Putting to Rest the Myth that ML Was the Only System That Could've Industrialized Russia

Proponents of Marxism-Leninism are quick to point out the "unprecedented growth" of the Soviet Union as evidence of "real existing socialism" working. But this is a claim that needs to be investigated to dispel the Myth that Stalinist economy was anymore remarkable than feudalism.

The Marxist-Humanist Raya Dunayevskaya in her "An Analysis of the Russian Economy" does an excellent job as dispelling this myth.

When Russia industrialized they had to play catch up, they did not have to innovate. All that was required so that they could have access to the progress of the industrial revolutions in both Britain and America, was sufficient funds.

So as is clear here, Japan a feudal nation ruled under the fist of the emperor was able to industrialize at a similar rate, while lacking the immediate resources that Russia had access to. Funny enough, Japan was able to do this without exacerbating the effects of crop failure.

How ironic that Stalins "great achievement" really isn't much of an achievement at all.

Slide thread filled with irrelevant bullshit to anything contemporary or ongoing, like most of this board after it's more or less takeover by everything that leftypol was supposed to stand against.

This post follows the exact same formulae as probably the majority of similary "let's discuss historically irrelevant bullshit" threads and play people fervently into ideological caskets.

It's a total shill post, and probably intentionally so. There is no value to it.

As soon as we can get rid of ML ideology the sooner the Left can move forward. Why do you think the Left is so weak in America? Because of McCarthy? Previously the bourgeoisie disposing of excellent proles made them into martyrs. Stalin alienated Western communist, and that stigma still is around today.

But okay; keep calling everything you don't like a shill. I guess we really are on lefty/pol/


No leftist in real life goes around talking about bloody marxist leninist die-hardism that only advocates militant revolution or thirdworldism. This is not the 'real problem' of the left, at 'best' it's an honest withdrawel after being hunted to near extintion under mcarthyism, at worst it's mostly cointelpro still lingerling (no context, just kill everyone, it's the only solution, if they didn't exist CIA would have created them…)

What value, does your post have, alongside all the other posts doing the same shit? No contemporary additions… no views on anything occurring locally, nor regionally nor globally… just some strange theoritical difference that will further cement people's ideological differences, it's right out of the fucking handbook of shillery. You might as well have made a post about being for or against abortion, or the death penalty. It's the same level of bullshit.

Yeah, you're retarded.

Or a liar

Are you sure?

Where the fuck were you in the trillion other threads we've had like this?

Yeah, you're just a butthurt stalinist doing damage control.

Pretty good week on leftypol so far


I'm not an expert on this shit, and I don't have any sympathy one way or the other, but I'm guessing this comparison is supposed to be more ironic than serious. The first issue is calling Japan feudal in the fucking 1930s, which is definitely a joke. Japan started industrialization around the 1870s. Also, Japan was densely populated and had ports in all its major cities, a big advantage over the Soviet Union which had a very dispersed population over a huge, almost entirely land locked territory. Japan did have much worse access to resources, but here's a funny fact. 1932 happens to be when Japan invaded Manchuria, a pretty huge ass area full of needed resources. Then in 1937 Japan invaded China, another similarly huge ass area with plentiful resources. Sort of funny that a resource starved country would have such a big boost in its heavy industry while building up for war and acquiring huge areas of land, right?

no one likes you

Who the fuck is propagating this myth? I've never heard of it. I've heard/read defenses of the brutal rapid industrialization to meet the German warmachine, but never have I read anyone saying it was the only way to industrialize.

The whole OP is bullshit, Einstein.

it isnt like the only active communist parties are all ML

Is this thread a continuation of

I want tanktards to leave

So let me get this straight so I understand your argument

So whats the point? They are both collectivist regimes that emphasized industrialization only Russia did it better and faster. Either you don't know about nationalist Japan or you are shilling for that system.

And keep in mind, Russia bought it hard after the first world war and all the political chaos involved in a revolution.

The tankie butthurt is almost sad

When tankies can't deal with something even slightly critical they lose their minds. How the fuck is the seven thousandth "i don't understand Stirner" or "isnt a computer a means of production?!?!" thread more relevant and less overused than this?

Nope. They just post the same stuff in several threads.

Any reply to it?

based wordfilter, it knows the truth

Reply to what? Claims that emperor makes economy feudal? Even in this thread someone was bored enough to answer:

Or you can go to RDW thread, then scroll down to the bottom.

Don't expect much, though. It's really hard to take this stuff seriously. I'll die of alcohol poisoning, if I try to drink myself down to the level when this kind of argumentation seems reasonable.

"You can't invest into heavy industry - that's Capitalism."
"You can't trade on international market - that's Capitalism."

What is wrong with people? Did American invent some Retardin they are feeding to the kids?

Doesn't our Tankie tripfag think that socialism is a mode of production of it's own distinct from capitalist and communist MoP?

In the wolff thread he mentioned

Doesn't he realize that socialism is a social formation and not a mode of production?