DHS insider interview: IC chaos, FBIanon, Pizzagate, Netanyahu, Mossad+CIA MORE

DHS insider interview: IC chaos, FBIanon, Pizzagate, Netanyahu, Mossad+CIA MORE



Victurus Libertas are the people who interviewed FBIanon who posted on 4chan several times if you want to question the legitimacy of this.

A. In my 34 years of Governmental service, I have never seen anything like it. It’s the bifurcation of the entire intelligence apparatus.
A. There are many Trump supporters within the FBI. The CIA, however, is against Trump because Trump threatens to ruin their game in the middle east.
A. CIA and Mossad work in tandem with British intel. The goal for the CIA was to replace Assad with a puppet and to topple Iran so we could access their oil. Israel works closely with it’s “sister”, Saudi Arabia, to help this dark cause.
A. Trump has a tremendous opportunity here, but needs to circle wagons. The travel ban included 7 countries chosen by both Jared Kushner and Rudy. Why did it not include Saudi Arabia, or Pakistan, or Turkey or other countries that hate us? The seven nations mentioned were chosen by Israel, that’s why. And the unspoken alliance of Israel and Saudi Arabia should be exposed. They are brother and sister. Jared Kushner needs to be careful with what he says and to whom. But, the biggest thing Trump can do is expose PedoGate via Sessions. Big names will go down hard, and it gets the blood suckers drained from the swamp. There are as many pedophiles on the Republican side as there is with democrats, but Trump is in a unique position to truly “clean up Dodge”, so to speak. I can tell you that what is in Anthony Weiner’s hard drive, and what videos exist via Jeffery Epstein, WILL BRING massive arrests – in time. Trump’s legacy could be truly great if he was to purge the CIA, stop the extortion, prosecute the pedophiles and reinstate the death penalty for pedo’s convicted a second time. Pedogate is his path to greatness.

Other urls found in this thread:


A. The CIA and Israel are responsible for the creation of Isis. Isis was created speci韈�cally to weaken Iran and destabilize Syria. It worked for awhile until Putin shored up Assad and bolstered Iranian Qud forces. The real reason you see such anti-Russian fever from both Schumer and McCain, Graham and Feinstein, is because the operation has blown up in our faces.
A. Yes. Israeli intelligence is furious with Trump, and will do anything to keep Trump from working with Putin. Understand that if Trump and Putin work together to defeat Isis, they are actually defeating a CIA/Mossad creation,
and furthermore, Syria and Iran grow stronger, which the Saudis and the Israeli’s fear. Their goal was to divide Syria and ultimately destroy Iran’s regime. It is not just an oil grab, but a much bigger attempt at moving the chess pieces
to allow Israel and Saudi Arabia to dominate the entire Middle East.
A. The Deep State is at war with both Trump and Putin. Understand that when Israeli intelligence hears “America First” from Trump, they go apeshit. Israel has bribed, extorted and intimidated our politicians for decades and suddenly this upstart billionaire threatens to ruin everything.
A. PedoGate is only a modern term associated with a long history of Pedo-blackmail connected to both Israel and the Intel community. There is a full court press to stop PedoGate from being looked at because if people knew the true motives behind the pedophilia epidemic, they would do more than march on Washington. They could actually seed a revolution, with the spark coming from decent American parents who want to protect their kids. Our politicians are compromised. The senior analyst nicknamed “FBI user” alluded to this in his exchange with folks on
4chan and with you.
A. Do you notice 2 central themes running through the MSM lately? Those themes are “Fear the Russians” and “#PizzaGate is fake news“. Both tropes come from the same place.
A. How do we exert power? Via fear. Do you ever wonder why both Democrats and Republicans fall all over themselves to kiss up to Israel? Odd, since Israel is the size of Rhode Island… The fact is, many of our politicians –
on both sides – have been compromised by CIA and Mossad for years. It’s actually not admiration they are expressing for Israel, but fear. Notice Lindsay Graham and Chuck Schumer repeating the same salute when it comes
to Israel. How does that even happen? The American people are 韈�nally seeing that there is no two-party system, but one big shadow Government pretending we have political dichotomy.
A. Let me explain how threatening PedoGate is… Who wins? Trump. Putin. Americans. Russians. The world…. Who loses? Israel, since they no longer can blackmail our politicians, the same goes for the CIA. The Shadow Government loses. But, the people win.
A. Sure. Lolita Island. Jeffery Epstein, a billionaire convicted of pedophilia received a soft sentence. His island was rigged with video recorders. Many politicians have been compromised. It was a Mossad/CIA operation. Contact ex-
senior CIA CCS, Robert David Steele. Bob knows and has even spoken about this with numerous reporters.
A. Yes. There are videos of some of the most powerful players in the most humiliating positions. If this gets out, not only are the politicians ruined, but the extortion game is over and suddenly, the influence CIA and Mossad wield over
Washington, is gone.

A. Yes. lets continue this conversation later.
Is that why Schumer is targeting Trump’s cabinet picks?
A. Connect the dots.
A. One in three, roughly. It’s not just the Island, its all of their activities. The reason #Pedogate terrfies the media, the CIA, the Israel Lobby, is because they are all part of this “shadow swamp”
A. Yes, and its espionage. Just as these leaks from the intel community regarding Flynn. I expect that at some later moment, Trump will leak some of these videos
A. No, But the Intel community has them, and Trump has strong support among certain players in the community. Trump has said he wants to “throw a spotlight on the cockroaches”.
A. Theatre. Netanyahu is desperate to both play Trump into attacking Syria,and hate Putin, and to convince him PedoGate is a conspiracy theory.
A. The same media screaming “The Russians are coming” is the same media who says “Pizzagate is fake news” That’s CIA and Mossad talking points.
A. Facebook and CIA are literally the same petri-dish. Google became a Deep State organ courtesy of Eric Schmidt.
A. There are videos of WJC that would destroy him. FBI user leaked weeks ago, on purpose. There was a reason.

Sorry about the formatting. PDF to notepad to here was pretty annoying. I did my best to clean it up.

Holy shit this is a terrifying read.

Holy doodles have a bump, big stuff.

This looks like it was poorly written up by some faggot. It confirms every single opinion as if it was pandering to this board. I agree that much of what is said is true, but at the same time dubious "interviews" like this only serve to legitimatize any progress we try to make. Concentrate on REAL evidence, not simply any write-up that originated on an imagaboard. Quoting the shitchan "The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact."



0.05 shekels have been deposited to your account.

(95% of what FBIanon said came true but that was just poorly written LARPing as well right?)

bump for interest fuck I hope this ends with these fucking evil bastards hanging from lampposts

How do we even know what is written in this pdf has any connection to reality? If you even go into the pizzagate sticky for a minute you will realize that there is a lot of good and true research that is put forward, but at the same time it is filled with shills spreading fake information in order to lead people off the right track. My point is that we shouldn't take everything at face value, especially on a mongolian slideshow board. Just by looking at the way this interview is written it should immediately bring up the question as to what kind of FBI agent actually talks/writes like that. This interview provides no new information outside of what Holla Forums has theorized forever regarding geopolitics and could have been written by any of us. Call me a shill all you want but don't just blindly accept every piece of shit that is shoved in your face; by doing that you are just the same as the baby boomers who only watch cable news.

My 2 fav parts

A. Theatre. Netanyahu is desperate to both play Trump into attacking Syria,and hate Putin, and to convince him PedoGate is a conspiracy theory.

Notice how blatantly hostile McCain, Schumer, Graham, and others are? It was what we call a “targeted trigger“. It worked. By long-kniving Flynn, they exposed their hand. Now, Trump has full executive powers to investigate the CIA and Mossad.

I'm a bit sketched about the travel ban. That was origanally a king nigger plan, and Kang Nigger's Fag court set up that list.

Pic related. If this 'interview' is true and holds water at all (and I can't help but doubt it) then my take from everything I read is why in the fuck is Jared Kikener influencing any policy at all? I find that very hard to believe.

Does Trump really think this is going to end with the pedos surrendering and going peacefully to jail? He needs to strike first and strike hard, with tanks.

I think McCuck 1 (McCain) McCuck 2 (McConnell) and Graham have always worked in the favors of globalist policy and special interest. None of us doubt this. Schumer is a dem so no surprise there.

I'm still going to call LARP until events or evidence prove otherwise.

Holla Forums is always right, you faggot

Tanks can't arrest pedos you fucking sperg, regular SWAT teams will do just fine and we can assign the life in prison in an Aryan Brotherhood cell block after explaining what they have been doing to gentile children.

This is what makes me snicker anytime anyone says or wears those cringe shirts that say "true Americans defend Israel".

Considering how the ADL, which is nothing more than an treasonous nation wrecking war crime excusing arm for Israel, reacted to America first, I don't doubt this part but that's because it's so obvious.

tl;dr Not on your life, traitors. America first.

These people are surrounded by private security, probably mercenaries even. And they have to all be hit essentially at once, in different locations around the US, if they get any time to prepare, they'll be able to call on the help of all sorts of nasty resources. I don't really care if we get them alive or not, quite frankly, I just want them to disappear. The Commies can break all the Starbucks' windows they want afterwards.

it's worth taking a look at and investigating

political blackmail is not a new concept and we can confirm epstein and bill's connection (how many rides on his pedoplanes again?) and if they could get the president i have zero doubt they could every other politician and government insiders.

It does feel like this was a LARP based on old info. Our info goes through constant revision. I ain't trusting shit. Plus the faggot is dismissive of the fact ol' Bibi kinda flopped around the podium and Trump himself won't say shit about his plans till it's way passed stopping them.

I'd estimate Trump has less than three weeks to make his big move before they're able to "neutralize" him. March is going to be insane.

I don't think these pedos private security is going to mean shit when it comes to USA gov agencies knocking on their door.

Those moves are already in motion. It would be wise to stock up on .223/5.56. Thankfully Tulammo has been plating there rounds with Zinc, Some things just hate Zinc. Trump will make it through, but we must survive as well.

Beware the ides of March?

If it is the police that could cause a problem.Remember this pedo shit is tied to the good old boy networks. Netenyahoo is not only a jew but a freemason. Right there you can see how this weaves together more clearly.

The yids are way passed the time frame for offing Trump. His Twitter Fans are still loyal and his approval rating is rising, fuck he's doing a rally this weekend. The deal is I feel there gonna send shit after us, directly. I'm hoping it's just bipedal gators.

This guy is right. Not one new piece of information in the entire "interview" and it reads like an amateur wrote it. Any regular lurker here, or 4chan pol for that matter, knows all of this. OP is either a kid, a woman or a paid shill, maybe all three.

Just a gut feeling? They haven't directly threatened us in a long time.

Sheriff dept's Israeli (((training))) is what bothers me
h ttp://blog.amnestyusa.org/middle-east/with-whom-are-many-u-s-police-departments-training-with-a-chronic-human-rights-violator-israel/

Maybe but where is the misdirection here?

There's a gut feeling and then there's the gut feeling when you realize that Area 51 is an 90 minute drive and the Kosher Klub is about to lose their shit and set some fun shit your way. It's a fun thought, but It's prudent to plan against everything imaginable.

Anybody up for making some OC? This calls for memes, stat.

Off by two, damnit.

has anyone noticed the sudden increase in people defending hadjis?

You got it on the reroll m8.

source on him being a mason?

Trump said he supported a one state solution.
But he didn't say that state was Israel.

You say this but there are major busts going on in the pedo world right now. The fbi just fucking raided an international adoption agency. Trump and Sessions are cutting their legs out from under them as anons have pointed out during the busts and the interviewee confirms. And like another user has already stated, 90% of what FBI user came true. It may read like confirmation bias or pandering but it makes a hell of a lot of sense all things considered. Trump was even namedropping Podesta at the conference today like he's on his radar and you got Hillary retreating shit referencing comets. It's bullshit, fine, but I believe it.

So if this proves correct and shit comes spilling out.. and our Tibetan robotics club is realized to be something more than "the armpit of the internet"
What will we do about all the newfags that show up?

Retweeting* not retreating
Fucking nigger tech.

To all the people saying this interview is meaningless and is just jerking ourselves off you can read this instead which explains how Trump is taking orders from Kissinger:


Blood to water the springs lillies

I've been wondering the same. Let's hope they all go to cuckchan and stay there.

Now this reads like a bunch of bullshit and misdirection to me. What the fuck does The Masters reference? The kikes running espionage on US politicians through pedo rings? And Trump is doing their bidding? Gtfo with that shit.

Some people in this thread wanted to read something the opposite of being jerked off. I provided some extra content.

If I let plebs in, will you die?

I got you. Wasn't trying to be rude but that reads like classic diversion and misdirection. "The Masters", mother fucker this isn't Game Of Thrones.

So Trump probably has a dead man's switch, and they know it. Maybe the fatherhood vids were leaked to put some fear into Trumps enemies, get them to back off a little?

They weren't leaked though, turns out they've been out for months. Though, that website, worldcorp is suspect.

My true wish in all this coming to a head and being exposed is that it doesn't just stop at simple predatory pedophilia but is named as what it truly is. Judaic blood libel.

This doesn't seem to fit with how chummy Trump and Netanyahu are.

Unless there's a similar disconnect/hostility between Netanyahu and Mossad as there is between Trump and CIA? Not aware of anything like that.

A. Theatre. Netanyahu is desperate to both play Trump into attacking Syria,and hate Putin, and to convince him PedoGate is a conspiracy theory.

They may have seemed chummy but it was apparent if you had watch the presser that Trump had his nation's interest first. He also neither supported either the one or two state solution, simply he wanted the best deal for all.

The deadmans switch is that Americans are severely pissed the fuck off and are close to revolt. Trump dies and its civil war. I still believe elections are bullshit and they let Trump win based on the high likely hood of civil war if Hillary got in. It is entirely possible (though I hope not) that Trump is still part of the corrupt system and certain patriots behind the scenes released pizzagate to force Trump/deep states hand and Trump is going along with it using the early part of his presidency to raise American trust so he can go back to the neocon playbook later on. Russia and Iran both think Trump is still taking orders indirectly from Kissinger, which is a shitty thing to think about, but should not be discounted as we play the imageboard geopolitical game.

Yea but to be a neocon he'd have to go back on the wall, not deport the brown, take in refugees, repeal Obamacare in exchange for another shit deal, outsource jobs, being in more H1B1 labor etc etc etc. I don't see it happening. People would be fucking pissed.

Where are the guys above the system in this game? The untouchable families that own trillion dollars and highly influenced the worlds politics for hundreds of years.

Shills always post lewd images of women to try to distract us from doing our investigative work while at the same time promoting race mixing. Fuck off faggot , all shekels have been withdrawn from your account

March madness confirmed?

Shew nigger jew

What happens when you uproot the whole system they use to influence and control said countries? I'm not saying I don't want the tickets dead but defanged and immobile, if but for awhile is better than nothing at all.

Fuckers not tickets God damn nigger tech.

Guys one way I have found to tell the LARPing from the real intel is that the LARPers almost always talk about conspiracy-tier bullshit like aliens, underground bunkers, nuclear holocausts that are happening tomorrow, etc. They never give actual names and talk about real down to earth things that can be connected to provable events that have already happened. Suffice to say that this OP seems legit as hell to me.

We'll end them all or die trying

Yeah, I don't buy that.

I did watch the the press conference. Trump always has his nation's interest at heart from what I've seen, so there's no question there. But they didn't just seem chummy, they were chummy. You can see that in the way they looked at each other, turned towards each other, went off-script, made jokes - even at each others expense - and genuinely laughed about it. You can't fake that. Not like that.

Compare this press conference to the Trudeau one. Compare Trump's tone and body language. Cold, stiff, shoulders turning slightly away from each other, often looking down or away, scripted responses, etc. THAT was two leaders pretending to be friendly. That was theatre.

The Netanyahu one was two leaders being friendly.

Some actors work better or worse with different actors, maybe Trump and Nety just have more compatible personalities than Trudeau, who probably truly despises Trump.

Well if this is all true then anons should be pushing the pedo rings hard as fuck from now on

Ofc its better than nothing at all, but if Trump is their guy and is only in position to prevent civil war, and to cut an outgrown lout of control pedo structure, we have won nothing. I want to belive it will be all good now, but it never does.

You can change all of those things and keep education the way it is and America would still fall eventually. Those things are all problems like bad insulation and a leaky roof, but the foundation needs the most repairs. If Trump fixes the indoctrination of American youth then I will know 100% sure he is with us, until then its all bandaids.

A big part of the puzzle that doesn't get talked about is what happens to Israel in all of this. I think the elites are ready to abandon ship and sacrifice Israel and move through the shadows to another host. We know who George Soros is and thats by design. Who are the thousands of others that are above him and who also funnel money through him and his organizations?

What are you fucking retarded?

Eat your blackpill then faggot, I don't care.

Wew. I'm over this thread.

Just wondering bcs they usually have an ace up the sleeve, calm down

This article mentions Steele and on the same day Alex Jones has an interview with Steele.


As truthful as this is. I am still a bit aggrivated that The God-Emporer is being called an "upstart"

What defeatism. Those same mercs are paid, and taxed, which means they are doxxable and therefore their families are also doxxable. They will be forced to choose between their paycheck and their families. Yes that means those whom have no family will not be vulnerable, but likely 2/3 to 3/4 of them do.

Kek seems to approve your quick spellchecking.

And then it goes how Israel/Mossad will loose all influence in USA and how Netanyahu is shaking.

This reads like a bad LARP. Or the OP inserted this into it, being a shill.

Ask me how I know you're a shill.

wow this is good shit
Steele was just on alex jones today too talking about quite a bit of this shit
phi betaiota.net/2017/02/robert-steele-memorandum-for-the-president-warning-on-american-spring-riots-eight-actions-to-make-america-great-again/
( archive.is/L5t7Z )
also pzienciak (who wrote most of tom clancy's books) however you spell it has been eluding to most of this stuff for a couple of months

Steele was taking the route of connecting
OFA (originally obama for america now a 501c4 called Organizing for Action) which is the non profit run by obama in washington dc.. they have 32,000 "Grassroots" protesters are payroll and guess who finances them?
nation.f oxnews.com/george-soros/2013/05/06/soros-throws-weight-behind-obamas-organizing-action

What a time to be alive!!

Expect a bunch more pedo busts

Yeah, it's been going on for a year or so, lot of shills saying "Well, Islam isn't a problem, it's only the kikes!" as if they aren't both two sides of the same semitic coin.

MIDF is a myth they said

also why are we looking at a print to pdf
heres the original archive.is/BPsPD

Can someone do me a favor and repost the original FBIAnon screencap when he first started talking about the CF (the one with the dark background)?

Jewgle is refusing to allow me to grab it.

this ?

heres the first one

this is filled with many truths, but still feels like RP.

heres the third thread

It's LARP, user.

Effort's appreciated, but I'm looking for the screencap.

Thank you. But you wouldn't happen to have the one with the darker background that removes every post for FBIAnon's, would you? It's easier to read, thus easier to redpill people with it.

It's up on VOAT, but sli.mg and Jewgle are just unresponsive whenever I try to grab it.

sli.mg has went to shit the past month or so
wouldn't be surprised if they deleted it

Did this faggot just interview himself?

i have more FBI user, but i don't think i have exactly what you are looking for. i'll keep looking through my folder.

also, here is some quality reporting from the site where this interview ids from. they also have a small shop with stupid shit. this looks like BS

funny that this came out the same day steele was on alex jones too…made it easy to have a cia guys name to throw around
All of this shit seems pretty plausible though

It's this one:

htt ps://www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/5a096e/fbi_user_who_has_knowledge_of_clinton_case_says/

No matter what I do. It won't download.

What's been posted will suffice though. Thanks Anons.

(double checked)
you're just looking at reddits thumbnail on there sir
d ownforeveryoneorjustme.com/sli.mg
sli is down

the site hosting it is down.
there is a pastebin of it:

All this Q&A seems far too conveniently Q&A'd point-by-point and the answers far too convenient. It's far too rote and unnatural, hits far far too many points for any singular individual to have this much on this many topics, especially from DHS. Speaking of which, why would someone from DHS even have this much information anyhow?

We need to create our own nationalist networks and work to destroy all these globalist networks.

The other option is that Holla Forums is so completely correct about all of this that it's only news to the people we spread it to. The possibility is there that all of this is in play exactly as we expected it to be.

My only input would be that Sailer, IIRC, was saying that Trump modeled his America First run based on how Netanyahu runs Isreal. If that's true, then it could easily result in them liking each other as people while still being enemies because Trump is still America First instead of Israel First. I have liked enemies as people before, and disliked allies as people as well.

going through this site, this reminds me that one time where a small news site had exclusive leaked documents that showed Nate Silver ordered Monmouth University to fabricate election polls. turned out fake after digging.

i agree. all the info seems correct from what we understand, but if seems forced. not buying this as legitimate.

It would be very painful.

low energy LARPing

Here's the source article, from victuruslibertas.com

Because Islam is infested by kikes, they have effectively taken over all major Sunni-Islam players including House of Saud.

This is their escape plan, if the Jew is exposed it will retreat into being the poor muslims.
There's also speculation that the Koran was written by Jewish scribes who were pretty much the only ones capable of writing that shit. Also notice the similarities between Islam and Judaism, including circumcision, halal/kosher, the dualism of Talmud/Torah and Mecca/Medina. There are so many signs that points to this.

I seem to remember in some old pizzagate sticky seeing a screencap from an FBI manual that Wikileaks leaked around 2010.

It was a sort of dictionary of code words that child molesters use, words like pasta and domino. Cross-referenced with the Podesta emails, it basically cracked the code.

But now whenever I see talk of pizzagate, even if it's a sort of "Pizzagate 101" video like the one Ben Swann made on his reality check program, it does not mention this at all. Which is odd, since it seemed like pretty damning evidence. Was it discredited or something?

Anyway, if anyone could repost it here that would be A+. I'm starting to wonder if I'm having false memories or some shit.

file.w ikileaks.org/file/FBI-pedophile-symbols.pdf
this has the symbols

Agree about worldcorp, seems like red herring. Not sure why people here are so focused on it.

Advanced larpers do exist, but they do it either to generate traffic to shitty fake news blogs or to spread disinfo, instead of trolling for (you)'s.

Sorcha Faal is a perfect example of this.

Sometimes they are also useful idiot journalists spreading false info fed to them (see the kind of stuff Benjamin Fulford puts out).

I still think some militia-minded anons ought to carry out a raid on Epstein's island. Such an event would attract so much attention that the world would be compelled to investigate. Hell, any nation looking to keep the US out of international affairs for a while could send in spec ops team to carry out the raid and release the evidence anonymously. Even if the US media called them out on it, they've lost so much credibility recently that the public just wouldn't buy it Not the least of which because the public wants to believe it. The narrative would tie everything up in an aesthetically pleasing way: the world was shit because of unmistakably shitty people, but they've been dealt with by heroic common folk (anonymous paramilitary), which signals that they can calm down and be optimistic about the future. Though I'm sure that any foreign or domestic agency interested in carrying out such an operation has more salacious targets available. Epstein's Lolita Island is likely only to be the tip of the iceberg, and we can only speculate as to what depravity remains hidden.

Yeah, but I'm looking for the one with the words. The symbols I see everywhere pizzagate is discussed.

Seriously, I'm starting to doubt I ever saw that list of codewords, like some Berenstein/Berenstain mandela effect shit.

I remember the codewords being made up by anons. the ones about handkerchiefs in particular. but then I might not have seen the picture you did.

we should start calling it #pedogate not pizzagate. We should call thing with its real name.

normies tune out anything to do with the word pedo

You are right. To those that think Isreal is going anywhere despite clear involvement, you ain't paying attention. Trump is tight with lots of jews. His own daughter is a convert. The REAL question is Trump going to use leverage to get something?

Most likely. Look at his Fed picks. He's gonna audit them, hold the evidence over them and agree to keep things business as usual (military wise, not kiddie fucking wise) but if they dare do anything to tank our economy or don't keep their own in check it gets leaked. Remember the Samson option if Isreal ever falls (google it if you don't know)

I also have a strong feeling Palastein will cease to exist in the next 3 years. He wants Isreal to take back the holy land.

What will happen to the Saudis is anyone's guess. I honestly have no clue. If proof of them being involved gets out then say hello to the USA's new 51st state saudi arabia and no one can say shit cause everyone is involved in a pedo scandal. He may use it as leverage to negotiate but if they stop using dollars our economy tanks and we go to war.

And they have no chance in hell of assasinating Trump because there is now a massive survalence state.

Unless Trump is a time traveler who has secretly played this scenerio over and over again to a perfect win result, expect few if any Isreali arrests. But on the upside, expect all who are agents in other countries to get BTFO and no more free equal access to all of our secrets.

lel, you sure that wasn't just the House of Air music video?

Maybe one whose part it is to disseminate the info whilst keeping the enemy from finding out who provided them with the info?

Could invite them all to a hot dog and pizza party at the WH. Only this time it's actually hot dogs and pizza, and everyone leaves in a body bag after getting an awfully nasty but of "food poisoning".

with any luck, Iran gifts them a big bucket of sunshine

Anyone saying 'IC' is a larpy, nobody c unt.

there was no fbi thing with the codewords


Give me smug anime girls as payment, please.

I stopped being a weeb a long time ago. So I don't have any rares to offer. These are the best I can do.


if Trump wants to get real political capital he needs to send troops to smash their skulls open and dig up the rape dungeon tunnels under the restaurant

tactics tho

Not the same user but I've never been a weeb. Did I miss anything? I grew up watching kiketoon network but still managed to find Holla Forums magical.

Normalfag memes.

A. Facebook and CIA are literally the same petri-dish. Google became a Deep State organ courtesy of Eric Schmidt.

underappreciated part of this. social media is the 4th column of government protecting the fifth one(((the deep state))).

the fourth column of government is the media. in a healthy democracy it keeps the first 3 (executive, judicial, legislative) responsible to the people and keeps them honest. it is not doing that.

its also a news aggregator

they are the propaganda wing of the deep state

Spotted the Israeli agent.

Also notice how he always posts with porn.

Jesus. Are there no safe colors? What if I just want to carry a hankey around because my allergies are flaring up?

I guess it has to be puce or sea foam or turtle green or some shit.

Half the things listed, Holla Forums has already amassed evidence of thus it's not hard to reach a logical conclusion and believe at least some of what this says

Well, all the stuff I cared to watch/read is from 20-30 years ago.

Urusei Yatsura
Record of Loddoss War (OAV)
Berserk (Went downhill after Vol. 28)
Patlabor movies (Mamoru Ooshi)
Ghost in the Shell (Mamoru Ooshi)

There were some good normie ones too:

Outlaw Star
Cowboy Bebop
Big O

Watched Kenshin and Trigun for quite a while before I realized how stupid they were.

I never bothered with Evangelion like all the other faggots that liked the lulzy, shitty, hipster jerk-stupid narratives that tried to be deep and profound but were, in reality, total rubbish. Akira was overrated, and all the comedy romance and magical girl derivatives were sterile clones of Ranma 1/2 and Sailor Moon–which was shit anyway. Just about everything you see now is merely a rehash of 90s concepts, so it's not worth the effort of looking into modern stuff.

Then I graduated to hentai, as was the logical conclusion of delving into Japan's realm of excessive escapism where I developed a fixation on shemales. Wasted about fifteen years jerking off and reading/writing fanfiction before I was drafted into the Holla Forums legion where degeneracy is against the UCMJ. Been here ever since. I regress every now and again of course, but I do my best.

Cuckchan larping, sage and report.

Do you guys even try to be original?


I want to believe.

let it be true



I mean, there is nothing new in this interview. We already knew all of this stuff is true, and the insider is not named. So this could just be fan fiction by some cuckchan Holla Forumsack or something.
