Xexizy needs to educate himself on Marxism-Leninism

According to him, Marxism-Leninism is 'When the Party does what is contrary to what the Proletariat want, because they think they know what's best for them'. (Paraphrasing)

Muke, you know nothing about Marxism-Lenism. What I suggest you do, is go to someone like theFinnishBolshevik and get him to have a discussion with you about Marxism-Leninism, like you did with that liberal about Socialism here youtube.com/watch?v=5O3ogBVOXW0

I'm not asking you to become an M-L or an M-L-M, but you should know what something is before you go around spreading your opinions on it, opinions based in false premises.

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the cold war is over user

Right, but all the current Marxist revolutionary movements are ML or MLM with the exception of EZLN which don't really do anything anymore, the government doesn't give a shit.

I think everyone can agree that the importance of communism now is not in its current existence but rather what it could be in a few years. The fact that the sad state of affairs for communism is in the hands of ML and MLM doesn’t mean they are any more important.

That being said I am MLM and think that what communism becomes will be MLM and believe there is more evidence of that than "naxals and DPR are ML bro"

but all the current Marxist revolutionary movements is get killed in the woods

I would argue that the almost overwhelming prevalence of ML/MLM would identify, in 2016 atleast, as the leading goal of the international proletariat.

As M-L-M Mayhem put it:

'Maoism, then, is just over two decades old, far younger than Marxism was at the time of the Russian Revolution, and already there have been significant attempts to pursue its operationalization: Peru, Nepal, India… There will be more attempts, and the RIM will rear its head again, and the 21st century will not only be a century of great rebellious upheaval––as is every period of crisis––but it will be for anti-capitalists, in many ways and despite banal movementist claims, the maoist century, just as the 20th century, regardless of the tiny counter-currents of anarchism and reformism, the leninist century.'

NPA is looking at a serious advantage with the new President's much less brutal counter-revolution against it. IIRC there is currently a cease-fire. There would not be a ceasefire if all the Revolutionaries were doing was getting killed in the woods, and in India, the Naxals are moving in on the industrial cities, or so I hear.

yeah this is what we need to solve our problems in 2016

I don't think you follow. The Ceasefire means that the government had to sign it in order to recover from what NPA has done to them. And if the Naxals take a city, that means that it's manpower will increase, possibly up to half a million depending on the city (they already have 100 000+ soldiers according to 2010 estimates, it's unlikely to have drastically changed since then), and taking a city/cities would mean transforming a rural guerrilla insurgency into a full on civil war.

I never said that…

If you're getting butthurt over my very old Stalinism video I already admitted that had problems in it though the core arguments I still mostly agreed with and have yet to really have anyone directly challenge them, but that's not to say therefore they must be right.

Honestly I've found myself becomming more and more sympathetic towards the USSR recently, but I still think ML'ism is irrelevant in the 21th century.

Lastly why did you make a fucking thread for this. Message me on twitter or fb or something jesus.

Of course they'd rather get into peace talks than have to deal with an insurgency, no matter how ineffectual it is. As for the Naxals, 100,000 people in India is not all that much.
Even if they do win somehow, revisionism will inevitably happen and the party will do retarded shit like the four pests campaign because of the nature of centralised authority.

You said this in the kulturkampf debate

Also I have messaged you in the past but had no response, so this is obviously the best place to get your attention, here, or the comment section of a video.

Everytime, just go leftcom fam and read Pannekoek.

Too bad leftcoms are not pragmatic and dogmatic as shit.

Thats why you should be ironic leftcom to pretend that you mather in leftism.

Remember that it is ML and MLM that pushed the idea of having different strategies for different places and times. What this means is the vanguardism was relevant in Russia in 1917 and that Mao's communist zones were relevant in china during the war between the KMT and CCP. It is the most relevant ideology there is (provided you are not dogmatist and always do your own studies of your area's political climate).

He should read proper (Leninist) leftcoms.

Revised spelling is pannenkoek

Revised spelling is petty-bourgeois crypto-anarkiddie democracy fetishist.

Oh shit, he's alive

Hjonge ik weet wel dat het Pannekoek is kanker kut amerikaan. Leer wat meer talen dan alleen die kut engels! Ik kan al raden dat jij Troelstra of Domela niet eens kent of iets van de historie van nederlandse linkse geschiedenis. Kanker wafel vreter tering lijer.

When I was like 14 I went to Amsterdam and a prostitute flipped me off for making faces in the window.


Alsjeblieft, kankerlijer

btw het is een grapje, maar ik verwacht niet dat autisten zoals jij dat snappen


Lees jij ook alle woordenboeken in jou universiteit terwijl je buitgesloten word van alle echte werkenklasse revolutionare organisatie in de pannekoek huis?

wew, niet te serieus he.


Ik zit niet op de Uni, ik was niet slim genoeg voor VWO.

Radicale MBO revolutie wanneer dan?

Ik zit opt hbo, niet mbo.

Ik was pas in 5 vwo naar havo gegaan omdat mijn Duits op vmbo 3 niveau zat.

Yeah Muke is a paper boy now for his Marxist club now. That and he debated again while drinking sooo if that gives you any closure.

Wat voor opleiding doe je nu dan? Bijna iedereen hier is hoog opgeleid in een of ander manier. (Zelfs die idioot Muke)
