Jeff Sessions News Conference LIVE

Jeff Sessions Live News Conference @4PM Eastern

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Left knows this won't take out Sessions, they're using it as a springboard to attack a weaker member of the team.

WTF is happening? Is Sessions done?

MSNBC Live Stream

Sic 'em, Sessions!

No, fuck off.

Everyone expects him to deny Russian contacts, but oh boy would it be fun if he made PG public instead. Praise kek for it.


No, Sessions will not resign. What this is is an attempt to get Sessions to Recuse himself from the Probe by intelligence agencies into the Trump/Russia investigation. They will appoint a special prosecutor (some kike) to oversee the investigation. He will not resign but I guarantee he recuses himself from this investigation which is what the deep state wants. Trump is in their crosshairs.



This Russian narrative is bullshit unless they're alleging voter fraud, which no one has. I'm enraged that they're fucking with Sessions.

These faggots need to get the hell out of my government.

2nd MSNBC Live Stream

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I can dream

Trips confirms the Mainstream Media and all faggots must die


This is 100% Legit folks, Jeff Sessions is Refusing himself from the Investigation into the Trump Campaign's ties to Russia which means they will appoint a SPECIAL PROSECUTOR to oversee the investigation into the allegations

Recusing himself of what?



What are the full implications of this if it goes through?

So is this the DNC plan for the next 4 years?
Fuck all commie scum.

Boente was Trump's appointment for acting AG before Sessions was confirmed… so it's fucking nothing?

It's legit, it's still fucking nothing though.

Wew lad, Trump getting the knife from the people he trusted. Should have known better than to trust these cuckservative twats.

You don't even know what recuse means. This is just a standing statement. It's like a judge saying they'd recuse themselves from a trial if their nephew was a defendant. Calm you titis.

I'm stuck at work unable to watch it. What the fuck is going on?

Absolutely nothing.

No, this means the kikes will get to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Trumps ties to Russia

What is the purpose of it in this case? It just lends credence to the claims of the enemy - there's no benefit, and no motivation.

He's already admitted he talked with Russians, because that was part of his duties as Senator

It appears Dane Boente will take over for the investigation of the matters at hand, which shouldn't be that much of an issue.

Nigger you obviously don't understand what this means. A special prosecutor will be appointed to oversee the investigation into the campaigns ties to Russia now. I'm in DC at this press briefing fuck right off with your bullshit

The only benefit is to say "see I'm standing by my decision". The left would spin it if he said he wouldn't. They're just trying to manufacture a story.

No, that's not what is says. It says Dane Boente will handle it.

What do we know on Boente? Let's see what we can find

Non American here, when is it going to be 4PM eastern exactly ?

Shouldn't, but Obama and Jarrett are waging war with their Deep Kike ties. It won't end here. I don't want to say what will end it, not publicly at least.

18 minutes ago.

18 minutes ago.

t. Florida

literally nothing is going to happen. Also he's saying the ruskie he met in September seemed like KGB spy and he didn't like him, but I'm sure the faggots watching this aren't reading between the lines.

You can fuck right off with your bullshit you overly emotional faggot.

What evidence of attempted Russian interference have they actually presented?


No, read the fucking release you posted. It means his acting deputy covers for him on anything dealing with the campaign.

Session's shouldn't be engaging with the press like this. You can see they are just trying to trip him up.

The "do you think you where targeted when the Russians where interfering with the election" is a total leading. They are trying to get him caught in a lie.

Ok thanks.

Trump brought this on himself thinking he was just going to waltz into the oval office unmolested and then trying to make deals with the establishment cucks. Holla Forums has ignored a lot of bad shit Trump has done and the people hes associated himself with in the past few months.

The whole 4D chess game hasn't really shown itself to be true since hes been elected. He's literally being outplayed by hundreds of people uniting against him and making bad replacements. Flynn's replacement is a clear example.

he's laughing at fake news, and he's saying if the campaign were to be investigated he would avoid it like the plague which he should.

Didn't even read your post.

No shit, how did Trump allow him to walk into this buzzsaw. Sessions doesn't have the fight in him, he's an intellectual but not a fighter

I want this fucking timeline, like yesterday

Post a pic

was meant for

there would first have to be a case, faggot

Sessions just walked up there, told them they were wrong, laughed in their face, showed his homework and then reminded them they're wrong before walking out.

He might know what he's doing.

Not really - Holla Forums has been well aware of it, there's just not a whole lot to be done. The only people particularly surprised by some of this shit - aside from shills pretending to be so - are those who still haven't fully internalized the fact that Donald Trump is a stepping stone, not a destination.

Your commentary on his picks and such I have to agree with to some degree - the man is smart, and he's will oriented to oppose what's levied against him, but he's making some moves that seem like mistakes.

Who makes the appointment?

you should check out /polmeta/ more often, bro.

So he met with the Ukraine Ambassador one day and then the Russian Ambassador the next, as part of his job. But somehow this turns into a witch hunt about meeting with Russia.
The media has lost it! They are out of control.

(kek's blessing witnessed)
I can't say whether this is responsible memeing, but I support it whole heartedly.

Well… That's not REALLY what he did, user. Seems kinda shilly for you to try to spin it that way.

Sessions walked up there, told them they were wrong, laughed in their face, then said that he was removing himself from the situation despite the president and his staff having publicly suggested against doing so, and despite the fact that doing so is rather poor visuals on behalf of the normies (if only in that it gives the media a great deal to spin with), showed his homework, and then reminded they're wrong - and that he's recusing himself because his staff said it was the right move, which should not in any way be misconstrued as suggestive of wrong-doing - before walking out.

That's what he did.

Why? Its a shitpile of complaints to mods who don't give a shit.

Sessions should drop the Reagan-era moral policing garbage. It's the biggest thorn in the side of the Trump administrations' ability to win over libertarians, independents, and younger people.

It can be telling what people are complaining about sometimes.

It's not just the media, they are owned and controlled by the same ones that own and control Obama, Jarrett and the rest of the soft coup.

They won't stop, they won't ever stop. Until the housebroken cuckservatives get that through their goddamned heads Trump is on his own of course he has us, his internet people


I suppose so, but from my experience on /polmeta/ it tells me there's a whole lot of autists in the community and the administration.

We don't want fucking losers.

Wew lads I don't think this is even close to the end of this Narrative

Weedfaggot detected.

wow a whole lot of fucking nothing.btw a special investigator/prosecutor won't change shit as there's literally no fucking evidence of any wrong doing. if they decide to bring back up the logan act well then i guess we're in for a massive purge because there isn't a fucking politician in the USA that hasn't had foreign dealings with other nations.

Hillary didn't get a special prosecutor after Obama's AG recused herself.

Sessions staying. Liberal retards on suicide watch.

Of course not. They're going to run with this for the next 4 years and you'll hear about it non-stop during the next election cycle. Won't end until someone starts putting bullets into leftists.


it's literally a containment board, that's it.

Fam, I agree Sessions and Trump did nothing wrong. However if you think they're pushing this so hard and the CIA who is at war with Trump literally won't fabricate some evidence, well, you're mistaken friend.

Were you born and raised a red-pilled natsoc RWDS member or were you drawn in to alternative media and opinions that eventually altered your opinions?

1920's progressive-era prohibitionist detected.

She didn't recuse herself. She just said she'ld accept the FBI's recommendation which got her out of doing her job and prevented anybody else from doing it either.


Prohibition never happened. It was a scheme to build the FBI and profit. If real prohibition occurred it would literally result in executing degenerates. See: Duterte.

Sure you didn't and what a convenient free pass like calling people shills, jidf, etc. to not answer legitimate concerns about Trump. Whatever happened to we use Trump not the other way around? Or that he's just a conduit to wake up the normies? Instead it's constant Trump dindu nuffin and legitimate criticism is scapegoated to Holla Forums

As I mentioned above, it's not that there isn't any critics of Trump here anymore, it's that it's overshadowed by the Trump zealots who are buying into the bullshit that was warned about back in late 2015 (i.e. Trump isn't one of us).

It's tiring watching nonstop defense over all his actions. That's hardly "using him".

She never recused herself.

The double standard with these kikes is amazing.

Were you red pilled by people who pandered to your degenerate lifestyle?

See anons, they already had this planned out. I hate to say it but there is a massive cointel conspiracy occurring here

Kek. Why don't you just call me a fascist, you assblasted degenerate?


I'm researching Carolina Conspiracy now user.

Let's see what we can find

Nobody here cares you fucking degen. Neck yourself nigger.

Why the fuck does Schumer think he is in a position to demand anything?

very much checked.




They're going to say Boente cannot oversee this investigation into Russia because of this.

Watch and see.

Oh wow, sort of like the scam they're running making marijuana illegal, huh?


Your words not mine, Woodrow.

Wait, they as in (((they)))? Is Boente one of us?


Listen faggot take your degenerate d&c shit out of here this is a serious thread that has nothing to do with marijuana.

the CIA knows any attempt to remove Trump from office results in a bunch of dead lefties, beaners, niggers, jews. the CIA doesn't want to risk it unless it's their final solution :P

Well then fuck it let's purge all of them


Ok, so they're trying to take out Sessions but what do the people think about it ? Can we raise hell ?

So why the fuck is this jewish nobody so upset over this? Who the fuck is Boente to these people?

It really has come to the point where these peiple are falling for obvious bait, hasn't it?

Sorry, I didn't realize this was the Trump administration circle jerk. I was under the impression it's ok to criticize things we don't like about Sessions, like his awful stance on drugs and surveillance. I'm terribly sorry for breaking with the orthodoxy. Sessions is god. He's better than god actually. I love him more than my own family. Better now? faggot


This isn't about Sessions user, this is about the CIA probing and planting evidence to implicate Trump had Russian ties during the campaign


I think that they're fucking with the Media/Deep State by putting Boente in charge rather than a special prosecutor.

One of them wrote a conspiracy article about how Boente is going to let the "Russian hackers" go and that they are both conspiring with the Russians.

Of course, the goal is to install one of (((them))) and then hit Trump with manufactured evidence to impeach. They either impeach before 2018 or they sling so much shit at Trump between now and then the yellow bellied cuckservatives in the GOP won't be able to defend themselves so they lose Congressional seats. Then if they get the majority in Congress they impeach Trump in 2018. Hillary runs again, or Michelle, in 2020 and beats Pence.

nigger stop talking to yourself trying to derail the thread

My questions still stand, what do people think of it ? And, can we raise a shitstorm ?

user Boente is going to be the target next. Due to his affiliation with these Russian Hacker case they're going to say he cannot oversee the probe. Mark my words.

Weren't we all?

Wrong. The only people on /polmeta/ bitching about mods are CREW and endchan niggers.


We said this shit every fucking time, and every fucking time we were wrong.

Thats the biggest thing protecting Trump at this point, they've basically immunized him from any scandal by throwing so much baseless shit at him. Anything short of just destroying the country and starting over will be able to insulate the deep state from pushback from his supporters.

That's not much of a claim, short of getting some nigger like lynch or holder in charge they're not going to stop doing this.

It doesn't matter who's in charge it matters who oversees this probe. This is how they force the eventuality of impeachment

user I think they want Civil War. If this probe results in some impeachment process of Trump that will be what occurs.

These kikes need to be fired at by 5.56 NATO.

(fucking wasted)
These are synonyms.

No you weren't because being a degenerate isn't being red pilled.


Jesus Christ Trump

> heav

What they want is to overthrow Trump and his administration from the inside. They know that most right wing types have jobs and won't risk a civilian revolt if they are able to successfully reclaim the government in a bloodless coup.

user no. Sessions will remain AG (in charge of the DOJ) someone else (Dana Boente apparently as of now) will oversee the Russian / Trump probe. They are not synonyms.



Shoo-shoo lolberg.


Damn. We're fucked, aren't we?

What the fuck are you on about?

well they're wrong, there's plenty of us that are willing to die for a cause greater than ourselves. they oust trump for any reason whatsoever there will be millions dead.

Maybe, maybe not.

But you should never trust a kike. Trump may come to understand why very shortly.

Jesus Fucking Christ
If you people don't see this is a CIA well thought out 666d chess you are blind

Why in the fuck would Trump do this?

Kikes everywhere are happy as fuck as the Dow Jones is plummeting right now

Dow Jones right now

Ehhhhh, depends…. I don't think its CIA though. Different pool of fetid darkness.

Because Donald Trump is a civic nationalist with many long-standing connections to Jews. He likely doesn't harbour any significant anti-Semitic sentiment, and is prone to listening to his cuckservative pawns more than he should.

No they won't you retard, a special prosecutor is only appointed if EVERYONE in the DOJ is not deemed impartial.

Trump needs to start leaking any and all information on pizzagate immediately. We need to stop trying to work through the legal process, and instead start getting ready to nail CIAfags in the street.

Take the fucking glvoes off and bury these fags.

Wrong. These spooks have regular nightmares about such a thing. They are protected by the system as it stands. I know if this civil war bullshit was finally able to go through, I would spend the rest of my short life killing as many of these people as possible.

The pacifist shills here have done a very effective job of causing us to become complacent. We need to start organizing.

Right now you're as bad as these lefties who couldn't figure out a reply to a question was replying to the question.

I didn't think I needed to clarify "in charge [of the probe]" in reply to a post about who would be in charge of the probe.

And down we go… Brace.

Hmm I'm very ambivalent about this.
Trump is a great stepping stone as another user said and I can tell from looking around and talking to people that the younger generation are redpilled af.
Further, there's a conservative babyboom that will shift politics to the right in a dramatic way.

We NEED to keep Trump in power for the next 4/8 years. The dems will censor the internet in a big way if they get in - just look at Germany and France right now, I see some very worrying trends. Why do you think 'Russia' and 'fake news' is a thing? Nationalism and ethno-nationalism is quickly becoming dominant in the West.

I also don't believe Americans will do anything if Trump is impeached under fabricated pretences - this is a very worrying time. Not concern trolling, but do any other anons have some thoughts on this? Also, please god if there's an insider lurking, let us know how this looks to you.

One part of me says 'great more Russia memes' but another side is very anxious. What a time to be alive

That's because of Caterpillar getting raided today

Holla Forums is not a platform for organizing.

You have a DC insider user telling you what their hearing and you resort to name calling without researching. Wise move. Boente will be targeted next and the kike will replace him. It's already happening faggot.

I've thought about trying to set something else up, but I have like a third cousin once removed that married into kikes that I see annually at Christmas celebrations and I'm sure it would cast suspicion on me.

uh huh

I beg to differ. The CIA as it stands right now is outside the law entirely and have been for 20+ years. They are an international terrorist organization.

Are you retarded? That is how the law works. What DC insider, who gives a shit.

I don't mean Holla Forums. I mean openly organizing groups in our communities with the open intention of killing CIAfags and traitors in the street.

Unfortunately, I also don't believe the American people are liable to actually rise up in response - the wave of the election is waning, and the people are falling back into their day-to-day normie lives and mindsets. You can already see people STILL buying into MSM polling and what have you, as though that wasn't just shown a few months ago to be utter tripe.

Soldiers don't fight wars anymore than pawns, bishops and rooks play chess - they are pieces that are moved by greater minds. Trump, I fear, is not thinking in the way he needs to be thinking - he needs to be thinking and acting with a Caesarian mindset, and instead, he's acting more in the vein of the Grachii.
Bad move.

There are plenty of groups out there doing just that.

See above.

Boente will be forced to excuse himself you dense idiot. Scroll up and read. The kike will have his confirmation hearing for NEW DEPUTY AG next week, and then after he's approved they'll go after Boente and bait and switch for their new Kike to oversee the probe.

Their news reported on things that our news didn't. That's it.

The CIA, as an organization, is. Their individual agents, and their families, bleed just like we do. They are still protected by the legal system and will be at great risk once an open shooting war starts. That's one reason why you see deescalation shills here.

Sure, but more wouldn't hurt.

People always say shit like that and then when the opportunity arrives, they cuck out and whine about how "spreading awareness" is more important or about how they would be more useful fathering white children than fighting in the revolution. When the time comes, I guarantee you will be here shitposting instead of fighting. See

Pretty sad when anarcho-communist led anti-fags are literally rising up and Patriots wont.

anarcho-communists have less to lose. Unfortunately, that's enough to squash any hope of a revolution for us, unless it has sanctioning from the military.

Nigger I already have kids, I already have plans that will go into motion if they get rid of Trump. I am more than prepared to be a martyr for the cause. if you aren't going to fight and die for what you believe in you might as well kill yourself now because your enemies already won.


The investigation is not judcial in any way as there is no fucking crime. It's a congressional issue atm.

Why do people like you always need to meetup with others before you escalate? It's very suspicious.


They are being paid you faggot!

Yes, but what? Like, what evidence has actually been provided?

Fair enough.

The antifags have nothing to lose, live meaningless lives seeking only immediate pleasure, are drug-addicts and are getting paid (ie to get their fix) to agitate. They're also often part of pseudo-cults - that's a way these 'antifa' groups really get their claws into people, especially young people, they get them addicted to drugs, push them to move away from their families and to cut ties, present themselves as the only lifeline, and then put these folks up in communal housing wherein they're brainwashed 24/7. Its grisly.

The so-called Patriots - there are ever-so-few which are genuine - have much to lose: They are comfortable, for the most part. They don't hold their ideals all that closely to heart, certainly not closely enough to warrant upending their comfort in order to uphold those ideals. Duty, civic virtue - these are concepts that 90% of Americans wouldn't recognize if such reared up and bit them in the ass.

Comfort rules the modern American, particularly the White folks - you want action, go after their comfort. Ideology won't motivate them to act, not while they're comfy, and certainly not if such action threatens the continuation of such comfort. Everyone since the Boomers born in the US have been spoiled fucking rotten, and only the youngest generations espouse much in the way of people who see the writing on the wall and have had to experience the most visible and visceral downsides of this retarded experiment that the US has become.

And quite frankly, we don't need patriots - patriotism is toothless, especially in the case of modern America. If you're a patriot as regards the presently-extant 'thing' which we call the United States, you're a traitor to what the US was meant to be, what the Founders intended.
We don't need patriots, nor patriotism - we need nationalists, we need nationalism. And a nation, as I've said so many times before, is not a thing of ideals.

A nation is a thing of blood.

Because one man doing this is dismissed as "nut" and easily cast aside. A platoon or company of men doing this is far more intimidating. Why do you think our enemies fight in groups? Why do shitskins form gangs? Why do antifa form mobs? Why do you fear organizing with others?

I'm glad you feel that way, but I sincerely doubt there will be any kind of mass civil unrest from the right if the worst happens. I'll look for your last stand in the news.

Things that they didn't report on, which were considered very important to the results of the election.

I don't think Trump has what it takes to win. He would already be assembling and training the death squads if he did - niggers want to talk about meet-ups when all of us here already should have met up at a FedGov funded FedGov sponsored auxiliary militia or whatever the fuck fancy name Trump could have given it. The Left is going to steamroll us again, they're incapable of doing anything but attack-attack-attack and the window for opportunity of building any kind of counter-insurgency is rapidly closing if not already closed. Trump is playing the wrong game on the wrong board.

bump for this
newfags havent seemed to pick up on this lately

It blows my mind. I saw Juan Williams on Fox Jews the other night, talking about Presidential Approval Rating polling and these people all treating as though its legitimate and I was just awestruck that they're even trying to wheel that shit out at this point, as though anyone buys it… But then I realized, many people do still buy it.
Which just kind of speaks for itself as regards the prospects of motivating some of these fuckwits - you can show them, point blank and as visibly as one can imagine, how corrupt the media is… But they don't want to acknowledge it once the election is over. They want to go back to pretending its all real. They want to get plugged back into the Matrix.

For some that won't be possible, but it seems that for many - arguably most, especially amongst the older generation - they can, in fact, cough up the redpill, which had been sitting and fizzing in their fucking gullets only so long as they wanted to be aware of the illusion, and when they wanted to go back to sleep, they coughed it back up and went back to watching MSM propaganda broadcasts.

So, in other words, there's been absolutely no evidence whatsoever?


Checked for some legitimate commentary.
Trump needs to be more brutal and aggressive - the time for all this 'unity' shit is long since passed. There will be no unity. There will be only domination or defeat.
You have to choose one, and only one, Donald.

Then you should kill yourself now because you're already dead. Your enemies have won. Pathetic

I unfortunately feel the same way, unless something massive like pizzagate gets leaked with hard video evidence. And not just any video. You need video similar to the one with Podesta that was posted here a few days ago, only its needs to be much more graphic.

NSDAP was anti-prohibition, so unless you want to say the original natsocs were all degenerate marijuana isn't the best hill to die on.

Oh so you're worried about PR.
Hi FBI. The organizing makes you an obvious target.

Anti-prohibition of what?

Nobody cares about your fucking herbal jew you kike. Fuck off to your containment thread nigger.

Never said I wouldn't fight if there was a fight, I just doubt it will happen.


The left is currently in the process of eating itself, all their victim groups are clawing at each other to get more points. The danger isn't the left, its faggot piece of shit traitor republicans like chaffetz, mccain graham and others.

So you won't fight because the fight has already started, it just isn't on your door step yet. You're a worthless faggot who will never fight because you're not even preparing yourself to fight.


I'm worried about effectiveness. One man can't do much damage unless he's is one of those extraordinary types. A group can accomplish far more.

Why are you afraid of organizing? Are you still living under the illusion that this can be solved non-violently?


Post your face.

yeah right

Too many people seem to think that approval ratings and politics still matters at this juncture. There is no fundamental principle that makes it impossible for a pinko government with an effective approval rating of zero percent to be established here - just look at North Korea. The Commie swine will obey no law and uphold no moral in the process. All they want is more power and they don't give a damn about anything else, they'd rather be poor and living in squalor, just so long as all of us were living in just a little more'' poverty and squalor and under their thumb. I really don't know what we can do at this point. White people in general don't like doing things alone, we don't mind dying for a cause just so long as we do it in the company of our own, we're not like hadjis with a cultural of individual martyrdom in the same way.

So weedfags btfo again?

Both of you are technically right, associating with strangers is stupid and may be some FBI bait but there's nothing wrong with doing stuff with people you've been friends with since you were a kid.

The danger is deep government in general. I don't think anyone is afraid of the democrats at this point.

Are you fucking illiterate? I said that I would fight if there was any kind of pro-white civil unrest happening right now.

Oh really? Where is it? If there is a fight going on, why aren't you participating? Instead you are talking shit on a gook cave painting chat room. You are all talk. Just another "patriot" as mentioned in the above context.

Yes, there is. Basically any article published during the elections that reported on something they didn't means interference.

Daily Reminder that fucking CIAniggers are behind this


speed is generally seen as more harmful than marijuana so I'd say not. There was no law against marijuana in NSDAP Germany either, it just didn't have much usage as it wasn't really grown there.

Super Male Vitality is obviously the answer to 1984

So it wasn't used a lot and wasn't grown there, and you think that by not having a prohibition against something that isn't grown or often used is somehow endorsing it? Dude lay off the weed man.

what does it mean for Sessions to recuse hisself?

I think that by not having a prohibition against something that is more destructive to your body than marijuana a conclusion can easily be drawn that they would also not legislate against marijuana if it had been present.

I literally told you the stipulation for fighting, yours is waiting for others to start the fight so you can bandwagon on. You're a faggot who won't do shit, just admit it. You've taken the black pill, you're more comfortable being alive living under enemy rule than you are fighting for the cause you claim to believe in. I was ready to go if Trump didn't win the election, I am ready to go if they remove him. This deep state civil war is part of the fight, them removing Trump from office is your sign to join in.

theres either been one autistic weed fag spamming his bullshit for the past few days
or CIA/CREW/JIDF/whoever the fuck is the next challenger is playing some odd game i cant make heads or tails of it.
If they were trying to astroturf something, youd think it be something more doable than pot

Instead of Sessions being ultimately in charge of an investigation as would normally be the case with him being the head of the DOJ some kike will be.

Hmm. I'm tempted, but only if you post yours as well.

it means you need to wait until your at least eighteen to post, and lurk for 2 years in the meantime
seriously, just fucking google the word recuse you stupid faggot

Every fucking thread has these weedniggers now. Report on sight.

Oh I know man. There's a few different threads with lolberg infestations.

You completely missed the point of my post. You are doing the exact same thing right now. You said there is a fight going on, yet you are not fighting. I am ready to go too, I just don't believe we will see mass armed resistance. I hope I am wrong.

If people don't immediately start sabotaging urban centers if Trump is removed to cut off electricity in ghettos and get the niggers and spics killing one another in even greater number than normal then I'll be severely disappointed. Also someone needs to make a website that tracks the current location of Soros and all known Rothschilds.

Why the condition? You're the one calling for action. Stand behind your words.

Are there still halfchanners here from hwndu? I took a break from Holla Forums for like a week and a half because it was so bad.

Name one country that has banned marijuana but not speed because there are quite a few that has banned speed but not marijuana.

I…. wat?

Its not even that the approval rating matters, user, but its that people would believe these same sources after everything we've seen. When someone you know to be a habitual and pathological liar comes up to you trying to convince you of something, whether that something is that one ideology is correct vs another or that the moon is actually a robotic hypermuffin-entity, one would think you'd know well enough not to trust him right off the bat.

This was the greatest truth in your commentary, and anyone who doesn't understand it needs to internalize it now.

Really? Its clear as day to me.
As I said, it all comes down to comfort. The White American populace will move when its uncomfortable. So, what we do is, we make it uncomfortable for them, in every conceivable sense. We don't even have to do much, in many cases, simply make sure they're informed.
Eventually the problem will take care of itself, or it won't… Darwinism meets Semitism: The Jew will seek to drive you to self-destruction, and you - and only you - can reject that proposition; should you fail to do so, for the sake of comfort, for the sake of ease, you will be destroyed. Period. If you don't fight, you die; if you fight and lose, you die; if you fight and win, you get to keep fighting. Welcome to the Death World of Holy Terra, circa 3rd Millennium.

Weed is a lolberg magnet, ban the fuckers.

confirmed for PR based consensus cracking.

The more I see this bullshit opposition go on, the more I begin to believe in the user theory that Trump won't lead to overly drastic changes. Rather, he'll just buy us time to get further prepared for… God knows what. Economic collapse, rightist purge, civil war, DOTR, who knows. Regardless of whether that's true or not, we need to act as if it is. Stockpile, train and read every day, anons. We gain plenty by doing that, and stand to lose everything if we don't.

self-sage for borderline blackpill

Not sure. They died off a bit, but there's been a sudden influx of dude weed.

That's a terrible line of argument to take.

Its really not, you just dislike it because you have no effective argument against it.

I'm seriously considering survivalism at this point and just going innawoods forever.

like who?

I have plans and supplies, being prepared to fight is part of the fight dumbass. You aren't even prepared and you plan on waiting until others are already doing the dirty work to join in.

You're right harming infrastructure is the right way to go about it and will cause more damage than 1000 Dylann Roofs.

idk anymore
i dont mean to be a defeatist fag, but it gets fuckin old shutting down the same fuckin retards over and over again
I only do it because when i was lurking i really benefited from "effort posting" anons actually arguing instead of just yelling shill. I read boths sides and figured for myself which had the better argument

why would we care about what other countries do?
A nation is only brought down by pot. It makes the folk lazy, stupid and useless. Not to mention its been bred like crazy so the stuff nowadays is retarded strong and isnt just lmao herb man, its an actual drug
was a degenerate weed fag in my teens

The West is going to the right very fast. What we needed was time, and that's what Trump is.
If we get 4 years, we'll probably win again.
If we get 8 years, we'll have a generation raised with the alt-right propaganda and memes as a common language. I see this with the students around me (I'm a teacher); these kids talk about Islam and open-borders to one another like it's nothing. They talk about media lies to one another and laugh about them everyday.

Not to mention the conservative babyboom that's coming along as well.

So, the claim is that he can't oversee an investigation on hacking because he was the prosecutor on a totally unrelated case that involved hacking?
That's retarded.

Being prepared is not at all the same as actually fighting. If it is, then I am "fighting" as well. What I meant was active resistance (e.g. going out into the street and battling marxists for control of resources or at the very least mass protesting government corruption)

I haven't seen this much projection in a long time.

but if whites dont wake up to whats necessary, the time will just mean nonwhites continue to outbreed us in our own countries. and we'll be right back where we were but worse.

It's a terrible line to take because it assumes that just because something isn't banned somewhere that it's less damaging than something that is banned. Dude lay off the weeeeeeed maaaaaaan. It's rotting your brain.

Pay for my gas and I'll go and fight antifa tomorrow. Bail me out and I'll go do it again. Hell, if you can guarantee me employment at somewhere that isn't a minimum wage shit-sty with high turnover rates, I'll do it indefinitely.

Until then, I'm caught between a rock and a hard place, as are many others. Do we risk our means of keeping ourselves housed and fed and clothed, or do we wait and see if a more opportune time comes around the corner? Because you have to think too, one man can't do too much. He needs friends. He needs allies. Where are ours?

They aren't just going to let impeachment happen you stupid niggers, it's going to turn to Marshall law and purges before that happens. Trumps gotten us this far, for shame to all of the shills and defeatists who suddenly are #withher.

Add in that Gen Z is showing to be more right leaning just 4 years will be a boon. If we get 8 years of Trump the pendulum will swing very, very hard.

Goebbels had a lot to say about moralizers that did not allow for people to do things they enjoyed. This same argument that you are using for marijuana could just as easily be used for alcohol being destructive, which germans clearly allowed. Personally I use neither, because they are both physically harmful.

Can he declare martial law without the casus belli of mass civil unrest, though?

No nigger, speed is far more destructive to the body than weed. You can't be so idiotic that you're not even aware of that fact.

If he chose he could use shit like the Berkeley riots and Trump supporters being assaulted as proof of mass civil unrest. Hell, he could even use the false flag attacks on kikes that they're bitching about if he wanted to, that would be pretty ironic.

How fucking dare you deny perfect dubs!!

Probably not, but it most likely won't even get to that point. People forget that trump is supported by a network of people who probably went to him about being president. He's the face of a nationalist insurgency orchestrated by people who have seen what's going on and want it to end. Never forget kikebart knew about The children. Countless others probably know even more than we do. They're not just going to say "oh well we tried"

Why does pol dislike the label alt-right? It's like Holla Forums made mainstream. We'll always be the vanguard but to be honest I'm extremely excited about the 'identitarianism' that's being promoted by people like Spencer; the kids are picking up on it in a big way, I hear it everyday like I said. The future is extremely bright if Trump lasts for just 4 years.

That's exactly what I'm saying, I'm very optimistic but watching the attacks on Trump like a hawk; the dems are utterly fucked if he lasts 4 years

Do you live under a fucking rock?


Lurk for two more years.

waste of trips. eat a bullet

No nigger, you didn't even address my argument. I told you yours was a stupid line of argumentation. You asserted it was because I didn't have a response. I explained why your line was stupid. You then went back to bitching about speed. Kill yourself you dishonest lolberg weedfag.

That means it's still damaging you dumb shit, and damaging enough to warrant banning as evidence by your lack of cognitive ability demonstrated in your posts.

I'm not going to namedrop, as I don't necessarily want to recommend one over another for lack of knowledge. Do some research, you'll find a few options.

Thank you for the reassurance.

I admit, I have no idea what the legal details of declaring martial law are. Is it an unrestricted executive power? How much civil unrest is required for the declaration?

No it's a couple of jews offering a kosher alternative of Holla Forums, they're civic nationalists for the most part.

I hate Jews

Yet speed was not banned you stupid nigger so it clearly isn't damaging enough that NSDAP would have considered it ban worthy.

it isnt a question of morals, it is a question of the health of the folk. That speech by goebbels could also be used as an excuse to let fags continue to be fags as long as they keep it behind closed doors. That would only be hiding the rot, instead of cleansing it. Same with pot. It is definitely better to have it behind closed doors and not glorified by popular culture, but that doesnt mean its any better for people.
That also doesnt mean we should go arund givng people 20 years for having a dub on them after we get rid of nogs and dont need that as a control. Party doctrine and propaganda influences on culture should be enough to make sure people dont want to smoke in the first place. Growing and selling should still be a camp worthy offense tho.
because it was a part of german culture, indeed white culture as a whole, for thousands and thousands of years. weed in its current for has not.

its an artificial construct made by jews and fags to gatekeep people from fascism, national socialism, blood reality etc.
thats exactly the problem you twat
hes a faggot
a limp wristed pussy
we shouldnt be excited if hes our face
if theyre not talking about the glory of their blood and how they desire to make their ancestors proud by their contributions to their folk then we're not anywhere close

Different times man. How old are you? No one knew how damaging smoking tobacco was until recently either. Honestly, how are you this dumb?

NSDAP also let niggers serve in the armed forces
they didnt gas the jews
not everything Hitler and his party did was perfect. We will build on his model, not try to cookie cutter copy it.

okay let me put it this way
how does the legalization of pot help the white race?
If you cant answer that then you need to shut the fuck up and die

Never get discouraged user. Shills have been saying trump is fucked for 2 years now. They haven't been right yet. Invest in lead, steel, and your physical fitness and remember that even the best laid plans can fail. Its rather unlikely though, especially considering cianiggers have been fucking up since the bay of pigs. Plus if it ever does collapse you'll get to shoot some niggers and that'll be fun.

Report and filter all weednigger distraction shills. This is textbook JTRIG procedure.

Less harmful than some of the current medications it could serve as a substitute for.

dubs confirm need for reporting
i know hes a faggot, just trying to make sure new friends and lurkers arent mislead
and i dont got anything better to do at the moment


anyone commenting on marijuana or anything to distract from the importance of this thread remember to report and filter anons, these are shills

if our food is made natural again and all the chemical products gotten rid of that eliminates the demand for upwards of 80% of the medications people "need"
try again

More like Holla Forums watered down. The (((alt-right))) accepts fags, shit-skins and jews. They are civic nationalist and believe in Democratic rule of law. This is not at all even close to what Holla Forums believes in. Lurk more.

Thanks, I won't. It helps to hear something positive occasionally. I freaked out a bit when I read about this whole thing because this is the only attack on Trump since the inauguration that has been more than a joke.


You're right and I realize I've been guilty of this, also bringing up the alt-right is another derailment strategy.

Can we continue this in ?

Well I got dubs previously. So here it is.

Lol no. Now start organizing user.

see ya there faggot

Never Forget

I've been on Holla Forums for 6 years, but who cares about that, like I said, I think it's great for getting people onto Holla Forums. Sort of a better gateway drug than the faggot jew or little benji

Most of them are ethno-nationalists, the alt-lite is obviously compromised, but these people are getting ideas out there and so I still don't understand the kvetching on Holla Forums.

To be clear:

But who cares, Holla Forums will always be the vanguard and it hasn't changed despite the influx of reddit and shills. Do you think the kids don't get on pol after hearing about some of these people and ideas? I'm more in touch with communities and more surrounded by white kids than most here are. My point is that they are reaching people.

Have you listened to much of the content of their talks? This is exactly what they promote (well, most of them).

The only bad thing about pol has always been the teenager contrarians who are awaiting the second coming of Hitler. That's what you are, you people have been here for years and I don't understand why you can't see the headway that's being made by these people.

I don't care either, don't listen to them if you don't want to (and you're already here so you don't really need to), but they're increasing awareness by generating controversy.

Yeah I get that, but think of the traffic they drive to pol, that's their greatest use. As I have said already, pol can't be subverted, and the more people here for the memes, the better.

I could have just summarized this as:
Same principle when it comes to the alt-right

Confirmed for shill.

Aaaand this looks like shilling for the alt-right, sorry, I'm tired and rambling

those young eyes though

jesus christ

It's time to stop posting.

If I pull that off, will you die?

shitskins gtfo

It would be extremely painful.



Where the fuck are all these shills coming from?


Is it all over or not?

That's the point you damn faggots. They're barbarians. They're the real vital death squad of young people and oldfags. They're what we WISH we were.

You're telling me "patriots" really care about their country's enough to be armed to the teeth ready to shoot the feds, commies or anyone that will take their freedoms but only after their shift is over and the kids are at school? What kind of gay shit.

It's not just that antifas have nothing to lose. It's that they're also not domesticated soccer moms either and that's why they're active, brutal and organized.


If people aren't willing to fight and die for what they believe in, then they've already lost. If you've already lost you have nothing to lose, so why not fight and die for what you believe in?

Someone mentioned being ready for the possibility of a Civil War and the shills started freaking out. Have a plan in place and be very very ready. Start to organize locally and off the internet. Have food and ammo ready for an extended period. Have places to meet-up when the power goes out pre-selected.

ANTIFA are a bunch of junkies who commit misdemeanors. If you wanna see what patriots do look at McVeigh. One man killed more than all ANTIFA combined, ever. The difference is while the lights are on and TV is working the normalfags won't budge. But the rural madmen will, and that's all it'll take.

Take your defeatism elsewhere, no one wants hear your ANTIFA cuck fantasies.

Fat ass.

Hahaha holy fuck this is amazing shilling, never stop posting.

Pfffffffthahahahaa, fuck no nigger.
Antifa aren't 'barbarians', they're adult children addicted to drugs and mind-fucked into doing retarded shit.
They're losers, but because they're losers, they don't give a shit about doing things that might get them fucked up, shot, fired (as if they're employed) etc.

Yeah, pretty much. But again, patriots are shit.

Antifa is a horde of rats. Now, a horde of rats can seem intimidating, especially when its not opposed by anything. It can seem 'brutal' and organized - but its not. Its a chaotic mess of minimally-aware vermin.
Its only when you have something meaningful to compare them to that you get a view of what they actually are.

So long as what you'd compare them to isn't taking the field, out of comfort… Well, you can't compare.

Patriots probably would be willing to do even more if they were paid by multiple private and public institutions and were considered above the law.

They're literally the real death squads
All that shit is infinitely more than anything "patriots" have done in at least a decade.
When you're oppressed you kill your oppressor. When you're a slave you kill your master. If we had that mentality we wouldn't be in this mess in the first place.

The problem is that there is a "reaction" or "warm up" time before hand. Their goal is to keep ideologically polarizing people isolated so they can be picked off one by one while the majority are in this warm up phase.

In a sense, they'll destroy the people trying to get the word out to the masses about their destruction to keep a lid on things.

No. Antifa is protected by oligarch kikes and corrupt politicians. There's a very good reason why they only operate in select areas. Think of them as red guards that cement the ruling power's position and act as an extra legal enforcement arm of the globalists.

Besides, most are simply homeless people and drug addicts the affluent marxists in the area decided to support. They aren't soldiers or anything approaching a real threat to people who are also organized and willing to put street work in.

I would. Why the fuck would you not? Are you some kind of retard?

Maybe if you're a trash can or an ATM. Certainly not a death squad against any person who has been to the gym recently.

lol… what I find funny is most people can't even relate to when Dirty Harry or Charles Bronson or Bo Svenson or Billy Jack were portrayed in main stream media as being righteous vigilantes. Why don't the both of you go do something to satisfy yourselves.

What do you think a barbarian is? Just because there's a layer of poz-modernity to it doesn't mean they're not barbarians. Every right-winger basically admits they are. Read the article some guy wrote for RedIce about the "Battle of Sacramento". One of his points is about how violent and brutal-barbarian leftists are.
Nothing meaningful has existed for us in the US since the Tulsa burning and the "race riots" of the pre-ww2 era or whatever. Ever since then it's been goofball lonewolfs.

That's the fucking problem. If they actually cared about shit why would they charge in the first place. They have no passion or vitality, just clockwork cold- mechanical "efficiency".

You know how I know you aren't from around here?
You're a treasure, you can go back last.

all of this is going to backfire on the IC and all of the people involved in this attempt to oust sessions. Its going to backfire so fucking bad, you are going to see people 'disappear' after this, mark my words. Trump and his people are done with it.

My point is that if we applied the Leftist "praxis" to ourselves we would be better off than we are now.

A primitive savage, not an effeminate nu-male with a heroin addiction.

There is so much wrong with that series of comments, and I just don't give enough of a shit to spend the time taking it apart.
Suffice to say, these people aren't 'barbarians' in any appreciable sense, and their violence is meager, their brutality is lackluster, in a greater context. If anything, it shows how sheltered you are that you think these antifa scum are so "violent and brutal".

Nope, too comfy. Comfy people generally don't go balls-out against degenerates like these antifa vermin. But should the response shift, it'll be like looking at a bunch of ratters in amongst the horde - an absolute massacre, as would require on behalf of those such as yourself to reassess your definition of "violent" and "brutal", traits which one does not, by any means, need to be a barbarian to espouse.

hopefully (((they're))) that stupid

Antifa lost a fight against 10 White nationalists armed with wooden shields vs 200 antifa armed with knives and wood poles. There was a dozen antifa to the hospital under critical condition stabbed with their own knives. You overestimate the enemy either out of ignorance, or out of hopes of trying to unsuccessfully use scare tactics on Holla Forums

This tbh. Scrawny out of shape faggots, trannies, and overweight SJWs cannot compete with Nordic Gods. Get fit for the coming race war or perish in the aftermath

Daily Reminder this story began where Podesta is employed at the WaPo who received $600 million from the CIA and the JewYorkTimes began pushing it shortly after who is owned by the drug baron Carlos Slim who wants to stop Trumps immigration platform. If you want to spread the truth on social media you start with these two facts. If you really want to go full throttle you bring up the fact that Sessions and Trump are at war with a human trafficking network that is abducting and sexually assaulting children and that PizzaGate is real and another motive behind this. There are dozens of redpills you can force feed normal fags from this controversy and I encourage everyone to do so.

Absolutely. Not only does Trump have unlimited war powers due to Congress failing to pass a war authorization act, but ol' O'Bummer signed an EO back in 2012 allowing the POTUS to declare martial law when he pleases.

I like how he runs up, pauses until she gets to just the right height, and then hits her. I had a good chuckle.


Chuck Schumer is pushing hard against Sessions because he's worried he will look into all of this:

Not like it will do much. Sessions is in the clear, Schumer might disappear

Obama is running a shadow government to try and take Trump down.

Trump should know better


I'm pretty sure Flynn and Bannon do. Or someone with alot of power that has Trumps ear. They dog whistled the fuck out us during the campaign and with the holcaust thing.


Real markets right now

Bannon is on record saying the Jewish community in America is an enabler of radical Islamic terrorism. He isn't 100 percent but someone who understands Islam is the sword of Jewry is redpilled as fuck.

That internet jewish monopoly money is hilarious

weapons = ordnance
Law = ordinance

This. Can't wait until a catastrophe occurs and everyone wants to pull out their BitCoin at premium value. The kikes have long since spent over half of those dollars, because 78% of BitCoin investment has never been withdrawn or spent. Morons.

Valerie + Obama pose no threat to anyone. If it's being reported in MsM it's more D&C diversion to distract from the kikes pulling the strings

Anons, give me some backup on this twitter poll, going to be crossposting this to all Sessions threads

He is right. At least antifa is real, while the RWDS are just a meme. And as time passes, it becomes an ironical meme: that the right wing CANNOT have death squads, because they're chums.

Replying to my own post, but let me reiterate something I've posted in the past.

Larping as the big bad kinds of take away from the fact that yes, we're the actual moral alternative. The reason we don't RWDS is precisely because we're the good guys, while the punks that riot join the left.

I have enough of trying to make people understand I'm against corruption and systemic brainwashing, through self defeating nazi memes.