250+ State Department emails from Clinton, Abedin, et. al., released through FOIA


Posted to the site on February 28th. Sort results by date to see the new emails.


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I just finished looking through it. There's nothing we haven't seen before.


Bump for research purposes

How does this work? Are the new emails the 250 latest ones on the list?

Like clock Work Rabi

Gentleman, let's get this disgusting creature into the jail cell it deserves

FYI Diane Reynolds is Chelsea Clinton




Wow, that must be a new fucking record, Goldberg!

You know what I think that other user might be right

He had the assistance of 400 drunk Russians :^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^)

FOIAs tend to be a waste of time but does lend to the possibly of knowing there's an ongoing investigation

I just looked through ten emails and they all say "page denied"
What the fuck is the point of this?

Try emails uploaded later. They're up and available. Get to digging lads, there's a lot to do.

An email titled" Mexico Project" talks about Hillary's desire/plans for a mexican diaspora

Email titled "Urgent Q" is talking about how Chelsea is bringing kids from Haiti to US trying to get them documents. "Will let you know if not (ie if I get hauled off to prison with the vagrant hangover Idaho missionaries)" …That is definitely a reference to Laura Silsby

proof of human trafficking op?

thats nice. i was just reading one of these about "diane" and how she had shillary go around the DHS to get some haitian children into the country. must be nice when mommy can phone in a favors for you like that.

Post nice screens

I can't figure out how the fuck do I copy a link to a specific email. Page 13. Titled "aipac".

Is Benjamin Rhodes talking about a different Shapiro?

I missed these.


Really fucking curious to see what comes out of these.

Never mind. It has to be Daniel B Shapiro, US ambassador to Israel.

I'm not entirely sure that's better.

this, these are the skimmings of a larger inquiry

Post every screen with her name in

That was from 2010. I don't think that it matters since it wasn't part of an election campaign.

What did they mean by this?

Yes. As explained, the new emails were posted on Feb 28th and the search results can be sorted by date posted, displaying all the new emails at the top of the search.

Maybe not the election, but the Clintons have been in shady shit for so long that I wouldn't discount anything with their names on it as irrelevant for ammo against them based on when it came from.

A whole bunch of these emails are sent to a guy named Oscar Flores who works for Bill. They all simply read "pls print" or something like that. They sent him email so he would print them for Bill. He had a Secret level security clearance but at least 6 email chains were the highest level but they were still sent to him. This is apparently old news, but I thought I'd share this info if anyone else is wondering why they keep seeing so much "pls print" emails to Flores.


Then what are all the emails posted today and yesterday?

ERP sessions with Huma fucking where?

A-ah..? What's this? owo

Those weren't up when I made this thread.

If mods are reading this, please edit OP to explain that there are now over 2000 new emails posted to the site on 3/1/2017.

> mr ctv.org/blog/navy-mystery-man-clinton-memorial-day-photos-identified

okay then.

I'm sorry your job is so pointless. It must be arduous. Do your bosses really think you help, or are they just desperate and trying to see what sticks?

If I search for emails from Feb 28 to Feb 28 I get nothing. No results. But there's 15 pages of stuff from the next day, March 1st. Could there be some calendar fuck up? Could my local time (Finland) affect it?

On mobile atm and can't look for myself, but many javascript datepickers pull the browser's local time for queries, so to be safe, offset by 1 day, or by known GMT offset

Here's an email from Sid who I assume to be Sidney Blumenthal, about what Hillary should say at her 2010 AIPAC speech. He acknowledges neocons as a jewish group who are being "stage managed" by Netanyahu, what ever that means. Is it common knowledge that neocons are jewish or is it just common knowledge among Holla Forums?

He's saying Hillary should mention a liberal kike organization J Street so that AIPAC doesn't have the monopoly on Jewish American opinions. He says that AIPAC belongs to the Israeli right wing, particularly to the Likud party and that J Street is a more liberal left wing alternative.

Could someone please tell me how the fuck am I supposed to get a link I can copy paste? The email in question is titled AIPAC speech it is from 3/21/2012 and is published on 3/1/2017

I don't know. Just sort by "date posted" for the most recent stuff anyway.

No way, tell me it's fake. It literally reads like a Holla Forums post, they even call him Bibi.

That must have been quick, UUUU.

Trump has called him Bibi in public before. It reads as a post which sounds like they'll take less shit then we'd expect, but these aren't policy moves. And liberal Jews are as bad as the right kind, if there are even differing kinds at all.

I skimmed over the dates, people and subjects and the only thing that caught my eye were these really formal, yet not official sounding policy emails. Long emails about what the State Department should do in regards to this and that country but they were written from one person to another. What made them strange was that fact that the send time, sender and receiver were all redacted. It just says "n/a".

We still need to read every single one in order, which I don't think is that big of a task, but for me it's 1:33AM so I'm off.

Here's an email of them reacting to a stupid tumblr meme.

1. some dude sends a DoS woman an email telling her about this funy mayme on Facebook. I Googled Hillary viral 2012 and the photo in question, which had been redacted from the email, has to be pic related. It went viral and tumblr made some silly memes with it.
2. The woman forwards the email to Hillary.
3. Hillary forwards it to Huma and asks what made it go viral? (as if you could control what goes viral and what doesn't)
4. Huma sends her some silly tumblr memes, I assume.

It's well known to anyone who reads about neocons as a group. All the major figures pre 1990 are Nephilim.

the Clintons aren't controlled by zionists, she's controlled by globa, corporate interests (i.e. Saudi oil and US utilities). My guess is that had she won, she was going to try bring about the two-state solution once and for all - guaranteed second term and one of the greatest presidential legacies in the history books (Obama tried almost as hard as Bill, but the republicans blocked him the whole way)


I think he just meant to influence them. I don't think the implication was that they were a Jewish organization

It's real.
It is also on Wikileaks.





Was saging for off topic. I'm an idiot.

Did Huma ever get suicided or did she just scurry off to whatever middle eastern insect hive she was spawned from?

Sounds so urgent. Gee, I wonder why they were in such a rush to get those kids out of there?

If Huma is allowed to travel internationally and is not wearing an ankle bracelet then I am going to drive a truck bomb into a large crowd.

Ahmed please

you and I both know damn well why.

that's a strange way to spell noose

Guantanamo is way worse than death.


This is the second thread I've caught you doing this in. Cut that shit out you stupid fucking shill, you're not going to bomb anything for a political statement.

So, journalist trying to frame or actual alphabet soup?

Is this a new derail technique?

Huma Weiner

These republicans are democrats infiltrated? They are disgusting, even more pathetic and loser is this piece of shit called John McCain, if I'm not wrong i remember the democrats party media, DNC (Who you have today the emails hacked in wikileaks) trashing this john mccain calling him retarded, old and now this pathetic loser sut sell his ass for the democrats party establshment, please god, don't let democrats infiltrate more trash and create more Trump or other powerful political parties in America to the disgusting democrats party don't infiltrate, co-opt and manipulate this

Look at the face of this disgusting trash, and this shit was also because of Hilllary Clinton


This is my favorite hillshill prediction. The delusion isn't just palpable, it's so solid I could grab it and proceed to beat antifa to death with it.

Uhh, you know alphabets already lurk the chans, right?
and unlike you useless shills, they're actually fun to talk to.

There's been proof for ages.

I don't think delusion is the right word.

Eat a pile of shit you gas lighting kike.

From a 2006 (((National Review))) article:

Vault 7 out?

the father of the meth head who is leading the war against Trump….


You do realize one reply calling out a shill is sufficient, right?

the siren song…
it's so beautiful

"sid" is just saying that Bibi is stage managing US Kike organizations AS WELL ASS neocons, religious right, whomever else he can muster.
Didn't say neocons were jewish, just that they were being stage managed by bibi