Does anyone else feel somewhat dizzy whenever playing newer games? Things like in the Dying Light pic...

Does anyone else feel somewhat dizzy whenever playing newer games? Things like in the Dying Light pic, despite running at a decent FoV and max settings with constant 60fps still feel dizzy. It's hard to focus on things, and I just end up getting a headache while trying to get a clear picture of what the fuck is going on during fights or ESPECIALLY cutscenes. It's not even this game specifically, I've had this problem with a lot of games for a few years now.

Meanwhile with things like the Blade of Darkness pic, it just feels crystal clear and actually pleasant to play.

Most devs seems to think that more detail automatically makes da gwafix better and end up making the game a cluttered mess.

As far as feeling dizzy, first-person cutscenes make me sick. The kind where it's in-engine but you lose control of the camera like somebody's grabbing your head and jerking it back and forth. Crysis 2 had it, for instance. It was fucking retarded in the first place. Recoil that shakes the screen game can be pretty bad too.


You might consider upping your resolution from 255x143.

you been playing those screen games again, son?

nice resolution faggot

fuck this shit there isn't even any wagner.

You know, the closest I've ever come to feeling sick from playing video games was when I was a kid. Whenever I tried playing Goldeneye 64 I always ended getting headaches (it's the only game I've ever reliably gotten sick from playing, yet if I play it today as an adult I'm fine).

Not even Perfect Dark gave me headaches or anything even though it's so similar to Goldeneye. Every game I've played where people complain about motion sickness I can play just fine otherwise. Never had issues with Dying Light myself for instance.

The only time I get even the slightest dizziness or discomfort in 3D games is when the field of view is too narrow. I know why I dislike it for pure gameplay purposes, but I don't really get why not seeing enough of my virtual surroundings makes me every so slightly dizzy or uncomfortable though.

When a game doesn't have an option to turn off the blur filter, it fucking kills my head.

No, but then I always turn off shit like blur, DoF and other unnecessary post-process effects immediately.

Last time I felt weird from playing a game was Rage on a console since I was sat quite close and the FoV is like 60 in that.

Wait, what again?
Are you saying that having few props in a level is a good thing?
not baiting, dev asking for legit opinion

I can't see shit in modern games, all this contrast and distortion effects are so fucking irritating I hate this garbage in FPS's especially, I just want to headshot people without having to decipher my target through a haze of particle effects, dust clouds, blooming lights, lens flares, screenshake and red jelly on my screen.

Disable motion blur and depth of field.

Increasing framerate and field of view isn't going to help with shit like DoF and motion blur fucking with your eyes when you try to focus on a part of the screen the game is blurring, especially when in motion.

I wouldn't say that having few props is a good thing, it's a matter of total visual noise. You could have no props at all and it could be visually cluttered simply due to overly busy textures.

With that said, the only time I find a game has too much going on is when detail gets in the way of being able to tell what you can actually interact with. Like, say you can climb ledges, but it's not clear what are just "decorative" ledges and which are actually climbable. Or you have awkward rubble slopes, but no idea which you're supposed to be able to climb and which are supposed to function as walls. Or just general "am I supposed to be able to go there or not" stuff. When detail makes game world interaction unclear, it's bad detail.

Modern graphics with shit like motion blur, or even without such, hurts my eyes. For some reason my eyes have a hard time to adjust to those kind of graphics.

I never get sick or nauseated with modern games because I'm too busy falling asleep trying to play them.


Chromatic Abboration

Truly there is nothing more evil

Just shoot me.

I think it's all the blur and lens flare and miscellaneous bullshit they put in AAA titles. Dead Island made me nauseous with all of that. Glad I pirated it.

2 big offenders are screen bobbing and fov. One of the biggest shit show ever is Tomb Raider 2013, I had to play it 15-30 minute stints. Dying light fov option isn't really that good and screen bobbing is there also.

nope, never felt dizzy or nauseous from playing any game
just pissed at screen shaking from explosions and shit like that because it makes everything fucking blurry

The only thing that really messes with me is when I notice input lag, tend to notice it most with third person gaems. Also shitty car cams that rotate all fucky and lazy.

turn off motion blur and try closing one eye.
you're trying to see things in 3D that arent.

Source engine games make me nauseous.
It's not equal for all of them. EYE unsettles me a tiny bit, but Half Life 2 makes me want to puke.