Mfw this entire class is propaganda

mfw this entire class is propaganda
mfw i got this question right
mfw nothing but this shit for like nine more exams

does leftypol have anything similar to this? any stories?

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My AP Gov class started with a video saying a Republic is the only form of government that has ever worked, and won't devolve into small groups taking power.

My moral philosophy teacher told us there was no such thing as moral relativism.

destroy them

with either information/fire

you pick

Now, it is clear that the decline of a language must ultimately have political and economic causes: it is not due simply to the bad influence of this or that individual writer. But an effect can become a cause, reinforcing the original cause and producing the same effect in an intensified form, and so on indefinitely. A man may take to drink because he feels himself to be a failure, and then fail all the more completely because he drinks. It is rather the same thing that is happening to the English language. It becomes ugly and inaccurate because our thoughts are foolish, but the slovenliness of our language makes it easier for us to have foolish thoughts. The point is that the process is reversible. Modern English, especially written English, is full of bad habits which spread by imitation and which can be avoided if one is willing to take the necessary trouble. If one gets rid of these habits one can think more clearly, and to think clearly is a necessary first step toward political regeneration: so that the fight against bad English is not frivolous and is not the exclusive concern of professional writers.

One of my history courses: teacher told the class that the USSR was communist. I pointed out things like commodity production within the USSR, state-ownership over the means of production as opposed to common ownership over the means of production, and wage labour, on top of all the other arguments I had with the teacher/students.

In the end, I got silenced. Wasn't allowed to say anything argumentative in the class anymore.

I dropped the course. I spent a year before having propaganda get crammed down my throat and I wasn't gonna do it again.

I was taking this philosophy class at a community college and the professor was a libertarian. He'd always steer the class towards his ideology. I remember we were talking about free will once and this girl made the point that our free will is stymied by material conditions and professor goes. *cough*marxist*cough*. I mean how fucking childish.

he's just proving Marx's point, social being determining consciousness

had an ethics prof badmouth Lenin and the Bolsheviks, can't remember why, but the Tsar was /definitely/ not shooting down people. I didn't argue the point though

always down to repost snippets from high school economics. this is what they are teaching the future lumpen/military/proles

If nothing else, this should set off the bullshit alarm for everyone.

floridafag here, in the 6th grade my fat everquest playing history teacher mr. alexander with a giant "DON'T TREAD ON ME" flag on the wall had us play a game where we all cut out cars out of paper and whoever cut out the most cars won. then after the game he said " now this exercise is why socialism would never work and why communism fell, because if i say to you guys to cut out 5 cars each and that you would all get the prize it would make you lazy and not want to work since you know you will all be getting the same prize. also he said that communism fell because people who were born to be a doctor were assigned to be farmers by the government and farmers were doing the jobs of doctors.

i bought it up along with everyone else in the class. its bullshit like that which made it take so long to even get a B████ ██████ to run for president in america.

follow up since i'm remembering more, as a kid i was under the impression that when you were born in a socialist country the government gave you a job out of a bag and that is what you had to do thanks to my public school system.

straight up misinformation.


should, famrade, should

my personal favorite, and I know some leftypolers agree is

This one makes me so fucking mad. If you were to bring Adam Smith to the modern world, he'd be alternately horrified and baffled by how little control governments have over capital flows, the lack of steeply progressive taxation, and the existence of corporations (let alone the free hand they've been given).
Sometimes you see folks quote Keynes on the benefits of free trade to (wealthy, British male) citizens, but he actually (and obviously) describing the benefits of having the world's largest empire. Britain still had a system of Imperial Preference (as did every other empire) which imposed punitive tariffs on trade outside the colonies and homeland.
Markets have never been freer than today.

I took a class on Modern Russia and the entire thing was an anti-Putin wankfest. I'm not even a tankie but the entire class was about how the soviets were so bad and ineffiecent and Putin is a scheming supervillian who wanted to turn back time to the cold war and take over Europe.

I actually didn't know this. I guess we think of market regulation as things we can tangibly see (enforcement of worker's comp, minimum wages, consumer protections). You mean the autonomy of finance capital?

well they're not wrong about centrally planned economies

My roommate is a B████ supporter and insists that the definition of socialism changed after 1920, so that social democracy is now the definition of socialism. Every point I make about public ownership and marx he calls communism.

Also apparently you're socialist until you decide to revolt, then you become a communist.

His textbook tells him this shit too.

Then you should embrace the word communism and rather than argue definitions explains to him how demsoc is retarded regardless of how you call it

But then that harms the Leninist discourse about describing a stateless, classless, moneyless society.

Oh I do. And I explain all the contradictions of capitalism. But then he brings out his textbook and Cenk Uyger as evidence as to why we need a "mixture of socialism and capitalism."

He considers Piketty to be the new Karl Marx as well.

Mostly the autonomy of capital, especially to move across borders. Also goods, for example, during the Gilded Age, the United States had some of the highest tariffs in history (20%-50%).

However, measures like (Republican) Nixon's price and wage freezes in the 70s were regarded as proper parts of the government toolbox. The Neoliberals (who at the time were just up and comers) hated it, but imagine Obama trying to pull that off today.

I had my economics teacher tell me that Somalia was actually an example of a "mixed economy" and not capitalism, because they dont export anything and exports are required for a free market

Ironically enough, this might be the only thing they teach in school that is not Marxist propaganda.

And libertarians say the education system has marxist bias

A few years back my macroeconomics teacher pulled the socialism is anything the government does and forced everyone to stand during the pledge. She constantly pushed the idea of socialism and capitalism as a sliding scale, as did the course material provided by the school.

my economics teacher in high school thought Obama was a marxist because of Dodd-Frank.


She also made us all watch a documentary about Charter Schools and how Teachers Unions are ruining America.
It was Just an intro class so almost nobody paid attention.
I also had a Geology professor in College who came from Eastern Europe who ranted about the soviets at random intervals and didn't believe in Global Warming.

Mine was more of a centrist, but I thankfully had an AP US teacher who taught us about labor unions, the I.W.W, Eugene Debs, and other early socialist movements in the US, which basically introduced me to leftist thought.

Holla Forums please lurk more, you might actually learn something. We're not liberals.

kek. I had a personal finance teacher who was the most stereotypical black chick from Chicago and an IB history teacher who had a thing for President Nasser of Egypt and a vendetta against isreal

Nasser was based as fuck though.