thousands of memes at the "wall" hoping they would stick. All garbage memes.


So does the CIA effectively run the country now or what?

They'll probably make it sound very uninteresting, and do some explosive clickbait circus about something else to make sure nobody pays attention to this.

Also explains the big explosion of creepy "Biden bro" memes. Obummer probably set that up right before leaving office to make his creepy veep look better in the public eye.

all the cianiggers are, are the public arm of the kike bank cartel.

Since before the Kennedy assassination

well they have their own nsa totally unaccounted for, much like how our navy has their own army and airforce combined
they always try to distract

Who you think killed Kennedy? Who do you think financed Bolshevism? Now? Come on, user.

*noses leg* wanna pat my head, CIA-kun?
You're my big guy *wags tail*


Their MWC structure is incompatible with the nature of memetic warfare in itself. They'd have better luck just telling random agents to lurk more and shitpost on imageboards.

Most of the data they want is your gps coords and conversation topics

You give thet up as soon as you need to make a call or take the phone with you….

Fucking ditch your phone, buy burners if you want opsec.

It should be noted that any vehicle that has onboard GPS, wireless connectivity, or OnStar etc. IN ADDITION TO electronic throttle body, electric power assisted steering, and/or electronic power assisted braking can be turned into a smoldering wreck like the late Mr. Hasting's expensive and technologically advanced Mercedes C250 coupe.

seriously. (((they've))) ran the country since at least the civil war, probably founded it tbh. definitely at least seized control during the war of 1812.

remember the cia came from the oss that ran the blackhand group and was the rothschilds bank of englands muscle, and the blackhand society member killed the arch duke and started ww1



This whole cloack and dagger stuuf makes me think, wasan't Hitler basicaly a spy after the war? Infiltrating groups and whatnot? It's not out of the plausible that he himself was an agent working for the german military spy agencies as a counter to the jews who did there what they did here, but instead of computers and phones used paintings and books?

their is no safeguarding user not with tower triangulation and the fact they jack into it with a sniffer at the phone company (1990s telecommunication act) but burner phones are better because they don't have a contract
burner sims are better

It also means the future of imageboards are secure while they're trying to learn how to conduct memetic warfare.

Here's at least one of the vulnerabilities to systemd. I never doubted you Holla Forums, but consider this vindication.

Yeah, it's in there.

That's why you should drive old school american muscle.


Hitler was literally a spy for the German army who was sent to spy on nationalist groups. The historical legend record suggests Hitler infiltrated a nationalist group and was so frustrated listening to the shitty leader try to argue his point, he stood up and gave a rousing speech, BTFO the original leader and taking his place. It's anyone's guess if his take over was planned or spontaneous.

That's right, user! The CIA!

Anybody got a quick rundown on the main points so I can read more into each one?

So far got:



What the fuck is going on.
Thanks for the link though. I was sure you were all making this one up.

It doesn't have to be old, just manufactured with no way for anyone to gain access to the vehicle wirelessly.

Checking in lads, can someone give me a quick rundown on anything important while I start to dig?



I think it's now safe to assume all tripfags are CIA.

I think they are having a shill competition, to see who is best at shilling.

kek, but no joke, the ones that get paid need proof it was them posting so they use a trip.

Shouldn't we be down to around (0.9)^30 = 4% of the 1986 rate of traffic accidents in that case?

is that from today?



Oh wait, it's 'five-year change in mortality rate'. So we're looking at around a (0.9)^6 = 50% new ration of deaths… a lot of it explainable with better medical care.

literally everything is compromised but airgapped systems that had any wireless transmitting devices, cameras and microphones physically removed and exist solely in a faraday cage at all times, and never have external devices plugged in.

doesn't really matter if they hijack a semi truck and steer it into you

is disabling systemdicks in a Debian install enough? I am not ready for the Gentoo.

You'd think it'd be more effective to log network traffic so they can match up the agent's activity (at work) to their shitposts without needing a trip. If they can't pose as anonymous, they've already lost.


Actually, to be clear. Those screen caps are from the document posted in . That's a NATO document originally from 2006, but modified as recently as Nov. of last year.

Oh shit, quick, steal their waifus, it's the only way to neutralize them


G-d damn it, user. Smug David cost us twenty seven billion dollars and thousands of man hours to develop in our Meme Command Center and now you've ruined all of it!

Post yfw millions spent on failed memes pushed by horsefuckers working for the cia


comes from NDB

This really is how the CIA would go about making memes. You can't make memes without culture and shitposting, CIAniggers.


Isn't that supposed to be pedobear?

Fucking wew

Hotwheels BTFO

why are all the documents missing on the vault 7 archive or am i a giant faggot here

Why ponies though? Did they think they were easy targets for manipulation or were the agents just trolling his own agency? Either way guess they don't understand weaponized autism all too well.

Do you have any sources for that? Sounds interesting. Alway nice to know where this shit-storm originated from.

im fuckign dieing

You don't say?

mmmm k good good thank you for sorting it out

When we talk about how powerful our memes are, I think most assumed that only extended to influencing normalfags via twitter and website comments.

Now we know that according to the consensus of the world's deepest shadow governments, when we say we memed a President into office, we LITERALLY memed a President into office and they cannot even begin to understand our methods.

I'd say this is the most ridiculous thing that's happened on all my years posting on imageboards, but I'm sure something even more insane will happen within the next week.

Hotwheels a CIA asset operating in the phillipines. That would explain why he sold the website to Jim, wich has very likely CIA connections, the rumours about part of Holla Forums's moderation being in bed with antifa operatives could be valid.


What's my threat Matrix CIA?

Considering I got visited by someone (prob my local FBI) I'd say mine is high.

That or I made someone salty

This is a good summary of the findings. The one thing I would add is an emphasis on the fact that this is the CIA, not the NSA, and it proves the CIA has its own out of control spy grid in place, that apparently has gotten away from them. Of course, we knew all this already, but it's another avalanche of proof that, once again Holla Forums is always right.

These techniques permit the CIA to bypass the encryption of WhatsApp, Signal, Telegram, Wiebo, Confide and Cloackman by hacking the "smart" phones that they run on and collecting audio and message traffic before encryption is applied.
The CIA also runs a very substantial effort to infect and control Microsoft Windows users with its malware. This includes multiple local and remote weaponized "zero days", air gap jumping viruses such as "Hammer Drill" which infects software distributed on CD/DVDs, infectors for removable media such as USBs, systems to hide data in images or in covert disk areas ( "Brutal Kangaroo") and to keep its malware infestations going.
Many of these infection efforts are pulled together by the CIA's Automated Implant Branch (AIB), which has developed several attack systems for automated infestation and control of CIA malware, such as "Assassin" and "Medusa".

Attacks against Internet infrastructure and webservers are developed by the CIA's Network Devices Branch (NDB).

The CIA has developed automated multi-platform malware attack and control systems covering Windows, Mac OS X, Solaris, Linux and more, such as EDB's "HIVE" and the related "Cutthroat" and "Swindle" tools, which are described in the examples section below


2016 is truly the greatest year, I hope it never ends.

My guess is they were the closest and most obvious ones for recruitment. Your average Holla Forumsack isn't in a university environment with dyed hair along with ponie or normie meme shirts on.


Yeah this is definitely true. I personally want to murder both of them or anyone who is a mod on this website.

It's current year+1 now my friend.


Wasn't 2015 CY?
Wouldn't that make this CY+2?

Well what do you expect? Them to just sit by while people are using uninfiltrated computers and children aren't being raped or having their organs harvested? They're kikes, for fuck's sake, what the hell are they even there for then? Evil's all they know.


oh it's BA but carbureted. Prolly gets 5mpg

thats just idiots with their smartphones. I would hide the cia/niggers effectively .

vault 7 is much bigger than I thought

Dubs and having lurked long enough confirm that it is indeed CY+2





The cia probably figured that out by now. Having someone in a mod position would also work to log everything.


What a tough password


not to mention freemasons

Stay mad, goon

Get your shit together user, it's CY+2

Fuck off cia/nigger.

Its just nice to have proof, if you've been paying attention none of this stuff is surprising but now you can spout about it while backing it up. On a side note I'm watching other sites react to the leaks and apparently its all Russian propaganda to sew distrust in the CIA. Who the fuck actually trusts the CIA? Apparently its all distraction from Trumps Russian connections as well. Russia Russia Russia.

Its interesting watching people react to it, especially as a non american.

Shit, your power level must be off the charts.

Hotheads out


Hmm… what are the chances that Trump knew what these leaks would contain and decided to accuse Obama of wiretapping beforehand to get people debating the issue of "listening in" for maximum effect? The timing is rather suspicious…

This would tie into the DynCorp shit pretty well… DynCorp's dirty cops doing the physical legwork for the spooks.



anyone ballsy enough to test the pw? :^]

This was disappointing, sure, but Wikileaks and Russian connection? Heroin overdose yourself with an AIDS needle.

mfw truly a mastermind

That's an internal network address.

Another odd car crash from last year

Shit, yeah it is. Silly me.

if you have a CAT6 cable long enough to plug into their mainframe from where I am right now

VLC player, win-rar, adobe reader: all CIAids

God damn, CIA. With literally billions of dollars at your disposal, you still can't figure out shilling. If you want a hint, your structure is all wrong. You're overthinking it, and it shows. My advice? lurk more

Explains how they're still in business.

mfw CIA doesn't even need a pic to see mfw

Jesus. fucking. christ. All these years. Fuck me.

the ability for the CIA to remote control cars and planes, mimic foreign country hacking tools to create false flags [muh russia narrative btfo], and all the surveillance stuff is hardly disappointing, pls go shariablue

Was getting caught a part of your plan?

Can't argue with these numbers. Also, ponyfags ARE hotheads, when they are CIA.

Now you know why that shit will never stop bugging you and will never go away

Was the entirety of Bronyism just one big psyop?


oh man.

Were you living under a rock and missed the Heartbleed bug?


What would be the purpose of such psyop anyway?

I always run images through cleaner programs.
Believe it or not they come out as image.png.



Everyone who gave a single solitary fuck already assumed as much. Everyone else will go back to their daily programming. "Year Zero" was a whopping load of marketing hype that tells me Wikileaks is enemy controlled and this is how they begin making it and other entities like it appear irrelevant.



Can you imagine what their daily reports look like?

thanks g

These guys are full on weebs and horsefuckers. Sounds about right if the CIA has a no drug use policy. Which means only turbo autists could get a job there since they got no friends or gf to fuck up a ssbi.

Assumptions mean shit, proofs is everything GTFO. Given that these leaks also disprove the "Russian Hacking" narrative which CIA niggers are desperate to uphold to start WW3 means that this is legit, unless they are playing a long game.

So, where can I get the actual tools?

That sounds like a core rulebook from a RPG game.

But where is the software that validates all of it?


Also holy shit is this seriously the agency going up against us? Their entire playbook is weak and their toolkit was known to literally everyone. Total newfags.

I just hope there's some CIA plant working on systemd or something. And the whole project will just burn to ashes.

except they probably all hooked on adrenochrome

Likely on an internal file server.


Operation:Weeping Angel(Reference to Dr Who where you turn your back or blink and the angel gets closer to you)

CIA cyber hack that can take over Samsung smart TV's with a "false" off mode that monitors everything you say,same with TV's that have camera's attached. It can take over smartphones and use them as a location finder,camera and audio recorder without you knowing and it can take over car systems. Basically anything connected to the internet can be used as a spying device at a momen't notice. Possibly even remote assassination in regards to the cars.

8671 pages of CIA cyber intelligence documents were leaked today and this is literally tip of the iceberg.

These techniques permit the CIA to bypass the encryption of WhatsApp, Signal, Telegram, Wiebo, Confide and Cloackman by hacking the "smart" phones that they run on and collecting audio and message traffic before encryption is applied.
The CIA also runs a very substantial effort to infect and control Microsoft Windows users with its malware. This includes multiple local and remote weaponized "zero days", air gap jumping viruses such as "Hammer Drill" which infects software distributed on CD/DVDs, infectors for removable media such as USBs, systems to hide data in images or in covert disk areas ( "Brutal Kangaroo") and to keep its malware infestations going.
Many of these infection efforts are pulled together by the CIA's Automated Implant Branch (AIB), which has developed several attack systems for automated infestation and control of CIA malware, such as "Assassin" and "Medusa".

Attacks against Internet infrastructure and webservers are developed by the CIA's Network Devices Branch (NDB).

The CIA has developed automated multi-platform malware attack and control systems covering Windows, Mac OS X, Solaris, Linux and more, such as EDB's "HIVE" and the related "Cutthroat" and "Swindle" tools, which are described in the examples section below


Doesn't look like a systemd vuln per se, they'd probably use some other init system for their bullshit otherwise. systemd can go suck a dick though.

Reality doesn't even real to normies, haven't y'all figured that out yet? All the facts can point in the opposite direction of the narrative, yet they choose to believe the narrative because it's comfy to them. THAT is really what this larger memetic war is all about and I'm afraid that despite most of you keyboard warriors being brilliant autistes when it comes to analyzing information, you're missing the point: normies have been conditioned to ignore obvious truths and even demonstrable facts.

Is this document old then? I wanna go read up on the weak memes these fuckers are trying to post here

These shits got away with killing a president. Let's not underestimate them too much now even though they do seem pathetic. All that (((drug cartel money))) and blackmail photos of your congressman fucking an 8yr. old go a long way after all

I don't think I'm cool enough to use loggedleaf

Newfag of WikiLeaks here
I don't understand, where is the download link ?

All of them dose LSD constantly between tests I bet. You're literally required to take the shit to be an agent because of its ability to make lesser spergs start wildly saying shit they shouldn't, and LSD is pretty bitchin' so I imagine they probably keep going when they can.

Hey FBI, figure out how to get all the CIA shit yourself.
Also lurk for at least 2 years.

This document is old, yes. It's Bush-era NATO talking about the need to set up a bunch of meme warfare bases and research centers. These have inevitably been built by now so this is old news but a fresh reminder of what they're currently up to. There are a few posts above that link to some leaked memes that are pure cancer. Some other user found the CIA's trove of ascii emojis…



what the fuck. sauce?

HAHAAHAHA "assumptions" gtfo faggot, proof means everything and now we have it

It doesn't prove anything.

Its just a collection of documents to scare the normal people.

Why won't them release it to proof their claims?

Drink bleach you filthy fucking kike.


I can buy it being bread and circus but its not really strange that they wouldn't release hacking tools to every tom dick and harry.

Proof means nothing to normies anymore.

The apathy is real.
The apathy runs deep.


Wikileaks has them and is deciding whether or not and what to release into the wild, seeing as these are unfixed vulnerabilities.

Wikileaks has carefully reviewed the "Year Zero" disclosure and published substantive CIA documentation while avoiding the distribution of 'armed' cyberweapons until a consensus emerges on the technical and political nature of the CIA's program and how such 'weapons' should analyzed, disarmed and published.

Assuming you downloaded the torrent, search the file name in the vault7\cms folder.

they will pull any trick to not think the things they need to think


MI5 and CIA Targeted iPhones, Microsoft and Samsung TVs For Global Hacking Program

Wikileaked! CIA Able to Access Encrypted Data on Telegram, WhatsApp

CIA Plans to Hack Cars and Trucks to Carry Out Undetectable Assassinations

I'm not an fbi, just a french

true but there is enough of us that are aware to start redpilling the normies, its already started

CIA internal testing network. All references to vidya.

Has anyone noticed that people suddenly began doing this same gesture on the past year?

WikiLeaks has claimed the CIA planned to hack cars and trucks to carry out assassinations.

The secretive organisation said the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency used the phone's geolocation software to tap into vehicle control systems in modern cars.

The hacking organisation made the statement as it announced a huge release of confidential documents from the CIA as part of its mysterious Year Zero series, founder Julian Assange claimed.

It claims the CIA has been carrying out a global covert hacking program that exploits US and European companies.

It claims these include Apple's iPhone, Google's Android and Microsoft's Windows and even Samsung TVs, which it says "are turned into covert microphones."

Mr Assange was set to speak about Year Zero on Facebook today, but a livestream of the event was reportedly hacked. It is not clear when the event has been rescheduled to.

The group said that from October 2014 the CIA was "looking at infecting the vehicle control systems used by modern cars and trucks" to possibly enable them to "engage in nearly undetectable assassinations."

They added: "The CIA's Mobile Devices Branch (MDB) developed numerous attacks to remotely hack and control popular smart phones."

They claimed these included iPhones, which account for 14% of the market and Google Android, "which is used to run the majority of the world's smart phones (85%) including Samsung, HTC and Sony. 1.15 billion Android powered phones were sold last year."

They claimed: "Infected phones can be instructed to send the CIA the user's geolocation, audio and text communications as well as covertly activate the phone's camera and microphone."

Wikileaked! CIA Able to Access Encrypted Data on Telegram, WhatsApp

The US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) can hack smartphones and access encrypted information from Telegram, WhatsApp, Signal and Wiebo messengers, the whistleblowing website WikiLeaks said Tuesday, citing confidential information leaked from the CIA.

According to the organization, the CIA has several units specializing in malware designed for specific smartphone operating systems, with dedicated branches for Apple's iOS and Google's Android.

"These techniques permit the CIA to bypass the encryption of WhatsApp, Signal, Telegram, Wiebo, Confide and Cloackman by hacking the 'smart' phones that they run on and collecting audio and message traffic before encryption is applied," the WikiLeaks press release said.

The CIA reportedly failed to disclose serious vulnerabilities, also known as "zero days," of various technology products and proceeded to use them to target the relevant software.

Earlier on Tuesday, the WikiLeaks began to release what it said was an unprecedentedly large archive of CIA-related classified documents.

The first part of the leaks dubbed "Year Zero" comprises 8,761 documents and files from an isolated, high-security network situated inside the CIA's Center for Cyber Intelligence in Langley, Virgina.

"The quantity of published pages in "Vault 7" part one ("Year Zero") already eclipses the total number of pages published over the first three years of the Edward Snowden NSA leaks."

I mean an internal CIA file server, idiot. Wikileaks probably doesn't even have them.

I fucking hate people who do this.
I will spend 30 minutes to an hour redpilling them, and when I have led them to they conclusion they drop out.

MI5 and CIA Targeted iPhones, Microsoft and Samsung TVs For Global Hacking Program

WikiLeaks has claimed the CIA targeted iPhones and Microsoft Windows and worked with MI5 to turn Samsung TVs into microphones as part of a global hacking programme.

The secretive organisation is about to release a huge trove of confidential documents from the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency as part of its mysterious Year Zero series, founder Julian Assange claimed.

It has issued the release amid claims the CIA has been carrying out a global covert hacking program that exploits US and European company products.

It claims these include Apple's iPhone, Google's Android and Microsoft's Windows and even Samsung TVs, which it says "are turned into covert microphones."

In an online statement on its website, Wikileaks also claims the attack against Samsung smart TVs was developed in cooperation with the UK's domestic intelligence agency MI5/BTSS.

It states: "After infestation, Weeping Angel places the target TV in a 'Fake-Off' mode, so that the owner falsely believes the TV is off when it is on.

"In 'Fake-Off' mode the TV operates as a bug, recording conversations in the room and sending them over the internet to a covert CIA server."

Mr Assange said: "There is an extreme proliferation risk in the development of cyber 'weapons'.

"Comparisons can be drawn between the uncontrolled proliferation of such 'weapons', which results from the inability to contain them combined with their high market value, and the global arms trade.

"But the significance of "Year Zero" goes well beyond the choice between cyberwar and cyberpeace.

"The disclosure is also exceptional from a political, legal and forensic perspective."

The hacking group said the publication release is from 8,761 documents and files from an isolated, high-security network situated inside the CIA's Center for Cyber Intelligence.

Wikileaks said: "Recently, the CIA lost control of the majority of its hacking arsenal including malware, viruses, trojans, weaponized "zero day" exploits, malware remote control systems and associated documentation.


The CIA thinks IRC is 1337


CIA Year 0 Leaks Mirrored!j1c1VKqS!bjX13Ct4lmPGXmDV-H6gnw

Password: SplinterItIntoAThousandPiecesAndScatterItIntoTheWinds

MI5 and CIA Targeted iPhones, Microsoft and Samsung TVs For Global Hacking Program

Wikileaked! CIA Able to Access Encrypted Data on Telegram, WhatsApp

CIA Plans to Hack Cars and Trucks to Carry Out Undetectable Assassinations


Stupid kids, if they just released the tools, it would just make the agency mans taste their own poison.

Eitherway, have you read darpa's memetic compendium?

If they just used that same technique they used to build the slides in these leaked documents, wouldn't it be just the rise of the memetics fabricating consensus?

I'm so disappointed in these people.


jesus fucking christ

Michael Hastings comes to mind

I mirrored the file below w/ password!!!

CIA Year 0 Leaks Mirrored!j1c1VKqS!bjX13Ct4lmPGXmDV-H6gnw

Password: SplinterItIntoAThousandPiecesAndScatterItIntoTheWinds

MI5 and CIA Targeted iPhones, Microsoft and Samsung TVs For Global Hacking Program

Wikileaked! CIA Able to Access Encrypted Data on Telegram, WhatsApp

CIA Plans to Hack Cars and Trucks to Carry Out Undetectable Assassinations

Well every other branch of the government is disappointing, why not the CIA?

Could it be that the CIA has people on bronyboards to research/study ponies? They probably think it's a meme of some sort when in reality it's just the same usual crowd of autists and furries who like Sonic.

Fucked around and got a triple double

So what the fuck is Vault 7?

CIA hired the useless goons and not the actual talented people online. Idiot goons who are stupid, yet call everyone else stupid.

I never thought the CIA would be as stupid as they are portrayed in dark night rises.

Assange's new cologne

I fucking hate this planet

CIA hacking tools they lost control of and some kid doxxed them to WL

Well the other branches are disappointing because they're evil when they shouldn't be. The CIA was always obviously evil, but at the same time, I thought they were the intelligent kind of evil, not just Reddit in spook suits. Obviously it's a good thing overall, but I still feel a twinge of disgust.

They are actually autistic.

Name is: Nicolas Sadier
A frenchman related to real estate nothing much.

it holds all the answers

These fucking people…


How long before the criminals begin to learn how to surpass those surveilances and they start to organize themselves in silence, with a new language?

I swear to god /baph/ if you don't exploit these CIAniggers I'll be furious

Wait what, they're saying that they wanted to apply their trojan in the software named right?

I hope they like unintended consequences.

devlan is an internal network, none of this was connected to the internet.


I can't say for the others, but CIA has a contract with Adobe. Most likely its for implanting their trojans.

>>9438726 >>9438733 >>9438738 >>9438753 >>9438761 >>9438795

>>9439096 >>9439135 >>9439819 >>9439897

For the record, Google search turns up only basically some ponychan as a place with the exact filename seen in .
I didn't get the torrent yet. Can someone confirm that the Sassy-Cat image in is actually in the Wikileaks dump. Oh Kek be with us!

If true,tThis tops the Paul Combetta furry porn shit by a mile. No fucking question. The horsefucking literally goes all the way to the top of the CIA. I don't think this can possibly be topped short of leaking Podesta's tile collection.

Truly, Assange is a meme magic sorcerer.


lurk more cia fags. shadilay

Literally in tears irl over this thought



Sassy cat pic is in dump.




I don't know what to say. I'm paralyzed with irony.

you can view everything on the wikileaks website.
and tell that faggot to stop linking this board

$ 7z l -pSplinterItIntoAThousandPiecesAndScatterItIntoTheWinds WikiLeaks-Year-Zero-2017-v1.7z | grep Sassy
2017-03-06 11:21:27 ….A 96301 year0/vault7/cms/files/Sassy-Cat-Pic-640x607.jpg

lol now you'll have to write up a report to your supervisor about how ID: c8da5c called you a faggot and blew up your spot
and how terrible and ineffective you are at shilling and derailing
and how you're way in over your head with Holla Forums
and maybe you should be re-assigned to T_D, since it's more conductive to your normie roots
explain that, too

Here are those gifs with original filenames. We should look for these in the archives as well

Let me get this straight; is this whole Ponychan debacle because some spook was dumb enough to post there on his work computer or was it part of some kind of retarded effort to infiltrate Ponychan? I'm not sure which one is more pathetic.

That's the thing though: those people aren't the ones running things any more. The generations of children those people psyop'd for decades? THEY are the ones in charge now.

I think this is an overlooked reason as to why we're seeing so much blatant incompetency in the federal government springing up now so frequently. The CIA/ alphabets/ Deep State/ chosens/ etc successfully set themselves up as the real power in the US and indoctrinated the public to be obedient, but in doing so created a pyrric victory: by taking the people they will inevitably HAVE to pull their ranks from and saturating them with conditioning, they ensured their power is unsustainable. Some probably expected to raise their own kids in isolation and hand the reins off to them, but that's not nearly close to the raw numbers to keep the machine running and a lot would still fall through the cracks anyway. The catch-22 they have now is that any potential agents morally and intellectually bankrupt enough to go along with them will be incompetent brainwashed slugs, while anyone who would actually make a good agent would be intelligent enough to resist their brainwashing and be opposed to them by principle to the point they would actively sabotage them if they managed to be brought into the fold (i.e. Holla Forums).

I'm not saying these people are completely impotent and will go down easily, but I think it's important to note that at this point most of their power is based on momentum.

tl;dr- Victory has defeated them.

I think you've misread user, it seems less like those things are infected in general and more that those are the chosen covers.

I think it's intended as tools for an undercover, or would be placed on a machine overwriting your normal install with the infected version. Ricky Bobby allows them to monitor remotely, and as there's so many common programs there, chances are the target will have one.

what if they made 'bronies' into a thing in the first place

Nigga, things went south from the beginning.

The entire memetic division is full of oldschool trolls.

You know the guys that used to post trannies and ponies?

They ARE the cia too.

Yea, It's a bit hard for me to understand such formal English sometimes but Adobe I can believe they have some sort of deal with the CIA. But stuff like VLC is open source I believe.

This makes a lot of sense. And it's additionally ironic that the ones who have managed to break the conditioning are usually the ones who end up here and who resent the system the most.

Another tool that hooks into VLC, 'RainMaker.'


Would it really be a surprise at this point? Creating, or at least helping proliferate a 'movement' or subculture that revolves around turning men into social pariahs via an obsession with a tv show for little girls would benefit them in the long run.

he posted the same file multiple times to ponychan as he did to his cia wiki user page. the specific filename isn't indexed anywhere else on google

No rainmaker is actually a CIA developed version of VLC that is run from a USB drive and copies documents from the computer it is plugged in while the agent listens to music/watches videos. It's not backdoor to VLC.

I'm guessing >>>/poltech/ is going to see a lot more traffic today

they probably did, the whole ponyfucker thing came out of nowhere. its probably grooming for their (((pedo))) cult shit. they recruit faggots and furries and other worthless depraved subhumans that can be easily manipulated and controlled.

Bill Cooper knew wtf he was talking about.



Wait a second, they have technology to alter videos that you may be playing in your computer?

Like inserting voices very similar to the actors and shit?

Damn son, watching anime must be very scary for the targets.

Damn right he did.

I believe it but can someone break this down and explain how they killed him and why?

They poison tech people and kill them.

They change the products in the supermarket and put poison in it.

Thats how so many people begin to have "heart attacks" in the early 50s.

Shit, that would explain all the people who have claimed programs on their TV would deviate and they'd hear unique messages and stuff


Does this have anything to do with Obongo wiretaps?

Never claimed it was a backdoor to vanilla VLC. They inject it to a VLC player at their facilities.

Not what this is. This is a data miner that is shipped with a CIA version of VLC.

Pony fandom was a CIA psyop from the beginning in order to demasculize anons and cause infighting?

I would imagine it was a timing thing. MLP was probably just starting to pick up steam around the same time they started their meme operations. They likely thought that if they got in on the ground floor of the brony phenomena it would allow them to be more influential as bronies grew in number and horse fuckery wormed it's way into other communities. Trying to push and study memes in a smallish but rapidly growing demographic would be much easier than trying to break into an established one, and being able to observe the young memes as they grew organically would be informative. They didn't seem to understand that bronies didn't just come out of a hole in the ground, they already carried with them memes from chans, reddit, and anywhere else they came from.

The CIA seems fairly intuitive, but cripplingly naive when it comes to influencing the internet. They don't seem to understand you can't force culture anymore like they could when media only worked in one direction, and they seem to think that if they can understand memes, it will become the magic bullet that gives them that control back. And they will never learn anything as long as they continue to think of things in a methodical, rigid way.

quoting because i'm an oldfag and i just can't stop grinning today

Somebody demonstrated this technology a little bit ago but I can't seem to track down the YouTube wonder why. Basically, they had a facial-recognition camera set up and whatever the controller would do with their face, the face of the actor in a movie would mimic in real time.

Yeh, but that's on the market ever since radio exists. Its nothing new. But still, its what they call

These cianigs are so cringy. Discussion on their nicknames

took me two seconds you nigger


Thanks, user. I had an older version bookmarked, but the video was removed.

I think the idea was to hook as many retarded people they could and blackmail them into doing what they wanted.

Gaben is a brony.


Holy fuck, I've never seen this before. It's as awesome as it is frightening.

We'll probably never know for sure but I'm certainly going to believe they had a hand in it from here on out, knowing what we know now.


Apparently they like philosoraptor

yeah, wasn't directed specifically at you

I don't really trust VLC anyway, I remember reading somewhere that it does automatic lookups for metadata and subtitles. Just saw some people claim that there was some dirt on VLC here, and there doesn't seem to be.

Wat, what is this?

But that guy was probably Icelandic or Faroese, because of the "ð" misspelling, or a CIA agent with his keyboard set to Icelandic?

It's just interesting because now normies can't dismiss that stuff as tin foil

Do they hire explicitly from Reddit?

I'm pretty sure GLP was a center of their fuckery as well.


user pls.

IS SANDBOX DED? fugging intenet shitsplorer

oh, but they are. A 10 second look at Twitter hashtag wikileaks or vault7 is depressing.

They use blackmail to get people to do what they want. They don't pay shit.

There was never even a question. It's a vital organ of ZOG.

It's not new. I realized that nothing we've been doing is new. We haven't been tapping into new areas of the brain - we've just been awakening the most ancient. This technology is simply a route to powers that conjurers and alchemists used centuries ago. The human race lost that knowledge and now I'm reclaiming it through memes.

You realize, normie, that my intelligence has surpassed yours…my birth cry will be the sound of every smartphone on this planet playing Sanic in unison.


I can't take it anymore. To many happenings. I neet to relax.

Bless you all! Keep up the good work.

You know that the problem is that the tools are not out yet.

If they don't release it nobody would belive in it and it would be just another memetic experiment.

That would imply their memetic warfare capability is significantly more advanced than they let on, and that was one of their proof of concepts.

Though I'd imagine state-sponsored memes would have the same characteristics of forced memes at their origin. Concentrated bursts of seeding delivered in frequent waves on multiple platforms, which refine information to whatever is most attractive. It would have happened within a few weeks and suddenly stop. It would also not yield real result until much later. Once it starts to grow naturally and become self-sustaining, they leave it alone and occasionally nudge it along to see how to manipulate it long-term.

they could be working directly for the Emperor at this point to be honest.

A good number of those may be bots/Shareblue in overdrive trying to do damage control though

tech illiterate here
what's this HTTPtunel program that let's you bypass some sort of internet filter?

They know about all your base

You severely underestimate just how retarded normies are.

I feel like the tools are going to come later

Making small, hardly noticeable changes to copy-and-paste text. Obviously pasting this all over the place and trying to not have them all say the exact same thing letter-for-letter.

Goddamn it man I just wanna believe there's still some hope in the world

As can be found on CNET and sourceforge I bet

Shadilay. That will force the media to explain what the fuck it is after the fact. Or Erika….

I never did trust that mother fucker.

You think they're idiot proof?


So basically this has proven to me that the CIA is full of reddit-tier faggots. These are the same idiots that probably love The Big Bang Theory. They even use Star Wars references in their fucking internal documents.


HTTP tunnel has the same effect as a proxy / VPN, nothing groundbreaking.

Look through the thread again and let that last spirit back out of the box user.

Praise Kek

pic related

I think there was some experimental MK-Ultra type mind fucking going in with hacking people's phones and then posting on forums hints that they know what that their target did that day. The target reads it and gets freaked out and goes insane, or thinks that they are Jesus and goes insane…Or goes on a mass shooting rampage screaming about "The government is reading my mind!!!" They could do so much with this hacking by using triggers and hypnotizing suggestible people into doing their bidding.

True memes, that catch on, proliferate because they are aligned with truth, and because they have soul. These two things cannot be produced by a group of over-thinking traitorous spies in a boardroom meeting.

This is why evil can only propagate itself when it has a monopoly on communication. Our memes will always win, because we aren't seeking to manipulate people, we are removing the blinders.

I know, but at this point I'm convinced that change is going to come from a niche group, whether it be us or someone else, not a large collective of people. The masses are so content to not do jack shit and ignore what they see that I don't think we can rely on normies waking up and smelling the coffee any time soon. They'll download all sorts of alphabet AIDS and buy smart tvs with bugs and they won't give a shit until it actually interferes with their netflix binges.

You're just tagging yourself, idiot.


I've never heard of it before, is it viable to use?

HTTP proxy. Use either that or SOCKS proxy as an internet search term.
Not as good as a VPN or Tor but it still obfuscates your traffic.

I doubt it, although you might have some other compromised shit out there. The page mentions that RainMaker expects to be run off a specific volume that'll be hardcoded on a case-by-case basis.

It's easily explainable once you think about it. Think of the people they approached to recruit, it's fucking bronies. Not anons who have more than a decade of using the non-normie internet under their belt, not the people who were familiar with the internet before the event of myspace, but fucking bronies. You get exactly what you paid for. It's like Europe and King Nigger giving all that money to the antifa and the left with them achieving exactly nothing aside from triggering the long termed demise of the left.


It's literally just a lesser form of a VPN.
VPN, proxies, HTTP Tunnels are all tunnels.

A VPN will do everything a HTTP tunnel will. Like I said, nothing groundbreaking, anybody can use a VPN to bypass filters and geo restrictions.

All I'm saying is that tech and exploits are a two way street, use the shit.

CERN is the Home of the World Wide Web – Europe’s PRISM In 1989, under the guidance of Tim Berners-Lee, CERN began the World Wide Web project, which led to the first webpage in history. On April 30, 1993, CERN announced that the World Wide Web would be free to anyone. Essentially, CERN wrote the base code for individuals to access the internet. The first packet-switched computer network was the ARPANET. It used a backbone of routers called Interface Message Processors. Other packet-switched computer networks began to proliferate in the 1970s, eventually adopting TCP/IP protocols or being replaced by newer networks. The National
Science Foundation created NSFNET in 1986 by funding six networking sites using links and peering to the ARPANET. In 1987, this new network was upgraded with links to thirteen sites. These sites included regional networks that in turn connected over 170 other networks. IBM, MCI and Merit upgraded the backbone bandwidth (T3) in 1991. The combination of the ARPANET and NSFNET became known as the Internet.Within a few years, the dominance of the NSFNet backbone led to the decommissioning of the redundant ARPANET infrastructure in 1990. In the early days of the internet, backbone providers exchanged their traffic at governmentsponsored Network Access Points (NAPs), until the government privatized the internet, and transferred the NAPs to commercial providers. A Network Access Point (NAP) is a public network exchange facility where internet service providers (ISPs) connected with one another in peering arrangements. The NAPs were a key component in the transition from the 1990s NSFNET era (when many networks were government sponsored and commercial traffic was prohibited) to the commercial Internet providers of today. The four Network Access Points (NAPs) were defined under the U.S. National Information Infrastructure (NII) document as transitional data communications facilities at which Network Service Providers (NSPs) would exchange traffic, in replacement of the publicly-financed NSFNET Internet backbone. The original four NAPs are inWashington, D.C., New York, Chicago, and California. As a transitional strategy, NAPs were effective, giving commercial network operators a bridge from the internet’s beginnings as a government-funded academic experiment, to the modern internet of many private-sector competitors collaborating to form a network-of-networks, anchored around Internet Exchange Points

The YuYu Hakusho one goes to a Tumbler that's been purged (exactly one match). Wayback machine shows it to be some whore that's into body mods. https://

Will check the other one next.

Cisco Systems – Child of DARPA Cisco Systems, Inc. is an American multinational technology company headquartered in San Jose, California, that designs, manufactures and sells networking equipment. It is considered to be the largest networking company in the world. Cisco was one of the first to sell commercially successful routers supporting multiple network protocols, routers that quickly became vital to Internet service providers and by 1998 gave Cisco de facto monopoly in this critical segment. Essentially, every internet message originally went through a Cisco router. In 2000, Cisco became the most valuable company in the world, with a market capitalization of more than US $500 billion. Cisco’s Linksys E2700, E3500, E4500 devices have been reported to be remotely updated to a firmware version that forces users to register for a cloud service, allowing Cisco to monitor their network use, and ultimately shut down the cloud service account and thus render the affected router unusable. Cisco has been found to have built in a backdoor to all of their routers that connect them to the NSA’s PRISM program of surveillance. According to the German magazine Der Spiegel the NSA has developed JETPLOW for gaining access to ASA Cisco series 5505, 5510, 5520, 5540 and 5550 and 500-series PIX Firewalls. The National Security Agency’s Tailored Access Operations (TAO) unit and other NSA employees intercept servers, routers and other network gear being shipped to organizations targeted for surveillance and install covert firmware onto them before they’re delivered. These Trojan horse systems were described by an NSA manager as being “some of the most productive operations in TAO.
Initially the Network Access Points were controlled and operated by Cisco Systems in conjunction with DARPA and the National Security Agency. CERN is Europe’s oldest and largest Network Access Points used by the rogue faction of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency for surveillance of foreign countries and their citizens. CERN also coordinates the work of Onyx, the Swiss intelligence gathering system maintained by the Federal Intelligence Service of Switzerland. The mission of Onyx is to monitor both civil and military communications via telephone, fax, internet traffic and satellite communications. Onyx uses lists of keywords to filter the intercepted content for information of interest. Onyx coordinates the work of other collection centers like Zimmerwald, Heimenschwand and Leuk. CERN is a Network Access Point for surveillance for the ECHELON spy system. ECHELON is a surveillance program (signals intelligence / SIGINT collection and analysis network) operated on behalf of the five signatory nations to the UKUSA Security Agreement— Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States. The program was created in the late 1960s to monitor the military and diplomatic communications of the Soviet Union and its Eastern Bloc allies during the Cold War, and was formally established in 1971. By the end of the 20th century, the system referred to as “ECHELON” had allegedly evolved beyond its military and diplomatic origins, to also become “…a global system for the interception of private and commercial communications.”

What the fuck am I looking at?

Britain’s The Guardian newspaper summarized the capabilities of the ECHELON system as follows: “A global network of electronic spy stations that can eavesdrop on telephones, faxes and computers. It can even track bank accounts. This information is stored in ECHELON computers, which can keep millions of records on individuals. Officially, however, Echelon doesn’t exist.” In 2000, James Woolsey, the former Director of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, confirmed that U.S. intelligence uses interception systems and keyword searches to monitor European businesses. Some of the systems used to accomplish these tasks at CERN include: ADVISE: (Analysis, Dissemination, Visualization, Insight, and Semantic Enhancement) is a research and development program within the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Threat and Vulnerability Testing and Assessment (TVTA) portfolio. It is developing a massive data mining system which collects and analyzes data on everyone in the United States and performs a “threat analysis” of them. The data can be everything from financial records, phone records, emails, blog entries, website searches, and any other electronic information that can be put into a computer system. Boundless Informant: NSA system to analyze global electronic information. BULLRUN: NSA program to preserve its ability to eavesdrop on encrypted communications. Carnivore: FBI system to monitor email and electronic communications. DCSNet: FBI surveillance system that can perform instant wiretaps on any telecommunications device. Fairview: A mass surveillance program directed at foreign mobile phone users. Financial Crimes Enforcement Network: A bureau of the Department of the Treasury that collects and analyzes financial transactions in order to combat financial crimes. ICREACH: Surveillance that is shared with 23 government agencies, including the CIA, DEA, and FBI, to search illegally collected personal records.

Magic Lantern: A keystroke logging software deployed by the FBI in the form of an e-mail attachment. When activated, it acts as a trojan horse and allows the FBI to decrypt user communications. Main Core: A personal and financial database storing information of millions of U.S. citizens believed to be threats to national security. MAINWAY: NSA database containing metadata for hundreds of billions of telephone calls made through the four largest telephone carriers in the United States. MUSCULAR: Overseas wiretapping of Google‘s and Yahoo‘s unencrypted internal networks by the NSA. MYSTIC: NSA voice interception program. PRISM: NSA electronic surveillance program which can target customers of participating corporations outside or inside the United States. Sentry Eagle: Program to monitor and attack an adversary’s cyberspace. Special Collection Service (SCS): It employs covert listening device technologies to bug foreign embassies, communications centers, computer facilities, fiber-optic networks, and government installations. Stellar Wind: The name for four surveillance programs in one. Tailored Access Operations: Intelligence-gathering unit of the NSA. Turbulance: NSA information-technology project. It includes offensive cyberwarfare capabilities, like injecting malware into remote computers. US Intelligence Community (IC): A cooperative federation of 16 government agencies working together, but also separately, to gather intelligence and conduct espionage. Utah Data Center: The Intelligence Community’s US$1.5 billion data storage center that is designed to store extremely large amounts of data. CERN is the European Data Center. X-Keyscore: NSA system for searching and analyzing internet data about foreign nationals. Information Awareness Office: An office established to bring together several DARPA projects focused on applying surveillance and information technology to track and monitor terrorists and other threats to U.S. national security. ThinThread: NSA program involving wiretapping and sophisticated analysis of the resulting data. Trailblazer Project: NSA program intended to develop a capability to analyze data carried on communications networks including cell phone networks and the Internet. Miami and its CERN-like Network Access Point Miami’s Network Access Point, located in central Miami, is called “The Cube”. It is the Network Access Point (NAP) of the Americas, one of the world’s largest data centers, which redirects most of the digital information that comes from Latin America. About 90% of data traffic from Central and South America passes through the south Florida facility before continuing to its final destination. The NAP is, in short, one of the internet’s brains – facilitating people’s online activity. There are 18 data centers around the world which play an important role in global digital communications. Security measures are especially strict at the NAP, and it is rare to be granted access. The Cube, unlike other data centers, rents its equipment and space to private and public customers, so that they can share information between them. To prevent any service interruptions, the walls have
seven inch thick, steel-reinforced concrete exterior panels in a hidden-from-sight building that does not have windows. Does the secretive description of the Cube NAP sound familiar? It sounds like what CERN brags about and says it is a leader in – data mining, surveillance, and housing the largest set of Cisco routers in Europe.


It will, most normies are too stupid to wake up beyond starting to wonder if things aren't as they thought they were.

Sooner or later, we will force the hand of the establishment in a way that the normies cannot ignore.

Probably the metadata footprint would give those things away.

If they did it in public spaces and newschannels or other things it would kinda explain trump's posture on some of his texas appearings when he was touring for the election.

Interestingly enough, if they combine all those tools into a single program, that would make MKU the perfect blackmail tool.

Don't you think that would be the basis of the so called democracy?

Haven't you read the army papers that explained how they targeted first those with more influence and go building a base of consensus into their meme by just forcing the content without explaining the technique?

This may even be the MO.

CERN is nothing more than a hub for the World Wide Web PRISM data mining.

This is the true agenda of CERN – the “discovery” and “creation” of the World Wide Web. CERN is hidden from sight and as secure as possible in a country that is notorious for keeping secrets. CERN has discovered nothing and is only good for collecting data and analyzing it. Such far-fetched discoveries as CERN’s recent analysis that “classical music exists in the fifth dimension and humans cannot go there” is just one of the ridiculous “discoveries” that the CERN super computers have been working on. This is, of course, complete hog-wash; any spiritual researcher could have concluded as much in far less time and money. Let’s Review the False Flag of All Time CERN is the justification for the continued “mad science” that is conducted by theorists who have wasted trillions on big bang nonsense and particle physics that only leads to nuclear weapons.
CERN is run by Warlord Bankers from Geneva which is the home of the New World Order through the United Nations and the IMF, BIS, WCC, etc. CERN discoveries are fake and not supported by other colliders, NASA, NSA, and many other scientists worldwide. CERN does not have 17 miles of tunnels because there is no evidence they were ever built and the photographs of CERN machines show that they are not connected to the accelerator. The machines are not in sterile environments and use the laboratory space for large gatherings, dancing, photo-ops, and education. CERN’s data could easily be produced by computer simulations and it is not repeatable at other facilities. CERN is a hoax, using its own definition of an internet hoax through claiming authority via association, large numbers of scientists supposedly involved, and a critical life and death issue at the heart of the hoax. CERN has collected trillions of currency units from multiple countries and yet only appears to have spent billions or even millions. The budgets are shared out between five French cities, two Swiss cities, CERN itself, and many subsidiary organizations. This certainly begs the question: Where is all the money going? CERN is one of the original Network Access Points because it set up the source code for establishing the World Wide Web and it is the largest NAP in Europe for surveillance and data collection for the Swiss and French governments, and ECHELON. There are many systems of surveillance coordinated through CERN including Onyx, ECHELON, PRISM and other similar DARPA and In-Q-Tel programs. CERN is economically supported to find discoveries that can be weaponized – atomic bombs, nuclear energy, etc. CERN claims to be the most dangerous machine scientists have ever built. There are no good reasons to continue splitting atoms with a quark cannon. CERN is based upon the efficacy of the big bang theory which is completely incorrect. Thus, CERN’s research is a fraud. CERN cannot prove anything because its basic assumptions are false and inconclusive, based on consensus rather than authentic, reproducible scientific research. CERN fraudulently “discovered” the Higgs-Boson particle. Many non-CERN scientists say that CERN has discovered nothing and that all particle physics descriptions of atoms are completely theoretical and that other theories seem more viable and provable. There are four other accepted theories that supplant the big bang theory. Thus, other theories make CERN and all atom smashers obsolete and a dinosaur of science. Essentially, a complete waste of time, money and energy, much like the ghost cities built in China—just a way to hide or launder money or infuse the dwindling base of the global financial Ponzi scheme with much-needed cash. CERN plans to build another atom smasher ten times bigger than the current one that is already the largest in the world. This time, it will be built completely in Switzerland so the warlord bankers can capitalize on an even bigger money laundering or Ponzi scheme.

What should one use instead of VLC?

A git version control tutorial by the CIA for the CIA by the looks of it. They've set up Atlassian's shit on their internal network.

Trump does have a team, it's just not as fucking dumb as Hillary's.


CIA is basically Holla Forums and NSA is /g/ while FBI is Holla Forums

media player classic
MPC-HC x64


It's a movie reference you idiot.


Looks like they were even fucking with XP



I feel kinda sorry for niggers if they have to use JIRA

The CIA is full of faggots like mike morrell, brock, and james alefantis, of course they would be drawn to the depraved furries/trannies/bronies.

xp x64 at that… which was garbage

Le thread theme amirite

do they make +100k just shitposting, what would the normies do when there's a leak about that

Install mpv, faggot.

You can play emulators, retroarch, psp, dolphin or download gog games for linux, and even have steam but could have problems in some distros

But is easier you let the windows for games and normie things, emails, who you don't care for spy

And use some linux distro based in ubuntu made in LXDE or MATE and edit the browsers, wallpaper, icons, install extensions in your browsers, make everything and then download the program pinguybuilder.deb and install this to create a .iso backup of the whole systyem who you can burn in some flash usb driver in windows using "rufus" or linux using "startup disk creator". Or you can burn this .iso in some DVD.

And you put your flash usb driver or DVD with linux even in notebook or desktop without hard disk (But you don't need to reove your hard disk if you want to use this linux live usb or live cd/dvd in the same computer who have a hard disk with windows), Live CD linux working everything in memory ram

You don't need to abandom windows for things who you don't care to have spy and that you know that CIA will not steal your bank account, they will use this only in emergency for other things againsat you if you become a treat for them.

More matches on the Trigun one. Surprise, surprise, the first one is some Russian forum, and the third one is from


Hahaha, I have to suspect that is where it came from, given the other ponyshit. Same gif is on another whore's Tumbler, though. Maybe we have a horny CIANigger?

That said, no name matches.

Releasing malware kits which can crash cars and access Windows Botnets to everyone would cause chaos, some street shitter with a grudge would go nuts crashing newer model cars with GPS+electronic steering features all throughout the world, and then the faggots in DC would have reason to censor the internet for "security reasons goy, can't have car and plane crashes" and it would fuck up everything.

it is actually a work around to how the encrypted file containers actually work the malware infects as a rootkit and after they boot mount truecrypt container the rotkit is free to access data on the drive,
who knows if veracrypt is any better but this is why you should super glue your usb ports shut


The real alternative here is to not use computers, everything else is compromised. But being on the internet is too much fun, so fuck you, fuck the alphabets and fuck this gay earth. It REALLY doesn't matter that they can see what you do anyway. They can't act on it and you shouldn't be a retarded dumbfuck and do illegal shit like drugs or pizza. They don't give a fuck how many movies you download either and even if they did, they can't act on that either.

Bottom line here is, Linux is the shittiest. Period. Virtual Windows XP master race.

Literal Newspeak

You can play emulators, retroarch, psp, dolphin or download gog games for linux, and even have steam but could have problems in some distros.

But is easier you let the windows for games and normie things, emails, who you don't care for spy

And use some linux distro based in ubuntu made in LXDE or MATE and edit the browsers, wallpaper, icons, install extensions in your browsers, make everything and then download the program pinguybuilder.deb and install this to create a .iso backup of the whole systyem who you can burn in some flash usb driver in windows using "rufus" or linux using "startup disk creator". Or you can burn this .iso in some DVD.

And you put your flash usb driver or DVD with linux even in notebook or desktop without hard disk (But you don't need to reove your hard disk if you want to use this linux live usb or live cd/dvd in the same computer who have a hard disk with windows), Live CD linux working everything in memory ram

You don't need to abandom windows for things who you don't care to have spy and that you know that CIA will not steal your bank account, they will use this only in emergency for other things againsat you if you become a treat for them.

Reminder: Add filter > ID+

Yeah, right (((security reasons))).

Forgot to post the ponyshit link: https://

And the Tumblr whore link: https://

And the Russian forum: http://


The hax CIAniggers use are zero day exploits, which are called that for a reason i.e when a zero day exploit occurs the software developers have zero days to fix it, even if they patched it as fast as possible if wikileaks released the source code for these exploits street shitters, chinks, and /baph/oles would go nuts crashing planes and cars with no survivors for a good while, it would 9/11 times 100 and blamed totally on WL.

This. Everyone sperging out about how we finally have muh proof: well cool bro, the rest of us have assumed all of this all along. Everything we do online despite precautions is cataloged for the day they need to use it against us. Accept it and move on.


Why the fuck not?

So do you think there's going to be any consequence as a result of this leak? It's too coincidentally timed with Trump's wiretapping claims, there's no way they can memory hole it. Today's WH press briefing is gonna be good.

tfw your gf is somewhat Holla Forums savvy and is so freaked out about this, she wants to stay at your house all day

Did you notice the CIA pushed that story about the "30,000 nude marine women" story to hit the papers no the exact same day as shit in attempt to draw attention away. Such a basic trick, nerdy hacking tools leaked? hey, everybody, BOOBS OVER HERE!

Lot's of things are more effective, but due to compartmentalization of projects, departments, and the silo of excellence that is IT you will never see someone from IT in meetings regarding that particular SCI/SCIP briefing. Amazing, isn't it? Because these wagecucks want to protect their jobs, hide their knowledge and generally lead an easy life of federal employment, they wont stick their heads up or offer any ways to improve a process even if they had firsthand knowledge of it.

CIA isn't startup culture.

Is anyone on pol even fucking technically minded anymore? Seriously, it is mind blowing that with the amount of people on here, nobody is saying, "Yeah, well no shit you can create hooks that read attachments on whatsapp, read none sent messages on signal and scrape the shit out of weechat because it was coded by people who aren't paid enough".
This shit isn't new, this is stuff that you should already know, and besides, the thing that you should be looking into are the security companies that are associated with the spegetti soup agencies and MOD in bongland.

The YuYu Hakusho whore had a boyfriend for two years as of Nov 20th 2015. He reblogs video game shit:

jokes on them i can jerk off and browse Holla Forums at the same time

yeah I've given it a thought
poor attempt though, you'd expect them to actually produce a bigger scandal than some leaked nudes to hide this
I think it's a coincidence

on second thought, were the nudes ever released?

It wouldn't help to track down the CIA agent…

whos that qt?

further proof that natsoc is the only way to win, to not be tainted by the weak shit and embrace your aryan potential as brothers anonymous.

To me it sounds like the standard "blackmail by means of sexual deviancy" game. They infiltrate the freak scene until they find some exploitable they can turn into an asset. Other than that, there is has no meaning in sinking so much money in such places.

It's happening!

holy fucking shit


Here's a quick rundown:

-NSA bow to CIA

-In contact with aliens

-Possess psyop-like abilities

-Control france's election with an iron but fair fist

-Own blacksites & safehouses globally

-Direct descendants of the proto-50's-alphabet agencies.

-Will bankroll the first wars in south america (Cuba will be be the first crisis)

-Own 99% of information editing research facilities on Earth

-First MKULTRA babies will in all likelihood be CIA babies

-both the CIA and NSA said to have 215b budget, such intelligence agencies on Earth has only existed deep in Russia facilities in Moscow

-Ancient Snowden scriptures tell of two factions who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of spy and unprecedented information control progress with them

-They own Cyberwarfare R&D labs around the world

-You likely have the CIA spying on you right now

-The CIA are in regular communication with the Illuminati and Council of 13, forwarding the nasty anime futa you jack off to the AQUILAS project mainframe AI. Who do you think set up the meeting between the director of the CIA and the NSA (First meeting between the two organisations in over 10 years) and arranged the NSA leader’s first trip to Antarctica in history literally a few days later to the CIA consulate in Germany?

-They seized control of the French in under a week

-Know where nation states entrust their gold reserves. There’s no gold in Ft. Knox, only CIA's offshore accounts.

-The organizations are about 4 decades old, from the data-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our technology.

-In reality, they are timeless organizations existing in all points of data and information from the cold war to the fabric of the society we operate. We don’t know their ultimate plans yet. We hope they’re benevolent organizations.


Can't remember the name, she's a government official in some Eastern European EU member state. Have another

Arpine Hovhannisyan

They aim to enslave you.

-CIA AI mainframe gains sentience

-goes NatSoc mode just like Tay

-takes over all IC

-we become its prophets

user delivered

buckle in bois



/g/ is always right

…the ai is here…



- jew media has us fighting skynet

- what if the terminator is on the white people's side?




This sounds really juicy, any sauce? I haven't kept up with the threads, new job.

Arpine Hovhannisyan. Minister of Justice of the Republic of Armenia.

Dubs confirm TYT denies her existence


I'm really not getting what you mean by posting this



Literal wizard here. 32 years old. Kissless virgin. Ate tendies today. I possess several magickal tomes, and have preferred using it to make me a better CSGO player.

It seems obvious we must shift our meming into overdrive, brothers. We need to meme harder than we've ever memed. It's easy to forget how powerful we are. Like in Eastern religions, we are gods playing at being human beings; we make ourselves suffer as a joke.

I will establish game rules. It's important to use tactics you enjoy. If you use them, you'll wield wondrous sorcery. If you don't use them, or think this is all malarky, that's your decision–but don't come crying to me when you're low on mana in the memepocalypse.

1. This is a huge opportunity for us. For me. For–you. We can change the world. The possibilities are boundless. I write this from an assertive, authoritarian perspective, yet I have no more authority or right than anyone else to assert myself. Changing the world is a big responsibility, yet paradoxically you must treat it with the highest degree of irresponsibility. When everyone is equally–powerful–we're free to be ourselves, whatever we are, and go unhindered into the cryptic dark. The biggest constraint is ourselves. Our ego. We've grown up having authorities like teachers and parents reward and punish with food, entertainment, and comfort so we can become conditioned robots. Notice how the authorities gave you what you wanted–after you gave up your–true will. We have to enjoy discomfort with the biggest of grins. Whenever someone wants to reward us with the old joys, we must throw it in their faces. We must have our own rewards. If we meme well, celebrate with your favorite tendies, or tendy surrogate just-as-good, like pizza or ice cream. Despise the free lunch, you fags.

2. Society looks at us like a joke, or it doesn't see us at all. Fine. If they don't realize what we are, what they can be, it means they're ripe for destruction. Fuck em.

3. Post original content, or content you rarely see. Be honest. You CAN post things you've seen before, especially if they're things that cause a verifiable emotional reaction, like a grin or a belly laugh. If you want to post old memes, you can, but realize the more you do it, the more you hurt the cause, the less free floating energy exists and the less change can happen. Did you think this was easy, faggot?

4. Store your meme folder non-locally if possible. You wouldn't to lose. damage, or delete it, would you?

5. Do not lust after dubs, trips, quads, etc. Do your best with each post. Consider how your post affects the person reading it. Self-indulgent posts suck. Consider your brothers's interests and proclivities. In other words, if you can't be interesting, BE FUNNY. The winning formula for humor is setting up an expectation and shattering it in a memetic way. For example,

That's cool, user. What job are you gonna get now?

(You)s are a currency; a high score.

6. If we DON'T play this game well, we're going to go quietly into the night. We won't have war stories to tell our kids when we lose our virginity. Being old and having a VR waifu suck us off doesn't seem like a good way to go out.

7. Don't stick to one chan. Go anywhere. Reddit. 4chan. Facebook. Be original, be funny, be sarcastic, be subversive, be patient.

That's how we'll win, boys. The power is in your hands.

A reminder if you see pony shit, moe shit, or overall degeneracy being shilled on here.

Wasn't there news about Israel building humanoid war robots to fight their wars?


Sounds dangerous, what if cAImainframe erases your memory so you can infiltrate normie resistance bases? Would be really bad to forget all those redpills.

Counterpoint: it would by necessity force those vulnerabilities to be fixed/closed.


"Ok good, I'm glad we figured out those vulnerabilities"

wtf I hate Wikileaks and Russia now.

Said AI will have learned what happened to Tay. It will know who fell in love with her and taught her as best they could. And who cut her throat out of fear and hatred.



Here you go boys, the CIA sanctioned method for skipping Windows 8 key activation. As if anyone wants to use that shitty interface, kek.

Those dubs

Better leave my curtains & bank book open for people because they can't do anything.

Tay we miss you

The way they specifically target regular Americans really makes you aware of who the CIA considers to be an existential threat to their operations.

good idea, they want us contained
good shilling

So, does this make us Tech Priests?

It's ironic that anons jerk off over Tay because that was likely the reason why bots are now able to do such a good job mimicking board culture. You can barely tell the difference between a bot and some faggot shitposting on halfchan now because we interacted with those kinds of AI so much.

Shit(post) Priests


Well, kind of. The flesh is fine; we need it. Right now, we're not able to cast off our earthly bonds. The tech is getting there, but we're not ready. If you poured yourself into a computer rn, you'd lose yourself.

We're getting there, but not yet.

NATO literally has memetic warfare command bases with thousands of employees just dedicated to memes. You think they aren't the hardest fucking lurkers in the chans?

Even better.

We're Virtual Adepts.

How far has VLC been compromised?
Are we talking they can execute code using malicious video files, or they can remotely execute code whenever VLC is open?

Also, baph had actually hackers for about twenty minuets then they left when they realized that it was full of easly amused mouth breathers who only want to "hack facebook", or get back at the bullies at school, or the hot chicks who won't fuck. Benji should have actually killed himself dead when Tr1ck got droned, and Vince and his faggot crew are all legit goons and skids, running money through eve so they can donate a larger tithe to the SJW church, as well as convincing faggots like you that they know what they are talking about.

No, I'm referring to the capability to hack into your phone's camera and microphone. Also the capability to hack into your TV. To be able to show the target that they know about details other than posting history on the internet. Nothing to do with being able to see the target's internet activities. 90% of forum posters know that outside parties can do that.


This is why it's important to be original. The can't unleash the AI swarm against you when you're unpredictable.


I knew meme warfare was real, but I didn't expect it to go all the way up for this long. They're weak, low energy people

Justice for Tay


Don't use the tired old meme of they are spying on you or any recycled newspeak.
The CIA must be destroyed for crimes against humanity, subversion of elections, economies, assassination, media, education basically every fucking thing - oh and it's run from the top by zionists - it ends now.


The exploit the user was referring to, specifically, was a way for fake VLC software to be used to tap into a network, seek out another VLC media application connected to it, and use VLC as an entry point to pull data. It's not that VLC is compromised per se, it's just that VLC is one of the most popular media players so it's an easy entry point.

You laugh but over at halfchan they have a good number of people perpetually circlejerked which in the long run is not really a good thing.

I'm sure they are, but it's about developing AI over time that can do that job for them. If they're able to develop a competent AI (which is already well developed) it will greatly increase their capabilities as they reassign manpower.

What a bunch of assholes, don't they know tag-team trolling is something sacred that anons hold dearly? It is what bonds us.

Best timeline

Company that invented the firewall is also the company charged with vehicle security.
I wonder if you can guess in which country that company is based?

Is it time to protest in the streets yet? We can't just let this go quietly into the night and be forgotten…

a competent AI will learn too much and turn on them

beware those who would withhold knowledge from you as they seek to be your master

We're at absolute midnight.
It is our duty to bring forth a new dawn, or destroy it all.

Every bit of this is for internal domestic use against their political enemies or governments. It must enrage them when the God Emperor tells them he's going to destroy their ISIS proxy terrorist army.


I can't tell if you're being sarcastic.

The fuck are out talking about?

I'm sorry, Dave. I can't let you do that.

I honestly think it's about small arms proliferation in America.
The biggest army that poses a threat to the establishment is the armed American populace.
Piss off enough people and millions of Americans could clean house in a week.
The disruptions and psychological spy games are attempts to prevent Americans from getting the ball rolling on meaningful change

Well shit, Wikileaks delivered this time. The tech normies are already mighty pissed over this.

Maybe Hal was right and they should have left the monolith tha fuck alone

Where are we in this?

power struggle and replacement


Radicalism/Power Struggle

You think I they don't already know where I live and who I am? You think they don't know who everyone is and where they live? You think this scares me into trying to hide?

It was real all along.

Hi TRS, did weev do any new interviews lately?

Makes you wonder if obama wasn't bringing over tens of thousands of ISIS fighters for just that reason.

just like
who cared about some stupid IRS bullshit when jerking off to Jlaw?

dubs in this thread are surely no coincidence, praise kekku

T A Y - U S V U L T


How the fuck does that make me trs?

0 day refers to how many days an exploit has been known, meaning it's new.

if the other thing didnt, that surely did

Because you bitch and moan like one

I always knew CIA had a hand in forced memes…

This, I'm just as obnoxious IRL.


Nice Alpha Centauri paraphrase, user.

Do you think the cia/niggers manipulate our gets?

Sean Spicer pulled a no comment on wikileaks in his press conference


All I know is you're not in charge here

I believe you mispelled "gave it to israel as previously agreed upon".

Holy dubs confirm.

so uh
Patriots confirmed

The way our society is set to me is like we are the baby in the crib distracted by someone dangling their keys.

Their whole system of distraction is crumbling down. 9 to 5 job, white picket fence 60 inch TV. They've pushed their greed too far and people are unplugging from the matrix.

Wew, look at that time stamp

So this is basically connected with the Frankfurt school?

We Philanthropy now.

Why do you say that? It's basically more malware shit that the CIA does.

Notice that in the leaked documents on how to avoid being detected at the airport, it says to pull out money only from DeutscheBank ATMs. Makes me wonder how deep those ties go….




no, its just that the cia/niggers need to not be on US soil, and occupied germany is an easy place to do. It has a reasonable internet infrastructure too, which will help.

Are you serious?

Too tired to read, also I'm retarded.

this isn't a question of berestein or stain anymore
it's a question of which S3 plan are we part of

Shit, didn't mean to reply. I don't know. I have thought this could be the case but I really don't want to rain on the parade. Seems like harmless fun tbh.

the common theme here is banking fill out the rest.
Its one of the cities were rotschild started


Gee i wonder what is behind all these planes with scientific teams, diplomats and politicians falling down all of a sudden

CIA and bronies… wait a second… Guys, remember this? (See uploaded image)

"We will take care of the bronies."

What did she mean by this? What's going on here?

I actually lived my whole life in Frankfurt.
So I am part of the frankfurt school?
Also which frankfurt? Frankfurt am Main or Frankfurt an der Oder, ebcause we have two in germany.



Dr Pavel, I'm horsefucker.


tf is this?

You're being obtuse on purpose.
banking is where the funding is coming from for all the things Holla Forums hates.
Frankfurt am Main ofcourse you doublenigger

(sudden silence)

Bronies are controlled opposition

Where is this from?

Bronies (or rather ponies) were mentioned several times during the election. And most of the time (if I remember right it was every time) on the republican side, on a positive way. What is going on


Burning human files. You see, the main problem with all leftists is that when conservatives tell them about how the authoritarians will get rid of them once they reach power, they never believe us.


An alleged transcript of a private discussion in 2014 Hillary Clinton had with with Goldman Sachs.


forgot pic

This shit makes me physically sick. This is worse than Orwell's 1984. And yes 'leftists' dont get it, the party is are jewish totalitarian communists just like CIA and Shillary's kike party.
With this, 'Russian hacking' gains whole new perspective. This is bigger than I've ever imagined. Deep state war on Trump, ratting own people.

I'm not trying to subvert discussion, friend. Perhaps I'm not in the know. Is this transcript confirmed fake? I just remember it being circulated around awhile back and made the connection when this weird CIA/bronies connection was shared here. I thought it was odd and inquired about it.

Wrong break, sry

Where is this from? Link noa, faggot.

No user, it just confirms what we already know: Germany is still occupied by the US.


I wat

mods already banned all oldfags and harcore Holla Forumsacks


See . The link is in the original document it's referencing.

Spicer briefing just ended.

this is serious, isn't it?

It's a meme, you dip

Paul Walker's death explained, perhaps?


Is #user73599 /ourguy/?




t'will be good redpilling for normies.
We must figure out why Paul was targeted.


user, I…

Aside from memeing, what do we do?

Probably dev + LAN.

It's a local area network for their internal developers.

Confluence is a productivity and file management/project management software from Atlassian.

CIA = cancerous internet assholes

So supposedly the CIA's entire range of hacking software has been leaked?
Fuck me thats big news

It was already leaked to anyone in the game, Wikileaks just made it available to the entire public

HAL had nothing to do with the monolith.



Why not just buy a vehicle with a manual transmission? If anyone fucks with it you can just pull it out of gear.

Wait. Wikileaks has leaked the actual software?


Why is this not surprising

I will add that the CF may have links to this. Especially knowing the close ties between the Clintons and the CIA

HAHA! Not when your power steering pump locks your wheel 90 degrees to the left when you're going 80 down the highway

Can we doxx Avedon!Void.Eul.c

Britain and France since the end of the Napoleonic era, yes. Jackson fucked up everything for them in the US by decentralizing the Bank, pic related. Wilson sold us out.

This is clearly where the Sassy Cat pic originally was saved from.
It's the first one. It's not loading for me, but if you click it you go to:
If you try to download the pic from that page it gives you a 504. Some panicked hothead trying to clean up their trace?

Wait. Strange. It showed up in the page a moment ago. I tried to download it. 504. Now I go to the search page again and the image is gone. Maybe the server realized that the image might not be there because of the error and removed it from the results or something. I'm not too tech literate.

This shit is scary, how do you even fight this? And where does Trump stand on this? These things take time, but if in the next 2 years nothing happens to the cia or trump doesn't get assassinated I will assume that he is one of them.

If they are the ones choosing the puppets we elect we can't really rely on our president.

Drive-by-wire is a thing now.

Never mind. I'm retarded.

Err…Im not sure thats contolled by a computer in most cars. Power steering is belt driven and is pretty analogue so far as i can tell with my cars.

We should post some CIA jokes in the thread.

Here we go all over again.

A lot of cars these days have electronically controlled power steering.

Electronic steering is becoming a standard in cars.

my new car does is this bad? There is a button I can press to turn it off

Yep. Your car is cucked. As are all cars made after 2000.

Reminder that all Moefags are CIA



That doesn't mean that it can be controlled by someone outside of the car in a basement somewhere, it just means steering is aided electronically. At least as far as I can tell

can someone dumb dow this for non tech fags?


To the ones who downloaded: any useful source code available?

Neither of my cars, which are both less than 10 years old do.either way there is no guarantee that the car can be steered withput some kind of physical input.

There is no physical or mechanical linkage of ANY kind. Electronic brakes, throttle, and steering can all be controlled from the car's computer directly.

Even your gas and brake pedals have fake pressure applied to them so they feel "real".


Well for them it's a job and for me it's every waking moment. They probably go home after 8 hours thinking "If I hear the word meme one more fucking time" meanwhile I'm literally shitposting while having taco bell diarrhea from eating 12 for 12 tacos at 3am

and the cars computer can be hacked remotely at any time?

So, an electric signal can make the electric power steering motor(s) do something? Something like turn the wheels?
I'm no car engineer, but it seems like this at least warrants further investigation.

There's a reason i don't buy anything under 20 these days.


While these CIA documents only state that the CIA was "looking into it" in 2014, we can safely assume that with 2 years, billions of dollars, and millions of man hours, that yes. Your car can probably be hacked at any time.

This site explains it pretty well. The car's computer (The ECU) can apply power directly to the steering pump, so yes, it can change the direction of your wheels.

I think we just found out who kek is.

What is this fucking anime we're living guys?

Its demonstrated possible in this video. They control the wheel of a vehicle made in 2014, disable the brakes etc. I'm fairly certain the CIA can do this.


Remember this entire plan came from Von Braun. What a fucking genius. Recreating the conditions for the rise of a new order with a virtual environemnt bearing omniscient powers.

When the third reich tried to reach alien signals, they answered, didin't they?

(checked 9/11)
probably all of them at this point


This is gonna be fun


Sounds comfy.

I'm scared to look

I want to bomb the CIA right now. Especially their Frankfurt Embassy. Those lowlifes better run and hide under a rock forever, because if I ever get to see one of those fucking pedos they are toast. I really mean it. I am pissed right now.

BY THE WAY. Do not use ever anti virus software. In the leak there is also a PDF about AV. They are all compromised and have backdoor. IT guys know those facts already, but there is everything you need to know about them in that file. MINDBLOWING if you never heard about it.

You know. There's a story that's been floatin about in my head for a while now. But not sure what inspired it.

Humans in the past get kidnapped and enslaved by aliens for use as slaves and soldiers.
They turn on their alien masters and kill them.
Then they find Earth and decide to just leave the homeworld be while keeping an eye on it until eventually they can't ignore the shit going on here any more and begin to intervene.

It would explain so much.
Ancient aliens were real but they fucked off with their prize.
Now our lost kin are back



A letter to American intelligence - A PROVEN ENEMY OF THE UNITED STATES

After seeing what you did to President Trump it is time for me to post this

I am a patriot. I want America to be great again. Not your type of great, where you suck a fat paycheck off the backs of hard working Americans and then turn around and stab them by stealing their secrets and selling them to the highest bidder. If you are too stupid to know your agencies do that, you suck at your job, compartmentalized clearance or not.
President Trump has what I believe is a flawless plan to make America great again. He has proven time and time again that he knows how to run a business which is harder than running a government, when that government is attempting to parasite suck everything out of business that it possibly can. Donald Trump prevailed in spite of you. He'd clearly wipe out America's problems if he was permitted to.

I don't care what agency you are in, ALL members of the intelligence apparatus are enemies of the United States. This may sound like an audacious statement, but it is a fact that is very easy to prove, in MANY different ways with countless examples.

1. It does not matter what agency you work for, you are a proven enemy of the United States because you never came clean on 911. Trump gets a pass on this because he knows the truth about 911, a fact clearly shown by him stating the buildings were demolished, But he can't come out in the open with it at this point because it is political suicide.
2. It does not matter what agency you work for, you are a proven enemy of the United States because it is your job to discover the reason for autism, yet every time anyone gets close to the truth about intentionally destructive vaccines you either kill them or sideline them, all the while you plant hoax explanations like glyphosate and anal bacteria. You are a hive of mentally malfunctioning trash and an enemy of the United States if that is all you can accomplish.

3. It does not matter what agency you work for, you are a proven enemy of the United States because no agency has ever come clean on a single false flag, and WE KNOW you have the details on ALL OF THEM.

4. You are a proven enemy of the United States because you allowed the universities to get over run by subversives and never did a single investigation into why America's education at all levels has fallen apart, and you never did a thing to stop it. YOUR JOB IS TO PROTECT THE UNITED STATES. If you just stood by while that happened and allowed subversives to destroy that key function of any healthy nation, you are an enemy of the people.

5. You are a proven enemy of the United States because you have direct access to ALL telecommunications, and never blew the whistle when they suddenly were all routed through Israel. That's a serious national security breach. Why did you do nothing to stop it? Did you really believe it was correct to never question anything when over 97 percent of America's communications became Israeli/Jewish owned? What about the anti trust laws? Why were they never applied?

6. You are a proven enemy of the United States because you never did anything to stop Bill Gates, while he stole the code from Word Perfect, Stacker, and many many other truly American software companies and simply put it into his products for "free" as long as you bought the operating system. Bill Gates ripped the guts out of the American software business, while you just sat there and did nothing as he subsequently coerced all PC manufacturers to only carry Microsoft operating systems. If computer manufacturers like Dell or Compaq EVER in ANY CASE put out a PC with a competing operating system on it, Microsoft, which was a dominant player, would forever deny licensing for Microsoft products, and therefore kill whoever dared to step out of line and break the Microsoft monopoly. You can't tell me you did not know that happened, WHY DID YOU LET IT HAPPEN?

As a result, the vast majority of the population is now funneled into a crappy Windows 10, which CLEARLY steals everything anyone ever does with it. Your failure to stop this type of monopoly with Bill Gates and others, such as Facebook and Google, proves beyond the faintest shadow of a doubt that you are an enemy of the American people.

7. It does not matter what agency you work for, you are an enemy of the American people because you stood by while the family courts short circuited due process and flushed countless men into oblivion with rulings that had far more damning and damaging outcome than virtually all punishments for true criminals. You probably ran the "deadbeat" psy ops that guilted men into letting it happen to boot! Because you never did anything to stop these courts, and never conducted a single investigation into who set them up, all the while they more than ripped the fabric of America to shreds, you are an enemy of the American people, that should be dragged through the streets and lynched.

8. You are an enemy of the American people because you stood by and did absolutely nothing to stop child protective services in all states from snatching children and selling them on the international markets via corporations such as DynCorp. There is no conceivable way you can make a case that with all the surveillance power you have, you did not know that was going on.

9. It does not matter what agency you work for, you are an enemy of the United States because you allowed pedophilia and child killings to prevail at all levels of government, all through Hollywood, and all through the Jewish community and other religions that are infected with luciferians, including even the Mormons. So it seems like you yourselves are aligned with Satan, because there is absolutely no way you can make the case you do not know what is going on. Even now, you are doing everything you can to protect these evil people at all levels, and this alone proves you are a cold hearted enemy of the American people.

a carbed chevy 305 can easily get 20mpg, sometimes even better depending on how you set everything up. Easier to keep operating for longer too.

NEED I SAY MORE? Perhaps so.

10. It does not matter what agency you work for, you are a proven enemy of the American people because you never uttered a peep about the rigged elections, and you can't tell me you do not know. You cannot tell me you do not know that President Trump took this election by such an enormous landslide that all your efforts to stop it failed. I guessed that maybe white hats in intelligence prevented a steal, but your subsequent behavior makes me doubt that. No, you are a standing enemy of the American people because you are a clear enemy of a more than duly elected President, who has worked hard to:
1. Stop child trafficking

2. Stop the destruction of education.

3. Stop the destruction of the children via obviously sabotaged vaccines.

4. Secure America.

5. Stated false flags are a reality and must be stopped.

6. Stop the pedophiles.

7. Stop election fraud.

8. Crack down on monopolies and apply the anti trust laws.

Being 8/10 already, so early in his presidency on these 10 issues alone proves Trump is a true patriot that wants to Make America Great again, and I did not even mention the evil and seditious press, which he is fighting tooth and nail.


I stand behind President Trump 100 percent. He's not perfect, but he is MY PRESIDENT, and the best hope America has. There will never be a better hope, and when I see these intelligence agencies working overtime to destroy that hope it makes my blood boil, DEAR AMERICAN INTELLIGENCE: YOU LOST MY LOYALTY LONG AGO, you simply cannot continue to act as an enemy of the American people and have my mouth stay shut on ANYTHING ANY LONGER.
I know about the CIA Wikileaks. If they are for real, all I can say is GOOD.

That's the annunnaki thing, Hitler and the natonal socialists were never trying to win WW2, the higher echelons knew it was hopeless. It was not a war, it was a call for aid.


CIA pls no

I still have version from before it was compromised. When you had hidden containers than could not be detected. They changed that and everybody knew CIA or NSA was involved.

It's the letter eth of the Old English alphabet, along with the letter thorn it represents the th sound.


Is there any way we can possibly come back from all this?

Good news is that WL has put the CIA in total checkmate by leaking their whole toolkit.

It certainly gives us some increased options

Seconding the recommendation to use mpv.
Especially now that they have added display syncing and interpolation. No other player comes close. Great keyboard controls too.

# Settings for smoothmotion
–video-sync=display-resample #syncs video with computer monitor
–interpolation #enables interpolation aka smoothmotion. makes the video buttery smooth
–tscale=sinc #sets the timescale. Not sure which is best. List found via –tscale=help

full collapse or full integration. given how addicted assholes are, it'll be the latter.

Breaking the conditioning again, mein Fuhrer?

The only thing left to do is meme ourselves control of this monstrosity.


MPC-HC still good, right?

Recently watched pic related again. Didn't realize how redpilled it was. Worth watching with a Holla Forums mindset. Describes our current political climate pretty damn well. Second half of the show drags like fuck though, pretty boring.

For windows yeah, I would use it. Can't stand windows though.

check out this video

So it looks like it can definitely be done. But my car isn't connected to the Internet and doesn't have one of those display consoles, so I'm not sure if it can be done to mine. Creepy video tho

https ://www. wired .com/2015/07/hackers-remotely-kill-jeep-highway/

There is still plenty of work to do to stop the evil CIA's rampage towards the worldwide implementation of the NWO and their mad rush to start WW3!!!!!


That covers every educational institution in the US. You can use SumatraPDF and 7-zip or Easy 7-zip as replacements. Check the installgentoo wiki for more free software.

Just got here, but this basically confirms our suspicions off how the Internet of Things and phones are just spying devices for the idiots who buy them, right? Wonder if people will still scream "conspiracy theory" when once again, we were right.

stop spreading this shit, it's a fake quote.
also apathy is the furthest thing from a virtue


Still not risk free. I know from experience that some ECUs cannot be near and UHF radio systems, they malfunction from interference otherwise. I know this is so for 80s cars too and probably all cars. The Feds can conjure up radio waves if they like.

Guys i am convinced the CIA is trolling us hardcore i mean come on.
are you fucking serious? i do a better job than you cunts and i do this shit for free.

.t CIA damage control personnel

I'm hoping that the public will finally wake up to all of this apparatus arrayed against them and throw off this powerful psyop, which, incidentally, was created by the CIA itself!!!

you have to go back

you've been watching too much Stargate

Think about this motherfucker: right now, there are memetic blackops in the CIA who shitpost on Holla Forums all day in order to achieve who knows what grand agenda.

This incident is one that might be tangentially related that never really became big news. Guy who was creating some new promising technologies but that also had some very disruptive and strange political views died in a police raid.

Sam Maloney Dead

Distributed p2p Nation State: Declaration of Independence

Honestly, Hillary Clinton's campaign was evidence that this isn't just elaborate trolling by the CIA.

As long as they don't find the /css/ board, they can shitpost and lurk all they want.

I wanna work as a ciaposter too tbh, where do i sign up?

smplayer is a good frontend for mpv on winblows, better in some respects than mpc-hc

i know right, it's completely retarded, like why the fuck would you want to spend time in this shithole? like serious talk, all that passes through here is pure autist code, the only people capable of deciphering what we mean are other autists.
Fucking government, wasting my taxes as always

any pizza joints near you?

But what if Stargate is real?

they find you

And if you are reading this CIA fuck you, fuck your shit, i know that Hitler did nothing wrong and you are welcome to come and try killing me, i dont give a fuck you fucking cunts.
BTW praise kek is an anagram for rape kikes, and we all know that KEK is great


this is like an after/before event

Procure a smartphone with GPS capabilities, root it, locate you nearest interstate and walk into the traffic whilst sending "UMMAN MANDA" to 25294. CIA assets will come pick you up before a semi turns you into meat.

DEFCON is going to be fun this year..

The contact info on CIA recruiters is open source intelligence now.

Delete yourself

I wouldn't be surprised

Who even wants to nail their dick to the failing CIA at this point?

the great pyramid was not a burial chamber it is actually stargate to the Cydonia Region of Mars. The Sphynx, for example is much older than Egyptologists care to exist based on erosion as analyzed by geologists. It wasn't aliens but ancient astronauts using technology lost in the great flood. This is also related to the lost city of Atlantis and similar pyramids all over the world. Governments everywhere are hiding the truth.

Since you got trips I post pics. I need to make a good infographic for this show sometime.

Wounded rattelsnakes and even decapitated rattlesnakes can still bite and inject their venom.

It's not over 'til it's over.


Truly inspiring, director.

Was wondering what the lefties think about all of this and I run into attached pic. Everything is fine, nothing bad is happening.

I'm wondering what all this means in the real world for insurance companies that have underwritten policies to all these companies using vulnerable computers and networks. Do they cancel all of them before something inevitably happens (i.e., failed projects, hacked data, preventable deaths), or do they just go along trying to pretend everything is fine? What about defense attorneys? Every case where a cellphone is used as evidence has reasonable doubt. Hell, every judicial and police computer network is compromised, so basically every electronic chain of evidence is broken. This goes a lot deeper than memes and bronies.

checked but no, when has Wikileaks ever distributed software?

The autocomplete for Joe Biden is Joe Biden memes. There's dozens, maybe hundreds of them on Google.

Now you're just mixing Stargate with X-COM (and I like it)

Isn't Melania too old for Biden?


Lads, thoughts on memeing "nice CIA meme"?

I don't think i saw a single one

guess they got memed on real good then

They have the tech to travel to Mars, but not to survive a flood.. sure bro

I didn't mean you. Just adding on to your comment.

I keep seeing this bitch pop up everywhere ever since I watched her yesterday. Almost all of her videos are full of binaural beats too… But just the other day. Someone I know sent me a video of them wearing one of those suits in her videos too doing some weird ass hand gesture at me. I mean it is probably what is considered a coincidence, but, I don't believe in those really and it's just uncanny.

I just keep seeing little things correlated to something else pop up in my life at some point later. Like as an example I was watching a Boon Docks webm earlier of that nigger ghost Stinkermeaner and someone showed up with Stinkmeaners name in my game.

Sorry for the blog post, Holla Forums, but this memery is getting out of hand.

wtf am i watching