African blacks aren't an old race, but the youngest one - OOA and evolution is a lie

I'd like to present my half-baked theory to Holla Forums. Since it came to me in a flash and I'm trying to find my footing within it opinions and input are appreciated.

Shills begone. This is a part of Holla Forums's enduring effort to understand, to seek the truth and question the narrative. I make no claim that I'm right about this however, I can't be that arrogant. I'm speculating and so should you.

Sadly I don't have the pic of that muslim explorer who speaks of niggers (Zanj). I'm sure you saw it. Also revelant.

Now let us begin. Fossils of hominids in Africa aren't millions of years old. That is a lie. They are very recent or recent. Chances are such hominids (erectus, australopithecus etc.) may still be extant in Africa in isolated parts. Those interested in crypotozoology read and know of such claims.

Theory: blacks did not exist as such up until the paleolithic or even neolithic. When Sumer was new, when agriculture and animal husbandry became a thing blacks were evolving out of their purely animal state into something resembling humanity. This occured due to the rapid explosion of human knowledge through Mesopotamia and all the way to China. We observed how chimps in recent decades learned new behaviours that seem strikingly human, including them learning the art of primitive war. You can find loads of videos and documentaries about that on youtube. This behaviour was first noted roughly in the 70s. In other words there is a precedent for this.

There are issues and controversies with carbon dating. Look them up. Given that the entire field of genetics, anthropology and science in general is pozzed and subservient to political ends I have no trust in their intellectual honesty. In other words humanity did not emerge from Africa. Blacks emerged from Africa, other races and peoples had their own ancestors. The fossils are "new" but represented as old ur-humanity in order to push for racemixing, equality and other such things.

The inferiority of blacks is due to them being young, so young in fact that by the time the rest of us built first civilizations they were still actual apes. Look at it this way - remember how they were in the 18th and 19th century when discovered by say the British? Now imagine them in 2 000 B.C. and prior to that. There's something improbable in them remaining in such a primitive state for untold millenia. Thus I conclude that they are not an ancient people, but a newcomer, a recent development.

On the other side of the spectrum (pun intended) we have the neanderthals. Whites and East Asians are the ones with the highest rates of their admixture. China is a profoundly ancient civilization, and there is also something called the Vinča script and pre-mesopotamian Balkan cultures that are yet to be properly explored, if we're that lucky. Roughly put there's evidence of proto-writing and architecture that predates Sumer, Egypt and the fertile crescent civs, which makes the Balkan civilizations on par with China regarding antiquity. Reminder that we have yet to find the oldest points of chinese history.

Theory: the neanderthals were insular as fuck, highly intelligent. Hardly a controversial claim. I postulate this - the neanderthal is a specialized and limited offspring of a civilization that predated the Ice Age, and that was destroyed in a catastrophic event. In East Asia the climate made it possible for them to advance their culture rapidly compared to Ice Age Europe. This is why (((paleonthology))) regards them as primitive or not-quite-there-yet, but more importantly shifts the focus away from Europe. They actually were on par with their East Asian branch but were mostly locked in a survival struggle with nature. It is precisely this struggle paired up with inherent intelligence that made the white race's advances so rapid and overwhelming once the climate changed.ča_symbols

Look at the horse from a cave in France. See that symbol above it? It is always used strictly in relation to the horse. It is a logogram, just like chinese symbols are. I'd like to see the oldest chinese symbol for "horse" for comparison.

Other urls found in this thread:


"Evolution" doesn't mean "increased complexity". It just refers to any gradual changes inherited through generations.
If Europeans degenerated into less intelligent beings it'd still be evolution.

Interesting theory. I thought the out-of-Africa theory was bullshit before even main stream science admitted it.

What I find curious about Blacks, and which sort of supports your theory that they are a younger race, is that the palms of their hands are white. To me this suggests they're somehow white people that have been mutated to another race. Sort of like orcs in Lord of the Rings.

most african americans are at least 20% white according to WW2 blood tests


what do you think of this?

seems to be similar to hindu/buddhist ideas on humans origin

This is retarded, sorry. Evolution doesn't mean progress

Yes it does. It's basically a synonym.
If the biologists had just heeded Darwin and named the "Theory of Evolution" "Descent with Modification", they'd saved a lot of trouble as the theory is named in a misleading way. And it's bullshit anyways.

The actual process doesn't always produce superior results. You are using the usual use many think if it as because the notable advances have produced better adaptions that are advantageous. It's not like Pokemon. This is getting into dictionary definition games.

Language has ambiguity, holy shit, everything is wrong.

You don't have a solid basis for you ideas, you are just making shit up. Ancient historians mention a lot of stuff, like they sometimes lie today, they sometimes lied then. Will bigfoot be real in a thousand years because some poeple believe in him now? This is the standard at which you put the evidence.

Maybe Hanno did meet another human species, it probably wasn't blacks.

Africans are ancient race separated from human main tribes, the tribe that went into more heated places, which made their skin dark as coal, engaged in deviant behavior and incest, and therefore turned ugly after many inbreedings of their ancestors. Same with Abbos.

Are you truly this fucking retarded or ignorant? Is a chihuahua better than a wolf in your opinion? Posters like you should just gtfo, you're probably a disinfo shill like the flat earthers.
There is not conspiracy in science: what we know about race is proven by facts. Simply, these facts are not accepted publicly because they go against the narrative. Blacks are inferior because they always lived in an easy environment, point. Kys, reported

Interesting idea OP. Have a bump. It is worth considering.

Is Holla Forums truly this retarded? If niggers remained in Africa for even 10.000 more yeaes, they would still remain niggers. This is because AFRICA IS THE EASIEST LAND TO LIVE ON FOR HUMANS AND IT LITERALLY REQUIRES NO ADAPTATION TO LIVE IN IT.
Fuck you. Fuck niggers and this jew thread


Evolution is adaptation to the environment.
Once adaptation is reached, nature sees no need to fuck with what works. The crocodile is unchanged for millions of years. The nigger for less.

Then why dose a half-breed of an african with anything look like an african? Nature likes stability. In fact, you can tell the relative ages of races by the dominant characteristics of half-breeds. Jews are older than many races, but not older than niggers. Hence why jew + aryan = jew, but jew + nigger = nigger. Also, why they don't want any of them in israel.
A younger race, who is not aware of its own blood, is always at danger of being reabsorbed by an older race if it intermixes.

Forgot to sage.

Is not a downvote, I want this shit thread anchored

No not evolution you idiot: 'OOA and evolution', as in "We all come from niggers".

Relax. It's an interesting idea, since as OP mentioned, racial science has been thoroughly pozzed since 1945.

We'll be able to answer these questions once we win.

I find the theory of variable evolutionary and selective pressures generating modern hominid variation more plausible, but at least you're thinking.

Not really, and you've not demonstrated as much.
Crows and dolphins were no-doubt much the same between 2nd century BC and 18th century AD, because conditions had not been created as to select for alternative traits.
Africa is a Garden of Eden - the landscape is ripe with food stuffs, the environment makes little requirement upon the inhabitants in the vein of preparation to achieve survival, and geographic barriers inhibit much in the way of outside interference across much of the African continent prior to advancement of sea-faring.
Hominid evolution is not progressive, is not advancing towards a given destination, a given point of finality, but rather, such evolutionary processes are largely reactive, dependent upon variable environmental conditions in terms of dictation of selective fitness.

"Racial science" always said humans are not equal. Simply they add at the end of every study "b-but we're equal really" cause they are forced by jews.
Hating science is retarded, especially if done by people who don't know science, like OP.
We don't need lies

If you aren't having your children read Raptor Red, you're doing them a disservice.

Whatever you want to argue that makes you feel good, there is still some ape which was a common ancestor to niggers and whites. Apes live in Africa, so we probably came out of Africa. I don't know why whites get butthurt about this. Even if our common ancestor with niggers lived in Africa, so what? It doesn't mean anything at all.

i forgot all about that book.
my dad specifically bought it for me to read, and said it was great. it was. but this brings up the question. was my dad proto-Holla Forums? are you my father?

this is an interesting theory, but there is a lot of important stuff going on right now, so imma sage

Consider: If we evolved from apes, then why are there still apes? Because the apes that didn't evolve are all in Africa.


You're right, this is not /news/, this is Holla Forums.

My friend read that when we were kids. He highly recommended it. I should have read it. Maybe I'll get a used copy online. I'm not a fan of ebooks.


Get the fuck out.


Only thing I don't like is that book predisposes that same species = viable offspring. Which isn't necessarily true. Niggers and whites aren't the same species based on Fst distances.

Yes its been thoroughly debunked.

Genetics & Genealogy: Is Out-of-Africa Going Out The Door?
Short Sharp Science: Did early humans evolve in Europe, not Africa?
Out-of-Africa Theory of ancient human migration being challenged by discovery of 1.8 million-year-old hand axe in Malaysia
BBC NEWS | Tools unlock secrets of early man. New research shows early humans were living in Britain around 700,000 years ago, substantially earlier than had previously been thought
Reuters: Bones show humans in Europe 1.2 mln years ago
The Independent: A skull that rewrites the history of man
New Scientist: Were our earliest hominid ancestors European?
New Scientist: Chinese challenge to ‘out of Africa’ theory
China’s earliest human puts ‘out of Africa’ theory to test
Georgian skeletons challenge ‘out of Africa’ theory
Chinese Scientists Launch New Challenge to ‘Out of Africa’ Theory : Multiregional bones discovered
10,000-year-old Chinese Fossil Poses Challenge to ‘Out of Africa’ Theory
BBC News | SCI/TECH | Fossil challenge to Africa theory Australian Fossil challenge to Africa theory
Early Human Remains Challenge ‘Out of Africa’ Theory
Scientists Challenge Evolution Theory DNA Shows Modern Humans Not Just From Africa, Say Scientists
Mungo Man Mungo man disproves out of Africa
Dmanisi Man and the Out of Africa fairytale
Not Out of Africa | Human Evolution | DISCOVER Magazine Not out of Africa says scientist
Anthropologists Dispute Latest ‘Out of Africa’ Claims
Scientists forced to re-write evolution of modern man
Did first humans come out of Middle East and not Africa?
The History of Man is being rewritten in Georgia
A skull that rewrites the history of man - Science, News

Did Early Man Take His First Steps In Asia?
Chinese skull discovery may cause human origins rethink
Blacks, Whites and Asians have different ancestors ? and did not come from Africa, claims scientist
A critique of the African-origin theory
Humans Not As Genetically Identical As We Thought
New Race/Species of Human Discovered
Studies contradict view that race doesn’t exist
400,000 year-old teeth may ‘change picture of evolution’
Ancient skeletons discovered in Georgia threaten to overturn the theory of human evolution
Out of Asia: New Origin Proposed for Humans, Monkeys, Apes
"Out of Africa" View of Early Human Origins Disputed
Study stirs up debate over human origins - Technology & science
Humanities African Origins Theory Challenged by New Findings
Chinese challenge Out of Africa Theory
New finding challenge Out of Africa Theory
Skull Fossil Challenges Out-of-Africa Theory
DNA Turning Human Story Into a Tell-All
Out of Africa Debunked
Rethinking Out of Africa
Out of Africa theory called into question by originator

Niggers and whites CAN produce "viable offspring". The difference is strongly racial, like dog breeds, but not strongly speciesist . We're not as different as things like tigers and lions or horses and donkeys, which only produce sterile offspring – or other pairings that simply produce no offspring at all.

can i have your pastebin?

Its a text file. And I'm sure its on >>>/polarchive/



Evolution is a lie

fuck off christkike

Reported for intl.

How is this religious?

Great info!
So what's the cure?

It's an intl raid. Just report it.

Just get out you fucking kike.

Toss us a link to download

Library genesis, nigger.

Niggers are homo sapiens that interbred with primitive homo erectus because it was easier. Homo sapiens sapiens bred with more intelligent neanderthal and became more adaptable and 'evolved'. Without HSS (whites) supporting niggers with medicine and modern farming they would number in the few hundred millions, if that. If/when society does collapse, urban niggers will die off because they will not be able to think their way out of problems.


Humans evolved from an ape-like organism. That doesn't mean we literally came from chimpanzees nor does that mean our common ancestor was some nigger.

Proof #2, science is enough

Far from the dumbest thing I've read on here.

The proof is in the pudding. Niggers are fucking stupid and this is evident in their idiotic and destructive behavior. Nobody really likes them, they just pretend to because of political correctness.

If the jews didn't have power over the media, there would not be niggers on our continents. They would remain in their naural habitat. Guess who brought them to USA and Europe?

For being oldest race…they sure haven't evolved much…have they.

This is a Cromagnon board kike

This is why people laugh at you. A gross misunderstanding of what actual is put forth. The distinction is a shared common ancestor.

throw out your lying JEW BIBLE and string a kike up

Dating back 40,000 years to the Denisovan species of early humans, new pictures show beauty and craftsmanship of prehistoric jewellery.

Stone Bracelet May Have Been Made by Denisovans

The Case of the Missing Ancestor
DNA from a cave in Russia adds a mysterious new member to the human family.

40,000-year-old bracelet made by extinct human species found

Incredible 40,000-year-old bracelet believed to be the oldest ever found suggests ancient human race used drills which were just like modern tools

This is the original nigger strain
Note how asian they look

There is just one explanation how they evolved into looking MORE like apes - they mated with them

We can read about the Cartheginians early interactions with sub Saharan Africans and the later British, French, Belgium, etc interactions, and see very little development in those hundreds of years

but that isn't the claim it's that we all came from the same thing niggers came from

lel the discoverer of DNA said niggers where not human, thats why you never heard a single word about him in jew media.

Dr. James Watson
Forced Sale of Nobel Prize Medal
In 2014, he decided to auction off his Nobel prize medal in view of his diminished income after the 2007 incident and to use part of the funds raised by the sale to support scientific research. The medal sold at auction at Christie's in December 2014 for US$4.1 million. Watson intended to contribute the proceeds to conservation work in Long Island and to funding research at Trinity College, Dublin. Watson is the first living recipient of the honor to auction the medal.
The medal was subsequently returned to Watson by the purchaser, Russian tycoon Alisher Usmanov, who stated that Watson deserved the medal and that it was "unacceptable" that he should be compelled to sell it.

They destroyed him and made him crawl