Holla Forums tries to get published

Sup Holla Forums I've been an active voice here and on old /new/ and 4chon's /new/ and during this time I've been writing fiction based short stories that pertain to our beliefs and our visions of what the future holds. Some oldfags might know who I am but I won't use my pen name for it to be misconstrued as me being an attention whore namefaggot.

In recent days I've been seeing that the media have attempted to coopt our image and paint us in a negative light. So what my plan is to do is to pretend to be an inspiring author that is also a woman of color that has written a story about what goes inside the head of an every day "alt right" supporter.

This is a rough draft of it. Input is greatly appreciated.

I'm sure that at one time this world we live in was once beautiful. Brutal sure, but beautiful. And sometimes as I sit at my cubicle which isn't really a cubicle, just a painted white desk made of cheap compressed wood and half dividers on either side that give you the illusion of privacy but don't do a goddamn thing, I would sit there and wonder what the world was like when it was wide open with the unknown. A world without highways or selfies. A world without bankers or lawyers or insurance salesmen. A world without bills and divorces and taxes. A world where you would wake up when the sun rises and go to sleep when the stars poked through the thick black canvas of night. Where you would have your woman and your children and your fire and that's all you cared about. That's all you needed to worry about. That's all you needed to protect. Now you protect your credit score, your mileage, your data, your tongue. If the world was new and beautiful I wouldn't be some angst riddled desk jockey I would be different. I would be a goddamn alpha to roam a world so vast that I would have to make up stories about gods to fill in the blanks of things I didn't understand. I would lose myself in this fantasy and find happiness but then the phone would ring and I would be ripped from that little vacation inside my head. I would then deal with the irate customer and lie to him or her about why their piece of shit internet service was slower than what they signed up for. Miss I need you to calm down, those online speed test are just not accurate. Yes I can transfer you to the supervisor but it will be a fifteen minute wait he's in a meeting. Please hold.

Day in day out for ten bucks an hour I have the privilege to lie to my fellow countrymen. The soulless husks of what used to be people at HR listens to my phonecalls like the fucking gestapo and if I lie well enough and polite enough they will give me a amazon gift card for fifty bucks. Sometimes when I day dream I think about saving up a bunch of those gift cards and then buy a rifle equipped with drum magazine and tactical vest and walk into this hell hole and lay waste to every empty eyed lackey that I crossed. Then when the cops show up I would go down in a blaze of glory with a goddamn smile on my face. But then I remember that amazon doesn't sell guns, or ammo, or drum magazines and then decide to buy some bullshit instead. Four amazon gift cards received four piece of shit video games bought for my PS4.

My cubicle neighbors are a fat blue haired gash on my right and a effeminate “straight” white guy who likes scarves and tea on my left. I try my best not to converse with either of them for each time I do I either have to push down bile or rage. Their favorite pastimes are complaining about things that don't effect them and sharing shitty memes from facebook with each other. Which they do by texting each other and then barking out laughs and having a conversation about it and I'm stuck in the middle of this awful exchange. I have asked my boss many times to change cubicles somewhere away from this nightmare but he shakes his head and says that he doesn't want to mess up a good thing and that maybe my stellar phone answering skills will falter if I'm away from the two social justice champions. Sometimes they ask my opinion on things and I try to give the best non answer that I can come up with. But mostly they talk past me about how bad Trump is and how illegal immigrants are Americans too while I envision which route I would take if China invaded in order to become the most efficient guerrilla warrior.

The only solace I get while at work is the three smoke breaks which is one more than my last job at Target. I smoke my cig and shoot the shit with some guy named Dave who works on the other side of the cubicle bank and we talk about how we hope Trump keeps his promise about bringing back manufacturing because we're a half step away from torching this fucker down. But we really weren't. We were more like a couple miles away. Then we would move on and joke about how ugly and stupid our cubicle neighbors are and how hot the three conventionally average women were that worked in the center of the cubicle bank and how one day we're just gonna get up from our chairs and go over to them and say something suave and they would just immediately get on their knees and suck our dicks. Dave is a good guy and a good work friend. But I'll be damned if I hang out with him after work. When my nine hours are up I don't want to be reminded of this fucking hell hole in any such way. But if I ever got married he would be invited to the reception. He's a good guy.

After I am released from that prison I retreat back to my humble abode which is a one bedroom apartment on the outskirts of the city where the black people don't live. I don't have a cat because they give people brain parasites and smell like shit. I don't have a dog because it would become a retard from staying in its cage all day. So I have fish. Got a redbelly catfish from South America and I think that's pretty cool, my friends like it when I feed it people food. Everyday once I get home I do the same thing, I feed Caligula the catfish, I grab a beer and a joint, then sit down on the couch and exhale all the bullshit. Then the real fun begins, if I feel like playing my PS4 I play it. If if feel like shitposting on my laptop, I shitpost. If I feel like fuckin, I go on tinder and if all there is to offer is fat white chicks with half breed children looking for a relationship rather than a quick bang, then I jerk off. Which is more often than I'd like to admit. My life isn't lonely. I have friends that come over to get drunk and I have friends online to play video games and talk about politics.

But deep in my soul. All I want from my life is purpose, and in this wasteland of brainless service career paths I'm having a hard time. Maybe purpose isn't what I truly want. Maybe all I want is it to all crash and burn. For society to peel apart at the seems and unleash an uncontrollable chaos which leaves people hanged from lampposts. Where paper dollars are just mere tinder and the main currency after the first couple weeks is food, batteries, women, and cigarettes. A world that is blown open again by nuclear fire and massive sun flares. A hard reset so I can be something other than a man almost thirty that answers phones and tolerates endless bullshit in order to live in a one bedroom apartment.

Fuck this and fuck the Jews who caused it.

You swear too much. Also:

Good catch.

You think swearing too much to get published by some leftist website or just in general?

"…I would be ripped from that little vacation inside my head. I would then deal with the irate customer…"
I'd change that to "Dealing with the irate customer.." then continue with the rest if flows better, in my opinion, but still, great writing.

meant for

Go away, you're not wanted here

I don't consider us the alt right.

There is no "us" you nigger. Holla Forums is a place for discussion between people with different ideas about politics, philosophy, and anything else that triggers normalfags. There is no central ideology, there is no image to uphold.

You will disagree with me I'm sure, but that's because you don't come from here. Go back to where you came from.

I agree with everything you just said. This place is the last bastion of true free speech on the internet. But I am from here. I am from /old/ and 4chon's /new/.

I do not consider us as in people that belong to Holla Forums and /new/ as alt right. Alt right is the name given to us by the media in an effort to try and co opt us through hit pieces and ecelebs.

You misrepresent what I'm trying to accomplish. I'm trying to trick the media into publishing a viewpoint that goes against their narratives in order to counter act their kikery.

I would recommend having some sort of concrete incident or event that exemplifies the condition you're aiming to express, otherwise it starts to drag a bit.

Also apathy is very difficult to do engagingly, so I hope you have some sort of narrative to introduce in switfly after this beginning.


Am I wrong?

We don't even advocate for free speech, and I say /we/ because there IS a consensus which is 1488 GTKWRN hitler did nothing wrong. Which spreads to a general ideology which you need to follow otherwise it's pretty easy to see who's here often and who's not.

But that isn't true for if you can support your standpoint through logic and reason any standpoint here is allowed.

But when it devolves into shilling that's when you get banned.

True. National Socialism and Jew hate are the prevailing viewpoints because no one has been able to refute them so far.

Free speech and debate are what led to them in the first place.

How do you become published anyways? Is it pure nepotism or is it about how marketable your personality is?

You probably don't tbh. Publishing is run by 80% women, so almost anything you like won't be of interest to them, especially once you add in that they are likely almost all Jews and/or SJWs. Even if you did write something that appealed to the mind of a liberal female, odds are it wouldn't get published anyway, given the number of people trying to get published vs. number of books actually published.

A huge part is nepotism, given how many newly published authors you see who have presviously worked in publishing or related industries.
The best way to get published though is probably to get famous with something else first.

favourite part

You can self-publish books on Amazon.

Not sure how easy or jew-free it is

I self published a Holla Forums novella before. You guys supported it a while back. I'm going to self publish a series of Holla Forums short stories soon but for this little project I want to troll the leftist media.

That's why for this project I'm going to pretend to be a transsexual black girl that writes about how the "alt right" thinks. The work I give them will contain redpills but they won't be able to scrutinize it because they would be scrutinizing a tranny nigger and that goes against their backwards ass code.

That will probably help, although I don't know how you'll be able to maintain the pretense.
I remember there was a white poet a while back who pretended to be a Chinese woman and had a lot of success.

What have you been writing lad? Iv been doing some verbally abusive fanfics of millenial woes recently