Armenia and Georgia?

does anyone count them as huwite? or is it like "muh aryan" like people claim iranians are? are they in europe or asia? i heard armenians had ss units so maybe they don't deserve to be gassed. i'm suspicious of georgia though since stalin was one and they betrayed the germans after the war was over until the cancucks came iirc.
vid related is some georgian "white nationalist" having a demo.


isn't that young turds slut a armenian? are they some kind of semetic race?


Armenians might as well be Ottoman kikes.

why do they LARP as friends to russia? do actual russians like them or is it just because of armenia being a russian puppet state?

Armenians are Jews that were chasing a penny and found themselves in a church.

Georgians look pretty white to me

Getting real tired of newfags and TRSodomites not grasping history. So to clarify things have a TLDR:

Georgians and Armenians can only be considired white case by case basis. Historically they are Aryan. (Note that Armenians have the -aryan affix as a testament to their aryan heritage.)

inb4 some1 says:

This just goes to show what centuries of Ottoman occupation does to your nation.

Does that mean Azerbaijani shitskin mudslimes were aryan too?


first post is always kike shills though

Where did I mention anything about Azerbaijanis? Again, lurk more newfag.

you didn't. i just asked a question.

They're white, but from a completely different major stock than other Europeans.
Also, they're culturally fucked (they have been fucked since forever now).
Armenians have 10~20% Semitic DNA though and may be irreparable by now. Georgians don't possess Semitic admixture.

You realize that Azerbaijanis are literally Turks who were too lazy to conquer Anatolia and settled in the Caucasus and Persia instead?

weird. i always thought armenia was more white since they look more culturally european from a glance

i know they are just some variety of turks but why are they less brown?

Purple is Semitic
Blue is Nordic
Orange is Mediterranean
Green is Caucasus/Steppe/Plains/Central Asia
Red is Siberian
Yellow is Northeast Asia
Light Blue is West Africa
Salmon Pink is East Africa

Armenians and Georgians are at the beginning.
If you're curious, Aryans were 50% Nordic and 50% Caucasoid/Plains - they had no Mediterranean genes.

Less brown than Turkey? I don't think so, it must be pretty similar.

The way they were introduced in the region is the same. They conquered the orginial inhabitants (Persians/Aryans in the case of Azerbaijan and Greeks/Armenians in the case for Anatolia) and absorbed them into a mixed Mongoloid/Turkic race.

Both Georgians and Armenians have no Asiatic admixture. Turks have but a little. Look at the genetic table.

Some Turks are Eurasian (Circassian I believe they are referred to as) which is a small minority, the rest of them look like mongoloid shitskins.

Those are clearly white people in the video.

looks huwite to me.

so is georgia a european country to you?

The Asian admixture comes from Mongolia who were the ruling minority. The Ottoman occupation of the Caucusus came later.


That azeri huwite qt would probably never burn coal unlike a blonde/blue eyed nordic qt.

She is coal, like you mongrel.

Would you consider albanians white? They had an entire SS Division, and still continue to have a far-right fascist party.

Southeastern Europe and northwestern Arab nations must be taken on a case-by-case basis. Everyone I know considers me "white." I have lighter skin than some pure germans and pure serbian people i know, but i am "arabic." My family lineage goes to Syria and Lebanon, all catholic and orthodox christians, absolutely no muslim, east asian, or african interbreeding as far back as records allow us to see (and i can assume there was none considering how completely anti-jew, anti-muslim, and anti-black that entire side is). We all have european skull structures, extremely white skin, and half of us have blue eyes. And besides my one mentally disabled (not by birth) aunt, every single one of us have 117+ IQs and everyone, women included, over 35 has either been in upper management for multi-billion dollar corperations, or was a high-ranking NCO in the military RIP nippon and commieslayer grandpa.

Are blue-eyed, intelligent, lightskinned Lesbianese and Syrian considered "white?"
I say yes, but not to the extent youre trying to say we are. You cant say "white" is a race, because there are plenty of non-germanic whites, non-scandinavian whites, etc., just like "black" or "asian" isnt a race. There are distinct differences in all asians and africans, but we can group them into subgroups, such as mongolian, japanese, vietnamese, nepalese, northeast indian, and soforth. They are all "asian," but entirely different races. They are all yellow however. Germans, swedes, hungarians, ukranians, many christian syrians and iraqis, many Georgians and Armenians, are all white but completely different races. Remember, we are caucasians. Where are the caucassus mountains? There is your answer to who is white and who isnt, everyone north and west of those with light skin are "white." Not all of those "whites" are european, however, and you must be careful with that, because (((some people))) might get the wrong idea and try to fit into your group.

Pretty flimsy argument there bud.

You must certainly be the poster child of what a young aryan NEET is supposed to look like huh?

No, they may have been conquered, but they haven't mixed.
This is a huge misconception that happens all the time: it's not because they were conquered that their population got replaced or mixed - they only acted as isolated vassals.

No, they may have been conquered, but they haven't mixed.
This is a huge misconception that happens all the time: it's not because they were conquered that their population got replaced or mixed - they only acted as isolated vassals.

For christ's sake you people, just look at the genetic table at .
Albanians have similar genetics to Greeks, Central Italians, Northern Italians and Bulgarians.

azeri and finnish master race alliance when?

Triggered. You aren't white mongrel and you're acting like a jew, trying to promote mixing with mongrels while shitting on white women.

Your genetic table must be flawed. Have you ever been to albania? Theyve been turkic since Skenderbeu died and Turkey took over, in the late 1400s. Theyre brown, theyre muslim, it smells, and their foods are a mix of greek and arabic foods. I get my ethnic arab spices from an albanian girl. Where is the source of this chart? I really dont take it too seriously.

Triggered? It's only the internet, also you're the one defending coal burners but yet you call me the jew? Hilarious!

albanian shitskins BTFO

If that was the case you'd be able to get a white woman, turkshit.