Why are you still a Marxist Holla Forums? Why haven't you accepted Hegelian Posthumanism as the one true path?

Why are you still a Marxist Holla Forums? Why haven't you accepted Hegelian Posthumanism as the one true path?


Transhumanism is a circlejerk fantasy for nerds.

Leftpol can't even call itself Marxist, they don't read Marx. They're idealists of the worst kind.

Laughable. Especially that sick fuck of a mod, Prickly. You guys are under the nuclear thumb of a dog rapist, is this what the proletariat has reduced itself to? To be ruled by dog fuckers like Prickly and N1x?

Why not both?


The vague concept of "science" could be a "spook" but technologies certainly aren't.

m8 there's no need to resort to slandering my already disreputable name here. Prickly is banned from #anarcho and I have no interest in fucking doges

Whatever, n1x. Your words are meaningless and of no value for your defense.



If you're so smart then how come you can't philosophize yourself a gf?

same to u my dude ;^)

nice try biocucks.

It disturbs me that someone would save pictures of this fat dog and post them elsewhere. It feels like I'm being stalked.

I did, once. It ended very, very badly. Turned out I used the wrong incantations and summoned an ice queen.

Because what we find in Marx about Capital is where Hegel wasn't Hegelian enough despite having read the manuscripts of Adam Smith, blah blah blah.

because we don't content ourselves with jerking off to some sci-fi fantasy book and talking about how great automation is; we actually want to generate the conditions for a socialist revolution that will not only bring a far less shitty life for workers, but also great technological progress as the means of production, education, etc. are in the hands of the workers and not of porky as it is currently.

The only way to reach your posthuman shit is through actual change, by destroying capitalism as we know it and building the new society over it.

The Marxists have been dedicated all these years to an actual scientific analysis of society (with the methodologies and theories of dialectical materialism) that allows us to identify and reveal the contradictions of capitalism, and thus will allow us to build a mass movement capable of a socialist revolution.

Meanwhile, anarchist """"""theory"""""" is but a bunch of ascientific poetry that doesn't propose an effective theory, nor praxis for revolutionary change.

You should stop shitposting and jerking it to Star Trek or whatever, and look to reality. That reality of the most exploited workers since you're probably some STEM student that had it easy. And read some actual theory goddammit.

I don't know anything about it.

Because there's no guarantee transhumanism will actually be a thing and you guys and just jerking eachother off over what is essentially pointless hypotheticals with no basis in reality and no evidence. You might as well say evolution will eventually lead humans to developing magic powers that will bring about communism. Magic Communism. Magicism. Your "theory" is literally this.

Read Bakunin.


I want to see red terror materialized and partake in it. There would be nothing so pleasing than to force capitalist pigs peg for their lives at gunpoint.

wrong flag, damn it.

The important bits about automation are already fucking here though, they're being deployed as we speak.

Transhumanism in its early forms already exists, human augmentation is not Scifi, gene editing is being tested right now and people have had robot arms for years.

The singularity meme stuff will be here after the automation revolution but there is zero reason why we won't eventually be able to simulate minds given time and resources. But the important thing is what is happening right now, automation that could make a socialist revolution impossible, or irrelevant.

Humans are just the vehicle of reason at the moment, posthumanism is as anti-humanist as you can get.


wew accidentally hit reply

The thing is that transhumanism isn't necessarily the same thing as post-humanism. It reproduces some of the same sorts of Enlightenment thinking about humanity. Transhumanists, after all, still more or less consider "humanity" to be a discrete entity from technology, a thing-in-itself which is merely augmented by technology. A posthumanist on the other hand sees the two as intertwining in ways that break any binary definition of humanity where technology and humanity are discrete and humans relate to technology in a purely instrumental sense.

I see what you mean and I would certainly agree from my experience with transhumanists.

Though I would say that in practicality, the distinction is blurred enough that mixing them isn't much of a crime.

Speaking colloquially, sure. But I think the distinction is nonetheless important. I consider myself a posthumanist for instance, and would support anarcho-transhumanism, but I'd still be critical of it because of the fine theoretically differences.

Does it make you uncomfortable?

because we have brains and understand marx's critique of capitalism is the most important ideological issue today.

even the champion of hegel aka zizek is a marxist. you are a genuine retard if you aren't a marxist… go read marx right now

Zizek has essentially said that Marxism as Marxism is a laughable ideology. If you'd read his works you would know that he doesn't really have any positive plan at all, and his analysis is too eclectic to be called "Marxist."

Lol, you guys really do live in a fantasy land.

read proudhon and silvio gesell

I want to hold hands with Lain

me too