When did Squirrel Girl used this costume? from all the ones I've seen this is the only one that actually looks good

When did Squirrel Girl used this costume? from all the ones I've seen this is the only one that actually looks good

That face…

Wow one of them actually looks good.

I guess it seems like to be references to other hero outfits? Like the top right one seems like a reference to the original Catwoman, the one below it reminds me of Forge or some other 80's X men character, The one on the right I guess could be a reference to Jean Grey? The outfit kind of reminds me of her outfit.

Never. I imagine it's more of a "Let's do homages to eras even though SG's history only goes back to one appearance in the 90's" kinda thing. I understand there was some time travel bullshit in the comic at some point, so there's that.

That costume's more Dazzler than Forge.

Don't lie to yourself user, I know you want those teeth grazing over your dick

The implication that she COULD draw well but chooses not to is worse than thinking she was just a shitty artist.

I can't believe Dr. Doom is thirsty enough to check out that Squirrel Girl.

Out of all the different Squirrel Girls the one he's checking out is the prettiest, so I can't blame him.

Who knew.

She definitely got some outside help on this (most likely a ref). There's too much fluctuation in quality to be solely her. Look at how shit her Kraven portrait is. She didn't even align the mouth to the nose and that's literally drawing 101.

Reminder that Marvel knows how shit Squirrel Girl's art is, which is why they hired a completely different artist to do the japanese cover.

The cankle costume is disgusting. It's like the artist needed to convey her own laziness by having Squirrel Girl look like a trailer park mom who wanders around Walmart in grey sweats.

Japanese always know how to please the readers

Japos on twitter are taking it pretty well.
Translation: ←-Cover | Contents →


And the viewers

Wow, they actually made Carol attractive again. Nice.

They also did a good job making her look serious without loosing her attractiveness

Wait, this was released already?

Where were you when Japan became the savior of western media

It was released on July IIRC

When Western media tried to emulate again without a counter balance from its own industry and gave us these abortions.

Honestly if western animation has any hopes, it needs to look at its past before copying off an entire industry. Like with Cuphead but with an actual show and not a video game.

They just copied and pasted a female design of another anime on to this show, I can't put my tongue on it but Im pretty sure I've seen that face more than once. Im not saying it wasn't a bad move its just that isn't Carol.

Also, Future Avengers? From what I've read from a quick google search, it sounds like a crappy cash grab, like that other avengers anime with the disc shooters.

FTFY. Like with everything else, America is now outsourcing it's entertainment.

I think is just a case of "same face" just like it happens sometimes with some of the Sunrise series when they use a certain style.

That being said, I think she looks close enough to early non-trans Captain Marvel.

Not really

Considering what this fucking country churns out when it makes its own entertainment, I'm perfectly okay with them outsourcing to people who give a shit.

That's because nobody invests in the domestic talent.

We treat art like a disposable product, so we shouldn't be so surprised that it's turned to garbage.

At least is closer than this

And the worst part about it is that they try to kill anyone else that tries to succeed.