Was collectivization necessary? If so, why?

Was collectivization necessary? If so, why?

What did Soviet agriculture look like immediately after Lenin's death?

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The reduced population was necessary to raise standards of living out of the poverty trap.

No it wasn't and the ten bazillion deaths caused by commie idiocy would have been avoided if they stuck with the NEP.

Dorothea Jauernig (D.J.): You lived with your family in the country at the time of collectivization. How have you experienced the collectivization? How do you see it today?

Alexander Zinoviev (A.S.): We need to distinguish two different pages in my position. My personal attitude to various events and the results of my scientific work. Our village has disappeared completely. If we consider only the collectivization of this point of view, then one can say that collectivization was a crime or an error. But you have to pull the whole situation in the country into consideration. The industry needed workers. The country needed not only working, it took doctors, teachers, engineers, officers, etc. Without collectivisation it would have been impossible to get so many people for the development of the country. We have lost everything in the country. And our family has left the country. But I became a professor. My brother was Colonel. My older brother director of a factory. Another of my brothers were engineers, etc. Many millions of Russian families have been through a development. For many millions of families therefore the revolution had our revolution. The Stalinist period was of course a great tragedy. But these years were also the best years in Soviet history. You can not understand in what living conditions we lived. Our family lived in a room of 10 square meters. And in this room we lived to eight, sometimes ten men. And we were happy. Why? We visited the school. Everything was for us, the whole culture was open to us.

Another side: Any claim that the productivity of collective farms very low and private plots of production was much higher. That's a lie. Those who say that making a false comparison. Take, for example, a small parcel and say: Look, on this parcel working woman or two and sell them so much and vegetables, etc. But on the kolkhoz work 300 people. Now they are investigating how these people work on the small parcel, how many forces they need on the small plot. In the kolkhoz living conditions were much easier, shorter hours, and especially as the main result: The state has to get enough bread. Without collective farms that would be impossible.

D.J .: Collectivization is often referred to herein as a crime of Stalin.

A.S .: I am against collectivization. My family suffered. But as a scientist I have to say that was the only way for the country to survive. If Stalin had not carried out this policy, then the country would have been destroyed during the war immediately. And the industrialization and even these reprisals were inevitable.

Consider the present situation in the Soviet Union, trying to restore order without arrests, that is impossible. Already many are arrested and are more and more. At Stalin's time the situation in Russia was worse.

It is to assert a false ideology: All people were innocent and only the evil man Stalin and some nasty people raping everyone. That is a lie, an ideological lie. It was a struggle for survival, life and death.

It is perhaps the greatest injustice in the history when Stalin is so maligned - particularly bad it looks when Soviet people forget their own great story. In Russian history, these years were the greatest years ever

I repeat, I am not a communist. I criticized communism since my youth. I have always been anti-Stalinist. But now I am an old man, I will not lie in my lifetime.

Why so many people hate Stalin and the Soviet Union at all? Because the development of this country was tremendously fast, exceptionally fast. All capitalist countries were afraid. They were convinced that this system could be fought everywhere. And since the war against communism began. The II.Weltkrieg was against the Soviet Union. The West has Hitler directed against the Soviet Union. That was not Hitler alone. Now say all, Stalin was to blame. This is also an ideological lie. Practically the West was to blame for this war. The West has done everything to direct Hitler against the Soviet Union. Before the war, after the war and during the war.

The development of the Soviet Union today is a result not only of internal development, but also a result of the relations between the Soviet Union and the West. The Cold War was a real war, no less than the II.Weltkrieg. The Soviet Union was defeated. This situation is not simply the crisis of communism. This is the destruction of communism, from the inside, but from outside too.

I think the main cause is the betrayal of bureaucrats led Khrushchev. He destroyed the ideology and gradually the economy of socialism. There was a change of government, namely the rule of the working class to the rule of the bureaucracy as a new capitalist class.

D.J .: But another question: Are you working for a long time at the University of Moscow. How was teaching at the universities in the 50s and how was it later? Is it true that the Marxist-Leninists were kicked out in the 70s from the universities, as we were told in Moscow?

A.S .: The development was complex. On one hand, the ideological work was under Suslov (he was responsible for ideology under Brezhnev, the Red.) Enormously strong. But was also the Soviet ideology, leaving the Marxist basis. Formally, the Soviet ideology was Marxist-Leninist. Only in words, statements, etc. But in fact the Soviet ideology had lost its Marxist-Leninist basis. And that was one of the conditions of the present crisis.

D.J .: How do you understand this - one of the conditions of the present crisis?

A.S .: Back in the 60s there was the crisis. She began not in the economy but first in the ideology and the moral condition of the higher layers. As they say in Russian: A fish begins to stink at the head.

But at the present situation in the Soviet Union are the people like Gorbachev, Shevardnadze, Yeltsin, Yakovlev, Sobchak so guilty. This is a result of their activities. They are criminals. I am sure that the future generations will condemn these people mercilessly.

This Perestroika people have now only worried about their own skins. You have betrayed our country and our people. If it is possible to retain their position, they are willing to sell the land. In practice, they play the role of a fifth column of the West.

I am not a communist. I say this only as a scientist. This is the result of my research.

D.J .: Thank you for the interview

archiv.randzone-online.de/art/art060525.htm (Source in german)

it's always amusing to read NEP apologists who don't know shit about NEP

they don't know about crises of 25 and 27

they don't know that SU tried to industrialize in the conditions of NEP, and failed to do so greatly

they don't know that critics of the economic policy like Kondratief argued that if you want economy without crises you need to abolish plans for rapid industrializaton

How would you suggest that they should industrialize themselves without collectivization?

They planned to stuck with the NEP and Stalin announced in the Sixteenth Party Conference that only a fifth of rural property would be collectivized and that private farms would remain the rule. It was the circumstances of what was virtually a civil war that changed this path.

just fuck off

What the actual hell are you doing?


I don't get this attitude

Why? What's good for people close to you isn't always what's going to be good for the majority of the people.

Was the pre-Khruschev government actually more proletarian? If so, how?

Stalins collectivization was a disaster and was responsible for the biggest famine to ever strike Eastern Europe. The quota's set in the first 5 year plan weren't even hit till years later. He did industrialize but collectivization was a mess. It might've not even been as bad if Stalin had taken outside aid to mitigate the poor harvest and Kulak havoc like Lenin did following the Civil War.

For kulaks? No.
To industrialize? Yes.

There is no "necessary", there is only "necessary for something". Why people can't think properly? Is this mass-media brainwashing?

Do you know how kulaks earned money (and their name)? They bought grain and sold it only when prices were high. Ultimate market strategy.

Except this lead to artificial famine even when grain was abundant. You needed only rumours to drive grain market into panic and kulaks into hoarding mode. Which is exactly what crippled (in mid-late 19th century) and then killed Russian Empire: in 1916 - despite good harvest - grain never entered market and prices kept rising. Kulaks were hoarding grain, expecting war to drive prices higher. And this caused artificial famine, which led to uprisings, which led to February. And February led to October.

In 1927/28 the same thing happened (rumours of war with England caused grain to vanish and prices skyrocketed => strikes and general discontent of the population followed). This is how Evil Stalin managed to "outmanoeuvre" Bukharin. People realized, that kulaks had to go and farming had to be collectivized now. Waiting until it happened naturally was too dangerous. So Stalin said things everyone wanted to hear and did things everyone wanted to be done (just like he did before and after - it's not his personality that was important, but his understanding of political currents of Soviet Union).

Increase of farming efficiency was also a factor, obviously. But if you want to know why collectivisation was necessary - this is why.

Essentially? Like it looked before the October.

Granted, there were quite a few differences, but IRL Revolution happened only in cities. Rural Russia had to wait until 1929 - which is why peasants had 5 times less voting power than workers, until 1936 Constitution happened (just to be clear: inequality in 1918 Constitution was not Bolshevik invention, they simply kept it from the pre-October Russia).

Bukarhin was superior to Stalin in almost every way.

Did you translate this? If so thanks alot

Explain the category of "sub-kulak" used to classify peasants during the collectivization to me. What is a "sub-kulak"?

To elaborate:

Bukahrin was right about forceful collectivization. The comparison of the 1932-32 famine to previous Russian famines under the Tsar is sophistry. Tsarist famines very rarely claimed 1 million lives, whereas conservative estimates for the 1931-32 famine put the death toll at 8 million.

Bukahrin saw this, and predicted the tremendous loss of life that would result from forceful collectivization if a poor harvest were to strike. Stalin initially supported Bukahrin in opposition to Bolsheviks like Trotsky. Stalin's goal was not reaching communism(which is probably why he asininely proclaimed the Soviet Union had reached communism ), but absolute power. As soon as Bukahrin came up in opposition to Stalins policy he turned on him and had him executed.

No matter how high you want to exalt Stalins industrialization you can't deny it came at the cost of millions of lives.


AKA: Kill any peasant who thinks we're mean.

Subordinate of kulak, I assume. The actual word is "podkulachniki" - the low-level members of kulak's gangs.

Will you stop with this bullshit at some point?

I don't know what kind of propaganda bullshit you are quoting, but the word existed long before October or collectivization.

I mistyped it, I meant 6 million. Which is a conservative estimate, with 6-8 being the commonly accepted death toll by historians. Not comparable to major Tsarist famines by any measure. Only comparable to the famine following the Civil War, which doesn't say much for Stalin.

Did you read the whole post?

Everything is cited in the link I posted. So much for "propaganda".

Go away.

Do you have anything to say about my main point which is the the death toll from the 1931-32 famine is not comparable to the Tsarist famines or are you just gonna spew infantile insults.


Go home, Conquest.

Zizek is quite well aware that Conquest is an anti-communist, it's just that he isn't afraid to "read the enemies of the left" (paraphrase of zizek)


He estimates 7 million. Wheatcroft puts the death estimate for the 1932-32 famine to be 5.5-6.5 million. Again, not comparable to Tsarist famines.

Being a kulak and being labeled as one are two different things.

Being a criminal and being labeled as one are two different things.

Do you suggest to abolish criminal system and legalize murder?

I don't care. I've already checked and doublechecked HOLODOMOR. Once people start talking about "millions" it's time to stop listening.

If you really, REALLY, want to shove "scientific proof of racial superiority Socialism never working" in someone's face, do it on slow board ( >>>/marx/ for example). Except their thread that debunks it didn't sunk yet.

>If you really, REALLY, want to shove "scientific proof of racial superiority Socialism never working" in someone's face, do it on slow board ( >>>/marx/ for example). Except their thread that debunks it didn't sunk yet.

*ML never working

But okay, deny any facts that doesn't conform to your belief system. And I wasn't talking about the Holodomer retard, I meant the famine in the whole of the Soviet Union.

Funny how your erecting a strawman yet shit on that other poster for erecting one in the thread about Wolff. He meant to say that the Soviets would label political dissenters as "kulaks", without actually being Kulaks. If you want to debunk this go ahead, but I already posted the Zizek piece about "sub-kulak" sophistry which you replied to with "lmao propaganda" instead of seriously addressing.

I'm sad your ban isn't still on cause you're truly one of the most cancerous posters on this board and by far the most cancerous tripfag. You make n1x look good, and that's hard to do.

There are no facts.

There are extremely dubious extrapolations, that will show the very same (if not worse) Holodomor happening in the US at the same time, if you'll apply them to US statistics.

Holodomor refers to the whole "famine" (Ukraine/North Caucasus especially), but Ukraine monopolized it lately, especially after their Nazi coup.

But he didn't.

Do you have proof of that?

What I see is:
a) Moscow grants to villagers power to ostracise (classical definition of the word) people
b) Moscow writes directives to villagers that say "this is to be used to kick out leaders of local gangs, not as a tool against people you simply don't like"
c) Moscow demands from local Party members to make sure that wrong people aren't harmed
d) Moscow sends people to oversee trials (NKVD, yes) with explicit orders to not harm simply wealthy people
e) Moscow establishes trials for appeals (and some "kulaks" are granted appeals)

What you see is:
a) Someone wrote that it was political

And now you pretend that our opinions are equally valid.

