How does it feel knowing that Holla Forums will never have a TV show or have the entire media bitching about their...

How does it feel knowing that Holla Forums will never have a TV show or have the entire media bitching about their memes?

How does it feel having no influence, no good memes, and no hope?

Other urls found in this thread:

define good memes

because most of Holla Forums's memes are forced memes

also what tv show does Holla Forums even have ? aside for something on public access



wow that's some nice garbage you got there


Watching the first episode and I can't say it's bad at all.

Very adult swim, it def belongs on the channel. Reminds me of Tim and Eric.

Yes that's exactly what happened.

You're just mad that you haven't figured out how to summon ancient chaos gods to strike down your enemies.

Yeah you sure got us buddy.

I said Holla Forums not the alt-right.

I was merely contrasting Holla Forums and Holla Forums

tv show?

tbh mde's youtube channel is funnier than the show

World Peace isn't even that great
Sam can be funny but he tries a little too hard at times

You mean the thing run by the Jews? Have you guys officially a sold out?

If it criticizes jew, sure.

ok, granted, but at least we have original memes unlike Holla Forums

o rly?

We had Wonder Shozen.


Hmm… I dunno, fam.
How does it feel to be controlled opposition?
How does it feel to be the useful idiots of the plutocrats?

You really need to learn about surrealist humour.

Way ahead of you.

If the project of alt-right (or whatever) is to develop memes and being talked about in the media, then they're just a theatrical act - that the system can absorb and spit out for general consumption.

Hopefully the left never becomes like this.

Sam is actually a post-ironist. Which means he's being sincere. He actually is a reactionary fuckstick.

Also, friendly reminder to read Debord because he explicated the spectacular rise of the alt-right over 50 years ago.

Quote me faggot.


Please burn this whole fucking board to the ground.



Showzen was entryism at it's finest


Please delete this thread YOU FRICKING sinner BIGOT OH MY GOSH


nah bro, unless he is just pretending to be retarded he is a true reactionary tool. but what do you expect he doesn't fucking read weber or hegel or marx he's just a fucking bum hipster funny comedian


Not that it really matters, but we beat you to it by 10 years.
It's actually a really low standard to have, tbh.

This is now a leftist fiction thread.

the holy grail picture was supposed to be The Dispossessed, but it still works tbh.

is there actually a difference? I thought Holla Forums was just one of the alt-right's internel cespools


is that lord english

