Telltale's Batman S2, E2 Trailer

Whichever user called them doing a lazy swap of the Joker/Harley Quinn dynamic, give yourself a pat on the back.

Also, Bane. Just in case one godawful Batman villain wasn't enough.

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What did the user describe?

In one of the previous threads discussing the reveal of Harley for this season, there was a poster saying that they'll probably flip the Joker/Harley relationship so that Harley is the one that "corrupts" Joker.

I feel like I'm just growing to hate this character more and more each day. I still don't understand why they're trying to push for her popularity of all characters.

Wow that's really stupid

Because on some level fangirls demand to be hurt. They find appeal not just in bad boys, but explicitly being abused for some reason.

So like a Tumor, they attached themselves to essentially what is a Fangirl parody and really a tragic character….

Bruce Timm just wanted to draw a cute girl in a jester outfit. Neither he nor anyone who watched B:TAS asked for Harley to explode into what she is today. All she was meant to be was the Joker's moll. tfw your favorite Batman villain is Scarecrow. Tfw no writer can ever come up with a Scarecrow story that isn't, Crane uses his gas, Batman realizes that Crane is using his gas, Batman has a bad trip for three panels and then kicks Crane back to Arkham.

I don't think it's even really possible to do a Scarecrow story that isn't Batman just having a bad acid trip. Some writers try to use the evil scientist with a fascination with the human mind angle, but Hugo Strange does it better anyway (funnily enough, Hugo Strange also used fear gas way before Crane adopted it). So all that's left is a bullied faggot who takes out his nerdrage by gassing Chads and Stacies with fear toxin.

She is DC's answer to Deadpool so that is why.

Not quite, user. I know some Harley fan girls that do not like the relationship with the Joker because of its abusive angle, they love the free-spirit aspect of do whatever I want while being zany and lolrandumb.

I feel your pain, Scarecrow's my favorite too.

But it could be done better than:

Crane could use small amounts of his gas or modified version of it, causing batman to experience paranoia, second guessing himself, and possibly panic attacks. Crane would wear out Batman over time and only interfere directly when Bat is too worn out to put much resistance. He could also gradually induce things like fear of heights in Batman, to cripple his capabilities as a superhero.

Even the standard acid trip route could be done better. What if Batman could not "realize" his way out of gas and had to wait for the body to metabolize it? That could lead to two obvious scenarios. First, Batman forced to fight while under effects of the gas and not being able to tell friend from a foe or even a shadow. Second, Batman fleeing through distorted and twisted Gotham, trying to buy time until gas is metabolized.

Lastly, Batman and Scarecrow could be in a sort of the arms race, with Batman figuring out new ways to counteract the fear toxins, and scarecrow developing new types of it. Over time, Scarecrow's superior formula would force batman into taking a dangerous compound which would fuck with his Amygdala, preventing the feeling of fear completely. It would allow Batman to deal with Scarecrow, but at the cost of making him reckless, psychopathic, and unmotivated.

Being a fan of The Riddeler is no better. All you get is a Jigsaw wannabe, a faggy hipster edgelord, Joker-lite with a question mark gimmick, or a murderous nut-job. Most recent story where Riddler was handled somewhat decently was "Hush." Granted, I don't read much capes anymore, so I could be wrong on that.

So HQ fangirls are basically PeNgU1Ns oF d00m.

Who's voicing Harley Quinn?

I had an idea for a batman series where in the first season Crane is in charge at Arkham and is partially responsible for creating some of the Batman villains or using them as goons to kill Batman like Victor Zzassz or something and Crane becomes a main villain through out the season.

That idea for the Scarecrow sounds pretty good.

I dunno how Harley Quinn can be considered a role model. The recent characterization reminds me more of a cross between Deadpool and Tank Girl.

Sounds like Hynden Walch. At least it's not that kike Tara Strong again.

Like I said though, that sort of evil scientist shtick is done better by Hugo Strange. Crane doesn't really fit it all that well.

OK, I will admit that does sound pretty drope.

I preferred Hynden over Tara. Hopefully, Hynden can deliver a good performance.

Do you guys like this design

It looks pretty cool. And before anyone asks, Yes, I have played Arkham Knight. I didn't care much for it. I actually liked the Scarecrow sections in Asylum better. At least in that game it was intentional that he gets overshadowed by the Joker.

She isn't really a role model, but more like a female power fantasy. She is a liberated woman that does whatever she wants, sleeps with whoever she wants (this is legit, even though Poison Ivy is her love interest, there is no monogamy between them) and everyone in-universe loves her… At least her supporting cast does.

Scarecrow in the Arkham Knight was a disappointment. He stands in the back ground talking shit but until the final battle does we face any of the Scarecrow sequences from Asylum which were what made that game memorable. The Joker should not have been in that Arkhan Knight at all.

That happened here too. Anyone have a screenshot?

Batmobile gimmick ruined Arkham Knight, Scarecrow being this weird mumbling deformed guy who has like 20 minutes worth of scenes despite supposedly being the main villain is just the cherry on the shit cake.

A lot of shit held Arkham Knight back, but not just the Batmobile.

So they aspire to be sluts without the slut shaming? Seems about right with so many women cosplaying her. When will they start removing all the problematic traits to her character until she becomes not interesting anymore?

Eh, that sounds better than making her into a boring normal girl who just happens to be a lesbian with an ACTUAL supervillain.

If I were in charge at DC, I would demand they give Riddler a "no killing" policy. I feel like going up against the Riddler should make Batman breath a sigh of relief and grow a little smirk on his face, and start researching clues while Alfred comes over with a fresh pot of coffee, because it's gonna be a long night. But no, every criminal in Gotham needs to be PSYCHOTICALLY EVIL to the point that cops would have shot them on site, and not cared if they did time for it.

Harley's fall will be when she's reached maximum market saturation and loses her "rebel" status. Like with goths and suicide girls, once normal people start jumping on the bandwagon, people will move on to the next slutty thing.

That is pretty much correct. She is one of the few characters that SJWs are okay with her being sexualized as long as its not "objectified".

Is there ever any significant cries of sexual objectification when the woman in question is not morally corrupt? Like villains can be as slutty and sexy as they want, but Power Girl having a boob window is bad.

*is morally corrupt

Not well read, I take it?

Ive been trying to get into the comics, I'm more of a start from the beginning kind of guy.

I hate those games and what they turned the characters into, but I kinda respect the appeal that you basically have animated, interactive Batman comics and they keep coming.

Of course there are. I can't think of any from the top of my head, but there are a couple outside of Holla Forums like pic related. Even before the rise of SJWs, this girl from Prince of Persia: Warrior Within who is one of the villains got flack for being introduced with a 6-second shot ass and her outfit in general being too skimpy. I could check out examples later, but it just so happens most controversies regarding "objetification" happen to involve straight up superheroines like Power Girl, Starfire, Psylocke and etc. instead of villains.

However, Harley gets a free pass because paraphrasing people here "she is a strong independent woman who sexualizes herself on her own initiative rather than the writer and can't be considered objectified". Sounds flawed as hell, but that is literally their logic. She gets naked because she wants to and not to pleasure you disgusting shitlords. Its the same logic why slutwalks are okay but billboards with bikinis are not.

I don't even

Not defending or saying I like it- but what if Joker's playing passive to make it easier to hook her later?
Rather than have her be a carpet to walk over or a bucket to fill from the start- he acts as the patsy so she gets the idea he loves her desperately. Then bit by bit Joker does shit to assert dominance or threaten to leave her if she doesn't start to kowtow.
Of course, Joker's ego is far to big to let him go along with that IMO, and it'd take a long time to make that flip seem natural. And why he'd tell Bruce I don't know.
Only going by the trailer- maybe it's even just that he loves how crazy she is. "I'm in love with (how I can use) her."

It's just whole load of doublethink. The only way to shut up the ones crying about sexualization is to have even more obsessive fangirls who don't mind it, and will jump on throats of critics. It seems to be a lottery, as characters like Xena, HQ, Tank Girl, characters in Simone's Secret Six and The Birds of Prey get a pass, but ones like Bayonetta, Power Girl, Catwoman, Zatanna, and Poison Ivy don't.

I used to think that potentially lesbian or bisexual characters were the ones that get a pass but then SJWs campaigned to get Poison Ivy covered up and DC did it. Which is really bizarre, since Poison Ivy always used seduction as one of her weapons. There is just no logic to deciding what's ok and what isn't.

Good luck. Reading by runs or arcs is the only way to go really. Especially with capes like Batman, since you most likely already know all the essentials.

Notice how the first category you mentioned were created of characters you mentioned were targeted towards a female audience in mind, while whatever happens to have a larger male following is frowned upon. You can actually deduce what is problematic according to SJWs by how much it appeals to men.

While she is designed by a woman, she was made for core gamers considering her game is very challenging (relatively speaking) and female gamers prefer
Female version of male character usually defined by her large tiddies.
Supporting character/love interest of male hero.
Female character dressed in fetishized outfit and infamous for one of her writers having married a real life version of her.
Uses her powers to seduce men (I've never seen Ivy use her powers on women, except for one instance where she kissed Supergirl - which I recall did not work) and this is an extremely female problematic archetype, so therefore she needed to be altered.

Now lets observe Harley Quinn: her fans like her the best when she is not held back to male characters like the Joker or Batman. Remember when Batman and Harley Quinn was made and there was an outcry due to Harley being "objectified"? That was because she was dressed in a sexy waitress outfit and she fucked Nightwing in the movie. She works "best" (or so to speak) when she stands her own without being tied down to any disgusting males.

The most problematic types of females that are targeted would be the sexy princesses in distress like Daphne in Dragon's Lair, who are essentially a prize to be won. This extends to female characters that are merely supporting to male heroes too, and if they are also eye-candy, to the chopping block with them.

There was an outcry because it was shit.


No one disputes this, really. The movie was hot garbage, though the reason why Harley fans hated was those I posted in the above.

Looks terrinle

Probably the first 15-20 years of most comics are absolute trash tier writing. It's not worth it.

WTF Telltale? Fucking Riddler put up a better fight than Bane in this shitshow.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but that hasn't really been done before, or has it? By the way, I dig that Harley design.


Would SJW freak out if they made Harley a nigger?

Only if it was dumb Harley.

Why does he have a mustache and beard?
He did the power pose.

Why does he wear the mustache?

All he is a 'roided up spic, of course he'd have the 'stache

Yeah, yeah, bitches always *say* they hate awful, abusive relationships, but magically the cunts find themselves going from one to the next. There's a reason SJW nutcases are latching on to Harley. They're all damaged messes just like her but through her they can practice a little revisionist history.


Because it's hacky as fuck. All it is is, "Dats rite, girls, we don't need no man tellin' us what to do, who run the world???"

Are you retarded? Is Joker CURRENTLY a nigger feminist? I know the answer is "No," so why the fuck would switching their dynamic around suddenly turn Harley into a lip smackin shithead?

Because now Harley has dominant position, she finds a blank slate John Doe and turns him into the Joker. You're naive, a moron or both if you don't think the full social justice package comes with that.

This is like some kinda fucked up twilight zone episode where you've been brainwashed into becoming an SJW without realizing it and still hating them.



Yes, yes you do.

You must be new. Go back to Reddit, they'll accept your kind there.

Little boys too.

Clearly I made a mistake thinking this was the board where we discuss comics and cartoons.

o i am laffin

Holy shit

Try being a Penguin fan.
At least Eddie and Crane still get to make appearences that aren't just cameos every now and then

What? Is this real?

Quirky female characters are all the rage today


There was no way they'd use the abusive Joker angle on such a low common denominator show like Gotham.

I think the scarecrow is the "Worst" character in Batman as in the evilest when the jokers homicidal tendencies are not being played up, which I'm not a fan of so much.
The Scarecrow is a sadist in a very PG way but also a very entertaining way. A very meager person who thrives on the suffering of others, and fear in particular.
I really liked what they did with him in the Storyline where Gotham was isolated. Preying on the kindest and the most helpful, and all without fear gas.

Really there is allot to do with the guy in terms of scenarios. Drop fear gas almost completely to an extent to be used sparingly. For instance he creates a highly addicting drug that causes intense fear and he records the reactions for instance, and enjoys seeing what people do. In this case the fear is genuine its ripping. It makes the person experience what they fear the most. But then they have to keep experiencing it. Turning their lives into a hell on earth for instance. Batman can't even just Antivenom them because of the addiction.

Maybe the bigger the dose the more true is the fear of the person? Like at a small dose its fear of beatings, but on a larger dose its fear of their abusive mother?
Or maybe it works better the more somebody fears something, causing people to do insane things for the draw but that also causes suffering?
I dunno just an idea.
That's what really should be taken advantage of with Batman Stories. The Rouges galleries personalities, as they RELATE to their gimmicks, not so much the gimmicks themselves.
If the Joker was treated in the same way the Scarecrow is for instance, he would just run around using only a mallet all day.

What are you talking about? He's been in a whole series.

I was talking about comics featuring the character and not a tv show starring a Tumblr bait version of him


Interesting. Makes me wonder if Scarecrow jacks off to people being scared of him?

Nah, that's kinda the EDGE over Substance.

He's a small pathetic shell of a man. He's full of straw. When he isn't scaring people he has terrified himself. Terrified even more so of empathy and kindness. Hes one of those people who aren't capable of receiving love (As corny as that sounds).

At the end of the Storyarc I mentioned (Where he fucks shit up in a church that holds in survivors where the pastor refuses to kick him out because he believes in giving everybody a second chance), everybody decides to FORGIVE him.

This freaks him the fuck out. He expected them to tear him apart and then he could die happy that people are as monstrous and predictable as he thought they would be. Instead they FORGIVE him after he tried to get them all killed! Batman isn't even in the story (I believe). The main actor in it was the Huntress.

This destroys his preconceptions, and he waddles away into the night, burning his scarecrow costume, and takes the posture of a hollow fearful nobody.
I mean that would be a great way to end the character. But you gotta keep going forever and ever until he becomes the hulk or some shit.

I think your backspace is broken fellow user

You might like the upcoming episode of Justice League action. They're using Riddler as a private detective.

It was pretty nice to see Harley as a remorseless psychopath and more importantly, as a villain, once again. Though now I kinda feel bad for John.

Bane's design sucks and despite basically providing an army of goons he leads, he still feels like a meathead. I also don't like the cholo design.

Freeze is Freeze. He's probably the most traditional of Telltale's spins on the villains.

I kinda like how Oswald decided to be an asshole and spilled the lab's location to Harley.

What would you have in mind for Scarecrow? For him to be a spooky militia leader?
Fuck Knight

Paul Dini married a stage magician. Or in other words, Zatanna fanboy actually married his waifu.

She also does voice acting.

How does she feel about Dini falling in love more with a idealized version of a fictional female character rather than herself?


I'm the guy who made the original post and I agree with this sentiment. Arkham Knight wasn't even about Scarecrow tbh. It was just more Joker wank

Well obviously that woman does not exist and is an unrealistic expectation of a woman.