#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Notch Goes Nuclear Edition


2. Crash Salon's advertisers - with no survivors:
- medium.com/@TrojanHorse711/salon-s-list-of-atrocities-and-a-list-advertisers-to-contact-gamergate-7c5cdeb9f2aa
- pastebin.com/V2eFA9GE
4. #GamerFruit - Dig into FIG:
paste.teknik.io/2491 || itmb.co/ts09w || up1.ca/#OLF7pVJJzk9ci56FwzveAA || twitter.com/McDermie/status/677627235386437633
5. Continue Digs on 8-4 and Nintendo of America:
- gamergatewiki.com

- archive.is/3azMp
- archive.is/GCgVn
- pastebin.com/ueUjXgh8
- www.oneangrygamer.net/2016/05/critical-distance-has-more-than-a-dozen-conflicts-of-interest-with-silverstring-media/2225/
- www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqJlhFsfsFU
- twitter.com/VoQn/status/709444614025977856 || lang-8.com/groups/3054
- blogjob.com/oneangrygamer/2016/03/pocket-gamer-charges-devs-up-to-50000-for-guaranteed-game-coverage/
> Tracy Fullofshiterton: >>>/gamergatehq/323269
- blogjob.com/oneangrygamer/2016/04/videogamer-includes-affiliate-links-in-articles-twitter-without-disclosure/ || twitter.com/OneAngryGamerHD/status/726462004911738880
- breitbart.com/tech/2016/05/02/round-two-hulk-hogan-sues-gawker-media/
- CH Updates: Apr 2 - Apr 26 - /p.teknik.io/5shqa
- Apr 2 - May 13 -p.teknik.io/emiKY
- Thread Repository Update: Apr 16 - Apr 25 - /p.teknik.io/WUMEx
- archive.is/26dfN


• www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;
• www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipcWm4B3EU4 - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds;
• archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.

• Use archive.is to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve websites in case they are deleted later;
• Use tweetsave.com to archive tweets before they are deleted;
• Beware of COINTELPRO tactics: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies - cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm
• Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags;
• Do not accept requests for any goal or demand list: pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5

• The #GamerGate Dossier: archive.is/nv1Fb
• #GamerGate.Me: www.gamergatewiki.com/index.php/Main_Page
• History of #GamerGate: www.historyofgamergate.com/
• View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section!

• All Operations: gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations
• Operation Disrespectful Nod: v.gd/jtftaG (email advertisers);
• Operation Shills in a Barrel: v.gd/IqOnFo (pick a journalist / outlet and find conflicts of interest);
• Operation Baby Seal: v.gd/iwvyPm (reporting Gawker for violating content guidelines);
• Operation Prime Rib: v.gd/ChMVI8 (stacks with above for x2 damage);
• Operation DigDigDig: v.gd/lUx6Nq (find connections and corruption);
• Operation Vulcan: v.gd/Kbzw0L (educate yourself on logical debating);
• Operation UV: archive.is/N9ieT (contact the FTC about Gawker);
• Operation Firefly: archive.is/Kz6kP (spread #GamerGate to Tumblr and help update the Wiki page);
• An user's Guide to Twitter: v.gd/nwrbYF (the basics).

• GamerGate Wiki Boycott List: v.gd/HTjBk3
• Support List: v.gd/bFfDrJ
• Boycott List: v.gd/eYq9go

• v.gd/LNJbat



Other urls found in this thread:


dinner time

never EVER eat your toes
its super gay

Enjoy your meal, baker

Archive of previous bread

Thanks for the bread

Do you guys even do anything other than shitpost anymore?
I haven't followed GG for like for over a year.


DEAD !!!

It's just a circlejerk now.

did we do anything in the first place?
I've been doing the same dumb shit since before GG
always gave game journalists crap and always tries to defend my hobbits from SJWS

Mmmm, bread.

GG is mostly a boogeyman that makes SJWs shoot their own feet over and over and over again simply because they can't kill it.
They're simply not used to something that don't bend over their every wish and will.

it is now anime gate

no games in here user

More people are shitting on these outlets every time they fuck up
and they are fucking up more and more because of GG boogyman putting the pressure on them

instead of the usual thread about Gorilla Hernadez writing stupid shit we have constant streams of it and multiple websites calling that shit out so ready to do so

if nothing else we have given people the Holla Forums approach to games journalists

Gilda didn't do anything wrong! She didn't ruin everything!

It's still "nothing" (tm).
Just a wall between an art school and the starbucks that the hipsters want to go thru but keep just hitting face on, thinking it will eventually budge.



Only anything she touches.

already one butthurt faggot

thats entirely the point retard, bad journalism is the reason you believe this shit


That first definitely wasn't the last.

Just ate my dinner earlier, King of Strong Style baby!

It's infuriating. People still parrot things like Brad Wardell sexually harassed/raped a woman or Nintendo censored Xenoblade X because you can customize the tits of a 13 year old

anyone wanna do some countering in the comments? like the niche gamer article interview with him

No cheap taiwanese moving stories here please.



Nobody home!

This is why the Japanese games industry is superior.


Bread makes you fat.

This pleases me.

I fucking love Denis Dyack


And all that just because the bread has a shitty OP pic.

I hate everything, and I don't know whether to scream or to cry.

Multiple bills due, not enough money to pay them all. No help available. Worst night at work I've ever had. Too much work, not enough crew. My crew person had a guy pretend to rob her, she almost walked out on me. This ghostbuster shit is fucking with my head.

I'm overwhelmed.

Sorry for blogging. But I have no one.

There there, user


Sup, Damien?

How much have you and what bills are due?


Oh don't worry user, believe it or not you can ignore the bill depending and they won't shut it off for a little.
I'm in an ongoing war with the water company about them charging me for water when according to them "my water meter's been broken for 10 years, and I need to fix it, but because it's partially inside the house, we can't send someone to fix it". I had to hire a plumber to do it illegally because plumbers aren't allowed to legally fuck with the water meter.

Unless your bills are all at final warning in which case shit user, pawn your TV or something

I follow them on twitter just to know what news they're posting. I saw it and archived it as soon as it was posted

I really like the view of this image
Now to ad it to my folder for commisson ideas

Remember, its easier to live without running water or electricity then to live without a roof over your head.
Some states have support systems in place for helping with electricity and water bills, if you haven't already call 211 on a phone to get info about information about health and human services in your location.
IDK what the fuck ghostbusters has to do with any of your issues, but it sounds like the person who had someone pretend to rob them might be more trouble then they are worth and might be worth looking into reporting them to management and if you are management then looking into hiring a replacement.**
What is your job anyway?

inb4 he's a ghost buster.

I'm a manager at McShits. Trying to make ends meet.

okay that makes less sense, how does the new ghost busters work into this

It's an awesome perspective and I can't find more images like it. Even from the same artist.

Do you get free dinner there is so don't buy food, pay rent no matter what do go into arrears on rent what ever happens.

It's not directly related to my financial issues. It's just bothering the hell outta me. Lots of stuff, but that one get's me everytime.

But yeah, you can put off water until they deliver a final notice, same with gas and electricity because it's a lot of effort to shut those off/on, internet usually you can eek a few days before they cut everything.

Its breddy good art

I gotta find the right artist for it I think


Expecting any dirty tricks from the GOP? Think they haven't completely over Trump potentially winning the presidency? If Hogan definitely wins over Gawker on top of it, you know they're in for a meltdown for the second half of the year following this Ghostbusters fiasco and Notch going full shitlord.

We really ought to come up for something for E3 to fill the gap between it and the 2 year anniversary, Maybe make some OC for League For Gamers soon.

It's rent, electricity, cable/internet/ car payment. Cay payment will wait, they're cool. I have no idea how I'll pay it then though, because Comed is letting me pay half now, and half later. So in two weeks I'll owe $300 for my car payment, and $400 for electricity. Rent won't wait. Cable/internet is getting shut off.

Sorry guys, not trying to derail. Back to our regularly scheduled programming.


**Keep in mind the labor at mcdonalds has been intentionally organized to allow for quick and frequent turnover. Its disgusting to think about but if some one there is more trouble then they are worth just fire them and hire a new person. Its disgusting to think about doing IMO but the business is structured like that and avoiding taking advantage of that structure makes it harder then it has to be.
Make sure to call 211 if you haven't already. Some of their services require you to have contacted them before the bills are a certain type of late or before the service has been shut off so contacting them asap is a key.**

Ah, good times, good times. I remember several anons answering his meeting and being blocked in return.

This will never not be funny.

Now, the real question is this - Considering he blocked everyone who answered his request for a duel on social networks, what about answering his request, but IRL ?

Are you running a methlab in there or something?
Just keep your head up user. Such is life in the zone.

Thinking the same, I pay £45 a month in a two bed house.

Chances are he'd call the police.

Kashima a slut.

And when the police arrives, you use the opportunity to ridicule him, via a copy of the request. Plus, he'd be piss scared anyway because he probably thinks no one will go to that length.

And the HuffPo will something around the lines of "Brave citizens violently assaulted by ferocious Gobbergay, police had to intervene"

While we will have the true version of the story, which will prove once again how some medias can't be trusted, how stupid this clique is, and how many salt runs in this industry. Plus, the police will have the data attesting that this guy is a troublemaker, which may cause him problems in the future, should he enter into other conflicts later.

Remember when some faggot said he'd kill any goober he could find and someone practically said "come and get me" with a time-stamped picture of his handgun?
They don't react well to being confronted.


The fact that they don't react well to being confronted is something that actually could be exploited. Not to destroy any PR they might establish, but actually to show how dangerous these people might be, and how dangerous it is to leave them in such a state, considering how much lots of cases in the clique need medication and restraining.


It keeps getting worse.

Any grills here? I got a super important question
how do you look after your butt hole hair?

Go home, Marche, you're drunk. Also, your waifu is a furry.

Moat human girls don't have any if they did they wax or bleech.

I dont believe this
Girls have pooper hair just like I do

Most human girls are horribly nasty creatures who don't have any concept of personal hygiene or self awareness.

Your mother.

Did you have ass hair before puberty? Most women don't have ass hair like you a fine white hair like on their faces is what most women get on their ass.

Have you never had anal with a woman?

Thats where poop comes from
I had pubes since I was 7

Explains your furry tendencies.

This is funny to me, 7/10

In Canada we have ads in bus stops talking about the Health Gap that is oppressing women.

Nuke us.

No, Blasphemy hasn't released a new album yet.

How very selfish of you.

The only thing I could think of is that women are not very common in randomized control trials and the like used to test new drugs, and this is mostly because their menstruation cycle and the associated hormonal changes fuck up the entire experimental setup.

Something something "depression forces women to fail".

If I remember, the ad looked something like:

The Wage Gap is
The Health Gap
FAILS women with

Something obnoxious like that.

When was the last time you heard an androcologist being mentioned?

Isnt depression also hogher in men

I think you mean urologist (although the latter also deal with the female urinal tract).

In other news



Oy vey! its anudda shoah!

In yet other news, negroes want to be segregated again like back in the good old days.

The irony is killing me.


Lewds. Fresh outta the oven

We're fucked as a country. Everyone's either a libcuck or a not-so libcuck. Even the right-wing parties are politically correct pansies.

Yup. The audacity of these cunts. It's like they are trying to drive men to suicide. not a mgtow but what the fuck.

Time to repeal the 13th Amendment and put these negroes in their place:

Have you seen ?
Paradicks YES!

In yet other, other news, Captain America needs a boyfriend.





Welp. Mizzou is over. With this, they'll never get back on track to get normalfags enrollment back. Or maybe they actually want to become known as SJW university like Oberlin?

So higher suicide
Higher depression
Lower expected age

Canada pls

Well there goes my last bit of interest in the game


Paradox pulls Stellaris mod that turns all characters white. They don't want to seem discriminatory.

And yet, mods that turn all characters black/asian are still up.

Watch out for GamerGate
The public enemy of the world #1
It is the main hashtag responsible for…
☑ Being on the wrong side of history
☑ Fondling 55 eggs by surprise
☑ Molesting people in VR
☑ Plays DOOM better than Polygon
☑ Safeguards vagina bones
☑ Are the LOVELY, horrible people at 8E8ightC-han
☑ Told God check my quads
☑ Seducing AVGN to the dark side of history
☑ Turned waifus into Gamergate's worst nightmare
☑ Turned Notch into a woman hating MRA rapemonster
☑ Cuntfuses a lot of ovary-acting womyn

I forget, what's the worst shit Eurogamer has done? Are their any COIs in articles actually published on Eurogamer? I vaguely remember them being shit but they're not on the boycott list and I'm not finding much on Deepfreeze.

I have no guts and I must quit life.

But you already are dead, user.

A community manager said this on Reddit:


However in a google cache of the mod page this is the only statement that might refer to:


Either it was updated after the time the Google cache captures or that's what they were referring to. The cache copy is from May 15 so it's plausible it might have been updated after that.


If only they were just fujos. They'd be way more reasonable if they were.




Tfw no fujo grill to bully about being disgusting and smelly to make myself feel better 🦂

Now they try to weasel out by calling it 'inexperience' as if engaging in censorship were anything but malevolence.



Don't attribute to malice what could be done in ignorance :^)
t Zuckerberg

That's racist!

Why not both. Stupid assholes are not uncommon.


Don't forget to donate, her moms likes bananas.

Also, looking at Notch, friendly reminder that there's still devs out there who support or are sympathetic to GG, even though they either are in the chokehold of their company's PR monkeys or (in the case of smaller ones) can't afford to draw the wrath of the gaming "journalists".

Full disclosure: Got personal affiliations with the company in the last pic, shills gonna shill etc.


Somebody should just make the mod again then.



Time-travelling meme magic, especially.

Apparently grober-gays actually were responsible for the Hindenburg.

What game is that last image from? I feel that i need to support such acts… provided the game is any good that is, i don't own Afterlife Empire for a reason.

You have been visited by


Good luck on love, good luck on surgeries, Concentration, Smugness, a better PC, the ability to spot shills, Orchestra instead of Dubstep and Salt of your enemies will come but only if you post a pic of your Waifu followed by the words “FOR HER, THE WORST NIGHTMARE OF GAMERGATE”

Remember to always be a big guy


War for the Overworld. Essentially began as a fan-made Dungeon Keeper 3 but they had to switch the name and the setting when they went commercial, because you know how EA is with its IPs.

Keep in mind those patchnotes were part of an April's Fools patch though (if the Tracer joke didn't make it obvious enough)

I think it's War For the Overworld, that Dungeon Keeper spiritual successor.

I think we're being raided

Meanwhile, at Salon


The rats are leaving the sinking ship

Thankfully the pedos remain aboard

The murderer is actually the sleazy boss's brother mad that the family funding his stupid magazine got them liable for a lawsuit made by a guy they leaked the prototype of.


Is the world ending anons?

anyone that wants to go to the e3 public event needs to get a ticket. If you want tickets go to www.E3LiveLA.com ……this will be published by a fuck ton of journo sites soon.

No embargo so if you're in the area and want to go hit it up

sorry thought you'd like to know


Not yet

How long have you been gone, user? a month?

Looks nice, except for the ellipses. Ellipses are series of three dots, like so: …

This list just keeps getting better the more it expands.

Why didn't you include Vivian? That's my second favorite finished picture of yours. My favorite being the nude Danielle.

Salon has been going off the deep end so much I think they're even beginning to scare away the SJW's.

Thanks, trips.
I'll fix the ellipses once I finish shading and stuff.

tfw i lost all of the good unfinished shit a month back

Well that's a shame, still, that video looks like fun, might check it out when it's on sale.

These trips require checking

I'm scared to commit to the lwedness of the third picture, it can either be puffy vulva… or balls.

Anything you want in specific? I've even got what could have been Gilda.

More pics like these ?

Oh well, it's still a nice picture.

I'm good, but thanks
it was all unfinished porn, god that one with viv behind freya and DF tan in front


Stole this from the comments section, from one Mr. Doyle:

Right on schedule.
Here are some common leftist moves in the probable order of a crisis.

1: deny

2: investigate yourself and find no problems

3: use "intent" to describe what should have happened as what did happen (we didn't plan to demolish all those orphanges, but we had to build the golf course somewhere.)

4: SHIFT BLADE TO SOME ONE WHO CANT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE (interns, untrained staff, typos, speak-o's)

5: attempt to phrase problem in way that is not reality (like you stole a watch, and you tell your accusers "let's not pretend I stole an armband, you know I never stole any armband, you liars!")

6: Admit wrongdoing while trying to relate your instance of wrongdoing with other instances of wrongdoing ("Yes, I had sex with that woman, but she took my money, and men have sex all the time with women, hookers are a common thing with all American men")

7: Twist admission into a failing that is common that gets sympathy (Yes, I was with that hooker. I was lonely. Don't we all get lonely? Can you say you've never been lonely?")

8: Promise to fix issue for the future while bringing up a topic that makes any more questions seem shallow ("my wife and i accept that It's time we started focusing on things more important than hookers, like starving children")

Platinum Games finally made a bad game. I blame Activision.

I was so hype for that new TMNT game. My day is ruined gaymergays.

Obviously things like this will bite them in the ass


Oberlin students think their campus is so toxic and everyone is against them, that they chose to drop out of school. At Oberlin. One of the most SJW colleges on this planet.

let them drop out. They are failures anyway.

I don't know whether to laugh or cry, these people terrify me

Read the article. Some profs allow them to pass exams with "conversations" at Oberlin.

This is why the SJW mindset cannot be sustained for long, it leads to isolationism, paranoia and/or suicide.

I would fail a conversation harder than a regular midterm.


I hope the Third one happens on them, it would be a great favor to humanity

Wait what? I thought they said the students wanted to change exams for conversations!

As much as companies don't care for grades when you do stuff, no grades looks bad on a transcript, and if I am reading right, the low grades are hidden, which does not look good at all.

I'm going through some old gamergate tweets. God I hate the disgusting bastards we're up against.

Oh I'm so sacred. I'm literally quivering in my fucking non existent hiking boots right now.

BLM turned on MLK last year. Called him Uncle Tom and his teachings "not aggressive enough" and useless, just to go back and use him as a poster child again for their activism.

They shit on anyone if the situation warrants it, just to go back and praise that person again the next day.

Wow, that's a hard irony in there.

Why are you fags talking about SJW shit that doesn't have anything to do with video games?

Didn't you know user? Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are ruined forever.


That was from back when that weird asshole shoved the gamergate line into prison school. This guy was his friend or coworker or some shit.

Well, I don't really. They are victims of the cult, contrary to journos and other who simply profit from the situation, these people drank the kool-aid hard. They need help.

But like trannies who would better benefit from consultation than surgery, they will never get it. It is sad.

Welcome to #GamerGate.

Why would anyone include race in an economic theory

They can't even put up enough work for their joke liberal arts/woman studies decrees now?

Its as sad as anti-vaccine people dying of diseases. Nature sorts out the stupid from our ranks all of its own. I dont feel sad for them at all. Less competition in the occupation market for me.

Star Fox Zero was pretty shit, are the reviews out on TMNT? I never checked the release date so i have no idea when it was supposed to release.

Goons are triggered by us again and are shilling both Holla Forums and Holla Forums. As pointed out.
>>>Holla Forums6100074

>referencing that fucking poo in loo meme
I still think goons burned /n/ to the fucking ground and that just solidifies it even more

Too much activism. It must be really hard to find the triggering parts of Siddhartha when you have to make cupcakes to sell at a dollar for men, and 50 cents for black women.


What a weird mother fucker.

In Germany, we have a way to take a "semester on leave" to deal with stuff like this (e.g. illness/death of family members, own medical reasons, etc.). Even more if you can justify it (e.g. doctors attestation) without having to pay the tuition fees or semester fee (since we don't even have tuition fees for regular students).

I have no doubts that american colleges have a similar system for hardships. Her justification for not being able to produce good enough results to pass exams and graduate are bullshit. She's just lazy, dumb or spent way to much time on unimportant shit like her activism. Which probably isn't too surprising if she chose bullshit studies in the first place instead of something that can actually get her a good job.


Guess they just point at their failed system and say don't do that, maybe?

That will never not make me mad.

I understand Oral Exams but conversations? Way to handicap retards and autists to hell and back you albiests.


Didn't take long for the goony beard men to swarm that shit, guess they are at full alert though

At this rate, they're going to have completely withdrawn from reality to the point of losing all lucid thought by 2020, being permanently locked away to protect themselves if not others, and will have made hardcore NEETs look like extroverted go-getter social champions by comparison. That, or they're all going to die out willingly and sooner than thought, as they all refuse to participate in life itself due to being triggered by existing, and commit mass sudoku in the middle of all the adult-preschool "safe spaces" they whined so hard to get.

Self-solving problems are always nice to see. Prepare to celebrate the end of this madness soon, my friends, because it's coming very quickly from the look of things.

We have been in a long streched calm since 2007. The storm is on high.

Damn, he's still going.

Some user has that one with the butthole, I need it for reasons

At this rate, give it another 10 years and they'll go after their most famous icon, "bell hooks". They'll start questioning her teachings and think they know everything better because they practiced activism for 2 years at college and feminism since they've been 12 through their tumblr and twitter account. Their camps will then split into even more factions with pro bell hooks and anti bell hooks just like people that are TERFs and non TERFs and people that exclude gays from LGBTQ because they are not oppressed enough.

This is the future they want


I'm not sure about brick and mortar colleges, but the online ones will usually hold your (non transferable) credits for a set amount of time if you talk to them about it. It's a business after all, it's about making money, and if they just gave you the middle finger and let you walk, why would someone return?

Just go on his twatter and cap it. It hasn't been that long that it would take you more than a minute to find it. Hell, you could easily put it into twitters search and find it.

Giant skyscrapers getting attacked by wacky inflatible men? Yeah that's fucking spooky.

I want them to tear dorkin a new one.

Well, there's 1 guy for starters. Can't find any other that can share the same characteristics



Whatever, I just really like the premise of a dystopia where the only weapon is an inflatible wacky man.


Read this tweet chain. Where or how does he "white wash?"

Anatomy: F-

Yeah, so can a smoke alarm. And most vegetables can feel pain, so should we call it "killing" when we harvest? Abortion for things out of your control, fine. But when you get your dumbass pregnant for not having safe, protected sex, you reap what you sow.

To the user last thread that said I had better be focused on Microecon and Stat, that's what I enjoy about Econ. Not a fan of macro at all.

That artist is great. Thanks for sharing.

It's not like he has much better to do with his time. He has all this money he doesn't have direct access to (invested), so… this is really it.

Right after we ban female masturbation. Sound fair to you?

The real question is how someone so terrible at her job manages to survive


They always get a laugh out of you.

I think you answered your own question.

Fugg you le unfunny jewess I'll jizz in a sock if I want to. My body my choice.


I got bad news for Sarah Silverman. I'm about to "murder" a bunch of sperm cells. Anyone got any good pics to assist?

So this is what happens when you get to be dry and unlovable. Blame men!

They made the Korra game too.

is it that bad?
whats wrong with it?

Also, someone in the comments made a good point, 'sperm and egg cells do not have a complete set of chromosomes, thus are not human until post meld. And as for the urethra thing, sure sarah, you stick a camera up your peehole first without numbing. Then we might not follow while you scream how it hurts.



remember when she lied about being paid less because she was female and then it turned out she was not booked and did it for fun and got money and that almost never happens. She later said she didn't regret that she lied she regretted that she told enough of the story for people to find out the truth.

Catgirls are coming. We just need to get Japan to get in on this shit.

Marche is that you showing true colors already?

Nothing could possibly go wrong.


Screw Catgirls, we need to deal with the woman of today first, creating a biologic weapon a la syphon filter than only targets women and such we can start from zero with those girls, free of all feminism


It was me


Don't worry, big sister will sure take good care of this

It would be easier to kill all betas. Without betas women would have to man up. And then we need to add more testosterone to the foods.

What could, possibly?


But how so, we cannot create a biologic weapon that only target them, because in fact it would also target other men… it would be harder.

if there's an advice I would offer, it would be one:

Don't attempt to play God. unless it's a god game


I got a better one just for you

Jews do that all the time though.

just kill any failed experiments.


I pick the first choice, I prefer anarchy over perfection

One would have to attune the wolbachia parasites to react to femenist buzzwords.

who else would ever use words like 'mansplaining' and 'kyriarchy' with such regularity?

it would greatly reduce it, but it will still exist.


Release heart of gold you fucker

Round up all men who follow thw usual suspects and kill them. They are 90% white, so it would be common enemy approved. And then lace the food with so much testosterone that they all man up.

Nah, I was just pointing out that if the rebooted bubs as an antro female then it would be loved by the usual suspects in current year.



Some user pointed that the 4 b's seem to be a common pattern behind betaness.
Maybe we can find a genetic component behind the betaness and target it.

As expected from the guys who came up with critical theory and post-modernism.

I have burned all of the episodes from every seasons to the CD's… will start watching all of those again in next month

sauce on sexy smug?

Just three more days.

We're still slaving away in the QA to prevent a clusterfuck as back with the vanilla launch

Notch is now ableist, too, criticising the disabled like that. Shame on him!

You say clusterfuck, I say 20-hour work days filled with joy and merrymaking.

good to see that the gg machine is running at full speed.


I see, but we would need text subjects, Alpha, muscular men, betas, so we can separate that gene correctly and not risk colateral damage on other men

why though?

The sleep afterwards will be glorious. **I still hate crunch time though.

If you consider uncontrollable sobbing and mental breakdowns after a critical bug that was patched out ten builds ago resurfaces for shit and giggles one day before release, then certainly.

Yeah, just look at how badly the first guy who tried it fucked up, and he was starting with the full toolset available rather than mere bits and pieces.

Where you're the one getting crunched, not time.

I fucking despise goons.

Got fucked up when I made it. And I didn't bother to check if it worked before I posted it.

Yep. Its taxing.



All genetically engineered lifeforms need to have their reproductive capabilities removed on a genetic level to ensure the avoidance of catastrophic contamination of natural environments.

Oh, reminder that Gawker and Hogan go back to court tomorrow, I'm guessing for the appeals. Not sure what time, but it's fucking court, so just wake up early so you don't miss any news as it happens

I'll be watching

Assuming the link will be the same as last time: livestream.com/accounts/4903803/events/4901523

You can see his hopes wash away. The thing is that they sure though they were exagerating, but a female comedian basically talks about her cunt.

So finally the toolkid of like is released? The game of life is pretty boring without mods.


Can't wait.

finally, that took very long.

shoop a face on his chin

My friend posted this on Facebook, I'm too lazy to read it but he doesn't even give a shit about this so there must be something wrong.


How new are you?

Where were you when incompetent SJWs made Red Skull right?

Oh what could Gawker possibly use for this time? Calling Hogan a racist and will countless times talk about the Holocaust?

wiki is run by femnazies
wiki use sources without proove
take a look at OP link to happenings and look for the wiki entrys



Anyone contributing to LostWoods (E3 Plans) and that other Val one for getting more people in?
How can I help?


Also, Tweet the article yourself with #GamerGate in it.

I would say lets make an op to get more devs out of the woodwork supporting us/antiSJW (big or small), but I think that'll happen as we keep doing shit.

Only if you pint out their flawed methodology and get them to reveal their true selves (salty-babies)

Not only that, they gave him dooms role since doom was being seen in a good light. They know not what they are doing and not making friends. Black and white thought support tribalists, but normalfags can see in greyscale.

Checking the recent news, Denton is still sticking with the "He just sued us to hide the racist tapes" excuse, and the "Hogan is actually working for a mysterious billionaire mastermind in a grand conspiracy to bankrupt Gawker"

Not even kidding about that last one


Still far off from seeing colours, hues and patterns.

No denton, nobody could ever hate you, its just someone from sillicon valley, its not like you ruined the wrong person's career/life or anything

Ehh, better than the tribalists who can only see white and black. I hate tribalism, and dont particulary care for feudalism either.

Jesus Christ, Denton, if a Silicon Valley billionaire hated you, he would make sure you're the first to know.


I've been reading quite often recently that they'll reduce the $140M with high probably to something more reasonable (as in a few $M). So rather something that will barely hurt Gawker.

The irony is that he is making a point.

You must suck as a writer when your strawman has more reasons than your own argument.

I hate landwhales and furries, but can I keep catgirls, futas and traps for my own entretaintment?

Is there any version with $140M or would I have to make one myself?


Just admit you want to fuck men

Shit he's onto us!

that's what they want out of the appeal, preferably to pay out no more than one million

No, I want to fuck FEMININE men who behave like little girls.

Are nintendo life ethical? I'd forgotten to ask.

that is wishful thinking on their part, the amount of money HULK could have made is more than a few million and they did damage beyond that as well, defying court orders boastfully etc…

Its to our advantage.
They strawman so hard they prove our point.
By pointing out "heartless lies" they show the truth.

It's like that Angry Birds movie (intentional or otherwise). People are getting fed up, and the pendulum is going to swing back.
We just need to keep an eye on who rises during that time.

Male or female pheromones?

They should have female pheromones of course.

You want to fuck feminine figures with masculine pheremones and a little testosterone.

You're only lying to yourself.

I just want girls with dicks.

They're telling the message we want to get across and not twisting the facts, so I'll shill them for this article at least.


it gets worse


For fuck's sake… if we can have cat girls why can't we have futa and traps for domestic use?

I mean reading through the article it seemed OK.
I guess putting "unethical" in quote marks was a sign.

The article is meant to be sarcastic and against his opinion.

forgot this one also

nighty night then

Cat girls are girls. You want to fuck something that's a man. That makes you gay.

What about a hermaphrodite?

But I want both. Is my constitutional right to have genetically engineered cute things.

Is in the constitution, look it up you commie.

If you would rather fuck a girl who has a dick vs a girl who doesn't, you're getting pretty gay.

Spread this then


So I watched the ending of Raw yesterday. Can some wrestle fags explain to me what fucking idiot thought it was a good idea for AJ Styles to job to fucking Kevin Owens for a qualifier for a 10 person or whatever ladder match. Is WWE still ran like shit?


That hillary gif is horrifying, there is not a hint of a smile in those eyes. Psychomask

Ahhh, the who "Make the patriotic american evil, see pateiotic americans are evil nazis. SEE SEE!" And then they will mak captian miss muslim "cure him". Calling it now.

They're somewhat ethical, but I recall a video floating around where one of the editors or something was shit talking Nintendo fans. My guess is they're not in the clique and someone who wanted to damage NL released it to do some damage. That's usually how they operate.

If you want to shill their articles, I think it would be alright.



Holy shit.

Karma is a slow moving vindictive bitch

Someone show Holla Forums.

Does Vice cover actual news or are they purely clickbait like buzzfeed? My memory is too bad to keep all of them apart.

Wonder what the reason for their layoffs where. Who is their parent company? Most of them are controlled by a few big ones anyway. They probably just removed another redundancy to save money.

>>>Holla Forums6102843

Vice used to do some decent journalism at times.
Now they skew stories to appeal to libs and they clickbait all the fucking time.
It's sad to see how far they have fallen.

90% clickbait bullshit. They used to do some good video content, documentaries and the like but I think the guy that planned and did those left a while back.

They used to do good shit, but now it's mostly clickbait and "muh ebil guns".

Title should have been Red Skull becomes Red Pill.

I wonder how much of an impact that ex-employee stating they fudged the numbers to demand higher advertising rate had?


Yeah I posted that yesterday,


Tranny sues Valve for discrimination, polygon is on the case!

3.1 M $

Holla Forums also found the writer

Trannies; not even once

That was me you dummy

Nick spencers been writing shit

I think a big problem as well in all of this is how the medium of gaming has really stagnated. You get people who want to portray games as over glorified movies and talk about how that matures the medium when it only diminishes what actually makes gaming unique and able to be differentiated form other media, the gameplay.

There is less creativity now too. You never see new genres or genre combinations being tried. Instead we see the same tired FPS and RPG mechanics with no one trying to improve or expand upon past systems. We just end p with death match after deathmatch. We can hardly have stealth games now without people complaining about how they don't like it due to lack of combat.You see it in even more niche things as well. Warhammer rarely ever tries anything outside of Strategy and tactics games.

They used to do some pretty fantastic short documentaries, on life in the warzones and other interesting topics, they still do, but their writing was always lackluster, and it eventually degraded into politicking nonsense.

I bet you my bottom dollar that that case will be dropped or you'll never hear about it again.

This is bullshit. There are no supervisors at Valve.
Their corporate structure is entirely horizontal.
That's why support is so slow - nobody is there to tell people they actually have to pay attention to it.

Yeah, that immediately caught my eye.
And it all seems to revolve around this mystery "supervisor."

I sometimes just skim over threads since actual important info has become rare and shitposting more frequent. What was the reception/responds?

My question would be, if Jordan Hoffner has some history with being far left / radical / feminist / SJW or if he's more moderate and how he might change Salon in the future. From a quick look at his twitter (which is barely used), he only retweeted a gay pride thing from last year when gays where allowed to marry each other. CEOs often change how these kind of publications are run and what they report about. This could actually be for the better. I'd guess a man with his history would actually try not to promote pedophiles like Salon did in recent history.

Never hire trannies/SJWs. If you are forced to let them go (especially due to bad work ethics) you'll always run a higher risk of getting sued for bullshit and get bad PR in the process.

By the way, this is how the writer then tries to brush away Red Skull's points: all the guys become suicide bombers. Because, you know, it's the Nazis that do suicide bombs. Certainly not the Muslims.

The response was:

"ehhh, this sort of thing happens all the time and Salon's recent layoffs are far more telling."



Cultural appropiation!

Well don't keep it to yourself, keep an eye where they wind up and warn their employers.
Like a good consumer.

Article links to a removed reddit post. wew.

prior to removal: archive.is/xGKoJ
after removal: archive.is/P4ykP

Wait a second. I remember this. Last year something like this blew up on some subreddit for Valve translations. Fuck I don't remember the details anymore, but apparently Valve used to get some translation from less known language from a fan community for free. Then some of the people from that community got hired and started kicking people out of the community, stealing their work without crediting them, getting paid for it, etc. and the community was fed up with this and stopped the translation work or something. As said, I don't remember the details anymore, so some things I said might be incorrect, but I'm sure this case is 100% related to the above mentioned community.

So suicide bombers are hydra, well that explains why muslims got along with the nazis.


Found a bookmark for anyone interested in this. It might not be related, since apparently it's a different person.

It's likely either Ric Flair or Ted Debiase.

So what I'm getting from this is that it isn't an exclusive thing, that potentially dozens of people were affected by the same dude, but this person, who may or may not have actually translated shit in an official capacity, is abusing "victim" status and this scandal to get money.

Can we start calling Milo "King Milo of Rot Mountain"?

Does that mean we should show women their eggs before they are allowed to menstruate?

Another article about Valve being sued


I bet she/he was fired because she/he is one of those who doesn't work and only boast how much of an special snowflake they are

I wonder what her poop smells like

ha ha

I'm disappointed that there aren't 20 articles from progressive outlets already. What an outrage!



Make me wonder what makes people get into clickbait in the first place, especially given its inconsistent nature with having to appeal to a supposedly fickle audience.

Ted DiBiase is currently unavailable.


Girls don't poop you retard.

Probably real bad if we consider the average hikki diet of crisps and ramen.
Good genetics though.

It's extremely easy to write and used to make a lot more money.

best girl

Shit, like her show.

Heard it's locked to 30fps

Wasn't there a russian terrorist group that also used suicide bombings liberally? And there was that Japanese cult that had its members set off nerve gas bombs in a subway with no expectation of escaping.

It seems to me that suicide bombing is just an extreme aspect of radicalism (which muslim terrorists obviously are), rather than of a specific culture.

I've wanted to finish DS today. Instead shitposted on Twitter for 5h straight. Send help.

It is not shitposting user. It is funposting.


Do they not teach math in school anymore or what?

N9, but a blank transcript is worse than a poor one. They wont be in a job.

We're talking about a SJW college here. You should already have heard about how maths are sexist.

Question is if they mean avergae of possibility or average of actual results. The former would be funny since it's pretty much grade-communism, the latter is more likely and basically means "failure shouldn't be an option you shitlords!"

Welp. Prepare for a new vidya site backed by a huge publication. One look at the emphasis of their site gives me all the info I need.


There was a time where that meant something different.

Fandoms should be underlined too, or do I have to remind you of the "fandom cucks"?

Of course. They're preparing themselves for Gawker falling, as they want to fill the gap. Plus, it fits their agenda.

Who the hell OK'd that name? Sounds like a dry heave.

Well, that was fast.

Fandoms need less attention, not more, you dense fucks!



How can they keep up with that still?
Do you never get tired of all the lying?

Sounds like a name you'd give to a stripper or something. A mix of Glitch and Pixel, I'm guessing?


And you fucks ave ruined rock and roll.
Plus, chances are he lost so bad that bud did not want to waste the quarters on the shitshow.

So it's going to focus on shit games, and have lazy hitpieces against dem ebil conservatives?

I'm surprised they're even bothering with games journalism since it's a decaying industry to begin with.

No Deep Freeze entry. That's a start.

As far as I know they have 3 people 3 Glixel right now. A quick look revealed that two of them are a lost cause. Haven't looked deep enough into the third one yet.

This one tweeted very infrequently, but retweeted Singal, so you already know his alignment, plus these quite old tweets.

The Nuclear Negro already proved you don't play them.

But just as bad

Whish means its easy to step and "take over" with how low the quality of "journalism" that goes into gaming media. But RS fucked, they forgot that they are shitty as fuck too and a lot gamers have very little trust in any gaming media at all.


Thats only because we never dug into non gaming. I bet if you dig into non gaming, specifically music, you could make a bunch of enteries.

Has he even replied to any challenges for fighting games?

Do the memes rise?

Mmmmmm nope
People checked its PSN though and it had an abysmal record with next to no playtime

If I want any non gaming mag to do gaming, I would want 90s heavy metal to have a gaming section. Pretty much the only good mag now of days.


At this point, Scooby is just being left to his own delusions. All that really needs to be done is pointing and laughing every time he tries to say he's relevant.

According to Event, one dude fought him and mopped the floor with him.

Actually, now that you mention it i want to say somebody uploaded a vid to youtube but i lost all that shit a few months back
But it was either him or DSP that got their shit pushed in by someone

You have to go back, Miguel

Time to start the earthshaker :^]music based deepfreeze

I scrolled through some tweets of the third guy from Glixel and didn't find anything. Also searched some key words that I think might lead me to tweets that give me a few hints of this guys political alignment, but this one could actually be just interested in vidya and not social justice.

Can't make this shit up.

This initiative will fucking bomb just like Offworld and Motherboard.

Maybe, but 1up EGM and Gamespot make me weary. Hope, but excersise caution.

maybe his first act of business is to fire the other two so his venture is no longer doomed

yes they do


Oh yeah, DSP got double perfected on years back and got salty as shit over it. If I remember right, Scooby got a few hits in, but you could tell the dude was just toying with him.


Here is an article that is apparently used as introduction to Glixel by John Davison.

christ what a risky click that was

Nope, but someone got a match with him in SFV and he was fucking awful.

One of Nuclear Negro's videos had a clip of it but I forget which one.

His dad.

A classic.

>kinda looks like a less fabulos milo
Hes off to a decent start, lets see where ho goes.

For , I meant.

So, not about the actual games then? Yeah, gamers will totally buy this.

Someone with a less GG branded account as mine should ask them what their stance on alleged sexism in the video games industry is.


risk should be rewarded

They're probably banking on people who sympathize with the clique making up their viewership.

Quit giving me slight hope. man his life sounded like the shits.

He will probably kiss the ring regardless of the stance or make a statment that reads to us as a neutral and reads as a "ha, another person hates you goobers." I am gaining hope, but I know that I should not have hope.

Reminder to slow down on the autism.

I don't know how people that live in Oakland believe in SJW bullshit. I visited family and the whole fucking city was Detroit lite (because less niggers). Hard to imagine that SJW homebase is separated from Oakland by just a bridge.

*reads to them.


Better yet ask them their stance on the censoring of Japanese games for western audiences. You might be able to get a response.

There's actually a lot of that in SJW hot spots. Where do you think the gentrified kick everyone they don't want? Right next to Eugene Oregon there's Springfield, or Springtucky as most people there call it.

That's a good one. Anyone with a non-branded account willing to do this?

That knife tho.

So gamers+?

I think Wu called her audience "neo-gamers" :^)

I thought they were pushing "Players."



you have got to be fucking kidding me

No, you're thinking of NeoGAFers

They were, and still are, but I think some are realizing that label has been taken and by the strawmen they wish gamers were. I doubt the audience they want would like to be compared to roosh.


Actually, that snide comment is making fun of the nintendo censoring. Though they should name the NoA.

Yep. They're saying that NoA is doing their best to hide it.

I mostly posted that because I'm quite impressed with how far the censorship discussion has gotten.

This too.

They were criticizing Nintendo's censorship in that post. Granted they're saying Nintendo is trying to hide a message about how badly idols are treated when Nintendo are really just being puritanical. But if someone is against censorship that's at least one point in their favor.

I found it. It was actually "NEW GAMERS". Since Gamers are dead, as we all know.

How are those sales doing? Guess NEW GAMERS want nothing to do with the shit you call gaming or your games.

Is it even released yet? Wu has announced a "release soon" in january when he wrote that "open letter to gamergate" and asked for a cease fire (just to break it himself 2 weeks later). It's almost June. I've seen a cap that he was in the process of submitting the proposed steam store page for verification by Valve, but it's weird that it's still not up.

I'm not 100% familiar with the situation, so that's my bad on the misread. Oh well. Do Idols really get the John Lennon treatment often though in Japan?

Tumblr is on the case

Laws don't work that way.

Yeah, because female entitlement has been so good for society. No, end all notions of entitlment.


because the crazies listen to the law, like they'll listen to your inane period-cunt fuelled ranting


He wishes.

Ohhhh, yeah. Idol culture is rouuuugh. Apart from the grueling hours and managing every aspect of your entire life, there's all kind of stories about managers abusing their idols, sexually and emotionally. And, once the shine is off the apple and public stops caring about an idol she gets dumped without a word. Most are left with little choice but to go into porn afterwards.

fuck me

Anyone wanna start an idol rescuing service?

Isn't this essentially an announcement for a blog?

I could have sworn that I cleared the embed section.

You silly. It's video games journalism!

Let's completely disregard that this "male entitlement" is quite literally fostered by the idol business model in Japan. Let's also disregard that these women willingly engage.

That doesn't magically make it okay she got stabbed but when you have businesses that cultivate the image of purity and dedication to YOU, as in you the individual fan, let's not be completely surprised that some crazy fuckhead takes shit way to damn far.

Meanwhie, in Mizzou


Milo is livestreaming one of his university talks, for once.

Heat St reported on this in detail with much more info weeks ago. The latest info on Mizzou is here:

Just saw this on notch's feed



Thanks but i can't stand the faggot.

Gamergate adopts fallen idols and brings thrm to the america made great again.


Where were you when we made waifus real

Awakening Kek and discovering MemeMagic was one of the best things of #GamerGate.

In canada suffering. Take me with the fallen idols

Vanderwall released a one-word article about cultural appropriation a few days ago.

It read "Bullshit".

top fucking kek, these BLM faggots showing up

I thought /bane/ discovered meme magic when that German plane crashed with no survivors.

Oh boy, chimpout.


Oh shit some serious numbers are coming up


my dick

Getting a get

Taking bets on how many Milo beds.

This, apparently.

No one even tries anymore

I mean about the nigger enragement.


Are people sperging out about mombot again or something? Did I read this wrong or is Dan just being a faggot?

Also 9volt is asshurt about mombot again.





Looks like this guy is sadly not losing his job at Vice. Wonder how his job at Vice Gaming is more secure than those of others.


Fuck me, this salt is too good

I'm staying in until that dindu with the whistle gets dragged off the stage, goddamn

I think we are going to get a black girl cat fight.

I love this. I love this kind of nights.

When do they bring the pepper sprays?

The faggot is on FIRE!

Holy fuck, milo is tearing them apart

Someone explain to me why they aren't just kicking these people out from this private event?


Where do the motherfuckers get their micros to make so much noise? aren't they stealing?

Do we have another piper?


Cops are on the way~
God, getting hard watching all of this triggering

holy shit my fucking ears

Presumably because Milo actually wants them in. He throws the bait, and the entire lake jumps upwards to get it.

You missed a lot of burns from Milo.

user that'd just be racist

I understand this, but I'd actually love to hear a discussion. I've seen lots of triggering already.

God fucking dammit, I was looking forward to that.

Anyway good evening fags, some crazy shit going down it seems.

me too user

get me out

remove nigger

For fuck's sake, they aren't going to remove them.

How is this not against some kind of rules, ToS, CoC, etc. that people can just enter the stage and interrupt events and security isn't doing anything?

And he has a smug face throughout the entire thing, he knows exactly what he's doing.

This would not have been tolerated at all at any events of progressives. Security would have escorted people out for sneezing.

Can't they file a lawsuit against the University?

My personal theory still is that Milo probably told security to let them stay so they could personally show how utterly ridiculous they are.

That being said, I would not be surprised if the respective departments just caved in when a horde of BLM "activists" suddenly stormed their office.


Now it is getting interesting.

Oh shit. Now it's going down!

The opposition probably will hold some kind of emergency gathering there.

President has probably left for the day.


Oh god, they are going to be so much homeless.

Holy shit.


Fuck these people, holy shit.

I think it's Dan saying @m_m_myers is "being in fear of shit you made up for almost two years".

The real hero is the guy in the back working this camera.

And I guess none of them are going to be expelled.

I am more appalled at the number of them popping off now that the event has left and security still isn't doing shit. The giant white guy is breaking shit up by himself.


tell me why do you faggots tolerate this bigger faggot?


Regardless of what we as individuals think of Milo, we'll never be as big a faggot as you, you who comes into this thread to try and stir up e-celeb drama.

Is this going to become a PR hell for that university? It should.

Also a lawsuit or two would be good.

Periscope link?

I am laughing at how the security didn't do anything.

I wonder if they were ordered not to, or they didn't do anything because they didn't want to be seen as racists.

and just like Milo, you're also a big pussy that cant debate. Why dont you act like your hero and go hide in shame?

This is the first time I've witnessed a BLM chimpout live, I feel embarrassed for them and really wish I wasn't black.

Gotcha covered, user.




>they immediately start deflecting like they didn't want the attention

You seem upset sir :^)

Oh boy this is going to generate some salty clickbait.

Except he's heading to the president office, that's like the opposite of backing down.

Just go back to your forum goon and try a little harder next time.


I actually understood black lives matter.

Dont worry user, while here you can be anything, but we will laugh regardless what you are.



Shame you wasted your double trips, because it was BLM they were chanting


You can rewatch it at the same link. Skip to around 9:40.



Whoa man, i didn't mean to insult your boyfriend. I mean if you could lift your head off of milo's dick for one second let the air rush back to your head, you'll see he isn't all that great you idiots tend to think he is. You're just useful idiots to make him more popular

Does that mean shit, user? He was still moved from his spot, and soon he'll just leave like the dickless faggot he is because he cant handle a few people with their opinions.

You can go back to sucking your god's cock now, user.

ahhhhh, they chanted it in response. Didn't hear that part. Stream buffered after I heard BLM so I missed it live.

there is another


you are just furious about this aren't you? :^)

What the fuck happened afterwards? all the periscopes keep dying

Oh god, today is salt day

VICE fired its entire UK editorial team and supposedly has has heavy cuts in the US division.



Just click play on the recently posted one. It's still going.

They cant show the horrible white on black crimes Milo is committing


Another periscope


I'm so glad I moved out of Chicago last year.




Everyone who isn't an idiot knows that the Rolling Stone is the Kotaku of music.

I'm not gonna go to bat for Dyac until he shows something that wasn't there two years ago and the project doesn't look like a scripted event-based walking simulator. Journos weren't exactly the only people shitting on Dyac two years ago. It was basically everyone and while I'm all for having more devs speak out, I'm a little wary based on his track record.

I don't think anyone that posts on 8ch needs to be red-pilled, the fact they are posting here rather then on 4chan already mean they have been red-pilled.



Supposedly Brazilian SJWs got mad at Blizzard for hiring an "offensive" stand-up comedian at an Overwatch launch party

Continuation of one of the above streams that was cut off.


sauce pls

PUSH /wooo/

Star gate SG1


Where'd you get that draw?

Stargate SG-1 S10E18 - Family Ties.

had those non-journo people contact with dyac or were they the same as those celebrities denouncing the evil gamergators?

That draw is some vintage OC. I picked it up from one of these threads many moons ago.

user, this is not about Dyack. This is about highlighting the dishonesty of the media using him as an example. I couldn't care less about Shadows of the Eternals, but I see this as a perfect opportunity to spread some redpills.

Youtube stream went mobile, tune back in

Just thinking. If security couldn't remove 20 guys from a room, why do they believe they can stop that horde to see the president of the university?


I read the mirror opposite of that post on Radfem hub

Damn, Milo is literally celebrity status now. This is nuts.



Oh god, they're fucking rabid.

Yes, I know that's technically impossible


Oh, nevermind then. Thanks anyway

okay, dad

Oh my god, they legit think they have the authority to remove labels.

i'm kinda scared milo might get shot at one of these events. those retards are getting more desperate.

I told you guys ages ago, SJWs don't even qualify as leftists, let alone radical leftists. Equality, class struggle, materialism and ending privilege are core concepts of leftist thought, and SJWs shun them all.

SJWs are to the left what the dudeweedlmao libertarians are to the right.

The YT thing isn't live. It's recordings from the past 20 minutes.

It's also mostly white hipsters with the token angry black woman.

I wouldn't want to see the faggot get shot but at least everything is being recorded. It would be a major blow to the SJW making them the ones that cast the first blow and the push back would be huge.

Just like in the past when we were tempted to hack the LWs and expose them but at the same time turn them into Martyrs, the same will happen with Milo, except they don't have the inteligence to think in the aftereffect from killing him.

Face-saving marxist detected

But yeah, I wouldn't want to have them in my boat, either .

Did they manage to talk with the president?

It's not about what they said. I had thoughts about Dyac long before any of those articles came out. His work history speaks for itself. That said, if you think you can sue this by all means, go for it. You won't see my shilling for Shadows of the Eternals, but I'll at least call out bad journalism where I see it.

I think protestors are barricading the buildings with giant groups of people.

I guess they can't just pass through them without starting a riot.


This one is still live, not about Milo, but about some black chick debating with some young white Trump supporter. Dude is probably overwhelmed with these professional activists.

What if Milo never opined on video games? Would he still be in the same position that he is in right now?

Noted. I wish I could save all the OC.

Lotta fucking Blackhawks and Chelsea apparel here eh?

Oh, they're packed like sardines, there's no way they could get in, even if they tried.

Same. I'm scared we all lost some prime OC because nobody bothered to keep a file or two.

Probably not. He used it to jettison himself into popularity, but I'm not even mad. I can't be. Look at what he's doing.

Not shilling for Shadows of Eternals, just chiming in to show how Kotaku and Sterling are bad.

I can't deny it, I want to wash my hands clean of them. I'll own up to motherfucking Stalin, but please keep SJWs away from me.


Something I couldn't get an answer yet is if Milo can file a lawsuit against the school. They didn't do their job, scammed thousands of dollars for a nonexisting security and now they are being assaulted and threatened by their students.

I think a few laws had been broken there.


Apparently they found the billionaire that is supporting Hogan and all the other law suits against Gawker.

I highly doubt the two sitting on stage and interrupt where students. They looked more like hired thugs, specifically hired by someone to interrupt events like this.

some dude with too much money is going shady backroom on a shitty internet blog

sounds like tinfoil

It's pretty obvious that most of them are a combination of champagne socialists looking for love (embed related), thugs looking for power or someone else to blame their problems on.

They want socialism to take from others not give to help.

Interesting article. Paying legal bills does nothing for the facts of the case. I hope that is what they are going to try and appeal on Wed.

Still, the campus broke it's part of the contract by denying them the security they paid for.


So what's the evidence they brought to the table?
So… Bullshit from a butthurt shit-stirrer.


Another lawsuit?

"You talk about the people as though you own them"

"When your precious underprivileged really get together-oh boy-thats going to add up to something bigger than your privileges"

"You just want to persuade people that you love them so much that they ought to love you back only you want love on your own terms"

And literally all they have is anecdotal evidence, because the dude they're accusing had Gawker try to ruin his life by outing him as gay nearly ten years ago.

Apparently several by other, less known people.

I wager now that Hogan was successful with his, several people who got screwed over by Gawker over the years follow suit.

What happened to all these unpaid interns, anyway?

It looks like people really fucking hate Gawker and they have a lot of enemies. And Gawker's trying to write this off as some sort of attack where they're the victim of corruption or some shit.



Anyway, is there any hashtag following the university stuff? Also I shouldn't expect justice, right?

Twitter front taking clickbait at its word instead of calling them out on making a statement with no evidence.

They really have learned nothing, huh?

#DePaul probably


user pls

its a joke

Yeah they're one nasty bunch. Add in the herd behavior and we get this mess. I have never seen a group display sociopathic behavior so often and overtly.

You've heard about this one? I think it's a perfect encapsulation of SJW behavior: dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3247332/Heartbroken-homeless-man-wails-animal-rights-activists-wrestle-ground-steal-dog-footage-caused-outrage-France.html

The twitter front just jumps at anything you throw in their face, their only use is to spread information. The guys in the back (as in "us") should provide valid targets for them to attack.
They are nothing but attack dogs, just paint a target on something, and they will do their thing.

Oh, and at least he can file a lawsuit to the alpha nigger for threatening of violence, right?

The clickbait sites are going to run with it anyways, and they're going to push that narrative. #thankyoupeter is just them giving them a middle finger. It's actually not so bad.

Those tweets looked sincere to me.

At least he did it quietly, those shrill bitches he had with him were outright shouting "I'LL CAVE YOUR FUCKING FACE IN!"

That goes back to implying anyone cares

Part of me hopes that Peter doesn't actually know anything.

Milo loves this
these SJWs cant help themselves and it damages everything they have to say and just backs up everything Milo is saying

its truly amazing
also reminds me Ghazi tried to say Trigglypuff could possibly be a paid plant by milo at one point

He won't do it. Too much effort with too little to gain. I think the female chimpanzee even touched him in the face early.

Fucking security should have escorted them out then and there.

Yeah, I think itll be better to sue for the piss poor security. They were totally fucking useless to do anything.

Probably didn't want to look like racists

Someone should be sued, at least the university and milk them dry.

Either that or the administration told them not to interfere with protestors.

Let's face it, at first sight you have to wonder, because she seems too ridiculous to be real. But then again, I have never made but one prayer to God…


Thats just as fucking bad, why the fuck would they do that?

Though its a blessing in disguise i guess, it made these fuckers absolutely chimp out and made them look worse, i hope this comes back and bite them in the ass so hard.

What if I want the bread now?





Schmorkys GF killed herself possibly

On the other hand i'm sure milo is going to put them on fucking blast over this shit, just another nail in the coffin of this shit


It never ends

Oh, its coming user
Notice how quiet they all got when the trump chants started? Imagine when he gets in

I really love it when people who don't believe in things based on evidence and reasoning get backed into a corner and start creating conspiracy theories with zero evidence. It's the ultimate sign of denial about being wrong about most of what you believe in.

The #DePaul tag is moving at a reasonable speed. Maybe with some mobilization of GG twitter front we could make it trend.

Worth the try?

This had to be, for lack of a better term, their most violent protest so far in the Dangerous Faggot Tour. Sure, others had airhorns, landwhales screaming, and other distractions, but the amount of verbal threats, dogpiles, and things that can be construed as physical assault just left a bad taste in my mouth.

Hmm… just checked a tag that "just started trending". We'd need a tweet every 4-6 seconds to make it happen. I doubt that we'll get that many.

Based Mom posted up a nice freeze frame.


Ok, yeah, thats even worse than i could have imagined, and the security did fucking nothing
Were screwed if a dem gets in again, abso fucking lutely screwed as a nation

Holy shit that monkey was right on top of him, how the fuck did security allow that

I just got back from playing with a glass dildo, what happened?

This is Marxism and Obama's Black Guards at work people.

Dindu jumped on stage with a rape whistle and blew every time milo tried to speak

That, security just stood by and watched
milo totally fucking roasted their asses but it doesn't excuse that kind of shit

And yet he couldn't even hold a sign without police asking him to leave at a slutwalk.


Yeah, and he probably paid the security to fucking prevent this shit instead of helping it
Methinks someone is getting sued

It could be because my ass is sore right now, but I'm mad as fuck.

He said he paid the security. A thousand dollars.

Thats gay.

Thats even worse.

He said on the stream that the administration dumped the security fees on him last minute and Breitbart had to foot the bill. Only for them to do nothing.

Oh yeah, somebody's getting fucked


I'm not really in the know. It costs like 2000 dollars to get a concrete patio poured. How much money does good security cost?

Don't know, yet they didn't even do their job, so I smell lawsuit.

It would be fun.

I was to go to bed 3 hours ago, now just thinking about staying up all night just to see how this goes.

It's getting pretty late here in cuckburgerstan so I doubt anything significant will crop up until tomorrow.

Oh, ok. It is 3:30 AM here in Eurotacoland so I might call it a night.

The twitter is on fire.

I love it when guys call me that while plowing my ass.


Looks like it's already gonna get news coverage

Jesus christ, How the fuck did they go so long under the radar. This is pathetic.

Associations of Psychology have a lot to answer for.

press covers up for them
its social justice



Just the sjw would suffice, kek
I wonder if the fatass realized he was recording, either way, looks like she's about to get that 15 minutes of fame they all seem to want


I thought she said Rapist.


Can't see her mouth when she says it so can't confirm. Could be either one really, they both don't make sense as a response.


I'll never understand why they then feel the need to comment on someone like they know their whole personal history.



WEll, I'm going to bed. I'll see the outrage tomorrow.

Man, i might hate Milo for fucking up GG but this is pretty hilarious.

ethicscuck detected.

Come on now, i was willing to meet you half way and respond like that.
