President Trump has kicked the press out of the winter White House, meeting with AG Sessions and top aides. Here is to hoping President Trump gasses Obongo.

Other urls found in this thread:


Press were acting as agents of Obama, feeding information directly to him and his team for the past weeks. Obama still thinks he's acting President.


We will see. Honestly, I gave my six years, but I would have enjoyed it much more if it were spent on purgist leftist commie pieces of shit.

I should restock on MREs


At this point the media are enemy spies.

It's happenin', folks!




It's happening. It's actually fucking happening.

I haven't been this hyped since the election. I need to check out The List again.

So how will it go down? Behind closed doors or on Twitter? Doesn't the timing of all this seem a bit convenient? Literally the day of over a million people rallying for Emperor Trump, or just a coincidence?

pretty much this, its the sad truth and they don't even publish what they figure out I would highly wager, even if you weren't supposedly actually supporting trump for even one second all along from the get-go.

The meeting in person at this time could be him figuring out what moves he will make and what he will say too. It's so important he is worried about being wiretapped or picked up by stray ears so he is meeting in person. Seems pretty big.


would like bigger caps of those tweets. and archives

I hope that for the past week or so Trump has been waiting for an indictment from a grand jury, and finally got it.
Come Monday federal law enforcement could descend upon those who have tried to break our Nation.



Don't get my hopes up. The very idea brings visions of doors bursting open and swat teams descending on unsuspecting traitors.

Anyone have the original?

Don't you know? Being recused means the same thing as resigning.
t. Leftist

Funny part is that he has to strap a bomb to his chest to rid himself of bob.

Do we get to snackbar barry?

We should make a montage like this or all the arrests.


These people are fucking retarded. I hope this faggot is broke without a job within the year.

Is Obama the nigger running in the beginning?

DAMN IT I'm not ready for a civil war and collapse of government, I'm waiting to start a fucking mailman job.


The only thing that would make me happier than seeing the traitors hang is meeting Hitler in Valhalla.

We can certainly meme it.

He recused himself.

The thing about this webm is that then they go to (((court))).

like i thought when i saw his tweets this morning, trump found some serious shit with obongo, and the attempts on his ag have probably sped up any purging he had planned in the future. all of these cocksuckers have dirt on them, and by taking out the biggest one, he can quell any faggy dem resistance by putting their feet to the fire. stating his desire for investigation against schumer and pelosi was a warning for any virtue signalling cunt who feels like they can take him on in the future.

Now you can be "The Postman".

You'll still be able to deliver packages user. Just smaller one at a much higher velocity.


This or be known as the courier.


You can't always get what you want.

That's eerily accurate, no pun intended.

Deliver commies to hell, user.

/𝖕𝖔𝖑/ 𝖎𝖘 𝖆𝖑𝖜𝖆𝖞𝖘 𝖗𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙

I want to be a /comfy/ mailman too tbh. We'll have to remove robots and AI first lad otherwise you can say good bye to your dream and look forward to an amazon/google drone delivering your mail.



He knows he recused himself retard, the media is now just using it as basically a working position title for him now and us baking f fun if leftists using it as if he resigned (something that actually would matter).

Buying more ammo tomorrow.

2017 is such a great year

The mail always goes through, user. You have guaranteed job security if you just stay on course.

King nigger return to his natural habitat

I just extended another two, wish me luck.


I remember the day I saw the 2008 election results on a shitty kitchen TV and muttered "goodbye USA"

Now I can look forward to muttering something else






I see what you did there

This used to be filed under "coup d'etats", but now I've had to rename the directory to "failed coup d'etats".



Gonna need a source on that second image, user.

Stop masturbating

I will, as soon as I get the source of that image.

Any more news coming up?

This used to be saved under "events leading up to hillary's execution", but I'm afraid I'll have to rename it to "events leading up to obama's execution"

It's literally one click away. Kill yourself.


obama's execution is the event that leads to hillary's execution

Every single journalist is now an enemy of the republic. Do what must be done, Holla Forums. Do not hesitate. Show no mercy.

Guys, a happening that will change the course of history is on the horizon. Hope you got the funz lubed up in case SHTF.

I did an image search on it, got nothing. Spoonfeed me please.

Should have titled it "What About Barry?"
Otherwise hilarious.

Wikileaks on point once again.

Then you used the wrong service.

Again: kill yourself.

use saucenao not jewgle image search

Dubs say kill em all and let KeK sort them out.

I just did that, got nothing.

Just admit it, you don't know the sauce either.

jesus fucking christ man

Fucking off yourself masterbator


I meant this, shit for brains.


Endchan never.

Also it was bait.

You probably dont even know what endchan is redditor

Honestly I think that McCain would have been even worse.

We would have gotten into a war with Iran for sure.

Endchanxyz? It's a dead website.



It speaks volumes that this post garnered so many replies. Society is built around healthy communication. Holla Forums just wants the mail to get through, the way it was meant to.

McCain/Romney would have also set us back and possibly sealed our fate as the GOP would be even more absolutely despised post-Bush and the Dems would've come swooping in with a fully charged identity politics sweep for this decade and into the 2020's.

We all secretly wish we were writing letters to shitpost.

Every ending is a beginning.

I just want to ride my dual sport motorcycle across the country this summer, i want to see the redwoods as well which would be in deep lib territory. Please wait till next year Holla Forums

Twelve cents a page to tell you: Your waifu a shit.

Post YFW the rope goes taut above Barry&Co on


How does that happen without making them a martyr?

It really is nice knowing that Julian Assange is literally one of us.

Absolutely nothing is beyond our reach.

Victory has defeated them.

He's literally a kike, and (((they))) are ashamed of it so he's known as a nigger instead.

Maybe Mississippi will get gas chambers by then.

endchan sucks, which kinda sucks since I have been looking for contingency chans in case the mods ever kike out totally or the invasion of newfags becomes unbearable, polchan is fucking dead also, so an alternative that is not constant blackpilling would be nice.

Rick pls go

Are you saying that Obama is a NiggerJew?

Dubs confirm, and yes that is obvious, a communist nigger knocked up Obama's ugly whore mother to create the half-kike nigger communist abomination that we have suffered under and continue to suffer under with this recent faggotry, can't want till that nigger is in jail in Aryan Brotherhood controlled cell block.

It's common knowledge here. The kikes don't want masses to see him as a jew though.

My contingency plan for if 8ch ever goes under is probably either stop using chans or go to one of the tiny fanchans like uboachan or lainchan. Probably lainchan.

There seems to be some confusion as to whats going on exactly. Here's a basic gestalt of just the relevant facts:

Here's a good, I depth explanation:

**be aware that I'm not a Lawyer and technically this is just my opinion


Checking this pair of double dubs.


You'll be able to ride your dual sport motorcycle across country as you scout for liberal strongholds to glass.


martyr for who?
these are failing businesses held together by propaganda money


This is a strange world we live in isn't it?

god damn even kek knows it

just fuckig shoot them or hang them
jfc all this money, time and energy (literally) wasted just to execute a criminal
the goal is to kill them, right?
last time I checked a bullet managed that just fine

Full Metal Alchemist movie.

it was directed by the same person who made Angel Cop

this anime director can do no wrong.

I think we need to calm our tits right now, we cant expect to buy in to this shill-tier garbage based on tweets alone. Shit is happening though but we must remain vigilant and sniff out bullshit. Psyop warfare comes in many forms.


Reiterating, dont get hopes up. Could be a trump pep-talk discussion building Sessions up to release the lawdog on the commies.

If he us able to prove to the public everything we all already know, well.. then the Democrats are neutered instantly. There will be tons of pushback but it will only be from a small small minority that will be stirred up by paid (soros) agitators. Once he starts nailing the Clintons well then that party is dead.

The press is saying they got the boot today. Sessions is heading there (instead of talking on the phone). Shit is going down, or at the very least being planned. Too many (((cohencidences)))

Perhaps when the press were discussing intelligence leaks and the "he will die in prison" quote came up, they accidentally memed something important in to reality. "He" is not Trump in that quote. I'll let you figure out the rest.


Gee, I wonder who it could be? WebM related



How about some people who actualy fought for a white civilization instead of a bunch of rednecks infiltrated by alphabet?

you can make your own board there. just make a pol bunker and use it when they deploy shills en masse here. you can even delete the shill posts. some people here were getting shilled to death for posting about all the weird wikileaks stuff going on in October and another one on nntpchan and they now are finding all kinds of hidden shit in the blockchian. having a shilless backup controlled by the posters is always good. I think they mostly used this place but they copied all that shill summoning posts to there just in case. they even have the undredacted diplomatic cables

i get the feeling that the guy in the pic is for real

Mail, you say?

Im come to the speculation that the propaganda machine against Trump is running on AI, and the shills have been unironically stupid so they can sideblind and demoralize us, with a major psyop job. We been getting too wound up on tweets lately, and it maybe a perception of weakness to exploit.

damn right he is. Antifa and the like have no idea of what is in store for them.

I've come to speculate that the propaganda of the AI machine against Trump isn't going to be able to run against the IQs of thousands of National Socialists. I unironically want to gas the kikes, hang all niggers, and execute every pedophile on Earth, then begin greasing shitskins through starvation and drone strikes. The morale levels of those of us who keep winning on a daily basis is comparable to a major blowjob from Taylor Swift. We've been needing to unwind but the tweets of the God Emperor and his ruthless struggle is perceived by us as a call to arms. Race war now.

respectable loadout, would operate with

Not impossible actualy. If he's from Kenya, he may have Kike DNA. Kenya used to be a part of the Kingdom of Ethiopia, and the kingdom of ethiopia was known for having problems with its jewish populations. Eventualy they had to retreat to the mountains of semien and created a paralel kingdom there, inside the kingdom of ethiopia.

Who said you can't?

I'm come to the speculation that you're fucking retarded.

Whoops, meant for

Fuck yeah we're always winning, but you gotta admit cognitive bias is a flaw that an AI doesnt have. The top aides and Trump dont want a civil war either and they're obviously going to discuss damage control or strategy if the news does get out on arresting Obama. We need to prepare for sure, but also keep in mind that Obama could just get silently tucked away to jail without a peep to the media.


hitler is probably going to be really confused what with the whole anime thing

He had a boner for everything Disney so while he may not understand the whole waifu shit I'm sure he would understand the rest.

I just wanted to summon a demon and then kill it and eat it to gain its courage get that comfy payed internship at micro$oft

definitely not going to get it if you can't spell "paid" correctly

it's dialectical ;^)

Confirmed for not knowing shit about the Fuhrer

What's happening?

Didn't Walt Disney hate Jews?

He did. Japanese disneyesque cartoons revived Hitler's Ghost Wizards.

I have the perfect 1900-page suicide note for you.

trips are happening user

your trips

what a time to be alive

it's boku no pico.
sage for you should know this
since you're a fag

Meanwhile plenty of work for certain jobs if shit does HtF.

I prefer Kodomo no Jikan.

McCain was a fucking Bush puppet.

Heisman was a possible schizo who based his beliefs on his massive misunderstandings about history and politics


So he shitposted himself to death.

coups d'etat u prole

no habla fucking chinese

You'd be surprised.

I was hoping for SpaceX. Oh well, these niggers aren't gonna hang themselves.

shut up kike

New here?

Closer to the original, but not quite.




There's a good quote on ED about him.

No, but you must be if you still don't know a jew openly admitted to editing Ben's comics to try to destroy him. Lurk more dumb fuck

He believed jewish propaganda to death. He embraced their nihilism.

Remember when everyone said Trump couldn't win?

Its winning time once again.


Fuck off nigger

That's some high energy right there.

Go for it Trump. Embvrace the universe like a blazing star. It's time to purge the vermin.

"These are the most beautiful phones I've ever used in my life. The world's most secure system."

No shit Satan. You still must not be around at all considering it's what got him to come here and ask and learn things to get him to draw what he does now. Go cry more.

Have he started the fire?

Cool pic and artist.
God I hate those cucks.

Except from people within said system (and Israel companies who handles our phone taps).

I suspect he said it tongue and cheek.


He always knew. He's even playing interdimensional chess over the phone now.

Fucking amazing. We need our own Sistine Chapel to preserve this and other fine memes from 2017, a year to be remembered for generations.

Wonder if he shitposts on the phone to see if it leaks out. Basically use canary traps like he does with the news.

Bullets are cheap and by far the most efficient method of murder, if the first one doesn't kill them and assuming you're a good shot, the second one will, all for the $1.

so many little details


Is it normal for President Trump to go 24 hours with no tweets?

Who's smoking the pipe in the office?

What does the gremlin biting the german represent? Vampiric shitskins? or kikes?

Migrants, and she has the EU flag. Notice the UK one behind her, the gremlin isn't biting her.


That's on the desk next to her though. Her pencil case has the german flag. I also think that the UK is moving her desk away from the EU representing brexit.

Anybody noticed the jew behind trump?
And who is the one wissling behind the door?



How many hours do you think it takes to intricately plan a DOTR?
24 hours sounds just about right.

Curly hair and negroid features suggests Africa being oblivious because they are both retarded and unimportant.

Ahead of schedule and under budget as always I see

Israel was my first thought. It's kinda hard to tell what her flag is but on second thought that's obviously a kippah.
Not sure who the butthurt shitskin on the left is either.

I've seen the "Japanese Warcrimes" meme a lot before but what the hell is it really based on? I vaguely remember some shit about knocking up korean hookers but for fucks sake really?


Apart from the korean "comfort women" only thing i can think of is Pearl Harbor that would've triggered people that hard. Maybe it's because they were ruthless and efficient at war and that scared the hippies, idk. Propaganda is a hellava drug


Does anyone have this as an mp4? I'm tech retarded.

You're both stupid for A. being a moron who needs to lurk more and B. not creatively BTFOing.

7 years, user.

Rape of Nanking
Treatment of pows in SE Asia
Unit 731


We took the testing information from the unit.

Yeah, considering how the Chinese treat the Chinese. I just can't see the Japanese doing anything all that much worse than what the Chinese do to eachother.
Maybe I just have difficulty sympathizing with prople who eat dogs and throw baby girls into rivers.

It's said that in Singapore they killed all the men so all Singaporean people are now mixed with Japanese and have a huge grudge against the Japanese.

Isn't Singapore heavily Muslim or no? I don't hear much about it aside from it's got some strict laws, and has some of the largest and most modern buildings in it.

someone needs to go to the inevitable protest with the sign "obama dindu nuffin"

I approve of that webm

My gook friend was molested by her dad and she tried to justify it to me saying it is normal for chinks, and that he didn't know it was wrong until coming to Canada.

They are not human.

don't let your dreams be dreams, user…

What's the file size limit for twitter? I want to tweet that webm. Do we have a JewTube version?

Bataan Death March.

I do but not on me when I return later I will post.

Explain why you guys think Obama's gonna go to jail. And explain how that won't turn into a shitstorm of epic proportions.

what was the story behind the GTA action again? That was such a long time ago.

He took the national sport of shitposting to a whole new level.

just some HUE cop chasing a pack of mugger niglets I guess

fuck off with your anime fetish you fucking oriental weebtrash, stop posting porn and kill yourselves, this is politics

A Singaporean friend of mine can confirm that there's at least a major Muslim population, but I'm pretty sure it's not of the usual mudshit variety, mostly just 'native' Singaporeans and Malays who follow it.
They've also told me that ISIS has targeted them, but failed to actually pull anything. Well, at least neither of us have heard anything.


follow your dreams user

Don't start tossing nukes yet, Trump. Unless they're after Israel, of course. I'd take that any day.

Turkey. Look at the white crescent on the red hat. The Emperor is blowing up Turkey/Israel's pet terrorists.

underrated post

I'm a mailman user, you'll have 8 hours a day to listen to nazi podcasts and audiobooks. It's great.

>TFW Still in High School

Please let it be quick anons, I don't want to see my family get hanged by commies because of my own unpreparedness

I got a the job offer FOUR fucking months ago and still haven't heard a peep yet on a start date.

Why is it taking so FUCKING long?

Wait, are you the mailman user from the SOTU thread?

I thought Trump froze all federal hiring

Trumps federal hiring freeze didn't effect USPS. I feel like I'm stuck in limbo here and I'm really anxious to start working. Is waiting for a start date 4 months after an official job offer normal? I've been starting to think that something might have screwed up.


Remember Thursday after the Election when Trump was in DC visiting Obama and they got really mad he didn't tell them where he was going? Wouldn't be shocked if they were setting him up for assassination.

That's what I was thinking when I read that.

Okay so it sounds like native Singaporeans just took an interest in Islamic scripture, but without going full zealot over sharia law. Something along those lines?


Welcome to working for the government. I am sitting at my government job right now. Not a federal government job but nonetheless. I know a few people that are waiting to start working for various different jobs and it is taking them 6-9 months for the bureaucracy to move its slow ass feet.

Why the rabbits?

If we aren't lining leftists heads with lead in a month I will be disappointed

Singapore was a British colony that was cut loose along with Malaysia after the end of WW2. The former colonies organized themselves into a federation (predecessor to modern Malaysia). Malaysia is majority muslim, and the people are called Malay.

Singapore is a tiny port city that was home to a great cross section of people from all over the British empire. The majority were ethnic Chinese, but there were malays, indians, and others from surrounding SEA nations.

Singaporeans had no interest in religion, and this was a point of contention that led to Singapore's EXPULSION from the Federation of Malaysia. So in 1963 Singapore was forced to become an independent city-state.

Their rise over the last 50 years has been stunning. Singapore is the epitome of pulling oneself up by the bootstraps. They came from nothing. Literally nothing. Singapore in 1963 … was a total shit hole.

You should visit it sometime. Great place.

Got the dates a little mixed up. Singapore was a crown colony from 1945-1963. In '63 they joined the federation of Malaysia. Things didn't go well, and they got kicked out in '65.

I started working here 2 1/2 years ago. It only took a month for things to start rolling. Just keep checking your email or call them up to see what's going on. Bug them until they get back to you, that's what I did.

see, that's the right attitude

not all, but many, honestly though look how well singapore is doing now… what a coincidence…


grand master olympic gold shitposter, truly a hero to 23 million proud australians.

Docile, passive, easy prey to the gremlins

Who are the gremlins?

either immigrants or kikes

someone do a pepe version of this

Put a green filter over these.

Wew whats going on, I just woke up.


That's one rare Blue Eyes White Pepe you got there.

just checking

Trump is a hero!


Unchecked dubs and good webm.


Checking these dubs for the GET I wasted.



Silly newfag, we're meming it *because* it will turn into a shitstorm of epic proportions.


Fake news BTFO'd. Election night was the best night of my life.


How is that better than anything North Korea does? So you can be a fat cow vs thin cow? Koreans are fucking weird even by East Asian standards.

I don't know, it came from the googles! reeeee!

Their biggest warcrime is letting John McCain live.

this is a derail attempt, dont give him the pleasure.. also remember shills get paid per (you)

Oh right. My mistake, that was Vietnam.

it'll never happen. drones don't have the battery range to deliver far. Plus airspace regs. What could happen is a van filled with 20 or so drones, drives to a block, all drones undock and simultaneously fly to doorsteps- then return to charging self driving van. Sad mailman does what mail people do in the post office and sorts mail into drones while the self driving van brings him to the next street. No more walking outside, just a sad man stuck in a moving cubicle packing cubbies doing the one thing left until machines automate him out of existence.

you redeemed yourself user-kun

Thank you for contributing dubs and well formated information to thread user.


Sliding in those dubs I see

I'll believe it when I see it and not one second sooner.

Never include him in an OP again. He doesn't have sources. He claims he has sources but all he really does is repeat rumors he read off cuck/pol/. This Holla Forums taking cuck/pol/ rumors seriously because they've been laundered through that deceitful money grubbing kike is a fucking joke.

We're going to make them give us back our trees.

If you make it near the badlands in the hoosier state you'll find some interesting places

…..Obama's mother was a jew.


I visited years ago and they had strict laws against men with long hair or beards, strict enough that even if you were passing through on a flight they didn't let you leave the airport without a haircut and shave. Also caining is still happening.


You'll be our courier.

Can't always count on electronic communication, especially in places where the comms are down ore haven't been established yet.

Do a good enough job and we might even make a song about you.

Why is this derailed fake news thread stickied? Trump is in Florida and didn't do presser today. Who gives a fuck? It sounds like salty liberal reporters just whining at each other over nothing.

The original post on twitter:

Follow the @ links to see how this is just manufactured negativity towards Trump.


The political world is too depressing right now. Anyone else interested in blackmail vids of girls (and guys) instead? I have a pretty large collection and I am looking for chat/trade, and if you are interested I will gladly share a few videos to get your collection started.

Email me

if you are interested.


Tired of these people.
They might as well be on the left.

Looks good to me.

Sure FBI, maybe we can also share some "Captain Planet" 2…? lol xD

u still liv in Newark?

It's no fun when you don't even try, FBI-kun.

Fresh off the boat, from cuck/pol/, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on Holla Forums by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking cuck/pol/ friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't cuck/pol/, kid. This is Holla Forums. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place…. this place has a lot to offer… heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it…

Send them to the corner of Know Your Role Boulevard and Jabroni Drive at the Smackdown Hotel

Sorry CIA, we're big guys here, we get off on crashing planes with no survivors.

mix two part bleach and five part ammonia and you have coca cola

Heh kiddo. You don't fool me this aint cuck/pol/ kid

>u still liv in Newark?

The msm are trying anything they can think of to deflect Trump's accusation of Obama's wiretap. Trump should stay on the offensive and not let up. Media lying that they were denied access to Trump when they were probably never going to be granted access today anyways. This thread is just spreading the lie it seems.

get this hothead out of here


That's fine; Either way, you'll still have lots of parcel to send to hell.

Plus, think of all the witty one-liners you could come up with!


I really, legitimately hope you kill yourself kike.



Aphex taste in music, user.

shut the fuck up weeb



the shills are shitting their pants today, and they should be. But dont forget they get paid per (you)

What?? Do not lie to these people. Singapore was expelled from the Federation ultimately due to racial tensions and Cold War.
>Singapore is majority chink,

Sam Hyde in 30 minutes.

hi goon

Obvious derailment attempt, gb2tumblr gb2africa

White House requests Congress investigate whether Obama administration abused power

The request came a day after Trump took to Twitter to accuse former President Barack Obama, without providing any evidence, of wiretapping his phones in Trump Tower in the weeks before the November election.



Non-burger here. Has Trump already purged enough folks in Congress so that this will not backfire? Like, when they find nothing this will be a white whashing for obongo?

Trump is climbing a mountain. But he is a good mountaineer.

Will he end up like mallory and irvine?

Republicans control majority in the House and Senate. Good chance they're going to try their hardest to fucking King Nigger.

God you weebs are pathetic

Doesn't Trump spend millions of tax payer dollars to golf at this place every weekend?

Time to cash in

Time to get leftists to bet all of their parent's money on obama not going to jail
does anyone know of other bitcoin betting sites? especially if they have a 'obama to go to jail' bet


You do realize you're never going to be normal again, right? Even shilling here exposes you to the memetoxins that have empowered our community and made us something beyond mortal. Everything you think you're going to do to us, we're doing to you, and we don't even have to apply a conscious effort. Like radiation, the memetic hazards that make up this board are cumulative in nature, and a dose that's relatively harmless for short exposure will build up and build up until you're indistinguishable from everyone else here. It's happened tens of thousands of times before and it will happen tens of thousands of time again. It's only arrogance that allows you to imagine that it will be different for you - arrogance to the point of hubris. And we all know how the gods punish hubris.

rep majority currently, dems will try slowing it down tho
why is he climbing the mountain? To hug the mountain. To envelop that mountain.

you're not getting those 10 dollars back and SomethingAwful is a shell of its former self driven to the ground from a powerful force of the Internet by your own hands. You got your ass whooped so bad in EVE you left behind most of your remaining fleets never to log in again from pure shame. The most you can do right now is fish for (You)s and present your impotent rage. When the time comes, you will look back at your life and wonder where it all went wrong while we'll still be shitposting anime.

That's enough taking the bait for me today, filtered.

Palpably butthurt.

This. Fuck masturbators and their degenerate porn.

Reminder that this song is pulled from an interview with barely any relation to Star Trek minus Shatner having been in it that just went totally off the fucking rails.

don't seem to be any obama to be indicted bet. But I see with my little eye an hillary to be indicated before jan 1 2018 HEAVLY on the "no"

Duterte-kun is happy to see Trump senpai

He looks more like the Indonesian cult leader than the black panther.

He's a lone soldier fighting up the mountain. No person to trust but himself and his chess skills.

Not even ai can save them now.

Islam works differently outside of Middle East. Here, we have ancient history with our own customs being reinforced by Chinese civilisation and British modernisers. Any country I know of in our part of the world can trace its modern existence back to a great white organiser/philosopher/leader. For Singapore, it is this man:
Even small parts of countries have great white father figure to look to. For example, State of Penang in Malaysia was founded by another British man:
So, understand that we start with close connection to pre-communism China and Britain than with Middle East.

In olden days, when Islam first spread to our part of the world, there was little-to-no control over far reaches of the Muslim world by central Middle East political figures. Later, in 1970's, this began to change; coinciding with the 1979 Iranian Revolution, hijab became common in Malaysia. Before that, it was rare and only seen in rural places. But even still, it is a Malay style of hijab, expressing pride of our culture, not all-black clothing like people of Middle East wear. Singapore split from Malaysia before this event, so a Malaysia-level of religiousness is less common in Singaporean Muslim community, which is already small to begin with.

Lastly, even with recent prominence of conservative clothing styles, we are still independent of the Middle East. In particular, Saudi Arabia attempts to influence us. Sadly, sometimes it works. In Brunei (Malay-majority ethnostate with small chink minority), the major national newspaper wrote something slightly critical of Saudi government and was shut down almost immediately after. In Indonesia, the Governor of Jakarta (a Christian) was rising in politics and mentioned wanting to run for presidency. Suddenly, an off-hand comment he made mention the Qur'an is claimed as blasphemous by Saudi puppet group who uses Satanic/Masonic symbolism as their logo. The Governor is now on trial for blasphemy to appease angry groups stirred up by Saudi provokations.

This Saudi puppet group is small, but large and loud. They want to institute "real" sharia. We already have sharia here, so their claims are ridiculous. When you talk about "full zealot over sharia law," you are talking about the Saudi mandates. In basic terms, sharia is a set of good/just laws that are in accordance with God's commandments. Laws against usury, theft, murder, etc. are sharia-compliant. We have that here already. What the Saudis want is Saudi law, which they pretend is sharia and have convinced many people of this delusion. For example, the blowing up of historical monuments and trashing of artifacts by ISIS is something the Saudis push. It is not Islam! The prohibition of non-Muslims to enter Mecca is not Islam either, it is a modern invention by the Saudis. The Saudis have been destroying historical buildings since they seized control of Mecca in the 1920's, with estimates that over 90% of ancient buildings in the city have been levelled, most of them replaced with modern corporate buildings such as restaurants and hotels. What the Saudis don't want the world to know is that they also have destroyed mosques, especially ancient ones built by companions and contemporaries of the Prophet.

So, sharia in the Saudi sense means erasing history, no more disagreeing/criticising government, and most especially no reading of the Qur'an - instead, bowing to dictates of Saudi kings as if they were religion. Sharia as we understand it in Malaysia/Singapore/Indonesia/Brunei means living life as normal, but refraining from bad things (stealing, murder, etc.) which are criminal in most countries anyway. This is why when most Muslims are asked if they want to live under sharia, they say yes - it doesn't mean beheading non-Muslims, it means living a virtuous lifestyle and punishing criminals.


I don't think the leftie knows what recused means. It's meaningless just to call somebody recused, without some kind of context to specify an investigation.


Good info, Singaporeanon.

Is it just me or did CNN make obama a little more white?

Yarls and their advisors need to talk in private. Why is this not acceptable?

here you go

Cernokike said that Hillary was trying to have him killed, who gives a fuck what he thinks?

Don't ever post Mike Kikeovich again you fucking piece of shit. Fuck Mike "I fuck kids with Dershowitz" Cernovich, may he die in a pool of his own blood and urine.

Add filter -> Post+
Viola, no more anime faggotry.


Someone needs to edit this video to say: As a prisoner rather than president.

op started it

they tend to do that


It doesn't, if anything the three pictures show that Koreans in general are all around Jewey, and prone to extremism, whatever ideology they have.

ehl oh ehl

I hope we mutilate these "ladymen" one day.
mutilate them more i mean.

My dick is diamonds.

If it is a criminal investigation it will not matter. All we need is the DOJ and the Gowdy/Chaffetz duo.

He does business there at the winter White House. I'm sure he'll be there a lot due to the WH being fucking bugged.

Perfect, that looks like the original.

Roger Stone was poisoned, so I don't see it as far-fetched

He is a POS sellout, don't count on him.

shame she didn't succeeded, Mike the kike deserves a bulled and so do you for direct linking.

Damn, I thought I wasn't the only one wanting to go on a road trip. Let's meet halfway and shoot some crazy lefties, bikeanon.

You got dubs for a reason, son. That was fucking cool.

Too late, the goons got it

Why can't we have anything nice?

it's a shame, that place was comfy


I stumbled into 4chan on my search for a dnd splatbook ten years ago and now I'm ready for civil war. You can always be a battlefield courier like Hitler




i hit the random button until i fell on Holla Forums

and i was too lazy to leave


Friend was b& for calling out someone posting Steveberg Jewniverse. It's dead.

Italian nignog strikes again


"You can't jail black people" is the new "you can't hit a girl."

Obama knows damn well he did what he did; he's just counting on Trump to show him leniency in hopes of avoiding more riots.

Lock Obama up, then arrest and prosecute ALL the rioters. Keep hundreds of paddy wagons and a million ziptie-handcuffs on hand just for the occasion. Korea will gladly sell us the zipties, and unlike Chinese-made they will actually work.

Gowdy plays a lead role in the Congressional investigation. Dems repeatedly plead 5th Amendment: Trump wins.

Alternative: the Dems are indicted before a Congressional inquiry ends. Trump wins again.

gelbooru is marginally better, and it has the nice feature of being able to search other popular sites like danbooru. the mods are still autistic though.

They probably have an automatic bot that lightens niggers for when they're forced to cover their crimes


I think this is it boyos. The madman to end all madmen finally has all his pieces in place and he's going to do it.

The draining has officially begun. Purges soon.

I've found his tunes to be a bit juvenile imo tbh fam.
I think his other videos are breddy gud.

everything trump does is 4d chess
even the trump organization logo is 4d chess

Trump wouldn't want the press listening when he unleashes hell on Session for what he did, either by being a traitor or just a coward. Dems were successful in taking Flynn out( and putting a gigantic cuck in his place) which embolden them even more, they smell blood in the water and their next target was Sessions, who quickly bend the knee and did what they really wanted "Taking Sessions out of "Russian investigations" and handling it to a Obama loyalist so they can fully control it". I can only imagine the anger Trump must be feeling .

Italian nigger gtfo

You can ride around in a mail van dropping off IED's

Duty calls

Singapore implemented a sterilization program for its poorest citizens instead of welfare where they could receive $100k to get sterilized or something like that. Result is that despite having a safety net almost nobody uses it and the high time preference low-IQ Singaporeans are removed from the gene pool, leaving only high-IQ high-income civilized Chinks. Also Yee Kuan Yew was an incredible statesman, probably one of the top five in the 20th century.

Day of the rope for you, big guy.

bro, if you're gonna keep posting this shit, spell "whooping" right. It makes you look like a retard. And you are one, nothing will change that, but spelling correctly helps make it look like you aren't one.

Sessions didn't do anything. He didn't have anything to do with Russia in the capacity of a man involved with the Trump campaign. Dems are scraping up something to rip another guy from Trump's cabinet and it won't work this time. Why are you buying their lies?

Is my loadout kawaii, user-kun?

Kek appears to approve. No raifu? Remember that you might face self-defense type situations with liberals 200 yards away.

Nice Hitler ID dubs
I've pretty much got the same setup (poorfag, here)
I still need to spruce up my shotty like yours and practice more with my sub-compact. Definitely think about adding atleast a mosin or some long range rifle to that mix because you always want to keep distance from a threat and CQC should be a last resort.

And just think, 3 more years and 2017 has barely begun. It's almost enough to give me hope.

Looking good, try to pick up a raifu when you can.

first day on the job, huh? FBI-kun, u so kawaii.

just make sure the zipties don't come in black
because everyone knows blacks don't work

No surprises here. They de-niggerified him as much as they thought they could get away with.

Torfag humor is lost on me.

What lies? Sessions steeping aside was exactly what they wanted because of who would control the investigations not to mention making Trump look weak. Trump made it clear that Sessions shouldn't recuse himself and this will make Dems even more aggressive, despise Trump total confidence in Sessions, Sessions made the Political choice and damaged Trump in the process.

So tell me what lie? how doing what Dems want is a positive for Trump? having a Obama appointee taking over a investigation on Trump's campaign is a positive how? Do you think they will stop accusing Sessions after he recuse himself? they didn't and won't, "If it bleeds, we can kill it" and Trump is bleeding a lot. He must reorganize his staff, purge Obama people and fight like crazy while NEVER allowing them to get more blood out of him. if he doesn't it will get a lot worse and they will target his staff one by one until he is either removed or render toothless and ineffective.

Rifled barrel + sabot slugs. Rifled slugs will kill a brown bear in one shot, let alone sabot. The only issue is that it runs out of ammo fast as fuck.

The user you're referencing here is an uninformed lemming that's merely parroting headlines from Drudge Report and Fox News. If you haven't noticed the collective IQ of this place has decreased substantially post-election.


This is retarded as fuck, you really think that Trump and Sessions hadn't talked it over before Sessions recused himself?

I was just looking for a laughing kefka gif on img search. Time flies.

I was a big fan of animu in 2k5. Now I'm a Nazi.

I just wanted to play vidya

There was never going to be an Investigation, Faggot. He's recusing himself from shit that wouldn't happen.

Kek, nice screencap. True story incoming (I heard it from a friend).

What a life.


That's a pretty cool webm, user.


that is why Trump openly said he shouldn't recuse himself? or he say that just to look like a idiot?

This board was taken over by niggers or something? just how stupid can you people be?

we're all postman

Does yours have a thumb safety? Because if that's a thumb safety, might want to superglue it in "fire" mode. Not like you'd be able to reach it to switch it off while drawing it.

You'll deliver justice to our enemies.

pretty accurate description of 2013 tbh


the DOJ, a special judicial tribunal and a impeachment committee appointed by congress must find them guilty.

only then will curb-stomping leftists be legal, not tyrannical.

I know there is some faggot windbag who will hurp and durp about "muh PR", but this is actually how law and order work.
you have just forgotten because Banana-Bush and Obongo elevated themselves above the law. that should be their downfall



Democracy and The Constitution are shit. I don't want someone who recognizes the current legal framework, I want someone who will wrest power from the kikes and drive our enemies into their graves.

Said user talking out of his ass with no real understanding of current drone technology available to the public and military.

now you have a chance to go postal. don't squander the blessings of the divine

Why do people believe the MSM over Trump in this?
Is it really that unrealistic that Donald "you're fired" Trump fires somebody for lying which in turn made the VP look like an idiot?
You then also have Trump saying that Flynn did nothing wrong in regards to Russia and that if Flynn hadn't made those calls he would have ordered him to make them, since that's part of Flynns job.

Trump doesn't cave in to media pressure and has a record on standing by his people.

This is funny considering Islam was originally bowing to dictates of Muhammed as if they were religion.




It's up to you to decide what.

Never saw that clip before. Good to see him not taking shit from Katy Tur. Btw why do many recordings from MSM footage have that glitch that happens at 0:23?


Fuck off back to Reddit.

WHELP, that stuff lasts forever unless it's at 80F anyway

No, sweetie. Trump is discussing whether or not he should just resign at this point. Its over.

don't do it lad, cthulhu is gonna come out your anus

If anything, the hardened MRE shit plus the food poisoning will turn my ass into a projectile chemical weapon


You don't see shilling like this every day. It even included a smug.

shills with smug pics are premium shills

come at me

I've been on Holla Forums since 2006 faggot. Seriously though Trump has fucked himself and will be out of office before the end of the year.

I've been on Holla Forums since 2005. Seriously though you're taking the bait of MSM like a retard.

End your life ShariaBlue.

i could read to the second letter of the alphabet since at least 2016 and i think trump is actually a skinwalker you guys

a weapon to surpass metal gear

That's just a myth you picked up at the casino.

What the Jews want the Jews get. It doesn't matter if the grounds on which he's impeached are absolute bullshit and everybody knows it, we're still getting it done or we'll burn the fucking planet down. Motherfucker, we knocked down 3 towers with "2 jets" lol in New York and then told the world we had to invade Iraq to take away Saddam's non-existent WMDs when he was well known not to have a fucking thing to do with 9/11. And people cheered the shit on. Sure there were protests and chimp outs but nothing of any consequence. And it will be the same when we impeach Trump on some drummed up bullshit that everyone knows is fake. Basically we're gonna shove our circumcised dicks down your throats and dare you to do something about it. And you won't.

Your mods are doing a great job btw.

Matty boy is right. You may panic now.


Who cares. He's a bitch who should have told the the American people an appeals court of Clinton appointees exists to undermine the authority of the FISA court. The guy should be resigning in disgrace for carrying out orders undermining the law.

If that "what went wrong" is true then damn that's a fucking 9.99999 in luck.

that implies that the former HSBC bank working piece of shit comey wasnt already corrupt as fuck.

How is christ-chan antitheism, you dumb fuck?

Here's a few tips on how to get from fatass to fit. I never looked at fitness lectures or anything, this is just what worked for me.
1:There's no such thing as a cheat day, cheat hour, cheat meal, or cheat snack. Recognize that.
2:There will never be a better or more convenient time for you to start working out and eating healthy, right now is always the best time to start. It doesn't matter if you have work or college that day, do it. Your body will adapt in time.
3:Take it slow. I can't stress this enough, you don't need to run until your lungs are made of hellfire or past the point where your bones start making popping sounds. Do what you're capable of until you feel you exerted enough. If you can't do any pushups period, just lay down and push your torso up with your arms lots of time until you can do push ups. Mark a path, sprint however many meters until you reach it, then walk leisurely back to your starting point to catch your breath. Rinse and repeat. Becoming a overman takes time, it won't get done any faster because you decided to go balls-out once. Going balls-out too quickly or starting at too high a level is the reason most beginners get burned out. That's not an excuse to eat burgers, see point 1.
4:Don't eat unhealthy shit or a load of sandwiches and pasta. Just try to cut down on the carbs, most people eat well over 200% of the carbs they need.
5:If the ingredient list sounds like a chemistry experiment, put it back on the shelf.
6:Whole grain unbleached rice. Cheap, healthy, goes with everything.
7:Fruits and veggies everyday, and vitamins when you need them.
8:Don't eat more than you burn. Niggers in africa eat piles of bugs and can live off of that. Don't emulate them or anything, but know that your body is extremely efficient in all ways.
9:If you work out in the morning or right after you wake up, your metabolism will be higher all day. That's a good thing.
10:I'm not your mother, if you need to learn how to cook then look recipes up. Research the vital nutrients and vitamins your body needs. Take a basic health or home mec class, if they still offer those in high school.
11:If you see a video or read an article that says you'll never be /fit/ without radically changing your lifestyle into 100% training and eating protein powder every day(aka "broscience"), disregard it. Only once you start to enjoy exercise(yes, believe it or not this starts to happen after a short while) should you even consider taking protein powder. It can and will turn you into a fucking fatass if you don't buy the right stuff, take too much of it, or take it and don't work your ass off at a gym that very day. It's protein, the same thing in burgers which, while it can give you energy, can also easily be turned into fat. The only thing you should be taking from any online video is how to do different pushups, crunches, burpees, sit-ups, or any other exercise.
12:It gets easier, so don't give up. Physiologically and psychologically. You'll enjoy greater clarity of mind, create discipline, become stronger and more endurant, and things unhealthy for you will beome repulsive rather than mouthwatering, while that which is good becomes refreshing. Starting these good habits is genuinely the hardest part, because that is when you are weakest. But when you build up your inner strength of will and mind, your body follows eagerly.

Polite sage for off-topic. Hope this helps anybody struggling with diets, exercise routines, or irrational self-loathing. You made it this far in life, you can do it.

remember Holla Forums
don't tell these shills HOW you can point them out
just point them out

ALMIGHTY God, who hast promised to hear the petitions of those who ask in thy Son’s Name; We beseech thee mercifully to incline thine ears to us who have now made our prayers and supplications unto thee; and grant that those things which we have faithfully asked according to thy will, may effectually be obtained, to the relief of our necessity, and to the setting forth of thy glory; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

can god only understand you if you speak in old timey english? never understood that

Hey Ammit-chan,
Please come dunk on some Moloch worshiping pedo cannibals. There will be lulz and we have dragonfruit.
Love, user


You know what's funny about that is in that kike gematria website bullshit my name literally translates to Adolf Hitler.

You know, turtles are amazing animals. They deserve better then !Jeb!

Am I welcome?

Alessandra Susu. The rest is up to you.

Needs a leash around Mr. Soetoro's neck leading off the picture to make it work.


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It's more erudite, for example Early Modern English has formal and informal pronouns which the most popular kind of English in 2017 doesn't have. Though they've been adding pronouns to English sadly they're degenerate and sinful and using them causes one to turn away from God, user., rather than to him.

when i pray i rarely speak, i reckon the gods already know what i want, the prayer is more or less a show of devotion




that webm got me to watch that entire fucking series well done


And, filtered. Because who has the time?

goddamn gossipy gossip

why not have a bunch of gods

must be lonely

real talk, they treated prisoners like total and utter shit. Like hardcore brutality. We were at war, sure, but they put a lot of our guys through hell

are we posting our collections?

what's series is that webm from?

Hi lefty!

A drawing is a great mark of a god. How many times do images of Kek get posted here? How many times do images of Jesus? It doesn't even fucking compare, does it? The divine loves to play games of hide and seek, and refuses to be nailed down to a single religion, instead, you must always be chasing It with perseverance, determination, and love in your heart. God is a player of games.



No you mong, the post he reported is spam written by a generative grammar. They're designed to make you waste time parsing them without actually containing any information. Other boards on this site have been attacked in the same way, but more aggressively.

I'll never quite get over the weirdness of our the ideas our enemies commission to try to deal with us. It's like the uncanny valley for thoughts.

don't mind me. just checking these dubdubs

off topic
what do you prefer?
1) 3dpd porn?
2) animu porn?
i know that no porn is possible, albeit extremely improbable, but that's not the question.

What do they mean recused? Is Sessions no longer AG? I haven't been on Holla Forums for like one week and they already took down another cabinet member?


You know, I'm really, REALLY fucking close to sparking off the civil war.

Why don't you fucking push me some more kike, fucking do it, faggot.

Anyone else feel that all of this weekend has been a distraction play while something else is either in the works or being executed?



Not really. I don't watch porn because watching a guy and girl fuck is just gross. It's kind of like golf, I have zero interest in watching it, I'd much rather enjoy playing the game. As far as jerking off goes I don't need to see or watch anything to do it, I can just imagine things.

I think people not using porn is more common than we would expect.

If you go long enough without porn, it really starts to lose its draw. You realize that you're just sitting there slack jawed staring at a screen with your cock in your hand. There's no eroticism to it at all.

I quit recently and nearly had a relapse, but when I was trying to find good porn I just realized I was either disinterested in or mildly repulsed by all of it. I think I'm finally over it.

Oldfag here. Is it happening?

more specifically, which do you prefer for the general population if you're to make a normative proposition?
real people?

Hypothetically(!) targetting a SC justice that is on the left would be the best kickoff. I don't think media personalities or antifa fags would be the best idea because muh pr. Of course, no one would actually do anything like that nor would I condone it.

I see. So you're saying "even if we socially mandate that porn is not allowed, people are going to watch it anyway to some extent, so ideally what would you have the material be?"

I'm not sure, but I'm thinking probably cartoons a la hentai. If you're going to record real people fucking, in order to minimize the damage that porn does to emotionally healthy sex, you need to make it somehow not devalue and debase sex itself. Sex isn't just about fucking insofar as relationships and healthy populations are concerned, and so you need to make sure that any "real porn" that is produced doesn't eat away at the virtue of society as much as it normally would. In order to do that you would need porn showing people who can convincingly look like they genuinely love each other. You would need porn to show making love, rather than just two people fucking.

Cartoons are outside the bounds of reality so it's anything goes, and it's also a lot cleaner and not as disgusting to view. In such a situation I would probably say cartoons are the better bet.

Does anyone have that pasta about why tentacle porn is acceptable compared to 3dpd porn? There was an audio recording of it as well.

in such a situation, real people aren't involved.
it is imagined.


Maybe the dubs at 0:22 are causing ripples in space/time.

This is what memetic warfare looks like. Read up.

For a good idea of what's coming, read Charles Stross's novel "Accelerando".



if you hd a modicum of intelligence you would not being saying that sessions acted independently or without trumps approval when he recused himself. But in the interest of board quality and lurkers, i shall pontificate, for your edification.

1) before sessions recused himself, and on the same day, trump wrote and executive order that redraws the line of succession for the AG to a man that specializes in corruption cases and the like. One who has no history ofbeing political and dems dont have anything on. If you would have been keeping up on this instead of just watching Cunt Nigger Network and Faux Jews and then shitposting here like a 13 Australian transgender girl you would know this.
2) Since the is no connection between the trump campaign and "russian agents" it doesnt matter a flying fuck if Sessions recuses himself over an investigation that will not turn anything up. The (((Deep state))) has been trying to take down trump for more than a year now. Do you really think that there is any Trump-Russia connection? If there was it would actually go somewhere and blow up, not just be something for Madcow to bleat about on the evening news.
3) Furthermore your posting betrays a general lack of understanding of how these investigations go. Sessions didnt control the investigation in the first place, thats up to the alphabet agencies. It is the job of the AG to PROSECUTE, not to investigate. Prosecution comes after the investigation. So if there is nothing to investigate, there is nothing to prosecute.

Now kindly eat shit and die

1) The last executive order I see signed is from February. What EO are you talking about?

2) It matters because optics matter. It was a limp-wristed approach.

3) Why do you talk like a gigantic, clueless faggot?

massive kike faggot detected

git gud m8


I will wring every last drop of protection out of the bill of rights I can, but the constitution was still shit. A group of lawyers wrote it under false pretenses and a relatively small fraction even saw it through to the end. And democracy is communism-lite

Almost all of the evidence contradicts that.

that would probably be the most likely to get us attacked by fellow rightwingers IMO

I don't remember the book it's been so long, but stross is a SJW kike.

This so much. And what they want is another Shoah.

Geeh, I wonder why.
Never the less, we need Trump to reinstate a nation of law, rather than a nation of corrupt elitism. (too big to jail)

Look, white people like a society based on law and order.
Kikes abuse it, for they hate order.
Niggers don't understand the concept because they are too damn primitive.
dune-coons fall somewhere in between the two.
NEA are honorary whites for a reason
The rest of the planet is pretty much shit.

They keep droning on about the holohoax, so lets give them one.

checked, but whatever money-earning power the MSM appears to have via ad-selling has always just been a front. the real business of the MSM for at least the entirety of the 20th and 21st century has always been psyops/disinfo. they are there to make the public think what the rothschilds want it to think, and rothschild money is both inexhaustible and invisible. do you think the public could really make nbc news go out of business by boycotting its sponsors? everyone realizes "if voting could change anything it would be illegal" but still clings to the fantasy that you can change things by voting with "your dollars." all dollars belong to rothschilds and they ain't letting you change shit.


That's not quite true, each AI algorithm works by making certain assumptions about the nature of the environment it operates on. It has to, because of the no free lunch theorem which says that there is basically no better way to predict elements from all classes of problems than brute forcing it, and if you want to optimize one class of problems you will get suboptimal results for data that do not fit your model assumptions. For a simple example, linear discriminant analysis used in classification assumes each class is normally distributed with the same covariance matrix.