This guy is making a movie based on the last game you have played

This guy is making a movie based on the last game you have played.
How good__ is it?

stop with these template threads

OK, I will start then:
Dishonored - filmed in some abandoned harbor, starring crack addicts as weepers and Corvo is played byTill Schweiger

Fuck Till Schweiger. He is the biggest faggot of the German movie industry. He literally only ever plays one role, the faggot single father who is trying to save his daughter/father. And he plays it badly.


Maybe. I don't even know who the fuck that OP pic fuckwad is. Literally any movie director currently out there would take a simple concept of cars playing soccer and shit it up save for Pixar or Disney, they have their own fucking problems though.

A guy who exploited the German tax system to get money to make films that are universally accepted as shit. He go buttblasted when Germany closed the tax loopholes and he can't get funding for his films anymore.


well…at least it wont be feminist trash.

Well, that's pretty much impossible to fuck up

Postal is the best video game movie ever made.

Low budget, generic space action movie with really crap CGI aliens and "muh diversity" cast. Would be pretty bad.

Your little sisters twat is the video game movie ever made.

At least that wasn't my mom.

You mom a shit


There's no plot so he'll have to shove one in, probably with a forced romance and pointless swearing, bad CG, and probably something even dumber I didn't think of because I'm not him

Bullying is wrong, user. Wrong

Does he even make vidya-based movies anymore? I thought he moved on to drama films about Dharfur.

I don't know, but Rampage 3 should get a video game adaptation.

If he's actually invested like it was with Postal - gon b gud

I actually liked Postal and the two Rampage movies.

If you don't like his movies, box him :^)

boll is shitting his pants thinking about having to fight anyone with previous combat sports experience, like that seanbaby guy

Can't be any worse.

Portal 2

This needs to fucking happen.

Its definitely something



it would be a masterpiece and you know it
just imagine how hilarious harlaus would be, i'd imagine bolle would cast himself in the role

The main reason why so many of his video game adaptations are so bad is because he really didn't try. I think in his country or whatever, if a movie bombs, there's an insurance deal thing where you can still make a profit. Most of his video games movies were made because getting the rights was easy and cheap and even if the movie failed, he'd still make money to pay his bills.

Other movies where he actually tried were fairly well received.

how would it even work?/hebe/ would most likley latch on to it

The survivors have to get back to the ship, every level one of them dies until only the commando is left in the final level, he is about to be defeated by Providence but he notices a ukelele lying next to him and smashes it on Providence's head, at the end the commando can choose to use a movie only item to go back in time to save the others or escape the planet by himself, he decides to use the item, back in time now he says to his fellow survivors *guys, it looks like there will be a risk of rain* and so the movie ends.