Are there any celebrities who are comrads?

are there any celebrities who are comrads?

aka when the time comes for violent revolution which celebs won't be getting a 1 way trip to the gulag?

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Russell Brand ;^)

the fact we are supposed to dislike hollywood "soft leftists" is kind of dividing and shitty. i like Russell brand, dude puts in the effort. same reason why we should like S█████

People here hate "soft" leftists a trillion times harder than straight reactionaries.

that is literal retardation

I don't know, man.

There's nothing stopping celebrities from being left-wing, but our history with this shit isn't good. Celebrities try too hard to become spokespeople for their causes, they often bring those causes discredit during this process, and they also help it become a very superficial, trendy issue that will attract all the wrong people.

Mike Tyson

This is essentially asking any bourgeois are comrades.



Russell Brand hangs out with the Rothchilds.

He can hang with them after the revolution.

tupacs mum



with all leftists, no matter how fucking gay

Why do we hate Russell Brand again? He seems pretty based.

i know right, it's seriously stupid if we hate someone who actively teaches other celeberties about why communism is good and not a bad thing (according to the joe rogan interview with him he was telling tom cruise all about communism)

he is pretty educated and an actual leftist not just a "liberal". he's a comrad

Because he's rich, even though he was brought up poor as fuck

No matter what you think of him, you have to give him respect for fighting his heroin addiction, that shit must be hard as fuck to do

Millionaire Junkies telling us what to do.

I don't strictly have an issue with celebrity psuedo-leftists but Brand is pretty much the epitome of what Orwell was talking about when he condemned new-age fruitcakes and nudists giving the movement a bad name

But they are hired by movie producers! They are deprived from the full fruits of their labor.

Marxism is founded on celebrated writers and personalities.

The hero we deserve


Holla Forums was a mistake



Made in Honduras by workers eating beans and rice no less doing 14 hours a day.

I like Rollins, but he's just a Dickensian liberal, nothing I've read or seen of him (I paid £20 to see him ramble on about his exploits, it was worth it) has suggested he has any thought of a world beyond a higher minimum wage, free healthcare, free education and higher taxes on the wealthy.

He's probably going to vote Clinton out of fear of Trump, he probably doesn't even know that Jill Stein exists.

I wish he knew more about socialist theory.

Orwell was referring to vegans, hippies, homosexuals and fringe freakshows of his time who didn't actually give a shit about socialism but were co-opting the name.

What makes Brand fit into that category? He seems to have some understanding of theory, even if he keeps using the word "revolution" inappropriately and devaluing what it actually means ie violent overthrow.