Are we living in a pre 1939-1945 again ?

are we living in a pre 1939-1945 again ?
as a guy who's been reading some history books i can't help but notice the common trend

More like pre 1914 as the economy hasn't hit the fan as bad as it did during the Great Depression; we are seeing more traditional nationalistic imperialist expansion rather the fascistic expansion of the 1930's.

back 2 Holla Forums

More like the last days of Rome.

Not really, this time both extremes are quite powerless in comparison

This time no Russian horde to save you, any force that tries to invade the American Reich is eating a faceful of nuke.

I wish, still several decades to go.
And I have no idea who or what to rally behind or promote, I think infiltrating Nationalist and SocDem groups is the way to go for now. There is nothing built by us or for us.

There are no extremists, just confused people looking for something to grasp.

not sure of you just lack historical knowledge or just being sarcastic

I'd argue there was more class consciousness then. The post war boom spread liberal ideas (hence hippies and other such bullshit) and even on the conservative side people became bigger class cucks (boomers and their American dream).
You'd think the stagflation of the 70s would have led to class consciousness - instead neoliberalism exploded on to the scene and we got "third way social democracy"
Now that this has failed as of the 08 crisis, we've got liberals with their heads in the sand and a growing nationalist movement that shows no sign of stopping.
At least back in the 20th things like the Soviet Union, China, Yugoslavia, Cuba, Vietnam, etc, etc, etc offered an alternative, even if they were arguably just as bad.
Now days people either continue to push the "current year" meme and refuse to acknowledge the underlying problems, or they want to regressive to a time that never existed… And ignore the underlying problems.
Neoliberal ideology has infested people's minds like a fucking tumor and I don't see any would-be-doomed revolutionaries like that period did.

We are certainly experiencing the Second Guilded Age and the level of inequality we have now is similar to what existed before the Great Depression.

Are you suggesting that collapse is another 30-40 years away

Pepe isn't a Nazi.


so if it's 1914 then what's gonna be the russian revolution of the 21st century ?

Where's the huns?

Are the chinese the huns?

My guess would be China, It has massive contradictions along with a Marxist façade meaning the Chinese ruling class finds itself in a far more vulnerable position then other capitalists.

fugg, i wish Stalin was here

The Gilded Age was immediately before the Crash.


No, this is just your general desire for the Happening speaking. This is what happens when you have nothing to make it worth living in your day-to-day life, you keep wishing for that huge moment of rupture.

Pepe is a white nationalist meme. It has always BEEN a white nationalist meme. The very god that represents it was a god worshiped by white people.

Deal with it and stop appropriating memes for your degenerate cause


You have no idea when any of those happened, do you?

It started as a Holla Forums meme.


2016 Middle East = 1912-14 Balkans

Keep crying Jamal



actually, ancient egypt was ruled by sexy anubis girls

sage for lewd, offtopic, and also to stop shitty idpol

The people living in Africa at the time were white. Arabs were entirely confined to the Arabian peninsula, so dont give me the bullshit about "they wuz brown people" because that's blatantly not true

don't be so sensitive. it's just a goofy internet cartoon frog-man.

stop defending the use of nazi imagery you fascist swine

stop shitposting. it's boring.

No they weren't retard. The people in Egypt back then most likely looked like the native Egyptians today, getting darker as you got closer to central Africa. It's why in a lot of African Art, the royalty is portrayed as either mocha colour or dark brown. This is why race was dropped from anthropology, because if you can only classify people as "negroid, mongloid, Caucasian" etc you end up not being able to properly define the grey areas. Like in the case of the ancient Egyptians.

Are you retarded?

ISIS is the Huns.

Dude you're arguing with a "we wuz egyptians n shiet" revisionist stormnigger. Don't bring science into this.

What is the "common trend" you speak of?

Fedoras? Swing Music?

sandniggers weren't the native population of egypt, no matter how idiotic you get with your arabophilia

Except Caucasian admixture often led to royal dynasties.

Hi Palmer Fuckey, you still have a faggy-ass name.

>Pepe has always been Palmer Luckey's Holla Forums's

Good taste, comrade.

take your meds