Jacob Zuma calls for confiscation of white land without compensation

Jacob Zuma calls for confiscation of white land without compensation


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Why are white people feeding these niggers again?

Don't get mad. Get even!!

Set up a petition for white south Africans to move to America or Europe.

South Africa is the biggest redpill

Trump already signed an executive order giving White south Africans visa free travel to the U.S.




i support this
these white people should leave

i don't even want to think about how much foreign aid we're giving these nogs

who was that other nigger that had every single white guy leave his country and asked them to come back when he found out they were the only ones working? you know, the one with the stylish mustache.

So, starving to death because all the whites made your food?

fuck, like clockwork

if you dont know how a meme works dont use it

t. retard

Now that's timing

Zimbabwe 2.0 incoming.


this so much.

At some point, someone really ought to invade Zimbabwe and remove nigger and reestablish Rhodesia.

chinks just finished robbing them blind of what little they had left from rhodesian wealth

It belongs to whoever can put it to the best use for humankind. That means no niggers can own land.

Europeans are taught that Germans stole the land from the locals, who rightfully won it back with nonviolent methods thanks to Mandela. There is not a speck of doubt that the niggers weren't indigenous in the first place, nor that the Dutch built a nation around a single port, nor that Mandela was a terrorist.

If you ask someone, they will say the whites in SA deserve to be kicked out or killed, because they're all racists.

The rule is, if you move into land and country in Africa. Kill all the niggers or make them leave and make them illegal to exist in your country, rule 1. Everything else will be pretty good after that, that's what history is telling us here.

it belongs to the people willing to fight and die for it. Which lets face it, the majority of boers will cuck and give it to them while jamal fucks their wife.

I can see it now.

Mate, it's a bit too late to save SA. The issue is that we're about to fight the same battle in EU.


Are there any white South Africans here? Why the hell haven't you left yet?

they can't leave, no country will take them and they aren't rich

The Afrikaaners will fucking rek the kaffas if and when it comes to it, they wont leave and they're fucking up for it tbh.

It'll be the liberal Anglo South Africans like my relatives who will flee, be interesting to see if they get asylum like the Ugandan Indians.

Not really, as a Bong we are always told how terrible apartheid was and how we devised the original concentration camps in the Boer war. Nevermind that the Boers were evil racists.

Been done a few years back. The Kike media instantly cried racism.

It's a nigger so it's too stupid to know history, outside of pigmies or whatever, niggers came after the White man in SA, which means nearly all the niggers currently in SA have to leave.

yes they will just not the ones they wanna end up.
send them to south america, cept for Argentina, i don't think anyone gives a fuck about migrants, they expect them with arms wide open, knifes on hand.

*knives, fuck.


Yeah, I wish.

learn your biology, create a nigger killer,
pull a hashtag piggyback on christcuck/gates/sfwasdf faggots vax shots, niggers become fertilizer, fin.

Was peace ever an option? Is there any circumstance or option that allows Whites to not just survive but prosper, that doesn't require a veritable river of blood to make it so? Was Maistre right? Will we need to continue the sacrifice of life until the end of times? Until the death of death?


Because we're all children of God user, Jesus saved us all.

According to wikijew the ANC was formed in 1912 by Africans and banned by the South African government by 1960.

According to other sources the ANC was founded in 1963 by Jews. Sounds to me like it was reconstituted under Jewish control.

A quote apparently (((misattributed))) to Albert Schweitzer.

It's called AIDS. Despite the Catholic church's best efforts to spread it, they remain populous as ever.

The question IS if they want to leave in the first place, maybe after all these years they've become ultra cucked. Which makes me wonder how much would a flight ticket from that place to USA or S-America cost?


I-I thought those were meme last names?

perhaps whites should confiscate south africa?
we're kind of international.

The IMF is the one funding this. Keep in mind this is their final plan, to turn the third world against the first world which will just so happen to align with shitskins vs. h'whites.

http ://usa-television.com/donald-trump-signs-a-visa-free-travel-policy-for-south-africa/

The jews actually picked meme names when they started to immigrate to Germany. You'll notice the non-Jewish German names are very practical and concrete: smiths, bakers, builders, all honest professional based names. Then there's the Jews. The Jews can't help themselves. Berg, Reich, and Bern are all things associated with royalty and aristocracy. You didn't name people after them, you named CITIES after them – something that slimy peasant foreign merchants took advantage of when they picked their new non-Hebrew names.

im not so sure user


we should find out

From SA to Sao Paulo


So it's actually cheaper AND easier to drop them at hueland were they can feel right at home.

Have to make a SA version, though we don't know the ending yet it could whites win, no non-white survivors.

Curious why she didn't just shoot a few rounds into the cell, because fuck it, it's Brazil, why not?

The state of South Africa thread really made me feel for my fellow whites.


Brazil has many laws to defend criminals. Whenever someone does something against them all "human" "rights" organizations on earth complain about it. She should've shot though, a woman probably would get away with it.

Not everyone learns the lesson though

They're niggers, what do you expect?

Holy shit that image is infuriating


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

the parents raised their daughter to be murdered. Fucking scum

Yeah, I've been skeptical of that for a while now. When I went to find the original source (in what book or journal he wrote this in) I only ever find links to people saying "Oh, he never said this." but no link to his works. I can find excerpts til my legs rot off, but I can't find an actual book or journal of his. Maybe Im just looking wrong, but that's been my experience

Notice how none of the niggers around there actually even fucking care. I know its taken me a long long time to get to this point where I can't even see them as human but fuck if I lost a family member to their horde it'd be blood to pay. You have to get past all your indoctrination which tells you niggers are bipedal humanoids so they must be "like" you. They aren't can never be it is always a one way street with them and you will never be able to bring them to your level only bring yourself down to theirs.

Also don't you like what they've done with the place since then?


What a fuck up

You are justifying genocide.

can I get a hot, white SA mail-order bride?

No, but you can head over, join a paramilitary organization, kill niggers and protect whites.

Seriously, he couldn't have asked Mugabe how this went when it happened before?

if only



I hope a nigger kick your skull in

Niggers never seem to learn from their mistakes


This might just be Zuma trying to cling to power. Malema will come out with some paramilitary shit in response to the Boers' actions, just wait.


Europe belongs to Europeans, then, and niggers are merely guests in our land with no rights to own anything. They may not own anything we desire.

People of Europe, where you see a once beautiful city full of shitskins, muslims and invaders of all kinds, take it, it belongs to you.

You convinced me user, I'll buy myself a ticket to occupied Constantinople right now to retake it.

dubs of truth. niggers are not human


Trump needs to get all the whites out of South Africa and into the USA already. He can claim it's so they get their land back or whatever and whites don't belong in Apefrica. Watch it collapse overnight. Fuck niggers.

Five years in prison for murdering a badly deluded and probably stinking libshit white woman. They get out BECAUSE they claim the crime was political. The father shakes hands and the mother thinks of them as her own kids – even increasing their gibsmedat allowance.

There's a lot of chest-puffing on this board, so I wouldn't be surprised if nobody took me seriously when I say this, but I would murder the fuck out of them all if this had been my son. Soweto would be a ghost town, even if I had to go back to college to learn how to make chemical weapons. My honor would demand nothing less than that I give my life as an avenging angel and slay first the killers, second their families, and third the Maoist bullshitters who enable their crimes.

But then I'm Sicilian, and my kid wouldn't have been in nig-central to "help" the mulignani.


You need a bruce willis penguin edit.

Checked and saved. Thanks!

Today it's South Africa, tomorrow it's America, the day after that it's Europe. This shit needs to end NOW

Are there any groups I can join or get involved with for when it finally pops off? Seriously, please fill me in, I will go

Will South African whties go to war over this? Or will they just roll over and take it?



Hi Steve.
I am a daily visitor to your news site and subscriber to uour youtube vids.

I humbly ask that you PLEASE pray with us in South Africa for God to intervene in the senseless slaughter of white farmers. February 2017 is labeled locally as "the bloodiest month ever" in this regard.
My family became part of the senseless statistics, when we lost my beloved brother only 6 days ago in such a murder when 5 to 7 armed black men gained access to his heavily secured small holding in Pretoria, Gauteng province.
The white people in our beloved country have become targets and hatred, fueled by an immoral, corrupt to the core government, who plans to change our constitution so that white owned land can be cobfiscated without compensation.
We are on our knees and only the Lord God Almighty can help us.
We have a massive prayer day coming up on 22 April where more than a million people from all ethnic groups are expected. This day is a result of God instructing Anghus Bachan to call on God's people to come together, humble ourselves and pray for Devine intervention.
Please Steve….we need brothers and sisters accross the globe to pray with us…as we humble ourselves before God. Only He can heal our land.

Please pray with us to stop the forces of datkness sweeping our land.

Kind regards
South Africa

Long live the Boer
Long live the Afrikaner

I'd feel sorry for these negroes if they were actualy smart, but they never learn.

Apartheid worked and they fucked it all up. Serves them right.

Sorry for your loss, user. But it's pottery.

Referring to yourself, Mordecai?