Let's talk about Something Awful and their subversion tactics

These guys seem hell bent over ruining every internet community that you may know about. They infiltrate, subvert and then destroy entire communities. They get one guy into the moderation team and soon enough all the staff is full of goons. Not content with controlling the entirety of reddit, cuckchan, ruining multiple online games communities and many more, they've now infiltrated the moderation team of the GOG.com forums and blocked long-lasting topics about gamergate discussion, where it was viewed in somewhat positive light. We're talking about discussion that lasted 2 years and now they closed shop for no motive.

How do they do it? Why are they so motivated to ruin the entire internet for the advancement of insane leftist politics? do they have a special kind of autism? can something be done to stop them? we talk all day long about trolling leftypol but goons are a real danger to the internet

share any stories you have of dealing with these faggots, whatever

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They destroyed Metafilter. Large numbers of the most left wing individuals there were goons.

The core of the original weird twitter (made up of commies and anarchists) were all FYAD goons as well.

OP is 100% a goon, only goons give a shit about SomethingSensitive

Yes. These are people who pay for their friends. I think that says it all really.

Scared, Schlomos? You will never get your $10 back.

Straight out of the JIDF handbook.

How is this a slide thread, youre the one coming off like a kike, or a goon. These cunts have done exactly what he said, they are the same thing as lefty/pol/ but have been around longer, there are more of them and they have been extremely effective at shutting down right wing discussion. Cuckchan died because of mod infiltration, although I think that one was more lefty/pol/.

They did it to a couple of forums I went to. If people don't submit they straight-up purge and delete forums. They're pedophiles as well.

for once they do something good

right wing goons exist fyi

Dead ones?

Fuck off Goon

By cutting off Obama's rent-a-riot slush fund.

Implying we haven't done the same?

We have people everywhere. Gathering intel and digging in deeper and deeper.

You'd think we'd be stupid enough not to react the moment they start to show their hands? We know who most of these Frankfurt honor roll students are.

The difference between us and them is they can't control their weak emotional outbursts and tend to out themselves WAY before they can do any real damage.

While they maneuver to make grabs for plebbit, we are maneuvering to make grabs for Congress.

This being said, don't get overconfident. Though our intelligence is higher for the most part and we are playing the long game, any advantage is just that.

So, I believe some anons have begun to take it upon themselves to climb the ranks of these and other sites. Once the narrative breaks (which currently has cracks all over) I think you will see a reversal.

Last time I visited this site (long time ago) they were regularly mocking leftist ideas like the start of the whole online gender/feminism thing. But if it's really as you say, it's easy. Jews bought off Lowtax and infiltrated moderation from the top down.

Thread sucks though.

Oven yourself.

It would be nice if their subversion tactics were called out more often. They pose a greater danger than state-sponsored shill companies as their posts are much harder to identify since they are used to internet slang after all, they'll be able to mimic the average user much more effectively than a 30-year old spy school drop out can.
Naturally the average Holla Forums user is used to this kind of treatment since years past but what about outsiders? No wonder those who do not visit this board find it a cesspool, while it really isn't if you learn to filter. A lot of communities out there are susceptible to subversion, hopefully they will be quick to learn.

They cannot destroy communities that post (smug) anime girls on a regular basis.

What forums? I'm curious as goons seem to have the entire EVE game by the balls

Lowtax has been purging the SJW side of his moderation staff since the Schmorky incident

MPC pls. You're not right wing. You're cucked civic nationalists and classical liberals.

You dedicate so much time to infiltrating groups, yet you always fuck up by refusing to abandon your retarded normalfaggot slang. Are you so pumped full of GMO xenoestrogens that you are incapable of giving 100% to a cause you claim to believe in, or is this the honest extent of your capabilities?

Again, nothing but low effort and low energy platitudes. This isn't just sad, its repugnantly pathetic on a primal level, and the only silver lining any of you goons have in your life is the fact that you will never contaminate the gene pool.

Sage negated, the goon slaughter will continue until the subversive filth has been purged.

Some OC from a previous anti-goon thread. Remember, all goons are hollow shells that have resorted to paying for virtual friendships in lieu of going outside and making something of themselves.
They are not the next stage of liberal evolution, they are the moaning death throes of a vanquished movement.

Somethingawful grew initially and most rapidly 2000-2003 because it was a top hub for torrents and porn. Young people take this for granted but it used to a bitch to find warez. Somethingawful was much safer and easier than using kazoo or irc. Add to that They also had the sharpest humor at the time. Guys like maddox and original 4chan posters were all from there. The humor might be dated now, but there wasnt much competition in the early 2000s. The $10 was thought to keep out the riff raft and help keep the illicit forums secret from the government (yes they really thought this)

After lowtax got served a c&d around 2003 and got scared of losing his cash cow he started to shut down any content or forum that could cost him his sheckles. Porn, Warez, anything that made Something Awful worth the $10 was taken down. That's when the culture changed. 4chan took the best posters away but worse it left a void that was filled by faggot sjws. Like you see on reddit, sjws simultaneously drive away good posters and content while attracting more bitches.

Lowtax later got married to some chinese girl and she got him to buy a nearly one million dollar house at the peak of the real estate bubble. With a huge mortgage lowtax started zeroing in on the money. He pushed affiliate businesses on the posters and they basically told him to fuck off. So lowtax felt dejected so he focused on his 9-5 gig and let the sjw admins run the show. As long as it paid the bills lowtax didnt give a fuck. That's why somethingawful became the shithole it is today.

The chink ended up divorcing Lowtax and he ran back to the one place where he wasn't treated like a complete cuck, his internet site. Lowtax knows it sucks now and hes tried to change the culture. But hes old now, not as funny, and the damage is done. Rip 2000-2003 somethingawful.

You're both retarded niggers, go back to cuckchan.



Umm, how can there be that many assholes? The time required vs. the payoff makes no sense whatsoever. What you're talking about, is Jew faggotry. So is it Jews being paid by a group like the ADL or state of Israel? Because this isn't online lulz. It's major autistic faggotry.

haha checking and I have their forum db from 2008/2009. It's… or was, Ebaum type bullshit.


So they are jews?

Except Lowtax covered for Paul Combetta aka Stonetear aka StonetearX2. He deleted all of the StonetearX2 incriminating posts, and played games pretending to not know the difference between usernames. He's 100% complicit in the jewish shenanigans.

More like the spoiled children of jews.

The only good goon is a dead goon, period.

Weeew, all shills came out of the woodwork

Pay attention to their buzzwords

Lowtax himself has been against anything on the right for ages. Why would anyone believe he'd come out against SJWs?

lol is SA still a thing? I used to go there when I was 13. haha wow, talking about missing out on the big money- they could've become a faceberg or twitter instead they are a fark.com

fucking lmao.

The goon fears the anime.

Not sure about 4, but 1 and 2 are porn

Yes. britpol, ted cruz fans and nazbol is example of right wing goon community.

Right wing goons have distinct features that just gave them up:
1. D&C between white nationalities
2. Carefree and sarcastic behavior towards politics
3. Love towards civic nationalism/moderate conservatism
4. Drug/alcohol abuse, no discipline in personal life
5. Sympathy towards sides won in ww2 like Churchill, Stalin or Roosevelt

I know.

Well, no thing smugger than a lewd loli. That's a well known fact.
May I request source? For scientific purposes.

Kek wills it. Source on that one?

SA is where I first heard about privilege checking, white privilege, toxic masculinity and all that nonsense.

They're no different than CTR in the end and do a lot of their dirty work too.

Horny Little Sister by Maka Fushigi


gues to

They think they're the madterminds of the internet but actually they're redpilling millions of people just by fucking with them and making them angry.
If I was Soros I would've ordered every goon involved in GG and other things like that suicided. They really can't imagine how fast they're pushing the overton window in our favor.

Thanks bud.

The ancient Something Awful (front page not the forums) was hysterical, I'm talking 1999 to 2002. OG posts of just Richard "Lowtax" Kyanka making daily blogpost like musings about horseshit.


Very much like old school Simpsons episodes it's hard to grasp how cutting edge it was when it seems so tame and unrefined compared to people jacking his style. Lowtax's comedy style is very much tied to the aloof nature, edginess, shitty MS paint drawings and love of deconstructing early internet culture that poured into the original SA forums which eventually was exiled and created ancient Holla Forums.

Which proceded to make /n/, /new/, Holla Forums which memed the greatest shitlord candidate in recent American history into power.

Thanks goons.

Lowtax pls go

Why don't you faggots just go back to your shitty irrelevant forum already?

afraid, faggot?

They're only a danger to cuckchan, which is already cucked and FUBAR to begin with.

The only subversion i've been noticing is moeshit. Holla Forums has never been anime.

Hi goon.

Get gassed, goon.

That doesn't seem funny at all. Just seems like typical spergy goon behavior. The greatest sin for any goon is to take something seriously, so everything is a really bad joke to them. They just spew a stream of nonsense and make fun of anybody that has real opinions. Truly the worst kind of people. And on the opposite side of the spectrum (heh) you have us. People who fully believe things that most people would consider extreme and ridiculous. In fact, most people can't even comprehend that we actually believe what we say we do unironically, so they just chalk it up to us being "trolls." We are the antithesis of the goon.

The only thing of any worth is Cranky Steve's reviews. web.archive.org/web/20131511261200/http://www.somethingawful.com/hosted/cranky/

truth in the double sevens.

dubs of truth

EletricRetard and Lolokaust came from there?

tfw when you're trying to warn people about the destruction of our civilization at the hands of semitic infiltrators and they think you're just being edgy or joking

That post is from early 2000.

It predated 4chan by years. It was a different time bank then, your comment screams that you're a child that didn't remember the internet back then.

Maddox, Seanbaby and Lowtax basically pioneered internet style comedy.

someone should do a "no refunds" shoop with Lowtax instead of glassberg

>"y-y-y-y-y-y-you're j-just a ch-ch-child! You were never around for the real internet!"

8ch.net/pol/res/9425706.html is crawling with goons. You could make a case study out of it.

you can blame 4chan and their brand of ironic larping, while actually hanging out with 'based' jews, niggers and spics for that


I'm not sure you have thought this one all the way through user.

And then he recieved some karma for his actions. His former best friend Schmorky or however it's spelled, he's Schlomo'd up enough most definitely did something to his daughter.
/cow/ covered it: >>>/cow/199342

And all of them ended up as cancer.

Pick one.

what did he mean by this?

Fuck off, goon. Sage.


i heard that recently SA lost their grip on EVE
though its been months, so maybe im wrong now


Just post pictures of them. It shows How goofy they are behind their "muh internet puppetmaster" persona.

Not to derail, but does anyone remember the site Totse? It was around the same period as 2000-2004 if i remember. It went down and never came back up. I don't remember any subversion in particular but i was pretty blue pill at the time. It had some similar humor although i never really browsed SA.

If you want a site thats a case study for forum subversion, take a look at the Jref forums. The level of deflection on 9/11 could fill textbooks.


Totse pretty much poured into 4chan. As the latter was on it's way to becoming a rising star in the world around the same time the former had registration locked down for the final time. They were a big part of Holla Forums's core userbase prechanology.

checked. It's true, too. Goons make everything they post as inflammatory as possible in attempt to troll you. "I did it for the lulz" is literally their entire philosophy like some Holla Forumstard autist from 2006.

3D Chinkuu Disgusting

You are posting on a chan and disregard the importance of lulz. This is why Holla Forums is dying, the userbase has lost its original sense of humor. Sad!

I'm not saying that lulz aren't important. I'm saying they aren't the end all and be all of existence. There is nothing wrong with having values and protecting them.


Remember to enjoy the fun shitposting experience!

Most people ITT were toddlers when SA was still good.

Good lord, I can smell the first one through my screen.

Has anyone reported the Goons to sessions yet for their CP and money laundering?

Never been that interested in SA I got my household online in 1994 and mainly stuck to BBS, eventually moved to anything animation related.
Before being on halfchan (shortly after it opened) I was usually on Stile, on and off the early days of Newgrounds.
Only been looking more into SA lately because of the pedo shmorky drama, hope the site cleans house and they lose ground.

Fun fact: The only reason Shmorky the 6'6'' babyfur goon pedophile doesn't have a show on Nickelodeon or Cartoon Network is because he was utterly autistic about inserting his genderfluid LBGTQWTFLOL OC donutsteel shit into everything.
Altho the chance of that actually happening are zero now after the leaked 91 pages of Klurf incest scat ERP finally forced the goon CalArts clique (Rebecca Sugar, KC Green et al) to finally cut ties with his ass.

Few things are funnier than a well maintained Goon folder.

It's pretty obvious a lot of that shit is nothing but a mask to hide their state of passive-aggressive perma butthurt. Goons are deeply embedded in deeply autistic shit from /tg/ hobbies to hyper-spergy sectarian leftist politics or obsessive reddit moderation, all of which require a investment of emotional and intellectual energy alien to normal people.
Ffs, the same people still try to pretend SRS started as a "troll reddit" operation when that shit was fueled from the start by butthurt at "freeze peach" and the average reddit liberal not worshipping African tranny immigrant lesbians hard enough.

Daily reminder that goons are dying.

wait wat???
I didnt get this memo
Im here for shitposting and news of normies and lefties being retarded

Im here to praise kek with full sincerity unironically though

Apparently, even other chans have goon infestation, like Tgchan.