I used to like fight back to be like… not fight back like 'You're wrong,' but be more clever. And what has that meant...

Kevin Smith is now acting more grown up than you Holla Forums
How does that make you feel? Respect him more right?

Kevin Smith is a middle aged man, finally realising why it's stupid to take internet arguments seriously.

Kevin Smith can barely string a sentence together.

I want to shit on him for this too but then I think about how a good 3/4 of the population never reaches that epiphany and I just feel sad.

The only reason I even bother arguing here is because the reactions are funny sometimes.

As far as I can tell the only people here who do care about what others think about what they watch are the anime nerds.

I think you think that because of your biases tbh
Pretty much nobody here outside of like three obnoxious spergs actually gives a shit what you or I think of their trashy tastes.

He looks like a 12 years old.

Most people here care about what others think, this is why they get so butthurt when critics praise a movie they dislike or vice-versa.

I did not even understand a word.

You just to think about what he’s doing or like what he’s not doing you know? Sometimes you need to open your mind to like let it get closed.

No they don't.
You can criticize something or call someone a retard without being buttflustered.
responses =/= someone giving a shit in the slightest, despite what your (you) dopamine rushes want you to believe.

Kevin Smith go away.

Pretty fucking plebeian, I gotta say.


Kevin Smith is a pedophile. FACT

He still made Strike Back which is him lashing out at fans saying mean things about his movies on the big bad internet

Kevin Smith raped me when I was 12.

You're like forty and you just like realized this? The point is like to have fun and get some sick burns in, not to like be a fat crybaby faggot who like makes gay little movies nobody likes.

He looks hiv positive ever since he lost weight

I'm here to troll right-wing cucks, it's getting too easy lately though. Trump attracted all the redditors here.

you aren't very good at your hobby. you only catch the same few spergs who respond to even the laziest obvious bait. your stock in trade fortunately.

Much later he made a movie with an evil critic or something, which he claimed was him saying sorry


why are you bumping ancient threads again sperg?