What now Holla Forums?

What now Holla Forums? youtube.com/watch?v=9wCtvMS2XjA

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My God is that video cringe-worthy. Who actually goes and unironically puts that kind of music on a political video?

By the way, you do realize that Marx was Jewish, right?

Engels was disgusted by trannies as well.

Their views on something like that matter as much as their views on modern physics. This is why communism is a science and not dogma. We care about ideas, not people.

Of course I know Marx was Jewish(it's mentioned in the video). You don't have to be a gentile to recognize the disease that Jewish bourgeoisie interests cause

So Hegel, Marx, and Engels were racist(with Hegel being the worst and being a big contributer to 19th century racist theories), anyone else?

As opposed to gentile bourgeoisie interests, which are just fine?

No, we're against both

That statement doesn't make any sense.

If there is a problem with Jews, how could a Jew himself "recognize" that problem? That would mean said problem isn't actually their Jewishness but rather what is commonly associated with them in public discourse. Gee, I wonder what could that be…

By the way, there is no such thing as "Jewish" bourgeois interests. Bourgeois interests are bourgeois interests, period. Do you seriously think the class interests of Bill Gates are different from that Mark Zuckerberg?

If you're against both, then why make a distinction at all?

A lot of bourgeoisie happen to be Jews


So what? A lot of bourgeois individuals also are white people.

Would it therefore make sense to speak of "white" bourgeois interests? Of course not.


Marx was not as racist as a lot of other people at the time but yeah he was a euro living in the 19th century so he was likely going to be at least a little racist. Even hardcore abolitionists in the US were still Racist at the time.

obvious Holla Forumstard

Ah good, Holla Forums still hates nazbols. All is not lost.

naz/pol/ needs to go home

t. Stalin

30 seconds in and I already cringed several times, good job.

Yes, Marx and Engels would have been racists by today's standards. But remember they're from the 19th century, and Marxism isn't a carbon copy of their views on everything.

This, plus I'd add that the quotes mentioned in the video are anecdotal at best and not at all substantial when considering Marx's work and thought.

I should add that one of Marx's daughters married a man of Creole descent (though I'll grant you he did look pretty much white, and Marx didn't like him particularly much, though that probably had more to do with him being one of the first people in history to suffer from leftcom infantile disorder.)

pls no bully, Lafargue was based


And yet you lads never fail to mention how Marx was absolutely right shunning feminists from the movement. :^)