WIthout magic, wings, or a jetpack can you explain to me how a double jump is possible?

WIthout magic, wings, or a jetpack can you explain to me how a double jump is possible?

Methane gas

it isn't


By programming it into the game.

This is probably the stupidest question I've thought seriously about in a while

Sure, but first we need to explain the concept of parallel universes


Ripping ass

The force of your legs is so great and fast that by jumping again in the air generates enough impulse for you to jump.
Like Luffy's Gear Fourth

By jumping again in midair, are you retarded OP?

It is a matter of will user.

The character drops a small platform after the first jump, jumps off of the platform in air, then picks up the platform before the second jump propels him upwards so that he can double jump again.

Without magic, wings, or a jetpack can you explain to me how can a spiked gigant turtle monster that shoots fireballs exist?

Selective breeding.

That's what Dante do.

Wings and jetpacks have zero in common with bowser pasta guy

I think the real question is why stop at two? You're cleary capable of jumping in midair so there's no reason not to do it indefinitely.

This is actually a really good question.

Super Tech.

The real question is why can't we use the rest of the Rokushiki techniques like Soru or Kamie, and we only get shitty once per air state individual Geppo with little to no ability to change momentum despite that fact you're jumping off of something.

because he's a turtle
because fire flower.

Might as well ask how I-frames work in games while you're at it.

I like this idea.

From now on my theory regarding double jumps is that it's some quantum bullshit that basically makes it so you exist in your own reality, but for a brief moment, you're tapping into another reality, in which there is a solid surface right below your feet that you can jump off of. In that instant, you continue to exist in this reality, but you move according to the other reality. You can only do it once because if you do it too much, you'll lose your grounding in this reality and you risk jumping into another one. You need to interact with a physical surface in this reality to reinforce your connection with your own reality, otherwise some quantum bullshit will happen and you might zap into another dimension.

Fuck those turtles, they're evil

Reality is boring

they also have a massive penis

no you are

By wanting it real bad.

Not wanting it bad enough.

Why would you bring that up, you disgusting cock connoisseur?

enjoyable gameplay mechanics

Anons have to make a living somehow

I don't think there's an actual demand for knowledge on turtles' genitalia.

With a regular jump, you push your legs against the ground to propel yourself upwards.

With a double jump, you perform a regular jump and then push your legs against the air to propel yourself upwards.

Do it again and you have a triple jump.

Do it repeatedly with your arms and you're flying. Birds fly all the time, and OP is a dumbass faggot.

Artificially generated surface area under ones feet via teleportation technology in the soles of your boot.

Kicking the air itself had enough to boost you further, not unlike kicking water to make you swim. You just have to kick the pocket of air that's already going forward from your wake at the right strength and angle.

Muscle fatigue and/or disrupted air.

Didn't Crash 3 have an unlockable triple jump?

Changing causality so that instead of a jump of a one-jump height, a two-jump high had instead been reached. Rewriting the local past to achieve desired results.


I'm pretty sure in Alice: Madness Returns you get a quintuple jump.

In Risk of Rain, you can get multiples of the double jump item, and they stack. Infinite double jumps.

By throwing down some mass. First you jump then you throw your shoes at the ground with enough force to propel you upwards another jump.

In a fair chunk of metroid games,you get the space jump,which is infinite.
Checkmate atheists


Couldn't you do that in one of the Mega Man spinoffs? I think it was the first Zero game but I'm not sure. It's been a long time since I played those.

Purple gem in Sonic 06

What was the first game to have a double jump? Pac-Land?

Well, Alice use her dress to float and propel herself up with some weird butterflies.

No jetpack, but can you use other technology? Shoes that quickly compress the air but then for some reason can't keep compressing it due to the force and time required to compress the air, so effectively you only get a double jump from normal height. While falling indefinitely, you could technically keep jumping, but you will never fly.

Because you run out of cannon balls in Pirate's Curse.

Can't basketball players sort of fake it?


I tried reverse searching

Any more than two and you risk injuring yourself on the landing, of course.

Super Mario 3 with glitches

SMB3 was 1988

Fuck, nevermind then.

God of War actually covered this.

The way Kratos does his double jump is that he first jumps into the air and while in the air he lifts his legs so that its like he's sort of sitting in a chair.
His double jump happens with an animation where he is then suddenly straightening himself out.

I think the possible explanation for this is that he's not pushing down with his legs so much as he's pulling himself up with his abs and thighs somehow in such a quick jerky motion that he gets momentum again to essentially pull himself up rather than push down against something.

There is a little bit of a backing of this in the real world as dancers (ballet, professional in other ways) often cite strong core muscles allowing them to jump high and hang in the air for as long as they need to. Leg strength helps, but you can help massage your momentum and such with the right body movement/position.

Is it all complete bullshit? Yeah, of course it is. But its the best you're going to get without magic, machines, or mutations.

For my money though, it involves magic but its probably the least stupid of such and that would be Devil May Cry's double jump explanation.
Its so simple, its just a magical platform that he can jump again from and honestly that's probably the least dumb idea.

You jump, and then you jump again.
It's really that simple.
How do you not get these sorts of things?

you've never watched One Piece, have you?

you guys haven't seen anything yet

the second jump is a wall jump. you're kicking off of the background. you can't triple jump because you're moving away from the background wall after kicking off of it, and if there's a wall on the other side you aren't close enough to it to kick off of it because you were close to the other wall.
it's actually a painted wall
tv screen
ok, there you'd need antigravity tech or compressed air jetboots or some similar gimmick

I like this explanation. Using quantum physics is always fun to explain something in a bullshit fashion.

Requesting artist please. Cropped images do nothing in reverse searches.

I stopped watching it after the awful animation in CP9.

if you go back to it, for the love of fuck skip Dressrosa.

So much fucking time filling it'd make the Namek arc from DBZ blush.

This. But now that the Arc is over, I think it might be enjoyable, same with Arabasta.

Man, what happened to Toei? I mean, they're on budget AND time, but this shit is almost unwatchable.
Although they can make pretty cool stuff if they try really hard, but the rest of the episode will look like shit.

I found that arc dragged in the manga I can only imagine how insane the padding is in the anime.

Because it's a fucking video game, you autistic cunt.

using the sheer force of autism you can dive into a second plane of existence, this is known as a double jump

Without magic, wings or a jetpack can you explain how sonic can always go faster?

Crash 3 had the double jump you pleb.

It's possible in micro-gravity, NASA did a heap of research on how to move without touching anything in case an astronaut had to.

I remember when "Because it's a fucking video game" was all the argument you needed.


Go away Knuckles

You never know

It's half the size of the fucking turtle itself. God shit damn fuck.


how I always did it

Psychic powers, of course!



Spark pouch in mouth to ignite flammable gasses expelled when belching.