BREAKING: Karl Rove Acolyte to be named as White House Communications Director

What the fuck is happening?

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Ok. I have no idea anymore, if true anyway but

You'd think Bannon would tell Trump immediately about this.

Is this good or bad?

Make a thread when he is named. Posting media speculations should be bannable.


CNN's Acosta that was just mocked this afternoon…?

Why is Breitbart even repeating this shit?


On one hand, the position does not seem all that important. On the other hand, Trump did this before with Ailes before when Ailes was running Fox and was opposing him. He got someone who worked for Ailes so he could get inside information on Ailes. He could be doing the same thing here.

Yeah, no thanks.

Regardless of Rove's quasi-kikery, the man and his crew knew how to fling shit and fuck with some heads. Trump probably wants a veteran professional. Also, like it said-unannounced, so wait and see.

Karl Rove is a pitbull-for-hire. He is immoral, untrustworthy and a complete douchebag, which means he is the perfect yin to Spicer's yang. Think about it.

Spicer sets up the media by giving pointed information with no spin and slaps them around a bit. When the news cycle kicks in, Rove comes in with a sickle and starts carving up asshats like Sally Kohn and Van Jones and Bill Kristol.

Karl Rove is a piece of shit but he's a piece of shit that's great at his job.

This is definitely part of it, as was the choice of Pence. Trump has to get some of the Republican establishment on board because without any allies even the god-emperor will be crushed. Trump's a politician now, he has to play the game.

Also, Rove is a fucking mercenary is points out. And an acolyte of Rove also doesn't necessarily have to share all of Rove's views. The guy could even be aboard the Trump train. and ready to fight dirty for the good guys.

bad, Rove was one of Bush's best good goys

Sounds good. In fact, sounds too good to be true and things will probably not play out like this.

For those who haven't seen it, Filterman ambushing Karl Rove at the Airport. Pretty funny.

dubs confirm


I think Banon is being overruled, which is why you're seeing several Breitbart articles critical of Trumps picks.

Something shifty is going on…

Which ones?


Roger Stone blames Priebus from afar
I have no idea if this is credible at all

Here is what you faggots don't understand: You've been too focused on a select group of globalists, and not on the bigger picture or the shadow elite controlling them. Yes, the Zionists are a faction. No, they are not the puppet masters.

The elite are moving into the next phase of their plan
Most of the older factions that were used to bring us to the top of the mountain, the tipping point where everything starts accelerating towards their end game, have been used up. They have no place in the New World that is being ushered in. The pie isn't big enough for all of the factions. They've all realised this within the last year, since Trump's campaign was ramped up.

The Clintons and Bushes and Podestas have served their purpose, now they must be disposed of by the shadow elite. It's in their nature to fight for survival. So even though they've known the day was coming when they become obsolete, they will still fight even if they know the pie isn't big enough for them to have a piece.

We see some of the controlling figures within each faction now gravitating towards Trump, because this was part of their plan all along. Trump might not know it, but I personally think he does.

Trump's presidency is the tipping point. It is the transition period for the endgame to begin. The vision of the Bushes and Clintons was never going to happen. They were foot soldiers and they served their purpose.

People like Kike Jones and even fellow Holla Forumsacks are buying into the New Atlantis endgame of Trump and the rest of the globalist elite. Alex no doubt was promised a piece of the pie by Trump. He fails to realise that the same figures operating from the shadows with the neocons and old guard are still in control over Trump's administration.

What's even more pathetic are the Holla Forumsacks buying into this Francis Bacon's New Atlantis bullshit. You fucks will be living off of a basic income memeing yourself into oblivion while the elite are fucking you in the ass. And you'll like it.

If the pie isn't big enough for the Clintons, neocons, etc. then what makes you think you'll get some because you memed a man into presidency?

autistic screeching

That's the same rationale you used for Priebus. Trump's control over his administration stems from the influence of those loyal to him.

If he fills the White House with neocons and pitbulls-for-hire then what control will he have left? Remember JFK?

I am astonished so few Holla Forumslacks have caught up with the God Emperor's methods by this late date. Don't you know, haven't you learned, that His ways are higher than ours? Trump has a pattern of bringing shitty little cunts onboard, draining them of life force, and then grinding them into easily recyclable chunks when he's finished with them.

Remember how that old vampire Giuliani tried the politician's trick of talking shit and then switching sides when Trump emerged as a winner? What's Rudy doing now but riding the bench, just like in that movie? When Ted Cruz tried the same thing, Trump put him on the phones like a fucking telemarketer. Carson is a special case; Trump apparently spotted a shred of honor in him early on, which is why he white-knighted for him during the debates. Now the Master has a pet negro in the cabinet whose job is probably rolling back Fair Housing rules.

Over and over again, Trump has "paid off" his supporters by playing footsie with fat sacks of shit like Chris Christie, only to harpoon them when they no longer serve His mighty will. He is now rumored to be bringing aboard a Rove-sucking little faggot neocon traitor. Stop and ask yourselves. . . Does this sound like Trump? Do you have so little faith that you think He can be cucked by a bunch of Israel-sucking degenerates? Or is it more likely he's A) Falsely signalling to the more gullible Neocohens that He's vulnerable to subversion, B) Paying His dues for some favor during the election, which will be considered fully paid when scandal takes Rove's golden shower boy away again in two months, C) Pumping his new hire for dirt on the neocons, whom He intends to annihilate with the fury of an avenging angel?

The man knows what he's doing. He seems to be systematically drawing in elements of every power block in Washington and dividing their loyalties, before those darn "outside circumstances" force Him to regretfully say goodbye to the neocon/neoliberal/Jewish/globalist asshole-sucker.

Faith, friends. Trump finds a way.

Calm the fuck down.

You have no foresight. His foreign policy is already falling apart and his cabinet is filled with Goldman Sachs and the same figures who have been preserving the petrodollar. He's no longer in control.

You're placing your faith in a coopted administration

No,"I" didn't, but the fact that you talk like that makes it sound you don't belong here. You need to get this all or nothing retardation out of your head. There are people loyal to Trump in the shadows who are watching out for him.

His foreign policy has barely begun and is already shifting in the right direction.
Good thing for your own sake you're concern trolling and not actually thick enough to believe what you just typed.

The Art of the Deal by donald trump US President elect, nd god emperor, should be required reading at this point.

Earn Money On The Internet

What a waste of dubs faggot.

Jew Crew is here


does bannon even run breitbart anymore?

I feel it user. It's so surreal but I've seen far weirder. I walk in faith astride with him, naught else that I can do.

t. Shaman


Agreed, he plays the highest dimensional chess.

Captcha: Zen Yuf

wow, so exciting