Holla Forums has connections to Jewlywood

>Film: vimeo.com/185875273

>Teaser: youtu.be/5CuOTVuTE0g


It's about le evil neo nazi rednecks being gay with moslems. Surprise surprise, it was made by a Marxist Jew. His name is Jonathan Daniel Brown (Project X, Kid Cannabis), and he's a Hollywood star. Holla Forums is 100% part of the system.

Other urls found in this thread:




Wait that faggot director is who made the thread?

What a surprise. He's fat and ugly and looks like an asshole.

Yes, he also made a thread on Holla Forums. He apparently has been posting on Holla Forums for over a year, they know him there.

Gas them all

Think about the fact that MDE: World Peace got cancelled, while this guy is winning awards.

Kikes will pay tbqh.

He's a Bernie supporter as well, it's pretty funny. In the thread he seems to assert that he is anti-Netanyahu, but I don't buy it.

funny how basically everything leftist in nature has to be funded and championed by the financial and media elite.

So do we, Damon Lindelof browses 8/pol/, or at least he used to.

Someone should send this thread to Sammy Boy on twitter. Let him know what's up.

Just call them what they are, Jews.

He's obviously trying to imply something there.

You guys wanna know more about this faggot?

I watched the video on Holla Forums earlier, they go gay for eachother at the end.


So typical marxist kike then.

Ok, he is forever known as "Shit Maister"

Jonathan "The Shit Maister" Brown
Jonathan "Bo bo in my mouth" Brown
Jonathan "Shit eating Grinn" Brown

I personally like to call him The Shit Maister. Would be funny to troll him on /leftpol/ and call him a shit maister.

He's convinced Holla Forums that he's fighting the system. That he's a rebel against evil capitalist Hollywood.

fucking gas them all

Wait the guy who's behind LOST is one of us?



He posted a ton here back in 2015. He was shit talking JJ Abrams hella hard. I know it was actually him because he posted spoilers for his show The Leftovers.


Maybe one day Holla Forums can direct our own TV shows.

just when those poor delusional fucks were close to paying off those overdraft fees after comrade sanders took them for ride along comes this faggot.

He's calling Sam Hyde a Nazi now, lmao.

I hate the jews so much

I love how people who think everything is irony can't plainly see people's intentions. That's why Holla Forums is so easy to troll

he also was in some bang bus porno

this is bullshit but i remember you from HS. Shocker that Westview turned some pasty bitch into a Nazi.

Okay that's just retarded. Literally every commie org of note is in support of Assad or Rojava
The most numerous foreign volunteers for Rojava are Turkish Marxists. Known Twitter faggot Pisspiggrandad who is a Commie is fighting with Rojava right now.

Here he is.

Holla Forums, your narrative about how the system is run by marxist commies is fucking retarded. Its literally no better than claiming the system is white supremacist facism.

It's run by the jews, the same race that gave birth to Marxism/Communism.

Ever seen a movie about communists in hollywood?

Its run by a collection of out of touch normalfags of various ethnicities amognst which jews are disproportionately represented, with mliquetoast liberal political leanings.

I dont watch hollywood shit. In general, though, the vaugely-leftist liberals you freak out about being 'marxist' because you havn't a fucking clue what marxism is fetishize socialist ideas and imagery, and use them like fashion. They're fucking capitalist upper-crust. Anyone on the business end is a neoliberal. Alternatively, they're delusional SJWs, the specific sect of fake-radicalism the neoliberal democrats associate themselves with to seem edgy and against the obviously horrible system whilst actually doing nothing to fight it and everything to support it.

Yeah except that commie faggot from revleft that got killed who was fighting for ISIS.

Whatever you say Chief Shitting Bull.

Hmm one retard versus entire Communist and Anarchist party coalitions made up of thousands
Reminder that while you faggots were shitposting about muh rapefugees lefties were actively killing those responsible for the terrorist attacks in Europe

And this is why we don't watch porn anons. Don't tell us we didn't warn you when one day you click the wrong link and see this guys naked hairy cock.

Are you talking about the Kurds?

lol you remember me from Westview?

from that vague as fuck post you can identify one single individual who may have been one of the many possible students, teachers, administrators, counselors, or fucking financial investors of that shit show of a school.

Go on, you know me, right? you remember me. Out me, dox me faggot. I'm all ready for this shit

and while you're shitposting on Holla Forums nazi mercenaries from greece, ukraine, serbia and russia are fighting for assad.

The guys in the video are part of the French battalion fighting in the Kurdish controlled region of Syria against ISIS

Why do tards think that they're clever for noticing that there might be some overlap betweeen us and some radical traditionalists from other countries? We're not preaching tolerance, solidarity and or cooperation here. Why would we give a fuck about these people at all.

Bullshit lol
Pic related is the kind of foreign support the Assad government is getting
The 3rd Volunteer Assault battalion

No they weren't.

I wouldn't worry about this film. It premiered at Slamdamce and anybody who has been involved in that festival knows how much of a shitshow and joke it is.

which is it?
my point was every hollwood movie I can think of makes the communists look good except for the comical ones in hail, caesar.

I don't care that they don't follow your snowflake brand of communism faithfully, every marxist I have ever talked to has justified the cultural marxism and that shit is cancer on our civilization.

The video plainly shows French commies in Syria fighting ISIS the organization responsible for the majority of the attacks.


You faggots do it for free. We're getting paid.

Jonathan "King of the" Brown

None of them fought anyone. And ISIS aren't "those responsible for the terrorist attacks in Europe." American government officials are.

This autism over labels and titles is also retarded.

KEK like you said they're in it to get paid they arentfascist brigades maybe a few them are fascists but the majority are probably just Vets strapped for cash and don't give a fuck about politics.

The IFB is part of the Raqqa offensive as we speak retard

Lol whats up you faggot pants shitter

they are trying to push the world in your direction but don't care enough to be consistent.

Much like marx himself.

Where you Frown Brown. I thought you remembered me. Come on, who am I?

I think you have me confused with Chuck C Johnson.

anyway, im not gonna dox this kid from HS, but I figured out who he was. Nobody liked him. Not a surprise he ended up a filthy Nazi.

They are establishment kikes because their worldview is identical to establishment worldview.

Says the Jewish pornstar.

Of course they're in it to get paid. They're Russian nazis why the fuck else would they be fighting for the Syrian government ? They get paid around 100k/year and get bonuses for performance.

You faggots don't actually support Assad do you ? I mean, as far as 'realpolitic' the advantage of keeping Syria a stable functioning country and keeping Israeli influence out is absolutely a great objective. But supporting Assad because 'muh ideology' is crayon-eating retarded.

None of them fight anyone. This is a fact.

It is the truth. European immigration policy is set by American officials. Those responsible for immigration policy are those responsible for terror attacks, not subhuman shitskins who lack agency. Just as a dog owner is responsible if his poorly trained dog bites someone. You don't blame the unthinking animal, you blame the owner.

First mistake Jon.
I wasn't a student at that cluster fuck of a school.

But I'll give you a tip. Since Annette was out for the day, you were sent to my office after you left our shit on Adam's seat. You remember what the first thing you said to me was?

For fucks sake. These people are so fucking dishonest. I really hate these lying kike bastards.

Sounds like Tumblr to me
Wew Not only has Pisspiggrandad said he's fought but people like Ivana Hoffman are straight up KIA kill yourself

No shit, just yesterday they were talking about how Sasha Grey (popular prostitute) was there. Less than an hour later there were FOUR sasha grey threads on Holla Forums. Holla Forums is being subverted as we speak.

Dox when?

Thats literally the fucking oppisite of the truth.


Great now we have secret nazi celebrities and Holla Forums pant-shitting kikes arguing on Holla Forums.

What a wonderful world

Which is false.

Not fighting she didn't, I can guarantee you that.

What I find funny about the site is you can clearly see the divide in affiliation of each major board if you visit them. That's why Holla Forums had to create copies of certain boards they never managed to successfully subvert. Not only that, they had to associate with liberal redditards and known enemies of the site to try and inflate their numbers and increase their representation site-wide.

How so? Communists and liberals (capitalists) share the exact same worldview. They have the same goals, just different ideas of how to get there.

We oppose the entire liberal/capitalist/communist viewpoint at the root.


I'll believe my boy Pisspig over a faggot who's never been to Syria


Poopy doo doo caca shit

Going to bed
One last reminder this Twitter autist has done more to combat Islamism in one week than any of you will in your entire lives

You both push the equality narrative. Your feuds are fundamentally an internal feud.

You just don't get it do you? Communism was never meant to work, wich is why it never will. It was an ideology concocted by a burgouse jew on behest of german nobility to psycological subvert enemies. Its full of platitudes and contradictions for a reason. Communism is a very pretty whore, but filled with DST's.

Forgot pic

lol thanks user, needed a laugh

If I had a dad working with the "booj" establishment I could make it there too, lad.

Might as well tell you you're spooked before bed too

Our aim is to preserve our nations and heritage, not to fight islamism. Your pissboy is no different than evangelical soldiers fighting in Iraq back in the day. I weep for people like you who get so easily duped by the system.

Been there. All over the area in fact. Been to Lebanon, been to Iraq. He hasn't fought anyone. The fat nigger female most likely died choking down a couple of corndogs or something.

You don't need to be very rich to fly to Iraq or Turkey to meet up with IFB/YPG recruiters btw


Holla Forums is not interested in combating Islamism (Kebabs can do whatever they like in their own countries). What Holla Forums is interested in is keeping it out of the West.

Don't tell me this guy's daddy didn't make a few calls and put in a good word for him.

1) you don't know what a worldview is
2) liberals and communists share the exact same one
3) Bernie worked for Hillary

Bad! You're supposed to get pride wounded and go carry out jew agenda!

Trying to run away from spooks running after you will just make you black bagged, sent off to a black site and become a new tool for project MONARCH, or whatever the fuck it's currently named.

And this is just conflict over strategy, not over end goals. You both want the same thing. Material abundance, equality, daddy's cummies, etc. just disagree on the path to the end.

daily reminder

meant to get past the dupe checker with this but whatever

calls us spooks

tries to impress us with some jew numale faggot on a field trip in Syria taking facebook selfied because 'muh moral good'.

KYS Sterner would eat you faggots alive


Who's gonna be a good cat?

How many Holla Forums diapers has she changed

If you're not just Larping, then that means you really are some fat ugly loser who wants to make a film about faggot sandniggers and a Hollywood fictionilzation of white supremacist. You probably can't even appreciate the irony that you're as big and delusional a faggot as we would expect someone from Holla Forums to be.

You have to remember cuck/pol/ did get raided by Holla Forums and their r/socialism troglodytes.


Man they just don't realize we can feel how asshurt they are that they know they aren't really Holla Forums but some politically correct leftist knockoff, when they call us that.

Here, have some internet history on that faggot:
http:// somethingsensitive.com/index.php?topic=6105.0

oy vey

I knew Holla Forums was full of shit when The Daily Stormer put out an article on Chapo Trap House that exposed them as getting more money in donations than they have listeners. They were exposed to be a Jewish capital astroturfing operation and heavily promoted by the Jewish media.

You people understand that you're on the side of capital when capital and the entire power structure promotes your ideology? Meanwhile everything shuts us down.

If you are a public National Socialist. You can't have a bank account. There are only a few services that will even do business with you. You face political persecution by government agencies and the heavy hand of the legal system could come down on you at any time and put you away for a long time. Racists do not have legal rights.

If you are a communist. You get to receive state funding and big capital funding. The institutions of power from media and academia promote you and promote your views. Often times you can fragrantly break the law and not be arrested or if you are arrested receive a slap on the wrist. You have legions of Jewish lawyers backing up your organisations no matter the kind of criminality your organisations conduct. You are free to conduct business with capital and most assuredly will not have your services cut unless you're Julian Assange. How does it make you feel that Obama, on his way out, funneled money into Antifa? How does it feel that your anarcho-communist organisation is state sanctioned?

Communism is a Jewish capital astroturf.


Back to reddit, newfag.

Got a link to the article, lad?

Chapo Trap House is a Holla Forums podcast


Lol, watched your nerd hunting video. Pretty pathetic performance TBH. But you got lovely tits for a pasty jewish faggot.

Please give us some details on this retard.


Come on mate, spill the beans.

I'm just getting ready for bed guys, check back tomorrow and I'll post a few stories


You're pulling our legs, I expect kampfy or moonman to bumplock this thread while you sleep. At least you broke the commie's balls, have a good night glorious bastard.

People from all stripes of life get involved in wars, it's not unheard of that "Communist" Arabs get involved as well.

Hope you enjoy your present Jonathan.

Identity politics, Israel/Palestine, and Second Wave Feminism are the best DnC points when shilling on leftypol. There are a few other fracture points such as reformism/accelerationism, but they aren't as effective in derailing and fostering distrust. It's rather easy to astroturf there tbh.

Haven't watched any Hollywierd films since Prometheus and don't have any plans to.

Fuck the globalist kike cabal.

My baby just got me up so I'll post a quick story.

"You heard me mother fucker, I won't stop talking like this because this is how you're supposed to talk when you're from England, mate. So, you can shut your fucking Romanian(the teacher was from Romania, obviously) mouth and let me read."

And you know how he fucking ends it?
He goes "Guys come on, you know that isn't my real accent, like come on" in his normal voice

Also, the first thing he said to me when he walked into my office after shitting his pants was
As if I didn't already know why he was sent to my office he goes:
"Hey user, can I borrow your pants? I fell in some mud on my way to your office."
while he's trying to sit in my good/padded office chair.
I literally yelled at him "Jon, if you sit down, you just bought yourself a $300 chair, is it worth it?"

He looks at me like he's about to cry and I tell him to go stand out by the front door until his mom came to pick him up.

Also, my office is like 5 feet away from his English class, so yeah, no mud.


Kikes do have a fascination with shit when you look at how they push it onto their "humor". Probably thought it was great because he could make literal shit puns.

Little reminder that this fag is a actual fucking goon (somebody poasted the SS link above).

He also shot a porn movie. It's as disgusting as it sounds:

It's almost if the gods wanted to show us what would've happend to Chris-chan if he was born as a kike in LA.





Btw, i hope you guys (and girls) all realize that this is exactly is why we can't have Leftists. It's not a matter of disagreement, it's simply that they will always be your undoing if you let them.

hilarious. the fat autist jew that runs Holla Forums had parents in Jew finance, so they stick him in his room and tell him to play vidya and not talk to anyone.
this equally autistic jew had parents in Hollywood, so they just get him a job because there's no minimum bar of competence.


oh shit, this is Riffleraffle? my sides
nobody thought he would work again after he starred in the direct-to-trashcan opus "Kid Cannabis".
other highlights
(after people found out about that porno he did)
good find, op

The "moral" of the story: if you oppose the Jews, you are evil.


Can't make this shit up. Please don't be trolling.

lmao the guy used to post on a racist something awful spin off and harassed Madeleine McCanns parents with jokes about her being raped and murdered

A very sick man!

Even better is that he was a failed goon who was run out of their gayest forum known as byob because he admitted going to community college and couldn't take some light ribbing he then went to sass and posted about how much he hated niggers

You know this makes him part of Pizzagate now.

Serious question.

Should Jews literally be genocided?

He is taking leftypol for a ride looking to make those patreon bucks he begged people on SASS in aim chats to donate to his porn studio fucker has always tried to scam money from places he joined

lmao at leftypol being so fucking stupid they will get conned by a nigger hating Jew who was in special ed and couldn't even manage to finish community college

I want to puke just from making this webm. Lord merciful, how fucked up this world is and a brain of a hollyjew.

That was anticlimactic

LM fucking AO


What fucking Jewish garbage.

Holy fuck I can't believe some leftypol faggot got exposed by his teacher on Holla Forums.
So glad to be alive in this timeline


Here is an examples of the stuff he sent to people including her parents he used his actual facebook to do this note her reply talks about him being a reform Jew and his Facebook full of Jews he bragged about this in SCAM on SASS he really wanted to be some epic troll

I suspect he might actually be into children he was a bit too interested in the McCann case

Remind me again shill faggot kike how this movie is politically incorrect

How would anyone know of they were accurate spoilers? Nobody watched The Leftovers.


Wow, how brave.

I really want to see those faggots riot so bad that it creates a self defense situation for the police and the national guard.

It triggers you, because it depicts you as what you are most afraid of: being gay. Ever since you were called out for the faggot you are in middle school (last year).

Does the government love it tho? Besides, Hollywood loves everything they think can generate money.

I might sound out of touch for Holla Forums, but bear with me.
Every time i start reading anything leftist it reminds me how Holla Forums is gay and mostly pro social democracy, not the communism established by marx and lenin, most of you don't really want the society free of classes, when you support rich hollywood jew like this. You are so hypocritical, and soon you are going to be converted to full liberalism just like reddit and all other american socialist forums, screaming about white supremacy and value identity politics. Democratic Capitalists will fuck you in the ass with politics based on filling your sexual deviancy, with nothing aside from that, and you will demand more, i'l watch your slow death until you will scream for help and i'l just reply "read theory, motherfucker", and you will reply me "i hate books, because books are spooks!". It seems all you need in your life is aids and total complete freedom of putting your dicks in every dirty hole, people's everyday lives don't concern you, humanity's future don't concern you. You just want Sodom and Gomorrah to be resurrected with modern media of america and israel.
Sole notion that keeps me more traditional and pro-Holla Forums is the fact how gay you are, pozzed fuckers, national socialists did nothing wrong in protecting their values from people like you.

Holla Forums here

we /relevant/ noaw

Nigger, have you been to Holla Forums, like, ever? Everything you say about the leaning of Holla Forums is plain wrong. Maybe you just saw a Redditor posting his shit idpol, but then, we've got Redditors saying we're white supremacists because they see you posting there.



Nice assumption kike. I simply made the point that it is not politically incorrect at all and fits the standard political correctness about everything in pop culture right now. NIce strawman's though.

This is great. We can call Holla Forums school shitters now and start a 'poo in the loo' campaign for them.

Holla Forums doesn't practice class warfare. They practice class crapfare.

Watch this video, i'am not asking you to become a nazi, just to actualy understand what is going on in the world.

Fugg off liberals

You think your school shitting friend will be going to jail for this?

Your man Obama did that to the "Innocence of Muslims" guy.

Do you think I'm going to waste two hours of my life watching a video of a guy who believes a 19th century conspiracy theory shitpost book? Israel sucks and so do Jews, but you're blind to the fact that it's not only them. Just like liberals fail to see that not only whites control shit.

Or just maybe we hate the degenerate trash who have a 33% infection rate for HIV, account for 1/3 of all child molesters, consume more welfare than they pay into the system because "muh meds" both for AIDS and for their associated mental disorders, and they support leftist ideology.

Man, it's almost like faggots embody everything we hate and everything which is against our biologic interests, our culture, and our religion.

Didn't I just tell you to go away liberal? Shoo

This is Private Property, and there is nothing wrong with Private Property

Unless you are working on an assembly line he's your people, cuckold.

Get your marriage and religion abolishing ass out of here you faggot.

once again strawmans and ad hominems. You are terrible at trolling. I never said anything about censoring it and never said it hurt my feelings I simply stated that it is pure commie hollywood propaganda and YOU returned with shitty arguments because obviously YOUR feelings are hurt. Don't worry commie faggot one day the bullets will be headed your way.

Watch the video, he talks about exactly what you mentioned. Also, nobody is saying its only the jews, everyone here knows damn well its not only them. Seriously, watch the video, no second is wasted when acquiring information.

We hate kikes, mudslimes, niggers, most chinks, street shitters, mestizos, all leftist whites, and various muds. We hate and hope to one day kill off 70% of the human population.

Basically if you aren't a right wing white or jap we want you in a shallow grave or dispersed as ash into the lower atmosphere.

His mother's a jew though, i highly doubt he liked this place.

thanks. for the sauce

That amateur video is just utterly shit, not Political Incorrect. The actors are just bad at acting, no connection to any of the roles, not able to make it believable in anyway, no feeling for nuances in speech, no idea how mimic relates to what is said and to the environment. Also the script is simply a cliche ridden peace of uncreative jewery the whole plot was clear from scene one on, and the dialogues…

If this is the best left kikes can produce in propaganda, the war will be over before Christmas.

Holla Forums in a nutshell

>that's why I participate in a thread which is literally "omg some dude made an inappropriate and problematic film"
Sucks to be a SJW tho

Yeah man we're all the same like Wall Street traders, CIA directors, big bankers and all of the people in the Forbes list are literally the same as you if you're not a Cambodgian kid in a Nike factory.
It's funny because liberals do agree with you on this one.


I hate my mom, too.

You mean stuff I hear on a daily basis IRL plus shit you come to shitpost every fucking hour?

Obama gave you Wall Street money. Antifa is state sponsored.


Thats a whole lot of assumptions about material you never watched. Afraid of someone challenging your worldview? I ask you in all honesty, if you care about your fellow man, watch that fucking video. The fact you think he's some sort of nazi just goes to show how ill informed you are. The guy is an anti-war anti-supremacist speaker.

TL;DR to me and I might consider whether or not spend two fucking hours listening to a rant whose level is low enough for Holla Forums.

Didn't expect anything else from lefty"George Soros is a based jew for fighting against [islamophobia]"Holla Forums

Holla Forums is out of its fucking mind

I wonder on how many levels of trolling the original poster was. Can't tell.

How many levels of entryism are you on?

Nah lefty/pol/ is full of teenage shitskins. They are anti White so of course they praise a "based jew" for fighting against the "fascist" "islamophobic" White male cispatriarchy capitalist conspiracy that oppresses the poor PoC

It's not a rant, he's a centrist, went to war duri9ng the invasion of iraq and became an anti-war activist afterwards. He' explains exactly what is happening to people from a left-wing humanist perspective, you may think i'am shitting you, i'am not. I guarante, watch it to the end, you won't regret it. And no, he's not trying to turn people into nazis, most of Holla Forums would call him a faggot or a cuck. But IF you want to actualy understand what is going on, you need to listen and leave your bias on the side for at least a couple of minutes.

Watch th video, then come back here and tell me what you learned, and if you liked it or not, i'll be waiting.




Yeah sure, Holla Forums is not "spooks' at all. Top fucking lel. What's next, they will be praising George Bush for being such a humanitarin?

There were already talks that Hillary would be a better president and only idiots voted for Trump. In a manner that "social democrat may be still a porkie, but better than a fascist". Le Pen is considered "fascist" too.

It really saddens me how ill-informed these kids are. What is the point of firing an AK if the firepower of your brain is that of a vegetable?

That's because Holla Forums doesn't have any convictions and will sell their own souls if paid high enough

Do they even understand that they have actual "spooks" shilling for the libdems on their board? They don't even know who CREW or david brock are, do they?

This is why i can't respect people like extreme-lefties. They would rather remain serving capitalist jewishy filthy than help someone break the economic system, just because their favorite journalist says hurr durr le facists are ebil nazi rayciss.

I think they're just scared because they're bleeding hearts. An ideal Fascist state would probably look more like Cuba than Hillary "don't break up the banks" Clinton USA or Free-Market-Judaism but Leftists get brutally murdered in Fascist states. They wouldn't lie about their beliefs to save their lives.

No it would not Cuba is a third worldist brown cosmopolitan internationalist state

I believe he meant on the authoritarian aspect, in wich he is correct. Cuba is shit because of its economic cosmopolitan policies. Imagine cuba, but with a homogeneous population and national socialist economic policies.

It's supposedly self-sustainable which was a goal of Nazi Germany and it resisted ZOG-Americanism.

No stop this meme about "based conservative" commies. Soviet Union was the first country to legalize abortion decriminalise homosexuality institute feminist policies etc

Not without massive Soviet subsidies. Cuba to this day is unable to feed itself thanks to socialist policies in agriculture

I'am not endorsing cuba, dont be retarded

I know but there is this meme floating around pushed by tankie lefty/pol/ shills that marxist (((socialism))) is close to real genuine socialism under national socialist Germany. In real life they are polar opposites.

They refuse to study history, and simply don't understand that communism/marxism was invented by bourguese scholars as a psycological weapon, it was never MEANT to work, wich is why it never does. They also suffer from cognitive dissonance and keep telling themselves half-truths to not break the conditioning. They are half-correct when they say "it was not REAL socialism", wich is true, what they were conditioned to not understand is that REAL, WORKABLE, ACHIEVABLE socialism actualy exists. Its called national socialism, the most persecuted political ideology on the planet. It boggles my mind how they actualy believe an ideology like communism, state-funded, sponsored and propagandized by the most poerful capitalists on the earth is somehow the "anti-establishment" philosophy. Gommunism and the like are placebo ideologies utilized by the state to prevent low-income people from going the "scary" way of true revolutionary national socialism. How, how can a person honestly believe an ideology FUNDED and PROPED by the state will actual dethrone the state, Its simply asinine. Like, jesus fucking christ, how stupid and asleep do you have to be to actualy reach that conclusion?


hahahha, this faggot used to post on twitter like crazy

He hates Hillary Clinton, but kept supporting Bernie after he bowed to Hillary after she cheated him. If you pointed this out to Jonathan, he respond with, "KILL YOURSELF"

Funny every time.

If Communists actually studied history and culture with any serious effort they would realize shortly they've been getting assfucked for a century and quickly cease to be Communists.

Let's dox this fat kike, then.


That explains why they bait us like many do from hollywood.

There are pedos there, but also those trying to unravel the pedos.

This is why you need to die, kike.


Nobody is blind to that dumbass. We just don't believe the answer is some Jewish pipe dream leftist ideology peddled to middle school kids by the establishment.

Every. single. time.

You don't even know your own ideology do you, you dumb polyamorous twat? Anyone who is middle class is bourgeois. Anyone who believes in marriage and religion has to die for the 19th century german factory worker to create the paradise where women and hemp are shared by guys building steel ingots to ship to other factory-communes.

The proletariat is all that matters. You may style yourself as a 'vanguard,' but then that is a Leninist heresy if you want to practice 'real' communism.

Right. We aren't cuckolds who want open relationships. So your world is a nightmare hell which must be fought, and you are trash.

WTF? Two fathers, no mothers? Putin is right, this propaganda should be outlawed.

It's been a while since I've seen someone get so savagely BTFO.

This. The Soviet revolutionaries were trained in New York and financed by Wall Street. The Soviet Union was Porky's colony, one big company town, where everything was privatized by the U.S.S.R Corporation.


god damnit not swanny


Hitler trips demand "School Shitter" to be a meme and also demand this super shitty OC.

1st draft

top kek

He's got porn connections, too.
Was in a BangBus episode several years back.

C'mon kike. You're acting real froggy, so just jump already.

Don't you guys have a bunch of redditor refugees because /r/socialism banned catgirls?

When will you kikes just oven yourselves?


It doesn't even work with a hammer and sickle, because you lose the lighting bolt/Sig rune visual pun. Watching Holla Forums ape our memes is like watching a Melanesian cargo cult build wooden airplanes and march around with bamboo rifles - they're doing a rough approximation of what we do, but they don't know why, and it definitely doesn't fulfil the same purpose.




i love how they pretend to be against "idpol" to others but then they're more than willing to jump into bed with feminists and blm fags.

those kikes are trying to turn "white supremacist" boogeymen into the new alqaeda by comparing them to be alike.

pure judaism. movies dont exist to jews, on propaganda.




They only do that to try and appeal to moderate redditfags who aren't racist, but don't swallow the white guilt bullshit either.

If he sits down… he just bought himself a $300 chair!

Jonathan Daniel Brown
Shitting School

I would make up a poster, but I don't have any good fonts on this comp. I was thinking some stencil type font for "designated".

What you guys need to understand about leftypol is that they will smugly dismiss your opinion if you don't know the exact details and ins and out's of whatever they're personal favorite pet philosopher is. They will use this philosopher as a shield, because they know there a good chance you've never read it because there's it's a good chance it's Obstructionist PoMo bullshit. It's not meant to be understood in detail, because if you understood it in detail you'd realize it's bullshit.
They will however still pretend that they know every little detail and nuance about it and dismiss you for not knowing it.

the other thing you must be aware of is that they WILL intentionally misunderstand your statements, no matter how clear your statement may be. They will project and twist your words in they're own mind and smugly dismiss you for the conclusions they brought themselves to.

Just some observations I've made.

Someone was clearly paid to post that

Paid to post what? Those stories? Because I posted them, and if I got paid to post I'd love to know where my check is

Pretty sure he meant the leftypol Soros post


I like how he actually replied to, I assume you, on jewtube.

I am not a drawfag but any drawfag who wants to take a crack at more detailed memes is super appreciated.

These people base their whole identity around being heroic Robin Hood types standing against oppression, but at the same time are only willing to accept the socially acceptable "edgy" positions. They are doing it for the feel, not to actually achieve anything. Don't expect to ever convince them - they know about Holla Forums and come here to shill on the regular, which means they know about the red pill and choose to reject it.

Topkek. Really out there fighting the bourgeois.

You can only have to blame yourself. Because the real danger of Holla Forums is not communists or anarchists, but jewish liberals who think they are in good company there. If they end up becoming their leaders, whole board will be about anti-trump causes and how social democracy is "better than fascism".

We have two chans of our own. You'll destroy nothing but your own insecurities.

You mean the dead one over at endchan and that hoenypot no one visits anyway?

So who's going to write the entire script about Jonathan Daniel Brown's life? The world needs more movies about jews being jews.


Hol up, andifag hates Israel because of the shit they do to Palestinians

Who in their sane mind would waste time reading some leftist philosopher? They align with an ideology that has been wrong about everything they've said for the past 100 years, if not more. The reason Holla Forums behaves the way you describe it is because they know they're full of shit as well but have wasted too many years of their pathetic lives pushing Marxism to admit they've fucked up in a big way.

Doesn't a lot of Marxist work just deal with analyzing and criticizing society? A lot of the old-world conservatism has been talked about to death so some of these Marxist criticize modernity. Some of them intersect with us in interesting ways.

For example,

1) Holla Forums often says this, Adorno probably allies more with us than LeftComs because of his critiques of the Enlightenment.

2) Michel Clouscards observations on neofascism, nationalism. We can read this as a guideline for what to do to accelerate or cultivate future fascism.
3) Jean Boudrillard basically BTFOs progressivism

Accelerationism always backfires, especially when used in leftist communities. SocDems tried to accelerate equality and were seen as madmen to everybody, in the process creating alt-right degeneracy, getting brexit done, making Trump victory and generally making a lot of people go "right" just to save themselves from multiculturalism thingy. This is the same reason why Trump doesn't censor media that's against him so far, because they look like idiots in the eyes of his supporters.
Most people in the world gladly listen to reverse psychological tricks rather than direct truth. Social Democracy and liberalism managed to fail at direct message and became one huge psychological backfire.

Social-fascism was a name for liberals during Stalin times.

No, we can not. Marxist materialist viewof history explains fascism as an outgrowth or coping mechanism of capitalism to correct internal contradictions or reset the whole thing. He makes some true observations about the reactionary nature of current new right and national conservative neo-fascism but you can hardly write a guide to growing potatoes when you think they grow on trees like fruit.

There are also a couple frankfurt school jews and hard core marxists socioligists (especially Zygmunt Bauman) who have begun critizising the social chaos and lack of personal connections to anyone nit even your own family in modernity. They even quote marx on this, as marx wished for this atomization of society. Either because of their old age or maybe becsuse of the very nature of frankfurt school's culture of critique, or both they critisize something they themselfs hace created. Putting the fault on the people for not having acted in the way they had predicted instead of putting the fault on their own rotten ideology and faulty social engineering.

This is sort of true, but at the same time none of them are even familiar with the leftist canon except for wiki reading and secondhand stuff they have read or heard from punk bands. At most they read a book from Murray Bookchin or Chomsky.

riffleraffle come home

Of course the White guy is a stereotypical hick who speaks worst English then the Muslim. What Jewish horseshit. And the movie seemed to neglect to mention that ISIS is an Israeli proxy group

Holla Forums you scare me sometimes.

It was made by a pants-shitting Jew, what do you expect?



I have been few times on Holla Forums and every time that thread was Always there:
Absolutely pathetic.

Somebody here should make a movie with the other end of the horseshoe theory being niggers who are both extremely heavily armed illegally, wildly racist towards outsiders, and actually commit crimes and are dangerous, and I'd be pay to watch it. This is just stupid.


I actually saw a Berner do a bang-up job of that trying to push me off the jew thing. Cryptos like Saudis assist them because the territory they lose from Greater Israel gets replaced by driving whites out of yorup.
nytimes.com/2016/05/22/world/europe/how-the-saudis-turned-kosovo-into-fertile-ground-for-isis.html archive.is/wTeLp
nytimes.com/2016/05/28/opinion/the-world-reaps-what-the-saudis-sow.html archive.is/I7EhJ
nytimes.com/2016/07/03/opinion/sunday/the-terrorists-the-saudis-cultivate-in-peaceful-countries.html archive.is/zI2pQ

Did it all with normie-exclusive links too.

No better argument as well for "they're obviously pushing an agenda" when they bury this kind of shit on page 50 beneath all the trump spam.
It's clear the MSM hires these sorry fucks and keeps them busy so they A: don't run off and start their own papers that might actually catch fire (When if they all grouped together you'd see endless deep state exposés as Guerrilla News used to do before it broke apart and got bought out) and B: can claim they were "covering x story right from the start." to maintain their illusion over normies that they're "investigative news sources" (on that note it's really hard to find these unless your looking specifically for that paper and for the right country/political personality, so there's some SEO fuckery at work here too.)

funny how the hard red Berners get what's going on but are reflexively "NUT ALL JOOS" due to being deluged in IDpol by college.

speaking of "doodoocaca," still can't believe ciercierga cucked out. Can't tell whether jew or pseudo-jew because he's so fucking thin he looks like an ayyyylium.

it's basically FF.net-tier slash fiction between "people that would blow'd me up, well I bet I know how they'd really blow'd!"
Goddammit none of this shit would be going on if it weren't for Hetalia.

I have seen this shit like 30 times and never noticed the porky, lmfao.
so used to Japan and their weird fetish for disgusting fat blob men molesting chicks I guess. or traps. GOOSH GOOSH

erry time


Yes! lol @ these Marxist-John Frumists

These uncreative fags can't into nothing original.


Tell me about it. I found Holla Forums posting pic related with the caption "antifa moonman".

Truly the height of intellectualism and memetics.

okay, I clicked on the webm

this degeneracy will not stand
and I'm quite certain that this would be the opinion of ISIS too
as soon as we've doxxxed this kike, we ask the nsa to send his address to them, so they can explain him their worldview with a rusty knife and a webcam



I-is it wrong of me to feel sorry for Kek when I see garbage like this? He deserves so much better.

God that is some lame shit ain't it?

And lefties wonder why trying to get Keks attention never works. He see's shit like that and tosses it in whatever a god uses for a trashcan!

Well i saw some Bernie and Hillary Pepes, for instance, a Rachel maddow pic with "left wing Death squad" written on it and even some "triggered" ones showing some "nazi" larper.
Another time ai saw a thread that said:
and they even tried to turn Spurdo into a commie, as their own symbol.
Fucking lame.

Back on topic, i think that Holla Forums's grow is kinda fishy, i have the feeling that kikes are trying to recruit libtards all around the web to make Holla Forums grow and supposedly ostracize Holla Forums.

They were advertising their board on twitter, reddit and even Facebook. It's gone past fishy and straight into blatant destabilization operations.

For Jews maybe.



Most of their userbase are redditors at this point.

It's really sad what's become of all the early 2000s internet celebrities. Cicerega especially. Maddox can eat a fat one though.

Really? And then you get faggots here defending porn

Re-tread. Fuck off.

Jonathan DooDoo Brown.

What's your better option, m8? The "freedom loving moderate islamic rebels"? ISIS? The USA valiantly charging in and shooting anything that moves?

Or are you one of those charming "choosing the lesser evil is choosing evil, and therefore only I, who deliberately maintains no definable opinion on the matter, hold the moral high ground" sorts?

Let's hear some arguments, shall we?

Almost all leftists are anti-Netanyahu and plenty of Jews are as well

You misunderstand. I'm saying support Assad out of opportunism, not for some misguided ideological reasons. If you're a Russian nazi, why not make as much cash as you can mowing down ISIS ? I support Assad because a stable Syria is better than the alternative, not because I actually 'support' Assad or admire his sand-people tinpot dictatorship.

That's literally everyone you fuck just ctrl+f the Holla Forums catalog for "shit"

No he hasn't we don't even know who this guy is where's his thread I don't see it.

Hahahaha we're not anti white you fuck that's barely even a thing

really makes you think
your autism makes us stronger

Most of that was to irritate you and I guess it's totally different when you guys steal Holla Forums memes and Garrison cartoons?

Nothing fishy about it B as it turns out people are ready for real politics and this shows itself with Holla Forums growing as well
Also that's not how it works at all, otherkin, fictionkin and transgender dysphoric sensations are a well documented scientific phenomenon, but then there's kids that lie about being floragender because a. they don't get it and b. they want attention

hates us, completely
you mean socialist pages?
in socialist circles right?

just saying but it's alarming how you guys have 5 threads on us at any given time

Fuck didn't notice it,
It makes sense though because JudePorky :^)

Except Islamists are clerical Fascists not lefties, the left right spectrum exists he's just comparing right to right. One is an pan-Arab nationalism versus European nationalism. Not sure what the point of the movie is, we are well aware we share many values with Muslims. If they stayed in their own fucking desert I wouldn't have any problem with them but historically they tend to fuck with us so many of us hate them.

kike faggot needs to die