California, the Cat Lady State


Aristotle recommended moderation, or the ‘golden mean.’ Virtue can be found as a reasoned, logical place between two extremes. For example, courage is virtuous, but when carried to an extreme it becomes destructive recklessness. A lack of courage brings about its opposite, cowardice.

We see today a great many ‘virtue signalers’ who want to feel good about themselves. They consider themselves kind, humane and generous and they want you to know about it. They demand help for poor, suffering people all over the planet. They want them removed from their own countries and cultures and brought to the United States so we can see such help up close and personal. “Let them in!” they shout. Their signs say, “Refugees are welcome!” They think all humans are equal and there should be no borders. At least, not for the United States.

The problem with such virtue signaling is they want to help people by forcing others to participate. Someone has to pay for for the immigrants who come here wanting free stuff. Things such as medical care, education, housing and food. The immigrants also bring cultural conflict, violence and crime. Big government is the tool used by virtue signalers. They want to steal from you via taxes to pay for the welfare of strangers.

I lived in San Angelo, Texas for nearly 10 years. The many Mexican Americans I knew there were proud of their heritage, but they considered themselves Americans first. They scorned immigrants from Mexico who did not bother to learn English. Nowadays, it’s considered ‘racist’ to insist people have a common language and culture. We are no longer a melting pot.

Massive Muslim immigration is even more dangerous. They demand Sharia Law, not our Constitution. They consider Islam to be superior to Christianity. They do not assimilate—they dominate. Importing Islamic culture is a recipe for future strife and conflict. Refugees wanting to escape their hell holes too often want to transform their host countries into the very same hell holes that they left. Look at what happened to Sweden. Crime and rape skyrocketed and now there are ‘no go’ Muslim zones. This the the same vision Obama had for America. That’s why he drove hard to the hoop to import as many Muslims here as he could. A divided country is easier for world government types to control.

Victor Davis Hanson is one of my favorite writers. His books on history are excellent. He also wrote an excellent book titled “Mexifornia,” in which he expertly sums up the problems California and other states are facing. That is, a new paradigm where illegal immigrants are not assimilating. English is no longer expected to be spoken. “La Raza,” an openly racist organization, wants to turn California into Mexico while of course still insisting their people get plenty of free stuff.

California wants to be a sanctuary state for illegal immigrants. There is even talk about secession. Under Governor Jerry Brown (Governor ‘Moonbeam’), the state's debt has deepened to over $400 billion. Regardless, more free stuff is perpetually promised and more immigrants are desired. They can’t afford to help every suffering person in the world without making citizens themselves suffer. This is an example of a virtue being carried to an extreme. Helping others has become a dangerous vice.

Other urls found in this thread:

Original version when?

zyklon b is so based

Way too busy and WORDS B^U for me Ben

Nice incorporation of the catlady meme, Ben.
Pathological altruism is underreported.

the moonlight makes it look like he/she's the toothfairy or something.

This is extremely exploitable with the sheer amount of things going on.

Why do we post this civic nationalist retard's views here? We started editing his comics because he's a faggot, when did people forget that?

Trump, there's a million white Californians just waiting for their armbands… let's get this done.

zyklon ben did it again!


*licks paw*
*snorts catnip*
*births a litter*

Are there any posts with dumps of Ben Garrison cartoons? I'd like to see the others. The artwork is exemplary and the message is well-delivered.

He probably has a website, he also reposts old ones on his twitter when they are relevant to current events.

check his website, and no I'm not gonna spoonfeed you.

Lazy nigger can't even be bothered to link the website. You must tell your crotch droplings to go pick up your welfare check.

lazy nigger can't even be bothered to look himself before begging to be spoonfed

You could just google his fucking name you dumb fucking nigger.

fuck you nigger.




Look more closely at the hat.


nine lives matter kek

LMAO he even have it big lips. All that's missing is the little stink lines coming off it.

The Governor of California's nickname is Moonbeam.


His progress is amazing.For a while, he thought he was against us, but we taught him eventually. Everyone learns, eventually.

Her star of David Necklace was edited to say "JB," they thought nobody would notice



top kek

how underaged/autistic are you, user?

Don't get washed away by the flood.

Sekhmet, Kek, and anubis have a place at my alter

lmao nice one Ben

his comics were edited because he didn't go far enough, many people felt that. Now fuck off back to worldstar you half black kike



Shlomo katz-bergblattstein

What the fuck is that? Holla Forums's tan with some antifa cuckery?


what are you implying



It's Holla Forums's mascot.

Would it have been too much if the drapes the cat were clawing was the flag?

lmao, you can tell it was made by the 3rd world. Compare to ours.

Fucker stole my maymay.

Anyone figure out what the original was yet? I see some signs of pentimento suggesting the cats may be covering up an original design with rats and cockroaches being brought in by a merchant, or maybe merkel herself.

Where are the faggot cats butt fucking each other and the Jewish media producers? Bretty gud otherwise.


don't you know that the guys on Holla Forums who love that thing don't even take it seriously?

Well done, Ben.


Eh. 'A' for effort.

That music sounds so jewish.

Thats my fetish.

Figures that the lefty-pol porn is drawn with an ambiguous but likely penis.
Subversive and degenerate as always.



same here tbh fam




that might just be his best work yet


he should have drawn it darker

cats > dogs tbqh

I probably have it and I accept it.

dogs are objectively better pets and companions but I just think cats are cuter and softer so I like cuddling them more

Did you forget about the time he went back on his belief in free speech because we were hurting his feelings?

You know the one thing about cats. They can't swim, and they are really gonna need it in a bit.

Cats can swim just fine. They just hate it because wet fur is heavy and feels like shit.

Subtle, the best kind



Always knew she wanted Uncle P's D.

Don't do this to my dick user.

Can some draw fag put a Holla Forums armband on the lucky man in the first pic?


Oh, she's not an abhuman. That's his demonically possessed daughter he's fucking.

I'm sure if Ogryn are cool there are some sanctioned catgirls somewhere in the Imperium.

Considering Big E made one of his sons part dog, I don't see him having a huge problem with catgirls.

You aren't making it better. What is this?

There actually are, now that I think about it.

A VN called the Sweetest Monster. It's kinda fucked up…

I feel like there is more to that joke than I actually get and I already find it absolutely hilarious


Cats swim just fine, idiot.

Sanctioned catgirls are actually canon.

But catwaifu is bestwaifu!

It looks like….

you're allupinya ass! *shades*

naw, they'd be eatin' ass. (quite literally)

Not to mention we have Pistachio Girl, best girl, her 'The Ascent of Alfred' shows the waking up from degeneracy.

fuck you heretic I hope you get cancer and die

That just means you need to upgrade to non-pussy cats, user!


made by (((Jeffrey Katzenberg))) and other Dreamworks kikes.
You shouldn't be here user, this is your home.



hey furfag, yiff in hell


Silly Ben, that's Epicurus