At the critical moment in its history in November 1989, the NVA rallied to its Germanic heritage and rejected Communism...

What did they mean by this?

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Did Holla Forums wrote this?

It's what happened in reality.

t. prussia pro

Except the protesters in Berlin were singing The Internationale, in the protest of the bureaucratic regime, to show how it strayed from the original idea of the emancipation of humanity.

nah that's pretty accurate. The annexation of the DDR was a case of German nationalism. "Wir sind das Volk" was chanted during the Monday-demonstrations. It means "we are the people" even though Volk has a more nationalist connotation than people.

So it rejected the Soviet and embraced the capitalist oppressors?


Communism is a dream, and people will always wake up.


You can now either tell me about all the communes in East Germany or you can explain to me how you can have communism without communes.

Oh boy, I forgot communism has never been tried.

So it is a dream.

Communism isn't tried, it's the social organization socialism develops into.

So it's a dream, no?

How does one even "try" communism? Shit don't make sense yo

I don't know, having a semblance of communism?

I'm not sure if you're drunk or just stupid, but it's probably the latter.

That's trying m8.

I mean, I try a cake means I taste a part of it.

I know what trying is, that isn't the point of confusion here.

My question to you is, how is it even possible to just "try" communism? How would I go about trying it if I wanted to?

Ask Marx.

Have you read any Marx? If you have, which I think is unlikely, you should reread until you understand the absurdity of what you're saying. If not, why are you so handily meeting the definition of idiocy by opining on a topic you know nothing about?

Marx proposed to step to make communism, no?

I suppose if you want to try it, you should ask him.

oh boy

So when you say "just try communism" you're actually NOT talking about trying communism, but rather the steps which Marx thought could allow a society to develop into it?

Are you implying that those steps are the same as communism itself? Because while those steps have certainly been tried, to my knowledge they have never actually achieved communism.

I'm saying Marx says he knows how to make communism, so if you want to try communism, you should ask him.
So communism has never been tried.

So we're back to square one, I see. No problem! These are difficult concepts to understand for a rightist and I'm happy to walk you through them.

There are two ways which this could make sense. Which one of these two options is closest to what you mean?

I'm pretty sure I said communism has never been tried.

Yes, but what exactly do you mean by that?

I can only help you if you're willing to put in the effort, friend.

It means communism is a dream, it has never existed in reality.

It's actually been there longer than Holla Forums has existed:

So you're in agreement with the second statement, then?

If that is what you mean by "communism has never been tried", then virtually every leftist will agree with you, although the way you phrase it is misleading and borderline nonsensical.

bruh can you stop replying to this guy, look at the way he's talking. I don't know why but I get the distinct impression he has a large forehead, a baby face, and a slightly open mouth as default

I'm pretty sure I said communism has never been tried, if every leftists agree with me, that's cool, because leftists say that all the times.

Well no shit he's not all there in the brains department. It's taking a lot of effort to deconstruct what he's saying at frame it in a way which should make sense to him, but I think it's important we know how to explain complicated concepts such as leftist theory to the simpleminded. They're no less human than you or me after all, and deserve compassion just like everyone else does.

if you're gonna go ahead and try and do that it's probs best you avoid calling them 'simpleminded' - doesn't usually result in receptivity ;)

Well, I'm glad we're on the same page about this. If you ever want anything else about leftism explained to you, asking respectfully(!) on this board is a great way to have these things cleared up. It also really helps us answer your questions if you're specific about what it is exactly that you don't understand.

Well that would be true IRL, but this is 8ch. If that's what makes you too riled up to listen to reason, then shit- it would have been impossible anyway.

Holy fucking shit leftcom. "Volk" is not "völkisch". Volk simply means "people". They were shouting "Wir sind das Volk" to differentiate themselves from the alienated elements of the GDR that claimed to be of the people: Volkspolizei, Volksarmee.

You know what the left needs? Some fucking liberal language police

you're retarded

Has communism existed in reality?