I still don't get it why so many people on this board obsess so much about the political joke that are the germans

I still don't get it why so many people on this board obsess so much about the political joke that are the germans.
Just why? I mean, their aesthetics are nice and interesting but they are nothing like "superheroes" or anything.

The best they have done troughout the ages has been trying to destroy europe


Nice thumbnail nigger.

Wew lad. Wew.

I like a good piece of comedy! :D
Please visit us again, newfriend!

But it's the truth my mixed germanboo friend



Also, the U.S. (predominantly, at that time) and brits in general are saxon (germans).

Masterminds at work here

I know, this "german" people are a pain. Always getting in the way of us chosen ones, not like their "british" brothers who are the best of goyim.

They were only useful against those evil Romans who dared to destroy G'ds Second Temple!! We rewarded them, black nobility, Charlemagne best goy king but since then… they are past their usefulness

But germans are useful.
Without them who would be the laughing stock of europe?

Sage and Report
OP >>>/gasyourself/

You must have clicked on us by accident, lemme send you home:
>>>Holla Forums

germany fought other whites you fucking inbred mudshit

This post is still up.


Hang your self you autistic cuckchan trash.

Hi britpol

Go back to 4cuck britfaggot

Go back to 4cuck britfaggot

Are you trying to give us autism, OP?

the funny thing about this is that it's point is that krauts are always assblasted anal retentive uptight cucks

and the responses from germanaboos and germans almost always prove this