Daily Reminder That the Jews Were ALWAYS Bad

Daily Reminder That the Jews Were ALWAYS Bad

There is this idea floating around that the modern kikes aren't real kikes because only the Talmud and rejecting (((Jesus))) turned the "Israelites" into kikes.

But whether modern Jews are religiously equivalent to the ancient Jews is irrelevant, because the ancient Jews were ethnically vermin just like their modern-day descendants.

This attempt at defense in the form of "Ancient Jews weren't like today's Jews, they were true Jews / Israelites / Hebrews or whatever, and not like the modern kikes!" is utter bullshit and doesn't even matter.

A rose by any other name would smell as sweet. A kike by any other name would still be a Jew

Other urls found in this thread:


Actually, they were Semites (aryans), and the kikes are Hamites (niggers/sandniggers).

lurk moar

derp. There's hebrews, khzaras, indo european converts to ancient judaism from hebrews from the mesopotamia area, etc if you go to really ancient times. And culture/books of judaism were in different form and with different types of worship.

The most obvious and undeniable Judaism change is after Jewish Roman wars. They got so close to a real genocide by the Romans that their religious books offered no explanation, so they invented the Talmud with bitterness to basically everything.

Giving same name to different shit is a plot to cheat more goyim.

lmao get out Söderman

forgot to

The old testament is nothing but lies and utter nonsense from narcissistic desert niggers. I don't understand how anyone claiming to be redpilled could defend it

This is true.

Ancient jews were just as evil as modern jews. Exodus is the original Holohoax. It never happened, it is ancient jewish slander against a plainly superior civilization that the jews were envious of. Since the dawn of recorded history jews have been the most evil race of "people" to ever walk this earth. Anybody claiming otherwise is a jewish apologist who needs to lurk at least 5 more years before they post on Holla Forums again.


Ancient jewish culture and worship were evil. The Romans changed nothing. The Romans tried to wipe the Jews out because the jews disgusted the Romans just as the jews disgust us today.

Hebrews were laughed out of the Library of Alexandria when they tried to get their scriptures added to the volumes. No doubt the burning of that prestigious library was their childish revenge.

Khazar's are Semites, Turks turned to Abrahamism.

The hatred of Canaan, a peaceful trading nation stems purely from Abrahamism and the Jewish cult. The fact is, Abraham, who killed his own kid because he was a psychotic retard, led to having his prodigy Moses, who was also a psychotic retard, command Jews to kill their own kids because they'd had children with Canaanite women they had raped, then order them to commit to one of the first cases of actual genocide.

The rest is history, a history of Jews ranting, raving and kvetching about how evil and degenerate Canaanites were.

The Khazar myth might have some truth to it, but it doesn't change the fact that Abraham and Moses were both fucking retarded mongrel inbreds.

You already said they were jews.

Moses never existed. He, like all of Exodus, is a complete fabrication. The jewish priests fabricated Exodus whole cloth while they were in exile in Babylon to justify their status among the jews. (The purpose of Exodus is to defame the Egyptians, whom they were jealous of, while at the same time establishing their religion as a supremacist religion in which their god was better than everybody else's god no matter where in the world they traveled (at the time polytheists like the jews Yes, they were polytheists understood gods to be tied to their homeland, such that if you left your homeland you left your god.)

Genesis is also a fabrication made around the time they were in Babylon. People started converting away from the flock because the Babylonians had a creation myth while Judaism did not.

I know of the existence of Solomon and King David to be without a shred of evidence. But Moses being a fabrication seems a little far fetched, who then led the Hebrew armies (recently exiled from Egypt) into Canaan so they could conquer it?

Had the Jews been like any number of similar Levantine tribes with similar religious beliefs they would long since have ceased to exist. Their people have been subjects to every superior civilization (Egypt, Babylon, Greeks, Diadochi, Rome, various Muslims, Crusaders…) in the region that ever existed and yet their envy and xenophobia kept them alive and largely pure.

This. There are no good jews.
Even good jews like Eben Moglen, who do quite a bit for overall goodness, are still not good jews.

And I'm not being sarcastic, or anything.
"Good jews" can be good jews "over there" and not in our countries.
We have the internet after all. No need for ANY jew to reside in western countries.

Never happened. Jews were never in Egypt. To them Egypt was a prosperous far away land that made their existence known through trade and legend. Jews were never there.

Envy, xenophobia, and matriarchal lineage system that allows them to infiltrate other races.

Jews are like a fungus. You can kick all the mushrooms over, but the fungus lives on underneath the surface, out of sight from all but the most astute fungus expert.

Were the ancient jews as deviously intelligent as the Askenazi's of today (average 115 IQ)? Or were they dumber?

Got some sources?
How did the Hebrews come to conquer Canaan if Exodus is a complete fabrication?

You know, the truth is such an easy pill to swallow.

When you look at kikes today, and their doctrine, the Talmud, it makes it very obvious that the kikes of today are not the Hebrews of yesterday, but ethnically and ideologically.

The very definition of 'kike' is based on a hatred of Christ, yet shills and liars will use it to describe Jesus and the ancient Hebrews.

A few people are waking up to this, but I find it very disheartening when you have retards like OP spreading disinfo and confusing people even more.

Your theological perspective is very lacking in facts.

The Talmud, as we know it, is a satanic text written hundreds of years after Christ, with numerous passages calling for the destruction of Christianity.

So Jews like Michael Brown and/or all these "Jews for Jesus" types aren't bad because they believe on Jesus? Or would be alright if only they would join your particular sect?

The same way they conquer everything – by getting shabbos goyim to do the fighting for them. In the case of early Israel, it was mostly the Persians who did the smashing for the Jews. You remember the Persians, they're the unholy menace who nearly snuffed Western Civilization in its cradle three or four times.

Fucking Jews.

Are you confusing Turks with Persians?


It's called subversion.

Judaism ended, or was "completed" with Christ.

How many "Jewish Conservatives" are there in the US? Only enough to keep white people from ever defending their own interests.

US Jews vote Democrat at a rate of about 85%, so that would leave about 15% who either vote Republican, and a pittance Libertarian or Green. Unlike white conservatives and other right-wing types, Jews on the right are entirely interested in only two things: removal of all government regulation of business, and the security of the existence of Israel. Their interest in the security of the United States means the continued existence of the government and military apparatus used to crush Middle Eastern countries hostile toward Israel.

As far as the actual people of the United States, they couldn't give less of a fuck if they tried. America could be the 100% black/Arab/beaner mongrel race that Coudenhove-Kalergi dreamed of, and Jewish conservatives would be perfectly happy with that so long as they can extract shekels from the goyim, and our military ensures that Israel exists as a safehouse to flee to in case the goyim ever figure out what the Jews are up to.

There actually is some truth to the notion OP. Don't get me wrong, they've always been shit. But before the Talmud they didn't have their parasitic, usury-based political strategy they call their religion quite nailed down, so they weren't nearly as dangerous. (Though just as morally bankrupt, which is why they could make the Talmud and why it appeals to their nature.) Extreme nepotism and loxism wasn't so integral and inseparable from their religion before then though. They still worshipped moloch/yaweh and were evil shits, but they're weren't as organized or dangerous until the Talmud. They went from just being just another group of semetic subhumans to the number one threat to humanity with the creation and adoption of the Talmud. It definitely made them much more dangerous and started their money practices and selective breeding for being good at modern jewry.



All kikes are race mixed.

Shem. Jesus. Hitler. Seth. Noah.

The Talmud is from babylon.

Any Abrahamist ideology is scum. Jews were always parasites who destroyed nations and their ideological offspring were created to turn masses into drones at the service of Jewish slave drivers. God's chosen is only real because people still believe in Jewish fairytales. There is no "one true God", it's all Jewish invention and was used to destroy the old true Gods.

Daily Reminder that Jews have used Christians to do their dirty work since the Crusades and used them with the notion of a "Holy War" too completely kill and massacre the German people after WWII

Hang all Christians. You are no longer needed and are forever Traitors.

I thought we were past denial and into (justified) admission at this point.


Judaism is a genetic disease characterised by paranoia, reduced empathy, schizophrenia and psychopathy.

It has nothing to do with the Talmud or them rejecting anything. I has to do with their blood. The kikes we know are a mongrel race. If you'd read Kevin MacDonald's series on the jews, their origins, and their behavioral proclivities you'd know this. It's all laid out in plain english and well cited.

Equating the extant kikes with an extinct race is just beating a dead horse. Current kikes are a combination of the Pharisees(the kikes of the old Hebrew race), Turkish traders(mudkikes), Roman expats(kikes of Rome), and the daughters of European nobility who were so desperate for cash they sold their daughters to non-christians(so white kikes who aren't good with money). So you outbreed an already shitty portion of a population with other shitty populations, then let it stew and inbreed in urban areas for centuries and is it any surprise you get shit?

The old Hebrew where just one more nation of herders and mercenaries little different from the Hittites or Babylonians. There is little merit or fault to be found in them as a whole, they behaved like nearly every bronze/iron age population, including the Celts if you’ve read the Ulster Cycle.

The Jews failed, they were broken and destroyed for all time, the last remnant of their race is a blood-taint which barely resembles the Pharisee rats who jumped ship when the Romans scattered them. They deserved their fate because they were unworthy of a covenant with God, they existed as an object lesson. And so it was for better races to do what they could and would not.

We have kikey shit in our own race as well; or more accurately we have pussies who are vulnerable to kikery. Roundheads are certainly the kikes of England. So it is difficult to indict a dead race over having kikey faggots among them when we have some of our own. If liberal whites didn’t exist eh kikes would never have gotten their claws in us and “white guilt” wouldn’t exist.

You have to know what your enemy is so you can root him out and kill him. Every kike, every liberal, every nigger, every mestizo, every saracen: they must all die.

Are you all fucking retarded or something? Sumner and numerous Mesopotamian city states recorded with pride that they killed of their enemies to the last child. Genocide is a dime a dozen. Also what is wrong with genociding the fucking enemy? Aren't we itching to kill billions of niggers, shitskins, mudslimes, and the kikes themselves? Didn't America do the right thing by genociding the fucking injuns?

As for kin slaying, Roman's founding myth is based on kin slaying. Alexander the Great might have assassinated his own father, though we can't be certain. The people of antiquity saw no point in glossing over the "unpleasant" nature of politics and power struggles among the hereditary elite.

What exactly is wrong with controlled and properly applied violence? What is the fucking standard being applied here. In one breath people bitch about others being soft then bitch about warfare.

Explain to me what the ideal you seek is.

Although there was some Khazar input, they weren't a major let alone the primary source of kikes in Europe. The original hypothesis had merit but it just doesn't seem to be the case given the haplogroup studies.



Which of course would fail because.

1)mudmen cannot into economic activity
2)mudmen cannot into war

The kikes would kill themselves even if they won.

Which is why they killed all the kikes in several cities and why the commoners who followed the crusades purged them though out Europe on their way to the Levant?

Of course they were always bad, why did you think they were chosen? Because it certainly wasn't because of their merits.

Watcha doin their rabbi? Checking your own dubs again?

Weren't half the Crusades strictly Christian, and specifically told Jews to fuck off?

Here's a (((wikipedia))) link, and it's fucking hilarious how much shit this article is going through right now:

Funny how the Talmud instructs kikes to destroy the new testament / gospel, very much like this subversive thread is attempting to do.

Talmud is a Babylonian text. Modern kikes are not genetically the same as the ancient Hebrews. Christ condemned kikes as "the synagogue of satan". The Talmud instructs kikes to destroy the new testament / gospel, very much like what this subversive thread is. Modern day 'Judaism' is based on stolen Hebrew identity by sand niggers. Talmud is a Babylonian text. Modern kikes are not genetically the same as the ancient Hebrews. Christ condemned kikes as "the synagogue of satan". The Talmud instructs kikes to destroy the new testament / gospel, very much like what this subversive thread is. Modern day 'Judaism' is based on stolen Hebrew identity by sand niggers. Talmud is a Babylonian text. Modern kikes are not genetically the same as the ancient Hebrews. Christ condemned kikes as "the synagogue of satan". The Talmud instructs kikes to destroy the new testament / gospel, very much like what this subversive thread is. Modern day 'Judaism' is based on stolen Hebrew identity by sand niggers. Talmud is a Babylonian text. Modern kikes are not genetically the same as the ancient Hebrews. Christ condemned kikes as "the synagogue of satan". The Talmud instructs kikes to destroy the new testament / gospel, very much like what this subversive thread is. Modern day 'Judaism' is based on stolen Hebrew identity by sand niggers. Talmud is a Babylonian text. Modern kikes are not genetically the same as the ancient Hebrews. Christ condemned kikes as "the synagogue of satan". The Talmud instructs kikes to destroy the new testament / gospel, very much like what this subversive thread is. Modern day 'Judaism' is based on stolen Hebrew identity by sand niggers. Talmud is a Babylonian text. Modern kikes are not genetically the same as the ancient Hebrews. Christ condemned kikes as "the synagogue of satan". The Talmud instructs kikes to destroy the new testament / gospel, very much like what this subversive thread is. Modern day 'Judaism' is based on stolen Hebrew identity by sand niggers. Talmud is a Babylonian text. Modern kikes are not genetically the same as the ancient Hebrews. Christ condemned kikes as "the synagogue of satan". The Talmud instructs kikes to destroy the new testament / gospel, very much like what this subversive thread is. Modern day 'Judaism' is based on stolen Hebrew identity by sand niggers.

funny how you ignore evidence to justify your religion and call people subversive for pointing out the truth but what do you expe… LALALALALALALALA!

I say this as a Christian, this is true. The OT is literally full of Jews Jewing. The NT by contrast is basically one long warning about trusting kikes.


Oh there are good Jews alright.

Hittites are Aryans, and invented iron

Who the fuck cares about the book they worship, look at their genes - they don't lie.

You have the reading comprehension of a fucking 3rd grader, kill yourself.



For more than four decades, biblical experts have tried to place the story of Exodus into historical context–without success. What could explain the Nile turning to blood, insects swarming the land, and the sky falling to darkness? Integrating biblical accounts with substantive archaeological evidence, The Parting of the Sea looks at how natural phenomena shaped the stories of Exodus, the Sojourn in the Wilderness, and the Israelite conquest of Canaan. Barbara Sivertsen demonstrates that the Exodus was in fact two separate exoduses both triggered by volcanic eruptions–and provides scientific explanations for the ten plagues and the parting of the Red Sea. Over time, Israelite oral tradition combined these events into the Exodus narrative known today.

Skillfully unifying textual and archaeological records with details of ancient geological events, Sivertsen shows how the first exodus followed a 1628 B.C.E Minoan eruption that produced all but one of the first nine plagues. The second exodus followed an eruption of a volcano off the Aegean island of Yali almost two centuries later, creating the tenth plague of darkness and a series of tsunamis that "parted the sea" and drowned the pursuing Egyptian army. Sivertsen's brilliant account explains inconsistencies in the biblical story, fits chronologically with the conquest of Jericho, and confirms that the Israelites were in Canaan before the end of the sixteenth century B.C.E.

In examining oral traditions and how these practices absorb and process geological details through storytelling, The Parting of the Sea reveals how powerful historical narratives are transformed into myth.

semites were aryan

semites were just the descendents of shem. whatever their genetic makeup is now (garbage), it wasnt what they were at the beginning.

but of course you are talking about (((semites))), in which case you would be correct

There is a torrent out there somewhere. It used to be on KAT but has since become difficult to find for this book. The Hebrews didn't know what they were encountering when they communicated their stories to others. This book explains how oral traditions are passed down generation after generation. If one looks at the nine plagues, knowing what we know today about volcanic eruptions, and volcanic fallout, all of the nine plagues are easily explained by science.

The lying Hebrews accredited everything to their God, and used their God to justify every vile act they've ever committed. The two volcanic eruptions are documented in the archeologic record.


Another source to debunk judaism as a fictional self-serving creation is "The Modern Scholar: The Hebrew Bible"

This meme needs to stop, its simply not true. I wish you lunatics stayed in /christian/


Yeah, I'm pretty sure the Jews forced those stupid white cucks to fight back after the Umayyad invasion, amirite

I'm going to bump this because it always amusing watch the Christcucks try to keep the balancing act of pretending to be pro Europe while trying to keep their middle eastern supremacism hidden.

This shit right here is exactly what I'm talking about.


So? That's about 4 years less stale then your image macros.

I'm sure you've already been told this OP, but I'm just going to hammer it home. You are a retard. The jews are not the biblical israelites for one reason, that being the Khazar Conversion. Ashkenazi origins are in Khazaria, not Israel, and 80% of kikes are Ashkenazi. Nobody knows who the legitimate tribes of Israel are, but there is some evidence the Tribe of Dan made it into the British Isles, which would indicate their brethren would be Europeans at large. 12 tribes with the same father.

An aside, the bible (which was written hundreds of years before the Khazar Conversion) says:

Correct. One only needs to read the old testament to know that kikes have always been subhuman.

And what makes the biblical Israelites so divine, stories from the Torah?

Don't belive I said anything of the kind you fucking shill.

Reported for intl.

You didn't I just want to know why they are even worth caring about.

hope that captcha wasn't too difficult

There is no such thing as a 'good jew'
This shilled pandering of 'not all' thats been going on with the influx of trash needs to be knocked on the head

The only good jew is a dead jew, no comprimises

Also remember under a National Socialist state, you are free to practice any religion as long as it does not go against the state.
Anyways, arguing with Christcucks is just like arguing with a kike, nothing but snakes and cockroaches. Go die for your kike made God and the world would be forever grateful. Have a nice day.

This is false and has been proven so by genetics. Jews are half sandnigger and half European.

non-christian whites were also killed in the cucksades you cocksucking christcuck.

Daily Reminder That your god emperor is pro jewish


Invasion of what? Europe wasnt invaded until the 1400s after the (((third crusade)))




yeah pushing for a 2 state solution, putting Netenyahu under the thumb, pissmad kikes everywhere.

lrn3 chess

Without Christianity, Islam never would have existed. Christcucks spread Jewish scriptures and they got into the hands of Mohammad, who combined them with Arab tribalism to create Islam. No Christianity, no Islam.

All products of Judaism are trash, including christcuckoldry.

Nice try endcuck.

ebin :DDD

Jerusalem was rightful Byzantine clay, ever since the Romans kicked out the kikes. Why shouldn't they fight for it?
Jews fought alongside Muslims to stop Christians taking it back.

he says, while hiding behind the image of a Christian leader

Found the taqiyya lovin' muhammadan! You shouldn't lie so much about obvious things.

I just came here to call OP a faggot. They're probably extinct so really it isn't worth worrying about. Jews today are a problem. Who cares if they usurped the name and who cares whether the Israelites were scumbags or not. I just prefer to see actual info spread, not disinfo.

Yeah, no. The exact opposite actually.

That was long before Europe was completely Christianized, what are they even referring too?


you going to answer my question though?

The only reason Hitler pushed for Positive Christianity was so he could get the faggots who followed it to fight for him and would stop fighting amongs't themselves (which of course is still rampid too today) . That is the only fucking reason. Get a grip.

I think Trump was wrong in letting kikes marry into the family, doesn't mean I will discount every but of good he has already done because of it.

fucking puritan trash

He wont, christcucks are dissimulate like jews. The double-think degenerates their brain


The whole "Hitler was a secret pagan" meme was pushed by the Allies and their collaborators as propaganda to get THEIR people fighting against Hitler.

cuckstians will always completely ignore how their beloved crusaders went on a rampage in northern europe and decimated dozens of white peoples in the name of Yaweh.

They also ignore how the crusaders were responsible for creating banking cartels managed by jews who wreck europe to this day.

They also ignore how christianity is the direct cause of the creation of the concept of social justice and original sin.

They will also ignore how rampant paedophilia is and was in christian history up to this day.

What they wont ignore? Jews tricking them into invading lands far-away from home while "based nigger" fucks his daughter in the name of christ.

If you are redpilled on religion, you are not christian, if you are christian, you are not redpilled in any sense. And no, jesus being mad at some kikes in a temple dosent stop your religion from being a jewish tool.

I never said Hitler was a pagan, and I think he said that he was even embarrassed by self proclaimed "Pagans" amongst the Third Reich ranks.

I hate using it but





Yes i'am sure him sending himmler to india to look for the pagan origins of the aryan people were just a coincidnce. The SS being themed after pagan lore was also just a coincidence. His ramblings about how christianity made europe weak was just a coincidence.

A whole lot of coincidenses to fit your cuckstian narrative, right? Kinda reminds me of how some other semitic cults behave…

Abraham was chosen by God to be the bloodline that would bring about Jesus. Presumably he was a righteous man. This does not mean his progeny would be. At one point the number of righteous Israelites was as small as 7000.

There were jews that stayed the course, and jews that went off to commit all manner of profane. The good jews became christians, the scum jews became pharisaics aka talmud kikes aka "jews" aka synagogue of satan.

Anyone who calls themselves a jew but does not follow Christ is actually cursed.

call it ledit spacing all you like, did i tell a single lie in that post?

mods will do nothing about his

Which is why they weren't made the spiritual core of the Reich. Oh wait.

Try harder fuckwit. By try harder, I mean try harder at becoming more coherent in your dialog and rhetoric. That wasn't just a misspelling, instead what it shows is that you are using a word you have never seen spelled before and even then you cannot fathom how it was pronounced.

We aren't questioning the content, just the obvious provenance of your "learning". The community in which you have devoted so much time leaves a taint that is not easily concealed.

Do you know what a paragraph is? How is anyone supposed to give a fuck when your post makes their eyes bleed?

you need to go back

This is very true. I wonder how many Christcucks have even read entry stuff like Mein Kampf

Maybe they got angry from you guys turning on them when they don't show up to with in seconds to keep the hugbox in check.

Unlike you christcucks, i'am not ashamed of the symbols of the origin of my people.

Everyone knows what board you're actually from.

Mods will defend anything that pushes Trumps narrative and Christcucks follow Trump with a blind rage.

The fact he wouldn't trust the job to a European tells me all I need to know about that god, assuming he's even real.

They spent the last 60 years calling Hitler the devil, what do you think?

That pic really has nothing to do with our discussion of the boards moderation.

Cool, strawmen with more Holla Forums boogeymen.

Here's how it usually went:
Christians put up a church.
Pagans attack into Christian lands and burn it down.
Christians then usually conquer the pagans.
In any case, the pagans convert to Christianity.
The converts Christians will then put up a church.
Then the next tribe of pagans over the river will come and burn it down, and the recently converted Christians will go and conquer them.
And so on.

Good to know where LARPagans stand as far as Trump goes. Now we can just have them blanket banned.

Christcucks openly discuss subverting Holla Forums in the name of a Semite because they are triggered by KeK

On the contrary, it was the destruction of the Knights Templar's banking network by the French king that left a vacuum that was filled by Jewish usury-based banking that continues to this day.


Do you understand now why you are not redpilled?



They have no shame as they have adopted the sociopathic nature of the race of their master.

Pagans come to kill us, we kill them. We're even merciful and offer them a chance to kneel before Christ. What's wrong with that?
I bet you would also complain that Hitler was evil because he killed millions of hwite people in his war against the communists, too.

Yes, because there were no pagans living in europe prior to christianity, oh wait…

That is clearly a Jew.

8ch.net Holla Forums is dead, time to just lurk for happenings. Have a nice day.

Christianity is a normalfag-tier religion. I don't see how in the world anyone who's put serious, long-term commitment to studying multiple religions would possibly remain one. Buddhism is objectively superior, as is Taoism. I assume christcucks spend all their time reading second rate christian apologetics and never read the foundational texts or philosophical treatises of any of the religions of the far East.


You have no idea what his genetic make up was.

Abraham was born 350~ years after the flood. All of humanities genetics coming from only 8 people, 350 years on, does not make for much diversity and does not give your dreaded kikes hook noses and paranoia. As Bane would say: That comes later.

oh good, more batshit kike insanity


kill yourself

Real original.

What cha doin goonsquad? Using bots and using imkunty to delete and censor posts?

Oh. Yeah. You fucking kikes do that.

Israel will be nuked soon

Pick one

Thats your religion CHRISTCUCK

You christcuck GOONSQUAD fucks keep thinking youre gona have some great (((crusade))) againat thw mudslimes.

You forget 90+% of all nationalist groups are pagan. We will be the ones slaughtering you, and your jewish masters. You kike.

I got ten fucking posts for you coming up you filthy shill goonsquad kike

Typical christCUCK


Get the fuck out

Go ahead and claim the table talks are forgeries. TWO JEWISH SCHOLARS SAY THEY ARE, JUST LIKE YOUR JEWISH HOLY BOOK YOU KIKE