TOP CUCK: Revisionist Eric Hunt bows before jewry...

TOP CUCK: Revisionist Eric Hunt bows before jewry, says it was real in his mind too – on the anniversary of the real Holocaust at Dresden

This isn't the first time Eric cucked on the Holohoax


>Runfola had argued that his client was a "lost soul," not a racist or a Holocaust denier.

>After the verdict, Runfola expressed relief and said his client has been unjustly treated as a hate monger when he was really mentally ill.

>"He's recovered. It's over - he's a meek soul," Runfola said outside court. "He's not a Holocaust denier," he said, adding that he would never have defended him under such circumstances.

Other urls found in this thread:!4cMDEApb!4tpE3YPO9FgSr-VbbzD51A

No big surprise there.


In all honesty, I do believe that some mass murders did occur. In fact, it is almost odd to go against the ones on the eastern fronts where kikes were running the show.

What I do find surprising is the recent revisionist switcharoo, where Irving said (late 2016 I believe) that the figure is literally around 6 gorillion. He does appear to be a broken man though, and whether it is due to finding out about being wrong or kikes got to him I do not know.

Does anyone really deny that communist kikes were shot in large numbers? Isn't it the gas chambers and supposed DEATH camps that really makes no sense?

Cohencidentally, Eric stated on VNN in 2012 that he was in contact with "revisionist lawyer" and "reclusive millionaire and CIA insider" Andrew E. Allen, the puppet master behind the IHR affair which led to Mark Weber and the Institute for Historical Review adopting a position similar to the one he (Eric Hunt) is now taking.

Soon they will not put us in prison but in psychushka, drugged out and lobotomised.


this genuinely scares me
there's nothing I fear more than my mind meing shoa'd and culturally enriched

source? He's been walking around with thorns in his balls for years without flinching.

Otherwise, nice bait schlomo, 9/11

Irving said it happened in the early 2000s if not the late 1990s. Where have you been?

No source.


Sec, was afk. Will link you just have to dig it up. It's in one of those recent 1hour videos/talks in questions section.

Skip ahead to 0:39

I'm not sure if this is the excerpt I'm referring to. I think he said 6 million somewhere, but maybe it's my imagination.

In either case, listen to 2:30 onwards

Huh. He claims that smoke is evidence, when he's previously covered the fact that bodies burning in those crematoria ovens, with coke, do not create billowing smoke.

He also claimed that there is no evidence of the Operation Reinhardt camps being used for transportation, when he specifically debunked Yitzhak Arad's claims to that effect by showing several Jews talk about being transported through Treblinka to Majdanek.

And the CODOH forum is "under maintenance." I can only assume that nizkor wrote this, and the Jews rubbed out Eric Hunt, or something else creepy happened. Weber, Cole, Irving, they "get" to people some way or another, it's rather frightening to witness. It's like "Invaders from Mars" or some shit when they "turn" people.

What the fuck is this shit? He's actually saying there were mass gassings now? What did they do to him?

You've got to be kidding me, that's edited worse than a Simpsons parody.

Those disjointed clips are from his recent interview called 'Talking Frankly'. He said 200-300 people were 'gassed' at Auschwitz in the red house and the white house, two small sheds where the guards used car exhausts to kill a batch of extremely old, disabled prisoners that arrived. He never says there were mass gassings as this was a one off incident.

I thought everyone agreed Reinhardt was real, surely no one doubts that? Besides it was never claimed to be a death/transit/concentration camp of any sort, it was a euthanasia centre. Many German civilians and soldiers with terminal health conditions were sent there and, if anything, it's proof that they knew how to build an actual gas chamber when you compare it to the ludicrous air raid shelters/shower rooms at the camps (there are even discrete signs at Auschwitz today that confirm they weren't actually gas chambers).

Later in the video Irving says that the largest mass killings were committed by Ukrainian SS on the eastern front, perhaps 60,000 shot in ditches. He says he has evidence this was halted as soon as the German high command found out it was happening. I presume this was some sort of revenge for the Holodomor and Soviet rule. IIRC Irving says this was confirmed to him by a German soldier he befriended, he seemed to think he was being honest and had no reason to make such an admission if it was a lie.

Finally he says that someone recently showed him a document that 2million people were killed that he initially thought was real. Then he proceeds to demolish it as a blatant forgery so no, he doesn't admit '6million' were killed.
This is all from memory, the video is nearly 3hours long but I remember it quite well.

Finally, on a personal research note (something I haven't seen mentioned before), does anyone want to tell me why they used super-inefficient Zyklon B, which was in short supply (and high demand due to the Typhus epidemic) to the extent that it was being manufactured to a lower standard towards the end of the war, rather than Sarin gas? Sarin is over 80 times more potent than the raw cyanide released from the Zyklon pellets, which also had to be heated to have any effect.
We didn't find out the Germans had invented it (in 1939) with around 50-100tons in storage until way after the 'atrocity propaganda' program was in full swing; otherwise I'm sure we'd be hearing about the Sarin gas chambers, which would probably be harder to disprove than the Zyklon myth.

I tried reading that article and it's truly bizarre.

It's another forced confession, same as David Cole's. He went 180 from seeking the truth straight to parroting Holocultist lines like "dangerous, irrational deceivers" and calling people "extremists".

What a fucking retard.

I get that there are nasty kikes willing to use stasi tactics and extortion to enforce the holohoax and it is probably what is happening with Hunt but David Cole probably cucked out on his own tbh fam. All of his newer writings for takimag and such are just alt-lite anti-sjw shit that constantly punches right, not unlike Paul Joseph Watson, Sargon, etc. Considering that the JDL intimidation happened decades ago and after faking his death he had years of peace and quiet and success in Hollywood before being outed the extortion and intimidation is not really a factor anymore. Cole is an opportunist, he happened to see some kind of opportunity in revisionism, then as a Hollywood republican, and now in the alt-lite/alt-kike scene.

Strange. Eric supported this theory in his recent documentary "Questioning The Holocaust - Why We Believed (Part 1 of 2)".

I wonder what changed?

He hasn't qualified his sudden 180 on Holocaust revisionism with any supporting facts or arguments, it is obvious he is under duress of some sort or he just cucked out from simple social pressure/ostracism like a bitch.

Cole wasn't ever hard right, but I don't think he ever ditched revisionism of his own accord.

Reminder that David Cole's public renouncement of Holocaust revisionism in the 90s was motivated by death threats from the JDL. Perhaps something similar is occurring to Hunt.

Well David Cole is a kike so he will just do what he feels is best for his own success.


Reminder that Red Ice's "BASED national jew" Reactionary Jew is trying to form his own JDL branch.


Yes, that's the only thing that makes it any different from any other event. They need to push the narrative of a systematic assembly line of gassing to make it worse than other mass killings. Without it, it's nothing, and actually not as bad as the kikes killing people.

There is the uncensored version. Funny how Red Ice censored it in the first place. Also Im guessing mossad was going to clip hunt and he switched his views much like irving.

Any dox on this fucker yet? Red Ice has been running as an unfortunately somewhat successful DOD honeypot operation for years and probably have data on a lot of bad goys. Between this and the revisionists apparently being under duress it seems kikes are going to step up their stasi tactics and get especially vicious in the near future. We need to nip this in the bud and escalate before these kikes start getting emboldened or anything.

Provides zero evidence for gas chambers, no one said communist traitors werent shot, lots of jews were traitors. Most died because of hunger and preventable disease at the end of the war, bombed supply lines etc, we all know the facts. Hes provided zero counter.

300k jews died in camps and 100k non jews, according to the most reliable records, this guy is a race traitor.

More white farmers have been killed by niggers in Africa than Jews who died in the holocaust indirectly due to allied bombing.

It did cross my mind that the whole thing seemed similar to the press release the jews wrote, and then tried to blackmail Richard Spencers mother into releasing, as if it was her own, disowning her son etc.

Not yet, unfortunately. See if you can find anything.

Is there a name to go off of at least?

Not that I've found so far. Probably would be best to just spread his picture around calling him a Nazi collaborator with the quote where he said he'd vote for Richard Spencer for president.

Well it seems I'll have to dig on this kike then.

Wut? Does this guy think more Jews died or what

That MIGHT be him.

This reads like it was written by a kike lawyer. I'm surprised they didn't also have him suddenly discover that he is a transsexual.

David Irving said if he had his time again he would definitely not expose the lies of the Holohoax, that doing so has destroyed his life. All they have to do is threaten his family and of course he will say "yes, portable gas chambers were real, muh six gorillion". This backtracking is a very obvious a sign of duress. Also, the retractions are always extremely thin on details and if looked into can actually lead a critical mind into actual denial.

The correct way to respond to such retractions by former deniers is not by calling them cucks. This just looks like childish name-calling and does Holohoax truth no good.

The correct response is to say "Poor X, (((they))) threatened his family". This is more likely to generate sympathy and interest in the topic among the uninitiated. It also shows solidarity with someone who has been crushed by the ZOG machine. That is the least we can do for them.

tl;dr the correct memetic response is

Gas chambers are more believable than your 'dod honeypot' claim, faggot. Gas yourself.

Hell, all you have to do to be an ebil Holocaust Denier is say that 5.99 million Jews died and not 6.

Also: if these guys can be threatened into lying by some jewish thugs, how can we trust the "confessions" at the Nuremberg trials where camp personnel were threatened into lying by people with the backing of the vast majority of the entire world's military?!4cMDEApb!4tpE3YPO9FgSr-VbbzD51A

Folder view of holoax stories/information

Can download individually

So according to Eric Hunt, this picture is smoking gun proof of the Shoahcaust.

Must be because of the GhAStly appearances.

"In the cool of aliyah when everything is getting kind Y'hudy"

"I call you up (collect) and ask you if you'd like to go to court where I can sue thee"

"Fihst you say no you got some plans (I do too goy) for the nacht, and the you schlepp, and say alreich"

"Push and shove is kinda crazy with a spooky little goy like you"

"You always keep me k'vetching I never reach your pocket while jingling"

"And if a shikseh looks at you its for sure your little eye will be a winking"

"Oi get confused cause Oi don't know where greatest allies stand, and then you smile…
and goys bust out a van"

"Push an shove is kind of crazy with a spooky little goy like you"

"If I decoide to stop this realpolitik game that I've playin"

"I'm gonna sell you all the shit my boss has been dyin to be liquidatin"

"Just like an audit, you've been a hauntin my schemes,
Then you rahowa-
on Rosh Hashanah"

"The push and shove is kinda crazy with a spooky little goy like you"

Typical merchant parody song that applies well to Enoch

It's called marketing for the film Denier

I've watched just about every Irving video (new and old) that YouTube has to offer. In none of them does he admit that 6 million jew were killed - the guy stating he did is talking absolute garbage. In Operation Reinhardt, he believes maybe 1.2 million were killed, but that's just going off of one document he found he believes to be legitimate. Before that document, he believed the number of Jews purposefully killed were in the 10's of thousands only.
Irving has always claimed that Hitler knew nothing about the killings of the Jews (was under the assumption they were transported off to Eastern Europe) and Himmler was the one giving the green-light for the killings. He firmly stands by his belief that the gas chambers were pure forgery.

They're actually not, but I agree with the sentiment.

The whole thing is just ridiculous. Imagine if it were any other historical event, and a historian stumbled upon new evidence that invalidated his previous claim. He wouldn't write a 5000 word political screed that calls everyone "extreme deniers" and "naive people" that will actually GET PROSECUTED for believing in one version of history.

No, he would just be like, "Well I found this new bit of evidence. It contradicts my previous take on this series of historical events. Perhaps it is time to re-evaluate our understanding of history."

Yeah, Red Ice probably isn't DOD, but I highly doubt they're sincere, and whatever good you can argue comes out of them is outweighed by the bad. Just yesterday they posted some kosher AnCap crap and billed it as the "ultimate redpill on the JQ".

Of course there were "mass murders". When they caught a communist partisan they shot them, there's no doubt about that. A lot of those partisans happened to be kikes.

The holohoax is about gas chambers and the systematic order for the extermination of Jewry within German occupied territory. These are the false claims that the kikes and allies made after the war. Putting a bullet into the back of a communist partisans head is very different from systematically gassing every jew in your land.

There were likely some atrocities commited on the eastern front too, but the claim that those atrocities were ordered by the Nazi high command is to this day unproven.

Interesting post (allegedly) by Eric Hunt on the Daily Stormer forum. Seems as though his current position is that the Holocaust happened and they deserved it.

Eric Hunt………….Rich Tune
Andrew Anglin…. Deal a Warning


Eric Hunt is debating Friedrich Paul Berg on Ry Dawstein's show this Wednesday.

Has anybody else heard the one about how they used bodies for fuel to burn more bodies at Auschwitz-Birkenau?

Eminent holocaust historian Cenk Uygur claims the bodies were not used to burn more bodies, however, but to heat the camp itself.

So which is it? Did they burn them for heat to burn more or did they burn them to heat the camp?
Neither since you can't burn bodies for net energy.

So Eric Hunt is being manipulated by a C.I.A. agent.

What if Eric Hunt was already a C.I.A. agent himself?

Poor Eric Hunt, they've threatened his family.

Eric Hunt is either mentally ill or an intelligence agent. Perhaps both.

Jared Taylor says Reactionary Jew looks h'white to him.

Red Ice is a confirmed U.S. Dept. of Defense intelligence operation. This isn't debatable.

Eric Hunt is pushing that stupid "white genocide" meme. Nobody takes this idea seriously except for mentally ill internet kooks. The meme itself was originated by C.I.A. agent Bob Whitaker.

The American "white nationalist" movement was started by C.I.A. assets in the late 1940's, and I have good circumstantial evidence to prove this.

This is extremely disturbing. Most of all because it means that we won't get any more of the high quality documentaries Hunt made. I guess "Questioning the Holocaust" will never get a part 2 now.

But I will never believe in the Holocaust, no matter what garbage Hunt spews now. His debunking documentaries were, and are, rock solid. I guess we can be thankful he made them for us, summarizing the decades of research done by men with more integrity than him.

His stupid recantation contains no proof.

Fuck Eric Hunt; there was no Holocaust


Dawson put the debate up on his site - behind a paywall, of course.

Got it from a subscriber.

Since Ry's a lolberg, he should appreciate this free market alternative.

Anybody listen?

White genocide is not up for debate, its factual and right in front of our eyes. Youre obviously a shill, people who suggest white genocide isn't real in the context of a sub 2.0 white replacement rate in all white countries, and white children becoming the minority etc.. are race traitors, and will hang on that alone.

Did they forget the 5 million?

We need to look into this. MKULTRA?

Partisans are permitted to be shot and killed during war, its not "mass murder" in the slightest.

That's taking a much to conspiratorial route. All it takes to get someone to change their views are credible threats or shekels - maybe both.

A lot of people - who would know - seem to think Eric's change of heart is genuine though, so maybe it is? He has a documented history of mental issues.

Carolyn Yeager's take:

Didn't he give many eyewitness testimonies for the transit camp theory?

And if we are to go at this from the rational angle, then we should go from the original claim forward and ask what proof we have to begin with.

Most of the train records are lost or not open.

So the evidence for both stories rely mostly on eyewitnesses. Many of the holocaust believer side claim Treblinka to be "pure extermination camp", and that "everyone that went in never came ou", and yet Eric Hunt found interviews of alive witnesses that claimed to have passed by treblinka to another camp.

Now he is claiming the transit camp theory has no proof and taking the side of the holocaust believers as a default?

That kind of change of perspective and logic is not explainable rationally by just looking at the evidence.

No. So you shoud think that documenting the exchange of money and exposing it would be final nail on the coffin for the holocaust debate.

Maybe I'm the kind of guy that would leave the money and not exhange truth and honesty to any value. Or maybe I have too naive idealism, but someone that has been seeking the truth for his whole life and seeing someone else who has walked the same paths and even more harship then I have would think he would not budge in a face of creed.


Exactly. The whole "Industrial Death Machine" is the kikery we know is false. Obviously there were mass shootings/atrocities on the Eastern Front more committed by the (((Soviets))) than the Germans but ignore that goyim both to partisans, and innocents in retaliation for partisan activity. There's an excellent clip from "Our Mothers, Our Fathers" English: Generation War about a jew purposefully leading soldiers into a minefield. Acts like these led to their just desserts.

Probably true.


I have a few of his videos saved. They are really good.

you dont get to define that, jew.
memes work because they arise spontaneously from one guy making an insightful joke that catches fire because it is both relevant and funny, not because someone shows up and says "meme this".
and your proposal sucks because it's neither fun nor an effective attack

This one is better…

Cenk is a pretty smart guy but I don't buy this. The human body is > 65% water.


This is the CORRECT response.

is just being a stupid jew.

The entire thread containing picrelated is archived here:


I don't get it…


And here, too: