I have no words to describe this right now. None. This is actually in the official AP course book about U.S History...

I have no words to describe this right now. None. This is actually in the official AP course book about U.S History. Do you wonder why the left wants to kill Devos so badly now? This is why.

Other urls found in this thread:


Good stuff. Is that it?

SCOTUS disagrees

Reported for underage, back to cuckchan HWNDU scum

That's all I found at the moment. Even if its the only change, its still massive. They are literally pushing gun control in official AP course material.



an official AP course book doesn't just include the actual text of the amendments? Jesus fucking christ. Keep your children out of State schools folks.

I would if I was still in a public high school

You know you can buy a copy for like $20 right?

Point still stands. This is currently being used right now. The liberals are trying to brainwash our kids and tell them guns are bad and gun control is a wonderful thing.

Thank god I graduated 7 years ago. Can't imagine how much its changed since then.

You haven't completely melted down yet

Tell me I'm wrong

Knowing American public schools:
>teacher shrugs and says "sure, whatever"

Some more I found. All from the AP book.

It's like you aren't even a subversive Marxist kike or something.

you disgust me.

Might as well make this into a thread about how the left is indoctrinating our schools

Who the fuck speaks like that?

You're welcome, jews.

talk about watering shit down

Mine was 6 years ago, according to younger people I know, history still consists of nothing but "muh crusades were evil and unprovoked, Christians killed Jews and Muslims for no reason, remember the inquisition goy, Christians tortured Jews and Muslims for no reason about 20%, muh holocaust 30%, muh white-master/black-slave only slavery and civil rights 30%, teaching Islam and Judaism 10%, various political topics for the last 10%

FYI even wolfram spits out the "new way" Math is fucked

No there's no way tha-


Not anymore, Grandpa. Disagreeing with an instructor, even when they're wrong, is grounds for disciplinary action in our modern education system.

This is actually old news, faggot. That's actually from Common Core for elementary kids.
This is all terrible but now I'm inclined to believe OP is sliding something.

The people who wrote this should be hanged.

Control the children and you control the future

Why slide when we should keep pointing out why exactly the left wants to murder Betsy Devos?

Why would they change the order of operations?

You greatly overestimate how much the average rank and file public school teacher cares. All they really care about is the teachers union getting them more gibs from the local taxpayers.

Because when they rolled out Common Core they didn't bother to teach the teachers how to actually TEACH and IMPLEMENT it. This is what you get

Are you literally shaking too? Stay triggered, faggot.

Devos is a piece of shit who will completely and utterly destroy American education. Common Core but 100 times worse.

She wants tax dollars to go to “schools” where the teachers are required to have ZERO accreditation. We’re going to have a nation of fucking imbeciles. Niggers in Africa will be more intelligent than the next generation of children.

I have seen this image before, but I didn't really appreciate how intensely fucked up that line is, especially how fucked up it is in the context of the U.S.

Teacher Unions, specially in New Jersey, are the most corrupt scumbags imaginable. Remember all those days off you got because they were going to a teacher's convention? Well guess what? It was just their word for a free vacation from the Union. They would hook up the teachers in NJ with free hotel rooms down in Atlantic City and comp them for everything.

Learn a trade.


Speaking of Common Core. What are some quick points to make that can shut the fuck up someone who thinks it is a good thing? I have an inbred cousin who tries to push it at family gatherings. I have the whole family on my side, but he really concerns me with that train of thought. He tends to ignore the facts that I present. Anymore insight would be appreciated.

t. butthurt public school teacher

Why are illegals not obeying the commands of government officials.

ok I mean

Every fucking time.

go back to reddit kike


this is an old pic

It could be about ambiguous syntax. Slashes really should be isolated better with parentheses.


They literally are the ones who turned New Jersey into a shithole. Your tax dollars aren't going to funding schools: They're going to fund the teacher's gibsmedats and give money to the Democrats who let them get away with everything.

I wish I had the red infographic on hand that showed that every major position for American public education and textbooks is held by either a Jew or a non-white.

We will still have more European blood, and that matters far more than the state of our schools. Obviously it is desirable to have a good educational institution too, but it's nowhere near as necessary as good genetics for intelligence.

Because they aren't U.S citizens! Then why can they vote, you ask? Because they ARE U.S citizens! Why can they have it both ways? Because they aren't white!

But in that image 16 is the correct answer. 5(2*2) is the same as writing 5*(2*2).
multiplication/division are done left to right.
20 / 5 * (2*2) = 20 / 5 * 4 = 4 * 4 = 16


The thing is, in theory it was a good idea. The problem was that when Obama started rolling it out everywhere, the government screwed up how to properly implement it. So the teachers and their Unions had no clue how to properly teach it so they just said fuck it we'll wing it, and that's why common core is so shit.

The more usual convention is to group things to treat "/" as if everything to the right of it were on the bottom. This does cause problems, however, when there is more than one "/" in the expression.
t. technical person

It depends on how you read it. Slashes suck since they're supposed to represent a fraction instead of a division marker. It's impossible to tell whether they meant
in this case.

python says it's 16
20/5*(2*2) = 16

meant 20/(5(2*2))


When I was in school, I used to get dropped off in the morning early and hang out in the halls with other kids who were dropped off early. Then one year the school decided that we were no longer allowed into the building early until the exact minute that the school "opened", even though the doors were all unlocked because teachers were arriving early before the buses clogged up the streets. They had us wait out in the cold instead of inside because the teachers union decided it was unfair for teachers to "watch" us in the halls. So instead of being unsupervised in the halls, we were unsupervised outside in the cold. Genius.

The kicker? The reason I was being dropped off early is because my mother was a teacher and I was catching rides with her in the morning.

No but I bet he can't even

I'll do you one better


Take a look at the K-12 states listed. What do they all have in common?
(((David Benjamin Gruenbaum)))

(((Kelly Roell)))

And so an already-shit thread descends to the Facebook tier. MODS ANCHOR

You'd be violating the usual order of operations by doing a multiplication, a division and then a multiplication. In school arithmetic kids are taught to follow the PEMDAS mnemonic. They are taught to read the whole thing and then proceed according to the PEMDAS order, and not to do solve the operations from left to right as they read.

Aren't you thinking of some programming language instead?


"I have always been very careful to not allow my schooling to interfere with my education." -Mark Twain

we've lost the definition of so many words in the English language, it's terrifying

Call politicians dumbfucks. That's typically a pretty popular opinion with people. Then after you get the crowd to agree that politicians are dumbfucks, say that politicians in DC should not be allowed to control our local schools.

Do this in a group of people who will be sympathetic to the idea of politicians being dumbfucks. The idea is to establish a group consensus that disagrees with your inbred cousin. Hijack their amygdala.

What you're calling the "new way" is the old way. You work left to write with / and *.

A better way to write it is:
20 * 1/5 * (2*2) = 16

This is going to fuck people up once they start getting into graphing. You cannot have 1 and 16 be equal. Imagine trying to graph X = 20/5(2*2). Don't even worry about the ramifications for programming, engineering, architecture, etc. Just imagine how fucked people will become once they start trying to perform high school math and they start trying visually represent their bullshit on a graph with lines. It will be like Jackson Pollock painting. I'm willing to guess that the obvious problem will not be apparent to grade school teachers, probably because they do not think in terms of higher mathematics unless provoked to do so.


Its true about how schools handle bullying as well. The anti-bullying propaganda is spread far and wide across our schools and teachers are taught what to do about bullying. Except here are the facts:

1. No teacher wants to get involved with bullying because its more paperwork for them.

2. If a fight happens outside their classroom or if a kid is getting bullied outside their classroom in plain view, the teacher will ignore it.


A slash is not a division symbol. It's a fraction symbol, and the denominator is annotated ambiguously.

Holla Forums has an anti-bullying campaign too. It's called, the strong kids don't get picked on. When you have a son, make sure he lifts some weights and gets /fit/.

Shit I remember being taught that as well. It was funny because in High School they let us all use calculators that cost over $100 that we of course had to buy. But then once I got into college all of a sudden you weren't allowed to use calculators anymore. So everything you learned in high school was for nothing.

Shame, my teacher lived in MA but she thaught us that slavery in the USA wasn't actually bad for blacks and Uncle Tom's Cabin was all exaggerated propaganda.

She also said the USA was right to nuke the Japs though… but at least she justified it saying it saved American Lives.

Holy fuck. I'm done…. hopefully you retards will have left in a week.

Shit, I wish they ignored it at my school. I can't even remember how many times I got called into the office asked to snitch on other students. Half the time the accusations were bullshit anyway, and the other half the time the dude who got bullied had it coming. They nearly disbanded the sports team I was on after one incident, but nobody talked. That dumbshit really deserved it that time though.

Fighting back is a serious no-no in the schools mind. Even though you were the one being harassed you still end up getting punished just as harshly as the bully. There's also a social structure that they never teach you. People like the jocks and rich kids, who more than most of the time are the ones bullying others, get away with everything, because the rich kids parents donate to the school board and the jocks make the school a powerhouse in the sports community, which in turn gets the attention of large NCAA colleges.


Just use proper syntax. It's not difficult to add a couple parentheses to make sure there isn't any confusion.

I think we just found Holla Forums's version of Mad Libs.

Exact same thing. Got called into assistant principals office once and was asked to snitch on some kid who apparently was carrying a knife on him. Told principal point blank I have no clue what the fuck happens in the back of the bus because I sit in the front and its not my problem. Didn't stop him from pressuring me, but luckily he got the point I didn't know anything.


The denominator isn't ambiguous if there's an implicit order of operations. Given the order of operations, there is always a unique result: 16 of read and solved from left to right, and 1 if read and then solved according to PEMDAS.

But it is ambiguous if you attempt to group the symbols hapharzardly, without any particular order in mind. In that case, you'd indeed need something like parentheses to make it clearer what belongs to denominator or not. But depending on how complex the expression is, reading or writing a load of parentheses would be tiresome.

÷ != /

1, if they haven't changed math since the stoneage (they have) you always calculate the divisor before completing the division. Spoken this would say Six Divided by "Two times One plus Two".

The first one is correct- the second one is new age sorcery that is, in fact, wrong.

This is old but the parallels between leftist rioting and the end of that video were suited perfectly

I'm going to assume If I look at every test book an (((author))) is behind it.

Years ago in public they never taught you to read from left to right if the order of operations is equivocal. Many were taught the old way of assuming that a division symbol simply means divide by whatever the number(s) is on the right turn out to be using PEMDAS.

This works because politicians are unanimously despised in general.

One kid got bullied so hard he moved states to join a new school where people wouldn't know him, kid deserved though he was a complete dick.

Imagine if the world would bother using polish notation or reverse polish notation. This shit wouldn't be ambiguous any more, not to mention it'd be faster to compute the correct answer.

PEMDAS but then there is a precedence of direction. 'like' operators (×÷) and (+-) are executed from left to right. 16 is the ONLY correct answer.

I hate how common core takes the simplest mathematical concepts and shits them up so niggers can feign understanding.

t. engineer

I was a student of the 2013 National Teacher of the Year. I've watched some of his video presentations on youtube recently, and it seems he's really shilling for more AP credits in the high school. He pushed to offer as many as possible at the school, but seems to have an issue with the Running Start(actual college credits at college) program. Says it doesn't offer the "highschool" experience. Curiously he was also a giant shill for Prozac and the comments on his youtube videos are hidden.

Get your kids the fuck out of K-12. They want to extend the Prussian education system to infect college student's thinking. K-12 was explicitly designed for brainwashing obedient serfs. It's so obvious now that common core went full retard.

I just don't get why they need to make things so needlessly complicated if its going to have no effect on you once you get to college.

I am pretty sure I was taught how to do it how it is expressed on the left, not how it is expressed on the right. That's how I have always done. Why wouldn't they express it as (20/5)(2*2) if they wanted 16?

in case people don't understand how that is significant

History was the easiest thing for me, especially for US History they feed you the same thing year after year since like 6th grade just adding more names and events on bit by bit.

master the fundamentals. public school is busy work and communust indoctrination. if you want to be successful you have to do some learning on your own.

Because they are fucking with our children's minds and they are making math "ambigious" like gender. Purge it with fire

Well no wonder Prozac would be in support of shit like Common Core. Common Core=Taking problems that shouldn't' be hard and making them hard=stress on students=students getting anxiety and depression=students going to see psychiatrist who prescribes them Prozac.

They make history so fucking boring even people who would care simply wont

It's the illusion of complexity, when using the "old" method forms a foundation that makes more difficult mathematical problems much less difficult for those who paid attention in class and practiced.


20 / 5*(2*2)

parenthesis are evaluated first
20 / 5 * 4

division and multiplication hold the same precedence, so they're evaluated left to right
20 / 5 * 4 = 4 * 4 = 16

sweet trips o truth

I can imagine countries like Japan and South Korea laughing at how fucking stupid our math system is. No wonder nigger graduation rates are so bad compared to other races.

I would agree with you except most people are too lazy to use subscript and superscript, so it becomes ambiguous.

t. engineer

This shit is insane.

but does that invalidate OP?

On the plus side, the majority of idiots in America never achieve anything greater than Facebook infamy, so they can't royally fuck shit up. But I say this working under a woman who argued for eight fucking months that 1/X always equals 0.5, no matter the value of X. I am not kidding or exaggerating in the least.

PEMDAS should have been taught PE(M/D)(A/S) because multiplication and division are essentially the SAME thing (scaling) only operative inverses. Same with addition and subtraction (linear displacement). hence the left-to-right convention.

What's so fucking hard about teaching kids BEDMAS?

this is the dumbest thing I've seen in a long time.
20/5(2*2) is the mathematical equivalent of writing gibberish, and then demanding others make sense of it. The rules should dictate how it is written down in the first place, not how one should interpret nonsense after the fact.

this is your brain on postmodernism, it was inevitable.

The entire statement is written poorly on purpose actually to cause this kind of confusion. My math teacher would have given me marks off for "ambigious" since there is no clear order of calculation. If this was derived from previous calculations then those would logically create the order of calculation. In any case the whole "problem" is wrong and a play on math to make a "point".

aka. Ebonics.


this is because a lazy cunt teacher that made that powerpoint so all the other lazy cunt teachers wouldn't have too didn't want to expend the effort to write:

5 ( 2* 2 )

in powerpoint

And of course I bet you that Obamacare was making it easy as fuck to get Prozac as well. This is why Trump wants to break up the pharmaceutical industry, so the kikes running all of them can't profit off our students abusing their drugs.

And while I'm at it, look up Eli Lilly, the company that makes Prozac, and then look into Zyprexa

division and multiplication hold the same precedence

addition and subtraction hold the same precedence

they're evaluated left to write


And thus "New Math" was born.

Why wouldn't they? Division is the same as multiplying by the reciprocal. Multiplication is dividing by the reciprocal. It's literally the same operation.

His whole mantra is to make the classes harder and harder. He says the kids love it and excel. When i checked the district's ranking a couple years ago, it was in the bottom 10% of the state. Recently I've seen some sites rank it in the 30-40% range, with the highest stat being sports related.

That school was full of dumbass pedos and sadists. They carelessly ripped out asbestos while kids were in school. I was pretty rustled when i heard they would be getting shitloads of grant money for their behavior.

Made my ex-school district look like heaven on earth. I haven't felt right about federal education ever since. The Prussian education system is human slavery make no mistake. Here's a great speech summarising everything wrong with K-12,


Depression-bux is the only way white people ever get welfare.

I actually get the feeling that the point of the lecture is to teach kids to use proper syntax to avoid confusion.

Am I the only one going to point out the hideous brown finger in OP's post?

Worthless non-white filth. Ew.

its division THEN multiplication and addition THEN subtraction unless parenthesis show otherwise

I wish I could agree but the phrase "the old way" makes me think they are teaching the common core methodology as the superior progressive method of calculation especially considering the age of the children. teacher herself kinda looks confused too

I love it.


Trust me it gets way worse


it wouldn't say both ways are correct if that was the case. I think its a shoop tbh. or I hope it is.

that's not the way computers execute it and when was the last time anything used math that was done by hand




division/multiplication and addition/subtraction are effectively the same operation.

The teacher is probably improperly trained. It's important for kids to learn this shit since schools are switching to paperless. Or they could teach unicode division slash.

Now everything is clear.


He actually worked on the team that developed Prozac, so he was really proud of it. Would tell the kids to get help ASAP if they were feeling depressed. Very suspicious.

My Dad has zero accreditation. He could teach electricity and math better than some "accredited school teacher" peddling common core.

Are you interested in students actually learning truth, or indoctrination?

i appreciate the intent to avoid ambiguity by observing convention and proper syntax.

>my children on them.
for fucks sake

still based pappa

No problems with going paperless, in that case the parethensis are even more important. t lk tchng nglsh wth n vwls

He had to have been involved with Strattera as well. The child psychiatrists used to hand it out like candy back then. I myself was one of those affected by those kikes. You do not want to be on that drug, it will fuck you up.


While I don't know your father, I have no cause to doubt that he is a capable man and can do what you say. Accreditation is SUPPOSED to indicate that not only does the person have the knowledge, but the skill and training to teach this knowledge. What it stands for now, is probably something full of sinister bullshit.

People keep insisting that I should take meds, and get pissed off when I explain the source of my distress in simple terms.

You're going to have loads of fun using shitty software resources when you join the workforce. Apoo, who coded the resource, doesn't care about your convention.

The answer on the right is actually the correct one. If you get 1 from it you are counting it wrong. Either way 16 is not an answer "thanks to Common Core", but correct math.

We already had a huge argument about this in a thread some months ago and any fucking retards claiming the answer is 1 got big league BTFO.

= 16

This is because you follow a left to right order in mathematics WITHIN the same group, for example multiplication and division are within the same group, and of those, the leftmost is always done first. And when the methods are from separate groups, such as division and minus, the division is always done first no matter where it is, because it takes order of importance over plus or minus.

The "new way" is the correct way, and the old way. This image is a bad criticism of Common Core when it's actually correct math.

There was study done that showed that GED holding coal miners raised their kids better than the average public school.

For fucks sake anons at least spend 15 seconds on the picture before outright assuming it's wrong. The "Old way" in the picture is giving the wrong answer. And I seriously doubt that it has been the old way in USA before Common Core, because if that were the case then your engineers would have been making severe mistakes for decades, and your bridges should be imploding right now.

A mongolian yak could do a better job than even the most accredited american public school teacher.

The math on those digits checks out, that's for sure!

Need to see the race breakdown on homeschooled. My guess is it's something like 90%+ white. This needs to be corrected for when comparing to public school stats - most of the differences could just be from comparing performance between an all white and a mixed race school system.

So yeah the answer is 16, the problem here is that "the old way" is implying that people used to require multiplication done before division even though that's not true (though some may mistakenly believe so), and the final bigger problem is the "Both answers are equally correct" part because that is just flat out fucking wrong. Math will never have more than one correct answer.

For those that mistakenly think multiplication always goes before division, they could have clarified the equation by writing (20/5)(2*2) which means you'd solve the parentheses first to get (4)(4) which equals 16. Done and done, no confusion.