PC-88/98 / FM-Towns / X68000 / Sharp X1 / FM-7 thread

PC-88/98 / FM-Towns / X68000 / Sharp X1 / FM-7 thread

How would you describe its games? There's like something different about them, with its own unique style and atmosphere, but I can't put my finger on it, maybe because it wasn't until a few years ago when I discovered these old platforms.

I just want to see people talking about them and their games and learn shit.

Also the 46 Okunen Monogatari game, "prequel" to EVO: Search for Eden is now being translated:


Other urls found in this thread:

dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/33934572/Stuff/The Professor (New).mp3

I love the audio chipset of the PC-98

shit. DOS games were better.

>someone linked warosu.org/vr/thread/2540000 last thread

Which game do you want?

Always funny how without fail, whenever I bring up PC-98 in a thread, a general is always made soon after.

Don't worry, OP. Once I get through a few of em, we'll be able to start making legit threads with proper pasta in the OP along with good starter recommendations that I'll help pick myself.

Anyway, back to the topic at hand, PC-98 is only really good for porn/eroge. Sometimes RPG.

Here's a link to a windows version of a PC-98 eroge. It's good. Give it a shot if you want some comfy classic eroge, or if you enjoy the old dating sims from Newgrounds back in the day. The resemblance is uncanny. And yes, it's in English, the screenshot is not.

Also, here are the links I posted in the other thread:



The Windows version of True Love won't work on modern 64-bit Windows. You have to play it in a virtual machine or online here: tss.asenheim.org/

This was my first H game and probably the only one, its also on windows or msdos i can´t remember. I jacked a lot to that game

Really? It worked perfectly back when I had Windows 8 on my desktop. Did you try it again? What was the specific problem with it? Last I checked, 32-bit applications worked in a 64-bit environment. Maybe I set it to compatibility mode or some shit.

It's the only PC-98 game I've tried thus far because I've been busy with other games atm. It's great, and easy to get into because I was yuuuuge on NG dating sims back in the day. I'm gonna beat it once I get done with the other games I got.

It's not a 32-bit application, it's a 16-bit application.

allof them

Actually I did just try it and it worked, huh. I remember last time I tried it it failed to run, weird.

Huh. Forgot applications could even go that low.

Maybe a windows update or some shit. Old games like Starcraft 1 give me shit all the time. New operating systems are always bipolar when it comes to old software.

But there are too many to upload them all, user.

its like you niggas dont know about dithering


user, there's hardly any games there. It's not like the files are that big. You can easily uplo-
jesus fucking christ, when are you going to play those?
how do you personally emulate them?


when my japanese improves

Neko Project 2 fmgen


It seems pretty mediocre to me. There are much better examples of dithering.

I just got it running on my win7 machine with compatibility mode set for Windows XP service pack 2.

It's gonna be a huge pain in the ass having to learn a whole language just to experience a dead format like this. It'll be worth it in the end, I guess. If only I could get a proper CRT to run it on


It's not that hard as long as you try everyday.

I do read every day. I can get through a game like True Love or Princess Maker 2 easily enough, but I'm not quite good enough for the more heavily story-based games like Policenauts. It's only a matter of time…

I miss when the popular bodytype was more fit like this, where all the meat was on the thighs/ass and more shapely tits. Nowadays, they all have huge tits and more "realistic" proportions, or just standard loli. It's gross.

My long term goal is being able to visit the better parts of east Asia, so I'm actually making an effort to not learn just nip, but chinese and korean. I got nothing better to do with myself. I already got the writing system/grammar of korean down within a month of lessons.

Hotwheels, I had fucking spoilers checked you stupid fucking cunt. Why the fuck is it not spoilered? Fuck it, eat shit. A little porn won't hurt the board.

Any recommendation about learning Chinese or Korean?

explain this.

What is that game in the picture there, OP?

46 Okunen Monogatari

I took a night course at my old high school. I don't remember the rates, but from what I can remember, it was a good deal. The teacher was great and took us to korean BBQ to test out our shit. Chinese I have yet to learn, simply because the whole "enunciation is what gives a word its definition" gives me a fucking headache.

Anyway, yeah, I'd suggest some sort of local tutor at a rec center or night/adult school. I hardly even studied, but I was learning korean at a fucking intense rate simply because it's such a basic language, probably my favorite.

When something is uncensored, assume it was licensed in America, you dingus. You gotta nut up and see past the pixelation on censorship, regardless. Nips can't draw genitals for shit unless you watch genius works like Bible Black.

It looks cool.

Is it?


Shits gotta get archived or else it will vanish

i remember an user that uploaded a shit load of games in mega, is your collection from that?

What's a good site to upload large files?

I got mine off of a Japanese file sharing program. Might be the same batch, but I never uploaded it.

So, what is the size of that?
I have a 3gb romset with like 6000 games I think is pretty much everything there is but maybe not

Meant to

Whats the size of the collection?

ok, how heavy is all that?


7 zip files, 12.5GB total.

will do it user, upload all that for the greater good?

MEGA is only uploading at about 400kb/s so it'll probably take hours. I'll post it in the thread when it's done.

How many games?




About 2,200, going by the file count.

waiting is what we do best, user.

Hmm…well there is-

All right

You should post it in the share thread when you're finished so that way people can find it

This is weird
I have 3122 games on the PC-9801 folder but its barely 2gb

Mega, as far as I know. It's pretty great with large files. How big is that collection, GB-wise?

I'd like to thank you for making this thread.
I've been looking for "old pixel-art visual novels" for the artwork as of late and been getting nowhere.
Didn't know what to search for exactly.
You have given me the words I needed.
Small windows into the past have now been opened.

Well, I'm a faggot. Thread updated finally. Mega should cover that, I think.

Hmm, maybe there's some CD games mixed up in here, I haven't really looked through it all.

Also, is there a list of translated/playable-without-needing-Japanese-language-skills games?

I know Princess Maker 2, which I fucking love, but are there others? I'm not too familiar with the platform.

I'm just so fucking excited to see EVO is getting translated after all these years.

there is a site with CG of old vidya called xhentai or gehentainsomething.

how hard could pixelating an image be?

Since user is already uploading the 12 gb shit I will just list the number of shit I have so if someone is missing something I could upload

PC-88VA 17 games
PC-6001 84
PC-8001 5
PC-8801 2960
PC-9801 3122
PC-9821 23

it was a pain in the ass for me and it still didnt give me the intended effect

You'd think there would be a way to scan them on an emulated OS.

2 questions

1. Aside from Rusty, what are some other good games for PC98

2. Do these PCs have emulators on the Wii?

Briganty and Night Slave are fun.

True Love is a good starter, and you can install an abandonware version of the windows port with no emulator required. There are tons. I'll make threads soon ranking the good eroge in order. I figure I'll spend an hour in each, so I can get through em quicker.
I'm gonna pretend you didn't ask that. And the answer is no. There are hardly any PC98 emulators for windows, and don't even get me started on finding guides to set them up.

My problem was no tag for what I was looking for, but if I put in "PC-98" or others I get like 3 whole pages because the people who uploaded were nice enough to put them in the name.
Not nice enough to put them all under game cg in many cases.

I've tried.
"Save for web" in specific programs is your friend especially if you can designate the amount of colors and what colors to use.
Some filters make things look a bit better.
Still feel extra special shit at it.

Well excuse me for wanting to play this on a Trinitron, user.


Nevermind, I was wrong.

You're a hugantic faggot for playing this with a motion controller. Please fucking die of AIDS.

Even psp have it

Kinda platinum nigger are you?

shit…..now I might have to be the nigger.

please fucking stop, ok?

Are you fucking retarded? The Wii has 2 USB ports. Who the fuck wouldn't use a keyboard? I played PM2 on dosbox on a Wii that way.

I'd sooner use a Hitbox for shmups before I use a keyboard. Sorry for having a preference

user, on what fucking planet is this a fucking keyboard?

I'm giving you shit for immediately assuming that someone would use motion controls. Not adding on to the fightstick argument.

Or you could just get a not shit keyboard.


that is a big list of games.

the nerve of some people!

I beat Dragon Slayer - The Legend of Heroes a few weeks ago and really enjoyed its fast paced combat and graphics. On the down side the game is quite short (22h for me) and the voice actors for the american dub are among the worst you'll ever hear in any form of media.

I wanted to play its sequel but it's japanese only with no fan translation, and since the first game was quite heavy in the usual japanese "trigger to advance the story" I'm sure I'll get stuck too often.

Which program?

There's no need to be upset. Sorry to have bothered you.

Wait, let me guess. You think anyone who emulates PS2 games play on keyboard because that's what they use normally with a computer, right?

Or you could use your brain for longer than 2 seconds to avoid a kneejerk reaction to "MOTION CONTROLS".

Using a keyboard for emulating simple shit when you have NO OTHER CHOICE is ok. But when you're too autistic to easily play a game the way it was meant to be played instead of frankensteined into some autistic console with an autistic controller, you can't even call me a purist at that point. You're just retarded. Any PC can emulate PC-98, so don't use some candyass console instead.

Are you okay?


Photoshop but there is something with my compy that hates photoshop for some reason so I've used some program called GIMP 2.
Here is a quick example.

You should use 16 color, since that is the color palette of the PC98.



I lastly use Paint.net with a bunch of downloaded filters to mess with images.

just say i've used GIMP

What a coincidence, so do I!

I'm assuming you downloaded the plugin mega pack?

Here we go:

Thank you, user.

Thanks mang!

I'll be sure to make good use of safekeeping that collection should it ever disappear from the net


This has been fun.
I decided to use some of the backgrounds from these old VN's and what not to make 1080p backgrounds.
Tried scaling in every program until eventually using GIMP which can do it without fucking up the image.
I'm using windows 8 so I quickly realized that every time I set an image as my background it artifacts it into a shit low quality JPEG gutter trash even if the image is a 100% quality JPEG.
It only artifacts slightly less that way.
To work around that I have to open the image in a browser and then save it as my background from there.

Sadly when I resize 640x400 images it is a 8:5(16:10) aka 1920x1200 instead of my podunk 16:9 1920x1080 so I have to shave off 120 pixels from the top, bottom or a little of both.
Feels bad.
The real annoying ones are the ones that are 512x320.
I cut them down to a 5:3 scale (480x320) so they don't have weird squares after I scale them but then they're 1920x1280 and that seems like way too much to simply trim here or there.
The best recourse is to make them 480x270 so I don't even have to chop them up afterwards.

truly you are the hero of our times

Can we talk about old W95/98/DOS japanese games too?.
If that's the case does anyone know where i can find an ISO for an old Myst-like game called Void wich features jp text with english audio for some reason. It's really hard to find, an obscure title of you will.
I can only find the demo.

Also may i know the name of said sharing program?.

Never ever save pixel art as JPG. Only use PNG or GIF.

It's just called Share. It's a pain to figure out and really slow, I don't even know how I managed to get all those huge files from there.

i wanna fug that spirit

I know, but I only did it that one time to see if it would stop windows from shitting up the image.
It did not, it just artifacted slightly less than any png or gif image.
The proper recourse is to open the pure png in a browser and make it the wall from there for whatever dumb reason.


fancy that, i saved the mega from other user from last pc98 thread


You're the real MVP user.


Neko Project 21 seems to be the latest 98 emulator to get updated.

Also, apparently you can install Windows on it.


I couldn't resist trying to tidy that up.

How would I go about emulating PC-98 games on a TUBE TV? Would they look better on an LCD or CRT?

Unf, YU-NO. I fell in love with that game long before they referenced Monk's Mound in Illinois, but that sealed the deal. And the music is so, so good.

Oh jeez oh gosh.

It's the creativity that comes from working within very strong restrictions. Creating good-looking art when you only have a few actual colors to work with brings out the best in artists, to say nothing of the resolution.

By the way, if you like this stuff, there's a huge thread of similar stuff on the Codex.



I don't understand a single fucking thing that's happening, but this art looks FANTASTIC.

The game is Toushin Toshi 2 by Alice Soft. I don't know anything about the PC98 or Alice Soft, but I'm told this game is fairly popular.

Is there any game with easy vocabulary that uses furigana by any chance? Maybe the Puyo puyo games?

I don't think the resolution is high enough to display furigana.

Both Toushin Toshi games have windows ports that are translated if you prefer.

Damn. Well, at least I understand what's happening.

Any link?


How casually non-offensive.


"Yankee" is Japanese slang for a delinquent. Not the same as the English meaning of the term.


Can someone please tell me the screenshot key for T98-Next or Anex86? I can't see, to find them anywhere.

Hot damn, what a time to be alive

Use this archive if you want to peruse the /jpc/ threads on /vr/ for more of this stuff: desustorage.org/vr/search/subject//jpc//

Not sure where to find Void, first I've heard of it anyway. Stuff like Paradise Rescue, Clone Ranger, and the hybrid Win/Mac CG adventures are elusive, but I know they're usually in good hands. I got the Pink Gear games from a friend recently, for example.

Recently I tried a couple of dungeon crawlers, The Cageling #1 and #2, the former playing like Brandish and the latter closer to a polygonal 3D Rogue-like but I'm not sure if it is one.

The Codexers don't really care about this stuff, but Helly and MrRichard have done a lot of good recently by fan translating Artdink's Lunatic Dawn CRPGs, having mostly complete patches for many of them so far.

Just configure IrfanView to take snaps in the client window (active) at a fixed resolution, then set a hotkey. Works very well, though I don't know how to make profiles for that.

How do I configure this program to capture the Emulator?

I use "Foreground window - Client area" and keep the emulator display at 1x scale to get 640x400 native PNGs. Options 5 and 7 will let you do the same with more fiddling to make it work at larger/smaller scales. Definitely use the hotkey and set a folder path to story your snaps.

Just use Neko Project 2, it's the best PC98 emulator anyway.

But How do I get it to even select the program as a possible area to capture? I can't seem to find anything in any of the drop down menus.

It keeps asking me to set the system disk. If there is a way to set the video to 1280x800, I'd be willing to keep using this one.

I am filled with nostalgic memories of beautiful colorful low poly arcade games.

Fuck everything.

If you click the cat icon in the upper left you can change the resolution.

I don't know what "set the system disk" means, you just have to mount the fdi or hdi file. The game you were trying to run starts up immediately for me. (pic related)

I is the screen I get, even when running-

I'm an idiot. This emulator isn't compatible with .fdi, is it?

Running Neko Project II, trying to run Runner's High (Compile). Converted it from an fdi to .D88, and now I'm having this happen. Do I have the emulator set to the wrong architecture or something? Please help.

I manged to get Gakuen Bakurestu Tenkousei by ZyX running. It's pretty fucking awesome that Neko Project II even emulates the computer's loading noises.

Really wish I could read half of this shit right now.

Do you have the bios.rom file in the same folder as the emulator?

Try my version, it should be all setup properly.

Now this is a fucking gem. This image right here.

Why does BLACK want to hit you with Arale's stick of poop?

Thank you for the Emulator based user. It even seems to be able to load .fdi images, which NP2 previously would not do for me. It seems though I still run into a few errors with some games. Example shown: Edge by TGL

What settings should I play around with to fix bugs like this?

Another example, taken from in game. I can't see my health bar.

It runs FDI just fine, the problem is you didn't have the system disk in the right drive.

System disk?

Check the game folder. There should be a file marked as the system disk, or システムディスク. Mount this in the second floppy drive slot.

When you boot with disk A, it asks you to switch to Disk C to start. I kept disk U in the second drive at all times. I still got the graphic error.

Can I have a link? I use Paint.net as well but I don't have a lot of plugins.

I thought you were trying Runner's High?


I've been switching between many different games. Let's focus on Edge for now.

You can try changing the graphics display controller under screen options.

That did it. Thank you user.

It's ingenious, really. There is no counter against poop on a stick.

The music in this opening cutscene is fucking phenomenal.

Couldn't get the full video due to size limit, and had to convert it to webm. The quality has likely got to shit as well.

This is Runners High. Pretty neat little game. Only 3 levels to race though, and you only ever race against time. Wish there was a little more to it. Great game otherwise.


Dude, how did you get Share to work? I tried it a few years back and I honestly couldn't do it. All the clusters I found were dead and it all fucked up.

I just want my Jap tunes dammit

Dunno man, it was years ago, and I just followed some guides. I don't even know if it still has uploaders anymore.



What game?

Virgin Angel

Fuck dude. I wish I could read moon runes right about now.

will this emulator run all the games you provided in the megafolder?

also, thanks for all the work you put into this thread user.

Dunno if it will run all of them, but it should be the most compatible.

np user

So is there a reason to draw pixel art in programs like Graphicsgale or is it better to draw something in sai/manga studio/PS and just put a pixelation filter over it?

The .gif software I'm using can't seem to record anything at a framerate above 15 without slowing the entire gif down for some reason. Such a shame.

Does anyone know what happened to PC98 driver development in MAME/MESS? Same for software list updates, they're even missing 2hu.

Cheers man, I wonder if people back then were thinking about if others would archive these things and share them with others.

With the music, this intro can be pretty bad ass. Albeit slow as fuck.

You'd be better served doing it by hand than using filters. It takes for fucking ever though. This one took me 7 hours.

Depends. If you're making small pixel art sprites then hand crafted is always the best choice. On the other hand for big pixel art panels and scenes I would just make them using traditional or digital panting and then interpolate them and add filters. Maybe do some manual pixel touch up here and there.

What program are you using? Can it do bayer-ordered?

user, please. I can only get so erect.

I use aseprite. I don't use any programmatic dithering whatsoever, since I have a particular style and you can't beat a human touch.

Hey user, you feel like becoming my slave and working for me 8 hours a day with your mad cool spriting skills while I make gaem and you lust for my cock secretly?

Very nice.

Please tell me you're making an h-game with that art.

I can also make OPN and OPNA music with a couple different MMLs, including PMD and KOLIN.

dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/33934572/Stuff/The Professor (New).mp3

I mane of refine taste\
Any fucking walkthroughs for that game? cant complete the objective of that mission where they point you directly to a hostile zentraidi ship, think it was when they kidnap the chink singer

I'm sorry user. I could not find any. If you can read Japanese, consider looking for a Japanese text walk through.

I've done a special arrangement for play on PC-9801-86:



Thanks again for the nicely organized upload. I was able to locate an old nukige I really liked in there.

Thank you so much for the upload, user!

any of you faggots played this game? any tips?

was anybody actually able to download this?
Jdownloader is giving me temporarily unavailable and I just can't download through browser because MEGA seems to be capped now.
Changing my IP doesn't seem to help because it restarts the download and ends up getting stuck at the same part.

Can someone with a good upload speed who was able to download re up making its parts less than 900MB each, it seems the cap is 900MB

deal with it nigger.
i have the same problem so i just downloaded 1.5gb and waited 6 fucking hours to download the rest.
im just need 2 more zips and im done.
So if anyone wants to ulpload big files on mega, try to go less than 1.5gb to make the experience less painful.

Sorry, I didn't know there was a download cap. If you know of a better site I can upload it there as well.

I could download the entire 12gb in one go. I had no idea MEGA even had a download cap.

Actually I'll just upload all the games individually, that should be easier to download.

damn user, you are to good for this world dont do it, make him wait 6 hours


Where are you from?
When I used a vpn to try and download from the US the wait time was 1 hour instead of 6.
Maybe there isn't a cap for your country.

You have a heart of gold, don't let them take it from you.

Sweden (help).

Are the caps country based? If so, that's really weird.

Ok with this you should be able to download any game individually. Might take a while to load since there are so many folders.

(Make Sverige great again!)
I'm from Uruguay and I got the 6h, with the US vpn it was a 1h and you from Sweden didn't have to wait at all. I doubt it's random but we'd need samples from other anons to confirm country caps.
Country based restrictions are not uncommon though, I remember tinypic applied some restrictions to Argentina and Uruguay some years ago to force premium since it was very popular but no one paid. I think rapidshare also had varying wait times depending on where you were


Damn user, you really are a saint.

mexfag here, 6 hours wait after downloading 1.5gb

user, you are in h8chan, stop being so nice!

In the event that mega blocks this share too, I have added it to IPFS for some redundancy/longevity:

Also here is a separate collection that I haven't gone through yet so I'm assuming it has a lot of overlap, I forget where it came from:

I'm doing it. Don't try to stop me.

Dude, you're a cool one

the FM-77 still has the best version of Dragon Buster

This is the pixel art/music user from earlier, I'm making music for 86:

I probably should have included the file list for the second batch.

How is the PC-98 version of Dragon Slayer: The Legend of Heroes? I bought the Windows version off DLsite but for some reason it didn't come with the CD audio leaving me stuck with MIDIs. Not to mention the choppy movement and my inability to get the menus to display correctly. If the PC-98 version is good I might just say fuck it and skip the hassle of getting the Windows version running properly.

It was a PC-88 game to start with, but a fast JRPG with great music, and one a lot of the older crowd in Japan like whether they have or haven't played Shin Eiyuu Densetsu. For your userdisk (formatted using the in-game utility) you need to generate a blank floppy image of size corresponding to or larger than the main game floppies—Anex86 has a floppy generator I use often.

It's a floppy disk game so obviously no CD audio, and the movement is as choppy as any other old PC RPG, but the menus seem to work fine.

Bump to save this precious thread.

user of the year, your deeds won't be forgotten.
Excellent pair of dubs as well.

It would seem us spics are getting the shorter end of the stick in regards to MEGA.

I played the pc engine version using bizhawk and it's really good, top notch sound and graphics.
As I mentioned before though, the dubs are hideous
You can try that version.

I'm out of 8safespace after this thread dies.

I won't let the thread die until I copy and paste every link in here

Do the voiced bits also have text? I'd like to play it in Japanese but I'm not too great at keeping up with full speed spoken dialogue.

I'm just one modem reset away from downloading the last GB from user's 12GB batch.

Sadly the voiced parts don't have subtitles, you can check that out in this video (they talk at around 4:40)

I think dragon slayer 2 has a very similar system but I haven't actually played it. DS2 does have subtitles.
You can check in this video.

thanks harmony gold.

i am the only one who got lost and bored of that game? i always got stuck and why tht guy was talking about a course?

I did some dithered art ages ago. It was shit, but what I did was make dithered fill patterns in GIMP, then paint the shaded parts and the top left pixel in faggot pink and then selected and filled in just that colour. The top left pixel bit is to keep everything aligned, it triggered my autism otherwise. It does 90% of the work, the rest you can tweak by hand.

You're doing 神's work, user.

Any 2d platformers?

Night Slave, a run-n-gun with mechs, lesbians and a fair bit of platforming.

but that is fobidden.

Hey this is awesome, thank you

holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit

How long do you think this'll stay up?

I can't download right now

Any time. Don't expect too many games like that for gook PCs, though, they're not that great at showing multiple sprites compared to DOS and console games of the same vintage. The resolution they display at has to be much higher for kanji to be legible in spreadsheets, but the hardware wasn't much beefier. That's why they have VNs out the arse and big borders around the play area in most games.

My previous mass PC-98 download was a 5 gig batch from a mega link that I found in a /vr/ archive that was over a year old. Nobody gives a damn about PC-98 games.



At least they motivate me to work harder towards deciphering moonrunes

Replying for interest. Someone know about this pack?

I know this struggle.

any steam heart's fags here?

Any cyberpunk VN recommendations?

There's Snatcher on the PC-88, but as far as I know that version is incomplete. The Sega CD version is in English.

I played that on Sega CD already, but thanks.

I know it probably appeals to lowest common denominator, but who likes the PC98 Touhou games?
LLS a best, Still can't beat the fucking EX stage I unlocked like two years back

The last two PC98 games are great.

Early Windows Touhou > LLS/MS > modern Touhou

Maybe it'd be less fucky with APNG?

Damn I love this one. Title is X-Girl. translation never


Final bump from me. Want to keep this thread alive till the weekend.