Just finished reading this the other day. Why has this not been made into a movie yet?

Just finished reading this the other day. Why has this not been made into a movie yet?

Other urls found in this thread:


Starring Irish Elba as Turner.

"White Nationalists are hyping the new Turner Diaries Movie, and here's why that's a problem" -Vox

lol burgers

I see the early morning d&c shill is now on the clock

Nationalism is d&c.

news at 11

As a fellow white man I agree, we should embrace globalism.

Globalism isn't a very big step from "white" "nationalism". Instead of arbitarily defining the nation by including only the pale skinned people living in a certain region, you just include everyone with any skin in any region.

Fellow White here. Skin hatred is so illogical lol! By black British friends are way more British than any American could be. You should see my daughter's boyfriend. SMH, when are burgers going to catch up with the 21ist century?

>not dating your daughter yourself
smh tbh fellow hwhite

Right? Niggers are so BASED


It really chaps your ass how irrelevant your former colonies have made you doesn't it?

Must be great to be the biggest mongrel horde on the globe. America number one.

We need to occupy cuck island, and fuck their women before the Muslims get to them. It's their only hope.


Prayer of the Rollerboys


It's fucking hilarious how "white natonalism" doesn't get how Europe works. The book ends with the Organization "liberating" Europe and being welcomed with open arms as fucking saviors by Russians after a fucking nuclear war. In reality it would be more like that Russians would summarily fucking slaughter any goddamn American in their land after an event like that. That's of course ignoring the fact I've seen Mary Sue fanfictions written more competently than this whole book.

Whites are only against each other due to the machinations of Jews. Once the Jew is named, Europe, America, and Russia will unite against them and their cuck and brown slaves.

But we've been fighting since before we knew what a Jew was.

There is too much long standing hate and resentment between the various White nations for any realistic hope of true unity to happen. Sadly, none will join hands just to see their old enemies prosper. Even unto their own fall.

We don't need to join hands. We're happier at a distance. The French don't want a bunch of Brits up in their shit and vice versa.

We really do. The blood is in the water and the sharks are circling in but we will continue strangling each other before we fight off the real threat.

Politispergs are so obsessed with interracial dating it's sad, it's a statistical anomaly yet you fixate on it endlessly


I dunno, America's doing alright.

More sex talk again, when will you admit your ideas are rooted in sexual inadequacy and fear of any sort of sexual competition?

Fucking childs idea of how the world works, infighting and war is man's nature, European nations have always fought eachother. Even if their are no more 'hot' wars the idea that everyone will get on and their will be no more cultural, economic or religious disputes is laughable

AmeriLARPing, nobody wants a United States of Europe, we don't want yanks neither

your stiff upper lip would be a lot more believable if your leaders took a piss without checking with D.C. for permission first tbh

Cut dick confirmed.

Before Christianity, the Germans were little more than niggers.

In 2017 you need to get your priorities straight. Inviting infinite shitskins is bad, White cooperation is very good for us all. Just because we're not on the mainland, that doesn't mean we aren't your blood. Many many Americans could easily immigrate to Europe due to having close relatives who were born in Europe. I could get citizenship in Ireland or Portugal right now if I wanted to. It's ridiculous that you'd treat us like some alien force, whilst you are literally inhabited by a hostile, alien force. The US is fucked too, but at least there's sizable contingent dissenters, unlike most of Europe. Not only do I not want to see you guys become a caliphate, but embracing our European roots is pivotal for the future of American identity to ensure that "civic nationalism" isn't given the time of day.

Lmao, so hilarious and anachronistic.
Yeah, it's ideal that we'd all like to work together but I don't expect ANY people, much less Russians to fucking act like "damn, you guys nuked our lands and nearly genocided our people but you're actually our saviors because the Jews and shit, no big deal".

Bear in mind he is probably a wandering goon triggered by the thread.

Nuclear bombs historically have the effect of pacifying people. Japan went from a proud warrior culture who fought to the death to schoolgirls bouncing up and down and 2d animation after we dropped just two of them.

Someone is really unfamiliar with Russia here.

well to be fair no one can really say how any countries would react to get nuked because it hasn't happened to them yet. only example we have is j-pon and they rolled over like trained pets for the burgers despite their muh samurai honor never surrender culture.

Whatever the case, the scenario of a bunch of burger militias invading Russia and meeting NO resistance whatsoever just sounds like comedy.

Unlike burgers, I still have my foreskin intact

We don't want you because you are ignorant about Europe and it's people, you think everywhere is London, Calais and Stockholm, it's like saying America is all California. Americans frequently denigrate and insult European countries and their inhabitants and then go back to their plastic paddy tier "I am a true bavarian phenotype xD' Nobody wants LARPing krautaboos to come and """""""""fix"""""""""" shit

This, yet another American delusional world policeman fantasy

Colonials are mentally ill mongrels who should keep their bullshit to their own mongrel countries.

don't worry. in about five years they'll make it, as a documentary.

If every nation learned to look out for itself and it's own people again, what would be the problem?

What does any of that have to do with Jews?

This, supposed "right-wing" Europeans always talk about how they want to move to America because of freedom but as soon as they get here they turn back to their cucked brainwashed bootlicking ways. It's in their blood I think, Eurocucks must worship a strong moral authority be it the Nobility, Church, or Big Government/Media in the modern age. There's no helping them because they're serfs at heart, they must be contained and not allowed to immigrate here.

Or a lot of people are stupid and eat what the media feeds them. If media says shootings happen because of guns, they aren't going to question that. And if people only start thinking that after moving to America, maybe the American liberal media plays a role?

Americucks can't really talk about state worship when they literally wear MAGA hats and pledge undying allegiance to Drumpf in schools and """""""football"""""" games.

Also if it's in our blood, then it's in yours too, Americans didn't just sprout out of nowhere. Although maybe they don't teach basic biology in NA education.

Freedumbs turn anyone into a cuck. Librulism should be outlawed tbh.


Honestly, most people don't deserve freedom. They only use it to vote for things like more benefits and open borders.

It's almost like this democracy thing was stupid and that letting anyone vote was even more stupid.

Well you see, the whole 'land-owning White male thing' was supposed to amount to a pseudo-aristorcracy, but I guess even that was too broad.

should be a movie tbh

poaldpoapwldpopclwapdopal dplw

Screamers is pretty much that, just replace the robots with kikes.

paneuropeanism is retarded and only subhuman burgershits fall for it

No, the europoors who wanted and could handle freedom had all left by the 19th century. Americans worship their military, Europoors worship their government.

America was a libertarian utopia until the mid-19th century, but then the unwashed hordes of serfs, chinks and jews came in and overwhelmed the core foundation.

Fuck off right-wing SJW. That book is the ultimate Nazi masturbation fantasy and pretty sad that this """author""" was ever published to begin with.

It's pretty sad that you can't understand good story writing because you're too triggered by the content and the message.

brainlet conservitard nazi detected

it was very stimulating a descriptive writing. Much like Marx's Novel about communism. I didn't agree with Marx on any level, but he was a damn good fiction writer.

Unlettered braindead classcuck detected

When will you realize that Nazis aren't conservatives?

Doesn't matter, conservatives and Nazis are both right-wing and thus equally retarded and classcucked.

What social justices are right wingers fighting for?

pic related

Here is your utopia, so now please, fuck off.

inb4 not real communism

Where does it say right wing again?
So according to you right wingers are fighting for communism?
Strawman, false equivalency, moving the goalposts for your feminist brethren and straight up lying in one package.
Why do you leftards always dish out fallacies like it's another kulak's wealth?

That's really reductive, all political movements be boiled down to the same points after all. Class is an identity just like everything else. How about
There, I summed up all politics, now be a good goy and go back to sleep and stop putting your tiny nose where it doesn't belong.













what is this accomplishing? Are you trying to get people to like William Pierce more?

It's just a garbage thread so I thought it would be good to dump something of value in it. All of those are top tier broadcasts he did and some of my personal favourites.

Oh okay, I thought you were just some fag from Holla Forums spamming the same shit, because of the same thumbnails.

anyone know of any movies about killing jews? I don't care if it's just some shitty b movie or whatever.

and when I say "killing jews" I don't mean average ww2 holocaust movies, I mean cheesy fictional movies about people killing jews

The military is just the arm of the government they'll send to kill you if they ever feel you've overstepped your bounds.

The military industrial complex controls the government. Who controls the military industrial complex? Israel does.

Who controls Israel's military industrial complex that controls Israel?

Israel's military industrial complex is the united state's industrial complex. Are you noticing a pattern here yet? The united states military is Israel's military, that's exactly why we fight their wars.

Isn't Israel basically a satellite state of the US and what you describe as fighting their wars is just geopolitical maneuvering? Isn't Isreal basically just an excuse to meddle in the oil rich middle east? I'm not saying jews don't use the US to further their tribal interests but if you look at the bigger picture isn't it the US that drives many of the conflicts? Aren't big US based corps the real winners?

That's pretty much what I am trying to say, yes.

They are trying to create the "greater Israel". They are upset because taking down Syria was their prime target during the Obama and Big Mike administration. The fact that they can't take down Syria makes them mad. Their prime target ATM should be Iran but they are too busy trying to take down syria while their ISIS agents are failing because the Russians are bombing the fuck out of them. So they blame Russians for being assholes.

That's the most layman way that I can put it down for you nigger.

I know all that already, what I wonder is if you can really say that the US fight Israel's wars. They are one entity more or less.

Ask yourself this, why would the USA want to go to war with Iran? Name one thing that is a threat to the US that comes from Iran. Iran is a threat to Israel.

take your retarded shit back to /a/, weeb
Americans aren't europe, we don't give a shit. There's no reason for american whites to balkanize and hate each other for retarded reasons. We already have that per state, we dont need more of that shit. Stupid fucking weeb.

Iran is an opposing power that threatens US domination and their sphere of influence. Iran might not be a threat to the US directly but they are to US interests and that of the big money that rule the US.

Do you think that the DPRK is a direct threat to the US? Israel sure doesn't give a fuck about them. Yet the US want a regime change. Why? Because unlike the puppet state of SK they can't control DPRK and their resources are not exploitable. Same thing with Iran really.

Yeah, like I said before, that big power is Israel.

Nope, I think that they are launching missiles to prove that they can defend themselves. I'm not saying they are innocent little girls, I still think they are scum, but I don't think they threaten us.

That's a non issue.

Not really, Israel is scared of an attack from Iran so they are calling upon their Zionist overlords to make it not happen.

And here I was getting super hyped for the worker's revolution, but not if you're going to literacyshame like that.
Not cool, comrade. I have a little brother with a learning disability, and he's the most devout revolutionary at our meetings. Who the fuck are you to tell him he's not fit for for the worker's liberation, just because I had to read Das Kapital to him every night.

Consider checking your bourgeois shitlord privileges, or going back to a board more friendly to your discriminatory and divisive practices.

Of course, but why all this US posturing over it? All I'm saying that US foreign policy is very similair even when Israel isn't involved.
Is it though?
As with DPRK I think an actual nuclear exchange is very unlikely, that's just a pretext to expand US influence to Iran. Once they've delivered peace and freedom from aircrafts and drones they will control what remains. I think you focus too much on Israel and not the bigger picture.

Best I can do, fam

hilariously inaccurate
