Oh shit

oh shit

they got us good

Other urls found in this thread:


how can they shit on femdon when the entire alt right is composed of furries and cucks?

Whenever an alt-rightist makes fun of you, just remember that there's a legitimate kissless-virgin Naziposter who comes on here often to post about having a state sponsored GF.

since when does the alt right hate encyclopedia dramatica ?

they make fun of everyone

but what here isn't either ironic or not cringy to say?

All perfectly reasonable sentences, only a fucking retard would see them as cringy

The day a Holla Forumsyp reads and understands stirner will never come

Wait a minute, all those sentences are perfectly reasonable except for the Korea thing that I've never seen being said seriously.

What the fuck?

This describes me perfectly
Based zizek


from my experiences femdom is more of a center-right thing

it's huge with Wall Street guys who want to be made submissive


muh tradition

meant for

they don't take the threat of interracial cucking seriously enough

tbh I'm surprised ED remained neutrally satirical instead of being overrun and turned into a right-wing shill site

they're going to have to do much better if that is their reply to this

You know you're cancer when when you consider ED leftist.

They don't anymore.

A lot of the newer articles are either thinly veiled Iron March shit or Holla Forumstards trying to make fun of their own organization in a semi-serious way. Stormfront members have been at it for ages.

Holy shit yes. I seriously wondered that myself too the other day. Maybe it's because it's basically the true 'old guard' of early Holla Forums era lulzfags, whom were all chaotic neutrals.

The way the neckbeards here defend jews is spot on. Pretty sure that entire anti id politics meme was created as a way to defend and deflect attention from the jews

Oy vey identity politics jew dindU nufffin

So how did the j00s control the world ? red pill me go ahead

Glad you're here to correct the record, comrade

imply loli femdom is not the best


They displaced the WASP elite by methodically and systematically inflitrating all institutions. Academia, the media, banking, finance, judicial system etc

Do they know that their fellow memesters also like femdom?

source: time spent on fetish community filled with unfunny alt-right faggots

What? Null(Josh) the admin of that site loves Holla Forums memes.




Every fucking time. Should I bother explaining that there are at least 50 million Irish Americans? Yawwnn

Why are your memes so terrible?

The cringe is real



Are you just as tough when some sinner "mispronounces" the gender of your trans*anarchist comrades?

Sinner? I thought Marxism was an atheistic-state-dictatorship to you guys! Make up your God-damned minds.

1- Sources on everything you said plz
2-You need to prove that they do it as a collective goal not as an individual seeking what he wants, I dare you
3-prove and justify to me that the white race won't do the same, And won't go into corruption from access to power

As in the pics, the first one is outdated and the source is biased as fuck the second lack any source, the third is cherry picking only 12 ppl that you have to link them somehow, the fifth is outdated and on top of that Northwest euro is beating the jews .


Funny memes but actually jews take that stuff very seriously.



Sorry I don't know every single tr1gger world you autistic larping commie neckbeards have censored

We've got a live one lads

Hey femdom is the shit.


Exactly. Those damn micks are ruining europe.

Shame the schools are run by the Jews or whatever because you would have benefited from some additional English classes.



2011 is not outdates. If anything jewish overrepresentation is even larger nowdays

You can look up the name of CEOs of large media conglomerates on wikipedia. Some are outdated the old jew CEOs being replaced by new jews of course

Just a selection of prominent figures in finance. The fact that the FED has been under a jewsih chairman since the early 80s is indisputable

2012 is not outdated you autist

Jews are 2% of US population. Is math a conspiracy of the White male capitalist cispatriarchy to shame women and brown people? What part of overrepresentation don't you get?


Check your native language pr1vilege sinner.


Already posted sources you sperg. You dismissed them because they are from 2012.

Jewish nepotism is legendary.


This is a good example. Written by a jewish author expalins how jews felt the collective need to establish and dominate the new industry of cinema. How jews got loans from jewish wall street bankers to achieve that. This is a huge topic go read the Culture of Critique

Things were better under the WASP elite. At the very least they were not trying to literally racially displace European Americans and turn them into a minority in their own country.

get the fuck out of here you filthy immigrant, go back to your own foreign-language communities

5 years makes a huge different, and prove your clime

You need to prove that the media is not serving the capitalist first but target the Jewish collective interest that until now you didn't prove that it dose exist

Prove it go ahead

No it is 4 years outdated

Jews are 14 million world wide, They have 2 advantages the first is the accesses to knowledge do to them being linguistically diverse and being mainly bankers do to the Europeans chasing them out of any other profession.

Now resources plz. and you didn't prove me on any of these you fag :
1- Sources on everything you said plz
2-You need to prove that they do it as a collective goal not as an individual seeking what he wants, I dare you
3-prove and justify to me that the white race won't do the same, And won't go into corruption from access to power

My sources :
On the European racism towards Jews and chasing them out of any other job than banking


Remove yourself from earth you fucking mick

Debunked read
So a Zionist ciricaljerk with no regard for accuracy just ? reminds me of pol tbh


Pay debt, Greece.

No it is not since nothing radical has changed. The same jewish deans are still in their positions

I am not gonna bother with your tinfoil wacko conspiracy theories about the le evul "capitalist" class running some huge mysterious scheme to oppress the poor workers the womyn and the proud brown people


See above

See above

See above

OK if your plan was to exhaust me with your stupidity in order to give up you win

so do the asians control caltech ?


ihr is literally a holocaust denying website. Did you just google the book and posted the first link you saw? You stupid mongoloid

For one thing America was 90% White European until the 60s. The WASP elite passed the most strict immigration law to preserve the demographic make up of the country.



Sounds pretty conspiratorial and crazy to me and nearly all sane people

read marx, lenin, zizek, stalin, trotsky or really any book at all instead of burning them.


Do all those people expose the White male capitalist cispatriarchy conspiracy?

Tells me a lot on how your mind works tbh.


have you ever read a book in your life ?

Only the
5,10,16,14,15 are jews
and it is 5 out of 15 Chairs of the Federal Reserve.
You have been debunked on this one
Kek x3

It is not secretive or evil vodo shit it is just an exploitative system that put the capitalist class interest on compaction with the workers interest over wages, work hours etc…
You prove to me that you are not the tinfoil wacko conspiracy theories

I looked for the book for free to read it but found this instead

Heh You are struggling bud get yourself together

If you delve deeper into marxism the entire thing becomes even more ridiculous. Like the concept of "class consciousness" which gets debunked the moment you notice all those jewish marxist "intellectuals" that came from rich families.

Either way I realise that this board is satire and people are here only for the memes and the soviet larping so I will not bother arguing about marxism.

Hitler was a jewish quadroon

Sounds like a conspiracy of plutocrats to me


Didn't know Engels was Jewish. And i'd like to point out that the race struggle was also theorized by a Jew.

wtf I like communism now

Moses Hess
Maximum Cucked by the glorious Class struggle theorist Engels

Archived this thread for Holla Forums being BTFO
Glory to leftypol

delet this

wow, what a mouthful. if only there was a word which was an antonym to "rightist", that would be such a better title. unfortunately though, no such word exists, so I guess we'll have to keep using antidisestablishmentaltrightarianism.

Welcome to alt-reich identity politics…

How is not being asshole so you can overcome petty difference make you an SJW?
Deliberate doing opposite, like reiteratively call someone "Robert" just because birth certifricate says despite when they ask to be called "Bob" makes you just the other side of soc-jus, trying to maintain artificial forms of your own ideology.
Personally, you could just not care.

I can bother for nice people, not for assholes. I adress people according to whaever they look like. Their reaction to accidental "misgendering" is usually a good indicator to see if they're worth putting up with it or not.

I imagine that this scenario of yours is a fantasy, as it fails the pre-requisite of others putting up with you first.

Oh no, not bolsheviks! Leftypol hates those!

Better do as he says comrades, he's got pics of frogs.





this has never been refuted tbh

Who's face is that on the Chris Evans shop?

Literally something no one says

Just an ideological statement, not stupid or funny

Yes, because normal non-strawman people think conspiracy theories are legitimate and worshiping an internet meme is sane.

Another fairly normal thing to say unless you take the infallibility of one or the other candidate for granted.

It kind of is.

So there are like, 3/10 vaguely stupid/funny statements, the rest are only questionable if you are already brainwashed by Holla Forums memes.

I thought Holla Forums was supposed to be good at memes? Why is this so pathetic?

we know. They're well on their way to outnumbering us good honest white Americans. Thx for pointing that out, comrade


Good. Maybe the larpers will get embarrassed enough to stop fucking doing it and stop trying to trot out the rotting corpse of 20th century dogma.

Ya gotta try harder tbh. This is just embarrassing


Yeah, this is what I do.

you got a point. and I hate it when tankies pull that shit. All I'm saying is the fashfags aren't in any position to judge. Most of the LARPers are just recent Holla Forums converts anyways

I don't understand how is "respecting your trans friends pronouns" bad. Only an idiot gets triggered about how friends call each other,

You think I'm fucking kidding?


Make America Gracious Again!

Once again the alt-right has come up with a low tier meme that doesn't even make sense.

Why didn't their parents strangle them in their sleep again?

I'll make a better one when I have the time. Can someone give me the tranny tankie's name or the original uncropped picture they used?


I wonder how many couples met at those book burnings lul

ahhhgaaa, suck a dick anarkiddie

haw haw this guy is always here, hows it goin mane, any luck in the spouse dept?

would you be willing to fight in Donbass for a wifey tovarish?


Because 8/pol/ =/= alt-right.

Fascists belong in the gulag or the guillotine.

Phillip "Ahuviya Harel" Haskins-Delici


As promised, here you go. Watch and learn, Holla Forums.


want an absolute fucking shit-taste some people have


I fixed it a bit.

Thanks for the assists. Better now?
Also I was thinking of saying tankie or larper to begin with but I figured people outside our community might not understand what that means.

You might be right but they have to familiarize with the term because tankies aren't communists they are Red fascists.

That's actually true, though.

I don't disagree the least bit. I just think it's funny when people who play dress-up and make youtube videos say it.

i dont get it are we subs or doms?

weapons of choice dprk newservice

Sebastian Stan, I think, Chris Evan's husband.

It's only ok if a man is a dom and a woman a sub, anything else is degenerate and caused by the Jews to seal up our precious bodily fluids.

Such a shitty meme