Sure why not.


gee i wonder who could have posted this

I've always been willing to support, vote for, and work with anything from the most moderate social-liberal to Marxist revolutionaries, which is more or less where I am, as long as they're intelligent and seem to know their shit.

However, I think this "Left unity" thing is a meme and should be fought, because there are many trends in the Left that hinder our cause and use empty phrase-mongering to instill passivity among us.

For example, it's not fucking COINTELPRO making so many dumbass anarchists act like we're sheep for picking sides on the Israel-Palestine conflict because they both have states and are therefore "equally oppressive, maaaan". It's not the CIA forcing the tankies and the trot cults to tell me there's no difference between Dilma and Temer because the Worker's Party are a bunch of reformists or whatever. The FBI didn't tell the people who favor revolution over reform to attack S█████ because he's a filthy "socdem". And let's not even get into the Social Justice crowd.

There are many sects of the Left that preach the immediate abolition of the state and capitalism, but their entire praxis resolves around sitting and attacking the members of the Left that want a more strategic, long-term approach to social transformation. I've never seen an Anarchist or a Tankie talking to working people and organizing strikes, but from the safety of their computers they love to mock us silly statists, governists and reformists who are helping push our agendas forward.

We don't need secret intelligence to sabotage us, we do it ourselves. The Left is dead, and if we want it to be reborn we can't do it working with the maggots that are all over its body.

revolves* etc

So I take it you're a Green Party SocDem?

I don't have a problem with a lot of Marxists, and I don't mind reformists all that much cause I think they have potential. It's more of a case-by-case basis sort of thing who I don't want to associate with, though I will say the people who scare me the most on the left are usually tankies

You mean the group that was literally started by the FBI?

Barcelona never forget


What's the source for this crap?


What are you looking for? Conjecture of pieces of evidence without any serious factual link? Or do you refuse to believe that such a thing would happen because the FBI didn't helpfully publically disclose how they dupe millions?

I swear sometimes it feels like Bakunin could see the future

Calm down I just want to know why you think this..

but division and ideological purity only fucks people over

Obviously, we need to adjust our theories to the circumstances at hand. However, that does not mean completely comprising them by aligning with our polar opposites.

but tankies and anarchists have similar goals just different ways of achieving them

Not really.
admittedly tankies claim to want to create a society like this to, but how they do that is by creating a

so tankie theory only works in theory ?

is it because of human nature ?

Tankies go in the exact opposite direction of what they espouse their end goal to be. I would say that not only does it not work in practice, it doesn't work in theory either

You can't have modern society without organization.

"Tanky" way is to have organization, even if we can't have it 100% non-hierarchical right now.

"Anarkiddie" (crypto-AnCap) way is to have no organization, unless it fits their impossible standards of non-hierarchy.

See flag

Okay you red fascist.

well it certainly hasn't worked in practice


No, it is impossible to call yourself a leftist and not be pro-palestine. leftists can not by definition be imperialists/apartheidists… zionism at its core is as right wing as you can physically get

Plenty of leftists oppose Rojava on national liberation grounds; same with Palestine. Leftcoms and anarchists in particular.

tankie/trot/anarchist/what have you… In the end we are all comrads. comrads against exploitation.

Very few anarchists reject Rojava. Leftcoms reject everything that isn't isn't leftcommunism.

Leftist unification and "solidarity" are nonsense. They're a plot by the bourgeois to get people with radically different goals and methods to butt heads and spend time in conflict with each other instead of fighting for change on the issues they care about. Anyone who wants to unify "the left" is a class reductionist who wants to keep people from gaining any ground on problems that can be solved.



Why not neutrality? The arabs started the six day war. The deserve each other desu.

There's your problem