Fuck socialism in one country

fuck socialism in one country

how about socialism in one planet ?

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Why not all planets?

socialism in one galaxy when ?

If aliens exist, let me be struck down where I sit!

Well, I guess space travel is impossible then~

why should God give a fuck about some shitposter

If aliens exist they should have become god by now.
We don't see any divinities.
Thus, we are alone in the universe.

socialism in one universe

this is moronic, but I suppose that's your point(?)
as if deducing that when drawing a single cup of water from the ocean that there are no whales

You'll have to send niggers to the moon for this to happen kek

this tbh

fourth worldism socialism on one planet

fuck off edf shills t.bh

Socialism in one Galaxy, user. Stop thinking so small.

Or they follow something akin to star trek's prime directive and ignore/quarantine primitive barbarians like us.

What if posadism is real but we are the ones that will spread communism across the galaxy instead of the aliens?

y tho

There could be life all over the universe, but not as complex as life on Earth. Even if there are aliens who are more advanced than us, interstellar travel is extremely slow and expensive. Sub-light travel takes for fucking ever, and moving at relativistic speeds or warping spacetime (i.e. wormhole) would require planet levels of energy to move a space ship.

Space: the final frontier.

The final frontier will be space and time outside of the 4 dimensions we're familiar with. Imagine when we have time travel and can take FALC not just throughout the universe, but throughout the timeline too. We will be able to communize the past, and also show Marx and Lenin and everybody the glorious new reality.

No, dummy. We see dark matter everywhere (or rather we don't see it). It's all Dyson spheres. The universe is so full of life that the majority of matter in the universe is hidden because other civilizations are harnessing it for power. The reason we don't see all the Dyson spheres as dust and they don't block our vision is because they've all got active camouflage - light passes through them so they remain hidden from hostile forces, which are bound to happen in a universe full of intelligent life.

Holy shit at last I truly see…

One of the most idiotic things about that guy is that he thinks intelligent aliens would actually give a shit about us.

I'm pretty sure he just enjoys money.

plz be real

I've been making this argument too, ever since I heard that there was a region of space where there was just a mysterious absence of anything. I was like nigga either all those stars are actually there but inside dyson spheres, or else everything in there got carted off to build dyson spheres somewhere else.

Big empty areas of deep space isn't surprising. Dark matter is surprising though. For those who don't know, we can't see any direct signs of anything out there, i.e. no light, but we know something has to be there because we can see the effects of gravity on the movement of the stuff we can see. It's theoretically possible to capture any light emitted from starts via a dyson sphere, but AFAIK there's no theoretical way to block the gravitational effects of celestial bodies. Also, I don't know what the point would be. Dyson spheres make sense - civilization requires energy. Besides, the more "dark matter" there is out there the harder it is to locate any one example of it. There's "noise" gravity coming from all directions that would drown out the gravity signature of nearby dyson spheres. There could be one right next to our solar system and we wouldn't even know it.

I wonder how these civilizations would have solved the problem of what to do when stars expire, assuming any of them are old enough to have run into that and FTL travel isn't possible. Do they just put everyone into a deep freeze and send them off on a slow journey to another sphere? Also what the flying fuck could they possibly be using all that energy for?

making dank memes by the quintillions




If they can build Dyson spheres they might know enough about stars to keep them from dying.
With the amount of energy you'd get from a Dyson sphere, FTL travel would be easy unless something in the laws of physics prevents it.

A civilization that has Dyson spheres probably has mind uploading. They'd probably beam a copy of themselves to the next system.

FTL travel to colonize the rest of the universe, capturing other stars in Dyson spheres so their energy isn't lost to entropy, absorbing and storing any surplus that's not being used. A civilization transitioning from Type II to Type III on the Kardeshev scale would probably set their sights on postponing the heat death of the universe and possibly reversing entropy.

I mean, that's what I think I'd be doing if that's the position I was in.

That's what I meant. I mean, nothing we know right now suggests it's possible.

And the same problem applies to beaming information over long distances, except that even if you've got FTL comms you would also run into the problem of what to do with the copy that isn't uploaded. You'd think they would want to survive as well.

We see lots of depictions of FTL civilizations in sci fi and such, but not so many of the other kind. I would be very curious what a Type 2 civilization based on slower than light travel would look like, especially in terms of interstellar communication and culture.

The other stuff does make sense though, even if it be a bit grim. Reminds me of The Void and the way the Brothers hoard colour.

this would be a good idea for a game


A squishy mortal body is a lot less fun though. And they probably would have come around to a more enlightened understanding of consciousness.

Since there would be no need to destroy the organic bodies, they would probably just stop reproducing and let the remaining organics die off. Maybe there would be splinter groups that never transitioned to inorganic life too.

I don't know, if it was you getting ready to press that button, would you make it so it kills you instantly once the transfer goes through, or just make a copy while you continue to exist at the present place in the present time? Would you be willing to bet that everything won't just go dark as soon as the switch is hit?

TBH it would depend entirely on the details of how the specific system worked. Whether I'd prefer my organic body to keep working would depend on the benefits and drawbacks of the technology and the larger context (society, etc.). I would be fine with either if one could be said to be the better option.

Which there is. Don't you know basic physics or something? FTL is also not at all neccesary for exploring and colonizing the galaxy.

I'm including cheats like wormholes or warp bubbles. Not true FTL but same end result.

Except we live in a universe where aliens may have had a head start of millions of years, and technology only gets better once civilization reaches an industrial point.

We don't see gods intervening, thus something about Earth is special.

What makes you think intervention is the norm? The default state of the universe would be no intervention because there's nobody to intervene yet. Once an advanced civilization comes into existence, it would have to deliberately go intervene. Intervening in random backward civilizations wouldn't be necessary to them. They'd have no need to do it.

Wormholes most likely don't exist.

They'd certainly be less stable than black holes, so if they did exist it would not be surprising that black holes were discovered first. There was a period where we had no evidence black holes existed. There's a reason I was talking in ifs. Even without pseudo-FTL, massive amounts of energy would be useful for colonizing the galaxy.

They would colonize the universe at some stage as they gain better technology, reaching all locations that can be orbited if not landed on.
This hasn't happened, thus aliens don't exist and only Earth has intelligent life.

Why? What inherent rule says a technologically advanced species has to want to explore the universe and colonize?

And you're sure of this how? Even with dyson spheres they'd have still have pretty limited materials. They would surely prioritize which systems got colonized. Maybe ours just wasn't high enough on the list or they haven't reached this far. Hell, maybe stars without planets are at the top of the list and stars with planets that have intelligent life are at the bottom. If I was trying to build Dyson spheres around every star in the galaxy as quickly as possible, I woulds start with the ones least likely to get them without my intervention. Intelligent life might build a Dyson sphere around their own star without my help.

Its how civilization works, it spreads out and takes lasting power over everything that it can, this is why if we DID find intelligent life we would do well to ban radio technology before they would find and exterminate us.

We don't see an alien authority over the galaxy, and the simplest answer is that none exists and that we stand as the sole exception to a hostile universe.

They don't need to make a list if you can have self-replicating machines go to all systems at the same time.

>Its how human civilization works
We have no idea what differences other life forms would have. And this is also only the case with certain human civilizations. There were plenty of civilizations that weren't expansionist. They got expanded on the the expansionist ones most of the time. In space, there's plenty of room to expand without messing with your neighbors though.

What's more likely, that life exists on one planet in a vast universe (meaning that an extraordinarily unlikely event - life - did occur), or that human civilization, which has existed for about 1/1750000th of the universe's age, is too primitive to notice what signs other civilizations would leave in space? It's not like we have a reference point. We don't also see another universe where the existence of space civilization is reversed. It's kind of like how to us it looks like the sun goes around the earth, to which one might respond "and what would it look like if the earth went around the sun?"

Limited resources, fam. You could send self-replicators to all systems at once or you could send fewer self-replicators, but self-replicators with a higher quality. You might send them to worlds with richer resources so they too can make higher quality replicators. Maybe instead of sending out shitty replicators everywhere all at once, there was some reason to send out better-quality replicators, or replicators with specific features. Maybe the most efficient way isn't to just spam mindless machines.

We're also assuming that aliens would be rational. They might have superstitious reasons for what they do as well. We have no idea what biases an alien race would have.

How else could civilization work and avoid stagnation within, and soon consumption by a more aggressive neighbor?

We know what signs aliens would leave behind and what messages would be sent out, but we see only natural features and silence.

I shouldn't have to tell you that science-fiction is just that, entertaining fiction.

Any civilization that doesn't nuke itself will be generally rationalist and above superstition.

This doesn't bode well for us, but hey.


That's kind of funny, I happen to be writing a novel about many things but among them eventual socialism in one universe.

Forgot meh trip

Tripfags are why nobody takes us seriously.

That's great honey, unfortunately unlike you I'm a somebody on this forum and it's convenient for everyone if I have a trip for people to identify me by and I'd like that bit about my novel to be associated with my trip.

You insult the legion by putting your name above your message.

muh sekrit clubb

No we don't. What are you smoking?

Hi everybody!!!! My name is Lares and I am a real somebody on maoist propaganda poster forums because I am writing a book!! I believe tgat as long as everyome can see that I make the posts I makr that they will feel better because they know of my genius and that I am the genius behind it and not some edgy sekrit klub anonymous man. Also did I mention I am wroting a book??? Many books actually!! This proves of my enlightened stance towards my fellow man because we all knwo intelligence is directly correlated to the amount of books you're writing at a single time!!!! Everyone who calls me out is just some1 who wants a sekrit club and not bcuz I am an attentionwhore with thesaurus open in another tab.
I am a real somebody u kno!!!

tripfaggotry gives me aids so i decided to use my trip to give you aids

A planet is autarcic, and thus doesn't need to trade with other planets.

A planet isn't surrounded by other planets that will try to forcefully "open a new market".

We know what technology they would need, because we know what the laws of physics are.