Islamic Entryism

Proposal: we incorporate Leftist thought with Islam, taking advantage of the waves of Islamic diaspora, North African brain drain, and in-migration to first world countries as a way to spread a new alt-left way of thinking.

We're basically doing what Bertrand Russel's Algerian students did, but correctly this time.

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that train has passed. we had our chance, we failed. leftist groups in the middle east are a shell of their former selves.

the only real revolutionary leftist groups left with fighting militaries are the marxist leninist PFLP (popular front for the liberation of palestine) and the fucking turkish MLKP

I'm part of a Shia community here and I actually turned like 6 kids leftist by being thier Sunday school teacher.

Unfortunately, not much success with the older people. But I did get the entire mosque to vote for B████ so that's a start.

Not an actually Shia Muslim, but I am part of the community

We'd be working with people outside of the middle east before pollinating the middle east through cultural osmosis.

seriously at one point arabs didn't give a shit about islam and no one wore the hijab.

everyone was leftist and then colonialism/israel buttfucked everyone into conservatism because when your life is in shambles and you have no future of course you turn to religion

I think I love you.


Are you by chance the comrade that lives in Saudi Arabia?


The only cure is education, and since the USSR fell what you are proposing (a mix between islam and leftism) is almost impossible.

Islamic education operates differently than Western education: it moves from teacher to pupil through the madrasa system in a lot of places. All you need to do is add a few links to the chain and watch it spread.

This very thing happened in Algeria pre-revolution.

Nice meme words

Idpol dominates the mainstream left, the furthest it goes is some minor reformist sentiment that is periodically quelled by calls of "socialist" and internal purges. This is literally an alternative to the current Left in many places.

I hear the Sparticist League has a brigade fighting with ISIS, the dumb fucks.

Why would they go in with ISIS of all people, unless they were just initially in Syria and are now stuck allied with whoever is winning.

Rosa is spinning in her grave

anti-imperialism. Although it might just be a rumor or they pledged their support online like the larpers they are.

I really fucking hate those guys for ruining such a cool ass name.

Quads of truth.

Also I really hope it's just a rumor.


Shit plan tbh


Islam transcends many aspects of nationalism though. Plus, the idea is to introduce leftism to minorities already prone to id-pol and spread it back to places where leftism is weak through those channels.

Just like how white pride and black pride transcends many aspects of nationalism

And we end up with a fuck up like the black panthers protecting their "Identity" and valuing it more that the communist goal ?

Islam doesn't have a racial component. It's only as much a part of nationalism as any religion. If that's your beef, try spreading atheism globally and see how it gets you.

You can blame COINTELPRO for that one.

never utter these words. i don't want to be associated with the alt-right even if it is as their opposite. It simply makes us look like leftist counterparts to their conservatism.

We're both only "alt" until we're mainstream. Who do you want to get there first?

While we're at it, why not incorporate facism into our goals

Infiltrating the alt-right is a different game. One that might be worth someone playing, but entryism into the alt-right probably isn't.

It's about the name. The name alt right garners a certain image. Calling ourselves alt left makes us look like commie clones in the eyes of people who don't know shit. It's like how people associate peppe with racism now, because his face has been plastered on trump memes. peppe is all about smugness, but does anyone outside of imageboards know that? no. people don't know shit, and their brains make the fastest, most immediate connection possible.

Polar Left then?

Why fucking bother? What does communism have to learn from Islam? Oh, that's right - fuck all.

Well, there are way more Islamic governments than Communist governments standing today…

right wing trolls are gonna bait gen-X semi-prominent leftists into openly allying with the salafis. you heard it here first.

Go fuck a goat

I'm not Welsh though.

There is a reason why USA supported hurka durkas against reds.

Muslims hate communists.

We aught to.

Im going to sum up this board's stance on Islam after having read about sixty of these threads

Fuck no, I'd rather support Baathists.