Do not lose focus Holla Forums: don't get distracted by shills

This sticky is a good sign, because it means that the mods are getting aware of the shitstream that's submerging Holla Forums in these weeks, anyone that's complaining about it is either a dumb fuck or a cuckchanner newfag that got used to the constanct shilling and shitposting on 4cuck Holla Forums

This is a post that resumes to all the cuckchanner immigrants how they should think.
Before hating, think why you hate and think what the solution to this hatred is.
Hate niggers because they are dumb and savage? There are multiple solution to that problem (deportation, domestication, breeding control)
Hate jews because they are a plague? There's only one (final) solution for them.

Think before acting emotional, niggers are a problem because of jews and their cultural degeneration;
fags and dykes are a problem because of jews enabling them;
degeneracy and pornography is a problem because of jews;
economic collapse is a problem because of economic jewish models based on usury;
corruption in the state is a problem because of jewish direct influence and indirect jewish shekel;
white birthrates are dropping due to population stabilization, yet they won't stop dropping because the jews are exploiting this moment of reproductive rest to destroy whites souls with degenerate culture and bodies with black and mud immigration.

In the end if you see the big picture, all the things that you hate, are caused by tools created by jews to spread misery.
Disarm from the tool only if it's useful to land a blow to its master, it has no point taking away all the tools, because the jew can forge new ones.
white birthrates are dropping due to population stabilization, yet they won't stop dropping because the jews are exploiting this moment of reproductive rest to destroy whites souls with degenerate culture and bodies with black and mud immigration.

Other urls found in this thread:–1290)

Fucked up the format, ignore the last line, i tried to rewrite it in a more clear manner, but forgot to delete that last line after pasting

i'm a lurker but i must bump this. We can't lose focus with all the things we are being bombarded with lately.

If the mods want to keep playing goon games user are going to leave for a new board.

muh civic nationalism

Goon games? Just report the shitters, the problem right now is people bumping those shitposts and new entries here falling for the emotional hype of hatetrains or sensationalist threads with only smoke in them.

National socialism.
You can teach a mule to pull a cart

I don't want any cuckchanner rapefugees here. They all need to go back.

It's inevitable, cuckchan is doomed, and those who understand it will stumble here.

i must admit, i came from cuckchan. I got tired of all the constant shitposting when i thought it was everything this site is for the most part. I do abide by rules, don't shitpost and still lurk as much as possible. There are some good anons that migrate, don't forget that.

Just like OP's third pic, eventually someone wants to treat the negro mule like a person. How is this to be avoided?

Why is it our duty to train and domesticate the negro into a mule?

We all came from 4chan in different times, i don't usually make threads, but this sticky really catched my eye, as this place has been getting more and more clutted with trash recently.

Remove the jew, and you remove the influence that tells that kid why the mule can't come inside, it's the point in the OP.
Because the negro has legs and arms that can be put to use, and a brain that can perform tasks advanced enough to serve at the base level of society.


I think you fail to understand that even the oldfags are pissed. I've been user since 2006 and I'm ready for the killing to start, and I'm a fucking Buddhist.

Also due to its simple behaviour, controlling it is easy as using the carrot on a stick trick.

Dubs but
Who the fuck are you kidding? They had their chance.

The solution to every problem is genocide.

Kill the head if you want to kill something, track the rotchild, track the soros, make a list of powerful and influential people and an be that hero if you're ready to kill.
Because if we don't get a madman, the only solution is to erode the jew until the people rise and destroy it by their own will.

That's what will happen user

You just said niggers have brains. I'm not following anyone that stupid.

The cuckchan rapefugees need to go back and fix their own mess, not flood here and lower the quality thread content on this great image board.

Who holds the leash? Destroy it and the jew will build another golem.

Go ahead, stop them, unfortunatly there's no way to build walls on the internet.

Anyone who thinks niggers can contribute without interbreeding with more successful races has never lived with niggers. I have. They are worthless Crack monkeys who want to fuck white girls.

Gore posting ALWAYS stops them.


The negro mule also has legs that will kick you. Many whites are going to get kicked in the head and killed so you can have your domesticated pet.

Every cuck ever.

That's why we need the mods to deputize the oldfags so they can deport the smelly dumb cuckchan scum. from this great image board.

Are you fucking jesting with me, you fucking shitskin apologist piece of shit?

I have, it's painful and degrading being close to them, they are so fucking basic, but i recognize that they can serve when educated, also their inability to have complex thoughts makes them perfect manual workers.

Keep their population low and submitted

that's the jew
niggers are animals, ready to be put in use, because right now they are just left wild on the streets.

Nicely put, user.

Sage, report, filter etc.
The main thing is that Anons now know what the shills have been trying to do and their narrative is falling apart. They even resorted to trying to spam dead dogs (again). Everyone iit should go read for a decent look at the narrative they're pushing.

Not today, kike.

Where did i imply that?
are you mentally impaired?

You argue very dishonestly.

Tell that to the chinks who are at least smart enough to use chink laborers instead of the locals over in africa.

Niggers don't have enough intelligence to make bombs reliably, other than that he's right.

And the narrative they're pushing is complete retardation?

I'm not very familiar with asian immigration, as i don't have as many where i live, but as usual just regulate immigration

Implying it fucking matters which shade of subhuman brown gets the yiddish mass invite into our nations

Keep walking, kike.

If the mods are going to make this into /pol lite/ that's fine. I'm going where the hate is. This is h8chan, not faggots-whi-love-niggers-chan.

Then be a nigger, always bound to emotional response before making your thinking and building a worldview.

Bets on OP being a nigger on the Sowell/Carson level that doesn't want niggers to be targeted after the jewish problem is resolved?

Where did i defend them?

If you truly hate something so complex as ZOG, you can't just smash it hoping to break it.
You carefully deconstruct it and salt its ground as you manage to find its weak spot to destroy it, because ZOG is shielded from all sides for now, what we're doing here is to look for and build a weak spot.

Their narrative is trying to get Holla Forumsacks to hate whites first. It's identical to the rest of their other D&C narratives but it's just more tempting for the average Holla Forumsack because it's an easy "kill everything that's not white!" narrative. In the other thread there was a shill who actually said every organism that wasn't white needs to die. It's a complete logic hole because it ignores other races which can be beneficial or at the very least irrelevant to whites. None of the other races present the existential threat that the jews present. The turkic/arab/jewish genepool has to be eradicated because it's entirely cancerous, but the idea of killing every single other race is just fucking stupid. Imageboards exist because of Japanese soft power. Look at Jim and Ron, the reason 8ch exists is because of a cripple, some mason cryptokike and his half breed son. The site itself exists because of the continuing efforts of a Japanese staff. We have Holla Forumsacks in tons of different countries. How long did it take us to destroy the "x isn't white" shilling narrative? We wouldn't even be having this conversation without the help of other races. We'd be stuck in a mire that was created by the useful idiots of our own race who thought it was a bright fucking idea to invite jews into our society.
The idea of killing every other race besides whites is short sighted, naive and flat out stupid. If you're still confused I suggest re-reading Mein Kampf.


Niggers hate working. They're most adept at finding ways not to work. A 7 year old child would produce more than a nigger.

Your whole reasoning is stupid. In your shitty labor hypothetical it would be so much simpler to just breed an underclass of whites to do your manual work then it would be to import negro mules. Because in the former scenario, you don't have niggers on your property.

Why are you even here? Go convince reddit of your lofty goal.

Whites just need to become an entire world unto themselves, with thinkers, leaders, workers, crafters, and fighters. Becoming depend on an outgroup for work is just crippling yourself and giving them a form of power over you. It doesn't matter how skilled they can be, only hire your own.

This. A nigger or a kike.

Dubs of truth.

(((Civic Nationalism)))

They were supported by bolsheviks, and the Rhodesian whites were blockaded by the (((UN))) and kikes based in the USA. The niggers were the cat's paw. You're blaming the tool, not the tool user.

Not sure how pleasant it will be to travel from cuckchan to here. Not everyone that comes over is a nationalist socialist or even white.


Bring in more guns or just don't go to africa

no more free gibs would solve it

no need to import anyone, they are already in america

This is not possible without a bloodshed in america, but if you want bloodshed that's to you, in europe i'd pick the deportation.

You're right, niggers are vastly more shit tier than mudslimes, at least kebabs were capable of inventing the wheel and creating some sort of civilisation.
Tell me more about how you want an extremely violent population who commit almost all of the interracial sexual assaults against other races in your country. Keep their population low? You couldn't even do that if you paid them thousands of dollars to abort their own children.

That pretty much is what western civilization was, when it was on the rise at least.

I said I don't want to exterminate them all. That is materially different from "wanting them in my country." There's a difference, and you're conflating again, kike.

The kikes are trying to present it as:
Live Multikulti mudskin paradise niggers rape your chilluns vs GENOCIDE EVERYTHING
Two extremes, le ebin hegelian dialectic.

These user get it.

This is the trips we need.
Thank you master kek for providing us teaching trough numerology as you often times do

Shadilay, user.

No, it would not. A people will always strive to create for itself a place. They'll do what they're currently doing In the US and what they've done throughout Africa. No matter how nicely you treated them. Blaming the Jew for the pest that is the nigger is like blaming the rats for the roaches. Leave them in their countries and remove them from ours.

Did I say that exterminating them all was the solution you fucking autistic piece of shit?

The Rwandan genocide was due to one group of niggers having slightly different shades of shit skin and you civicuck nationalists want to have us believe we can have a multi-ethnic society with no struggles? ONLY kikes are the problem, eh? haha no

Exterminate the kike, deport the niggers. Sadly for you that's a lose/lose situation.

But they're not rats or roaches. They're Jews and niggers. And niggers are destructive to white societies because of their hook-nosed enablers.

You said that I "wanted them in my country"
Right now the shills are trying to present a hegelian dialectic of "MULTIKULTI NIGGER RAPE vs GENOCIDE EVERYTHING"
You're representing that hegelian argument, especially by misquoting my posts.

Forced sterilization for criminals would instantly knock out about a third of their reproductive capacity. It'd be a good start.

Jews love presenting false dichotomies, especially on Holla Forums. You can either hate Jews, or engage in "self-improvement". You can either support the extermination of (whatever white ethnic group they're railing against), or you're "bowing down and worshiping" them. And so on.
The key is suggesting an alternative to their dichotomy. When they say "you can't!" then just reply "yes we can, you just don't want us to".

Where did i imply anything in your post?


Right. The Hulu and the Tutsi tribes chopped each other up with machetes, hacked babies out of stomachs. Niggers are called niggers for a reason.

Yeah because there's a kike in every ghetto telling niggers to murder and rape. I'm sure there were loads of kikes in Rwanda convincing those niggers to massacre each other

Point me to the misquote.

14/88 brother.

Don't forget Haiti.


Have you ever been there? You'd be surprised where and how these commies take root.

There's a kike in every radio and television and school.
While there's animal prone to emotional response (positive or negative) that understand those messages and act upon them.
Keep them low in population and educate them right, that's all you need.

The only alternative is complete genocide which would be a great shock for everyone involved.

Why not rid yourself of both the tool and the user? Taking the tool for yourself only leads to your own corruption. It's like the one ring, the tool and creator must both be removed to free oneself. If you merely re appropriate the weapon for yourself you just continue the cycle.

So to make it clear for any cuckchanners, this means no Jews and no niggers. No tools and no manipulators. At least not in our lands, maybe they can have their own if they behave.

Exactly, they conquered almost the entire world, and brought us into the modern age, which despite all its drawbacks was an immense achievement because all of the technology gained.

See below

Dubs but niggers are niggers everywhere. England tried to have educated niggers and it just opened the door for Pakistani rape machines.

All these digits.

This is only partly true. The existence of two races within the same society will always lead to conflict. They're destructive to our societies because they exist in them. What's the best way to end racism and racial conflict? Separate them. Lincoln new this, too bad they killed him before he could deport them all from the US.

t. kike

They're the reason for it.


I don't know who you are or what you wrote- but if you're advocating niggers staying in any white country then you are seriously no better than the Jew. The Jew pushed for us to accept muds into our countries and now that they're here, you want to keep them? wew lad. You're just ensuring the final stage of cultural enrichment: containing the blowback basically keeping the pillow of diversity over the white race's face until it stops struggling.

That's the inevitable future.
The problem is how we reach it, with kikes or with ubermench.

ctrl-f deportation

Fuck niggers
Fuck kikes
Fuck muds
Fuck chinks
DOTR couldn't come any quicker

These fucking shills have zero reading comprehension.

wtf happened to polchan?


I often think wether they are real shills, underage or cuckchanners, or a mix of all of them


Then my comments weren't directed towards you.
Never linked any comment in my posts so I don't know why you'd assume I'm talking about anyone specifically.

Now England has a capital city with a minority white population, various no-go-zones, massive covered up rape scandals from an assortment of browns. The niggers still aren't educated.

Also this.
For the sake of THIS present, we must avoid the civil ware and overthrow the kikes from their thrones

t. Nigger

England was colonized by the kikes in 1066. They never stood a chance.–1290)

This post.

They were exiled but that waste of space Cromwell was bought out and allowed them to re-enter in the 1600s (iirc)

It hasn't been this bad in a long time. I think it might be because of the vault 7 leaks.

Im all for droning soros but once the kikes are out we need to deal with the negros, gays/commies, muds, and chinks stinking up our streets and our race.

T. Chaim

Wow, this shill tactic works really well.

This has been happening a lot lately ever since the spicnigger was found making calls to the kike centers (as if a few rabbis themselves weren't involved as well). The races that hate kikes the most are sandniggers (not counting kikes themselves) and niggers respectively and the niggers have been turning on kikes for ages, it'll accelerating in a massive nationwide Crown Heights Riot. Bash the kikes, race war now.

Do you really think they will be a problem afterwards?
They are literally financially funded by the system, they are paid to exist and shit up the waters.
As i said in the op, if you find a weakspot in these groups or tools (like media right now) to hit the jew, that's where we must focus our energy like a fucking laser, not spread it like a lamp.

where in the fuck did you come from and will you please go back

We'll deal with them but look at half the posts on the board right now, trying to incite Holla Forumsacks to mindless violence "RIGHT NOW GO OUTSIDE AND KILL NIGGERS RIGHT NOW."
There's nothing wrong with a sensible deportation, and many of the shitskins are starting to self-deport. The Chinese themselves are trouble considering how many spies they have in the country. These are all things that will take time and require nuance and thoughtful action. Especially because kike countries will try to use any chaos within the USA to make gains elsewhere. I want the USA intact because I want our navy functioning so we can have trade and freedom of navigation in the seas for our shipping. There are many, many factors which require careful consideration, and getting emotional and triggered is the last thing we need. Look at how dishonestly the shills are arguing itt and on this board. It's very clear that they're trying to D&C.

"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the 'agentur' of the 'Illuminati' between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion. We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time."

How do niggers behave in Africa? Would you describe that as a problem? What about all of the other mud in white nations? Are they a problem too? Is breeding our own peoples out of existence a problem?

You're not seeing the problem here. You can't catch the kikes that easily. By the time you've won against them, niggers have infested your country and it's now full on communist. You're not going to chase after the rabbi that set your house on fire before dousing the flames, if you do so you'll come back to a ruined home.

Cromwell thought the Jews were doing good for the Dutch economy because they were good with money, so he thought they would be good for the English economy as well.

For context, the entire Dutch economy had collapsed just a few years earlier because of runaway speculation on tulip bulb trading.

What the fuck was that treasonous sack of shit thinking?

You still won't read the thread won't you?

Asking if niggers will be a problem in the future is like asking if a nigger stinks of course he does and he always will

Stay shittershattered nigger

Trump has the kikes in his sights right now. We have control of the government. Why do you think the shills are in hysterics? They're trying to false flag SOMETHING, they're fucking desperate. If Trump continues then they're all going to be charged with treason. The very best thing we can do is stay the course until the kikes have been hanged LEGALLY.

A problem that will be dealt with with ease.
Reading comprhension, if the jew is dealt with, no more free gibs, if no free gibs, nigs starve, if nigs starve no more niglets, if no niglets no nigs.
Only the best and most civilized of them will survive and their reproduction will be regulated.

This is the third time i post it at least in this thread.

See post



I've been wondering that myself, Satan. No news on any of the regular channels.


And they will be dealt with.
Dealing with an enemy in the front is harder than dealing one hidden within you

Trump, the barely-a-civic-nationalist, freemason, zionist has the kikes in his sights? Sure he does, buddy.

Considering that Trump has always been surrounded by kikes, i have my theory that ((they)) planned to make him president long ago, but he went rogue due to Roy cohn, a self hating jew, mentoring him.


Oh this is kampfy's follow up to that horrible sticky


It's an horrible sticky due to it having no happenings and such, but it's a necessary one.
This place is going every day more down in the drain.

Stop piggybacking that autistic 'we must train and educate the mudbloods but only after we lazerbeam the judes' nigger. Expecting Trump to even come close to dealing with the JQ is an absolute fantasy.

Whatever you say, shill. Go run head first into a brick wall.


Why is that exactly? It's going down the drain because of cuckchan migrants and a lack of a moderation team when it comes to curbing 'le ebin shitposting' and cuckchan threads in general. These idiots invited HWNDU morons and are surprised that board quality is trending downwards. Kampfy is a fucking idiotic MUH PR TRS-tier moron who needs to be replaced by someone who isn't a fucking shitskin.


The sticky had the desired effect of destroying the current shill D&C hegelian bullshit. They're in disarray now. I'd say it worked quite well.

Get kampfy out of here and watch board quality skyrocket.

I noticed that as soon as Trump brought up the wire tapping, tons and tons of slide threads poured in. Some were shit you haven't seen unless you have been to cuckchan recently. I'm glad that people have been reporting a lot quicker, but that first several hours was messy.

Explain your point a bit, interested to see your reasoning.

Do you know christcucks have been breeding shitskins since just before the 19th century? niggers in apefrica are 1+billion thanks to 'for only a dollar a day' christcucks, why spics are as numerous, etc. Do you know cathlicucks are getting 10+ million a year injecting niggers into the heart of White America? Do you know they view africa and china as the future of cuckstianity and that Whites are irrelevant, doesn't matter if they go extinct? Such mind poison is what allowed for Whites to be completely vulnerable to jews jewing, to be so veracious in self harm and destruction. Replace cuckstianity self loathing death cult with natural healthy ethnic identity and traditions, race aware, jew aware and Whites won't be over a barrel.

I'll say this before reading the whole post
are you trying to stirr hot discussions?

And now theres D&C shilling.
I knew they were sliding something.

Where is the lie? Don't lash out mindlessly because you don't want your fantasy Trump bubble burst.
Calling me a shill when mr. oy vey >((they)) with his double parenthesis has been trying to convince you that niggers aren't a problem? Are you retarded?


he's baiting an argoument

Go back to your honeypot shill.


I think if you look at the history of Christianity, the religion was at its strongest and most potent when it was the least Christian. In the early days of Europe, Christians had to compete with the native pagan religions for converts, and so had to adopt a number of pagan traditions. People regarded the religion as a part of their lives but largely relied on their own traditions and wisdom to decide their major life decisions.

With protestantism and the printing press, people started reading more of the bible and determining that what was being practiced at the time wasn't really Christianity. Unfortunately, actual Christianity is terrible.

Kampfy is pro-porn, which is why he bans all anti-pornography threads. He's a pro-porn turkroach shitskin who does nothing other than bait post and antagonize the userbase.

Go to the redpill thread
Get out if you don't have this basic knowledge

And return when you're ready to post here.
Lurk more.

Okay, enjoy your mud filled country while you wait for Trump to "deal with" all of the rich dual-citizen kikes, who are undoubtedly great friends with the families he married his kids into.

This. And considering how the last anti-pornography thread got flooded with shills soon after it was bumplocked last week, I wouldn't be surprised if he was a goon as well.

I see the D&C faggots showed up.
Next they'll shill their shitty (((board))).

Look at the posts now, Holla Forumsacks are actually communicating instead of merely spamming. Quality has gone up, arguments have emerged, and people are now aware that they were trying to spam several narratives. I strongly suggest re-reading the threads now that most anons have calmed down and take a look at how histrionic the shilling was.

A couple of the narratives:
1. Kill whites we don't like (even though they're on our side)
a. race mixing
b. dude weed lmao
c. gas all homos
Continuation of "anime is cp, gas all weebs" type d&c, trying to get Holla Forumsacks to hate each other preferentially. They've been working the D&C angle on different Holla Forumsack subgroups for the past few weeks. Every single time they escalate the shitposting into outright hate. It's identical to the christian vs. pagan d&c. Christian vs pagan vs atheist vs mgtow vs traditionalists vs weebs vs dudeweedlmaos vs fags vs whatever the next subgroup is.

2. "MULTIKULTI vs GENOCIDE ALL NON-WHITES" hegelian dialectic
a. hate/attack/kill all non-whites even if they support us
b. hate/attack/kill non-whites preferentially to attacking juden

The main thing has been to get Holla Forumsacks so worked up that they only respond emotionally to posts and disregard the content. You're actually taking the time to ask for reasoning and arguments, and that de-escalation was the exact intent of what the other Anons here have been trying to do. This has been a long and drawn out d&c campaign against Holla Forums and I'm not the only user who noticed it. Now we're hoping other anons notice it to. They want us at each other's throats because then we stop reasoning our arguments and we stop being effective.

My thread is filled in shit and argouments, yet it reminds me how this place works so well even if we're all so different.
Our ideas are slightly different but our goal is the same
keep that in mind when you insult your fellow user.

No, you're an autistic kike.

The shills will quickly claim a side then make death threats

"I'm a christian and I say kill all pagans"
"I'm a pagan and fuck the christcucks, let's burn down all their churches."
Then all discussion ends and it's nothing but flame wars. They're doing the same bullshit here on almost every topic and tons of retards are falling for it.

Wew hivemind

and we should kill all autists right fellow nazi? They need the rope and a bullet simply for existing!

bam, conversation is over and thread is completely derailed.


Yeah dude, I'm sure YOUR ideas align perfectly with the rest of Holla Forums …

Why is >>>/polk/ shit? It was literally just created today and already has a bunch of users. You can't make a judgement about a board that doesn't even have a day existing, specially when it was imkampfy's fault for going full retard and sticking a civ-nat shill thread.

yeah and every civic nationalist should be killed right fellow totallynotashill?


Have fun /polpol/.

this thread was trash to begin with

Nice try, TRS sodomites.


Homosexuality has always been apart of European culture though, alienating the LGBT community would hurt the alternative right. :^)


Not sure if I agree 100% with your reasoning about gassing homos, and I know I don't agree with the whole 'non-white genocide' question. Honestly, every generation we kick the can to without solving the problem is another generation which might fall to the brown hordes. That is unless we will by some freak of demography then its fucked anyway. The only way whites will be able to survive is if, ahem, we make it a white planet. I'm sure you know what that entails.

You still try to subvert the board with your civ-cuckery. It's not going to work.

Not an argument.

Shill tactics once again people, watch and learn, the shill will accuse you of implications you never did

It'll end the same way.

Oy vey nice Hitler dubs

Ah also guys watch this

This post describes this shill

1488larper detected!!! :^)

Kek you got BTFO last time you tried to raid Holla Forums, you think allying with the turkroach that is imkampfy is going to save you now?


We'll see.

Then go there and stop shilling.

My point is that the discourse is "GAS ALL HOMOS OR ELSE YOU'RE A FAG"
That's complete bullshit. They're trying to get Holla Forums to eliminate all nuance and logic and instead pick an ideology. You have to keep in mind that as a National Socialist board our values are rooted in philosophy, and the core of that is "Is it good for the volk?" That's a very difficult question, and context matters a lot. The jews are trying to distill everything into either/or arguments so that way we can no longer adapt to changing contexts or information. If we receive new information that is true, we need to incorporate it into our philosophy. If we merely say "WE ACCEPT X FOREVER" then we become an ideology and we stagnate and die.

Watch and learn

I'm confused. Is imkampfy supporting sodomites now?

You 1488larpers just want to dnc, go back to stormfront. :^)

t. kike

Checked again


Apparently, given that I am being called a shill for wanting to kill homosexuals.



The entire topic is that a number of newfags have fallen into a hegelian trap and become enmeshed with identity politics bullshit. They're stuck with an ideology instead of the superior National Socialist philosophy.

fuck off shill

I know jews are our enemy but that doesn't mean everything else isn't a problem without them. Niggers are still a problem and need to be animals in their native habitat, not ours. Fags are still degenerates caused by pedos and need driven out, into the closet, or gassed. Degeneracy of all kinds is still a problem even without most of its pushers. Economic collapse is inevitable because of fractional reserve banking, it will happen regardless. Corruption is a human universal that kikes have exploited, not created. etc. And your population stabilization is retarded, we have the food to feed the world and whites at 2 per sq mile are still breeding at low rates as well. The whole system is signalling to them not to breed.

yes it is

it's just shit-stirring, goon D&C


Kill yourself

I'm already there ;˄)

No we are under cultural and metal brainwashing started in the 1930's and accelerated in the 1960's

It was all a plan man.

Quality oc m8

It's a castle of cards, and its base AND its top is the kike, it will be fixed once it is removed because it is what sustains it, the lies are the core of its power.

Holy shit

but user, every single fag has to be gassed according to this user . I suppose the only "closet" is a gas closet? We have to kill every last faggot and anyone who might even look like a fag?

>I want to kill every vegan, commie, kike, smug soccermom, city faggot who can't make a fire, all those degenerates.
You don't have any reasoning behind it, you only have target groups. You're stuck with an ideology and it's a shit one. How do you determine what's degenerate? How do you determine who gets the rope, who gets deported, who gets whatever fucking revenge fantasy of the moment you have? Have you thought about the ramifications of what you want?
The jews are ~2% of the world population iirc, maybe less. Eliminating them is not a big deal in terms of numbers and the world as it is would continue quite fine without their (((contributions))). You want to gas 3/4 of the planet, and then you want to turn your sights on your own people for some vague idea of "muh degeneracy." An idea which I seriously doubt you can define.

All planned by jews. I'm going to go shitpost in a "hate group x" template thread now though, since it's a valuable expenditure of my time!

Please do it on cuckchan at least

That's a bingo

You are really bad at your job jew crew.

chekd for trips of truth

Identity politics =/= Ethnonationlism
Identity politics is applied cultural marxism, whereas ethnonationalism is the natural foundation of society

this tbh

Dont mind me just checking this

and another one

Just like the typical libshits you are jew crew.

Ethnonationalism is part of the philosophical underpinnings of National Socialism.

"I hate group x because they're bad/degenerate" is nothing but the beginnings of a grab bag ideology.

it's a real fuckin abstract kind of jewing

GTK is just the beginning

don't link to people directly if you are going to put words in their mouths

if someone kills you we win

Reports inbound

Conflating ethnonationalism with "muh identity politics" is the most kiked garbage.

You hadn't even seen the fucking Jaffe Memo ( ), he's right, you don't know shit, spastic kike faggot

I've known about genocide, but i've never seen that document ever, nor a thread about it.
Gotta look trough it

image related: (OP)

So which fags should be gassed, what do we do with the ones that we don't gas?

What about niggers? What about asians? What about the idiot cucks? Just kill 'em all? I'm trying to extract some fucking actual thought user, not just kneejerk reactions.

What's that? I can't hear you over your "TRUMP IS A ZIONIST" shilling.

Do not lose focus. Dead jews are the smell of your mother cooking bacon in the morning.

It's an empirical fact that he is a zionist. I guess you're going to plug your ears on the fact that he's a freemason and all of his kids are married to israeli kikes too, huh?

I agree with the hypothesis of this post, but not the conclusion. Jews are the cause of most major problems plaguing the white race and we need to spend most of our time focused on disrupting our activities. However, just because Jews are the source of degeneracy doesn't mean we can't give attention to urgent issues that may not necessarily involve opposing the kikes directly (e.g. prevention of child abuse should always be the highest priority). It definitely does not give us any reason to self censor. In fact, it does the opposite. They try to ban us from every website because we speak the truth. Do not water down your message on a platform that has no rules that prevent you from being completely frank.


Wew user i've skipped half episode, it's not like i've missed the whole show

No proof.
Don Jr. and Eric's wives are not jewish.
You keep repeating these old shill narratives.
The Jewish Wedding that Wasn’t

On Nov. 8, Eric Trump, 30, son of Donald, and brother of IVANKA TRUMP, 33, wed TV producer Lara Yunaska under what the NY Post called a "crystal chuppah”. The “chuppah photo” in the Post merely showed a wedding awning made out of crystals, like those hung on a chandelier, and I have little doubt that the photo caption writer took it upon him or herself to call it a “chuppah.”

However, because of the so-called ‘chuppah’, a lot of the Jewish media is assuming she’s Jewish and some have called it a “Jewish wedding.” Well, a “Jewish” wedding needs a cantor or rabbi. However, presiding over this wedding was a ‘civilian’, publisher JARED KUSHNER, 33, the Modern Orthodox husband of Ivanka (who converted to Judaism). Bottom line: I checked out Yunaska’s family tree via family history sites—Lutheran on her father’s side—also Christian on her mother’s side. So—not a Jewish wedding, not a chuppah; and not a Jewish bride. Amusing sidelight: Eric does bear a remarkable resemblance to Jewish actor JONAH HILL, when Hill is moderately slimmed-down.

how can I find said "regular channels?"


t. kike
Gas yourself.


They all have to get the fuck out. How hard is that to get through your retarded head?

Ok, be honest, how new are you? If you've even been on Holla Forums for 15 minutes you're be slapped in your oblivious face with the fact that jews can't manipulate anything if they're all fucking dead.

2 years of lurking before you can apply to be a citizen.

They won't until the jew is in charge, also they've never been a problem until their population exploded, at least in america, in europe they never were a problem, because we've never had them.

doesn't matter, you were making shit up, now you're trying to trap me in a false dichotomy.

thank you, I was wondering what the point of this thread was. Goes hand in hand with all the blatant PR shilling going on today

they won't as long the jew is in charge*

National Socialist ideology was a mirror image of traditional Jewish ideology

It's been that way since TRS shit the bed. Civ-nat cucks coming out of the woodwork.


And once we've automated any conceivable job they could perform? What then?

People like you always forget that we face not only (self proclaimed) ethnic Jews, but also Jews of the spirit. Blacks will always be pawns used by our own traitors to undermine us for their own benefit. Educating them simply weaponizes them against us. Purging them from our society is a must, and the best way we can achieve this is by purging their handlers from our government, repatriating those we can, and allowing market competition to weed out the rest.

I do not think that pogroms are a viable option for removing them as I feel that the general populace would loose their stomach for it and end up treating with them like we with did with the Injuns. I find the potential creation of even more political enclaves within America intolerable.

My whole point is trying to get Holla Forumsacks to think instead of just having kneejerk reactions. You have a nuanced view where fags CAN be pushed back into the closet and largely ignored. The shills are trying to push a narrative that either you kill ALL fags or you get the rope with the fags. Do you see the difference? They're trying to polarize your views.
Over the past two weeks if you tried to say "Look group x has certain problems but I think we could do y and z with them instead of merely killing them all" then the shills would jump down your throat and accuse you of being a shill, a mod, or some identity and Holla Forumsacks were getting on board with it instead of attacking the argument directly.

I like Trump, I think he's a good president; all I'm saying is he isn't going to touch the JQ with a 10 foot barge pole, thinking he is is completely fantastical. And he's definitely a freemason. (Farage incl due to his masonry being common knowledge).

There is literally nothing wrong with extremist views, and nowhere is that more true than on Holla Forums.

You really are bad at your job jew crew.

Agreed. All faggots and kikes should be killed.

Once we've made automation a viable option, the next stage of humanity begins, the one we're trying to win, against the jewish dystopia.
The georgia guidestones are simply a projection of the future, the matter of the present is: who wins this future?
Blacks will be pawns as they are not bright, but with again, right education, you can make them love america as any other citizen in your country, it would at least avoid the civil war, also mixed couples must become a taboo again.

Better still, we can scientifically discover what causes homosexuality and prevent it, or think of a way to reverse the process. We're already close with linking it to abusive relationships when people are children.

t. newfag kike

I swear between confirmation bias and general paranoia, I can't even wave hello to someone anymore without it being some ancient cabbalist symbol of world domination.

So we should welcome kikes and ISIS onto our board because they have extremist views too?

((They)) built them because they think they've already won, it doesn't mean that the projection is not true.

t. Disingenuous kike

Don Jr.'s wife is half jewish according to IMDB, but paternally.

Then again, it's not like you guys are going to ever actually address any of the claims, provide proof or do anything but shitpost.

That Pike "letter" is fake. We already have the jew's plans in documents like the Protocols, why resort to hoaxes?

Actually the only views you need are the ones partaininag truth, those are the only ones you need, viewed as extreme or not

he's a shill i've filtered him early in the thread

There is a difference between having a nuanced view and self censorship. There is nothing wrong with expressing frustration at something deserving and it is possible to do so while simultaneously pointing out why it is frustrating. It's not our job to spoonfeed newfags. If they turn away from the first DoTR post, surely they would have turned away at the first holohoax truth thread as well. To put it simply, such people are emotionally and intellectually weak and they were no loss to this board anyway.

There is nothing wrong with having a polarized view. The problem comes with compromise, which is how the jew gets you. As soon as you compromise with the enemy, you have compromised your values as well.

I don't have a problem with debating what we should do with our undesirables. However, this is an extremely poor excuse for attacking "polarizing views". Holla Forums is a polarizing board. National Socialism is a polarizing ideology. Anyone who is afraid of "polarization" should seek discussion on a more (((diverse))) internet forum.

I can hear you tipping your fedora from here you fucking newfag.

If you make stupid statements, any logical replies are going to be stupid as well because your premise is shit, that's how it works.

There's no such thing as "half jewish", and which parent it comes from is irrelevant.

What the fuck are you talking about?
This place has always been about truth, not extremist you idiot, our views appear extreme because they are necessary to cut out a cancer in our societies, and the scene can be messy.

kike crew needs to leave

It does not matter. We have more important shit in front of us.

and yet the person you linked to only said he wanted to kill fags, kikes, etc. YOU are the one pushing the narrative that it must be all one way or another.
Instead of saying people who disagree with you are shills, have you considered that people are serious in their stated goals? If it bothers you that you share a board with extremists, go back to cuckchan
>some identity
or Holla Forums

Kill yourself

You come here, with your two parenthesis, trying to shill civic nationalism and based trained niggers… you really need to lurk moar.

Again, it's not polarization that's the issue, it's that shills are trying to program anons to react emotionally to posts, and anons are taking the bait really fucking hard.
Not just that, but they're trying to get Holla Forums to effectively self-destruct into d&c and for whatever reason they have had quite the effect over the past few weeks.

you haven't read the thread, you're here to shit it up.

Deport the most, keep the best educate the rest.
Blood and gore won't solve anything if it's not targetted to the right people, the current establishment uses niggers as tools, if you attack the tool you only reinforce the next one with another lie like "black holocaust" or something.

Remove the serpent's head, then you can take control and decide the fate of minorities and deviants without perversions in your decisions.


If you have a jewish parent, you're a jew.



Once we gas all the kikes, the rest of our problems should become a lot more manageable. Make niggers get spayed before they get any gibs and their numbers will plummet like a rock.

WTB: lips

Don't slander pepe by lumping him in with (((freemasonry))). It's all about the symbology & numerology with these people, primarily numerology, hence all of the hand gestures being numerically symbolic.

One jewish parent and one non-jewish parents means they're biologically a half-jew aka "mischling." When's the last time's Holla Forums has had a thread analyzing partial jews? I can't recall us ever having one.
In genetic terminology, you'd expect the following things to affect "Jewishness" at a biological level:
When's the last time we've seen a proper study on behavior in individuals with partial jewish genetics? I'm sure you can link some to me to back up your claims, right? Are you just going to rely on the "one drop" rule? Would you not run a full genetic screen to see if they had particularly deleterious alleles, or if they actually have more european admixture than previously thought?
That said, based on Holla Forums's experience almost all jews will choose other jews over non-jews, but then we have curious cases like Bobby Fischer and Stephen Miller. I guess things might be a tad more complicated than "oh they're all jews."

Hitler himself says that National Socialism is a philosophy.

because your blogpost isn't important

go back to whatever alt-cuck shithole you crawled out of

The good ones will reincarnate as humans next go-around after they report to a progenic gassing.

Top fucking kek

Nope, she's only jewish on her father's side, and Tim Wise only has a single jewish paternal grandparent, so I guess he really is White after all, right?

Funny how you faggots always bring him up, but if he were alive right now, he'd be agreeing that there are no good jews.

I agree that responding to anything with blind emotion is bad. I agree that the d&c is bad. Like I said before, I don't think either of those justify watering down our message.

You're an alright, user. Thanks for actually having a discussion with me instead of sperging out like 90% of the autists in this thread.

jesus christ, does no one pay attention? The nuremberg laws are regularly brought up, especially when kike enoch went down

Yes because I'm not a kike nor do I have any kikes I'm trying to defend.

You must increase wisdom. Gestures become relevant circumstantially; what is "a-okay" to normies, is 666 to freemasons. No normalfag racks up the amount and variety of masonic hand gestures that Trump dishes out.

Bobby "every jew should be rounded up and executed" Fischer. Probably the only genuinely based jew to walk this earth.

and in none of those circumstances is masonry relevant

Except now I got you to finally make a fucking argument. See how that works?
Every last kike needs to be gassed, sure, I agree in principle, but the execution starts to get complicated and messy as soon as you try to bring it into the real world. What the fuck do we do about the fact that a bunch have married into Trump's family? Trump's actually working at Making America Great Again, are you just going to gas his family? There's a lot going on IRL, user and these are serious issues we need to discuss but we can't get to the bottom of them if everyone is enraged and posting kneejerk reactions.

I'm just trying to see if I can get anons to figure out what's going on with the shilling narratives and try to counter it. It looks like we're on the verge of a civil war, and the shills are really hammering us to try to get the rhetoric to a fever pitch. I have a gut feeling that they're trying to manipulate us at a time where the last thing we want is to be manipulated. We have to subvert the jewish plans for global domination at all costs, and Soros is working hard to try to cook up a color revolution. Something feels absolutely off and wrong about Holla Forums and even reality and I can't put my finger on it, and anons aren't going to be able to figure it out if they're going full bore rage-mode.

Something is wrong, I can't quite figure it out completely, and anons who would be normally helpful are either absent or completely raged out.

Civil war, eh? Why try and stop it?

I won't lose focus OP. I am a jubilant mighty frog warrior. Absolutely nothing can stop me or us. Seriously fucking good luck to you dudes when this all kicks off


Fuck man , been prepping for this shit for fifteen years. You almost feel bad for them. Almost

Because I don't want a balkanization of the USA. I think it would weaken us and open us to invasion. Think of what the cartels would be doing if we had a full blown civil war going on. I think that balkanization of the USA is a key part of the kikes' plans.

They're dogwhistles thrown up during media appearances. Use your head… They're always relevant if the perusing gesturing is a mason.

We should be cementing our control over legitimate power. A civil war works against us.

person gesturing**
Fuck, time to sleep.

It only takes one side to want a civil war, and the gommunists want it. Sooner or later they will cross the Rubicon. And on that day, you're either going to be with us, or against us.

OP is a faggot


I get it you want Holla Forums to be civ-nat. Good luck with that ;^)

Again, that's not the issue I'm discussing. The issue is that if we arrested the ring leaders NOW we could avert civil war. What are the nogs going to do if obama, hillary, lynch etc are all in fucking guantanamo? I think we need to dig our heels in so Trump can get the actual prosecutions rolling, we can have national guard rolling out in extremely shitty urban areas, and RWDS/militia could handle the odd shitskin/cartel/nignog problem in rural areas. The key is to try to keep the damage to our infrastructure and people contained as much as possible. The kikes seem like they're trying to push open conflict as hard as possible, and as much as I'd love to mow down antifa I don't think it's going to be as productive as them getting incarcerated by a legal system full of Holla Forumsacks.

So are you the same faggot shitting up literally every thread right now because you sure type like him.

I started off preparing to repel 3rd worlders in UN uniforms and goons following Janet Reno's orders, this is all shaping up beautifully compared to that boring timeline

is a smear tactic

K. Time for Trump to start federally deputizing Holla Forumsacks so we can get to work, I guess.

The divisiveness won't last more than a week. This is not the first time something like this has happened. (((Outside forces))) try to factionalize Holla Forums at least once a year around early March. The absence of sane posters is probably because they are waiting for the mods to work their way through the avalanche of D&C. There are also a significant number of posters who are enraged because they took the bait, but genuinely care about board quality.

Who organized and supplied said resistance force retard?

That's what I'm talking about. I want us to win, but the kikes are trying to get us to be premature. This is what has been bugging me, because I think any action until Trump actually calls for it would result in an immense fuckup.
I hate the kikes in depths and ways that a significant proportion of Anons here wouldn't understand, but I don't want us to fucking lose right when victory is in our grasp. We're so fucking close to winning, but if Anons are at each others throats then we're not unified for the fight ahead.

I'm hoping you're right, user.

Nice (1) and no faggot this and the south africa threads are the only ones ive posted in this week im normally a lurker

what are the conditions necessary for balkanization?

Holla Forums is not one person. We all choose our own time and place for our own reasons.

The way I see it happening is as follows
1. Soros protests continue to gain steam
2. Protests become increasingly violent
3. Soros snipers, false flags, etc result in deaths, property destruction and a decline of rule of law.
4. Multiple metropolitan cities become chaos zones
5. Soros owned state government officials make proceedings to leave the union while the chaos is continuing.

The danger isn't in the actual riots, but using the violence as cover for state/regional secession. Calls for "Calexit" are way more pernicious than people think. Half the shill narratives are encouraging balkanization of the USA. The jews absolutely want to see the USA broken apart so the constitution gets shredded.

So… we have to kill a bunch of gommunists then. Okay.

If Hillary had won, I was fully prepared for a scorched earth civil war, because we wouldn't have had any alternative. Trump won, and now we have a materially different situation. I think full blown civil war should be our last ditch, since we have so many legal options open to us. As fun as it would be to kill a bunch of commies, it's not so fun to risk the collapse of the USA if we don't have to.


German fascism's Master Race ideology as an echo of Jewry's Chosen People claim
Precedents for Nazi-inspired genocide (and other racist policies) in original Jewish teachings


it's almost like when kikes project evil onto the germans they make it look like themselves


It's never going to work you dumb motherfuckers. Every single shill offensive that's ever been levied against us has only made us more radical. Your tactics have never worked against us.

this board isn't great anymore.

this board has come a cuckchan shithole and the hotpockets are now promoting crypto civic nationalism because they think all the real Holla Forumsacks got v&

fuck off RIDF, kill all shitskins,

KMac also says the Holocaust happened and called for an alliance with BASED nationalist jews a few years ago.

The ones who crossed the Rubicon were the ones who were trying to make Rome great again.

wtf i hate the ghnatzees now. You know what else is Jewish? AIR! So you should stop breathing right now.

disappointed, I didn't know that.

Wew lad.
You best believe in JIDF threads, you're in one.

this is a hotpocket thread, the first one was even fucking stickied before they unstickied it and went full damage control.

imkampfy mask slipping

Board log

Mods supporting porn

imkampfy being a faggot again
For the archives:

National Socialism, you imbecile shill

The same thing all the eternal anglos do when confronted with jews. How high a bider can i sell my fellow countrymen?


Fucking trips of truth


fuck off cuckchanner.

Why the same buzzword always kike?
Like come on, Every fucking time

It would take literally one click for the BO to word filter http but no, they let it happen because they don't give a damn if the board floods with retards. It's obviously a lost cause to teach cuckchan anything.

Still want to know what happened to polchan.

Shut up IMkikey. You're not fooling anyone. And stop deleting the self-help and book threads you foreskinless fucksickle

I really like this video. But I really don't get why they would pretend people were getting shot because of sports events.
Shit like that only happens in communist countries like North Korea.

fuck off cuckchanner.
this, come over at >>>/polk/ if you are a true Holla Forumsack. this board is a cuckchanner haven with corrupt hotpockets like imkampfy.

they practice some "juche" version of socialism. it is anti-marxist and heretical to most commies.

I'll freely admit I don't know shit about north korea. Any good sources to read up on their system/society?

Obviously there are priorities when dealing with enemies, but the reason you're a fucking cuck is because you propose we should ignore everything except one thing. The problem with this is, how the fuck will you get other people to join the removal? It's not like you can just go out, call your neighbour and start removing right now. First you have to make people realize what's going on, uncover the tools to the public, dismantle them, make people join and agree, get into positions of power etc. You can't do that without calling out and destroying some of their tools.
If you just go out there and say "fuck the kikes man!" with no reason you'll be a fucking retard, but if you go out and say "fucking kikes yet again post a media article about how …", that's how you beat some sense into others. Exposing the kike is what they fear the most, and doing that through their tools is the best way to do so.

So, attacks are needed from all sides and every attack on the tool is both an attack on the kike and a redpill.

You're doing a job as good as FBI's.
We need official deportations, not a bloodbath, we have the resources, we only need to convince people.

How lovely, my post about the CIA controlling WN groups and now influencing Holla Forums got deleted by the mods.

Don't worry goys, there is nothing to see here. Sieg Heil, lets go deus bult for the white race in Iran!

You are not folling anyone.

It seems like kampfy is deleting mention of >>>/polk/ now. A few posts ITT disappeared. Seems like they're worried about anyone else running a parallel board

here you go, buddy.

you can ban the user but you can't ban the idea, hotpockets.

Holla Forums is under constant attack by isreali hasbara kikes and their counter-jihadi pack.

No white land will ever begin to be free until they directly remove the jew.
Until that time they will continue sending all their hostile 3rd world aliens into our territories and sending us of to kill them overseas to continue the cycle of displacing wogs for isreali gain and all the refugees sent to white countries.

To lose focus from the jew and continue to serve jewish interests fighting all of isreal's wars will only continue the death spiral of the West.

Thanks. And my backlog keeps growing…

Moonman, or kampfy logged into moonman's acct, banning people now. Likely to avoid the heat that's been flowing out of these threads. Can you fucking gimps just communicate with us and say, "gee whiz that thread was a bad idea, you were right anons!" instead of just cold shouldering us every time?

Also oh look another stupid image in the bottom right as become the new custom. Ebin contribution Kampfy!

No. All the filth needs to be cleansed by fire.


Also you can force feed their own plague before draining it

he he he completely walled off moderation is good for your community he he he

jews are THE problem, their symptoms are numerous and incessant, unfortunately most formerly white countries are now, some 70 years later after they flooded white nations with 3rd world wogs, got too many natruralised citizens to do anything without their assistance.
Only in Cnetral and Eastern Europe is there any white nations still majority white.
Which is why the jews are astroturfing these boards non-stop insisting we continue fighting ZoG warz


Nice label, did you learn it at your shilling course?

Retarded or just a shill? There is not contradiction between killing all undesirables and killing all kikes. First the kikes, then the rest.

Ignore the red dot on your forehead kike-kun, it's just a laser pointer! Ku-ku-ku~

You want us to ignore the muds because we'd be targeting your parents, kampfy?

Said no one ever.

Anons acting like they're on Hitler's personal JQ council personally responsible for removing merchants are doing it wrong. The point of Holla Forums is to be right and to make memes according to the truth behind ongoing events. As this truth builds, so real options begin to open up. Powers larger than you are still deciding how and when the merchant wars will begin. As of now it's still in user's best interest to observe the merchant and undermine his schemes with simple surveillance.

You're right. We need to become moderate.

Kill yourself

You can't go a single post without using your golem, can you kike-kun? It's not surprising considering how much of a scardey-kike you are.

Never what I was implying, idiot TOR user.


Looks like kampfy is back with his VPN. I really didn't think you were a Turkic muslim before but now it's pretty clear you are. What's wrong with hating everyone that isn't us? Isn't that the default Holla Forums position? No amount of anime smug will make you white, kampfy. Be honest, how mad does that make you?

Said every Trump cheerleader and every single counter-jihadist hasbara kike insisting we kill every one of isreal's enemies that frequents these boards in ever greater numbers than the few last remaining non-jews on this board.

try and express any opinion that queries why so many jews are present in and around every terror attack on mainland Europe, try and talk about all the architects of 9/11 being brought into Trumps team, try and discuss how only jews are allowed to speak on Holla Forums on any given subject and the only comments from genuine anons get deleted within 24hrs.

The entire board of Holla Forums has been astroturfed into insignificance over the past two years, along with 95% of all so called jew-wise Anglo-American nationalist websites online.

You say we should become passive; observe and survey. Fuck off.

No that's the position of cuckchan Holla Forums, because cuckchan defies logic and reasoning.
Blind hatred is not what the world needs, it needs calm, sharp minds an strong bodies to strike the cancer that afflicts it.

Holla Forums is not a place of hatred, Holla Forums is a place of truth. Jews are cancer and must be removed that's a truth, the cause hatred and discord and that's why you must hate them, you don't hate something because that's not part of you, that's dysfunctional at best.

Reported anyways i think you should lurk more.

Tell me which groups need removing:

Interested to see your response.


fags (must be reeducated, but once the kikes are removed they will reduce in population anyways)
niggers (the less the better)
spics (the less the better, but not worse to niggers)
chinks they don't cause any problem, but they must be limited in number like all other foreigners, only the ones with a limited time contract or tourists can stay.
dot niggers? what's this?

In any case racemix must be illegal.

He who does not hate evil cannot be considered good - and Holla Forums is a place of hatred for that which is evil.

The less they are present in number

good words

Truthful words.

Trump cheerleaders are a nuisance, but that has nothing to do with this topic. No-one refusing to compromise on the shitskins and fags has ever said we should ally with kike politicians and cucks.

Kosher cucks get out.

Yet, here you are…

No compromise.
No peace.

They are most often than not caused by child molestation, a good psychological examination and trauma analysis might fix them.
The point is treating their condition as an illness not as a normal behaviour.

So if these groups can be safely removed, what's wrong with hating them? Who says hating these groups comes from 'blind hate' instead of a reasoned understanding that europeans do not have a good time when surrounded by non-europeans?

Also include something about how much you hate Allah and Mohammed the prophet pigfucker to see if you're a muslim or not.

Kill. All. Faggots.

No one is defending shitskins, kike-kun! It's simply more important to kill you first. The notion of people prioritizing their targets means you get the first bullet, and that terrifies you doesssssssnnnn't iiiiiiiiiit? Af-fu-fu~

And more often than not they themselves molest children. That some faggot some time long ago was a child who could have remained human had things been different is all the more reason to stomp out the disease as totally as possible. They are corruption in the flesh. No compromise.

i came here long ago but i still occasionally go to halfchan because that's pretty much the front lines. it moves faster and has more traffic. it can be exhausting but i still feel that combating the relentless faggotry there and trying to steer it in the right direction is important

Then why the thread about allying with BASED NIGGERS and BASED MUSLIMS to fight the kikes then? What did this whole thing accomplish other than cement the idea that you're a shitskin yourself? You just can't admit that your thread was trash as are your mush brained ideas

Spics are your neighbours, hating your neighbour is not a wise thing to do.
What's the point of hating them when they no longer shit up your streets once deported?
They just become another far race, you you might even be fascinated by the difference in culture when obesrving them from afar once they become rare sights again.
There's no point in blind hatred for something that exists without causing harm like a cancer.

For example, none likes niggers and Africa, but none hated niggers because they never left africa until recently, that's because they are just beastmen and they behave as such, they don't expand like a cancer and pour in other places, they are not parasitic if not force fed with free gibs.

emotional response better than thought?

It's a cycle that you can break by treating their illness, their flesh is not corrupted, their mind is, and mind can be cleansed with help and their own will

This thread is not about any of that, this thread says FOCUS ON KIKES FIRST.
go back.

Agreed fellow hWhite person we must ally with BASED MUDSLIMES to remove merchant.

Islam is redpilled and "conservative". Why haven't you gotten a based qt aryan Iranian virgin waifu yet you kuff- I mean hwhite person.

shilling 101, appeal to the extremes, nigger lover or genocide everything mentality

Clearly a spic.



Yes and we can fix the kikes if we cush them up in stables and breed the evil out of them.


This is absolutely the dumbest thing you have ever done kampfy. Holy shit you are stupid. The best thing you could possibly due is to reexamine your The_Donald tier cuckery and come back. Hatred keeps the fires of racial animus burning which is exactly what we want. All races hate whites but because we've been defanged and force to 'love' all other races and accept them we are losing the zero-sum game that is identity politics. I am 100% for white people asserting their heritage and hating everyone that isn't them. Nothing wrong with hatred of people that are clearly outside your fucking species.

That sure is a funny way to spell slaughter, kike-kun! Don't worry! I promise your precious shitskins will join you in a mass grave! Then we can build a better read: white world on top of it, just to spite your disgusting existence! AND THERE IS NOOOTTTHING YOU CAN DO TO STOOOOOP ITTT! Ku-ku-ku~

Meanwhile you're a shitskin who admitted to being the person we normally consider to be Heil in that picture. Wew lad, you even broke out the kampfy-named pictures.

I didn't call for genocide just not allying with "based mudslimes".

People seem to tactically disregard that humans are tribal species (tribes being largely divided by race) for millennia, the only time we interacted with other races was to either massacre them and steal their resources & territory, or to cut trade deals. Muh based rapist shitskins though, they'll be fine if you somehow manage to educate them, despite the fact that their crushingly low IQs meant that many of their societies couldn't even invent the fucking wheel.

I didn't say love, i said there's no need to hate anything.
Breeding hatred between races only ensures blood and conflict.
Coexistance in different borders is an option you might consider shill.

Strike at the heart there's no point in defense, this place is bound to be destroyed once again and rebuild itself somewhere else.

This thread is a clear example how this board is degenerating to reactionary emotional response.

That's actually a real option, after 9th generation you can water down genes to almost null level

Again who spoke about nigger, spic, muslim alliance in this thread? Focus on the master hand, not on the moltitude of golem puppets, break the golem only to expose the hand when it's moving it

My, my! Is that the best you have kike-kun? A screencap of someone LARPing as the BO? I know it's monday but we still expect better of you! So low energy! Afu-fu-fu~

Yet here are kikes like you astroturfing every thread championing neo-cohen kike zionist politics, cheering on Trumps jewish cabal and Le pen etc.

Unfortunately every nation aside from Central and Eastern Europe have a majority non-white majority now.

If you want to remove the kike then your options are limited, instead however you insist we must ally with zionist neo-con kikes.

In Britain how are you to overthrow the jewish caliphate they live under without allying with minorities when they comprise of the greater majority and have done since 1990s

Newsflash: that's the entire course of human history. Racial hatred and conflict.

Retarded statement. Minorities do not represent the greater majority. That's why they're called minorities. In a handful of cities in the UK, whites have been uprooted by influxes of skitskins; Londonistan being the prime example. Many white people in the UK are extremely anti-immigraiton, and essentially anti-foreigner, hence Brexit being pushed through, despite decades of (((pro-EU))) shilling.

Nigger this shit par for the course.

Fuck you're dumb.

We're going to kill every last one of you kikes.


You really didn't think that post through, did you?

Check my posts faggot. No bump here only insults to civ-nat cucks.

I can do both things. Bashing mudslimes is a great entry level redpill for the not so bright masses. It's easier than trying to explain more abstract things like jewish subversion and their racial hatred towards Europeans. Paki mudslime rape gangs are a great propaganda tool as long as those that get redpilled don't fall into the EDL kosher nationalism praise Israel trap..

And…… exposed you have been subverting and spreading DnC propaganda on this board for way too long you semitic inbred scum.

Oy vey, the disguised overwhelming numbers of non-white Britons are just the minority, which is why they're called the minority.
Yes they are called minorities in towns even when the white populations of the regions are less than 5%

fucking kikes non-stop

Not Muslim invaders, but those who are actively fighting kikes - Hezbollah, Hamas, Iran, Assad - can be our allies.

Were you born retarded or did your single mother have to drop you on your head a few times first?

Haven't you been one of the many jewish hasbara that demands we all cheer whenever a zionist neo-con kike enters Trumps cabinet and demands nobody brings up the fact every terror attack on mainland has direct involvement and support by isreali Mossad securoty forces?


Jesus fuck how hard is it to realize the major point of this, kikes need to be gassed first. It's like trying to reason with zika babies

Or you could look at the national population statistics and stop being such a fucking low agency retarded nigger piece of shit.

This and only this.

One the kikes are removed every other ill the jewish plague has brought us cn finally be addressed and corrected without the direct resistance and obstacles being placed in our way by organised jewry,.

Without tackling the kikes firstly, there will be absolutely no removal of any one of their alien invaders or society decaying ills

fuck off hotpocket kike.

kill yourself cuckchanner

fuck you imkampfy and your cancerous crypto civic nationalism.

this is not simply a "bait thread", it was created by imkampfy to make this board even more civic.
nice damage control, hotpocket.

There are racial differences between the mudslimes as well. Turks and Arabs are fucking cancer and need to be exterminated, persians aren't quite as bad. Islam is a complete cuck religion though and needs to be dismantled.

So you're saying it's not a shitty bait thread then? I mean, only retards would respond to shitty bait, right?

Kike-kuns are triggered. They know they're in a vulnerable state right now and if they can't distract us before weaseling away it'll mean they'll finally be purged from this world, never to taint it again. They are terrified beyond belief.

This is their last pathetic, sad, desperate attempt to survive.

What do you aidsniggers propose is the short term solution with the colossal influx of hyperfertile shitskins flooding into western society? You think you're going to be able to GTK before the entire nation are mulatto commies?

Dubs confirm, you are a cuck.

Jews are the only "people" who need to be exterminated. Deportation can solve the rest of our problems.

Have you been to any major city in and around Britain?

Do you know that every negro born in britain since 1960's and all their offspring are only recorded as British citizens no requirement to even assign a race on the census, it was optional, did you know that native Britons in London number less than 10%, and that includes Irish descent…

As long as it doesn't descent into praising every single brown thirld worlder just because they are against zogMurica I have no problem with that.

Isn't it time to start your daily "Trump is a jew shill" thread you filthy shitskin?

No. I didn't go to >>>/polpol/ either.

Fuck off mudshit. We're not allying with people who have an agenda to spread their shit religion by fucking white women.

They all have to go. If there's an opportunity to take one down then do it.

If you don't remove the kikes first guess what? The shitskins will be back in bigger force soon enough even if you deport them. Who the fuck do you think funds the refugee crisis? Once again I feel like the discussion that's being bandied about is worse than 2 autistic downies who just got lobotomized trying to make sense of fractals.

The only correct answer.

Deportations and white babies! AND BRUTAL MURDER FOR ANY OF THEM THAT DARE TO RESIST. Meanwhile we continue to destructure kike-kuns structures of power, like how Trump-sama is mass arresting pedos, hint hint! Then we deal the finishing blow to kike-kun once and for all!

So go remove the kikes.

I am a huge faggot, please rape my face!

Something tells me Tor users are going to be taking a break again.

Nice argument you to there

I enjoy making fun of civ-nat cucks. Even if I'm responding to shity b8. It doesn't matter either way. Civ-nat is cancer and I will call it out wherever I see it. If you have problems with that you might want to go somewhere else newfag.

Oh so I see you wouldn't help removing your kinsmen. You hebrews aren't even subtle anymore

No it says it's your white man's burden to help based niggers become mules.

It's a major operation by shills trying to fuck with Holla Forums. They are trying to push a full retard "GENOCIDE EVERYTHING" narrative.

Also this.

Turks and especially Arabs have a ton of genetic admixture with jews.

Polk, where you can all discuss how based every neo-con kike in Trumps team is whithout any criticism aimed towards any of his personal team of neo-con zionist jews

yep polk is such a breath of fresh air compared to all the other countless once jew-wise websites that are now 100% neo-con kike zog co-opted kike nests…

Go do it.
Fluoride getting to you? You have to use the filter for it to work.

Oh look how the jew cries out as he strikes you…

It's like you jews actually believe the lies about the NSDAP and Hitler.

You're using that incorrectly.

Oy vey

The above (((user))) is part of a huge team of kikes whose entire MO is to astroturf every Holla Forums thread into neutralised insignificance.

They are the ones that go around in packs group reporting and filtering any criticism of zionist jews in their much championed kosher nationalist group they're currently promoting, Breivik threads etc

Not in the least oven-kindling

Nice mental gymnastics there kike. Also way to out yourself as a kike shill.

Literaly not a ingle one of your posts ha any substance, its all platitudes, demagogery and deflection. You are a lying kike shill piece of shity and everyone here can see it. If you are honest about what you are aying, go to stormfront, if you are a shil, kill yourself.

Truth is extreme you fucking faggot.

I merely pointed out that the jews need to be removed first. Now I have 2 of you hopping on me as if I said something that triggered your instincts…

kill yourself

this is not a bait thread like you suggested, imkampfy. t is a thread of your own creation aimed at making this board have a moderate stance on fundamental issues like genociding shitskins.

I said no invaders. All the groups I named are fighting to stay in their own lands, not invade ours.

Not kampfy so your argument is meaningless.

We want to gas the jews. Only the jews. Let's kill ALL the kikes first and see what happens.

We have been dealing with people like you for years, you are nothing, you are less than nothing, shill.

Everyone here can agree that the jews need to be gassed first, right?

only jews openly and actively encourage genocide, national socialists just want the invaders deported, what to do with the jew needs no open declaration, they've enforced the only inevitable solution due to this horrific evil they;ve conducted since they won WWII, even delicate squeamish anons will be sharpening their blades for the kike

That's all I initially said, but there seems to be lots of subversive elements arguing AGAINST that ITT

Niggers aren't fertile enough to present as big a problem as sand niggers.
Sauce for your LDN statistics? Seems like bs, it was barely under 50 last I checked.

I'm not saying we should ignore the kikes, OP is trying to direct everyone down the funnel of 'oy vey, ignore border control, focus entirely on the yid!'. Proposing we focus all energy on the kike is insane. Proposing we should waste time educating niggers is even more insane.

Only the jew needs to be gassed. Everyone else has to go back.

If you want to gas the jews appearently you are a nigger-lover now.

No it's not a real option because it's not the white mans fucking burden.

Daily reminder that every last jew needs to be killed.

They're trying to d&c. Personally I say kill every last kike then see how we get along with everyone else once the kikes are removed.

Once the jew is gone it will astound all how simply all our collective problems in our countries are solved without them shitting up every discussion, plan and action.

kill all niggers you cuck.

confirmed cuckchanner subhuman

nice astroturfing, imkampfy.

Im all for gasing jews but that doesnt mean we dont have other enemies faggot. Consider suicide.

He's not kampfy, imkampfy.

We know its you, dude.


Yes! Gas the kike-kun!

Get the memo already you deranged shitskin and stop spamming. Holla Forums is overwhelmingly pro Trump you are not making any great breakthrough by talking about Kushner or Ivanka converting to judaism. Everyone alredy knows about it.

White people who don't want arab mudslimes in their countries are not hasbara JIDF shill you subversive rat

lol here it is!
I'm happy just with gassing the jews, then we'll see if the niggers remain a problem or not. Keep in mind who's pushing the niggers into "gangsta" culture.

Sure they are.

But you did.

So go remove them.

Top fucking kek

Kill yourself

t. kike

OooOooOooh! Mod-sama follows you everywhere you go! He stands over your bed at night! He's literally every poster on this board except you! So spooky, that Mod-sama! Ku-ku-ku~

You said it.

Their genes

I know that's you, Mod-sama! Don't be cute!

There is if you live on planet Earth in the current year + 2.

Yeah I thought it was pretty stupid too heres a quick edit I did like 5 mins ago


Fuck that, these people are animals. Even the few rare blacks who have an IQ of over 105 fucking hate niggers.

Fugged up the size but im too lazy to fix it so whatever

JEW crew is really bad at their jobs

Kosher wars: The "war on terror" (proxy wars for Israel)
Actual war: The coming race war

Learn the difference, cuck.

We already know that. Cucks will waste centuries trying to civilize them instead instead of just claiming this planet for us and getting on with settling space while we still have the time.

Didnt say*

I'm in no rush. Let's just kill all the jews first and see what happens.

hello hotpockets. having fun in your irc circlejerk?

Have we killed all the jews yet? No?
Then after we kill all the jews, let's see how we get along.

Oh, we're ALL imkampfy now! Everyone you don't like is a mod. It's so clear now, kike.

You know you'll never be white kampfy :^) Great threads by the way, you really convinced us to accept your nigger muslim brothers.

Now kampfy is editing posts to damage control kek

>>>/polk/ - where the mods are not retarded shitskins>

That is bound to work right? ;^)

How incompetent is jew crew anyway? This is pretty funny.

typical tricks, schlomo.

Dunning Kruger, everyone.

he edited my post, faggot i'm not imkampfy.

t.imkampfy again.

No, many anons are just plain sick and tired of the mods not listening to us for well over a year now and trying to turn this place into a worthless, normalfag commentary board on news articles where you can say nigger and kike. Lots of us are at the breaking point. But I'm sure you already knew that.

That's the kind of logic I'd expect from a room temperature IQ melanin enriched individual. The fact is if someone chucks a stick of dynamite at your house removing the nigger doesn't stop your house from exploding.

You're supernaturally retarded.

Yeah I'm saying he's changing your post to damage control

You're getting worse with every post.

Kill the jews first, then see what happens. It's not a hard concept.

wew lads.


oh, i thought you meant something else.


Consider suicide

What was reported in the jewish press was 50%, yet take one step into any borough throughout the city and what do you actually find first hand?

If this is England Where are The English?

PS what the fuck is that random bollocks about blacks not producing children that rapidly?
Everywhere you go throughout Britain you can see greater numbers of niggers than any other race including Indians who swarm and colonise and consume a town within 5 years of which there are tens of millions of them.
Almost all of the muslim population in Britain is from Pakistan and Somalia, hardly any from sandland, and those are mainly the oil rich spoilt cunts in Kensington and Knightsbridge
The majority of every school contains mostly half breed mongrol English/Nigger hybrids, check out you Olympics team for the last few decades, either black of halfJack.

Either you live in some quiet country village or never been to England.

Yep it checks out.

That's not what Dunning Kruger is.

you are retarded. why not just kill both kikes and shitskins? its because you are a hotpocket trying to push crypto-civic nationalism on this board.

Yep it checks out.

Shouldn;t you be back on your new Polk board to astroturf with 100% saturation of pro isreali neo-con politics?

This kikes post there

How the hell is shit still going on?

You're not proving anything other than you can post like a retard.

You are bad at this


I see you posted the pic, now tell us which of those tactics you are observing in this thread and examples

Those "based woke niggers" you posted literally believe that White people were created in a lab by an evil scientist

kill yourself

hello imkampfy

nice trips satan
basically this thread is a example of consensus cracking mixed with hegelian dialectic

No. No, they don't.

yeah niggers are stupid, big shock huh.

How does that in any way effect the point that at least these niggers know to deal with the jews, wheras you, claiming your superiority don;t want to harm a hair on their heads of kikes and just go after isreals enemies instead.

Meanwhile you continue to cheer on every zionist neo-con kike and their steam vent controlled opposition political parties and not once has the Holla Forums Admin removed your blatant kike self.

Go astroturf somewhere else.

Nigger logic

Niggers of Holla Forums :^)

I am a huge faggot, please rape my face!

lel keep astroturfing.

>>>/polm/ is better.


nice try, kike. that board is dead.

Crazy schizo nigger go back to endchan

I like /polz/ the best

Yeah its way better.

Lel way to out yourself kike.


Didn't take long

Care to try that again fag?

I am a huge faggot, please rape my face!

I was responding to you, fucking turboautist, not calling you out

go back from whence you came


kill yourselves.

You're just as bad as TRS.


so where are we supposed to go, faggot? stay on this cuckchanner neo Holla Forums?

np m8

so your new tactics are to derail this thread with the same shit?

Fuck off back to /polk/ike.

Not gonna happen faggot.

you're not even making any sense bruv

nice astroturfing, hotpockets.

I didn't say they weren't a problem, I said they wern't as big of a problem. I retract that statement after re-checking the stats, they're well over the replacement level, you're right.
I think that depends on the borough. I wont lie, most of central London seems like it's full of shitskin. That's not every big city in the UK though.

You're clearly a retarded shitskin.

you're clearly a retarded turkorach, imkampfy.

Never change you massive fucking faggot.

never change you massive fucking hotpocket.

Just like a shitskin.

you're not even adding to the discussion anymore, your amygdala seems to be overloaded


Well I am because I'm not interested in letting the white race get annihilated by an asteroid or volcano out of concern for the sentiment of faggots like you. Time is too precious to waste on half-apes.

What do you think created this place?



I never thought I would see this many posts on Holla Forums triggered over the thought of wanting to remove kikes first, and then dealing with the niggers and shitskins after the main puppetmasters are removed. Shareblue money certainly at work here

Come on lads, can we get back to the point that you can't educate niggers into being upstanding citizens?

nice try, hotpockets. true anons can see right through your lies.

you can't try to discuss reasonably with these people. they just cry "ur a shitskin" if you criticize anything about this board's direction and moderation.

I thought the topic was who do we remove from our countries first, jews or niggers?

You're so boring now it hurts.

this is bullshit. why can't we just remove both? suggesting we forget about minorities is creeping civic nationalism.

kill yourself imkampfy.
it will stay up just like the interacial cuckold ones are not deleted,



this thread is a mess, disruption, obfuscation and radicalization shills in full force aplying their hegelian dialectic narrative to sow division and and stirr the shit as hard as they can playing both sides of the hegelian narrative.

Absolutely no one likes kampfy so there's not much to divide.

No such thing you fucking faggot.

lel this faggot.

That's something only a JEW would say!!!!

Ha! I called you a Jew first! I win!

What planet you living on?

This project, of Making China Great Again, has gathered unprecedented steam under president Xi Jinping who has sought to rebalance power equations in Asia based on its natural trajectory towards becoming world's largest economy by 2020.

Sure thing Sven and Achmed

Get gassed. Long Live Holla Forums!

Holla Forums Holla Forums is controlled opposition at this point. The mods curate content. Any opinion diverging from their agenda is swiftly deleted.


you spelled kike wrong

you should look for a new board then. don't comeback until you do.


I think Jew is more debilitating. Using Kike is mildly offensive I am sure, but they call themselves Jews. Using Jew as an insult is much more triggering for them.

But this is just my opinion. Don't mind me.

Those are the exact same arguments the left uses to strip guns from people. What are you are suggesting is fringe tier. At most you will have much more support within your nation to purge the kike rather than purge the kike AND minorities.

How else would you know that they were the super evil bad guys? Can't have them showing a hyper-advanced utopic society now, can we?
That being said, the video is actually really nicely made.


oy vey


Speaking of shills, how to combat mentally ill 'verified' commiebots that spam all of drumpf's tweets?

It is natural for us white men to want to gas people every now and then for one reason or another (Rabbis the world over have performed extensive studies proving that we have a propensity to gas when we feel threatened), but the point is that this is not the solution; it is merely a desire which shows that at least and long last we begin to understand the problem (and no longer think that the merchant is our greatest ally). Prevention is the best treatment. We were the retards for allowing these Jews to amass this power; they merely exploited. We stopped being vigilant, and now we pay the shekel. The best thing is to gas often and early, so that we won't have to undertake a big gassing when shit's bad. The Jews fear the Samurai because back then if you failed to bow as a sign of respect they'd chop your head off.