Come on now. Trump is getting shit on and it's like he's asking for it

Librals and kids are destroying Trump over this and he looks like a fucking idiot. Get the proof out or be pissed on by millennials with no jobs and MSM, Trump.

Other urls found in this thread:

Yet another shitty shill's slide thread.

Get cancer and die a slow and painful death while paying jews for a fake treatment when a cure exists, faggot.

Let them screech. Then when he gives the proof, they will be the ones who look like idiots.
Then Trump will give us permission to make them pay.


How is this a slide? I see it all over and from every outlet he has no proof in this. Trump is losing every spec of credibility to millennials and they are going to vote like nuts in 2020!

Obama earlier didn't deny it. Just insisted that the White House wasn't a part of it.

Also, nice shill thread.


kys op

Off yourself faggot

Way to go, retard. You just became the shill.

This. It’s a blueprint. Simple but effective.

1: The media respond negatively to Trumps claim, as he has provided no proofs.
2: The media respond in an objective manner and discuss the possibility that it could be true and if so what the potential ramifications could be.
3: The media ignore it.

Trump can’t lose, if they attack him with option 1 (which he knows they will) and he provides proofs on Monday making they look like hysterical idiots. Option 2 supports him and option 3 invalidates their position as the media and gives way to competitors outside of the MSM.

You guys are being completely unreasonable about this. Without showing that this was done at all Trump looks like he made shit up and millennials are having a fucking field day.


What is unreasonable is you thinking that Trump does not know how to play the media.

Shill, plz


You didn't watch the USS Liberty event unfold, it clearly must have never happened.

Do you really think the electoral college will ignore the popular vote next time? They can't do it twice.

Because we all know how this works out.





This is the oldest game in the book,and no wonder these retards keep falling for this.
Soon normies will be calling them out as fake news.

unrelated to the thread topic,go shill elsewhere crew.





Too retarded to know about the FISA warrants fit his server, shill?















Couldn't Trump's strategy in fighting the media go something like this: Trump gives regularly legit (although a bit petty) reasons for the msm to respond negatively to, thus conditioning them to respond similarly to legit claims made by Trump and discredit themselves.


your waifu is pretentious shit m8.


'Eisenmenger proceeded to amass quotations from the Talmud and other Hebrew sources revealing to all how the Jewish religion was barbarous, superstitious, and even murderous. All this was done in an apparently scholarly and reasonable way that belied the author's evident preoccupation (like Luther) with tales of Jewish ritual murder of Christian children and poisoning of wells. While piously insisting that the Jews must not be converted by cruel methods, Eisenmenger blithely recommended abolishing their present 'freedom in trade,' which was making them 'lords' over the Germans. He demanded too an immediate ban on their synagogues, public worship, and communal leaders and rabbis.


Have you learned nothing over the last couple of years? You still don't understand Trump's methods?



Lainchan leave.

you can see the pretentiousness in the color palette.











I forgot to reference . Since they were talking to me I meant to respond. It's a valid point, will electors ignore the popular vote twice? More millenials will be voting age and willing to get off their lazy asses next time for an even more progressive candidate that alienates more Americans.

So based. :^)



You seem upset :^)

No, there are no more millenials you sperg. The generation after millenials is growing up and is far more conservative. On that topic, you have to be 18 to post here.

Oh no!! Fuck if I care. Anyone with sense knows it true. If anything he's got something he wants to expose and he's waiting for the media to bring attention to the subject so he can throw someone under the bus.

It's not strictly by dates. Millennials are still progressive fags that want everyone to be racemixed and gay while they never work a day in their lives. They're still a lot that are 16 and 17.

No, it's embarassing when children are making Trump look stupid with no proof to a claim like this that attacks their messiah- obama.

He's the fucking PRESIDENT. I think that he might be privy to a just little more information than the average Joe.

The buck doesn't stop at Obama's desk then it seemd.

The high school class that will be of voting age for next election has been, for the past year and a half, holding huge shitlord stunts such as an entire graduating class giving the roman salute or the entire home coming holding up gigantic banners that say BUILD THE WALL.

Either return to reddit or ask your boss how to better blend in here.

Read the art of war.
You do not have a strategic mind. You fail to see the potential underlying strategies. These are important things that you can learn. So go learn them before you make shitty threads like this.

4) After 2 weeks of Trump being on the defensive it finally forces these fuckers on defense. Why is there several huge happenings all at once instead of being spread out?


what meme is this?

It's Lain.
The goddess of the wired.


He gonna drop the evidence tomorrow with a live press conference during the popular sunday shows.

Calling it.

hey shill, have a video

You're braver than I am, friend.

Hitler literally did nothing wrong.